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tv   Click  BBC News  August 6, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm BST

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betty's story's amazing. this is herfifth time doing it. we really rely on community donations and groups getting behind us, and amazing people like betty supporting us. it's the heart of the hospice, it's all of the people who come and support us, so we really do appreciate it, it's vital. betty's no stranger to danger, she's already done four wing walks, her first aged 87, and she's abseiled down cheltenham's tallest building. and once betty was strapped into the harness today, she was ready to go again. it looked exhilarating, and betty was even keen to do aerobatics. then, before too long, she was safely back on the ground. it was great, yeah, it was great. yeah, it was a bit... at the top there, but yeah, i enjoyed it! i don't know who was more scared, her or me, but once we got her up there...
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i think she's an amazing lady, absolutely incredible. we think betty has set a new world record as the oldest wing—walker to loop—the—loop. and she's not ruling out another go next year, either. will glennon, bbc news. now it's time for a look at the weather with matt taylor. hello. the sunshine continues this afternoon across the southern half of the uk. again, no rain in the forecast. a bit more cloud, though, through the afternoon in parts of north wales, north midlands, northern england. a small chance of a shower. isolated shower in northern ireland but brightening up. and brightening up too across mainland scotland compared with the morning, although further rain at times in the far north and a brisk wind. a wetter afternoon in orkney and shetland compared with this morning. temperatures a little bit down on where we should be for this stage in august. highest, though, across the south. still pretty warm in that sunshine, 22—25 degrees. through this evening and overnight further rain at times across the northern half of scotland in particular. most other parts dry with some clearer skies across england and wales.
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could get down into the mid—single figures in the countryside once again. but a milder night. and a milder start tomorrow for scotland and northern ireland. a fair bit of cloud here to begin with, patchy rain or drizzle, especially in western scotland through the day. brighter, slightly warmer day through north and north—east scotland. more sunshine to come the further south you are and again it will feel warm in that sunshine with temperatures climbing into the mid—20s.
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hello, this is bbc news. i'm lewis vaughanjones and these are the headlines... israel carries out air strikes on gaza. palestinian militants fire rockets in return. it's the worst escalation of violence there in more than a year. explosions are heard in gaza this morning after israel's military says its operation against a palestinian group could last for days. �*broken and devasted' — the british parents of 12—year—old
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archie battersbee say all legal routes to try and keep their son alive have been exhausted. they're preparing for his life support to be withdrawn. a bus carrying passengers to a roman catholic pilgrimage has crashed in northern croatia, killing 12 polish people and injuring more than 30 others. russia and ukraine accuse each other of shelling europe's biggest nuclear power plant. there are warnings of possible dispersal of radioactive particles. in the uk, the two candidates trying to become the next prime minister set out their plans to deal with forecasts of an economic downturn. chinese fighter jets fly close to taiwan's coastline, as bejing halts co—operation with the us on key issues including climate change. and europe's record drought leaves more than 100 french towns without fresh drinking water.
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now on bbc news, click. this week, we're celebrating music from videogames, orchestral style. in which i get to play in the wind section. then we'll spin more tunes whilst we press some green vinyl that's hopefully not limited edition. and the record isn't the only thing skipping — look at that majestic covered gymnastic, well co—ordinated... alright, stop it! i don't know about you, but this how i spent my time growing up. while lara was out with friends, i was exploring the universe in my
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cobra mk iii spacecraft. excuse me, i was a pretty good bmxer in my time. still can't ride an actual bike that well, but as long as i was steering with a keyboard i was a totally rad rider. official terminology, there, i'm sure. definitely. 0k. look, gaming became really important to a whole generation in the 1980s, and although we're now no longer kids, many of us are still playing, which is why games can afford to be big—budget blockbusters, and last year the uk games market was worth more than £7 billion. another result of the amount of time that video—gaming has been around is the way it's permeated into other areas of our lives. yes, and equally it's started to draw on and draw in other parts of our culture — and that includes music. prodigy's firestarter plays. the first time i realised that games decided to take their music scores seriously was when i played wipeout 2097
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and realised that the accompanying soundtrack was not random plinky—plock, it was firestarter by the prodigy. and in recent years it's been recognised as a major art form. well—known hollywood composers like hans zimmer and michael giacchino have turned their hands to writing scores for games. and that's why this week videogames came to the uk's best—known celebration of classical music, the proms, and pokemon took over the albert hall. so let's give it a go — start from the top. i'm at the bbc�*s maida vale studios for the final rehearsals of the first ever gaming prom, called from 8—bit to infinity.
