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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  December 18, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm GMT

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as air strikes continue across gaza, the us states its unshakeable support for israel, insisting a two state solution is necessary for a stable future. we state solution is necessary for a stable future.— state solution is necessary for a stable future. we will continue to stand u- stable future. we will continue to stand up for _ stable future. we will continue to stand up for israel's _ stable future. we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock - stable future. we will continue to | stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during the conflict, and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. figs to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza-— aid into gaza. as oil giant, bp, sto -s all aid into gaza. as oil giant, bp, stops all transfers _ aid into gaza. as oil giant, bp, stops all transfers during - aid into gaza. as oil giant, bp, stops all transfers during the l aid into gaza. as oil giant, bp, i stops all transfers during the sea, we look at how the war is impacting this. and we hearfrom the this. and we hear from the family that hosted alex batty, the british teenagerfound in france after six years missing.
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hello, welcome to verified live — three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. the us defence secretary, lloyd austin, made a statement at a joint press conference with his israeli counterpart in tel aviv. he met that is really prime minister, lloyd austin said the us commitment to israel was unquestionable. he also met his counterpart in the past hour the pair held a news conference in which amongst other matters he confirmed they discussed the past or future for gaza. israelis and palestinians both deserve a horizon of hope. so the united states continues to believe, as we have under administrations of both parties, that it is in
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the interest of both israelis and palestinians to move forward toward two states, living side by side in mutual security. here's the israeli defence minister, yoav gallant, who also made a statement following talks with his us counterpart. in northern gaza, our troops have eliminated thousands of terrorist, destroyed military infrastructure and dismantled most of the battalions operating in the area. in south gaza, in khan younis, we are focused on and limited hamas leadership and military infrastructure. detecting and engaging hamas leadership and the chain of command spanned over the phases of this war, and will continue until we fully achieve our goals.
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the united states is becoming increasingly isolated in its strong support for israel's military campaign, on sunday uk, germany and france called for a cease—fire. israel has issued no direct response — but say it's been targeting terrorist infrastructure. hundreds of civilians are captured —— the catholic authority says to one or shot dead in the compound of the holy family church. the group has been seeking refuge in the church for more than 60 days, among them families of a british mp
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layla moran, that's have a listen to what she told bbc news of the weekend. they are without water and food and there's a sniper inside the compound, there was a woman and daughter killed emma and what happens is as they try to leave, to go to the toilet or something, someone is firing at them. either the rules of engagement are being ignored or there's a plan to clear the hold of gaza. whatever it is, i need to stop, my family are not justifiable electrode damage in this conflict, and neither the tens of thousands of civilians who have died either. i spoke to mark rather the earlier, —— mark regev earlier and put this
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question to them. we urge civilians to leave the area because we did not it was going to because we did not it was going to be a will or zone.— because we did not it was going to be a will or zone. nearly 20,007 and that since the _ be a will or zone. nearly 20,007 and that since the war _ be a will or zone. nearly 20,007 and that since the war began. _ be a will or zone. nearly 20,007 and that since the war began. as for- that since the war began. as for clear month _ that since the war began. as for clear month some _ that since the war began. as for clear month some 9596 - that since the war began. as for clear month some 9596 of- that since the war began. as for clear month some 9596 of the i that since the war began. as for- clear month some 9596 of the gazans clear month some 95% of the gazans in that area shows that heed our advice and in doing so save their lives. i have to explain, and i'm sure if you see pictures of the area, it's an intensive combat zone where we have taken casualties and our soldiers —— shoulders were in constant firefights," or us, not easy and it's obviously best if civilians leave. these people have stayed and there in the church and will make an utmost effort to make sure they remain safe, out of the
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firing. that's our abatement as a democratic society. flan firing. that's our abatement as a democratic society.— firing. that's our abatement as a democratic society. can i pick up on what ou democratic society. can i pick up on what you said _ democratic society. can i pick up on what you said there _ democratic society. can i pick up on what you said there than _ democratic society. can i pick up on what you said there than question l what you said there than question mark are you blaming the civilians in northern gaza first staying there when the have nowhere else to go? not at all, i don't blame anyone for saying, and ijust said we knew at in advance it would be a war zone and we urge people to leave. we know they're in the church and will make every effort to safeguard them. you know, of course, that hamas has deliberately engaged —— endangering civilians by using schools and mosque to shoot out of because they want to use gaza civilians as shields. as i said, notjust his rose so, the uk says that, the european union, american others, it's a documented strategy of hamas. mark ray give speaking to me earlier,.
