tv Click BBC News May 11, 2022 1:30am-2:01am BST
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by any chance? spencer, here is a question. can tech make you a better rapper? sounds like it can, yes. and what's this? lara at a rave. yes, i'm at a rave. don't say a word. i've got bass in a backpack, this is amazing. welcome back. first up this week, we're going to be talking about drones, which gives us a perfect example to show off our shiny new base here in glasgow. which is rather picturesque. not that drones are always welcome. true. james has been checking out some of the latest tech designed to take drones out of the sky. commercial drones have the potential to revolutionise a load of industries from helping with search and rescues, mapping cities, giving information to fire crews after traffic accidents, the possibilities are endless.
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flying a drone can be seriously fun. there are loads of applications in the world where drones can be used for public good. however in the havoc. in december 2018, a suspected drone at gatwick grounded flights for days. flights have been suspended... flights were grounded after drones were spotted close to the runway. arrests eventually led to nothing. tens of thousands of people's christmases were ruined. get this. it is still not totally clear there even was a drone. drones have even been used to try to assassinate world leaders. they thought it was fireworks first, but it was a drone bomb.
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president maduro of venezuela was targeted in 2018, and a similar attempt was made to kill the iraqi prime minister last year. it is notoriously difficult to neutralise the threat of a dangerous drone. but one company in washington, dc says it has an answer. dedrone work with the department of defence in the us and uk airports to spot and take down drones. if you have ever flown a drone, you know they are incredibly easy to lose in the air. they are hard to see until they are pretty close to you. dedrone say they have a solution for that. we have this tracker software interface. what we see is the drone localised with his yellow diamond on the map. most drones use radio frequencies to fly the drone and we can use that to localise that and tell you where it is at.
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additionally we implement some radar technology to help verify that. my camera woman and i thought we would try to put it to the test with our own drone. our plan was to try to fly low to see if we could go literally under the radar. problem was we turned the drone on too quickly, which emitted a radio frequency. busted. that is us turning on the drone there? and before we even get the drone airborne, we are detecting it. camera's looking for it. trying to find you guys. how big a scale could you do this? the beauty of the system is we can scale this. if you want to cover an entire city or state, we can lay out sensors to do so. it is one thing trying to spot a drone, but how do you actually take it down? this is dedrone's solution. it looks like a gun but it actually scrambles the signal of anything that uses radio frequencies to operate,
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including drones. it is so powerful, that ben here, by law isn't allowed to press the trigger. what does it actually do? this is the final part. you simply press the trigger, but we are currently in offline mode. if i turn that one step down, it willjam any radio frequency or rf signals in the air. after that, we can do the full gps which can do that. drones have been used to try and assassinate world leaders. how would this be used in that kind of context? if by the time you see the drone, you are probably too late. anytime you are in a situation where you may think that drones might be a threat to somebody, it is important to have the detection technology, assuming you have detected a drone, or you know there is a threat. pull this out of the case, hit a button and you can start mitigating a drone within seconds. such is the importance of drones on the battlefield that there are currently more than 600 of these anti—drone devices used
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in the us military. but like all technology on the battlefield, this can get into the wrong hands. drone footage has been used in the ukraine to document potential war crimes and atrocities. if russia had this kind of technology, perhaps it would have been harder to work out what was happening on the ground. drones primarily are used for good. in orderfor us to maximise the potential of these good drones, we feel that drone technology, airspace security, what we provide, is a necessary step to ensure that good traffic, any conflict involves drones and it is a great equaliser in the battlefield from an offensive perspective, but it is also important that drones be able to fly and provide people with the ability to go out there and help people, people that are injured and do some scouting, all that stuff that goes along
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with drones for good, even the battlefield. drones can be used for good and bad. perhaps the days where you can just whack up a drone are becoming numbered. as tech catches up with them, it might be more and more difficult to get views like this. all right, clayton, you show off. we have a good shot as well. are we even allowed to film here? no idea. 0k, question. which industry is more dangerous than mining, farming or manufacturing? don't know. tell me. construction. you are more likely to have an accident on a building site. we have been taking a look at how robotics and sg could help improve site safety. i am notjust on any construction site. i am on one in a remote and barren part of the world. shetland.