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it's a celebration of gaming music through the ages, all played by the royal philharmonic orchestra, a performance that should take many gamers back — way back. in the same way as you hear a song on the radio, and it reminds of a certain time in your life — maybe who you were with, what you are doing — when you hear a piece of music from a videogame, it takes you right back to that point in your life that you were at when you were playing that game, and maybe who you are playing it with. so i'm — i'm in my 305, growing up with — megadrive was my first console, and if i hear sonic, i immediately get put straight into that christmas where me and my two sisters got our first console. robert eames is a conductor and arranger who's worked on film scores and who's conducted previous proms based on experimental electronic music and sci—fi movies. he's helped to curate the choise of music here,
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which is a journey through the �*80s, through pokemon, final fantasy viii, shadow of the colossus, and all the way up to battlefield 2042. and in order to recreate the sounds and feelings of these games, some of which emerged through tiny, tinny speakers on the zx spectrum, he's augmented the traditional orchestral make up ever so slightly. you have an electronically expanded orchestra. can you show me your electronic expansion? yeah, ican. ican. it's not a large expansion. well, you know, it's quality, not quantity, that's important. so this is — this is spectrum sound, basically. so it's loaded with actual zx spectrum sounds? yeah. absolutely. the main expansion, i would say, is finding super creative ways to make the electronic sound acoustic. i thought this was just a kind of stress reliever when i saw it, but... yeah. they're awesome, aren't they?
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this is white noise, basically. the sound of that will be coming through, you know, a massive array of speakers, so you get this — this lovely crinkly sound. do you have to tune this before you go on? no. are you sure? no. does the here change the... this is true. you're really going next level, which is great. this is their electronic powerhouse set up. so especially for battlefield. so here you've got a load of electronic stems from the original score, and they're being controlled individually and blended in with what the orchestra are doing. a lot of modern videogames come with ready—made orchestral scores — that is the music that you hear in the game. but when you think about it, if you're trying to adapt music from a 1980s computer game, you're basically talking about taking beeps and boops — that's all it is, just single notes — and somehow adapting it and turning it into something that can be played by an orchestra this size. i mean, that's a hell
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of a lot of work. i say beeps and boops, but some of those early theme songs were pretty clever, giving the feeling of chords and multitrack audio even though computers could only create one sound at a time. it's something that astounded a young matt rogers, who's now been asked to arrange a new version of the theme tune to this, the 1987 zx spectrum game, chronos. i did like the game, but i used to load the game more to listen to the music. i would be sitting with my ear to the spectrum. and the thing was when i came to arrange it, i already knew it inside out, because i have known it for a long time. matt's challenge was notjust to transplant the original arrangement to an orchestra — which, of course, wouldn't sound that great — no, instead, he expanded it in length and in breadth.
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even the compositions of modern games like battlefield 2042 have to be interpretations, because these days gaming scores aren't even linear pieces of music — every time you play, the music changes to follow the action. what's important to understand is that composing for a game is such a multifaceted job. you have to compose for when nothing's going on. or when action is happening. you have to account for the fact that the player might do something unpredictable. the amount of music and the amount talent that goes into even a 10—hour game, let alone a 50 or 100—hour game, it takes an awful lot of talent and hard work — not just from composers but everyone who works on game audio — and recognising it is really important. and that recognition is finally coming. next year, the grammys will feature a category for best videogame score soundtrack for the first time. overdue? maybe. it feels like gaming music's really having a moment.
