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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 25, 2021 11:00pm-11:30pm BST

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this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. international aid is being sent to india as oxygen shortages drive up the coronavirus death toll. we report from delhi. we've seen body after body being brought in. it's hard for anyone to keep count, but what workers have been telling me is that the real scale of deaths caused by covid—19 in india is a lot higher than what official numbers reflect. the missing indonesian navy submarine is found split into three pieces on the sea floor. this is the scene in los angeles where celebrities are arriving for this year's oscar ceremony. it's scaled down, but still the biggest most glamorous night of the award season.
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hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. from the uk to the us, saudi arabia to singapore, international efforts are now under way to get india the medical supplies it so desperately needs, to deal with the surge of sickness and deaths caused by coronavirus infections. a key part of the effort is to get more oxygen to patients. britain has begun by flying out oxygen concentrator devices and ventilators. france and germany will also be sending equipment in the next few days. us presidentjoe biden says the united states is determined to help. all this as india has seen a fourth day of record infection numbers. from dehli, yogita limaye reports. the capital is being ravaged
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at a frightening speed. with every pyre that burns, india's self belief is dying. each funeral is a story of personal loss and national shame. charanjeev malhotra has been helping to cremate the dead for decades. now, he barely ever stops working. "i've never seen such a terrifying situation. "i can't believe that we're in the capital of india. "people aren't getting oxygen, and they're dying "like animals," he says. "we don't even have enough resources to cremate them properly." outside, shivangi mehra's on the phone, organising oxygen for the hospital she works in. nothing, nothing is being done. i don't know if government is sleeping, or what they are doing. i am totally disheartened
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with the situation that i am seeing. the government is a literal failure. a person cannot live here in delhi. a person cannot even die peacefully in delhi. she is waiting to cremate her grandfather, who died, she says, because there wasn't enough oxygen. this small hospital in north delhi is facing a daily struggle. and we have been spending sleepless nights since the last one week. at times we feel like crying, because we are not able to help patients properly. every day, it is the same scenario. we are left only with two hours of oxygen. and we are only getting assurance from the system, no oxygen. and so, families are being told to organise oxygen. at one medical shop, we found people with empty cylinders, waiting to buy their own supply for loved ones who urgently need it. for many here, the government's promises of rushing in oxygen are coming too late.
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families are left asking why something so basic is unavailable. every crematorium we've been to, we've seen body after body being brought in. it's hard for anyone to keep count, but what workers have been telling me is that the real scale of deaths caused by covid—i9 in india is a lot higher than what official numbers reflect. and a lot of those who've died right now have done so because they couldn't get oxygen in time. this man runs a group of volunteers here. "even young people are dying." "it is a very bad situation." "if it keeps getting worse, we will have to burn bodies "by the side of the road", he says. there is a sense of abandonment in this country. citizens are stepping up to do what a government should. left to fight a vicious pandemic on their own. yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi.
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the united states is lifting a ban on sending raw materials to india which will allow the country to produce its own supplies of the astrazeneca vaccine. our world affairs correspondent, paul adams, has more on the countries who are coming to india's aid. the united kingdom is sending a95 oxygen concentrators, iao print of the foreign secretary says there could be more. the eu has activated what it calls its civil protection mechanism where countries pull together their emergency supplies with an emphasis on oxygen and medicines in the us perhaps stung into action by moves on this side of the atlantic has said it will immediately supply the raw materials for vaccines and that will revolve that involve reversing extra controls put back in place in february and a supply protective gear and medical equipment and dr anthony fauci, the president passing
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chief medical adviser has even suggested the united states could supply india with some of its unused astrazeneca vaccines come at the vaccine that has been approved —— not yet been approved for use in the united states and has lots of it and does not need it itself. it has already supplied some of it to mexico and canada earlier in the year, so it has come under some pressure to do that for india as well some point our world affairs correspondent paul adams. indonesia says a navy submarine that went missing on wednesday has been found split into three pieces on the sea bed, with all 53 crew confirmed dead. the military has not yet answered queries as to whether the decades—old german—made submarine was overloaded when it sank. but they said it was seaworthy. it follows an extensive search of an area south of the natuna islands, where the vessel disappeared. here's our reporter, david campanale. the submarine is one of five in indonesia's fleet and had been carrying out training exercises when it disappeared. the navy received signals
