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tv   Newsday  BBC News  March 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm BST

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welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i'm karishma vaswani. the headlines... donald trump has been indicted after a probe into money paid to an adult entertainer — becoming the first former us president to face criminal charges. an american journalist arrested in russia on spying charges, pleads not guilty, after appearing in court in moscow. in a shocking murder case, a man has been found guilty of killing 9 year old olivia pratt korbel, in liverpool, last august. brazil's former president, jair bolsonaro, has returned to the country, after three months of self imposed exile, in america. live from our studio in singapore — this is bbc news. it's newsday.
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hello and welcome to the programme. we begin with breaking news coming out of the united states in the past half hour — donald trump has become the first former united states president to face criminal charges. the case in new york relates to alleged hush money payments to an adult entertainer before the 2016 election. mr trump denies wrongdoing. i'm joined now by our washington correspondent gary o'donoghue. great to get you on the programme. i know that information is coming in fast and furiously. give us the latest of what we have heard today. it is worth pausing for a moment and realising that this is really a true moment in history. that where it is overly used, but this is a moment in
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history, the first time ever that an american president or former president has been charged with a crime. now, we know this investigation has been going on for some time. we know it relates to payments made to an adult film star before the 2016 general election. we don't know the details of the charges he's facing, but we expect them to relate to that payment and whether or not it's contravened book—keeping, financial record—keeping was and indeed potential state laws on election contributions. now, that district attorney has been hearing evidence for a good period of time now. he's heard from a lot of witnesses and we thought that this had gone away for a little while, that they were still pondering what to do, but it is clear now that the grand jury that hears this evidence, that votes on theseissues hears this evidence, that votes on these issues has voted to indict donald trump. he has been rallying
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his troops on this call and on this issue for the last few days. he attacked at the district attorney in manhattan at the weekend, he's referred to alvin bragg as a racist, an animal, all sorts of other epithets as well, but now what has happened is that donald trump is facing criminal charges. now, this is bothjeopardy for facing criminal charges. now, this is both jeopardy for donald trump and an opportunity for donald trump. this is something he will see as a potential problem, of course, but also something that will help him to encourage his base to actually rise up. don't forget, he's already called on them if this were to happen to protest. he has already suggested there would be destruction and violence if this happened. so people will be holding their breath now that these charges have been brought to see what his reaction is and to see what the reaction of his
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supporters is over the coming weeks. indeed, gary, as you point out, marking this significant points in that turn of events that we have seen so far, but specifically, what can we expect to happen next in terms of the legal process? outcome ofthe terms of the legal process? outcome of the brutal — terms of the legal process? outcome of the brutal truth _ terms of the legal process? outcome of the brutal truth is _ terms of the legal process? outcome of the brutal truth is that _ terms of the legal process? outcome of the brutal truth is that donald - of the brutal truth is that donald trump will be asked to travel to new york to attend what is called a booking session, and that means going to the district attorney's office in lower manhattan. it's a building that's part of the courthouse, and he will have his fingerprints taken. he will have his mug shot taken. he will have his dna taken. he will then be taken before a judge and he will have to enter a plea on the charges. all of that is what happens to every day accused people in this country, and it will happen to him as well. now, there will be some choreography around this with such a high—profile figure, they will want to arrange
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for to avoid the potential for difficulties and for any trouble in the streets outside. they have been building barricades at various points around this courthouse. they were doing that last week when we thought the charges were imminent then. we believe there will be a good deal of planning here. we know for example that the new york police department, the secret service have all been talking to one another about what to do if this day came, and now this day has come and we will see it unfold on your television screens, the picture is of a former president facing criminal charges and his mug shot, his mug shot that will reverberate around the world.— his mug shot that will reverberate around the world. gary, fantastic to net ou on around the world. gary, fantastic to get you on the _ around the world. gary, fantastic to get you on the programme - around the world. gary, fantastic to get you on the programme with - around the world. gary, fantastic to get you on the programme with the j get you on the programme with the latest on that story. thank you for joining us on newsday. i'm joined now by lynn sweet, washington bureau chief of chicago sun times. also, i imagine, watching the latest
