tv The Papers BBC News October 5, 2020 11:30pm-12:01am BST
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we re scientists and those who were organising the debate can do it safely, and both sides participate in the safety measures at the democrats had the republicans have failed to do, and we can get that kind of compliance, and courtesy and decency, sure, it should go forward. congresswoman madeleine dean, thank you forjoining us from pennsylvania. in this tweet, by the way, has just pennsylvania. in this tweet, by the way, hasjust come pennsylvania. in this tweet, by the way, has just come out from the president and the last few minutes. will be back on the campaign trail soon. the fake news only shows the fa ke soon. the fake news only shows the fake poles. it looks like president trump started the day tweeting, 18 tweets in the space of half an hour, in all caps, and is ending the day tweeting and is anxious to get back on the campaign trail, but we have been hearing, of course, that he will have a certain period of isolation that he still has to go through. let's go to ron
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christie, republican strategist, former adviser to president george w bush. i think president bush has spent time in walter reed. here is president trump leaving walter reed, flying back to the white house, do you think and we are talking about the politics of this... i am sure you're going to want to wish the president well as well. do you think this changes the dynamic of the presidential campaign? here is the presidential campaign? here is the president flying back, already talking about getting back on the campaign trail. i do. talking about getting back on the campaign trail. ido. iwish talking about getting back on the campaign trail. i do. i wish the best for president and melania trump all the best. i know what they have dealt with and have to deal with. that being said, i really didn't this change the dynamic of the race ahead. we are less than a month away of the presidential election here in the united states. donald trump and joe biden, the for vice president, really wa nt joe biden, the for vice president, really want to go out, they really
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wa nt to really want to go out, they really want to campaign in person, and then the notion that he is doing well enough to leave the hospital, to go back to the white house, recuperate, says to me that he is eager to get back on that campaign trail. ron, would you been feeling well enough after four days to go back out onto after four days to go back out onto a grueling election campaign schedule? no. actually, iwould not have, but... iron member talking to you and our memory saying you can have multiple waves of this thing. you can start feeling better and then can hit you a little bit again later. which it did for me. let me just say to arguers that the covid virus affects different people differently —— to arguers. i was fatigued for several days. i was wea k fatigued for several days. i was weak and aching for several days. by the president's symptoms could have been much different than mine and, of course, let's keep in mind that he has the best health care of anyone in the world come in so i do not have any oxygen, doctors
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monitoring my heart and my lungs every hour, on the hour, 21w, so the president of united states may have the opportunity to go back. i did not have that care, ijust had my beloved wife taking care of me. and who could do better than jennifer, let's face it? this is, i am just telling people we are seeing, we are seeing the golden doors which are the front of the watery medical centre. that is where we're going to expect the president to emerge from. he will come down there, there is a motorcade. you can see the black suvs just in from the doors. he walked to the suvs and i think you can see from the wider shot, a few hundred yards down that road, there is the helicopter, which is marine one, waiting to take the white house. from bethesda, maryland, it is about a ten minute helicopter ride. i have not tended bya helicopter ride. i have not tended by a helicopter. i did it by car and it is about a0 minutes, but it takes about ten by helicopter, means the
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president will be back on very quickly. when he gets back to the white house, he still has his doctors, the medicalfacilities. what kind of medical facilities does he have? most people think he is going to leave the hospital and go back to the white house and don't have anything come up they have comprehensive medicalfacilities have anything come up they have comprehensive medical facilities at the white house. comprehensive, and i've utilised them myself. the ground floor of the white house residence in the white house medical unit. you have an operating room table, doctors, nurses, the president's personal physician. and what does he have to do? take an elevator and go several floors down from the president's residents down to the ground floor if he needs treatment or if he needs care. i wa nt to treatment or if he needs care. i want to stress, this is very important, that the doctors and nurses at walter reed are the best but within the white house complex itself, within his own house, he has a team that is second to none. he can call on anytime, day or night, to make sure that he has the best ca re to make sure that he has the best care available. because on friday,
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actually, he had his first treatment of oxygen. i was at the white house that he received the oxygen, so clearly they have the ability to do that —— that was at the white house. and i think he still has one treatment of remdesivir to take. when you get back to the white house, ron, the protocol is, and all of the doctors are saying this, he doesn't still have to quarantine. it's not like he can go back to the white house and be wandering around the west wing and sitting down in the west wing and sitting down in the oval office. how hard is that going to be for him at the white house to quarantine? it's going to be really ha rd house to quarantine? it's going to be really hard for him, katty! because if he is feeling well, he is going to want to get back and start chatting to people, chatting to his aides and seeing people stop undoubtedly, here's the important thing. i did this myself and the president has to do this himself. you must be isolated, you must remain away from others. the
