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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  December 8, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm GMT

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maestro. we pray for el maestro. we pray for a dee-er s-irit of _ maestro. we pray for a deeper spirit of compassion - _ maestro. we pray for a deeper spirit of compassion in - good afternoon. maestro. we pray for a deeper spirit of compassion in a world _ a deeper spirit of compassion in a world where we feel the pain of others — world where we feel the pain of others. understand their need and reach _ others. understand their need and reach out — others. understand their need and reach out to all that suffer in any way with — reach out to all that suffer in any way with the continuous love that is rooted _ way with the continuous love that is rooted in _ way with the continuous love that is rooted in faith and peace. lord, hear_ rooted in faith and peace. lord, hear us — we pray for nurses, doctors, and health_ we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care — we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care workers. _ we pray for nurses, doctors, and health care workers. in - we pray for nurses, doctors, andl health care workers. in particular those _ health care workers. in particular those in — health care workers. in particular those in st— health care workers. in particular those in st vincent _ health care workers. in particular those in st vincent hospital- health care workers. in particular those in st vincent hospital whoi those in st vincent hospital who cared _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for— those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with _ those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with such - those in st vincent hospital who cared for shane with such love l those in st vincent hospital who . cared for shane with such love and compassion— cared for shane with such love and compassion in_ cared for shane with such love and compassion in recent _ cared for shane with such love and
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compassion in recent months. - cared for shane with such love and compassion in recent months. we| cared for shane with such love and . compassion in recent months. we ask god to _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in _ compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in their— compassion in recent months. we ask god to bless them in their work. - god to bless them in their work. lord _ god to bless them in their work. lord hear— god to bless them in their work. lord hear us _ god to bless them in their work. lord hear us. we _ god to bless them in their work. lord hear us.— god to bless them in their work. lord hear us. we pray for those in our homes. _ lord hear us. we pray for those in our homes, whether— lord hear us. we pray for those in our homes, whether due - lord hear us. we pray for those in our homes, whether due to - lord hear us. we pray for those in | our homes, whether due to poverty lord hear us. we pray for those in - our homes, whether due to poverty or fleeing, or persecution, we pray that they have access to nourishing food. clean water, shelter, we pray for peace and solidarity between all people. lord hear us. remember today those who are struggling with addiction, may the lord be _ struggling with addiction, may the lord be close to them as they go through— lord be close to them as they go through hard times. let them trust in the _ through hard times. let them trust in the power of your grace and put their— in the power of your grace and put their full_ in the power of your grace and put their full trust in you. lord hear us.
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their full trust in you. lord hear us we — their full trust in you. lord hear us. we pray— their full trust in you. lord hear us. we pray for this precious earth, our home, — us. we pray for this precious earth, our home, promoted to all the lives it sustains— our home, promoted to all the lives it sustains and especially people who dedicate their lives to protecting and preserving it. lord hear— protecting and preserving it. lord hear us — protecting and preserving it. lord hear us. let— protecting and preserving it. lord hear us. , , ., hear us. let us pray for the poor and the hungry _ hear us. let us pray for the poor and the hungry all— hear us. let us pray for the poor and the hungry all over - hear us. let us pray for the poor and the hungry all over the - hear us. let us pray for the poor i and the hungry all over the world, made their needs inspire mercy and compassion among those to whom much has been given. lord hear us. speaks in irish. that we recognise the glorious wonder that comes through— the glorious wonder that comes through the multitude of cultures that colour this beautiful earth. lord _ that colour this beautiful earth. lord hear— that colour this beautiful earth.
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lord hear us. we pause in science for a few minutes and we ask the lord to bless us on what is troubling us most in this time. lord hear us. almighty god these are our prayers and once that we have spoken native your will to bring them to us christ our lord. we will now be led in our next piece of music.
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an old folk song that shane loved.
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i have acres of land i have men at command i have always a shilling to spare so be easy and free when you're drinking with me i'm a man you don't meet every day so come fill up your glasses of brandy and wine glasses of brandy and wine. whatever it costs i will pay so be easy and free. when you're drinking with me i'm a man you don't meet every day
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all down in the county kildare. so be easy and free when you're drinking with me. i'm a man you don't meet every day so come fill up your glasses of brandy and wine. whatever it costs i will pay
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so be easy and free. when you're drinking with me i'm a man you don't meet every day so be easy and free when you're drinking with me. i'm a man you don't meet every day applause speaks in irish.