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information coming through on this story. great to get you on newsday. your reaction in the first instance, i don't know how much of what my colleague was saying just now that you managed to hear, butjust that point that he made about the fact that this is really a moment in history, given what has happened today. i history, given what has happened toda . ., history, given what has happened toda . . ., today. i did hear it, and the significance _ today. i did hear it, and the significance isn't _ today. i did hear it, and the significance isn't just - today. i did hear it, and the significance isn'tjust he - today. i did hear it, and the significance isn'tjust he is i today. i did hear it, and the i significance isn'tjust he is the first former president to be indicted, he's also the first twice impeached president to go on to have a criminal indictment. he's also, the first former president criminally indicted who is twice impeached and the front runner for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. so there is a lot of things going on right now that is going to happen very quickly in the american race for the presidential
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and republican side then there is the investigation itself than there is, as her colleague said, the mug shot that will be viewed all over the world. ., shot that will be viewed all over the world-— shot that will be viewed all over the world. you know, it is worth pointing out. — the world. you know, it is worth pointing out. as _ the world. you know, it is worth pointing out, as we _ the world. you know, it is worth pointing out, as we have - the world. you know, it is worth pointing out, as we have been l the world. you know, it is worth| pointing out, as we have been in the world. you know, it is worth - pointing out, as we have been in our reporting of chris that mr trump has previously denied any connection to this and denied the allegations, of course, and worn, as gary was saying just now of potential death and destruction if these charges were to go ahead. what is the reaction that you are expecting from supporters of his throughout this? henge you are expecting from supporters of his throughout this?— his throughout this? have some of the reaction _ his throughout this? have some of the reaction in _ his throughout this? have some of the reaction in already. _ his throughout this? have some of the reaction in already. my - his throughout this? have some of the reaction in already. my inbox l his throughout this? have some of| the reaction in already. my inbox is piling up, but we have known that some of the people running or thinking of running for president of the united states, former president mike pence, florida governor desantis, nikki haley, they are all trying to discredit the investigation. that's the angle they are taking. 0ne investigation. that's the angle they are taking. one thing to watch for
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is if any leaning republicanjust says that in indicted former president should not run for president, he should step aside, so step one, you could see how it is coming. it's discredit the investigation. i already had the young republicans of new york picked out a statement already saying that it was radical figures who are going after the former president. but then on your point, we know that on january six, people came to the capital because president trump asked them to come and he said it will be wild. he has been all but seen, come and demonstrate on my behalf in new york, which is why there is all the security measures being taken, and that will be closely watched because if it happened once onjanuary six, there is no way to know, given all the circumstances and knowing the power that president trump has to be
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persuasive and rally his supporters, there is no way to know if this is going to happen again. in there is no way to know if this is going to happen again.— there is no way to know if this is going to happen again. in terms of, ou know, going to happen again. in terms of, you know. your— going to happen again. in terms of, you know, your political— going to happen again. in terms of, you know, your political reporting i you know, your political reporting career, when you look at something like this happening and the precedents that it sets, this unusual case that has come to light and the character of donald trump himself, just to reflect on that if you don't mind.— himself, just to reflect on that if ou don't mind. ., ~ i. ., ., you don't mind. thank you for asking me that, because _ you don't mind. thank you for asking me that, because every _ you don't mind. thank you for asking me that, because every time - you don't mind. thank you for asking me that, because every time i - me that, because every time i think that in covering the trump presidency, you think you've hit the bottom, you thank you are at the basement, you would think somebody who has been impeached once wouldn't survive, and then you find that they have survived, they have survived a second impeachment, have gone on, plus, as your listeners must know, has been reporting, there are other investigations going on against him right now. so, the sweep of this in
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terms of the profound number of investigations running around one centralfigure investigations running around one central figure of the united states who may well be the nominee again and may well be a president again, it is stunning, in its breath and depth of what is happening in our country right now. in depth of what is happening in our country right now.— depth of what is happening in our country right now. in terms of what is likel to country right now. in terms of what is likely to happen _ country right now. in terms of what is likely to happen in _ country right now. in terms of what is likely to happen in the _ country right now. in terms of what is likely to happen in the coming i is likely to happen in the coming days, in terms of the legal process, what can you tell us about that? well, you know, you go in the united states if trump is indeed, if all these reports are true, which they all seem to be, he will be brought to new york, you do have to be charged, fingerprinted, again, all of the things your colleague talked about because one of the things that is going to, that i hope we can pay attention to as we follow this story and what we say in america, no one is above the law, a lot of people get charged every day for crimes and
