tv HAR Dtalk BBC News July 5, 2023 4:30am-5:00am BST
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on the reds and due to go live on thursday and described as a text base app and it shows a dashboard that looks similar to a huge social giant twitter. it is owned by mehta, the company behind facebook and instagram and it says the threads will be linked to instagram and it appears it will be free and the new app follows another dramatic week for twitter after elon musk announced a cap on how many posts people could see each day and the popular dashboard will go behind a pay wall in 30 days time. if you are a renter you probably know how tough things are right now from rent increases to difficulty finding a place. the bbc has found thousands of rental ads say children and pets are not welcome and it is not illegal but it can make things harderfor not illegal but it can make things harder for certain groups. one homelessness charity, shelter say one in five families are barred
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because of the children including single parents and mps are considering more protections for renters in england and they will be part of a bill currently in the house of commons, called the renters reform bill. now for ten seconds are pretty sight in the sky, it is called a full book superman and looks bigger and brighter than normal because it is closer to earth than usual. 21,000 kilometres, thatis, than usual. 21,000 kilometres, that is, in fact! you're all caught up now. see you later. v0|ceover: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines and all the main news stories for you at the top of the hour, straight after this programme. welcome to hardtalk with me, zeinab badawi. the german government has
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pledged to put fighting climate change at the heart of its agenda. it has just hosted world leaders to help lay the groundwork for international talks in november. but for many, the two—week—long gathering failed to make sufficient progress on climate finance and the pace of cuts in carbon pollution. my guest isjennifer morgan, germany's american—born envoy for international climate action. until last year, she was leader of the environmental campaign group greenpeace international. how far does she feel her climate change credentials are being compromised in her new role?
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jennifer morgan, welcome to hardtalk. thank you. so there you were in february last year. you stepped down as head of greenpeace international. in march, you became germany's international envoy for international climate action. why did you accept the role? well, you know, when minister baerbock called in this new german government — which has, i would say the most impressive positions on climate change domestically and internationally — i thought i always try and go where i feel like i can make the biggest difference. and the opportunity to work for such a government, for such a minister at this moment of time in climate, ithought, "i have to give it a go". you know, greenpeace, we always talk about acts of courage and i decided i needed tojump and give it a go. crosstalk. annalena baerbock, the german foreign minister is who you are referring to. yes. who was also former co—leader of the green party in germany. so, that's what attracted you.
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0k. you said you're "working for a broad coalition "for an ambitious global climate policy so that we can "make groundbreaking decisions at the cop28 in dubai" — that, of course, is the un's global climate summit. so, what is ambitious look like to you? ambitious looks like a phase—out of fossil fuels, the end of the fossil fuel era — a clear signal on that. ambitious looks like a global renewable energy target with financing to go with it, an efficiency target to go with it and a transformational roadmap to close the gap. you know, we need to keep global average temperature from rising above a 1.5 degrees rise and so, we need a plan, we need an action plan, and that's what we want to achieve with the finance for developing countries to make that possible. all right, so you say an end to fossil fuel, you know, phasing that out. so, does it worry you, then, that cop28 is not only being hosted in the uae — the united arab emirates — but it's chaired by the ceo of the uae national oil
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company, sultan ahmed al—jaber. let me tell you what teresa anderson, global lead on climate justice at actionaid has said about that. she says, "this appointment goes beyond putting the fox "in charge of the hen house." were you worried by that appointment? i wasn't worried. i wasn't worried because cop presidents have a history of rising above what they're doing day today and being cop president and also because dr sultan has a long history of working on renewables and because i think, you know, at the end of the day, cop presidents are judged by what they deliver. what are the outcomes that come at the end of these cops? and i think that's what we're looking at, that's what we're working for. all right. 0k. let's pick up one of the objectives that you've just set out, which is looking at the pace and scale of when the world shifts away from fossil fuels towards more sustainable and renewable economies. what is your view? what is your clear objective? have you got have a date?