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from its location more than 800 metres deep in water is below the capacity of the boat or its crew to survive. an underwater rescue vehicle loaned by singapore gave visual confirmation of the wreckage. the reason for the submarine sinking is not yet clear. the crew had asked permission to dive. it lost contact shortly after. translation: it is not human error, not human error, - because they followed the right procedures during the dive. from the very beginning of the dive report, we have heard the preparation procedures were carried out properly. and when it dived, the lights were still on, so there was no blackout. after it was reported missing, warships, planes and hundreds of military personnel carried out a frantic search, hoping for a miracle rescue before oxygen reserves ran out. but an oil spill was spotted
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where the vessel was thought to have submerged, pointing to possible fuel tank damage and a catastrophic accident. translation: we, the people i of indonesia, would like to convey deep sadness for this incident, especially to the family of the submarine crew. the crew were the nation's best sons, best patriots, who safeguarded the nation's sovereignty. the officials have not given an explanation for the accident but said that an incident occurred that left its crew unable to resurface. holding up an orange emergency suit recovered by the underwater submarine rescue vehicle, the navy said it looked like the crew had tried to respond to an emergency. naval officials discounted an explosion, however, saying the evidence suggested the submarine came apart as it was crushed by massive water pressure in the vast depths. david campanale, bbc news.
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let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news... funerals have been held in iraq for more than 80 people killed by a fire at a hospital in baghdad treating coronavirus patients. at least 100 more were injured. reports say an accident caused an oxygen tank to explode, sparking the blaze. fighting has erupted in the somali capital, mogadishu, between different sections of the security forces. some support the opposition while others back the president, whose mandate was recently extended by two years. ireland's prime minister has sharply criticised european football's governing body for dropping dublin as one of the venues to host matches for the delayed euro 2020 tournament. micheal martin said uefa had made "the wrong call" and was "out "of order" to insist that fans had to be at the games. this year's academy awards will begin in los angeles in a couple of hours' time — a very different occasion to the usual with part of the ceremony being held
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the historic art deco train station in los angeles. this year's ceremony is taking place two months later than usual because of the pandemic. from los angeles, sophie long reports. the iconic art deco union station has undergone an eight—year face—lift ahead of its starring role in a ceremony which producers are promising will look and feel like a movie. that's the real magic of the movies. mank leads the field with ten nominations, a traditional contender in an untraditional year. nine of the 20 nominated in the main acting categories are people of colour... i know what i'm doing. ..including chadwick boseman and viola davis for their roles in ma rainey�*s black bottom. chloe zhao could win best director for nomadland, which would make her only the second woman to do so in the awards' 93 year history. but she faces stiff competition from emerald fennell, for promising young woman, which could also deliver
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best actress for carey mulligan. so this is where the magic will happen. the vast majority of the ceremony will take place right here in person. there'll be no zoom calls and there's a dress code. there's been a very clear "no thanks" to sweat pants. it will be smaller — only nominees and their plus ones have been invited. the producer of aardman�*s shaun the sheep: farmageddon will be among them. excited, nervous, kind of unsure what to expect but, you know, to have the opportunity to go is just fantastic. composer and director kris bowers has been nominated for a concerto is a conversation, a short documentary about his family. do you know what it is going to be like? because everybody has to get tested and also most people are vaccinated, once you are on the premises, i think it is like masks off, and it will definitely feel as, like, normal as they can make it, which i think will be pretty wild. definitely the biggest event i've
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been to since covid started. so finally, the oscars buzz is building. oh, the finale is going to be sensational, and we're building to it now. you feel it. when you see the transformation, what's happening inside the station and the wild anticipation you feel, your heart quickens, because it's so good. sophie long, bbc news — not in hollywood, but downtown la. someone definitely not in sweat pants. our correspondent peter bowes is in la. just look at you, goodness me! very smart, peter. i just look at you, goodness me! very smart. peter-— just look at you, goodness me! very smart, peter. i did get the memo, no sweat pants- — smart, peter. i did get the memo, no sweat pants- no _ smart, peter. i did get the memo, no sweat pants. no man _ smart, peter. i did get the memo, no sweat pants. no man land _ smart, peter. i did get the memo, no sweat pants. no man land will- sweat pants. no man land will feature quite _ sweat pants. no man land will feature quite watery, - sweat pants. no man land will feature quite watery, it - sweat pants. no man land will feature quite watery, it will i sweat pants. no man land willj feature quite watery, it will be very surprising if it does get the stretcher and may be another goal for francis mcdormand? chloe
