tv Our World BBC News October 29, 2022 4:30am-5:00am BST
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this is bbc news, the headlines: a new wave of violence has broken out in iran — with security forces firing on anti—government protestors. iranian state media says one person has been shot dead in the south—eastern city of zahedan while“; people, including members of the security forces, were wounded. president biden has condemned an attack on the husband of the leading democrat, nancy pelosi as despicable. mr biden said there was too much hatred in us politics. a man was arrested and charged with attempted murder, after paul pelosi was beaten with a hammer at his home in san francisco. the final televised debate of brazil's bitterly contested presidential campaign has been taking place in rio dejaneiro.
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this is the last chance for the candidates — jair bolsonaro and luiz inacio lula da silva, to reach millions of brazilians before sunday's election run—off vote. to sweden now, where researchers are close to completing the first crash test dummy based on an average woman. for decades, car safety features have been designed and tested using dummies representing the size, for decades, car safety features have been designed and tested using dummies representing the size, relative weight and anatomy of an average man. shiona mccallum reports. crash test dummies are used to test how well car safety features protect people against injury. but not everyone is equally protected. women are three times more likely to suffer whiplash than men, if they're in a car that is hit from behind. although whiplash isn't usually fatal, it can cause serious impairment disabilities.
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sarah's car was hit from behind last month. it was a really big shock at the time, and my daughter was absolutely crying her eyes out. her neck was hurting. she said her back as well. got stiff neck and shoulders. the anxiety of, are you going to be able to do yourjob because of your aches and pains? some scientists say more representative crash test dummies are an important step in improving car safety. engineers here in sweden have been busy working on the first crash test dummy that represents the average woman. in order to ensure that you identify the seats that have the best protection for both part of the population, you definitely need to have the part of the population at highest risk represented. currently, the industry predominantly uses average male
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dummies in car safety tests, although there are a number of dummies with different weights, ages and sizes. the crucial point, though, the average female is not represented. you can assess how it interacts with the seat during the crash, and also how well it protects the occupant. dr linder�*s dummies are designed specifically to test how well cars protect people from injuries in low impact rear collisions. females are somewhat shorter and lighter than males on average, and then we also have differences in muscle strength, which plays a role in terms of how you respond to a crash. the engineers are performing tests on the dummy, to see what happens to her in a simulated rear crash. you see that this is a very low severity, it's 7km/h, there will probably not be a scratch on your car,
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but you see the amount of motion that goes on in our body. it has taken decades to get here, but dr linde's work, which will be published next month, brings with it hopes that women will one day be safer behind the wheel. shiona mccallum, bbc news, sweden. now, ourworld: svalbard's climate change fight. deep in the arctic circle, there's a place under threat like no other. this is svalbard, the fastest warming spot on earth. it's out of control. it's... it's really impacting our lives and the wildlife around us. it's scary. it's climate change on fast forward. we know that the clock is ticking, but i choose to stay hopeful, actually.
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yeah. i can't do anything else. we want to know what's being done to save svalbard as we know it. we are testing new technology, new systems. but even here, are they really ready to give up fossil fuels in the middle of an energy crisis in europe? they haven't found - the perfect substitute yet, so coal are still here to stay. and now the war in ukraine is undermining the international fight against climate change. one of the consequences is that the official exchange with russian institutions is not possible at this time. it's a dangerous moment for all we meet, those trying to survive at the ground zero of climate change. we're on the top of the world.
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we have the whole world around us. my name is olaf store. i'm an artist living in longyearbyen. i have been living here for 23 years. we've come to meet olaf and his dog boss at his studio in svalbard's capital. the archipelago's seasons and the unique arctic wilderness have been the inspiration for his life's work. the 10th of february. you have all the possible blue colours around you, day and night. and then you have the pastels coming, the yellowish lights turning a little red. later, the sun comes, and it comes more and more and more of it, till it becomes so much light that you are tired of it. you have light for four months and then the darkness comes. by new year's eve,
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it's all black. but you have... you have the moon, you have the stars. you can really see the stars here. you can see the milky way over your head. you can see the northern lights, which is like flames over the sky. this is a land of beauty and extremes. so what's it like to live at 78 degrees north, the most northern permanent settlement on earth? it's impossible to explain to anyone. it's so different. there is nothing between you and the feeling of nature. there is nothing between you and the feeling of something
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much, much bigger than yourself. maybe it's god. i don't know. you are here and you have to survive. survival is a word that comes up a lot in svalbard. there have always been threats, but this part of the world faces new ones, as everyone who lives here experiences the effects of climate change first—hand. the summers have become warmer. there are hardly any ice in the fjords any more, so it's changing. someone who has seen these changes is arctic explorer and adventurer hilde falun strom. along with her husband steinar and alaskan malamute ettra, hilde is taking us out on an overnight expedition to show how nature is changing. if we're lucky, we could see whales, reindeers and birds, of course, maybe an arctic fox. and if we're super lucky, i mean, a polar bear?
