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tv   Dateline London  BBC News  July 4, 2021 2:30am-3:01am BST

2:30 am
this is bbc news. the headlines: england's footballers are through to the semi—finals of euro 2020, after a 4—0 victory over ukraine. it's the first time in 25 years that they've got so far in the competition. they'll now play denmark, while italy will take on spain in the other semi—final. officials in the us state of florida are bringing forward plans to demolish the remains of a building that collapsed just over a week ago, killing at least 2a people. it's feared an approaching storm could destabilise what remains of the structure. 121 people are still missing. protests against the brazilian government's handling of the coronavirus crisis have been taking place in cities across the country. tens of thousands of people have been demonstrating to demand a boost to the vaccination programme, and the resumption of financial support for the poorest in society.
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now on bbc news, datelinen london. hello and welcome to the programme, which brings together some of the country's leading columnists, bbc specialists and the foreign correspondents writing, blogging and broadcasting to audiences back home from the dateline "london". this week: a valedictory visit from angela merkel. species decline and why it's worth trying to stop it. and how do you live with a centenarian planning to be around for another hundred years? joining us this week: yasmin alibhai—brown is an award—winning newspaper columnist in the uk. thomas kielinger has been reporting and explaining the british to audiences in his native germany for decades. he's also an historian.
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with me in the studio is the bbc�*s chief environment correspondentjustin rowlatt. a warm welcome to all of you, good to have you with us. like all political leaders who pre—announce their departure, angela merkel�*s influence has been in decline ever since. two recent rebuffs within the european union — her proposalfor an eu russia summit seen off by poland and the baltic states and her suggestion that british visitors, vaccinated or not, should be quarantined. the german chancellor was in the uk friday. instead of quarantine there was tea with the queen. thomas, chancellor merkel suggested vaccinating brits. after her meeting with borisjohnson it might get us a warmer welcome than she received in britain. has her influence been declining for some time? and is that simply because she pre—announced that she was going or is her cautious, deliberative style of politicsjust going a bit out of fashion?
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of course anybody who would announce the day of their departure from power is automatically converting himself or herself into a lame duck, as we call it. you don't expect too much influence from somebody like that. angela merkel, after 16 years, has relinquished power and will leave in september. you described her as cautious and slow moving policies. but when you look at her record, the two most important decisions she took in her time in office were really like lightning overnight — opening the borders for refugees, millions of them from germany, and moving off atomic energy. she decided on the solutions without much consultation or advice from anyone. that is why i'm so sorry that today when she met borisjohnson, the two of them didn't have the guts to seize the window and come up with a joint declaration to say britons who are doubly vaccinated can travel without the hassle in europe, and johnson could've said those who come from other member countries and have been doubly vaccinated and tested —
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they will have to go back into quarantine. they missed this opportunity. she talks about a new resetting of relations with germany and britain. but the one moment of glory — like a footballer missing a great shot to score the goal, they missed it. she cannot get herself to even announce such a step. she was willing overnight to allow millions of people to come to germany. she failed to come with a statement to say yes, as from that tweet, britons can travel without worry from quarantine when they are twice vaccinated. this is her language. she is contradictory, in other words, when most of the jury is out. i wonder whether they will be altogether favourable. don't forget she only relied on the coalition partners from the social democrats to govern for 16 years. on her own she would have been able to do it. it is a mixed bag when you look at her record.
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but she would not have been able to do it. yasmin, how damaging do you think longer term to the eu was it, her sticking with the orthodoxy of german traditions, saying back during that financial crisis we are not going to share data across the eurozone and individual countries will have to deal with the problem themselves? it seemed to be not her, but in the end the european central bank who saved the euro. and meantime countries like spain and greece had to deal with some pretty austere and difficult times with that. i'm sorry, sean and thomas, i would not go with you on this — two men slagging off the first female german chancellor, who is as christine lagarde said is a unique and special woman who combined, yes, meticulous thought and consideration with some pretty daring policies.