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hugo's in tel aviv this evening — what does the israeli we heard from the us secretary of defence lloyd austin, what have been the reaction to those comments, particularly his talks about a two state solution after this conflict ends? .~ , state solution after this conflict ends? .,. , ,., state solution after this conflict ends? , ., �* state solution after this conflict ends? .h , h, w �* ~ ends? exactly, so i don't think there was _ ends? exactly, so i don't think there was any _ ends? exactly, so i don't think there was any kind _ ends? exactly, so i don't think there was any kind of - ends? exactly, so i don't think there was any kind of criticism j ends? exactly, so i don't think. there was any kind of criticism of there was any kind of criticism of the israeli actions in gaza. i think for a few weeks we have seen a change in a tone of statements given by american officials over the mounting civilian casualties in gaza. i think what the us defence secretary had to say it was discussions were held about how to reduce the number of civilians in killed in gaza, but again he said he had not travelled to israel to dictate timelines or terms and we know there have been some
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differences between what the israelis and americans think should be the way forward for this war in gaza against hamas. he also said that the there were discussions about how to transition from major combat operations to lower intensity operations and more surgical operations and more surgical operations in gaza, in his words. it was also interesting they spoke about the situation in the west bank, saying that attacks by extremist settlers should stop and that those people involved in those actions of violence against palestinians in the west bank must be held accountable. this has been a long—running accusation from palestinians, from human rights organisations in the west bank, that many of those behind those attacks have been able to act with him punitive —— impunity and there have been accusations that sum is really soldiers have been protecting those
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settlers who are carrying note was attacks. so there has been criticism of the israeli authorities for not acting more to prevent those attacks from happening in the west bank. again, he said the solution to the conflict is the two state solution, which is that favourite international proposal for the augustinian— is really conflict, which would see the creation of an independent abyssinian state of side by side israel. and i think president biden last week criticised some members of the benjamin netanyahu administration being against the two state solution. strong words from lloyd austin but no direct criticism of israeli actions in gaza.— no direct criticism of israeli actions in gaza. ., ~ , ., ., actions in gaza. thank you, hugo bacheaa.
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let's more on that news concerning shipping routes through the red sea — which have been under threat from rebels operating out of yemen in recent weeks. they ve been attacking commercial shipping they believe is bound for israel. now, the oil giant bp hasjoined a growing number of companies announcing they're stopping all shipments using that route because of safety concerns. bbc verify�*s merlyn thomas has more. i month ago the ship was attacked, footage shows pirates successfully capturing the ship in the red sea. the group supports hamas and they say they're targeting all ships with ownership links to israel and as well as any ships going in and out of israeli ports. the hutu group still has that ship. this is the best image we have from a satellite. it was taken last week. these attacks are huge problems for country —— for companies because this region is important for trade. the red sea is important for trade.
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any ship passing through suez canal has to come through this way, about 10% of global trade passes through it every year. if you want to avoid it, ships have to take a much longer route going all the way down south, around the south of africa and up again. that is what several big companies like bp and others have to do. know that they have suspended shipping through the red sea. 0ver shipping through the red sea. over the last month since that galaxy leadership was hijacked there been several attempts by houthi rebels to board ship like this one. an attack on this is was repelled by a us warship and a japanese ship in the area. they have also attacked other ships with drones and missiles. have a look, it shows how busy the shipping route is today, and we have to wait and see what impact this has on the trade and the precarious situation in the red sea. not only
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on the price of oil as deliveries are delayed, as where to other products will meet their destinations in time for christmas. live now to peter aylott, director of police for the uk chamber of shipping. good to talk to you. we saw the map there which shows how busy the shipping routes is, so how will that be impacted now? can shipping routes is, so how will that be impacted now?— shipping routes is, so how will that be impacted now? can i associate my concerns and — be impacted now? can i associate my concerns and the _ be impacted now? can i associate my concerns and the shared _ be impacted now? can i associate my concerns and the shared concerns - be impacted now? can i associate my concerns and the shared concerns for| concerns and the shared concerns for all the seafarers in those vessels and how they would be concerned about what is going to happen to them as they go through the region. it has unfortunately deteriorated and hence the major liners are recognising that and some are diverting their vessels from the region. they the impact on all of that foreword —— world trade not just be tainted 10% or 12% of
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activity will be reduced. there will be significant capacity in some of those lines partly because of the world economic performance of the moment and partly because of changes post pandemic. so there may be some delays but the delays will be down the line, there won't be immediate it short to medium—term impacts and those impacts won't be significant. what would happen in that time is that prices of the costs of the vessels because he described on the map we will see extra cargo miles for every tonne of cargo we will see increases in prices but those would be across the whole of that sector and consequently in the short—term there won't be a significant change. in the medium—term there may be some. i in the medium-term there may be some. ., ., , a in the medium-term there may be some. ., ., , , ., some. i want to pick up when what he said at the beginning _ some. i want to pick up when what he said at the beginning about _ said at the beginning about the safety of your colleagues on
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vessels. what do you think needs to be done to ensure that any of those roots in that region remain safe? i believe the world powers are looking at a coalition of countries that would bring their naval assets to the region to try and assist and protect the vessels that continue to ply their trade through the red sea, because for it last week and it is good it is stepping up and we expect an announcement shortly. it's a big region and as you described there are different types of attacks, helicopter insurgents, missile fires and drone attacks, and boardings by skiffs. so there is a lot of activity to deal with there, and i'm hoping there will be sufficient warships deployed to the region to be able to afford the correct section of our seafarers deserve so trade can continue in a safe way.
