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tv   The Media Show  BBC News  April 9, 2023 9:30am-10:00am BST

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this is bbc news, the headlines: jewish worshippers converge on the western well for the passover blessing injerusalem. a heavy security presence is being carried out as officials fear violence could breakout. a short distance away, hundreds of palestinians have barricaded themselves inside the al—aqsa mosque injerusalem. tensions remain high, as israeli police stopped palestinian men from entering the compound, forcing them to pray outside the old city gates. tens of thousands of catholics worshippers have gathered in saint peter's square in rome — as pope francis presides over easter sunday mass. the pontiff is expected to pronounce the traditional holiday blessing later. a four—storey residential building has collapsed in the french city of marseille leaving at least five
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people from the surrounding structures injured. a fire had been hampering rescue workers in their search for victims. you're watching bbc news. now it's time for the media show. china and the information war. hello, welcome to this latest edition of the media show, and we will spend the programme talking about china's media strategy. i'm sure you have seen tiktok has been in the news. its ceo was in front of us lawmakers taking lots of questions about whether tiktok, which is owned by a chinese company, potentially poses a security threat to the us. now, tiktok absolutely denies that. chinese state spokespeople have been saying they deny that as well. but it has raised broader questions about what china hopes to achieve with its media strategy around the world.
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how is it trying to create narratives that suit its goals? how is it, on occasions, trying to put disinformation into the information ecosystem? let's start by understanding these broad ambitions of president xijinping and everyone else within the chinese state. i am joined by howard zhang, editor of bbc news chinese. but first, yuan yang, how would you outline china's media strategy and its ambitions? yes, thanks for having me on. there has been a really big push, particularly after the us—china trade war in 2018, for chinese state media employees not only to speak to a chinese audience using the controlled media environment within china, but increasingly to reach out to an english—speaking audience and to a foreign audience more widely, including on foreign social media platforms like twitter that are in fact
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censored or banned in china. and what the propaganda push has now turned towards is this idea of providing different narratives, including, some might argue, misinformation or misleading narratives about china's role in the world. this comes, of course, at a time when china's global investments and global partnerships have become active across the world and are increasing. china is seeking a way of countering narratives of fear of chinese companies elsewhere in the world. so how would you categorise the overall strategic goal? what does china want out of this, beyond us seeing the world in this way? i would like to quote president xi jinping here. comrades, tell the china story, and tell it well. that's what he said in front of a wide audience on cctv, the parent company of cgtn, as well as when he visited
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all of the party—run and state—run media. that is the main message. like the soviets before, like all the autocratic governments in history, they want a narrative that puts the party, the leader, the country and all the policies in a good light, and to counter all the narratives that may put the country in a slightly more negative way. they don't want to see the bbc or the likes of cnn, the us and british, what they call the anglosphere media, dominating the right to speech. so they don't want that and they're trying to do something about that. and yuan, in the last few years, what has the chinese state done to try and seize control of the global narrative about china ? for the last decade there have been increasing investments of the chinese state media across the world,
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and i think china's state media partnerships in african countries are particularly notable. some of them have been quite successful, some of them have been much less successful. and chinese state media incursions into europe have also been quite notable for the fact that in fact the uk has rejected the broadcasting licence of cgtn, which is the main foreign—facing state broadcaster in china, because it is controlled by the chinese communist party. now, the chinese state broadcaster continues to broadcast into europe with a french licence, but that is also something that has been discussed as a topic of concern. and since that investment has been escalating, howard, could we see a shift in where the money is being spent and where the emphasis is in this strategy? i can see there is more emphasis on social media, for sure.