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of course in greece there is this feeling that it is because of her they went through this terrible crisis, but the eu isn't just angela merkel. and i think what she has achieved in these years, a young woman from east germany who came over and has kept germany steady through it all. in the 2008 crisis germany did not suffer as so many others did, because the eu isn't one nation. each nation has its own capacities and distinction. i have just been talking to 32 british people who have taken out german citizenship — a 2,000% increase in those. anyway, the equivalent of thomas. they love germany, they love merkel. i wanted to say that because i'm not going to, you know, go on this fairly destructive train of thought you have taken out.
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now for your question: yes, i think germany and italy during that crisis, maybe the entire eu, should've been more — i don't know, kind or considerate. taking in the refugees was an astonishingly brave move and on the whole it has worked. so i totally admire her, and that will not be shaken. just in terms of the question, we talked about fukushima, thomas mentioned it. that with a dramatic decision — the nuclear explosion, the consequences and the fears of what might come. she immediately announced she was shutting down the civilian programme in germany. that had consequences. there were consequences in particular because of that. it certainly has. it was very traumatic for the — i'm sorry, yasmin. _ i will be a little bit - critical of angela merkel. all of these men. let's look at the statistics
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for nuclear power. - germany is the second largest nuclear plant l and will determine the world in terms of production. - it produced 11.5 terawatts of power in 2018. - that is 1 trillion watts, i a huge amount of power. by comparison, all of denmark went to wind turbine. - they produce just - a little bit more power. what we are talking about is one plant that is a huge - supplier of energy to germany. what does that mean? taking that out, it would now be closed next year. - it could've gone on for a few more decades, i people estimated 2048. they are taking that component out of the power system. - what does it mean? it means they are much morel dependent upon gas and more dependent on coal. in fact, germany is not - going to phase out coal under current plans until 2038. britain is getting rid of its last coal—fired station in 2024.
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it will be really hard - for germany to meet these climate goals if it sticks with this policy taken i on nuclear power. it makes it much more dependent on russia. i with nord stream 2 coming online, there is much less. flexibility on the foreign policies. j hard to argue from an - environmental perspective that has been good for germany. thomas, on the question of relations with russia, is this a really worrying cleavage within the eu, do you think? i dare not go on after yasmin condemned me. laughter. i just want the record straight — no intentional sliding as a male chauvinist pig. i have nothing against her except that i say there is mediocrity involved in some of the things, and the male heir apparent who will follow her will follow in her footsteps. it would not be much
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of a revolution going on. if she steadied the boat, germans like to do things traditionally, steady as she goes, and she is the ultimate, ideal representative of a very cautiously moving society. about russia, of course she was rather ill advised, together with macron, to launch this initiative — a new high—level dialogue with russia at this very moment. no wonder some countries objected to it. you should award russia for crimean occupation, which has still not been done properly, with the human rights violations and so forth. so that was an ill—considered step, which doesn't completely wipe her off, as it were, ofherforeign policy and expertise, but she is like so many other people full of ideas which sometimes work and sometimes don't work. and this one did not work.
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no, i don't think she is going to be a prominent voice in opening up a new dialogue with russia. they may have to wait rather longer. yasmin, on that question of what happens now in europe, thomas mentioned macron. his reform ideas for the eu didn't really get much traction among other eu members. he will now be distracted for the next few months trying to hold onto the palace. angela merkel will be gone in september. german politics will change in germany, even if a lot of it will stay the same. another coalition possibly coming in. who is left to lead in europe? what one has to remember, one of the things about the eu is that it isn't one nation. that is the narrative that has dominated in britain for god knows how long. it isn't all germany or germany and france. this is a coalition, a club of nations. the future will be different from the past. as thomas says,
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that is politics. that is how society changes. what i fear, though, is that merkel's steadiness — there was a 2020 survey done of the eu countries and in 14 nations 75% trusted her personally. now, the incoming person will have to work very hard to get to that level of trust, so it is always difficult when somebody has left behind quite a legacy. secondly, one doesn't know. i completely agree about the whole dialogue with russia thing. a lot has happened and is happening thanks to putin and his ambitions, and the eu will have to come up with a collective response eventually. they are good at that, so i have great faith in the eu. i will always be loyal to it even though i'm no longer a part of it.
