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tv   100 Women  BBC News  December 14, 2020 1:30am-2:01am GMT

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the us — mass immunisation begins on monday. the aim is to vaccinate 100 million people by the end of march. us media is reporting hello there. that president trump it was a wet day across the country and vice president pence on sunday, and there's more will be among the first to receive the jab. unsettled weather to come over the week ahead as well. the more persistent rain, that has been sweeping away out into the north sea and instead, we are seeing more showery sort of airstream the brexit trade talks filtering into the uk. are continuing beyond sunday's that's coming in around that deadline — after the uk and area of low pressure, the eu agreed their negotiators and that's not should keep talking. going to move very major issues are still far over the next few days. unresolved but after so lots of showers, actually, a telephone call — coming in at the moment, borisjohnson and ursula von particularly der leyen they said across western areas. but because we've got a blustry southerly wind, they would ‘go the extra mile. it's a very mild start to monday. temperatures have been rising, one of britain's best—known novelists, actually, in scotland john le carre, has died. and the northeast of england. he was 89. those temperature probably a former secret agent, le carre won't change much through the day. drew on his own experiences to create ha rd—edged thrillers without the glamour of james bond but which proved to be just as popular. many became films good start though with some wetter weather in scotland, and we will continue to feed and tv series. in quite a lot of showers, maybe even longer spells of rain into some western areas of the uk. those showers will get pushed in land, but there will be some sunny spells too. probably not too many showers for northern ireland
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the humble garden pea is often and showers becoming fewer in scotland. the chosen green veg but there will be on our plates — but scientists brisk and gusty have discovered that it south to south—westerly wind, particularly near those heavy could be more thanjust showers, but it does mean it's one of our five—a—day. going to be a mild day. temperatures higher in scotland a study has found that the wrinkled super pea and the northeast of england could help to control blood then they were yesterday, sugar levels and in turn reduce and the highest temperature this time is likely the risk of developing type two diabetes. to be in the southeast, our science correspondent 13 degrees here. there will be some heavy showers, though in the southeast and east anglia during richard westcott has more. the evening, those showers continuing further west as well. 0vernight, the showers do tend to ease, skies will tend stashed away in this to clear, and we could well start a little room could be one answer cooler on tuesday. still a mixture of sunshine to a potentially lethal and showers on tuesday, mostly showers around western problem, affecting nearly 5 and southern coasts. more areas will have a dry day, million uk people, a million there will be fewer showers, of whom do not even realise it. the winds won't be quite as strong this is a seed store. and temperatures still it is actually freezing above average for the time of year, so 9—11 celsius. in here so they can preserve things get interesting everything. around the middle part of the week because this area and this is a super pea. of low pressure arrives. it's going to be deepening, not only will be bringing some we think of it as a pea, wetter weather again on wednesday, it is actually the seed it will bring some stronger winds. of a pea plant. it's full of something and by the morning, called " resistance starch" we could be gusting 50—60 mph and the researchers suggest in the southwest approaches, that could be really and those gales will push up significant in controlling type ii diabetes. through the irish sea now, down one of these corridors. working away, is claire. and across the north hi, claire.