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just anecdotally, you see more and more pro—china and european—looking youtubers, as well as on twitter and many platforms. more and more people who are from, let's say, the uk, us, canada, australia, all of a sudden adopting a pro—china voice, as though look at me, i'm just like you. but you're not being told the full story. i'm telling you the whole story. it's not like that in xinjiang. the tibetans are really happy, and all the dissidents — there's other things going on. these messages are being amplified and pushed up by — i'll try to avoid being racist, but white europeans on chinese social platforms. why are you picking out those people? you say you're concerned to mention race, but then you mention race. why are you picking out that aspect of the story? because at least from the chinese perspective, they're targeting a certain audience. they're not targeting a chinese audience with these people. if i can pick up on what howard said, it's important to mention
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race because race is an important factor for the communist party in its own presentation of public relations and communications. as a foreignjournalist for a long time in beijing, it's no secret in the foreign correspondents community that when foreign journalists of chinese heritage are sent to press conferences at important political events, often the chinese government press officers would ask you, do you have a western face that you can send us? by which they mean a white face, because they would like to see a white journalist filmed asking questions to a chinese officer. i think that's the same dynamic at play when the chinese state media broadcasters look for white american or european accented speakers in their social media videos to try to speak to what they imagine as a western audience. well, let's try and understand some of the dynamics you're describing here, and also in the studio is sean haines, who worked at the chinese state
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news agency and also worked at china daily, the chinese government's english—language newspaper. sean, thanks very much indeed forjoining us. just tell us your experience of working for those two media outlets. thank you, thank you for inviting me. a lot of that was ringing true. i was trying to keep quiet because i was nodding and giggling along, but yes, absolutely. so the period that i was in china was between 2016 to about the hong kong protests, about 2019, and we underwent a huge change in those years. so when ijoined xinhua news agency, it's the official mouthpiece of the party, it has to be said. everything through china goes through xinhua. even the other big media organisations, when it comes to big meetings, take the text
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literally from xinhua, which is why ijoined them. because if you're going to be in china, you might as well start essentially at the top. did you see yourself as a journalist? no, i had no background at all. i mean, istudied media at university, but no, i worked in local government in the uk. so why did you do it? for love, basically. i met a girl and moved to china. she had a job there and so i moved for a holiday, and i thought, if i'm going to be in this place, i might as well experience the country as close as possible. and to the point that howard and yuan were making, did you feel that your presence in a chinese media organisation like xinhua had extra currency because of the fact that you're british? 0h, of course. i'm a face, that's what we call ourselves. so i knew i got in because i'm from england, i'm six foot and white, and i have a broadly neutral accent. that has increased my pay packet. did you feel uncomfortable about that, playing that role? i did, completely, and i tried
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to advocate for my colleagues and say these people have more talent than i do. but they want, ultimately, me on camera. and at some point did you decide you can't do this, or you decided to move away for other reasons? well, so i worked there for two or three years. i looked at my colleagues around me and ifelt i was slightly more politically aware that some of them. so i thought, at least if i'm on the inside, i can nudge slightly and temper some of the worst excesses of what i saw. did you manage to? did you manage to nudge xinhua in one direction or another? it sounds like a hard organisation to nudge. well, i got fired twice, so that's probably the answer. well, sean haines, you have joined us, and we're also joined by howard zhang and yuan yang. let's also bring injoshua kurlantzick, the author of beijing's global media offensive: china's uneven campaign to influence asia and the world. thank you very much indeed forjoining our discussion. i'm wondering if you can
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help me assess where this has worked best, because i note that even in the title of your book you say china's campaign is uneven. so where has it worked and where has it struggled? well, i think it has worked well in taking over chinese—language media virtually all over the world, including in the uk, canada and many other places where there is almost no independent chinese—language media left, either through chinese actual state actors buying in stakes or local citizens of the countries buying up those chinese—language properties in the us, australia, the uk, canada and many places in south—east asia where there are a lot of chinese—language listeners and changing the content to almost exclusively pro—beijing, and firing basically all the independent
