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tv   BBC News  BBC News  November 11, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm GMT

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lam i am live in hyde park where that protest marches due to start in the next hour or so. organisers say they are expecting have a million people. it would make it the largest protest in recent british history. meanwhile, minor scuffles between police and counter protestors, who were trying to reach the cenotaph in london. hello, i'm ben thompson. the hamas—run health ministry says gaza's largest medical facility, al—shifa hospital, has been forced to suspend operations because it's run out of fuel. it comes amid reports of intensified fighting close to a number of hospitals in the territory overnight. the bbc has heard from a doctor at al shifa,
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who says its intensive care unit had been hit. he says, separately, because of fuel shortages, two patients on ventilators have died, one a baby. according to the world health organisation, there are currently 130 babies on incubators in gaza. 45 of them are believed to be at the al—shifa hospital. the gaza health ministry say 39 of them are now at serious risk of death, give the lack of fuel and power. let's take a listen to that surgeon from al—shifa now, he sent this audio update. those two patients who were in a ventilator, one in the icu, one in the neonatal icu unit. it is very, very dangerous, very critical situation. there is no water even in the main building, no electricity, no food even, and no fuel. the generator stopped to work in the main subspecialty building, shooting and bombardment everywhere. you hear it at every second here around the shifa hospital. and no one can get out
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from the shifa hospital. no one can come to the shifa hospital. the situation is very, very dangerous. and the people who tried this morning to evacuate from the hospital, they were being shooted in the streets. some of them they are on. they got killed. some of them they are got injured. no one can arrive to the hospitals. we are in the main building of the hospital. no, no. we cannot get outside of the building because there is a shooting everywhere. we don't have electricity, we don't have water, we don't have even the food. and we are afraid that in the middle of the night we don't. we lost the electricity to the main icu and to the neonatal icu and our engineers during their work to the to maintain this issue. one of the team was hit in the neck and he got paralysed. we don't want to have any outbreaks due to these dead bodies who are outside the main refrigerator. it is not working more because we don't have a fuel to run this generator. this is an issue now.
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israel's military has been closing in on northern gaza. these purple areas show the approximate location of, as fighting ramps up in gaza city. the international charity msf says unless there's a ceasefire, al—shifa, and other hospitals, will turn into graveyards. israel has repeatedly accused hamas of using al—shifa to conceal an underground command centre, but hospital staff have denied this. meanwhile, in an interview with the bbc, the french president emmanuel macron has called for israel to stop killing babies and women in gaza. france, like the uk, has proscribed hamas as a terrorist organisation. nick beake reports. this was israel's aerial attack on gaza overnight.
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an unrelenting barrage, like most nights over the past five weeks. israeli forces have now surrounded gaza city's major hospitals, where they say hamas have built headquarters underground. but thousands of patients and those just trying to seek shelter are stranded on what is now a front line of the fighting. the red cross says hospitals in gaza have reached a point of no return. france's president, emmanuel macron, once again condemned hamas, but he told the bbc that israel, a country he called a partner and friend, had nojustification for its continued bombing of gaza. de facto, today, civilians are bombed, de facto there's babies, there's ladies, older people are bombed and killed. there is no reason for
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that and no legitimacy. so we do urge israel to stop. ijust remind everybody of international law, i call for the ceasefire, and i will urge them for a ceasefire, for a humanitarian ceasefire. in response, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, said world leaders should be condemning hamas, not israel. his government said once again it was targeting hamas, not civilians. meanwhile, the families of hostages taken by hamas on october 7th are desperate for their release. tom hand's eight—year—old daughter emily was kidnapped. he had this message for her. we know we are going to get you back. be strong every day. and wait. we are coming to get you. we are coming to get you home. we are going to bring you home. tens of thousands have been making the journey south to what israel tells them is a safe place
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for their families. but it feels like nowhere in gaza is safe. nick beake, bbc news, jerusalem. a short time ago, nick beake sent this update. the israeli defense forces have been holding a briefing here today and journalists were able to put to them some of the accounts that are coming out out of the the al—shifa hospital, including the very vivid account there. we heard from the surgeon. and the israeli position on this is that hamas has created the situation whereby a hospital is, in effect, a legitimate military target. so by that, the israeli forces are saying that hamas has created this controlling command center center underneath the hospital from which it's directed operations and has been planning atrocities on israeli soil. so that is what the israelis are saying.
