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tv   BBC News  BBC News  February 17, 2023 3:00am-3:31am GMT

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welcome to bbc news. i'm lisa—marie misztak. our top stories... the bbc hears from two leaders on opposing sides of the war in ukraine. president zelensky warns neighbouring belarus against helping russia launch a new offensive. it will be big mistake, for him and for belarussia, it will be a historical mistake. but belarus�* leader, alexander luckoshenko, tells foreign journalists he would be prepared to allow his territory to be used again for any new invasion. translation: yes, i'm ready. you say invasion, we have different views of this. i'm ready to provide territory again. in other news... the state of ohio asks washington forfederal support after a train derailment releases toxic chemicals into the air, soil and water. a year after retiring, the family of hollywood actor bruce willis say
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his health�*s deteriorated. he's now suffering from a type of dementia. and stars gather for a fashionable farewell. a memorial�*s held in london for dame vivienne westwood who died in december aged 81. two leaders on opposing sides of the war in ukraine have spoken to the bbc in the run—up to the one year anniversary of russia's invasion. ukraine's president zelensky tells us he won't concede territory to russia in any future peace deal to end the war. he insists doing so would leave ukraine "weaker as a state," and give vladimir putin cause to want to "keep coming back". meanwhile, one of the russian leader's staunchest allies, alexander lukashenko of belarus, has told the bbc he'd be willing to allow russia to launch a fresh ground
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assault from his country. we'll hear from steve rosenberg in the belarusian capital minsk in a moment. but first, here's our world affairs editor, john simpson, in kyiv. a year on, president zelensky may be stressed and deeply tired, but there's a definite spring in his step. compared with the last time i met him, four months ago, he seemed a lot more confident, even though russia may soon unleash a new onslaught. translation: they are coming from several directions - and we understand it but we are holding defence. modern weapons, powerful weapons, when we get them, speed up liberation and peace because weapons are the only language which russia understands. the fact is, he knows that his nato friends are slowly giving him many of the weapons he needs,
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and he is sure ukraine can hold out until it is able to launch a major counterattack of its own. so he is certainly not minded to make any concessions to russia. translation: any territorial compromises will only - weaken our country. why? it is not about the word compromise. why would we be afraid of it? we have a million compromises in our lives. they happen every day. the question is, with whom? a compromise with putin? no, because there is no trust. dialogue with him? no, because there is no trust. so no question now of agreeing to let russia have any part of eastern ukraine, and, he says, no peace is possible while russia holds on to crimea. and meanwhile, looking back... a year ago, would you have thought that you would be sitting here, still president,
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and the war would still be going on? translation: today, - there is already confidence that we will have a positive, victorious result. there is more confidence in that. now, though, belarus is threatening to let itself be used by russian troops for an attack on neighbouring ukraine. it will be a big mistake, for him and for belarussia. it will be a historical mistake. but if belarussia does involve itself with the attack, can you survive? we will fight. we will survive. we will survive, yeah. john simpson, bbc news, kyiv. well, you heard president zelensky there responding to the possibility that belarus could allow russian troops to launch a new attack on ukraine from belarusian soil. a year ago, alexander
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lukashenko, granted permission for russian forces to mass on his borderfrom where their gound invasion began. lukashenko is a close ally of vladimir putin, but isn't recognised in the west as the legitimate president of belarus. steve rosenberg has more from the capital, minsk. few people know vladimir putin as well as he does. alexander lu kashenko, the authoritarian leader of belarus. he has agreed to take questions about the war in ukraine, and his role in it. one year ago, i say, you let russia use your country as a staging ground for invading ukraine. are you prepared to do that again? translation: i am ready to provide territory again | but i am also ready to wage war, together with the russians, from the territory of belarus, but only if anyone, even one soldier, comes to our land from ukraine to kill my people. a year ago, there wasn't any
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threat to you from ukraine. you don't understand the situation very well. the usa and western europe pushed ukraine into this war. well, they've got the war they wanted. russian troops in belarus. these were only exercises, but they make ukraine nervous. it is watching closely for any sign of belarus becoming the launch pad for another russian push. mr lukashenko enjoys making the russian troops feel at home. the other thing he does a lot of is accuse the west of fuelling this war. if you continue this escalation, you will get nuclear weapons, and russia has more than anyone. if nuclear war starts, belarus will cease to exist. so i am saying we need to stop, we need to sit down at the negotiating table
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because nuclear war will wipe out the usa too. he is offering to host vladimir putin and joe biden in minsk for talks. the us leader will be in poland next week. translation: i am inviting president biden to belarus. | it's not far from warsaw — 30 minutes and he's here. i will persuade the president of russia to come too. we will sit down and reach an agreement. that is unlikely to happen. in the eyes of the west, alexander lukashenko is very much in russia's camp, doing the kremlin�*s bidding. steve rosenberg, bbc news, minsk. to the us now where president biden says three aerial objects shot down by the us in recent days appear to have nothing to do with china. he told reporters they were probably being used by private companies or for research purposes.