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stretcher and may be another goal for francis mcdormand? chloe zhao is the chinese director _ for francis mcdormand? chloe zhao is the chinese director and _ for francis mcdormand? chloe zhao is the chinese director and really - the chinese director and really under extraordinaryjob with this film nomadland which tells the story of nomads and the main character an elderly woman who lost everything after the crash of the financial crash of 2008 and what makes it so extraordinary as a feat in terms of the director is she brings together a scripted performance as well as an unscripted performance of those real people encountered in the west of america who also took part, real life nomads took part in this film. and it is a meandering story but it stands out i think because it is so very different to all of the other contenders. but very different to all of the other contenders-_ very different to all of the other contenders. �* . . , a ., very different to all of the other contenders. �* . ., a ., contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a — contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a woman _ contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a woman to _ contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a woman to have _ contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a woman to have in - contenders. but francis mcdormand as well, what a woman to have in the - well, what a woman to have in the lead role. , ., well, what a woman to have in the lead role. , . ., ,, , lead role. yes, a great actress, she has won two _ lead role. yes, a great actress, she has won two previous _ lead role. yes, a great actress, she has won two previous oscars - lead role. yes, a great actress, she has won two previous oscars but i lead role. yes, a great actress, she. has won two previous oscars but she is in a tough category. viola davis for my rainy�*s black bottom has also
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done very well at the precursor word sermon is and she puts in a fantastic performance in this film about blues musicians in i920s and 19305 about blues musicians in i920s and 1930s america in chicago. so we will be on the edge of our seats in terms of who wins in that best actress category because of the high—caliber of all of the contenders. what category because of the high-caliber of all of the contenders.— of all of the contenders. what about the other big _ of all of the contenders. what about the other big winners _ of all of the contenders. what about the other big winners we _ of all of the contenders. what about the other big winners we might - the other big winners we might expect? the other big winners we might exect? ., ., ., the other big winners we might exect? ., ., 4' ., the other big winners we might exect? ., , , ., expect? look at in the best actor cate . o expect? look at in the best actor category for _ expect? look at in the best actor category for sir _ expect? look at in the best actor category for sir anthony - expect? look at in the best actor| category for sir anthony hopkins. expect? look at in the best actor - category for sir anthony hopkins. he is the star at the age of 83, the eldest contender ever in the acting category and he is potentially going to win for his performance in the father i'm a really tough movie to watch and i think it resonates with a lot of people going to very similar things with a member of the family suffering from dementia gradually losing their memory. and dealing with that situation late in life and it really is a gripping performance by sir anthony hopkins
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who of course has also won an oscar before quite a few years ago for to silence of the lands. hat before quite a few years ago for to silence of the lands.— silence of the lands. not without its challenges, _ silence of the lands. not without its challenges, a _ silence of the lands. not without its challenges, a bit _ silence of the lands. not without its challenges, a bit of _ silence of the lands. not without its challenges, a bit of an - its challenges, a bit of an understatement to hosting a ceremony like this in a pandemic after a year where most films have been launched online. , ., where most films have been launched online. , . ., , where most films have been launched online. , . .,, , where most films have been launched online. , . ., , , ., online. yes and it has been a huge challenae online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just _ online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just to _ online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just to put _ online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just to put on _ online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just to put on the - online. yes and it has been a huge challenge just to put on the show. challenge just to put on the show this weekend and as you have just been hearing at los angeles's main station, a cavernous bully with a huge ticket hall and waiting room which is the main reason why they chose that, it will be relatively easy to keep a distance, only 170 guests, 170 nominees but their chosen companion. but it's up and reflect the times and it is interesting that the oscars book and the pandemic and with os oscar is just a couple of weeks before the lockdowns started and now here we are beginning to resume normal life in los angeles but not quite normal enough to have the usual razzmatazz and the full fanfare of the oscars
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weekend. ., ., and the full fanfare of the oscars weekend. ., ~ , ., , . weekend. peter thank you very much, en'o ed as weekend. peter thank you very much, enjoyed as best _ weekend. peter thank you very much, enjoyed as best you _ weekend. peter thank you very much, enjoyed as best you can. _ weekend. peter thank you very much, enjoyed as best you can. raising - weekend. peter thank you very much, enjoyed as best you can. raising the i enjoyed as best you can. raising the sartorial bar here in bbc news. you are watching bbc news of it these are watching bbc news of it these are headlines. the united states says it will immediately make available supplies of vaccine—production material to india as it faces a covid surge. president biden has vowed to give assistancejust as india helped america early in the pandemic. the missing indonesian navy submarine is found split into three pieces on the sea floor all 53 crew members are confirmed to have died. millions of people in the us have reportedly failed to complete their two—dose covid vaccination, raising fears that they may not be fully protected. the new york times newspaper said it based its figures on data from the centers for disease control and prevention. it said some people had stopped after one shot of the pfizer or moderna vaccine, because they feared the side effects of a second jab. from washington, our correspondent jane o'brien explained why these findings are concerning.