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i know it is a bit freezing channel as well. in here so we won't keep so western areas in you for long. particular will be windy. what have you actually found in these peas? we will see a spell of rain why is it so significant? so they contain high amounts pushing its way eastwards of resistance starch. and we keep some wetter weather that means the starch going in northern ireland, is digested more slowly perhaps into western so we do not get that big areas of scotland. glucose spike or big sugar some more rain, stronger winds in the west. spike in our bloodstream again, it's shortly after we consume a meal a southerly wind, so those temperatures containing those types of seeds are 9—11 celsius. really, through the rest and that is really important for preventing disorders such of the week, it does stay mild, as type ii diabetes, but it does stay unsettled. where insulin responses a quieter day probably are really out of kilter on thursday before we see with the amount of sugar the cloud thickening, the wind and rain, again, pushing in from the which is in our bloodstream. atlantic on friday. in the lab, scientists revealed the magic inside the super pea, which is actuallyjust a type of garden pea that's been allowed to grow to maturity. these strange shapes are grains of that resistance starch, the ingredient that can help us avoid damaging sugar spikes. type ii diabetes can increase your risk of heart and liver disease, stroke and amputations. a healthy diet is a key way to control or even avoid it. potentially then, this is what we could all be eating in the future. the team here has made super pea hummus. now, apparently they tell me
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this is a little bit past its sell—by date so they have advised me not to try it. apparently it's delicious though. here you go. welcome to bbc news — i'm james reynolds. our top stories: of course the big question is, claire, what if you don't like peas? a frequently—asked question. you can disguise peas the first covid vaccine in many different ways. is being shipped around the us you can grind them up — mass immunisation begins on monday. into a flour, incorporate that talks about a post—brexit trade flour into bread or into these deal are extended. biscuits, for example, the uk and eu promise which we made using pea flour. to "go the extra mile" to reach an agreement. one of popular fiction‘s best known authors — the spy novelist, john le carre — dies aged 89. more than 300 nigerian school children savoury biscuits? savoury biscuits which you are still missing after gunmen could have with your hummus. poor food and a lack of exercise has led abducted them on friday. to a global diabetes epidemic. it's thought one in 11 adults is living with it. more research is needed but the team here hopes food made from wrinkled super peas could have a big impact on our health. richard westcott, bbc news, norridge. now on bbc news it's time for this week's edition of 100 women.
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cities are supposed to be built for all of us, but they aren't built by all of us — because most cities, if not all of them, are designed and built by men. but what would a city look like if it was built by women? in 2019, we came to barcelona to meet a group of influential feminist leaders to hear their plans to redesign the city. but a year ago, we never could have imagined just how much the world would change.
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so we've come back to barcelona to find out how a city that was trying to work better for women has weathered the biggest crisis of our lifetime. barcelona is a city that has a long history of reinventing itself with brave and adventurous urban design. over 6,000 years, generation after generation of men have put their mark on this city. but when we came here in 2019, it was in the midst of a feminist takeover.
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in 2015, the city had elected its first female mayor, ada colau. and it wasn'tjust the mayor. barcelona's feminist revolution involves everyone from writers to urban planners, architects and economists, and all those who make up the fabric of this evolving city. playgrounds were being reimagined, streets were being named for women, public transport was changing so women didn't have to walk alone at night. and the city was saying no to sleaze. but then the pandemic hit. and just like so many other places,
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barcelona is reeling. so how are these feminist ideals withstanding a pandemic? and did it teach us anything about how the legacy of this virus will impact women? someone who could explain this better than most... masquaretes. judit vall castello. as a health economist and a mum, she's had a very busy few months. my husband is an essential worker, so i was alone at home. and working full—time? and working full—time, so, yeah, we had difficult situations where i posted some postits in the door in the dining room —
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"it's forbidden to enter now!" brilliant. did it work? no major incidents. judit‘s been studying the economic impact of the pandemic, particularly on women, and she's found something interesting. so, basically, the previous crisis that we had in 2008, it affected very much certain sectors that we know have a higher incidence of men working there. the situation is completely different now because the biggest sectors that have been affected are the service sectors. and we know that in those sectors, there's a higher proportion of women working there. so this is a pretty short—term effect. so in the short—term, it's very clear and we can already see the stats for several countries. the situation might be different in the long term. why is that? well, there are mainly two reasons. the first one is that some of the firms have been forced to flexibilise the employment situation, to make employment more flexible, to allow working from home, and in the long—term, this is going to beneficialfor women. then the second thing is that women working in the health care service, women working in the cleaning service, these women had to keep working during the lockdown
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situation, and so their partners, the fathers, had to stay at home, and so this has been proven to change the gender roles for the children at home. —— the first one is that some of the firms have been forced to flexibilise the employment situation, to make employment more flexible, to allow working from home, and in the long—term, this is going to beneficialfor women. then the second thing is that women working in the health care service, women working in the cleaning service, these women had to keep working during the lockdown situation, and so their partners, the fathers, had to stay at home, and so this has been proven to change the gender roles for the children at home. do you have an idea of how many families this is affecting, how many families are changing their gender roles as a result of this pandemic? in 10% of the families, the fathers were in charge of the children during the lockdown situation. 0k. and some fathers who weren't before, so this is a new pattern emerging? exactly.