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technology in the white house is not the same. he can talk to his aides and do everything he needs to do except that they want to be there in the room with him. that's an important distinction, the president is going to have to power through. and you and i know he would love to be in the oval office, roaming around the west wing of the white house, talking to anybody and everyone, but he must stay quarantine. actually come as he twitted this evening, he would like to be back on the campaign trail. that's what he will he wants to be doing, but we'rejust that's what he will he wants to be doing, but we're just speaking to a doctor, and he said he is the tinges —— he is contagious potentially. he cannot afford to infect other people around him. lord knows there are enough people in the white house who have tested positive for coronavirus already, so i wonder if you can get isa already, so i wonder if you can get is a different white house this monday evening than the one he left last friday evening, because three staffers, by my count, tested
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positive since that time, and a prisma book have also all gone into isolation. i wonder where the white house is going to be taking the social distancing, the mask wearing, etc, little bit more serious than they were before the president got infected? i must say, i'm very intrigued by this also if i were a staffer in the west wing and working for this president, i would have messed up on day one, once we heard there was a pandemic for stub the white house is a pandemic free zone ora white house is a pandemic free zone or a safe space i think is laughable. i worked there, forfour yea rs. laughable. i worked there, forfour years. the proximity to your fellow collea g u es years. the proximity to your fellow colleagues is close, you're almost working elbow to elbow, and the notion somehow that you come to the gates and you feel fine and you should not wear a mask and you should not wear a mask and you should not wear a mask and you should not do social distancing, i think is really a mistake, so what is the mood tonight in the white house? they are going to be ecstatic with the president, commander—in—chief, coming home on marine one. they will be happy to hear him land. you can hear that
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helicopter land when you're working at the white house. at the same time, i hope they learned a lesson, they learns to social distance, where a mask, because this is how we are going to cure this virus. but acting in an irresponsible manner but because i work for the president is irresponsible. we are just keeping an eye on the door, ron, because now there are more people coming out of it, so we are looking to see, and there is the president of the united states, donald trump, coming out of the stores. being held open for him, everybody socially distance, wearing masks. the president also wearing a mask. we know the president has not in the past likes to be seen wearing a mask, but there he is definitely with a mask on. he is walking, he looks fine, he is being followed by his chief of staff there in the background, carrying his briefcases. i don't think there is any press there used to be press their calling... listless and. do you
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think you might be a super spreader, mr president? no questions answered. there was a question from a journalist, whether he might be a super spreader. the president gave a thumbs up, punched his fist and now he is in the motorcade, he will get into marine one and be whisked off to the white house, right outside walter reed is lebo diseko. i don't know if you can see it, i don't think you can see it, but you can probably hear the activity. can you tell us a little bit what you can see what's going on? i cannot see a lot, katty. the crowd that was across the road have all moved over here. it is difficult to see past the buildings but i hear that there are a number of lights that there are a number of lights
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that have been brought out and that donald trump is on his way to marine one at the moment. the crowd has filled out since we last spoke, actually. a huge crowd of people of come to see him leave the hospital. the atmosphere is not quite a jovial as it has been over the last two days. there are some counter protesters, and there have been a few arguments between some of them and the donald trump supporters here. yeah, they‘ re and the donald trump supporters here. yeah, they're certainly still a number of people that feel very strongly that he should be supported and that he is triumph over adversity. there he is, in one of those suvs that you can see. it is not very far from the front door he came out of the building, to the helicopter, to marine one, so that helicopter, to marine one, so that he is driving there. when he came up, he was a company by a few staff members and, of course, some of then sat in the back and some in the
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front. the president is still contagious, so it is be interesting to see how they manage the social distancing, but they were deftly all social distance as they came out of that building, or keeping their distance from the president, and is run christie was saying just now, it is good be —— going to be interesting to see how we manage it in the white house. really, if he's going to be quarantines, the president is going to have to stay in the residence and use technology, use those video screens, use technology, use those video screens, to say distance. there are your suvs, the president out of them now. let's see, he will make his way to marine one. and then fly down to the white house. i think it is about a ten minute flight. i don't know if you get traffic jams a ten minute flight. i don't know if you get trafficjams when you're flying by helicopter. i'm guessing not! probably pretty reliable, ten minute flight. do we know, lebo,