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the whole point of the vaccination programme is to confer as much immunity as possible to at least 75—85% of people in america in order to stop the spread of the pandemic. and the concern is that if people don't get their full dose, then it may leave them with limited protection or even more vulnerable to some of the variants that are going around. so, it is a concern but we also have to put it into context because historically, there has been a huge uptake of vaccinations in america generally. at the moment, there's more than 3 million doses being administered every day. so, there clearly is a large swathe of people — in fact, six out of every ten americans — who are being vaccinated and who are saying that they intend to get vaccinated even if they haven't yet. but there is this issue of how to get the full doses administered and also how to remove the hesitancy about getting vaccinated at all that
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still about a0% of americans feel. jane o'brien in washington. in california is drjeremy faust who's an emergency—medicine physician at brigham and women's hospital, boston. doctor faust, thank you very much forjoining us. i understand that hospitalisations in the united states are rising among those people under 60. why the change in this demographic?— under 60. why the change in this demon-rahic? . �*, . a demographic? that's correct. as case numbers have — demographic? that's correct. as case numbers have come _ demographic? that's correct. as case numbers have come down _ demographic? that's correct. as case numbers have come down and - numbers have come down and hospitalisations among the most vulnerable segment of the population which is the older senior population, those have all come down, and in a replacement, we see a higherfraction of down, and in a replacement, we see a higher fraction of people 18—6a who are making up those hospitalisations. so these are the nine geriatric, non—senior citizen adults making up a larger percentage of the larger hospitalisations of
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now than at any time during the pandemic and that is probably because of who has been vaccinated. a lot of seniors has been vaccinated here and we are nowjust starting to roll out among or at least starting to make it open season, if you will, among most adults. to to make it open season, if you will, among most adults.— to make it open season, if you will, among most adults. to what extent mi . ht it among most adults. to what extent miaht it be among most adults. to what extent might it be than _ among most adults. to what extent might it be than that _ among most adults. to what extent might it be than that this _ among most adults. to what extent might it be than that this younger l might it be than that this younger group of people are actually contracting the virus from those who have vaccinated but asymptomatic? i5 have vaccinated but asymptomatic? i3 unlikely that vaccinated people are moving this virus around, it is certainly possible. we note that certainly possible. we note that certainly some of the variance can still cause infections although not serious disease so far among vaccinated people. ithink serious disease so far among vaccinated people. i think what's happened here is that younger adults really did their best, it was not perfect, but they abided by a lot of the physical distancing guidelines that we asked notjust the physical distancing guidelines that we asked not just to protect themselves because they may have felt that they weren't at high risk themselves as a younger population
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but to protect the older members of the nation. and now that so many of the nation. and now that so many of the older people are protected, there may be a sense of, "ok i'm not so worried about myself is up i can going to get this virus because i'm not worried about spinning into an older person." the problem is the law of large numbers. there are 150 adults were not geriatric in this country, 150 million adults and even if one out of 1,000 of them were to die, you would have hundreds of thousands or 150,000 deaths among parents of school age children, among people in the primes of their working lives. so the numbers are over by an order of magnitude than what we were seeing with the seniors before vaccination but they are still very important lives.- still very important lives. let's talk about _ still very important lives. let's talk about this _ still very important lives. let's talk about this lack _ still very important lives. let's talk about this lack of - still very important lives. let's talk about this lack of uptake l still very important lives. let's talk about this lack of uptake of the second covid vaccine that this research has uncovered. what is going to be effective to encourage people to take up that second dose if they are worried that they are going to be sick from the side