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they were also really unwilling to be drawn on some of the very vivid accounts of what's been happening in terms of civilians in the in the crossfire. the israelis saying that they've spent the last four weeks trying to evacuate hospitals, urging people to move out of them, but said that hamas has been holding patients and other people basically as human shields and has been preventing them from leaving, saying that there have been checkpoints that have been set up to stop people moving out. the the idf spokesperson, though, did concede that there were thousands of people within the courtyard of the al—shifa hospital. so that really gives you an indication ofjust how perilous a state the civilians and other patients are who of course moved to hospitals thinking they'd be in one of the safest places in gaza. but as we've seen, it appears that no place within the territory is safe. our corresponded to visitjerusalem. some more diplomacy continues. arab and muslim leaders are gathered
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in saudi arabia to discuss the israel—gaza war. scheduled summits of the arab league and the organisation of islamic cooperation have been merged in response to the situation in gaza. in the last few minutes, palestinian president mahmood abbas has said his people are facing a �*genocidal war�*. we sell the turkish president addressing that summit. an important summit. whether it can come to some sort of conclusion in terms of what it wants to see happen in israel and gaza, that is the big question. it wants to see happen in israel and gaza, that is the big question. live now to riyadh with our security correspondent, frank gardner. can they come up with some sort of agreement? one that they are all happy with in terms of how they want to see this work layout and how they
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want to see attend. i to see this work layout and how they want to see attend.— want to see attend. i think the one thin that want to see attend. i think the one thing that they _ want to see attend. i think the one thing that they can _ want to see attend. i think the one thing that they can all— want to see attend. i think the one thing that they can all agree - want to see attend. i think the one thing that they can all agree on - want to see attend. i think the one thing that they can all agree on is l thing that they can all agree on is that they wanted to stop immediately. i don't think there is anybody here at this vast conference in this lavish conference centre here in riyadh that is not calling for a ceasefire. where there are differences below the surface is what action, then you should be taken. you've got the iranian president and a big iranian delegation here. i saw him just a short time ago. the president of iran. it is unusual in itself for the president of iran to be here in saudi arabia. these are the big regional heavyweights are totally different agendas in this region is i think they're going to have to go for the lowest common denominator in terms of what they all agree on which is an end to the fighting. a condemnation of israel's actions and more humanitarian aid and, ultimately, an end to israeli
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occupation of palestinian territories. why they are going to disagree is whether any concrete action should be taken. because algeria, two days ago during the meeting of foreign ministers pushed for, essentially, an end to the abraham accords foot of the wanted countries like the uae and bahrain to sever their relations with israel. there has been pushed back on that. those countries don't want to do that for that they want to keep channels open. even though they don't approve of what israel has been doing. iran has made it clear that it says this is not a time for words, in gaza, this is a time for action. that is making people a bit what do they mean by that? we have already seen the iranian ally in yemen firing missiles towards israel, aiming at southern israel who have had iranian backed proxy militias in lebanon, syria, iraq, all firing missiles. and that is
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concerning the more conservative arab rulers here pulled up beneath the surface, they are not united but they will come up with a united stand condemning israel. yes. they will come up with a united stand condemning israel. yes, and it is that unity — stand condemning israel. yes, and it is that unity that _ stand condemning israel. yes, and it is that unity that has _ stand condemning israel. yes, and it is that unity that has been _ stand condemning israel. yes, and it is that unity that has been perhaps i is that unity that has been perhaps so are lacking. for the good organisations in the un that has a meeting to some sort of consensus on how they want to send a message to leaders both in israel and in hamas. the challenge is about that unity and there are so many different narratives playing out it is hard to come to some sort of conclusion. yes. you've got some strange bedfellows here. syria's president is here. i mean, this man was an absolute pariah in the arab world. it was essentially kicked out of the arab league from the 2011 uprising on words. he has only been rehabilitated few months ago but he is here. you've got the turkish president who, for a while, was not on good terms with the saudi hosts
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here at all. at the time of the murderfive here at all. at the time of the murder five years here at all. at the time of the murderfive years ago. here at all. at the time of the murder five years ago. and you have got leaders from all over the muslim world. a number of african leaders here. a new got the president of the palestinian authority. he has been very outspoken. one of the things that arab ministers have been saying to me privately, and i think this is really, they should make the west worried, they are saying that they the western attitudes to this as being one of double standards and hypocrisy. why? they say the west was very quick to condemn russia for its slaughter of civilians in ukraine. the terrible deaths there for missile attacks of the dummy at the numbers killed there are dwarfed by the numbers being killed in gaza. and they are saying that western countries, particularly the united states in the muted at best when it comes to that. and i think, you