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thank you, peter a lot. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news a new type of non—hormonal menopause treatment for hot flushes and night sweats has been approved in the uk. the daily pill, veoza — or fezolinetant — works on the brain's temperature—control centre to alleviate symptoms, which affect more than a million people in the uk. the drug has not yet been recommended for the nhs to prescribe. thousands of xl bully owners have been told they will not need to put down their dogs when a ban on the breed comes into force in two weeks. from december 31st, the dogs will have to be muzzled in public and it will be illegal to breed, sell or abandon them. people with dangerously out of control dogs can be jailed for ia years. the government is expected to announce that it's planning a provisional increase of six and a half % in its funding for local councils in england next year. a final figure will be
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agreed by the treasury early in the new year. councils have been warning that they face significant budgetary pressures. those are some of the stories we have been taking a look at here in the newsroom. you're live with bbc news pope francis has approved a landmark ruling that allows same—sex couples to be blessed by roman catholic priests, under certain conditions. the vatican says blessings must not be part of regular church rituals or related to civil unions or weddings. it says the ruling does not change its stance on gay marriage, which it has long opposed. i've been speaking to fatherjames martin , a prominent americanjesuit priest who ministers to the lgbtq community , about the significance of this development. i'm delighted, it is a major step forward in the church cosmic forward in the church outreach to lgbtq people, something priests could not do
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at all and now they can do in certain circumstances. so i think it is a wonderful step forward. do you think this is the beginning of a wider change in the catholic church in terms of attitudes towards gay marriage? well, it is certainly a step forward. before, just two years ago, the vatican came out with a declaration saying that in response to a question about this very topic, that god cannot and does not bless sin. so in just two years we have moved from that to this open permission, as you say, in some cases, which again, it is a huge step. you administer marriages to the members of the lgbtq community. what do they say to you about the current position that the church takes? a lot of them are looking basicallyjust
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for the church to accompany them. they are in civil unions, they get married legally, and yet they feel sort of excluded from the church. so this is really a recognition of the desire that so many same—sex couples in the catholic church have, for some sort of pastoral accompaniment and the kind of blessing that other people expect in every other situation. and just one more question i wanted to ask you. pope francis seems to be someone who is trying to really drive and change. how much resistance, though, do you think it is getting from other wings of the catholic church? i think quite a bit of resistance. i was just at the senate in rome and there was significant pushback from sub—saharan africa and eastern europe even to the idea of lgbtq people being included at all the church. in some quarters it will meet with a good deal of resistance. note to egypt where the president has one and secured a new six—year term, our correspondent in cairo says the struggling economy is a major challenge facing the chosen national president. i
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major challenge facing the chosen national president.— national president. i spoke to lots of --eole national president. i spoke to lots of people who _ national president. i spoke to lots of people who thought _ national president. i spoke to lots of people who thought that - national president. i spoke to lots| of people who thought that results were already decided, the high election community said the president one and 60% of the votes in the voter turnout was unprecedented, hits around 67%, but all of that is not to be question, the big question is what the president is going to do about the challenges nine i had. 0n president is going to do about the challenges nine i had. on some of the challenges comes the economy which stands on the verge of huge meltdown will stop we are talking about inflation rates hitting nearly 40%. we are talking about one third of egyptian households living below the poverty line. people who are going angry and unhappy, or there's a constant rise in prices, people on afford —— unable to afford the basic necessities like onions and sugar among people who draw their children
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out of school because they can't be the fields. someone i spoke to a few weeks ago says she hasn't bought bread in three years because his too excessive for her. what is the president want to do all about that? he has won a new term quite easily be because he didn't face a real challenge in the election, it was largely seen as a one horse race, the real challenge lies ahead, which as many the economy and peoples dire living conditions. the son of gemini says his father's trial is entirely for show, he has gone under trial because of legislation by china regarding national security. legislation by china regarding nationalsecurity. for legislation by china regarding national security. for more here is our deposit respondentjames landau.