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i've directed my team to come back to me with sharper rules for how we will deal with these unidentified objects moving forward. distinguishing between those that are likely to pose safety and security risks that necessitate action and those that do not. but make no mistake — if any object presents a threat to the safety and security of the american people, i will take it down. let's get some of the day's other news. a special grand jury in the us state of georgia has found no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election. donald trump has repeatedly claimed the result was rigged. several witnesses were found to have lied under oath during the investigation. tesla is recalling more than 360,000 vehicles in the united states due to safety concerns over its self—driving software. the traffic safety regulator said a fault could let cars go over the speed limit or travel unpredictably. tesla says it's not aware of any injuries or deaths relating to the warning.
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the scottish national party says it will announce nicola sturgeon�*s successor as party leader and scotland's first minister on monday 27th march. candidates have until next friday to be nominated. to the situation in turkey and syria now. and 11 days on, people are still remarkably being pulled alive from the rubble left by the powerful earthquakes that hit the region. a teenage girl has been rescued from a collapsed building near the epicentre of the quakes. overall, the death toll is now more than 41,000. the united nations has launched a one billion dollars humanitarian appeal for the turkish people. our correspondent caroline davies reports from the city of adana in southern turkey. an incredible story
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of survival. carefully, with many hands, 17—year—old aleyna olmez is lifted to safety after 248 hours under the rubble. these stories that have amazed the world are often down to a few factors and chance. to survive long term, so let's say over a week or ten days or something like that, you need mainly access to two things — air and some sort of water source. so we say people can survive without water intake maybe for about three to five days or so. but i do think there's probably a huge psychological component, in the sense that, if people have hope and they believe that they will be rescued, determination probably does play a factor. many fear how long it may take them to be back in a home. in the snow—covered province of kahramanmaras, tent cities have been erected to provide some shelter. in adana, a food market is now a camp. but not for long. these tents have been in position for the course of the last ten days,
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but the authorities here say they are now dismantling them. you can see the tents over here and people taking some of their belongings as well. now, that's because the authorities say that there is greater need closer to the epicentre, but people who have been living here tell us that they are very worried. the authorities say people will be moved to live in other accommodation but some feel they are being moved on too quickly. fatma has been living in the camp since the earthquake hit. translation: it was rainy | and cold, plus we had to see dead bodies coming out of the building nearby. it was like a nightmare — i couldn't wash for ten days. this is the situation we are in. our mental strength has broken. the earthquake has already taken so much, but many feel they are now left in limbo, not knowing how or where they can rebuild their lives. 11 days on there is a real sense of the turkish authorities want to show some signs of progress but the broadcasters have been showing images of homes being
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rebuilt in areas that were almost entirely flattened by the earthquake. one turkish geologist has said these areas need to have ground checks done before more construction is done on top of them. speaking to the people here in southern turkey, there is still a large sense of fear, also a sense of distrust and that may take a while and is a big challenge for the turkish government to repair. the white house says the company whose cargo train derailed in ohio two weeks ago will be held to account, as anger continues to simmer in the town of east palestine. residents near the site are reporting headaches and nausea — there's also reports that thousands of fish have died. from east palestine,