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get charged every day for crimes and get accused of things. some of them are found innocent, but the processes same for everyone. and to me be the one courtesy that trump may get is to avoid aid, maybe he could be brought into the courthouse in a more private way so people don't see him where he doesn't have to do what they call a perp walk in new york, so he might get some minor courtesies, but actually, the processes same for everyone when you are accused of a crime, state or federal. and this is a state case not a federal one.— not a federal one. yes, indeed. sor , not a federal one. yes, indeed. sorry. didn't — not a federal one. yes, indeed. sorry, didn't mean _ not a federal one. yes, indeed. sorry, didn't mean to _ not a federal one. yes, indeed. sorry, didn't mean to cut - not a federal one. yes, indeed. sorry, didn't mean to cut you . not a federal one. yes, indeed. | sorry, didn't mean to cut you off there, butjust picking up on that point, as you have pointed out, it is the same law for everyone no matter whether you are a former president or an ordinary person on the street. i wonder whether i can ask you to reflect on the presidential process, on the
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election. we are in the midst of coming up to that election season. there has been heated debate on both sides of the political aisles. what does this mean in terms of those implications, do you think? well, resident implications, do you think? well, president trump _ implications, do you think? well, president trump is _ implications, do you think? well, president trump is already - implications, do you think? well, president trump is already on - implications, do you think? -ii president trump is already on the attack against one of the perceived front runners who hasn't declared yet, governor desantis of florida. now that trump is back on various social media, he has been nonstop of attacking the manhattan district attorney but trying to take down the florida governor. so, one of the things we are going to be watching for is how long can they go saying this is being critical in trying to discredit the investigation without getting to the controversies that swirl around trump and just say that it is time to move on. we are in march of 2023, and so far, to the
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observers who wonder how strong is trump, the answer is pretty strong, because very few, if any, i can think of another political figure in the united states who could survive in such a strong way as trump had. he feeds off of this. his supporters do too. there is a very strong antigovernment movement among his base that does not trust governments, and to a degree, perhaps our democracy who do believe that constant drumbeat of former president trump, that all this is as a witch hunt being organised against him. ., ~ a witch hunt being organised against him. . ~ , ., a witch hunt being organised against him. . ~ i. . a witch hunt being organised against him. . ~ . ., ., him. thank you so much for “oining us on the programme * him. thank you so much for “oining us on the programme with h him. thank you so much forjoining us on the programme with your - us on the programme with your thoughts. it has been great to get you on that show. i know this has been information that's been coming in fast and furious, so the fact that you have been able to join us
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on the programme has been really appreciated. just to remind our viewers of what we have heard today... donald trump has become the first us president in history to be charged with the crime. the former leader will be charged in new york over alleged hush money given to an aduu over alleged hush money given to an adult entertainerjust before the 2016 presidential election and after months of speculation, as we have been reporting, it is now clear that that has happened. we will have more on that story as and when we can get it. but i wa nt to want to move on to other stories and take you to russia, where an american journalist has been arrested, and accused of spying. this man, evan gershkovich is 31 and works for the wall streetjournal. he's an expert on russia was working in the city of yekaterinburg when he was detained. the white house has condemned his detention "in the strongest terms". the kremlin claims he was caught "red—handed" but his employer has vehemently denied the allegations against him. mr gershkovich has been remanded in custody for two months pending an investigation. 0ur russia editor steve rosenberg who describes mr gershkovich
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as a "highly principled journalist" sent this report. as he was led from the courthouse, a fleeting glimpse of evan gershkovich, the american journalist arrested in russia and accused of spying for america. he faces up to 20 years in prison. evan gershkovich, now with the wall streetjournal, is an experienced russia reporter. he was detained 1000 miles from moscow in the yekaterinburg. russia's security service claimed he'd been collecting secrets about a defence factory. translation: using the cover of being a journalist _ with a journalist visa and accreditation, this person carried out completely different activities. what he was doing in yekaterinburg was notjournalism. the wall streetjournal said it vehemently denies the allegations. it called evan gershkovich a trusted, dedicated reporter. the reaction from the white house.