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what happens to him when he gets to the white house? does he go straight up the white house? does he go straight up to the residence to continue his isolation? we really don't for so that was among the questions that the reporters asked donald trump's medal team earlier. they were very evasive, really, on that, and said they were knocking to get into the arrangements at the white house, but, yes, certainly if you was an ordinary patient, that is what one might expect. run kristi, using this has taken a chunk out of the campaign? —— ron christie? if he stays in corinth for another week, is that a noticeable difference —— stays in karen
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quarantine... i don't know anyone who is undecided. there is president from getting on the helicopter. sorry to interrupt. my friends and family, they all made up their minds to is the thing critical for the president. he wanted to be in arizona. he wanted to be in florida. he even they seek and win, and i don't disagree with him, in minnesota. there were so many critical gretel —— battle grounds. the president of the united states come with this illness, it has kept him off the truck. maybe you're going to pick up 100 people, 1000 people, 2000 people. it is too soon to say, but donald trump, we both know, loves being in front of crowds, in audience, and you know that's exact what he wants to do once he has been clear by his medical team. and having the vice president, mike pence come out there in his stead, it is just not the same, is it crucial it is not. and let me say this, because i've been very
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critical of the post —— the vice president on this. -- the vice president on this. he should be in bubble wrap. he does not have coronavirus. his boss, the president of the united states, does. we have in our constitution the order of succession. should anything happen to the president, the vice president is able to step in under our20 fit the vice president is able to step in under our 20 fit amendment and my suggestion, if the president has ailments that might incapacitate him? no. idig ailments that might incapacitate him? no. i dig it is irresponsible, you saw this after 9/11, president bush and vice president cheney were not in the same place for primus —— pretty much the next four years. i don't understand why, for the life of me come up president trump and vice president pens are doing this. the helicopter will lift off in a moment. we saw the present get on
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the plane, we saw him give a quick way to the crowd any staff all around. it has been four days only, not very long, but he president has beenin not very long, but he president has been in there, although i have to say when he went in there on friday, we we re say when he went in there on friday, we were told by white house officials that he was just going in for a few days, so it has been exactly a few days, and his doctors are still saying they're going to monitor him and it will be next monday, was what we heard dr comley say earlier today, if the president is doing well, that anyone will breathe a sigh of relief. doctors who we've been speaking to on the bbc during the course of today have also been telling us. i have to ron's with me. lovely to speak to you. we haven't spoken in a while. we were talking there about the campaign. let's be clear. the
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doctors are saying the president is not out of the woods. ryan christie had coded and this. —— it seems the president is doing well. are watching him walk out. he looked in good shape. he was waving, walking totally silently by himself. the doctors seem to say he is doing super come as well as anybody can expect. do you think marine one lifts off and flies from bethesda to the white house? do you think this makes a noticeable difference in terms of the election campaign?” think it is important for eric trump to be walking out of marine one instead of being medevac or not being able to walk it off. i had thought his doing a video on a daily basis while he's been in the hospital has been helpful. this
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absolutely affects the campaign in terms of the structure. if he wanted to go out and do rows across battle ground state, he had a schedule to go to wisconsin and other states. and 5 also could affect the debate. we are not sure where that is going happen. at the core of it, trump, the voters on either side of the aisle, trump voters are largely unmoved, biden voters are moving at all. what we are seeing is very little movement in the polling and where we were at into the other 16 is where we're at now. we have a very big discrepancy in national polling with joe biden very big discrepancy in national polling withjoe biden leading by ia points according to nbc and wall street journal. battle ground points according to nbc and wall streetjournal. battle ground states are a lot narrower than that. —— in 2016. so now we are in october. last october and 2016, we had the excess hollywood video. now we have covid—19. 29 days left until the
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election. even if the president is cleared by monday, ijust think we will still go and another roller coaster on unpredictable and unforeseen event. here we are watching the helicopter of marine one flying over washington, dc from walter reed hospital, taking him back to the white house. i am taken back to the white house. i am taken back to the white house. i am taken back to four days ago when the president boarded marine one to fly to walter reed and of course at that point, we really didn't know what the president's prognosis was. we understood that we are being told at the time he was suffering, mild conditions, he was fatigued, he had a slight fever, it has since emerged that his condition on friday was more worrying than that and he did have to have oxygen and there had been some misinformation perhaps