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and very soon, we are in luck. amazing! amazing. they look extremely chilled. you see the cub sort of teasing her mum a little bit. so... but, yeah, they're super calm. to survive as a polar bear now, i think you have to be super good at hunting because their main source of food, the seals, they are diminishing. and the ice that both the seal and the polar bears are dependent on are diminishing. it's getting less and less ice. and that's really scary. and...nowhere else in the world do you find polar bears where there are no ice. so, if the ice is disappearing,
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the polar bears are going to disappear. it's really sad, super sad. and it sort of... the polar bear has to me, and i'm sure to everyone, it's become a symbol of what's happening. since the 1980s, the amount of summer ice has halved, and some scientists fear it will be gone altogether by 2035. the polar bears are so hungry in this part of the arctic, they've been hunting reindeer on land, something they normally wouldn't eat. and it's notjust polar bears. all of the arctic�*s unique wildlife is trying to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. these beluga whales have decided to go for a quick dip, but they're swimming in water
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that's much hotter than it used to be. and all wildlife here in svalbard is having to adapt to this hotter world. you can hear them now. it's hotter in the water and it's hotter in the air too. the changes are very dramatic, very large _ wherever i look around us, i see change. so, it's very profound. climate scientist kim holmen has been documenting these changes for nearly half a century. today, he's our guide and polar bear guard. you need a gun for protection every time you venture off
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the main road of the capital, longyearbyen. kim was living on the archipelago back in 1990 when the united nations issued its first dire warning of the effects of climate change. the worst case scenario, the largest emissions scenarios, were dismissed as alarmist or whatever. painfully, humankind has many a time surpassed the worst case scenario. we must actually start turning the tide. and i had no... ..imagination that it would be doing as much as it has. in his time studying svalbard, it's transformed dramatically. it's now warming six times quicker than the rest of the world. this area here was covered with
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ice when i first came here. it is a very obvious, very strong image of change. we're pretty much done with the ice here. kim explains that warm air is carried here by the gulf stream, one of the strongest ocean currents in the world. and where the ice melts, the ocean absorbs even more heat. it has implications for all of us. the glacier melting away behind me is pouring out into the ocean and contributes to sea level rise. and all the glaciers here on svalbard are melting faster than ever. sea level rise influences you in the uk. it influences the netherlands, bangladesh, many a place on the planet. many of us live along the shore.
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the north—south tension in europe, the north—south tension in the world, will be exacerbated by climate change. svalbard is on the front line of climate change. you can see how this glacier is thinning out, beating a sad retreat. and just have a look at how much ice has already been lost over the years. and scientists warn that what's happening here is a sign of things to come if stronger collective action is not taken now. the planet is already committed to further change. so whether you like it or not, svalbard will be different in the future. nevertheless, there are still remnants that can be saved. and the more we save, the better is our future. but the future here feels precarious, partly because of what's fuelling the local economy — tourism. svalbard is attracting
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hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, putting further strain on this fragile environment. huskies, once used for vital transport, now carry around the tourists here to witness this disappearing landscape. and not everyone is happy about it. it makes me a little bit sad that mining history is fading away. now, it's like a la la land for tourists. ok, let's go. my name is bentjakobsen. i'm a coal miner in mine 7 in longyearbyen, norway. despite being on the front line of climate change, svalbard still relies on coal, as we're finding out. now we are in one of the two production sites we have here in mine 7, eight kilometres in the mine. this is a world few outsiders can appreciate unless they've seen and felt it for themselves.