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these espionage charges are ridiculous, the targeting of american citizens by the russian government is unacceptable. we condemn the detention of mr gershkovich in the strongest, in the strongest terms. the reporter was brought to moscow, to this court. but his lawyer wasn't allowed to see him. "that's the kind of system ofjustice we have here," the lawyer daniil berman says. "they didn't let me in." well, this is the first time i can remember since the cold war that a western reporter has been arrested for espionage in russia. and that shows not only the level of tension right now between russia and the west, it shows a determination on the part of moscow to silence all criticism. russian journalists have long been under pressure. mikhail afanasyev went on trial this week. he'd written about russian riot police refusing to fight in ukraine. and last month maria ponomarenko
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was jailed for six years for posting about russian attacks on the city of mariupol. now an american reporter is in custody. his case declared top secret. his chances of securing freedom not great. in russian courts more than 99% of verdicts are guilty. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. i want to take you back to our top story now, as we have been reporting, donald trump has been indicted after a probe into money paid to an adult entertainer becoming the first former us president to face criminal charges. i'm joined now by our washington correspondent anthony zurcher. he has been following this for quite a while now. a pivotal moment in us
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politics, us history. talk is through what has happened today. it is pivotal. the reports are that the grand jury that was investigating donald trump had hush money payments made to an adult film star, stormy daniels, in 2016, and donald trump's ties to those did vote on an indictment today which, as you mentioned, is a historic moment because a former president has never been indicted on criminal charges in american history. now, donald trump has my campaign has come out with a statement saying this isn't a criminal indictment, this is an indictment of a failed nation, clearly donald trump had been preparing for this to me he had said he was on the verge of being invited just over a half ago. it took a little longerfor this just over a half ago. it took a little longer for this indictment to come through, obviously. but now that it has happened, we will wait and see when the details of these charges are released, to see exactly what kind of case the prosecution is going to be making in this historic trial. �* ., , . , going to be making in this historic trial. �* ., , . trial. anthony, as you reflect upon this, and i —
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trial. anthony, as you reflect upon this, and i imagine _ trial. anthony, as you reflect upon this, and i imagine there - trial. anthony, as you reflect upon this, and i imagine there has - trial. anthony, as you reflect upon this, and i imagine there has been lots of anticipation, so much discussion ahead, because we were expecting something like this perhaps not so soon, butjust give us a sense of what trump supporters might do or say, given that donald trump has, of course, consistently deny these allegations. i trump has, of course, consistently deny these allegations.— deny these allegations. i was 'ust down in waco fl deny these allegations. i was 'ust down in waco texas i deny these allegations. i was 'ust down in waco texas on i deny these allegations. i wasjust down in waco texas on saturday | deny these allegations. i was just i down in waco texas on saturday for donald trump's first presidential campaign rally of the 2024 campaign, and i spoke with a number of his supporters there, and they shrugged off the charges. they said that they were politically motivated, some of them doubted that a case would even be made because it had been over a week since donald trump had made that prediction. they think that these are donald trump's political enemies in new york, which they view as a liberal city, how to get him and to try to influence the presidential campaign. they don't pay a lot of attention to the details of this. they are sticking by their man. they think this might
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actually help pen rally republican support around ten as he and battled standard—bearer of the party. anthony, how much truth is there to that assessment, do you think, given that assessment, do you think, given that he has such widespread support certainly has had widespread support in the republican base up until this point? in the republican base up untilthis oint? , ., , , ., . ., point? obviously we are in uncharted waters, point? obviously we are in uncharted waters. and — point? obviously we are in uncharted waters, and while _ point? obviously we are in uncharted waters, and while this _ point? obviously we are in uncharted waters, and while this may _ point? obviously we are in uncharted waters, and while this may bring - waters, and while this may bring some republican voters around ten, because the way this has been framed by notjust donald trump, by republicans across the board from speaker of the husk kevin mccarthy on down is that this is a liberal plot to get donald trump, and if you view it, if you are conservative and you be this as a liberal plot to get donald trump, then not supporting donald trump, then not supporting donald trump, then not supporting donald trump is on the siding with those who are out to get him, so there may be a certain amount of rallying around donald trump here, but you also have to remember that this is a criminal case for donald trump could conceivably face jail time if convicted. this will be a