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about how serious the presidents condition was. but i think if we had all known back on friday that the president would be flying back to white house on monday, that everybody around the president would have reached a sigh of relief because we know with this illness it is not clear where it is going to go. you can get the illness and get worse very quickly you can get the illness and have it for a few days and then get worse or get the illness and have mild symptoms and recover. on friday of course come as the president was being lifted to walter reed hospital, it was a very worrying a moment for this country to have the president taken to a medicalfacility is a to have the president taken to a medical facility is a serious moment for the country, they are the president had the coronavirus is a serious moment for this country, we are talking about the politics of it but this is also an issue of national security for the country in an issue of governance for the country, and initial for an issue of governance for the country, and initialfor his family and friends as well that he's been infected with coronavirus. ron
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bonjean, now that the president is going back to the white house come he goes back to a different white house since he left on friday. three more white house staffers that we know of have tested positive for the coronavirus. do you think this is going to change the mood of the white house, the attitude of the white house, the attitude of the white house, the attitude of the white house when it comes to the cdc guidelines on what one should do to prevent the spread of the coronavirus? yes, i absolutely. i have heard from members of congress that have visited a white house that there are strong protocols within there are strong protocols within the white house in terms of access to visitors, however for those staff that are working within the confines of the west wing, i would imagine that it would be practising social distancing, mask have to be mandatory, coronavirus is not a democratic or a republican virus, this is a sensitive virus that can kill people are pictured in the
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hospital for quite some time. i do think they're going to take this very seriously. —— can kill people or put them. he will be in the residence for my understanding. and they are trying to create more of an office space for him upstairs so that he will be confined to his quarters there. i think with the president was trying to do today is by leaving in marine one and walking to the helicopter is show strength. ata time to the helicopter is show strength. at a time where people are thinking about writing in november, millions of people... i will interrupt. about writing in november, millions of people... i will interruptm they shot up marine one flying over they shot up marine one flying over the pentagon. the billing that you see underneath marine one, the pentagon which was of course attacked on 9/11. that's the building that you see. the other side of the potomac was not the president is now getting closer. a remarkable shot we are getting. i don't think i've ever seen a shot with this beautiful evening light
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and marine one flying over. there is the airport coming up. then it will cross the river over the washington monument. i was fixing it. cross the river over the washington monument. iwas fixing it. i shouldn't have mentioned it. there is to white house come alive shot there. it will land on the south line of the white house. —— the south lawn. at the president will be isolating still in the white house, are you getting any news, ron bonjean, or the isolation means strict isolation for the president quiz three one would hope so. we have heard reports about chief of staff mike meadows meeting with him and wearing protection, but i would think that there would be restricted to who is going to be in that residence and who is i can see a staffer to going in there were ppe equipment on, i can also see the president being very comfortable up there, tweeting away and watching
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television as well. what is very dangerous now is while he is showcasing strength by getting in the helicopter and flying back to the helicopter and flying back to the white house, coronavirus, anything can happen, and if he were to experience additional symptoms and problems and had to be taken back to the hospital, that would be quite something. that would be a very dangerous moment for our country i think. yes. doctors have been warning it is not until really another few days that he is out of the woods. that is marine one landing on the south lawn at the white house. a shot out of a movie we have been saying with the monuments behind it. every time i say what a beautiful sight it is, the shot cuts out. i have been wary not to wanting to jinx it but now we have marine one landing on the south line of the white house come as both ron's have been saying, everybody
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will be very happy to see the president back again. and the president back again. and the president is walking by himself. important he walked out of the white house i did think that on friday that that 100 guard walked that he did from the door of the south entrance, it was one of the most of what a walks he did in his presidency. extremely important for the markets and for the country and extremely for national national security. and for his campaign that he was seeing to walk by himself. and he will now walk back into the white house and he will stay in the residence which is up there on the top floor above what is the truman balcony and that is where he will stay by himself for the next week or so as far as we understand. ron christie, we heard repeatedly from people in the white house, we heard from press secretaryjust yesterday the reason people have not been wearing a mask in addressing the pressing mask is they are constantly