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well, i think the intergovernmental panel on climate change, the world's kind of scientific body, has different dates for sectors. i mean, germany, for example, the date for coal phase—out is 2030. that's what we're working towards in germany is to phase that out. it's a bit later in developing countries and emerging economies — like 2040. i think fossilfuels, you're looking at working into 2040, 2050, but it's pretty clear we already have too much fossil fuel infrastructure. the scientists have told us we can't build new fossil fuel infrastructure, so we really need a course correction right now, and that's why we have to build up the renewables component while we're phasing down fossil fuels, step by step. all right. you say the scientists tell us that we shouldn't build new fossil fuel infrastructure. so, are you then of the firm view that countries in africa, for instance, that've discovered oil and gas shouldn't be given any investment? because i tell you why — tanzania's energy minister january makamba said
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in february this year, "for a move away from hypocrisy by "wealthy nations refusing to finance gas projects." is he right or is he wrong? well, you know what? i guess the — what we're trying to make happen is an alternative way forward for tanzania. how do we actually invest — and that's what we're doing — in renewable energy that brings energy access, that doesn't lock countries into potential long—term assets that become stranded assets — so that, you know, they have to phase—out the gas? i think it's on us, developed countries, to actually providing those types of support and actually the offer, the opportunity so that countries don't have to make that choice because if you look at africa... crosstalk but they are having to make that clears throat that choice. he said a keyword — hypocrisy. he's talking about the double standards. sure. you've mentioned about how you are phasing out coal in germany but currently, it accounts for 32% of germany's energy. you have more coal plants in europe than anybody else. you have more — generate the most coal—fired emissions in 2022.
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is it defensible, them, that you're saying, "we're "continuing with our dirty ways but you, in tanzania, "or wherever else in africa, should try and do what we "ourselves cannot achieve? " no, of course not, but that's not what's happening in germany. germany is doing this. germany is making the decisions to phase out coal by 2030. but you're you still using it. we're still using it but by 2030 — law, this is law — we're looking, we're aiming — we have policies in place to phase out coal in germany. we have policies in place. we've the largest renewable package in our history to phase up renewables to 80% by 2030. we've an energy efficiency law. we have all of these, so we're in this. crosstalk but you're not on track in germany and i know that you are in charge of germany's international climate action area, but what happens in germany affects your international reputation... absolutely. ..and your credibility.
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and when you have the german economy minister vice chancellor robert habeck saying, "we're not on track, "it has to be quite clearly," and the figures show that germany is not actually meeting its own targets. "in order to meet climate targets up to 2030, we have "to cut emissions by 6% each year. "since 2010, we have not even achieved an average 2% drop "per year," says dirk messner, president of the german environment agency the uba. which is why in the last 15 months this government has done more than happened in the previous 16 years. so, since this government has come on board — we're not there yet, we have gaps. that's why we have climate... crosstalk ..climate law. we're at 40% reduction already. we're aiming to the 65%. we see that actually, the coal that we had to bring on for the war — which was a big topic, rightfully so — to — because we phased out russian fossil fuels in less than a year. 55% of our imports were from russia — gas. so, we had to bring a bit
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of coal, although we're phasing down. that has now been replaced by renewable energy. we're meeting our targets actually earlier, so... it doesn't look like you are. but, look, i'm making... crosstalk 0n the whole... yeah, sorry, go on. but on the whole, we have more to do. but i think the thing to understand is that we are doing this. we are having the societal debates. but not very successfully. you're setting the targets but you're not necessarily meeting them. and it's — when we're looking at the global south and the global north because, you know, you sit at the table with these, you know, two groups, germany's part of the global north. so, you know, people won'tjust look at germany separately because — and — if they look at what's happening in the uk, for instance, they'll paint you all with the same brush. the uk climate watchdog, the climate change committee, has said — and its chair is the former environment minister in the ukjohn gummer, now lord deben, he has criticised the british government for approving new deep coal mines — the first in 30 years — plans for a new major oilfield
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off the coast of scotland. he says, "how can we ask countries in africa not "to develop oil? "how can we ask other nations not to expand their fossil fuel "production if we start doing it ourselves?" i mean, first of all, i think it's important to know that countries differentiate, so countries want to work with germany right now. we've — 66% of our electricity in may was generated by renewable energy. we did an mou last week with china, where we agreed to accelerate our implementation on of that. crosstalk. so, i know you said that about germany but my point was you that are part of the global north. of course. people put you, france, the uk... not necessarily, no. i mean, you are part of the global north. of course, we're part of the global north. yeah, and you're... but what i find is that there is a difference, and people recognise it, and climate is a bridge, actually, to be doing cooperation
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with countries which might be difficult on other topics, right? so, the agreement we did last week with china where we are working together to accelerate implementation on climate is an example of that. but, of course, if you want to be credible and work internationally, you need to have a credible law, you need to respond when commissions come in and say you're off track and put new laws on the table, or else you won't be credible internationally and you won't be able to forge the types of partnerships that we're working on right now with a range of different countries. all right, so, you've talked about how every country's got to see it as it does. i want to put you what president macky sall senegal said when he became chair of the african union, and in senegal, there are major gas discoveries, and he said last year, "putting an end to the financing of gas "will deeply affect and threaten our efforts "for social development. "why are we remaining committed to the fight "against climate change? "it is legitimate that our countries demand a fair "and equitable energy transition." so, should there be an energy transition for developing countries such as senegal to use gas for a transitional period? and if so, how long should that period be, in your view?