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they do things in a reasonable way. they are not as shouty as we are. it will be fine, but it will take work. thank you very much. "grandiose statements lacking teeth and devoid of effective delivery mechanisms" — that's the verdict of a committee of mps examining the british government's plans to protect biodiversity. we think having lots of different species of insects, say, or plants matters, but in truth we're not sure why. still, the risk is clear. the uk, the environmental audit committee reports, is one of the most nature—depleted countries on earth. 15% of its species are under threat. it is probably helpful, justin, wearing your environment hat, if we define the terms. what do we mean by biodiversity, and what does the committee mean by saying 15% of species in the uk are under threat? let's start with - what biodiversity is. biodiversity refers - to the incredible variety of life on earth, - biological diversity.
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it represents all the different species on earth — _ animals, plants, fungi, - insects, the whole shebang. we are talking —| this is the point. we don't actually know- the range of species on earth. with that we know, we think| it is about 1.7 million species of animals, plants and fungi, but we don't know for sure. i some scientists say there i could be as many as 8 or 9 million different species. brilliant bacteria — l in the whole world of biodiversity, a single spoonful of soil can have as many- as 10,000 different bacteria, more in some estimates. - we don't know what we are doing as we get rid of species. - let's have a look at the level of threat there is to species.| we know the rate of extinction is far higher than it— would be without humanity. we think that 25% of mammals are under a threat of— extinction, 41% of amphibians, and about 17% of birds. - there is a huge pressure - to make sense of processes. we don't understand the subtle processes, as you alluded - to in your introduction, that.
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control how ecosystems work. we do know that in some cases you take one species out - and the whole thing changes. the whole balance. of species changes. as we get rid of species, - we don't know what consequences that will have. it could be catastrophic. the increasing reduction in diversity could have, i just like climate change, a catastrophic effect - on the ability of the | earth to support us. because let'sjust remember- these ecosystems are the source of fresh air, the source of food, the source - of clean water. they are the bases. we sit within this web of life and we depend on this- biodiversity to deliver us - these — crudely, in economic terms, i referred . to them as services. that is why it is so important. and that is why the uncertainty around it is also important. we cannot say — we don't know what will happen if we get rid l of certain bacteria, -
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for example, or even some mosquitoes for example, i which everybody seems to — we treat like they are vermin. they are the basis of — - they feed all sorts of animals which in turn are food etc etc. it is complex and difficult and dangerous to play i with the balance of l species of the world. and the challenge then for politicians is to come up with effective ways of maintaining this biodiversity. and the government — to be fair to it, as the committee says — has some very ambitious targets. targets have been put into law which the committee wants, but targets on things like child poverty. and it turns out, actually, what happens when you have a targeted law when it is failed to be met or broken? you don't drag the prime minister off and stick him in jail. in a sense, it is a difficult thing between matching ambition with credibility. as the committee said, it's grandiose statements, superficial strategies.