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reporters and coverage. so that's been very successful. i think that cgtn and china radio international, two state media outlets, have not been successful. there is an extensive range of gallup polling showing they have minimal audience share. to explain, before you go on, cgtn is the primary tv network that the chinese run. and that doesn't even include places like the united states and britain and australia, which have actually banned or put extensive limitations on those outlets. however, i do think that xinhua has the possibility to be incredibly influential, and that's because xinhua is a newswire. and so, as a result, audiences consume it passively rather than saying i'm going to turn on cgtn or i'm going to turn on china
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radio international. as a result, xinhua has content—sharing agreements with news outlets all over the world, including very good news outlets in developing countries, and even some in wealthy countries like italy. xinhua, i should also say, is cheaper than bloomberg, reuters, the associated press, and is also made free to certain developing countries. and so xinhua is getting picked up as copy in quality publications, like in thailand, every quality publication now uses xinhua as copy. it's often not attributed, or it's attributed with a line at the end of it. and so xinhua is getting picked up and used, even though it's
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a chinese state propaganda channel, essentially. and yuan, when we're talking about chinese efforts to control narratives in local media, regional global media, do we need to see this in terms ofjust that — a desire to control a narrative — or does it go further than that? does it turn into disinformation, where the chinese are via various sources pumping clearly incorrect information into the information ecosystem? i think the answer to this question probably depends on where you sit, not to be relativistic about that. but for me, with the values that i hold as a journalist, i say that some of it is clearly disinformation. now, a xinhua journalist might disagree with that. but the conception of journalism, and in fact whatjournalism is meant to do according to the chinese state media, is very different to our conception ofjournalism in the anglo—saxon or british context. and just before we go on to some other areas that i want to ask all of you about,
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we heard from yuan yang that she has concerns about the content coming out of xinhua, but some people who work there may disagree. when you were there, was everyone quite open about the fact that this wasn't journalism as some people might expect it, or were there others who said no, we're doing proper work here and this is justified? yes, there is an awareness, but really, i think you've got to look at the staff who work there. again, it's not really a media organisation. it's a government organisation. they haven't had that wider scope of... yes, we had a shorthand. i would hand pieces back that i would feel would be overly propaganda and wouldn't be swallowed by the wider world, so we'd say "too north korea," so let's scale it back slightly. yes, in my experience, the critical—minded journalists know very well the nature of the game they're in.
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they know how to get the right line that will please their political superiors and editors. they know how to produce a package very professionally. and while i was in beijing, i met some really competent and very good journalists who came to the state media machine but had very few other outlets in which they could do theirwork, because independent journalism in china is highly, highly restricted. as a chinese national, it's very difficult to join foreign media or to progress in foreign media, although we're starting to see that happen in different media organisations. so you have to consider what is the alternative for somebody who wants to produce journalism and is born in china. very useful, thank you very much indeed. now, we're going to have to talk about tiktok, of course, because there has been so much attention given to that american hearing where the ceo of tiktok appeared before lawmakers. but before we get to that, a couple of you have alluded to russia, and i wonder, as you observe china's efforts
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to shape media narratives versus russia's efforts, where you see the differences, howard? i will start to say the chinese learned their trade from the russians, from the soviet era. that's just a known fact. all the chinese communist propaganda theorists and their original model came from the soviet period. and they study that carefully. how do you flood information field. how do you brainwash people. all these are theoretical... but those theories go back quite a few years now... 100 some years. so they're going to be out of date in some ways. 0h, they do adapt, they do modify and adapt... but is china's communist party learning from russia today rather than russia's soviet past? you mentioned russia today. i think that is a model... i didn't mean to you but you picked me up on it. laughter.
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i have to say i had many conversations in private with colleagues or people who work in chinese state media. they do raise, with envy, the example of russia today. they always say, "we really wish. "look at them, they spend a fraction of the money we do. "somehow they can reach so much wider an audience." so i want to understand thatjealousy. joshua, if i can bring you in, why do you think that these chinese people who howard's speaking to are jealous of what the russians are achieving with russia today or with rt as it's been rebranded? sure, i actually have to disagree a little bit. i do think they're learning from russia and disinformation but i think china could n ever have a channel as effective as russia today or aljazeera which are the obvious viles of authoritarian state media outlets, other than xinhua which i leave aside, that have been affective. russia today at its peak was great at encouraging wild conspiracy theories that are then injected into the public bloodstream all over the world.