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our north america correspondent nomia iqbal reports. the toxic smoke from the rail crash hangs over this town like a dark cloud. the train was leaving east palestine on febuary 3rd when it went off the tracks, leaving hazardous material. the smell of sulphur still lingers in the air, people say it has been suffering from headaches, they feel ill, their pets are ill, and dead fish have appeared in some of the creeks. for ben, even the sound of trains is now unnerving. he says the noise is getting louder. this morning, waking up before my alarm because there is a train going off with these umpteen horns, and ifeel they are stating they are here, they are not going anywhere, and they are bigger and more powerful than the town and the entities that are put in place to regulate them. like many of the town's nearly 5,000 residents, he is worried about drinking the water. officials say is safe. he isn't taking any chances, though, especially as he has kids. for the town, it's going to be like a 9/11 moment, it's
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going to be like a pearl harbor moment where people remember where they were when it happened. the memories are going to be ingrained early on and how they felt early on, that sense of unease and chaos. i feel like there's going to be a before and after from when that happened to living post that situation. the clear—up continues. the rocks have discoloured from where the toxic chemicals spilled. as you can see, a train is once again going through the town. once the evacuation was over, the track opened again, and this is what has upset residents so much — the fact that it has not even been that long since the disaster happened and yet the trains are still going through, carrying substances which they say they don't know what they are, and it's really concerning them. people had a chance to ask questions at a town hall meeting but norfolk southern
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which owns the train didn't show up, saying it was worried about security, leaving residents feeling insulted. they feel that they can take advantage of us because we are a smaller town but what rolls through on those tracks is of more value than the lives of the residents in this community. norfolk southern has set aside more than $1 million to help people but residents say it doesn't even begin to address the long—term concerns they have about the environment and their health. nomia iqbal, bbc news, east palestine, ohio. stay with us on bbc news, still to come... the fashion and film worlds come together to pay tribute to designer dame vivienne westwood who died aged 81 in december. nine years and 15,000 deaths after going into afghanistan the last soviet troops were finally coming home.
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the withdrawal completed in good order but the army defeated in the task it was sent to perform. malcolm has been murdered. that has a terrible effect for the morale of the people. i'm terrified of the reprecussions in the streets. one wonders who is next. explosions. as the airlift got under way there was no let—up in the eruption itself. lava streams from a vent low in the crater flow down to the sea on the east of the island, away from the town for the time being. it could start flowing again at any time. the russians heralded the next generation space station with a spectacular night launch. they called it mir, russian for peace.
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this is bbc news, the latest headlines... ukraine's president zelensky warns belarus against helping russia launch a new offensive, but the belarussians say they're happy to back another russian attack. the state of ohio asks washington forfederal support after a train derailment releases toxic chemicals into the air, soil, and water. spain's parliament has approved a law granting paid medical leave to women suffering severe period pain, becoming the first european country to advance such legislation. this is part of a broader legislation which will allow people over 16 to change their legally—recognised gender without medical evaluation. our reporter sofia bettiza has been following the story. shejoins me in the studio now. sofia, thank you forjoining us. tell you forjoining us. us more. so, this new law
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would tell us more. so, this new law would entitle women with severe period pain to take as much time off work as they need. it would require a doctor's approval and crucially it would be the social security system to not employers that would pay for the sick leave, and now spain's equality minister received a standing ovation in parliament on thursday. she said that periods will no longer be taboo. she said enough of women who are in pain, they are going to work, taking painkillers to hide the fact that they are in pain and that they are unable to work. we have a clip from her. we have taken a huge step forward. we must be guaranteed our right to decide about our own bodies, but also the possibility of menstrual health to be recognised as part of our health rights, access to contraceptives, access to menstrual health products, and sexual education.