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0 bhas go crioch, ni crioch ach athfhas pray that my sacrifice may be extended to almighty god.
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as we humbly present to you the sacrificial offerings for the lord for the salvation of your servant shane will beseech your mercy that he who did not doubt your son to be a loving saviour may find in him a mercifuljudge who lives and reigns for ever and ever. the lord be with you. lift up your hearts. let us give thanks to the lord our god. it is truly light and just that our duty and salvation giving thanks. lord holy father almighty and eternal god through christ our lord. for he is the salvation of the world. the life of the human race. the resurrection of the dead. through him the host of angels and doors and majesty and rejoices in your presence forever. may our
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voices we prayjoin with furs. in one chorus of excitement voices we pray join with furs. in one chorus of excitement exultant raise. praise. i s|ng|ng you are indeed wholly our god and all who have created rightly gives you praise for through your son our lord jesus christ by the apparent working of the holy spirit you give life to all things and make them holy. you never ceased to gather
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people to yourself. from the rising of the sun to its setting, a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name. therefore oh lord we humbly incur you by these holy spirit graciously make wholly these gifts we have brought to you for conservation that they may become the body and blood of your son our lord jesus christ at his command we celebrate these mysteries. for on the night he was betrayed he himself took wed and giving him thanks he said the blessing broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body which i have given for you.
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ina similarway in a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice and giving thanks he said the blessing, gave the chalice to his disciples. take this, all of you and drink from it. for this the chalice of my blood. the blood of the new eternal covenant which will be poured out from you and for many for forgiveness of sins. do this in memory of me. singing
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therefore lord as we celebrate the memorial of this saving impression of your son, his wondrous resurrection, and his ascension into heaven, and as we look forward to his second coming we offer you on thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice. that we pray upon the church and recognising the sacrificial victim who death we reconcile us to ourselves. granted who are nourished by your son and fill with it's your holy spirit they become one body, one in spirit in christ. . ~
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become one body, one in spirit in christ. ., ,, ., , ., christ. may he make of us and return our food to — christ. may he make of us and return our food to you _ christ. may he make of us and return our food to you so _ christ. may he make of us and return our food to you so that _ christ. may he make of us and return our food to you so that we _ christ. may he make of us and return our food to you so that we may... - our food to you so that we may... especially with the most blasted virgin mother mary. the blasted apostles, and all the saints, in your presence we rely... make this sacrifice our reconciliation advance the peace of all the _ reconciliation advance the peace of all the world. be pleased to confirm in faith— all the world. be pleased to confirm in faith and — all the world. be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim people — in faith and charity your pilgrim people on— in faith and charity your pilgrim people on earth. your servant pope francis, _ people on earth. your servant pope francis, our— people on earth. your servant pope francis, our bishop clinton, and the entire _ francis, our bishop clinton, and the entire people you have gain for your owrr~ _ entire people you have gain for your own. graciously lord listen to our prayers — own. graciously lord listen to our prayers. whom you have summoned here before _ prayers. whom you have summoned here before us, _ prayers. whom you have summoned here before us, gather to your school of your people scattered throughout the
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whole _ your people scattered throughout the whole world this day. remember your servant shane, who you have recalled from this world to yourself, grant that he whilst united with your son. may also be one with him in his resurrection. when from the earth he will race up in the flesh those who have died and transform our lonely boarding after the party of his own glorious boarding. two hour depart... and to all who... and then passing from this life. give kind admittance to your kingdom. there we hope to enjoy
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forever the fullness of your glory when you were wipe away every tear from our eyes. for seeing you our god as you are we shall be like you for all the ages and praise you without and through christ our lord without and through christ our lord with whom you bestow on the world all that is good. singing
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deliver us lord we pray for all evil. bring peace to our days that by the health of your mercy will be always free from sin and saved from all distress as we... the coming of our saviourjesus christ. lord jesus christ, you sent your apostles, peace i leave you in peace i give you. look at our sins but on the fate of your church and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your well who will reign for ever and ever. the piece of the lord be with you always. and let us encourage each other with a sign of that piece.
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singing behold the lamb of god. behold him it takes away the sins of the world and blessing are those who called for the supple of the lamb.
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for ease of movement and health and safety if you come to communion please come up the centre aisle to
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the front and return by the side aisles. your ministers will be at the back and if you go down the central aisle and return by the side aisle it would really help thank you very much. singing
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