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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  July 5, 2023 2:45pm-3:00pm BST

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and peace in our land. in receiving this sword, i so promise by god's help. "letjustice roll down like waters and righteousness "like an ever—flowing stream." may god give us grace to seek what is just and right. # lord, all creation thou dost keep. # how precious is thy grace! # therefore in shadow of thy wings # we all our trust shall place. #
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the sector is presented by lady dorian, chiefjustice clark. by the symbol of this sceptre, we pledge our loyalty, entrusting you to seek the prosperity of this nation, the commonwealth, and the whole earth. in receiving this sceptre, i so promise by god's help. "the earth is the lords and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it." may god give us grace to seek the welfare of all. # we with the bounty of thy house # shall be well satisfied # from rivers of thy pleasures # thou wilt drink to us provide.#
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the duke of hamilton and brandon, hereditary bearer of the crown of scotland, presented to the king. by the symbol of this crown, we pledge our loyalty, entrusting you to reign as our king in the service of all your people. in receiving this crown, i so promise by god's help. "what does the lord require of you but to do justice, "and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your god?" may god give us grace to follow in this way. # because of life the fountain pure # remains alone with thee
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# and in that purest light of thine # we clearly light shall see. # with the honours returned to the table, there follows a prayer for the king attributed to st columba. lord jesus christ, who from everlasting rules over all earthly governors; we beseech you to strengthen our gracious sovereign, king charles, for the duties of the high estate to which you have called him. exalt him that he may hold the sceptre of salvation;
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enrich him with such gifts of your mercy as shall bring him holiness; and grant to him by your inspiration even so to rule his people in meekness and humility, as you did cause solomon to obtain a kingdom of peace. may he be ever subject to you in fear, and fight for you in quietness; may he be protected by your shield, and remain ever victorious without warfare. and grant that the nations may keep faith with him, and that his counsellors in all his dominions may have peace and love charity. establish his government in strength and righteousness; and in your mercy bestow upon him
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a kingdom without end, that he may rejoice to glorify you, who lives and reigns with the eternal father, together with the holy spirit, one god, for ever and ever. amen. now comes another beautiful song in scots doric, the dialect of the north—east. it was commissioned by the king himself. # we thocht, fan it wis springtime # nae sun could be sae bright. # we thocht fan it wis simmer # nae day culd be sae licht. # we thocht fan it wis hairst # there was nae purer gawd.
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# and winter brocht mair brawness # than ere the hert culd haud.
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after that gorgeous song in praise
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of the seasons we'll hear blessings and greetings from representatives of faith and belief communities. lord almighty, we beseech you, with your favour to behold their most gracious majesties king charles and queen camilla, and so grace them with your wisdom, that they may always be inclined to do your will. may goddess sri lakshmi and god sri venkateswara bless your majesties and the royal family with purity and unity of thoughts, words and deeds to serve and uplift the people of the united kingdom and the commonwealth.
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your majesties, as neighbours in faith, we acknowledge - the value of public service. we unite with people i of all faiths and beliefs in thanksgiving, and in service i with you for the common good. may god prolong your days with happiness and your. years with well— being. namo buddha, i supplicate the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the three times and ten directions to bestow their blessings upon your majesties. may wisdom be your crown, compassion your sceptre and loving kindness your orb, adorned with the jewels of impartiality, humility and service, for the benefit
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of beings in this realm and beyond. may it be so. we affirm anew that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights". and today we gladly celebrate with you and with all assembled here that spirit of equality. # ye banks and braes o' bonie doon,
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# how can ye bloom sae fresh and fair? # how can ye chant, ye little birds, # and i sae weary fu' o' care! # thou'll break my heart, thou warbling bird, # that wantons thro' the flowering thorn # thou minds me o' departed joys # departed never to return.
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# aft hae i rov�*d by bonie doon # to see the rose and woodbine twine # and ilka bird sang o' its luve # and fondly sae did i o' mine # wi' lightsome heart i pu'd a rose # fu' sweet upon its thorny tree! # and may fause luver staw my rose,
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# but ah! he left the thorn wi' me.# back to the love that song by robert burns leads us into the prayers of intercession and dedication. we pray for their majesties the king and queen that you will guide their steps and direct their paths, that they may be given strength for every task,
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faith to sustain them through hard times and light for the way ahead; lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. we pray for our nation asking that resolve and a steady purpose may be given to those who exercise responsibility on our behalf, for those who frame our laws and shape our life together,


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