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where an internet connection is a luxury. situated at the top of scotland in the middle of the north sea, shetland is exposed to some of the most extreme weather conditions in the uk. there is rain, hail, snow and sometimes there is sunshine. but, crucially, there is also wind. a lot of wind. only one quarter of the renewable wind energy produced on shetland is used to power the island. so here, the teams are building an electricity converter station and substation. it will connect shetland to the national grid and allow wind farms to export energy south. it is notjust manpower, but new technologies that are making it happen. it is a big project! bosses here thought a private 5g network would be a big idea. faster internet speeds and better connectivity. we've got a fibre—optic connection that runs
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on the road just down the valley, we have a microwave link to the site and there is a fibre—optic connection to each of the 5g masts. what the 5g network does is provide high—speed wireless internet connection, low latency and very high speed, essentially as fast as in coming fibre—optic connection. and with those 5g masts up, they welcomed a new site inspector. the aim of the engineers is that spot can connect to the 5g network and much of the work can be done remotely. how useful has it been to have spot on the site? it is excellent. it makes our life as engineers a bit easier. gets into places it is unsafe us to go. spot has a scanner attached and makes sure the floor is exactly level after the engineers have poured the concrete. we just performed a scan in there and i will show you the scan we did there. so, green means ideal for our models, blue is a bit low and red, only a few but that
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is a bit high. red is five millimetres. what will you do with this now? make a report and hand it back to the engineers and we will work out a plan to try and solve these issues. but spot isn't running off the 5g network just yet because there has been a few stumbling blocks with getting it up and running to full capacity. at the moment, it is on a narrow bandwidth, so we have only had a few specialised sim cards that can connect, but we are working on getting some modems in which will convert the 56 into broadband, which will allow more devices to connect to it. but the concept of what might be possible on the network has spurred further information. ——innovation. including getting drones to transmit site footage and augmented reality to bring the site to life. you can really get a feel of how the site is going to shape up in the future.
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good for demonstration purposes then. the augmented reality means anyone can see the progress of the site in real—time and understand what is going to be built next. before on a site like this, - we would do have to print off drawings, they would do a lot of things around the office, but now. if we have to whip up l a drawing, we can do it on the fly. it is easy to see construction as hard hats and the pouring of concrete, but it is clearly no longerjust an industry of manual labour. this is all about future proofing our economy and making sure that the uk is as good as any other country in the world when it comes to 5g connectivity. and all the applications that flow from it, but also try and get a competitive advantage on other countries in this space. everyone i have spoken to about the 5g and the new tech that they work with is really excited about it, and from spot the dog to augmented reality, it is not hard to see why,
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it is all really cool stuff. there is a serious side to it as well — it makes the work faster and more safe, and means less people need to come here to the site and deal with these ever—changing shetland weather conditions. it is a win—win, really. this is this week's tech news. it's now possible to ask google to remove websites containing personal information, like your phone number or e—mail address from search results. google says it will help protect against identity theft and fraud, but warns that information will still exist online. apple is being forced to explain why other providers can't make use of the contactless payment technology on iphones. it's after the eu accused it of being anti—competitive by limiting the feature to just applepay. by excluding others from the game, apple has unfairly shielded its applepay wallet from competition.
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if proven, this behaviour would amount to abuse of a dominant position, which is illegal under our rules. we are used to the owners of facebook telling us that the future of shopping will be in the metaverse, but this week it is opening its first physical shop. the metastore in california will sell products like the quest 2 headset and portal. fancy hanging out with your favourite artists on roblox? these are the possibilities touted by the game's new spotify island where fans possibly music stars will mingle, make music at virtual beat maker stations and of course purchase merch. i'm off to see if ed sheeran fancies a brick battle. i'm prepped for battle. wrote this while training for a boxing match, but it ain't a hassle. this is battle rapping. it's a complex art and
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the aim is spontaneity, emotional impact and most of the time, humour. hashtag date night. old el paso dinner kit. for years i've wanted to rap but i've never got past the rhyming perfectly stage, or even being able to do it off the cuff. doing it off the phone doesn't look that cool. 0ur planet earth fits a million times into the sun. six months to get to mars if you take the shortest run. but going from reading rhymes to spitting bars on the stage takes a lot of work. seats on a spaceship, they don't come for free. i'm off the beat already... i'm going to see if there might be some technology which could help me be half as good as that lot. so i've come to abbey road to meet micah, who is part of a team who created brainrap. conventionally as an artist we need to spend 10,000 hours or sometimes its 100,000 hours, sometimes it's ten years. the idea is we take that 10,000
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hours and cut it down to ten. you know that i really want to learn to rap and i hear that by wearing this and looking at this screen, i'm going to get better at it. that is true. i want to do a disclaimer that it isn't like dorothy's magic shoes. you don't put it on and fly away in the sky. the headset uses something called electroencephalogram, and that is electrical signals from your brain interpreted by machine—learning algorythms into data. yes, the headband literally reads your mind. it pairs with a laptop to combine your brain output with what you say into the microphone. i want to embrace the place where we interface. the company claims the data from your brain waves helps the system choose the best words based on your mood and also helps it understand when it's time to move on. close your eyes for us, breath in with your nose, put your hand down. breathe and open your eyes. left to right. testing, resting, digesting, divesting and ingesting. i'm questioning and suggesting,