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know, the west is not careful, the us is not careful, they're going to see a bit of a parrot i'm shipped here. russia and china are sitting on the sidelines and getting a certain amount of praise so this could be a watershed moment for the west in the middle east. for could be a watershed moment for the west in the middle east.— west in the middle east. for now, thank yom — west in the middle east. for now, thank yon i _ west in the middle east. for now, thank you. i know _ west in the middle east. for now, thank you. i know you _ west in the middle east. for now, thank you. i know you will - west in the middle east. for now, thank you. i know you will us - thank you. i know you will us updated. that is our security corresponded live in riyadh. that is our security corresponded live in riyadh. silence fell across the uk this morning for armistice day, marking the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month when hostilities ceased and the first world war ended. this is the cenotaph in central london, the 103—year—old war memorial on whitehall. other commemorations took place at various cities and towns across the uk to remember those who have died while serving in the armed forces. the ssilence at the memorial at the cenotaph ended with the last post.
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todayis today is the first day of those commemorations. tomorrow, remembrance sunday, of course, we will see senior members of the royal family, senior members of government and up to 10,000 veterans file down whitehall for the remembrance sunday services. now, today, though, a particular spotlight on london because... london's metropolitan police has been preparing a huge security
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operation ahead of a pro—palestinian march in the city. counter—protesters gathered near the cenotaph in central london ahead of the march earlier this morning. scuffles broke out as police attempted to stop them from reaching whitehall. london's met police said they faced "aggression" from counter—protesters, who are in the area in significant numbers, but are not from one cohesive group. the service at the cenotaph passed off peacefully, with the two minute silence observed. london's met police said they faced "aggression" from counter—protesters, who are in the area in significant numbers, but are not from one cohesive group. the service at the cenotaph passed off peacefully, with the two minute silence observed. live now to graham satchell, who's at hyde park in central london, where marchers are starting to make a move. that is where some of the marchers are starting to make a move. how would you describe the atmosphere there this afternoon?— there this afternoon? well, so far,
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from what we _ there this afternoon? well, so far, from what we have _ there this afternoon? well, so far, from what we have seen _ there this afternoon? well, so far, from what we have seen here - there this afternoon? well, so far, | from what we have seen here today there this afternoon? well, so far, i from what we have seen here today in hyde park, it is peaceful. it is noisy. and there are a lot of people here. people have been coming in significant numbers, particularly in the last hour or so so you can see the last hour or so so you can see the stream of people now coming into hyde park. the organisers say this could be an absolutely huge protest, one of the biggest in recent british history. we have seen young children here with their families, we have seen teenagers, we have seen older people, muslims, christians, priests, people have been coming down on coaches from all over the country and the message is very simple one. they want a ceasefire in gaza. they don't want a humanitarian pause. they want to fighting to stop. as things stand at the moment we have seen none of the trouble that we have seen further into the centre of near the cenotaph. at this stage, this is peaceful. the centre of near the cenotaph. at this stage, this is peaceful.— stage, this is peaceful. the prime minister describing _ stage, this is peaceful. the prime minister describing their - minister describing their demonstration is provocative and disrespectful because, of course, does coincide with the armistice day
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remembrance events that we have been reporting on this morning. but we should be very clear. the two events are very separate kamara day? about are very separate kamara day? about a mile and have between them in london. the at the cenotaph in whitehall where you are much further west and that parade, that march will go across the river, won't it? that is exactly right. this is the latest in a series of marches that have happened on consecutive saturdays and in previous weeks the pro—palestinian march has got past the cenotaph, through downing street and into whitehall. today, because it is armistice day, the organisers have been in close contact with the police and the route of the march has chain so they are starting here in hyde park and they will make their way to the american embassy which is over the river thames in south london, just over the river thames. the organisers have tried, as much as they can, to respect the