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effects? it going to be sick from the side effects? , , ., ., effects? it is very important for --eole effects? it is very important for people to _ effects? it is very important for people to get — effects? it is very important for people to get the _ effects? it is very important for people to get the second - effects? it is very important for people to get the second dosel effects? it is very important for. people to get the second dose of effects? it is very important for - people to get the second dose of the vaccines that are a two dose series and the reason for that is that the second dose is a really nice big whopping dose of the antigen which makes our body make antibodies and antibody levels after that second jab go up by billy in many cases in order of magnitude and we know that's important because with these variance in particular, the variance or a little less sticky. the antibodies attack the virus, that is how they were, they bind, they attached, but the variance seemed to wiggle out sooner and so more higher levels of antibodies are very important in stemming off a serious illness. the good news i would say is that still, 92% of people who've gotten the first jab is that still, 92% of people who've gotten the firstjab have come back with the second, that is actually pretty high for some 8% is the number of people who are not doing this and that is the headline and we worry about those people causing this crisis to elongate, but i still
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actually given how many side effects this vaccine does cause, not dangerous ones but annoying ones and uncomfortable ones, i'm a little dot net i would take the contrarian viewpoint that 8% delaying is not the end of the world. i would like to see go up, it is important to realise that one jab does give you a lot of protection. it does give you a lot of protection. the question is for how long? i would like to see the number because i am up but it is i do say because it gives you anywhere from 60—90% of the effect of the two dose series is what we think. ., g y of the two dose series is what we think. ., g , ., , ., think. doctorjeremy fouts from briuham think. doctorjeremy fouts from brigham and — think. doctorjeremy fouts from brigham and women's _ think. doctorjeremy fouts from brigham and women's hospital. think. doctorjeremy fouts from | brigham and women's hospital in boston, thank you very much. —— jeremy faust. apple is shortly expected to release an update to its operating system, this time including a change that has sparked a row with another tech giant — facebook. it's all about whether users are asked for permission before their activity is tracked — and what that means for digital advertising. here's our media editor amol rajan.
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two of the most powerful men in history are engaged in a very modern conflict. tim cook of apple and mark zuckerberg of facebook are in an ideological and commercial argument about how open the internet should be. and it's coming to a head with apple releasing the latest update to the operating system on its iphones, what is known as ios1a.5. until now, if you own an apple phone, all of the apps you have downloaded have automatic access to something called your unique identifier for advertisers. this is a building block of digital advertising allowing companies, if they want, to track your activity across other apps and so build a detailed picture of your behaviour, your location, interests, spending habits and much else besides. with ios1a.5, apple is going to flick an enormous digital switch and only an out companies to track your activity on their own apps unless you give explicit permission. in other words, presumed consent will be no more. facebook has launched
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an extraordinary pr campaign against apple, taking full page adverts out in us newspapers saying these moves will limit small businesses wanting to run personalised ads to reach customers effectively. they argue that apple, currently worth over $2 trillion, nearly three times the value of facebook, are motivated by money because they take up to 30% commissions from sales through the app store. apple argue this is about the principle of privacy, though tim cook said a few weeks ago it was not focused on facebook, back injanuary he also said if a business is built on misleading users and data exploitation, choices that are no choices at all, it does not deserve our praise, it deserves reform. ouch. the open, advertiser—fuelled web does have huge advantages for small businesses and users, but it involves trade—offs. our data trails mean we are targeted and often manipulated in ways we don't fully appreciate.