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tested, but i think one thing this has shown us is that that testing regiment is not fail proof. the virus can get through the test that people have been having.” virus can get through the test that people have been having. i am living proof of that. you can wash her hands several times a day, wear a mask all the time, you can take all the precautions the cdc have told us what all of the science, you can still contract the virus as i did. the notion that you are going to be able to go home every night interact with your wife, your husband, your kids, yourfriends, with your wife, your husband, your kids, your friends, and with your wife, your husband, your kids, yourfriends, and then come back to your white house and not wear a mask and not take those preventive measures, i think that has been one of the most irresponsible things in this episode. the president staff and president need to think that is very, very seriously as evidenced by the fact that the virus made its way into the oval office and the resonance of the white house itself to affect the president and the
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first lady of the united states. ron bonjean come as we look at this picture of marine one from the other side. the president will get off the other side from where we are watching. i'm assuming we will see a picture fairly soon of him by the other side. he will walk back in. looks like you want to walk back upstairs. they are opening up the doors with the flags. the president was to make a significant entrance into the white house. —— wants to make. there is no two ways about this. he is walking back into a building that is become a hotspot of coronavirus. do we have ron bonjean still with us? can you hear me? reinke might think you are still with us. i said he left on friday and he is walking back and when other white house is becoming a
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cluster operate, a hotspot of covid—19. —— a cluster operate.” looking for me? or ron bonjean? my ca rd to looking for me? or ron bonjean? my card to come are not second best, first best. —— ron christie, you are not sick of it. the white -- white house has become a hotspot. which is extraordinary. it is. i can imagine, no disrespect to the current white house chief of staff, but why more protocols were not in place for the first person who tested positive that they could've like that building down, they could have had testing regiment, ifirmly believe that you can do remote working, remote learning, the white house can also operate from a zoom or a remote environment. why didn't they do that and when you do shop to work, why would he give nor a mask? this is
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something we will talk about years from now. how to make sure to protect the integrity of the white house and the president of the united states. there i think you can see the president walking up the steps. on the right—hand side. a bit strange. i it does look like i think thatis strange. i it does look like i think that is the president walking up into the steps into the white house. by into the steps into the white house. by himself. normally he would have people around him. but because he now has to go into a period of quarantine, let's see if he waits to the white house staff. if we can zoom the white house staff. if we can zoom in we can the white house staff. if we can zoom in we can see the white house staff. if we can zoom in we can see it better. looks like he is waving to the white house staff or at least saying something to white house staff members and then he will walk back into the white house and go up we assume into the residence. we canjoin and speak now to doctor morrison, an emergency physician with experience treating
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covid—19 patients. doctor morrison, if the president which are patient, would you be advising him at this stage to leave the hospital given he still has windows of rum delivery to take? thank you so much for having the force question. —— one more dose of remdesivir. it is important we remain objective as much as i love covid—19 has been politicizing the question is what happens oxidation and saturation been saying. and what have his blood panel been to machete. i know the medical staff andl machete. i know the medical staff and i want to read our top—notch physicians. i put my trust in them? but clearly, it is interesting he only got three or four doses of remdesivir. normally it is five. it is after ten for really critically ill patients. he did get regeneron initially and dexamethasone in vitamin cand initially and dexamethasone in vitamin c and other medications. it really, let's take a step back. my first question is wasn't even really that to warrant admission to the hospital? it seemed initially more ofa hospital? it seemed initially more of a precautionary measure. they
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mentioned that he dropped his oxidation a little bit. but even that i have questions. how low was it 90% or 60%? i can tell you it was likely 60%. otherwise nobody would let him go home. his blood work, we don't have the numbers but his saturation and clinical appearance all seem to suggest that pottery physicians felt he was stable enough to go home. what does he do once he is back? that is the question. he is not out of the woods. we note it is typically between days six and ten for any patient with covid—19 in high risk patients. course has been sta ble high risk patients. course has been stable and looking otherwise well, he needs to continue to be monitored. and it sounds like they have good medical care there at the white house where i presume he will remain on 24/7 monitoring. he was diagnosed, he got his positive test in the early
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