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distraction for his campaign. this will be a distraction for him personally, depending on how long this is drawn out. he could be mixing time on the campaign trail preparing for debates, which will start in august of this year, while also occasionally having to go back to new york and sit in his trial or confer with his lawyers and legal strategy. that can't be good for having a focused organised presidential campaign. this having a focused organised presidential campaign. as you are 'ust presidential campaign. as you are just talking _ presidential campaign. as you are just talking about _ presidential campaign. as you are just talking about what _ presidential campaign. as you are just talking about what those - just talking about what those implications might be, it strikes me that the next few days in terms of legal precedents and the process will be highly unusual, can you give us the sense of what we should be expecting in terms of that legal process? expecting in terms of that legal rocess? ~ , , , ., process? well, the next step is for the new york _ process? well, the next step is for the new york city _ process? well, the next step is for the new york city district - the new york city district attorney's office to consult with donald trump's lawyers. his lawyers said they hadn't heard from him yet today that they learned about the indictment from the new york times and other american media reports
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first, but once that consultation takes place, they will talk about an arraignment for donald trump. he will have to go to new york city to go to the courthouse in southern manhattan and to be booked, have his fingerprints taken, his mug shot taken, appear before a judge to hear the charges against him and enter his plea in that case. that is the first step, and then at that point, a judge will be assigned in this case it will be a series of legal proceedings running up to trial. i'm sure this will be fought tooth and nail by donald trump's lawyers throughout as they dragged on for months conceivably well into the presidential campaign, and in the meantime, donald trump i all accounts will continue to campaign for president, so it is going to be a very strange process. it's definitely uncharted waters in american political history. indeed, uncharted waters. _ american political history. indeed, uncharted waters. and _ american political history. indeed, uncharted waters. and we - american political history. indeed, uncharted waters. and we have . american political history. indeed, i uncharted waters. and we have been talking about the republican angle,
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that side in all of this, but have we heard from other sections of the political aisle? we heard from other sections of the politicalaisle? have we heard from other sections of the political aisle? have we heard from democrats at all this evening? irate democrats at all this evening? we haven't democrats at all this evening? - haven't heard from the democrats yet and i think the white house is studiously avoiding commenting on this. they don't want to be drawn into this legal fight. i think they are perfectly happy to step behind and let it all play out between new york prosecutors and donald trump and his legal team and conservatives around donald trump. i think we have to wait now and see what the details of this case are. what kind of evidence the district attorney has managed to amass against donald trump, because it is, by and large, a novel case if it is what we have heard in news reports being where you bring in a charge against donald trump for misrepresenting, essentially, a reimbursement to his former lawyer, michael cohen, who made a payment to keep an adult film starfrom talking about made a payment to keep an adult film star from talking about an affair
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she had in 2016. that payment, the layer actually went to prison over because he was convicted on campaign finance violations for not disclosing this money as money spent to help donald trump's presidential campaign. so what the prosecutors are probably going to try to do is tie donald trump's reimbursement to that lawyer to the payment and then say this was all an attempt to cover up say this was all an attempt to cover up a crime, batch crime being a campaignfinance crime, up a crime, batch crime being a campaign finance crime, spending money to help his campaign that they didn't properly disclose. it will be an interesting case to make, and it will be interesting to see what kind of evidence and testimony, what kind of evidence and testimony, what kind of documents they have compiled to make that connection between that date next donald trump and the payment, and to make the case that that was in fact a crime.— that was in fact a crime. anthony, and the last _ that was in fact a crime. anthony, and the last few _ that was in fact a crime. anthony, and the last few minutes, - that was in fact a crime. anthony, and the last few minutes, we - that was in fact a crime. anthony, | and the last few minutes, we have just been sent and received the from donald trump, and ijust want to read some of it out to you it must be pretty familiar to you, this kind of language, giving your years of reporting american politics. but
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what we have seen and heard from him is that this is political persecution from trump statement reads, and election interference at the highest level in history from the highest level in history from the time i came down, the golden escalator at trump tower, and even before i was sworn in as your president of the us, the radical left democrats, the enemy of the hard—working men and women of this country, have been engaged in a witchhunt to destroy the make america great again movement. those words not ours, of course. very much in line with what we have heard from donald trump in the past. absolutely and very much in line with what we have heard from donald trump at that waco texas rally on saturday. he spent the first half—hour of that rally lashing out against a prosecutor saying exactly what you read there, that this was a political case, that this was an attempt to influence and turn at the 2024 president election campaign to damage and politically that this is just the latest in a long line of attempts by his political enemies to try to damage him, and he would cite