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fact that it is armistice day but there is no doubt that it is of significant sensitivity and concern for a lot of people, that this march is happening on a day like today which some consider to be sacred and they think should be left alone and nothing like that should be happening. i think, nothing like that should be happening. ithink, if nothing like that should be happening. i think, if anything, nothing like that should be happening. ithink, ifanything, the debate that has happened this week, with politicians, the prime minister, the home secretary in particular, suella braverman who has called these groups of people pro—palestinian mobs and described this as a hate march, i think that may be one of the reasons we are seeing so many more people here today. very interesting talking to the people as they gather here in hyde park about whether this is disrespectful. they say nothing to be more appropriate than calling for a ceasefire on armistice day. were just looking at pictures from the helicopter that is above your head right now. this is the scene in hyde park in central london where those
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marchers are gathering to take place in that pro—palestinian march that will leave there and then head south, ending upjust south will leave there and then head south, ending up just south of the river, close to the us embassy. two lines just to bring river, close to the us embassy. two linesjust to bring people river, close to the us embassy. two lines just to bring people at this point. we have reported on the scuffle is that it plays close to the cenotaph in central london. we just had an update from the metropolitan police telling us that a group of counter protesters who then left whitehall, they were turned away from the cenotaph, they moved into chinatown coming to soho where they were confronted. police said they threw missiles at officers who tried to engage with them. police saying officers have been deployed to the area to area to try to identify, locate and deal with those involved. reiterating that their priority is to keep the public say. they say they will not tolerate disorder in central london today. and graham, that is the point foot of the police have been very clear in their messaging over the past few days, haven't they? we will expect
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to see scuffles and some disruption. they say that as a normal part of policing. i was talking to one former foot of the police have been very clear in their messaging over the past few days, haven't they? we will expect to see scuffles and some disruption. they say that as a normal part of policing. i was talking to one former police officer saying that is how they will more serious. you make that is absolutely right. i think it will be a challenge for the police today. their strategy is a clear one. they are trying to keep the group separate. and it will be fascinating to see as the day goes on whether they are successful in that because there is a strong possibility that there is a strong possibility that there are break—out groups potentially from both sides who may want confrontation. i would stress that that would be a significant minority of the people here. for example, this is the fourth or fifth week of their kind of pro—palestinian march. there have been less than 200 arrests over those four or five weeks. put that into context, the extinction rebellion marchers that we saw a
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couple of years ago had more than 4000 arrests. so largely these protests have been peaceful. you can argue about whether it is right or to be calling for a ceasefire but the police strategy is to try to keep this protest and the counter demonstrators, who are near the cenotaph, as far apart as possible. and that will be the challenge that faces them today. for now, thank you. i know you will keep us updated as that march gets under way beginning where you are in hyde park in central london and then its way south of the capital but, for now, thank you. there have been claims about the article the home secretary rate for the times newspaper early in the week. we have had an update. this is coming from the scottish first minister. he, of of the scottish national party. he said that the home secretary has emboldened far
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right protesters to attack police. now, this will come into realfocus todayis now, this will come into realfocus today is that policing operation gets under way, as we have heard already, counterprotest is now being engaged with police officers, police say that they've been deployed to the area to identify, locate and deal with them so a particular focus on how the police respond to any escalation in violence today. but the scottish first minister saying that the far right has been emboldened by the home secretary. she spent her week fanning the flames of division, he says. there are now attacking the police on armistice day. it goes on to say the home secretary's position is untenable, she must resign. so that line is coming to us from scotland was my first minister. he said the home secretary's position is untenable, she must resign. let's get the thoughts of my guest. let's get the thoughts of my guest. let's speak to perry benton,
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a former detective chief inspector for the met police. well, my thoughts are with the thousands of police officers currently putting themselves in harm's way. we've already seen the far right clashing with the police and they are disturbing images. i do agree with the scottish secretary in that suella braverman has emboldened the far right. she certainly stoked up the far right. she certainly stoked up hatred which is really disturbing. but i know the officers are trying to keep the streets safe. i think my concern is that there will be elements of groups that will seek out people as part of the palestinian demonstration. another police have got a robust plan ahead but i think it will be very challenging as your previous commentator said that the police officers will do their best to keep everyone safe and to keep disorder to a minimum. everyone safe and to keep disorder to a minimum-— everyone safe and to keep disorder to a minimum. ~ . , .,, to a minimum. what people might find confusin: to a minimum. what people might find confusing here — to a minimum. what people might find confusing here is _ to a minimum. what people might find confusing here is the _ to a minimum. what people might find confusing here is the idea _ to a minimum. what people might find confusing here is the idea that - confusing here is the idea that there's protest is, we believe they were far right protesters, trying to