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i feel calm. it's like my world. so, yeah, ifeel quite safe. i like it. i couldn't imagine doing anything else. but all this is to end, or so we've been told. bent�*s company, the government—owned store norske, has announced that mine 7, svalbard and norway's last remaining mine, will soon close forever. it makes me sad. i'm... you know, being there all my life, almost, and that's what i've been knowing. it was a mining town and now it's coming to an end. it's more and more of a tourist town. what do you say to those who argue coal mining's a thing of the past, it has to finish, if we're going to save the planet from global warming? if you can't get it from here, you will take it from somewhere else. they haven't found the perfect substitute yet, so coal are still here to stay.
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but what about when the mine closes? what will power svalbard? during our visit, we were taken to the outskirts of the archipelago, where the mining company store norske is experimenting with alternative energy sources. so now we are heading to our technical building, where we have the diesel engines and the batteries... the idea is that a mixture of renewables will fuel arctic communities in the future. this is quite new, especially in svalbard, so it takes time for the authorities to kind of get used to this idea. and also we need to prove how good it is for both operations, economically and also for the environment. and i think we can prove that with this pilot. but the mining company is still waiting for approval from the authorities, both in svalbard and on the norwegian mainland, about which green energy solutions it will be allowed to pursue.
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why the delay? we went to see one of the top officials on the archipelago. solutions are there. why haven't you got a plan in place already to protect this place? the tough answer to that is that we probably haven't been paying enough attention. but we have been really awakened for the last year, to see that we actually need to do things to produce secure energy for the local community. that has been, of course, very important for us. but there's a problem. since our visit, the state—owned mining company has performed a u—turn. it's now delayed the closure of the last coal mine because, it says, europe's energy crisis makes it a more profitable operation now. and in another blow to the climate fight, the war in ukraine has halted cooperation between scientists in russia and in the west.
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one of the consequences is that the official exchange with russian institutions is not possible at this time. half of the arctic is russian coastline, and if we are unable to share knowledge and data, it will hamper our ability to understand what is happening. it will. we need each other in order to do good science. and cooperation is needed more than ever here — if the arctic is to be a place of peace, not confrontation. life here, it is so on the limits, so on the edge. maybe we should leave svalbard to the scientists. but we can't do that out of political reasons because this is kind of a political hot spot. the arctic has been
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and will be. singing i am the world's northernmost vicar, and i have the whole of svalbard — or spitsbergen, as many says — as my congregation — nearly 3,000 people from more than 50 nations. this is siv limstrand. she's invited us to the wedding of a local couple — ellinor, a teacher, and jan—erik, an ex—miner. we can contribute to the world, like kind of a showcase. you know, "this is what happens "if we continue polluting the way we do. "this is how serious it gets, you know?" so that's also why it's important for us to share our experience. we know that the clock is ticking, but i choose to stay hopeful, actually. yeah. i can't do anything else.
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climate—induced dangers hang over the community. if you are witnessing something, like, ringside, you are kind of also kind of obliged to reflect on it and also to act on it...within your reach or your limits. every sunday, when we gather for worship, a part of our intercessions is always about the climate change and the threats. it's something that we always spend a lot of time on. it's deeply connected with our faith in a god who created everything to be good. and now it's definitely not good because creation itself is sort of... we messed it up and we are kind of... our lifestyles have threatened people. in that respect, it's very close to us. this is not now regarded
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as a good and safe place for the cemetery, so we are establishing a new cemetery just north of the church, in respect of both the living and the dead. with the layer of frozen ground — the permafrost — melting, there's a greater chance of avalanches in the winter and landslides in the summer. we can see the huge landslide from october 2016. and it went on the north...and the south side of the cemetery. and luckily, it didn't kind of wash the cemetery down to the river. and now when i look at it...�*s like a wound, you know?
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and maybe... reminds us somehow of this wounded planet. across longyearbyen, everyone and everything is having to adapt and confront new dangers. in 2015, a devastating avalanche hit the town. it's left a deep scar on the community. and for hilde falun strom, who was there when it happened, the avalanche has had a massive effect. it ended up to be a huge tragedy. two people died, a two—year—old girl and a 43—year—old man. so it's... it's hard to describe how that felt and how scary that it was, that you weren't safe inside your own home any more.