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china can't do that because its media outlets are too top—down, too turgid and too propagandistic, other than xinhua. yuen, what is your analysis of how china and russia's compare? i think russia is quite a lot behind russia when it comes to disinformation. and that's because of the difference, i would argue, between state propaganda on one hand, which the chinese state media machine is set up to do, and disinformation where state propaganda is where you have the platform, you'ave the whole stage, the microphone, you're telling everyone through the loudspeakers what you want people to believe and all you need to do is to repeat that many times. disinformation is a bit harder in some ways because you need to enter into a pre—existing conversation. so in the case thatjoshua is giving, you need to understand the role of the us commentators and the role of conspiracy theories on the far right and where this might play into an overlap with your own interests,
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and then you can inject something into that discourse. in chinese state media, from my understanding, all the kpis, all the targets you are meant to achieve in the state media are set up to please the big bosses back at home in beijing rather than people abroad or even have any kind of reflection on the real impact and ability to go viral or to influence debates abroad. yeah, absolutely nailed it, laughter. your audience isn't the audience, it's party members. it's your bosses. and on the issue of disinformation and the use of bots to sometimes push disinformation, howard, we were talking before we started the programme and you are saying you're seeing a huge rise in chinese bots. on twitter, on youtube, facebook and many, even instagram and many... forget about wechat, it's just full of disinformation. and that is at platform inside china? i can give one example.
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when the ukraine war happened, when everyone was paying attention to russian invasion, when they were losing the argument internationally about ukraine, all of a sudden there was a train crash in the us, a chemical derailed and all of a sudden you got thousands, on our platform, thousands of people commenting, fake news bbc, you guys, how come you are not attacking the us for not reporting this news? and that wouldn't have happened a few years ago? not as i know of, but all of a sudden you see this wave of comments and people posting somehow saying you are not reporting on the real tragedy but you somehow focus on — you are biased... we have come this far without really getting into tiktok and we can't go any further because of because it's one of the reasons everyone has been focused on china and us relations with regards to the media. there was this congressional hearing and the ceo of tiktok appeared and got a grilling from both democrats and republicans and the chinese
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state has repeatedly pushed back saying, this is one of many quotes i could use, "the us side has provided no evidence or proof that tiktok threatens us national security", but we very much heard those concerns in that congressional hearing. but yuen, more broadly, should we see the tiktok story as part of the broader story we've been discussing for the last few minutes or is it something quite separate? i think it's quite separate and that's because the relationship between chinese state and bytedance, the owner of tiktok, is nowhere near as close as the relationship between the chinese state which directly controls state media, xinhua and so on. i don't think there's an analogy there between chinese control and state media. the phrase they're being the party's media belonging to the party's family. so it is tightknit, the same thing. and control over an essentially private company like bytedance.
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i think it is a bit of a red herring that leads to this interesting generational rift and disconnect between the users of tiktok who are predominantly gen z and millennials and the politicians who are discussing the tiktok ban who, as you pointed out, are much older, and are not on tiktok themselves and don't see what's actually on the platform. and howard, i'm sure you were sitting here in new v—— i see you are sitting in new broadcasting house or old broadcasting house with your bbc news chinese colleagues watching that congressional hearing. what were you making of the level of concern from the americans? for me, the trojan horse argument eventually in an eventual state of potential hostility, then it may have some truth to it. but other than that i totally agree, this is a different argument compared to the state media and the propaganda but if there's no more trust between two countries, having that much data held by another country's company, that's the potential threat all the time. it's been a pleasure having all four of you taking me and taking everyone listening through this. i'm going to finish the programme by asking you to get your crystal balls at a little.