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gain access to the cenotaph. that the centre of those commemorations this morning. and tackling the police who were protecting the cenotaph. some others won't make logical sense that at the police were trying to prevent any disturbance there and then they themselves were creating a disturbance. this themselves were creating a disturbance.— themselves were creating a disturbance. as i say, this is -ical disturbance. as i say, this is typical of — disturbance. as i say, this is typical of the _ disturbance. as i say, this is typical of the far _ disturbance. as i say, this is typical of the far right - disturbance. as i say, this is - typical of the far right movements. they think they are protecting england. they think they're protecting the country when, in fact, we are one of the worlds best multicultural societies and i think they are out of date, out of touch. we should be welcoming everybody from every background, from every religion, from country come into the uk to show how democratic we are. and their thoughts and processes are out of touch. i mean, today of all days, armistice day, and what this weekend means is really important to the uk and i think they should respect that the police are there to
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protect the society, protect the streets of london and also protect the monuments that they should actually be working with the police to ensure that the streets are safe. really good to talk to. i'm sorry to cut you off but time is tight point. really good to have you with us. thank you. good morning. there was a widespread frost in rural parts this morning, the grass turning frosty, lots of ice to scrape off the cars. temperatures widely below freezing. that frost will be a feature again through the coming night, particularly northern and eastern areas. the fog, and we have seen fog this morning, but the fog overnight tonight will be more widespread and there's some rain to come. that rain, well, it's looming large under this bank of cloud advancing in off the atlantic, but it's a slow advancement, so it will take much of the day to reach the isles of scilly. for many of us, no more than the odd shower peppering the coasts of scotland and eastern england around the north sea. it's dry, it's sunny for many. the fog obviously still lingering
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in a few spots and to clear away is a bit of a concern, but after that chilly start temperatures will achieve average, which is about eight to 11 at this time of year. but they will drop away rapidly through this evening and overnight under the starry skies. a chance of seeing the northern lights. but that fog starts to develop widely. even populated parts such as the central belt, the vale of york could have some quite dense fog. whilst the rain, getting heavier, pushes into the south—west of both england and wales, so lifting the temperatures here, but a sharp frost elsewhere as we start remembrance sunday morning. so chilly and foggy across the north. it could be quite gray and cold for remembrance sunday here and northern england. then that rain slowly pushes its way into northern ireland, the midlands and across wales. of course, there will be some sunshine where we don't have the fog across scotland, but the central belt more likely to see some of that fog down through the vale of york, as well, into lincolnshire, east anglia, parts of the midlands. we've got the cloud coming on top of that, so cold and gray. it may be that we start to see
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the first few dribs and drabs of rain for the cenotaph late morning tomorrow, but it looks like the heavier rain comes later on, but still it will be damp and cold and gray and that heavier rain could give about 20 to 30 millimetres in some areas, bearing in mind, of course, we've got saturated ground still. it will feel cold, despite temperatures lifting here and in the sunshine further north, as well. through tomorrow evening and overnight that rain sweeps across the rest of the uk. we've got this area of low pressure developing, so not only the rain tomorrow but getting windier in the south and west and wales to go with that rain, which will sweep its way north was and eastwards into the start of the new week.
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this is bbc news. the headlines: operations are reportedly suspended at gaza's main hospital after it ran out of fuel. doctors tell the bbc two patients on ventilators, one a baby, have died as a result and that the main intensive care unit has been hit. meanwhile, the israeli military confirms the main road through gaza has been opened for evacuations, with a "tactical pause" in fighting under way. civilians have been fleeing south via the salah al—din, which has been designated as a �*safe road'. armistice day has been marked across the united kingdom and elsewhere in europe and the commonwealth with parades, wreath laying and remembrance services. a two minute silence
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was observed at 11.00am. london's metropolitan police says it is facing a challenging situation in london, where a large pro—palestinian demonstration is taking place. now on bbc news, time for future earth. ever since a certain swedish teenager skipped school for a climate protest, new waves of young people around the world have been making their voices heard on climate change. from school strikes to mass marches, the generation that will be inheriting our planet is calling for change and for a seat at the table. i'm carl nasman and this is future earth.


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