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investing, protesting, contesting and requesting, manifesting, clandestine betting, petting, belting... it's gone very strange. 0k. what was happening was you were in a flow state, listening to the beat, you were inside it and then you open your eyes and you just went into flow state. the machine recognised that civic kept it on screen. an accomplished rapper would be able to put quite a few more words in. i will use it - and show you later. seen in the part of a swish... for an experienced rapper like micah, the system allows him to be creative because he can focus on building a story instead of worrying about finding the right words. caveat of what's going on and never be seen... it's clear using the headset takes practice, and like most new music tech, there's a chance it could freak out the old school which, let's face it, always happens. when the synthesiser came out, the music industry was terrified. i think one of the
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organisations, the musicians union, tried to ban it because they thought it would replace musicians but itjust bred a new format of music. the machine made us breed completely new formats and new genres that we haven't even thought up yet. hold on, i'm not at the genre—busting stage yet. i need to practice with the machine first. luckily improvising is actually quite natural to us humans. for example, we don't script most conversations in advance but to start performing well, we need to stop thinking as much. there is part of a brain upfront which is involved in conscious self—monitoring and self—censoring and self—reflection. these parts of the brain are shutting down during a lot of creative behaviours, and so it's almost as if the brain is trying to turn off its monitor. i don't think this is the kind of thing that amateur musicians or amateur rappers can do right away. i think that's the difference, that they are so self—conscious they are getting in their way and thinking about so many
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things that they can't turn off in the brain. speaking to a real—time rhyming dictionary does feel more fluid. so am i really being creative orjust a mouthpiece for a machine? so many musicians struggle with this question when using tech. technology can be a helpful support, but i don't actually think it can replace the human spirit and the soul. when i play with technology i try to make sure that it is a support to what i'm doing versus a replacement to the art or the organicness. with the headset planned for release injuly for between $3,000—$5,000, it's not exactly an impulse purchase. the software, however, will sell separately for a much more palatable $10, which is arguably the most fun part of the system. six weeks later, i'm back at abbey road. time is fleeting, goes by quickly. soi so i recorded it. i think they were all surprised by my improvement. whether this is due to skill
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or software, i'm not sure. # like kirk, i want to go bolder. # i thought by now i would be wiser but i'm just older.# musicians embracing new technology has always resulted in amazing creative leaps. this concept feels like one of those leaps. plus, anything that makes creativity accessible to people who don't think they can do anything as a good thing. next time i get a chance to go on stage at the don't flop battle rap, i might just take it. she's good, isn't she? brilliant. that's not the only outrageous musical behaviour going on this week. is it, lara? no. are you a raver? doi do i look like a raver? i've been sent to coventry to the uk city of culture festival for a trip into the past with a bit of a futuristic twist. i'm taking a trip back in time to 1989. this time i'm not ten years old.
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i'm heading to an illegal rave. i've just got to find it. hello? welcome to the rave. first it's time to get on a virtual reality headset, some headphones for spatial audio and a vibrating vest to feel the beat. i don't know whether i'm expected to try and re—tune on the radio? yes? iam i am slightly ahead of the game. i can change the frequency by moving up and down. the meeting point will be revealed later. - we mix motion capture, volumetric data, animation. some of it is 360 video on blue screen and 3—d environments, and we try and seamlessly sort of take you through movement within the scene to different parts of the experience. i'm on top of the record! that happens at the very start,
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when you imagine that you are inside the record player, and then you gradually get taken along this journey even to the point where you are walking along the floor trying to tune a radio. what we were looking for in terms of interaction, the key for interaction is find something that feels intuitive that maybe it uses your whole body and you get it straight away. everyone is searching for the rave at once, including the police. this is what is going on at the station. something over here. this is tim, a policeman in the acid house squad. the responsibility of the squad was to gather intelligence whilst trying to disrupt activity and gather evidence to prosecute individuals involved. were are you worried about glamorising something that was illegal? not really, no. i don't think we glamorise it. and it's not really about the illegality of the event. back in 1989, these events were unlicensed. that wasn't because they were illegal, it's
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because the licensing laws at the time were not around to stop people doing it. meanwhile i've been looking for clues at my friend's house and out and about. remember phone boxes? i'm naturally feeling i need to walk towards this phone. hello, this is amnesia house. tonight's a massive party will be taking place as scheduled. the rose and crown pub at10:30pm. that's the first meeting point. there is the music. i've got bass in a backpack. this is amazing. the backpack is called a sub pack and you wear it and basically certain frequencies in the soundtrack respond to that survey gives you a deep sort of base vibration. it is really good to build up tension. when you're outside the warehouse and you're trying to find the entrance, you feel that.