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lots of fans. really passionate fans. i would say there was a point where, perhaps, the wider musical establishment didn't respect videogame music, but i also think that's true for film music and tv music back in — back in time. usually it just takes a bit of time for cultural and arts institutions to catch up, but i think we can safely say that we've got there in the end. just like a lot of film scores, this is obviously pretty atmospheric. so although it's a perfectly good piece of classical composition, my guess is if you know the game, and what bit this relates to, it will heighten your enjoyment. in fact, the battlefield 2042 performance is where those strange additions really do theirjob, allowing the orchestra to produce some sounds that they really shouldn't be able to do.
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on the night, in the albert hall, the gaming prom sounded beautiful, exciting, and innovative. and if you'd like to experience it yourself, it's on iplayer right now. ok, more music for you now — and did you know that more than 5 million vinyl records were sold in the uk last year? sales are now at their highest for 30 years. now, these records are made from pvc — that's polyvinyl chloride, a material that environmental campaign groups and some music—lovers would like to see less of in the world, not more. for some music—lovers, this experience is one of the best they can get. as a record collector and someone who cares about the environment, i am worried about how much plastic is being used.
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i've come to amsterdam to see how vinyl�*s made and perhaps buy a few records along the way. amsterdam is home to one of the largest vinyl presses in the world, with millions being made here each year. the process to make one of these albums has been the same for at least 40 years. first, the master disc is made of metal and converted into a stamper. then pvc pellets are loaded into the machine, melted, and pressed into the mould. but according to greenpeace, pvc is the most environmentally damaging of all the plastics. do you think about the environmental impact? a couple of years ago, in the news it was that they found a lot of plastic in the oceans, so the first
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thing, of course, what happens is you get a call, like, "hey, can you press with the plastic from the ocean?" it's always difficult to explain to some people that we can use whatever to make things greener, while you want to keep the quality of the product as it is now — and that's impossible. impossible? well, one company, not far away, in eindhoven, diagrees. i'm harm theunisse from green vinyl records. harm theunisse has plowed everything into developing and patenting a new robotic pressing machine. we have already succeeded in making environmentally friendly vinyl records. we use no pvc, we're using 90% less energy, we don't have the label with the paper — it's a printed label. so here, what's happening now? i am moving the whole injection unit forward into position
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so we can start injecting the plastic against my negatives. and every 20 seconds there's a record coming out of this press. this is so cool. after the record is moulded, this robot takes over the rest, removing it from the machine, cooling the record, printing the label, and pressing it for packing. it uses less energy than typical vinyl production and avoids using pvc, instead substituting it with a safer form of plastic, pet, which can be recycled. one of the main things they have been trying to improve is how the record actually sounds. the quality is equal or better. you will buy one and listen to it yourself and you will hear the difference. so, hot off the press. we've got this record that has just come off the machine. crystal clear. and you've got some good
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artists you're pressing for now. do you feel that the artists are more environmentally conscious? no, not at all. it may be a long way to go before bands and singers are pushing for this change in methods but what about the traditional manufacturers? i was involved in the green vinyl project when they started up because i was interested in the way they tried to make records. so if the product that comes from an injection moulding press is good enough and looks well enough for our customers, it may be worthwhile to look into that. saying that, the machines are massively more expensive than the presses we use over here and we just bought. back home and i am thinking differently about my record collection after my trip to the netherlands. and although there is a long way to go until the table is turned, there is hope that future generations will be able to relish listening to music on vinyl without worrying about its impact
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on our climate. now it is time for this week's tech news. dating app tinder is swiping left on its boss. renate nyborg's exit is part of a wider shakeup by the parent company match after financial results were not as good as expected. she has only been ceo for less than a year and her departure has nothing to do with the fact that we spoke to her two weeks ago. surgeons have used virtual reality to help successfully separate brazilian twins born with fused brains. doctors in brazil and britain wore vr headsets to test techniques before operating on the three—year—olds. there is quite a lot of planning involved in this type of surgery and all the planning rooms and the simulation runs we did in virtual reality, the actual surgery, for the actual surgery i physically went to rio and did the surgery there with the team. it was an exceptionally talented team there and with our experience we managed to deliver a good outlook for the boys. scientists in the united states have created a wearable ultrasound sticker the size of