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well, i think with senegal — actually last week, we agreed on a just energy transition partnership with senegal, where senegal has agreed to put in place 40% renewable energy by 2030 and developed countries have come in with a package of $2.5 billion to support it. every country, of course, can take its pathway, of course. and i think the question that i have and that i'm confronted with often by other leaders in africa is, "why are you asking us to provide you with fossil "fuels when what we actually want to do is have a different "development pathway that's about decentralised, "renewable energy and scaling it up? "why is it that so little amount of funding is going "to renewables in africa?" and that is a problem because then, itjust perpetuates the same model of an extractivist development model where fossil fuels come to the north and we use them and continue to do what we're doing, right? so instead, we are working on partnerships — we'vejust done with colombia — where we say, "ok, on eye "level, what — what are you looking for? "what kind of local value creation can we have "in your country? "what kind ofjob training?"
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— we're doing this with kenya, with president ruto — "in order to provide those jobs, get the renewables moving "so you can become an exporter of... crosstalk and they're committed to it? hydrogen. yeah. and they want a clean future. yeah, they do. but they're saying, "in the meantime, we cannot "industrialise our countries without using the fossil fuels "that we have discovered". i want to put to you this point — same point — by the — an international energy agency report last year, said that "africa's industrialisation," it says, "relies in part on expanding its natural gas use. "and even if it were to expand all the gas resources "that have been discovered to date, "it would only result in 0.5% "increase in global carbon emissions." a lot of people might say that
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seems a small price to pay. but i think the question is what's the longer—term development pathway for these countries? so another example — namibia. we're working with... crosstalk but could you answer the question, though? because, really, if it's such a small incremental increase... they can... ..and yet, it will provide all thejobs and all the development that developing countries need, it seems quite a small incremental increase — especially given that sub—saharan africa only accounts for 0.5% of global carbon emissions. an extra 0.5% is not very much. no, it's not very much, and countries have the right to decide how they're going to develop. i think the question is, if you're looking at the moment we're in right now where the climate crisis is here and now, 36 million people in eastern africa with drought, a three—year drought, and you're looking at having to halve global emissions, africa needs to develop and we need to have an alternative development model to what we've had thus far. so, if we can — and this is an if this, but this is what we're trying to make happen through different
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partnerships — provide different models where africa doesn't have to go through the same fossil fuel trap that we went through but instead, through investment, can build its renewable energy for its own energy access — which is far better than having, i mean, look... crosstalk. but the investment�*s not there, is it? it's starting to happen. but it's not there, jennifer morgan, is it? not yet. not by a long, long chalk. no, and that's why we need to change the international financial system. yes, i mean, are you not... that's what we're doing right now. you're heckling a steam roller. 1a years ago, the rich world agreed to — pledged to pay 100 billion a year — dollars a year — by 2020 for the green climate fund. it's mobilised only a 10th of that. it is not enough, obviously, it's a drop in the ocean. the imf, the international monetary fund estimates that now we need trillions of dollars a year for climate protection and adaptation. africa alone needs 3 trillion within the next seven years.