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this law is quite ground—breaking in europe. it is. it makes spain the first country in europe to introduce paid leave for women suffering from severe period pain. this sort of leave is quite rare, it is only offered in a few countries around the world, such as japan, indonesia, and such asjapan, indonesia, and zambia. that is despite the fact that about one third of women suffer from severe pain. this legislation is quite controversial, isn't it? the main criticism _ controversial, isn't it? the main criticism is _ controversial, isn't it? the main criticism is it - controversial, isn't it? the main criticism is it could . main criticism is it could stigmatise women in the workplace and it could lead to employees being more inclined to hire men. also, this law was part of a broader legislation that was passed on thursday which will allow minor children from the age of 16 to have abortions without permission from their parents and it would also allow people to change their gender from the also allow people to change their genderfrom the age also allow people to change their gender from the age of 1a without needing to have a
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medical, or psychological evaluation. both of those issues are hugely controversial in spain and in lots of other countries around the world, but today many are praising spain and are calling this a historic moment forfamilies progress. moment for families progress. thank you moment forfamilies progress. thank you for the update. hollywood actor bruce willis has been diagnosed with dementia just a year after announcing his retirement because of a condition affecting his ability to speak and write. in a post on social media, ex—wife demi moore said the aphasia diagnosis had worsened and that the 67—year—old now had frontotemporal dementia and that communication was just one of the challenges of the disease. susan dickinson, the ceo of the association for frontotemporal dementia — ftd — explained more about the condition. ftd is a form of dementia, as we heard from the family's post. most of your watchers will be familiar with alzheimer's which is the most common form of dementia, but ftd is different in three important ways. the first one is it is much
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less common, many doctors have not even heard of it and that really contributes to a problem getting an accurate diagnosis. the second way it is different is it tends to occur younger, earlier in life. ftd is the most common form of dementia in people under the age of 60. the final differences it affects a different part of the brain. so whereas alzheimer's affects the memory centre, and as a result most of the symptoms we are loss of memory, ftd, as its name implies, affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain and what we see in people with this disease are changes in language, changes in executive functioning, changes in behaviour or personality. what changes will mr willis be going through? well, i want to stress i am not familiar with his specific form of the disease or the specific symptoms he is experiencing but what we know is when a person has frontotemporal dementia, what they lose is these abilities to plan and organise
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their daily actions, and even more importantly, sometimes to understand how their actions are received by other people around them. so, for instance, you might get somebody losing their social filter, saying something rude, or you might get somebody who sees something in a store, a candy bar, and they want it and they will just take it because they lost the understanding of the social rules, you have to pay for something to take it from a store. the final thing i would say is some people lose self—awareness, so they themselves may not realise how much they are changing and why their loved ones around them are upset by those changes. and just briefly, what advice do you give to any families? what symptoms might they be able to look out for? so, really, it is a confusing array of symptoms and it does happen earlier in life, which is a problem. and as i said before, a lot of doctors aren't
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familiar with the diagnosis. i would recommend anybody who is worried about things like this find our website, there is a lot of accurate information, it is specifically, we have a diagnostic checklist people can download. one side in lay terms is the type of symptoms that could be concerning and indicate this diagnosis. and right on the other side for the physician are the diagnostic criteria that lead to the actual diagnoses. i recommend people, if they are very concerned, take that to their physician and they can get started on getting an accurate assessment. a memorial service for dame vivienne westwood has been held on thursday in london, with famous faces from around the world paying their respects. the legendary fashion designer and environmental activist died in december aged 81. stephanie prentice has more.
