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tv   The Burning Scar  BBC News  November 21, 2020 4:30am-5:01am GMT

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donald trump's efforts to overturn the us presidential election result suffer further setbacks. the state of georgia certifies its results after a recount confirmed joe biden as the winner. and senior republicans from michigan say they've seen no information that would overturn mr biden‘s victory in their state. the world could be a step closer to a covid—19 vaccine, after the drugs company, pfizer, and its partner, biontech, filed for emergency authorisation in the us and other countries around the globe. if approved, it will begin to be rolled out from next month. for the first time the 620 meeting of the world's leading economies is being hosted by an arab state. a broad agenda is on the table, but the meeting — held by saudi arabia — is being overshadowed by questions over the kingdom's human rights‘ record. the acclaimed travel
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writer and historian, jan morris, has died. she was 94. born as james morris, she started out in journalism, reporting for the times on the conquest of everest. in 1972, she had gender reassignment surgery, an experience she wrote about in the book, conundrum. jan morris wrote more than a0 books, and leaves behind a collection of unique and vivid descriptions of some of the world's greatest cities. our arts correspondent, rebecca jones, looks back at an extraordinary life. jan morris, award—winning travel writer and historian, journalist, and one of the earliest to undergo gender reassignment surgery. life had begun as james, a dashing young army officer turned ambitious newspaper reporter, whose moment came in 1953 with the conquest of everest. morris reported the achievement for the times, more interested in climbing the career ladder than the ascent itself. to fool rivals, morris sent news of the success in code.
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the times published it on coronation day. for a moment, james morris was one of the most famous journalists in the world. when i got onto this thing, i was thinking always of getting a scoop, as we used to say then, of beating the opposition and getting the news home. that was what interested me. in 1956, morris revealed that the french, british and israelis had colluded in seizing the suez canal. they'd hotly denied it. this is tokyo, one of the biggest and busiest and most unusual of the world's capitals. it's big because 8 million people live here. it's busy because it's the capital of japan, a great industrial power where they make anything from artificial pearls to ocean liners. by 1958, morris was reporting for the bbc and writing travel books. a visit to venice after world war ii inspired an influential book that opened a new chapter. the whole sense of the city, the sadness of it, the beauty of it, the fascination, the fun of it all stuck —
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bonk — went into my mind, and i have never got rid of it from that day to this. its success paved the way for a career as a full—time writer, turning to history, with a trilogy on the british empire. but a momentous decision beckoned. never feeling right as a man, something morris's wife had always known, she became one of the first britons to undergo a gender reassignment operation. she wrote a book about it, conundrum, shocking some. she defended herself publicly. it's an arrogant, egotistical book about myself, and i'm afraid that you must take it or leave it. she lived in wales. it agreed with her softer side more than england, she said. she wrote more than a0 books, but always feared she'd be remembered less for her writing than for her private life. now on bbc news, indonesia is the world's largest exporter of palm oil and in the last two decades
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vast areas of forest have been cleared to make way for plantations. the remote province of papua, home to asia's most extensive remaining rainforests, has escaped fairly untouched, until now. this film investigates how papua has become the new frontier for aggressive palm oil expansion. west papua, indonesia, some of the last untouched rainforests on the planet are being cleared to make way for oil palm plantations.
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indigenous tribes, paid less than ten us dollars a decade for their ancestral lands. here, as a south korean palm oil giant carried out illegal burning on its land. you have to develop a technique that can determine if a fire is intentional or not. this can bring liability to big corporations who are in charge of these concession sides. the company at the centre of this story, associated with the world's leading sustainable
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certification body. the forest of west papua are some of the most bio diverse in the world, filled with unique flora and fauna, these rainforests, sacred and essential to the hundreds of indigenous tribes who call them home. mandobo elder explains how the palms that grow wild in these forests are a staple food for the community.
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six years ago he got involved in something that changed his tribe's fate forever. he negotiated with the korean palm oil giant cold korindo and persuaded his tribe and ten other plans to acceptjust $8 a hectare as compensation for the land.