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climate finance is at centre of it all, right? germany is one of the largest donors to the green climate fund, germany is the largest donor to the adaptation fund. we think, after going through the analysis, that the 100 billion will finally be met this year, that's what we need to have. it's peanuts, isn't it? which is peanuts. we need the trillions, which is why we are working on things like debt forgiveness, we're working on things like climate swaps, we're working on things like reforming the world bank, so that the money moves. we have to get — countries can't get investment in renewable energy so we have to bring down those risks so there can be investment, all of that is what we're working on. it's going to take such a long time, and in the meantime, you've got people in the developing world, 800 million globally, who don't have access to energy and power. that's why we're. .. crosstalk. sitting down in candlelight doing their homework, women choking to death because they don't have clean cooking fuel and you will wait for the world to put the money
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in, when they have demonstrated in the last a0 years they have only put a fraction in? we're not, we're not... there is no money, it is not coming? there is money, it is coming and you can look at, for example, this last year, we worked with other countries to work with indonesia, right? that decided that they were going to peak their coal seven years earlier, they were going to double their renewable energy target, and therefore we put a package on the table, for them to be able to do that and have the confidence to do that. we've done a similar thing with vietnam, where g7 countries, it's a new model, because it's clear we have to change things, it's clear it's not moving fast enough and that's a big priority of germany, because we have been leading on climate finance, but we also, next year... how much have you put in? you've put a couple of billion into this new climate fund? so we have a commitment to have a 6 billion commitment by 2025, overall, we'vejust upped our committments... crosstalk.
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but that's a drop in the ocean. i keep on saying it to you, you know, when the imf says that we need trillions of dollars for climate protection and adaption. yes. germany alone isn't going to be able to help the global south? no. and people say, notjust africa, they say, you need to find the trillions where there is for the ukraine war, which is understandably an awful tragedy, or when you need to put strong floors in your economies to combat the economic impact of covid, you come up with the trillions. and yet when it comes to us, for adaptation, or because mitigation isn't so relevant for so many countries in the global south, it's not there. and when you look at private sector money, most of it goes into the global north and china. i'm with you and this is what we're working to change. we did a report last year with canada to look at this hundred billion and what are the main problems. private—sector globalisation
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is not happening. private—sector mobilisation is not happening. so that's why there was a summit last week, we'll see if the matching starts to happen more. access to finance is a key issue, so we're working to make it more possible for small island states and countries to get access faster from the green climate fund. the multilateral development banks were set up decades ago, not fit for purpose. germany and the us is leading a reform, that is a goal up for next year. debt reduction, right? that when a climate disaster hits, that countries don't have to pay. germany has set up, with the vulnerable 20, last year, the global shield, which is about supporting countries hit by climate disasters, so that they can get responses. it's not enough. it's not enough but that's we're working towards, to make happen. it's tiny. i mean, it's not just me saying this. and what about technology transfer, that's another thing that the global north could do for the global south. you know, i tell you what, andreas goldthau,
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the university of erfurt in germany says, "most patents "for low carbon technologies are held in the global north". and he says, "there will be little change in global "inequality if the countries of the global south simply "buy solar panels. "fair technology transfer as above all about sharing "knowledge and technologies". but we don't see an awful lot of that. you've got a lot of specialised knowledge in germany on hydrogen power but it's like, we'll send you the solar panels, but we don't necessarily want you to make them yourself because we want our companies to sell them to you because it's in our interest. i think that's what we're working on. it's true, yes, german industry, i have to say, they are moving. one reason germany is moving on the zero—carbon transition is because we want to be a shaper not a taker on the international climate and energy side of things. and so when we work with other countries, we work on a range of different things. the patents is a tough issue, i will not shy away from it. what we do work on is
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the technology, like in china, our agreement with china. they just want to know — how do you manage to get so much renewables into your grid? and they do not have that technical knowledge. that is also what they want. ok, but as i said, there is a bit of inequality there. how then, jennifer morgan, can you hope to win the arguments at the international level, when you're losing them nationally? just one example, polls show germans are becoming more and more sceptical about climate change policies. if you look at the spectacular win that the right of centre party, the afd, had in sonnenberg in eastern germany in the past few days, where robert sesselmann wins 53% of the vote, campaigning against wind turbines, for the use of diesel and gas, and he gets that overwhelming support. the polls all show people are becoming lukewarm about the kind of policies you are advocating on the international stage.