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completely counterproductive policies which are more about exploiting nature even now. a very 18th and 19th century, kind of man—centred, if you like, view of the natural world. and it's still going on. in a way, i worry that all the right things are being said but the kind of aggressive capitalism of our times is deeply uninterested in these very important things that have just been said so evocatively by your correspondent about the natural world, about balance, about biodiversity — about all of our futures. those two are enemies, and i don't think i feel this government is taking any of this seriously. but they know what to say and they might tinker and they might make promises, but they're about as empty as the promises our prime
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minister has made to the whole world and to whoever. so i think we have to take it seriously. thomas, the challenge is integrating this into all the policy you make, whether it's planning policy, whether it's how you subsidise agricultural fisheries. do you get a sense this is something that can be a lot of attention on climate change — which is again big, grand and dramatic — but this kind of quite detailed and subtle, some might say even quite boring policymaking. it actually doesn't create enough attention, whether from the media or from politicians themselves — or indeed from the voters — to sustain the policy change. maybe the reason why it doesn't demand so much attention is that we've left out one important factor in all of this debate so far. that is population. the greed of ever—growing population development on the earth is tending towards notjust capitalism
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as yasmin said but the basic needs of feeding, eating and using arable lands for their purposes, irrespective of the damage they do to the ecological system. so i think we have to find a consensus, also with china in particular, about when is the level. when is the breaking point reached in terms of world population? 9 billion we are already. we are looking down the barrel and coming to the moment of crisis. if we go much beyond that, whatever we do politically as an individual species we have to attach ourselves to the need for 9 billion or more people to do damage to the natural habitat. something has to give, asjohnson so rightfully said. when the day of execution is near, you concentrate the mind. and this is what we need to do. we need to concentrate the mind
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on what more than 9 billion people are likely to do with the earth instead ofjust continuing to multiply without any thought about the future danger to the ecological surroundings. i think i would definitely bring the population issue into this whole debate. thank you very much, thomas. one wonders what would happen if we had maintained species diversity for humans as well and still had neanderthals with us. for the last 12 of the 16 years that angela merkel has been in charge in germany, xijinping has been running china. having abolished term limits, there's every reason to think he'll be in power for many years more. the chinese do longevity, something demonstrated in thursday's choreographed display of popular euphoria marking the centenary of the chinese communist party. asked by an interviewer whether it will still exist in another 100 years, the exiled artist ai weiwei observed drily, chinese dynasties very often last 200 or 300 years. whether they do or not, yasmin, the reality is we have to live with and operate with china as a very real presence
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in the world. in terms of other countries looking at china and working with china, there was a belief 20 years ago that as china becomes more capitalist, its politics will change too. that clearly hasn't happened. what do we do now? how do we sustain an effective relationship without conceding the things we believe in? how will it affect the things we believe in? how do we sustain an effective path? it is an important question. the power train is very quiet not only in terms of hong kong, which we get a lot of coverage of. but i went to uganda, my old country, a few years ago and every single infrastructure project is being run by the chinese in uganda, in tanzania, across southern africa. and they do sign these agreements with the leaders
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where in exchange for this extraordinary, untrammelled influence across africa they will do this infrastructure work. they don't even use the local labour. as one of the people i met there, the local people, said, they don't even use us to clean. and so it's happening. it's a world power, certainly economically controlling a huge amount of world space. but its values and its politics are deeply unappealing to most people around the world, who are democrats. ijust don't know where it's going to take us. india has the capacity still to resist this chinese megalomaniac ambitions, but i don't know for how long. it is a very serious issue. justin, you a correspondent in india.
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but it has a very noisy, messy but genuinely kind of plural political system. how does it respond to its neighbour, its big, potentially aggressive neighbour? i was there when there were a couple of thesej cross—border— skirmishes between the indians and the chinese. and that geographical position of india and china is very- important in this debate. they have a huge, long border through the himalayas - with. china. it's very close to china. china is a much bigger economy, about five times the size - of india, a very big - and very strong neighbour. india has a long historyl of not playing a big role in international affairs. it was one of the key- players in the non—aligned movement, you'll remember. so this is a great tradition of india not taking sides. and not playing — a game of setting up alliances. you can imagine with the huge, long border, siding—
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with america against china i might be a very uncountable position. but you're absolutely right that india feels very- uncomfortable, - encircled by all those countries as yasmin saw i in africa that are having all sorts of road or infrastructural projects being funded by china as part of belt and road. it feels encircled but it has this aversion to building i alliances, so it's- in an uncomfortable position. and i think the thing i about india one needs to remember — _ it is an inward—looking country but it's building a very strong and big economy. _ and in the future multipolar world — it looks very bipolarj at the moment — but in the future multipolar world, india should be - an important pole of that. india is playing a long game to build itself up before - it can assert itself- on the international stage. thomas. i think, as yasmin said, what the chinese are up to in africa and how they help the development there i'm rather relaxed about.