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a postage stamp that is capable of imaging internal organs. it is hoped the device will give doctors a more detailed picture of a patient�*s health and cut the need for bulky equipment. and a group of deaf people in the uk have started testing out these glasses that, when connected to a phone, can convert conversations into subtitles. the software can recognise who is speaking and it will soon be available to people on the ee phone network for a monthly cost. my name is mike poole. for 31 years, i was a graphic designer and did a lot of trips for different brands, doing shoots around the world. it was good fun. seven years ago mike's globetrotting career came to a halt literally overnight. we had gone to a party on the friday night and i went to work on saturday morning and went to get out of bed and i couldn't stop myself falling. i landed on the floor
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and my wife said, "what are you doing down there?" i said, "i cannot feel my legs". and that was it. an hour later i was in the uch being told i'd had a one—sided stroke. mike is one of 1.3 million stroke survivors in the uk. and like him, the majority left hospital with a disability. he can't feel his left arm, hand or leg. it's going ok. i mean, i don't quite know where it is going yet. since his stroke he has taken up painting, regularly visiting headway, a day centre for people affected by brain injury in east london. trying to rescue an old painting. very blue, i can see. it's very blue. part of my blue period, yeah. if i could get my left arm to work again it would be fantastic. even if i could just use my arm to hold down something maybe if chopping vegetables or something. if i could cook again, that would be a great help. through the charity he has been trying out, and on, a new bit of kit that aims to restore movement to his left hand.
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i'm willing to give anything a go that to restore some normality to my life. the extensor is the muscle running all the way up here. he is participating in research by knitregen, a medical tech firm housed in the royal college of arts accelerator. alongside neuroscientists it is developing smart assistive clothing that so far, apparently, has seen a 30—50% boost in recovered function and the secret is in the sleeve. this device here directs a forces to a specific muscle in the wearer's arm so that over time it can retrain the brain so that eventually a wearer can regain control of their limb. it is to be worn for several hours per day as current data suggests the longer the garment keeps tapping away, the greater the results. can you feel anything? nothing. no sensation? i feel a slight sort of pulsing but no real response in my hand yet.
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the gains are not necessarily seen immediately. and that is really important to know. so what we're doing is we're paring a companion app with the technology so that you can see what is happening and try to make it as transparent as possible. because if you do not see any gains to begin with, you might give up. a huge problem with medical devices for rehabilitation is getting people to want to use them and in the case of wearables, like the thing that they will put on time after time. this could be a t—shirt, this could be an everyday shirt, this could be just something that you wear and people don't go, "hey, what's that and why are you wearing that? what is that for?" what that ends up doing is that it brings back this trauma, the experience, the story behind their stroke or their brain injury which they then have to relive and tell again and again. it will literallyjust do that all the time? the garment is also designed to be worn along with headphones that
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will deliver a click sound that will help trigger a physical reaction. if you deliver a tap and then a startling sound second, you can activate muscle activity. if you reverse the order and you deliver a sound and then a tap you can suppress muscle activity. people say, "this is part of my life experience, you know, and this is who i am now." absolutely fine. but we want people to have a choice. it is very early days. the system is currently being only lab tested and while participants are showing a muscle response, it could be some time before we see any life—changing results. ok, summer is here so time, maybe, to get fit and relaxed. but no need to go very far when there are so many summer