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the polls show, or what my conversations show, is that there are different in a democracy, right? what i see there's a huge amount of concern in our youth, there's a huge amount of concern across the population. and the other piece that i see that is happening quite a lot, and i think that's not a story that's told very often, are the companies that are actually the start—ups, that are moving, because of the policy frameworks that are happening. so whether it's the start—up that is now installing heat pumps and solar panels in households... of which you have very few in germany, heat pumps. well, half of the new buildings last year were installed with heat pumps. but it is a big thing for a lot of the electorate, a lot of people saying, "my pump works perfectly fine and i don't want another heat pump." it is worth having a conversation about. that is what it means to be in government, and to have — you do have to make compromises, but what happened on that one? well, yes, we heard back, 0k,
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we need to be thinking of everything. now the heating of buildings discussion, what we are looking about is how do we have climate, low carbon housing, what are the support mechanisms for low income? what are the incentives? you have a long way to go, even the greens environment minister says we need to explain more and better. absolutely. finally, jennifer morgan, you have made the shift from being an activist into politics as the german special envoy on international climate action. "you said this position gives me a set of tools, "myjob is not to demand action from others but to act "and achieve results". so how would the activist rate you as a kind of politician? i think the activist would rate the politician — i'm still an activist — as working hard, making it happen, having to make compromises along the way, but making a difference, where germany is respected as moving forward and it's the core of our economic policy and that's where it needs to be. you don't think that activists in climate are perhaps losing the edge a bit?
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we have seen criticisms against the kind of shock tactics organisations likejust stop oil are doing and actually alienating ordinary people? the thing there is, we have laws in society and laws need to be followed but the thing that keeps me up at night is to think about the level of desperation, of youth, who move in that direction. the level of their fear of what their future looks like. i think often the climate crisis that is happening now, you open up the new york times, the front page is all about it, let alone what's happening in developing countries. that's why we are moving now, and it is not easy, it's hard, but it is bringing benefits, and i think that is why we have 30 partnerships with developing countries around the world who want to work with germany. jennifer morgan, germany's international envoy on climate action, thank you very much indeed for coming on hardtalk. thank you!
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hello, there. conditions improve for much of the country for wednesday. we're in between weather systems. so again, it's going to be one of sunshine and showers, but nowhere near as wet as what we had across the south of the country on tuesday. now, that's tuesday's area of low pressure clearing off into the near continent. this area of low pressure will enhance showers across scotland, northern ireland, but we're generally in between weather systems, with lighter winds as well. now, it could still start wet and windy across the far east of east anglia, first thing, but then that'll clear away. then it's a day of sunshine and showers. you could catch a shower pretty much anywhere, but i think the majority of them will be across scotland and northern ireland, because the winds will be lighter. we should see more sunshine
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around, particularly across the south. we could be up to 20 or 21 celsius, otherwise it's the mid to high teens again in the north. so there is a threat of a passing shower or two for wimbledon. but wednesday's weather looks a lot better. we should get to see some play in the outside courts. so as we move through wednesday night, most of those showers fade away and then it's drier and clearer for many of us, but breeze and clouds starts to pick up out west, ahead of this area of low pressure. temperature wise, ranging from 7—12 celsius. this is the pressure chart for thursday. we've got high pressure building over the near continent, that'll keep things fine and settled for england and wales. this area of low pressure will park itselfjust to the west of ireland. that's going to bring cloud, strong winds and outbreaks of some heavy rain across northern ireland, pushing up in towards western scotland. but the rest of the country should stay largely dry,
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and good spells of sunshine, start to pick up a southerly breeze. so temperatures will be picking up, 22 or 23 celsius. on friday, we have low pressure to the north and the west of the country, higher pressure to the south and the east. and we're drawing up some warm and humid air at this point from the south. so much of england and wales will have a dry, sunny and a very warm day. chances of showers or thunderstorms, particularly for western scotland and northern ireland, where it will also be windier. so it could be the mid to high 20s for england and wales on friday. noticeably warmer, with increased humidity. but for the weekend, low pressure sits out to the west of the uk and influences the weather, pretty much across the whole country. so although it'll stay quite warm across the south on saturday, there's an increasing threat of showers and thunderstorms as we move through the weekend, temperatures dropping a little bit again on sunday.
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