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apple control the hardware, and so have the power here. that's one reason why facebook are investing so heavily in the hardware of the future, augmented reality smart glasses combining encyclopedic knowledge with what is in front of our eyes. apple are believed to be working on a rival project. but the deeper question here is how much does previously matter to you in this digital age? —— does privacy matter. and while we ponder that, the battle between cook and zuck is shaping our future. amol rajan reporting. the us space agency's ingenuity helicopter has now made its third successful flight over mars. today's trip was the most ambitious yet, the little chopper rose to a height of five metres before speeding off laterally for 50 metres. the ingenuity team have been pushing the helicopter�*s limits by adding instructions to capture more photos of its own. let's look at a quick look at what is happening in downtown los angeles
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on the red carpet. the 93rd academy awards taking place partly at the usual home of dolby theatre but also at this time at union station. you are watching bbc news. after the weather we'll take a look at tomorrow's front pages in the papers — our guestsjoining me tonight are polly mckenzie from the think—tank, demos and the executive chairman of the cicero group, iain anderson. now it's time for a look at the weather with sarah keith—lucas. hello. the sunny, dry theme to the april weather continued through the course of the weekend. this was the picture in wiltshire on sunday, so similar to many areas, blue sky overhead butjust quite dry and in fact quite cracked ground. some parts of southern england has seen barely any rainfall throughout the entire month so far. now this week a return to some scattered showers. we won't all be seeing them, but there is, thankfully, a little bit of rain in the forecast. and things turning a bit colder as well. we've got a small, slow—moving area of low pressure moving in from the north, slowly slipping south over the next few days.
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so monday morning, then, starts off on a bit of a milder note. particularly for scotland where we've got more cloud. still likely to see a frost across parts of england and wales, particularly in the north. monday morning, then, initially quite a bit of cloud in the south but that will tend to break up so quite a lot of sunshine coming through. there will be more cloud for scotland with some patchy showers heading in and they will be heavier during the course of the afternoon for parts of eastern scotland. one or two into northern england and northern ireland. further south in the sunshine it's also less windy than recent days as well, so we are losing that biting easterly wind. still a bit of an onshore breeze making things cooler around the east coast, but further west temperatures for the likes of cardiff and belfast are up to about 16 degrees on monday. and then as we move through monday night into tuesday this area of low pressure still with us as it moves its way south we will start to see some showers rotating around that area of low pressure. so hit and miss scattered showers on tuesday, but they will probably avoid east anglia and the south—east where we could really do with a bit of rainfall around. staying quite mild in the south, up to about 16 degrees in the sunshine,
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but turning colder from the north as the winds start to come in from a northerly direction. just 7 degrees or so for aberdeen. into wednesday i think the focus of the showers probably for wales and the south west of england. fewer showers around elsewhere, perhaps one or two around these east coasts where it is, again, going to feel chilly. just 7 degrees for the likes of aberdeen. but could well be 15 or 16 for southern parts of england and wales too. but as low pressure drifts off towards the near continent that's going to open the doors for these cold north or north easterly winds, once again coming down from the arctic. so temperatures in the cold side towards the end of the week for thursday into friday, just about getting into double figures by day but do be prepared if you've got gardening plans, we could well see a return of frosty nights. bye for now.
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hello. this is bbc news. we'll be taking a look at tomorrow morning's papers in a moment — first the headlines. families are told to buy their own oxygen as india hits a record number of new coronavirus cases for the fourth day in a row the uk is sending more than 600 pieces of medical equipment to the country in a bid to help — including oxygen concentrators and ventilators a senior minister declines to say whether borisjohnson was ever lent money or sought donations to help pay for the redecoration of his downing street flat. england's biggest football teams — and the sport's governing bodies — will stage a four—day boycott of social media from next friday — to campaign for social media
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hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are polly mckenzie from the think—tank, demos and the executive chairman of the cicero group, iain anderson. tomorrow's front pages starting with... the ft leads with calls from some of credit suisse's largest shareholders to remove its risk chief over the greensill and archegos scandals. the metro reports on the aid being sent to india to help it fight what it calls �*catastrophic levels�* of coronavirus infections. the guardian has a picture of women outside a delhi hospital — where supplies are running short. it leads on the news that downing street won't start an inquiry into the uk's handling of the pandemic for months. dominic cummings still being investigated for an inquiry into leaked details of the government's lockdown plans is on the front of the times.
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and the express reports calls from mps for the prime minister to �*plough on in winning the war against covid'


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