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we've been talking about the chinese media strategy of the last 5—10 years but i wonder what we think is coming next. i was looking at one estimate that the chinese have been spending $10 billion a year. is it sustainable? if it is sustainable, what do you think they will be spending that money on? it's broadly on soft power but i think they're going to end up spending money on making xinhua a globally—competitive newswire. maybe not in, you know, the times of london but in many parts of the world where xinhua becomes the copy that is first picked up and sets the news agenda. i think they're going to spend a ton money improving their disinformation, i think they are going to spend a ton of money on trying to influence universities in civil societies in developing countries and i think they are going to spend a ton of money in promoting their model
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of walled garden internet which is something we haven't gotten into here but it is something they have been promoting to a lot of countries and one that has become increasingly popular among authoritarian regimes. yes, you're right, since the discussions i've been seeing in the last couple of weeks, this idea of the internet splitting into different global zones has become more and more high profile as a possible outcome of this media battle we have been discussing. yuen, how do you see this at evolving, where do you think the chinese will want to spend the money the most? i think a really interesting thing to watch as the interplay between the state media in china and commercial or more independent self—made media and social media in china. for all the reasons we've discussed, chinese state media is very rigid, very top—down and produces packages that speak to people like in my grandparents�* generation who liked the predictability of the seven o'clock news and what comes first and second and third. it does not speak to my generation, the post—90s
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generation or to gen z. and that will be an increasing challenge for state media to really speak to younger audience, notjust china, but around the world. so how they manage to co—opt or work with the independence content generators who produce much more, by all means, much more snappy headlines, will be an interesting interplay to watch. and before i ask you howard, sean, i want to ask you, when you were in xinhua in beijing, did you have a sense that you are right in the middle of one of the most important chinese institutions in terms of how it positions itself in the world? because if you listen to yuan and joshua and others, clearly, that is where it is heading. put it this way, we had an army regiment on the office campuses. did you? we did! we knew it was lunchtime when they sang their patriotic songs. so you were fully aware. i was fully aware. that is where we have to leave it. many thanks to all of our guests. thanks for watching wherever you are and will be back very soon on the media show on bbc news.
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hello there. i hope you've been making the most of the easter sunshine because on sunday the weather starts to change with some wetter weather in time for easter monday. at the moment, we're in between high pressure and low pressure. that gives us a southerly wind. it's that weather front coming in from the atlantic that will signal the change. still dry overnight. and these are the temperatures by sunday morning. so not as cold as it has been of late. there may well be more cloud around for easter sunday, but we'll see the sunshine coming through at times. it's in northern ireland, though, that through the afternoon the cloud will tend to thicken. some patchy rain coming in here over the irish sea by the end of the day as well.
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and ahead of that advancing rain, we'll have a stronger southerly wind. now that's going to bring us a bit of warmth. temperatures could reach 17 degrees around the murray firth, north wales, merseyside, perhaps london and the home counties, but a few degrees cooler than that in northern ireland with the rain arriving here and that band of rain will push its way into western parts of britain during the evening, continue eastwards overnight. heaviest rain over the hills in the west and followed by some bands of showers sweeping across northern ireland into southwest scotland. so with all that cloud and rain around, sunday night should be pretty mild into monday morning. easter monday though we still have that rain to clear away from eastern parts of england. it could linger throughout the morning in east anglia and the south east. following on from that, some sunshine. but these bands of showers could be heavy with some hail and thunder and there'll be some frequent showers across northern and western parts of scotland. we'll have a chilly breeze and temperatures are going to be lower. we're back down to around 10 to 1a degrees in the afternoon. we're into that showery air stream as we head into tuesday. but this developing area of low pressure is going to be heading our way as well.
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whilst many places could start the day dry with some sunshine, we've got showers in northern scotland. we'll see the cloud increasing, the wind picking up from the south—west and rain moving its way northwards and eastwards through the day. and tuesday could turn out to be quite chilly, actually. temperatures typically 10 to 13 degrees. a lot of uncertainty overnight and into wednesday. the models are differing with the depth of that area of low pressure and the position. but for a while actually, it could be quite windy across some parts of the country and that signals this change to more unsettled weather over the week ahead. showers or longer spells of rain and temperatures by day on the low side for this time of the year.
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live from london, this is bbc news. i'm lucy grey. jewish worshippers converge at the western wall for the passover blessing injerusalem. a short distance away, hundreds of palestinians have barricaded themselves inside al—aqsa mosque — as a tense stand—off with israeli police continues. tens of thousands of catholics gather in saint peter's square in rome — as pope francis celebrates easter sunday mass. to france, where at least five people have been injured after a building collapsed in the southern city of marseille.
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jewish worshippers have been gathering at the western wall


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