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for lots of people, it's been a difficult year. for some, it's been life—changing. we met conchi braojos in 2019 because she had been working with the feminist collective to find a solution to the problem of getting to work. she's a cleaner in a hospital and she had to walk alone in the middle of the night because of the lack of bus connections. none of us could have imagined the year that was in store for her, as the hospital she worked in became one of those at the centre of the pandemic.
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and after all of this, conchi still has to walk to work in the middle of the night. during the peak of the lockdown, she also found she was ferrying things like phone chargers to and from the hospital, because spain had one of the strictest lockdowns in the world.
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people were only allowed to leave their homes if they absolutely had to. children had to stay inside for months. that rule came from central government, and it's something that mayor ada colau said she disagreed with from the start.
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when we met the first time, colau spoke about her vision of feminist politics, that it was built around consensus. and that was important, because her left—wing party didn't win a clear majority in the last election and she's in power with a party on the right.
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before she became a politician, ada colau was an activist, fighting against evictions, but she has been criticised for failing to stop a rise in evictions in the last few months. there's a project that mayor ada colau was keen for us to visit, aimed directly at women.
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this pilot project aims to help 1,200 children, and that will help women, because, despite all the progress made in recent years, the pandemic showed us that women still do the overwhelming bulk of childcare. in families where the two partners were staying at home, were teleworking from home, and had children's responsibilities, women were interrupted 50% more of the time than men.
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and also they were dedicating... in these two—parent families, they were dedicating four more hours per day to the caring of the children than their husbands. and there's a simple reason why women here could be affected more than most. barcelona is a city that relies on tourism, and tourism is a part of the economy that, more than a lot of others, employs a majority of women. a year ago, this was a very different city. this square would have been full of people. and now... from a city that used to be overwhelmed with tourists... ..the streets in some parts of town are now eerily quiet.
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this is a place that entertained up to 8.9 million tourists a year. and it was an invisible army of women who kept the hospitality industry going — cleaners. vania rana came to barcelona from peru 28 years ago. now, she's at the centre of a collective of women who advocate on behalf of cleaners. and when we first met her, she was campaigning to have cleaners treated more fairly. but now their industry has been decimated.
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the collective of women just try to support each other where they can.
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it might be years before tourists can come back to enjoy barcelona like they did before the coronavirus stopped us in our tracks. but the city still vibrates with the rhythms of ordinary life. and some people see the pandemic as an opportunity for change. how are you, fine? yeah, good. very strange, this situation. so strange! yes. what a year. that's ba rcelona's councillor of urbanism, janet sanz, when we first met janet, we watched one of barcelona's oldest traditions — the castellers — something that seems almost impossible now.
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this year, the atmosphere is a little less festive. but the pandemic‘s not stopping janet sanz and her plans to transform this city. to reclaim the streets from cars. the project is called the superille, or superblock. in almost every city, cars take up more space than any other road user. the idea of the superblocks is to reclaim the streets for pedestrians, for cyclists or even just for hanging out. the plan takes nine blocks
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and forms one big superblock, which are closed off from through traffic. 0nly cars that need access are allowed in, and the speed limit is reduced to 10 km/h. parked cars go underground. so instead of busyjunctions, you have parks, picnic benches and play areas.
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do you think there'll be a resistance? scaling up means creating 21 more of these squares and turning the streets between them into green hubs, filled with plants and trees. like most of europe, the city's dealing with a second wave of the virus, and bars and restaurants are closed. the superille is busier than ever, but not everyone is thrilled about that.
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building a consensus to change a city is hard work, so barcelona has brought people on board who are studying the city from a deeply feminist perspective. the last time we came here, we met blanca at her studio in the city. then, her collective, punt 6, were doing deep research into how men and women use the city differently. now, they're working with the town
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hall on a very specific project — making the bicycle network work betterfor women. there's a huge increase in the number of people using bicycles since the pandemic, especially women, but there's also been a few issues.
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this is a city that was hit hard by the pandemic, and its long—term legacy is onlyjust beginning. like no other recession, it seems women are bearing the brunt of this one. but a city that's trying to work better for women could teach us how we can all weather this crisis... 00:26:31,519 --> 2147483051:50:00,474 build up cities that work 2147483051:50:00,474 --> 4294966103:13:29,430 better for everyone.
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