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gadgets around to help, and lara has been checking some of them out. first comes a break from all the hard work with the device called sensate which aims to replicate the benefits of meditation without all the practice. you put the device on around your neck like this, connect to the smartphone app, put these in and it is time to relax for ten, 20 or 30 minutes. you can choose the soothing music you listen to while the device uses what is called infrasound resonance which is carried via bone conduction technology and aims to train the vagus nerve. while there is no medical validation for sensate it is claimed that the device — which is based on science — will, over time, strengthen that nerve and in doing so improve resilience to stress. it does provide a rather comforting hum which i think does feel relaxing, so i may
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not feel i've been on holiday after using it, but possibly this is how you feel after meditation. now time to spend some energy. this is the renpho smartjump rope. it connects to your mobile phone so you can track your skipping for a bit of cardio anywhere, any time. the rope connects via bluetooth and is meant to be tracking skip time, number of skips, calories burned and tangles. for me, more of the latter. beeping. and now the minute is up! 0k. let's start again. that was a bit rubbish. i'm going for free jump. less pressure. we did manage to catch a few jumps on camera as well as fill up the click outtakes collection. once you get into it, it is all right although i feel
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like i have done a half hour workout, and i've done about 20 jumps. it's quite a lot of fun if you are already good at skipping. if you can'tjump over the rope, that is a problem straightaway. even though it has a nice system of making it the right length and it feels like a decent rope. ijust need to be swapped in for someone else. definitely enough of that. this pair of devices are called jlab frames and you attach them to the side of a pair of sunglasses or regular glasses to turn them into audio glasses and they are a lot cheaper than buying the glasses that do the job. they have eight hours battery life and they also have a microphone and speaker just here so you can talk to anybody and listen and you can even summon your virtual assistant. they feel a bit clumsy to wear but you get used to it soon enough and the sound quality is pretty decent. it isjust, would i really choose wearing these over a pair of ear buds when it comes to it?
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and, finally, to choose what to listen to on a fine summer's day. blinkist is an app that takes non—fiction books and breaks them down into 15 minutes' worth of content which you can either read or listen to. each chapter, or blink as it is called, sums up a key message from the book and, yes, i know this concept is not for everyone. orfor all the time. of course there are times when you want to listen to or read the whole book and i am worried that sometimes it does stop me, but generally this just gives you an opportunity to learn about subjects that you may not want to invest so much time in. so there you have it. maybe all the relaxation, entertainment and activity you could possibly want without needing to go anywhere. or... ..maybe not. i was doing this fine yesterday before we were filming. basically you just want to play with some toys? yes. but i only get to do it twice a year. at ces and in the summer.
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you can do anything in summer. i should have practised the skipping a bit more off—camera because it was a little clumsy. and they were the best bits. they were the best bits? blimey. i know where the outtakes are. listen, that is it from us. thank you for watching and we will see you soon. bye— bye. hello. if you're on your summer holidays across the southern half of the uk this weekend, you're probably loving the weather, but if you're after some rainfall, maybe not so much. that rain once again limited to parts of scotland with most places staying dry. that shows up on our rainfall charts for how much is mounting up over the next five days. chiefly across scotland and even then mainly towards the north and west. notice no blue on the chart for england and wales, it stays dry,
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not just for the next five days but potentially well beyond that. as for the rainfall today, easing off to parts of western scotland compared with the morning. we'll have further rain at times this afternoon on the blustery wind spreading into orkney and shetland. the odd shower elsewhere here, northern ireland. a bit more cloud through northern england, north wales and north midlands. the sunniest in the south, highest temperature, 22—25. some a little bit cooler than we expect at this stage in august. through this evening and overnight, it will turn quite fresh again across england and wales under clear skies. a little bit of cloud here and there. more cloud, though, across scotland. further rain and drizzle, especially across the west. temperatures, though, holding up here and in northern ireland tonight, but the blue, the green colours across parts of wales, the midlands, south west, indicating temperatures in single figures again to start tomorrow, but another dry and sunny day for much of england and wales. varying amounts of cloud. a bit more cloud to cumbria, northumberland, southern and western scotland. west of scotland, some further light rain or drizzle. that'll stop the temperatures rising a little bit. but elsewhere starting to lift up a touch. and a brighter, slightly warmer day
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across parts of the north and north—east of scotland.


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