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it changed the whole community. it's changed me. the power of nature that i have been so fascinated of was totally out of control. the avalanche inspired hilde to take action. she set up a project called hearts in the ice with a friend, sunniva sorby. they spent nearly two years on their own in the most remote wilderness of svalbard. during this time, they did important work as citizen scientists, generating vital information for professional institutions. we contacted nasa, norwegian polar institute and unis in longyearbyen, and they were all so very interested in us being so remote for such a long time —
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during the dark season in particular, where they don't have scientists out in the field. so we were collecting data, then, for...two winters. i guess i had this climate despair, and ijust wanted to...become more actively engaged in the solutions and learn more about it. so hilde's mission continues — to inspire as many people as possible to make the changes the planet desperately needs. we have to try. i mean, we need renewable energy. we need different ways of travel. we need different find ways to feed ourselves. we need different lifestyles. but i don't think that's a bad thing. i think that could be a great thing. for all hilde's positivity, elsewhere in svalbard, there's a warning from the past of how once thriving communities can be consigned to history if they don't adapt.
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it feels very surreal here, a weird, eerie atmosphere. this place is completely frozen in time, a monument to a bygone age when the coal powered everything here. it was the lifeblood of the whole community. this is the abandoned soviet settlement of pyramiden, the world's northernmost ghost town. today, though, it's a stark reminder of what the future might look like for the rest of the archipelago if solutions aren't found quickly enough. with svalbard on the brink and still no answers to its own energy dilemma, what cause for optimism elsewhere? this latest global climate summit will be dominated by the effects of war in europe. our governments will be asked once again what sacrifices
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they're willing to make today to save tomorrow. hello. the weekend weather delivers more of the same of what we've had over the past week — couple of weeks, actually. it'll be very mild, actually. it will feel quite warm when we get see some sunshine. there will be rain at times, too. we have low pressure anchored to the west of the uk at the moment throwing across us at times these rain—bearing weather fronts and even when they're not moving in, there are showers around. but all the while, with some changing for now is the air coming up from the south, keeping temperatures well above the average for this stage of october. another spell of rain moving in overnight and into the mornings through wales and parts of england and actually, a little bit cooler first thing compared with friday morning.
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some spots in single figures. through the day, this rain is moving its way northwards, so through the morning, northern england, eventually reaching northern ireland and then, through the afternoon spreading north through scotland, not reaching the far north until the evening where some sunshine hangs on for longest. behind it, further heavy showers from northern ireland, northern england, wales and the south—west. much of the midlands, though, especially to east anglia and the south—east, having a fine afternoon and this is where there'll be some hazy sunshine in the south—east, lifting temperatures into the low 20s — 22 degrees celsius in london, compared with an average of 1a. rain to northern scotland, then, into the evening. some showers pushing further eastwards we go through saturday night and into sunday morning. a night, of course, where you'll remember to push the clocks back to mark the end of british summer time. and as for temperatures, a little bit higher again as we start off on sunday. there's a lingering weather front east anglia and the south—east during sunday. that will make for a cloudier, cooler day and there'll be some spells of rain hanging on on those weather fronts at times. elsewhere, it's sunny spells
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and there will be showers. and if you catch these, they're likely to be heavy, could come with a rumble of thunder, perhaps some hail as well and gusty winds. it's a windier day on sunday and especially around western coastal areas — there may be some gusts of 50 miles an hour or so — so some coastal gales around here and temperatures into the mostly mid to upper teens. there are weather changes on the way next week. we will still have areas of low pressure, more weather fronts coming our way and, indeed, into monday as it gradually turns wetter toward the end of the day across the south and west of the uk initially. so, more of the same in regards to windy weather next week with rain at times but this is going to be significant — temperatures gradually heading downwards. closer to the average for early november, just the average, but it'll feel very different compared with what we've had.
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this is bbc world news. i'm rich preston. our top stories: president biden condemns an attack on the husband of the house speaker, nancy pelosi, saying there's too much hatred in us politics. this is despicable. there is no place in america, there is too much violence, political violence, too much hatred. a new wave of deadly clashes in iran with security forces firing on anti—government protestors. the candidates in brazil's presidential election run—off trade insults in a bad—tempered televised debate, ahead of sunday's election.
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