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the two impeachments while he was president, the russia election meddling, special counsel investigation that took place in 2017, and all of the various scandals and controversies and allegations that have been made against donald trump, including investigations that are still ongoing, federal investigation into january six and donald trump's handling of classified documents, and another investigation into the 2020 election influencing attempts that donald trump is the target of in the state of georgia.— in the state of georgia. anthony, 'ust hold in the state of georgia. anthony, just hold on _ in the state of georgia. anthony, just hold on there, _ in the state of georgia. anthony, just hold on there, because - in the state of georgia. anthony, just hold on there, because i - in the state of georgia. anthony, just hold on there, because i do | just hold on there, because i do want to come back to you, but for the benefit of those of you just joining us on bbc news, went to tell you about our top story this evening breaking news that has come in from the united states with donald trump becoming the first us president in history to be charged with a crime. he will be charged in new york over alleged hush money given to a adult entertainerjust before the 2016
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presidential election. mr trump who is running again for president has repeated he is innocent and called the indictment political persecution and election interference. we are joined now by our washington correspondent, anthony, and in the last three minutes, as i understand it, we have also heard from donald trump's son who has said that this is an opportunistic targeting of a political opponent in a campaign year. your thoughts on that? that's not year. your thoughts on that? that's rrot exactly — year. your thoughts on that? that's rrot exactly a _ year. your thoughts on that? that's not exactly a campaign _ year. your thoughts on that? that's not exactly a campaign year, - year. your thoughts on that? that's not exactly a campaign year, the i not exactly a campaign year, the election is in 2024. people will begin voting in the presidential primary process in 2024, not in 2023. then again, and politics come american politics, almost campaign year, and donald trump is running for president, he has been running for president, he has been running for president, he has been running for president since november of last year. so by that definition, not last year was a campaign year two. there was a lot of speciation that donald trump announced his presidential campaign last november in order to head off an indictment
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because he wanted ted to be able to say he was running for president in any sort of investigation, criminal investigation, he wanted to be able to characterise as an attempt to disrupt a presidential campaign and keep him from being able to run a successful presidential campaign. again, this is all at peace with the way the trump side is reacting, and i can go ahead and say if you ask me about the democratic response, we do have a democratic national committee response to this indictment as well, although, it's interesting, they say no matter what happens in trump's upcoming legal proceedings, it's obvious the republican party remains firmly in the hold of donald trump, and not all republicans will continue to hold trump and all republican candidates accountable and then it is not to talk about abortion and cutting social security and medicare and political issues. they are trying to pivot from these are legal problems with donald trump, but the real thing is that donald trump and republicans are all in this and they all have unpopular political views.
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in this and they all have unpopular politicalviews. it in this and they all have unpopular political views. it is trying to twist a little bit and not get bogged down too much in the details of these legal proceedings. aha, bogged down too much in the details of these legal proceedings.— of these legal proceedings. a legal minefield indeed. _ of these legal proceedings. a legal minefield indeed. looking - of these legal proceedings. a legal minefield indeed. looking at - of these legal proceedings. a legal minefield indeed. looking at this i minefield indeed. looking at this case, of course, but i wonder what you think of the language that we heard and that trump statement that we were just discussing a few minutes ago, of course, one of the other things that we have heard in that statement is that donald trump has denounced the witchhunt and says that it will backfire on president biden. rhetoric, again, that we have heard before, surely. qdd biden. rhetoric, again, that we have heard before, surely.— heard before, surely. add to this rall in heard before, surely. add to this rally in waco. — heard before, surely. add to this rally in waco, they _ heard before, surely. add to this rally in waco, they actually - heard before, surely. add to this rally in waco, they actually have | rally in waco, they actually have printed signs that his supporters held up that said witchhunt on them, supporters who are behind donald trump on the stage on one side, donald trump for president, make america great again on the other side said witchhunt. clearly a strategy they have characterised as an attempt to get donald trump and to disrupt his campaign into damage
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him politically. whether it will or not that remains to be seen, and some people have speculated this might backfire on democrats, or cause headaches forjoe biden. that is difficult to predict, but it is hard to say that an indictment is good news for the person who is indicted. it is going to be, no matter whether donald trump onset site two are characterises it this way or not, this is going to be a distraction for donald trump and this will be of an opening for donald trump's opponent to our running arm a run against him for president to say there is too much drama around donald trump. there are too many complications. this is going to be too much of a potential pitfall, and that is going to plan something i have heard from many republicans, which as they like donald trump as president, they liked what he did as president, they liked what he did as president, they liked his policies, but they don't liked his policies, but they don't like is all the drama around him, all of the distractions, all of the tweeting, but also all the controversy, and this will be exhibit a now in their case to say,


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