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why? it's a country with a huge surplus of people, billions of people who have talents to play with and use them as they do the world over. yes, they're buying influence in china in a sort of non—offensive way. my concern is when china would determine to use her influence and her power and her bigness, as it were, to militarily make inroads in the balance of power in southeast asia seas. i've watched with interest that joe biden is now conducted this week maritime manoeuvres withjapan in and around taiwan, because obviously after hong kong has virtually lost its freedom, shamefully, to the liberty and libertarian system, the next appetising victim is likely to be taiwan for china — who had never recognised taiwan as a independent country
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and consider it part of their mainland. so they have to be very careful. one last thought — a brief talk, justin. all this involvement around the world has potential to make president xijinping recognise the danger of climate change. it might be possible to get him to harness that to reduce some of the damaging projects that are happening. a dangerous ledger. they talk about building more coal—fired power stations - but at the same time they have invested . really heavily - in renewable energy. in fact, it is thanks - a china that solar and wind and batteries are so much cheaper than they were. l to put that into context, - a tenth of the price is what it costs by solar power now than it did a decade ago. | that is largely . thanks to china. that is — revolutionary in terms of the world's ability- to tackle climate change. thank you all very much forjoining us. thank you forjoining us on dateline london. more debate same time next week. goodbye.
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hello again. the weekend's weather was always going to be dominated by showers, showers coming from big clouds like these that were spotted over the skylines of staffordshire, and the heavens opening not a million miles away. in moseley in birmingham, you can see surface water building up on the roads here. and then we have this line of storms that moved across the midlands and on into lincolnshire. moved across waddington, which is just south of lincoln itself, and it brought a real deluge. we had 25 mm of rain in the space ofjust one hour. that is nearly half a month's worth of rain in the space of one hour, and i'm sure that would have caused one or two issues here. now, at the moment we've got some areas of rain pushing northwards across scotland, some heavy showers slowly easing in northern ireland. there are one or two showers elsewhere, some fairly big ones
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working across northern england for the next hour or two. but later in the night we're going to see another area of rain moving up across southern areas of england and rain pushing into southern wales as well. now, this widespread area of rain will then move into parts of wales, the midlands and east anglia before then breaking out into showers later on in the day. but it's another day where those showers are going to be widespread, some of them torrential as well. could bring around 30 mm of rain in the space ofjust one hour, so again there is a risk of seeing some localised flooding in the heaviest of those downpours. and there will be some dry weather between those showers as well. on into monday and tuesday, we've got the next area of low pressure that's going to be swinging across the uk, so the weather certainly not settling down in any sense. monday sees rain pushing northwards across scotland. sunshine and a few showers elsewhere, but generally a slightly drier kind of day for most of you. but then we've got this rain that's going to be moving into the south—west, accompanied by some strengthening winds through monday afternoon. monday night time and on into tuesday our area of low
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pressure pushes in, bringing the rain and pushing it northwards. gales developing around the coast initially in the south—west and then along the english channel coasts in the south—east by tuesday. showers follow our main band of rain through and it'll start to feel just a little fresher. temperatures around 17 to 19 degrees celsius. from there, later in the week those showers will gradually become a little bit less widespread. the weather slowly gets a little bit more settled, but before we get there, sunday will see plenty of heavy downpours.
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welcome to bbc news — i'm lewis vaughanjones. we're going to go to the us now. officials in florida are bringing forward plans to demolish the remains of an apartment building that collapsed just over a week ago. they're worried an approaching storm could destabilise what remains of the block. 24 people are known to have died with more than 120 still unaccounted for. our north america correspondent david willis has the latest. for those leading the painstaking recovery effort, it's now a race against time. a tropical storm is bearing down on miami, packing winds
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of up to 70 mph.


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