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he shows our bbc team a map of the area he claims is his ancestral the area he claims is his a ncestral forest. the area he claims is his ancestral forest. this receipt showing received just over 30,000 us dollars for 5000 is of land. —— hectares. korindo say they paid an additional $8 for the trees, an amount set out by the indonesian government who gave them their permit. he says they felt pressure to sign. the company
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denied this and said all their dealings complied with indonesian laws, laws made 4000 kilometres away in the capital, ja ka rta kilometres away in the capital, jakarta stop west papua, former dutch comedy became part of indonesia in the 1960s, after controversial referendum overseas by the united nations. —— colony. jakarta maintains it is an integral part of the nation, recognised by the international community. but a low level separatist movement has been waged here ever since. translation: this is my land, oui’ translation: this is my land, our ancestors translation: this is my land, oui’ ancestors gave us translation: this is my land, our ancestors gave us this land. we want independence stop indonesia has stolen our land from us. how long have we been suffering in the jungle,
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from us. how long have we been suffering in thejungle, how many people have died? there arejust so many people have died? there are just so few of us now. last year, the biggest independence protest and they turned into riots and ended in deadly clashes with the army. control over the region's fast national resources, gold, copper and the forests, are one of the key flashpoints. despite its rich resources, it is amongst the poorest regions in indonesia. jakarta has vowed to change that, pumping money in, building infrastructure and opening up the region to investors. korean palm oil giant korindo has benefited
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greatly, and our control more of the land than any other company, clearing nearly 60,000 hectares of forests, an area the size of chicago or assault, they vast plantations now protected by state security forces. in may this year, when a local farmer turned up at the local office of korindo had complained about the destruction of his banana plantation, the police were called.
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three hours later, he was dead. his daughter grieves over his body at the health clinic where he died. police say he died of a heart attack. cctv footage seen by the bbc captures a police officer hitting him.
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korindo, while having no role in his death, says they gave the family 15,000 us dollars and will pay for his two children's education up to university. his daughter says nothing will make up for the loss of her father.
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0urteam our team heads deeper into the ha rd of our team heads deeper into the hard of papua to reach another korindo concession. —— the heart. here also, ourteam found palm oil development has bitterly divided tribes and families. elizabeth left her village to work in the city. when she returned she found out her
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brother, now deceased, had sold their land to korindo. there is no electricity here or clear running water. those who can clear running water. those who ca n afford clear running water. those who can afford it is generators and it costs four times more than in the capital, jakarta. korindo turned down our repeated interview request, but said ina repeated interview request, but said in a statement they have
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paid their compensation to communities and have put an additional 14 million us dollars into social programmes. many of the tribe's allegations we re many of the tribe's allegations were investigated for two years by the leading global green certification body, forest stewardship council, or fsc, of which korindo is a certificate holder. the final report was never released but the bbc obtained a copy. it found evidence that korindo violated the rights of papuans and benefited with close military ties for its own economic benefit. the report recommended korindo be stripped of its fsc membership, but they decided to work with them. the fsc logo is meant to tell you as a consumer that the product comes from an environmentally friendly and socially responsible company. the logo is used everywhere here in europe. it was on the sandwich napkin i was given with my lunch, and on the train
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tickets that got me here. we are here at the headquarters of the fsc to ask why this logo is being given to korindo. these things that happened in breach of our values, they were in breach of our values, and they remaina breach of our values, and they remain a breach of our values. what is the best thing to do with that? they haven't, right? the best thing to do is to say, they were in breach of our values and we're not going to have anything to do with that anymore. it is one option, but environmentalists would say you are taking a strong stand and therefore may be other companies will feel they cannot get away with it as well? the end result, ithink, and the logic of the board has been, we wa nt to logic of the board has been, we want to see the improvements happen. we want to actually see if we can help those communities that have had problems, but have been treated the wrong ways, but have not been listened to, but have not been listened to, but have not been understood, to actually get something in terms of options, possibilities, remedy
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for what happened. remedy, he says, could be in the form of restoring forests, land rights orjobs. but he admits it will bea orjobs. but he admits it will be a process that could take up to three years to work out. in a statement, korindo denied they were involved in any human rights violations, but acknowledged there is room for improvements, and say they are implementing new procedures and economic diagrams for locals. the fsc‘s investigation found no evidence of deliberate and illegal use of fire by korindo. it is also something the company strongly denies. researchers from the group forensic architecture, based at goldsmith university, have been testing this claim. we had images and video footage is that were looking, that were
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showing fire, and the smoke coming out of it, and it wasn't clear whether they were intentional or not. and without, we started our research. this footage, taken from a plane by greenpeace indonesia in may 2013 shows stacks of timber burning. using clues in the image, they located it in satellite images, inside a korindo concession. they then went back to 2011, when this area was all forest, and used a technique that detects patterns of land clearing from satellite images. the blue, thick vegetation. red shows clear to earth. so, when i play this month by month analysis, you will see that the pattern and the direction of
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clearing is very clear, it is moving from the central area, very clearly towards the east. next they added the heat sources picked up by nasa satellites, hotspot data, and they put the two together, over they put the two together, over the same period of time. the patterns, the direction and the speed with which fires were set matched perfectly with the direction, the pattern and the speed with which land clearing had occurred in this concession site. that is evidence that the fires were set intentionally stop if the fires were set from outside the concession sides, or due to weather conditions, they would have moved with a different directionality. they would be diffused. they would be going up and down in south and west. but in the cases that we are looking out, there was a
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very clear directionality. korindo says there were many natural fires in the area, especially in 2015, due to an extremely long and dry season. it insists all the land clearing was carried out with heavy machinery, and that the fires found in their concessions were started by villages to hunt giant wild rats hiding under stacks of wood. the people living near this concession told our team a different story.