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that was important to me because i remember that feeling of coming up to a club and feeling that sense of trepidation, like, i feel nervous as i'm going on but also excited. the police have found us. i can't believe i'm now wanting to run away from the police. is that how i'm meant to feel? we didn't focus on drugs at all. we didn't really feel the need to sort of look at all those sort of basically what was going on behind—the—scenes. ultimately, it's about finding the rave and thenjust letting the rave seep through you and enjoying the rave and being with people. wow! i was totally and utterly immersed in another world there. it was fascinating to see what an emotive and important time this was for people who are part of it. it was a scene that meant so much to people and ifeel like i've learned something today. now with this piece we are sort of at the most advanced we've ever been. we have the ability to walk around.
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that's six degrees of freedom. we have interactions, we have haptics so we have wind blowing in your face. you don't know it's happening, you just feel it. you know what to do. - you are at a warehouse party. this is going to be the big one! - did you just feel it? absolutely! not that it was exactly my scene. i felt like i was living somebody else's life. that's the first time either of us have ever been to a rave. that's fair. 1989, it was all about kylie minogue for me. let's leave it there, shall we? thanks for watching. we will see you soon. goodbye.
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hello there. tuesday was a day of sunshine and showers — most of those showers were across scotland and northern ireland. and there was quite a lot of rainfall across parts of western scotland at times — some of these showers quite heavy, even some rumbles of thunder, too. for the next few days, it's going to remain breezy, rather unsettled, low pressure nearby, and we'll see showers or even longer spells of rain. now for wednesday, this feature could bring some significant rainfall to parts of england and wales throughout the day. now some of that rain really will be quite heavy across parts of wales, south—west england through wednesday morning. and then, that rain will push in towards the midlands, parts of eastern england into the afternoon — i think the northern extent of it being around the greater manchester area, not further north than that. but as this rain band begins to move south—eastwards into east anglia in the southeast, it will begin to fragment. again another windy day to come, particularly across southern britain with that rain band. quite gusty, as well, across the northwest
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of scotland, where we'll see sunshine and showers. and temperatures will range from around 14—17 celsius. pollen levels on wednesday, again, will be rather high, but maybe not quite as high across england and wales as we'll have that rain band. now, that rain will clear away from the south—east as we move through wednesday night, then skies will clear. winds will turn a little bit lighter, as well, but there'll be further showers across the north and the west of scotland in particular. now, with the clearer skies, a slightly cooler air mass — it'll be a fresher night to come for wednesday night, with temperatures down into single figures for most. the pressure chart for thursday, then, shows more weatherfronts affecting northern parts of the uk — so again, it'll be quite breezy and showery here, a little bit drierfurther south. so, best of the sunshine for england and wales throughout thursday. after that fairly fresh start, temperatures will begin to rise. more cloud, though, for northern england, northern ireland, and scotland — there's the north—west of scotland, which will see most of the showers and also the strongest of the winds. after that cool start, temperatures will reach highs of 14—18 or 19 celsius across the south. for friday, again,
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weather fronts bring more showers and blustery conditions across the north of the uk, but as we head into the weekend, this area of high pressure begins to build in. it turns sunnier and warmer, but we could see potential of some thundery showers across southern areas, especially on sunday. so, those temperatures will be building as we head on into the weekend, as that area of high pressure starts to establish itself. and there'll be increasing amounts of sunshine, but also some heavy showers in the south.
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welcome to bbc news. i'm david eades. our top stories: "shoot on sight." the orders for security forces in sri lanka amid violent protests calling for the president to step down. a warning for china — the world health organization says beijing must change course on covid. when michelle jaques zero covid strategy, we don't sustainable considering the behaviour of the virus now and what we anticipate in the future. we are in the city of 0desa as ukraine's strategic port struggles under the barrage of russian missile strikes.
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