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here to honour the life of a fond friend, victoria beckham in black riveted dress joined by helena bonham carter wearing a classic tartan design for a memorial to the late vivienne westwood. her loss felt strongly by the british fashion scene with models turning out to pay their respects, as well as famous faces from around the world in the fashion, music, and art scene. and while many dressed in black, others brought touches of her signature style with flashes of colour and bold patterns and prints. it was a fitting tribute for the grammar school girl from glossop, a small town in england, who brought punk fashion into the mainstream and quickly built a global brand based on doing things her own way. the trousers all come with a little loincloth on the back. everybody wants to know what that's for, it's just a loincloth, it's just a gesture. now finally laid to rest, her legacy will continue in both fashion and in culture. with many guests at the funeral reposting vogue magazine's
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tribute to her, saying that honouring the great english woman properly was a near impossible task. stephanie prentice, bbc news. rappers drake and 21 savage have settled a lawsuit by the magazine giants conde nast. it accused them of using the vogue name and creating a fake vogue magazine without permission to promote their recent number one album her loss. the settlement included an unspecified payment. the promotional campaign for the album which was released last november included a bogus vogue cover featuring the pair, and a suggestion they had longtime vogue editor—in—chief anna wintour�*s "love and support." a reminder of our top story.... the bbc has heard from two leaders, on opposing sides, of the war in ukraine. president zelensky warned neighbouring belarus against helping russia launch a new offensive — but the belarussian leader said he would be prepared to allow his nation to be
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used for a new attack. hello there. the winds are really picking up overnight. we're expecting some travel disruption and perhaps some damage across northern parts of the uk, where the winds will be strongest — particularly over scotland, over the pennines and in the north—east of england, with the peak of the wind strength expected during friday morning. it's all due to this deepening area of low pressure currently heading to the north of scotland. that is storm otto, that will sweep its way down into scandinavia. it's the first named storm of the season, although it was actually named by the danish met service. it'll be a very windy start to friday morning, a very mild start as well. the rain in the south being replaced by showers, but it's the strength of the wind that's the story. could be touching 80 mph in the northern isles for a while, and generally across scotland, gusts of 60 or 70 mph. similar strength over the pennines and some very gusty
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winds to the east of the pennines as well. now, the winds do gradually ease down through the day and we'll see this band of thicker cloud with some patchy rain heading down into southern parts of england and wales. other areas should see it brightening up and some sunshine coming through. the showers becoming fewer in scotland as the winds continue to ease during the afternoon. a mild day — temperatures 9 celsius in scotland, highs of 1a or 15 in east anglia and the south—east. northern ireland, though, will turn more cloudy in the afternoon, some rain coming in here as well, and this other area of low pressure comes in overnight. not particularly windy, but it will bring some wet weather for northern areas for a while, maybe some snow over the scottish mountains. most of that wet weather is out into continental europe by saturday morning, leaving behind this band of thicker cloud and patchy rain, southern scotland heading into the central belt. sunshine to the north of that and elsewhere in the uk, we'll see some sunshine at times, there will be some cloud as well. breezy perhaps in southern areas of england. otherwise, the winds are much lighter on saturday and it's another mild day. for the second half
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of the weekend, we've got another area of low pressure approaching from the atlantic — that will strengthen the winds during sunday and bring some wetter weather for a while in northern ireland, but more particularly across scotland. and we'll see some patchy rain for northern england as well. further south, it may well be drier, a little bit brighter, perhaps some sunshine in southern parts of england. the winds, though, do pick up, always the strongest in the far north—west of the uk. second half the weekend doesn't look quite so mild, but we've still got temperatures of 10—12 celsius.
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this is bbc news, the headlines: the bbc has heard from two leaders on opposing sides of the war in ukraine. president zelensky warned neighbouring belarus against helping russia launch a new offensive, but the belarussian leader said he would be prepared to allow his nation to be used for a new attack. staff from the us center for disease control are being deployed to ohio to provide support to the town of east palestine, where a train derailment caused a release of toxic chemicals. the white house says the company who own the cargo will be held to account. the british prime minister is in belfast amid speculation that a deal will be agreed on post—brexit trade rules. rishi sunak will meet political partiese to discuss proposals intended to make it easier for businesses
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in northern ireland to trade with great britain. now on bbc news, panorama. this programme contains some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting. devastation in turkey and syria. tens of thousands dead. millions without food or shelter. mounting anger at the emergency response. and the scale of destruction. this is a logistic nightmare. this is not a technical disaster, this an administrative, political,
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financial and social disaster.


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