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another man said smoke from the fires covered their community for years. every year in indonesia fires 17th decays across the region, causing breathing problems and sending large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. if a window that korindo had deliberately used fire to clear land it would be in breach of
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the law. the indonesian government turned down our request for an interview. the fsc says the company agreed to stop all further forest clearing for now. in august, the fsc board met again, deciding korindo was on track and that they would continue to work with them on improvements. i believe there is a shift that needs to happen in korindo. they need to improve in a number of different areas and one of them is to actually see can't get the approval of the community. do they understand that? why would we ask for training of all their staff this year to happen if we thought they understood that? we don't think they understand. we don't think they understand. we think it is a new concept to them. isn't it too late for that? isn't this about putting a rubber stamp on something that has already happened? we are taking a bet. you could say that what we are doing is the best chance for the people and
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the forest to get into a better situation faster than any other track we could have taken. elizabeth, his brother to compensation for their ancestral compensation for their a ncestral forests compensation for their ancestral forests from korindo, is sceptical that anything can make upfor is sceptical that anything can make up for what has been lost. 0thers others have decided to go and work for the oil pump company, hoping to build a new future there.
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petrus is fighting to protect what is left of the mandobo tribe's forest but now fall within korindo's concession. he carries a heavy burden.
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as investors eye this, one of the last untouched corners of the last untouched corners of the planet, petrus hopes other tribes hear his story.
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hello there. on friday, we saw temperatures slowly rising as milderaircame in from the atlantic, together with a lot of cloud. but over this weekend, it's cooler air that's going to return across the uk, with temperatures set to drop a bit. now, we've seen the milderaircome in, thanks to south—westerly winds bringing in that cloud. this strip of cloud here is a weather front. that's producing the rain that we are seeing at the moment and it's moving very slowly southwards. now, that weather front will take the rain southwards. as it does so, the rain becomes light and patchy, but it pushes away the milder air
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steadily through the weekend, with cooler air then following from the north. and that's going to bring in some showers, mainly for scotland and for northern ireland. but we start the weekend with mild air across england and wales. it's colder in northern scotland early on saturday morning. it's windy here as well. and then we've got our band of rain on that weather front. that rain will soon move away from southern scotland, northern ireland, heading into northern england in the morning, and then down through wales, into the north midlands later on in the day. to the south of that, generally dry. a lot of cloud but a hint of sunshine now and again. it's quite mild air still here, so temperatures 13 degrees. further north, it's getting colder through the day. there will be some sunshine, but those showers could be quite heavy and blustery, as well, because it's going to be quite a windy day, especially for northern scotland, where we're looking at gales, gusts of 70 miles an hour for a while in the northern isles. now, through saturday evening and saturday night, that band of clouds and rain, becoming light and patchy, heads down to southern england. elsewhere, we'll see clearing skies away from those showers continuing mainly in scotland. and the winds will gradually ease as well, so it points to a colder night. temperatures could be easily down to 4 or 5 degrees. but across southern parts of england, south of the m4,
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mainly, we could be left with a fair bit of cloud on sunday. a little rain now and again but on the whole generally dry. further north, more in the way of sunshine. we keep some showers going across northern ireland, and in particular into scotland. again, they could be quite heavy. it's going to be a cooler day, i think. for many places, temperatures are going to struggle to make double figures. but it won't be as windy on sunday. now, looking ahead into the early parts of next week, and the wind direction changing back to more of a south—westerly. a little bit milder, but we've got weather fronts on the scene as well. they're going to bring cloud and rain. it looks like the wettest weather through monday, and into tuesday, will be across more northern and western parts of the uk.
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this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. i'm lewis vaughan jones. more setbacks for donald trump. georgia certifies joe biden's win in the state, while republicans from michigan say they've seen no information to overturn their results. pfizer asks regulators around the world for emergency approval of its coronavirus vaccine, we'll look at the challenges of getting it around the globe. saudi arabia hosts a meeting of the world's biggest economies but can boycott calls take the shine off the g20 summit online? and, 60 million streams ina day— south korean band bts prove the k—pop bubble's far from bursting.


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