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our deposit respondent james landau. jim our deposit respondentjames landau. jim ely, british citizen accused by the hong kong authorities of breaking national security laws. today, he arrived in court amid tight security, welcomed by a small group of supporters protesting his innocence, at least when the hundreds of police and let them speak. hundreds of police and let them seak. , , ., ., speak. this is important for the whole world — speak. this is important for the whole world now _ speak. this is important for the whole world now to _ speak. this is important for the whole world now to support - speak. this is important for the j whole world now to support the truth. mr whole world now to support the truth. ~ g , ., ., truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left is an edae truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left is an edge with _ truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left is an edge with a _ truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left is an edge with a number _ truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left is an edge with a number of - truth. mrjimmy lai here on the left| is an edge with a number of charges since he has emerged as one of the highest profile complainers since the road democracy demonstrations that's a rock the country in 2019. he's in jail that's a rock the country in 2019. he's injailfor charges, the child become an international cause with
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the us, the uk and others calling for his release. david cameron met his son last week saying he was concerned the political prosecution of mrjimmy lai for exercising his freedom of expression. he called for his release. that prompted the chinese foreign secretary spokesman of accusing the us of a serious violation of international law. mr jimmy lai family left the trial knowing it could last months and he could face possible to have life in prison if convicted. also on trial, uncle's ——. i knew miss france has been found among the first winter with short hair to be crowned. she is facing a
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string of online abuse because of it. it is led by decisions to speak out for her. at as your machinery has more regard in the miss france competition. it’s has more regard in the miss france competition-— competition. it's not unusual for there to be _ competition. it's not unusual for there to be claimed _ competition. it's not unusual for there to be claimed for- competition. it's not unusual for there to be claimed for -- - there to be claimed for —— controversy with miss france. this time is about here she was crowned the winner and as you can see she has short hair, for more than a century, the composition has never crowned someone with short hair. half of the tournament is billeted ijy half of the tournament is billeted by the public and by eight panel of judges. viewers took the social media to argue that the only reason she was crowned is because organisers had become to woke and that competition was trying to prove it had modernised, and there were
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online trolls who flooded the winners account with abuse and making derogatory comments about the shape of her body. she is spoken about her here and said no one should dictate who you are. we're used to seeing beautiful winners with long hair but i chosen and judged us look with short hair. there are more serious controversies linked to the composition, on last week that a court ordered a production house and a french broadcaster to pay two more former miss france finalist damages for secretly airing them an error in coverage of their breasts on air without their consent. critics have also accused the competition of being outdated and sexist. 0rganisers will point to the changes they have made to the roots in order to modernise the competition. contestants can note be married and have children and have visible tattoos and transgender contestants tattoos and tra nsgender contestants can tattoos and transgender contestants can become heated as well, only one so far. height is something they want to be a minimum of five and
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thatis want to be a minimum of five and that is because the argue it would be too difficult to him that is dresses for each run. critics say it's not enough, the humans rights leading in thejohn says it changed her the rules is simply feminist washing. 0ther critics say that crown a winner with short hair is simply not the sort of progress they were talking about. $5 a simply not the sort of progress they were talking about.— were talking about. as a day machinery — were talking about. as a day machinery reports _ were talking about. as a day machinery reports in - were talking about. as a day machinery reports in on - were talking about. as a day machinery reports in on an l machinery reports in on an interesting start regarding this years second michael. that's it for this 30 minutes, we will have more underdevelopment in the middle east shortly amount we will go live it a shot of khan younis in southern gaza and that's the nasser hospital there, which comes on the day that there, which comes on the day that the us secretary of defence, lloyd austin is visiting tel aviv, israel to discuss deferments in gaza.
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monday was a cloudy day for many and northern places got brightness. as we look through the rest of this week with the furthering of time and it would become windy, and there's a chance that some of us will see it in a bit of snow in the run—up christmas. . this is the earlier such a let picture and you see despite none of clouds new remaining from the atlantic, our next weather system which will bring heavy rain across parts of wales and england as we had through this evening and tonight, really went through the half of the night. northern england seen a bit drier and certainly for northern ireland scotland we will see clear skies, a few showers through the northwest of scotland, some wintry or higher ground close enough for frost and ice and my love for the south and tuesday with cloud and out rates of heavy rain going
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southeastward through the day. brighter skies will follow, and a scattering of showers particularly across the west of scotland and into northern ireland, some showers wintry over high ground in scotland. it will be windy here and temperatures lower, 5 degrees in their week and 10 degrees in london by the afternoon. wednesday, another system from the atlantic, this one is a warm front and would reintroduce my conditions which extensive cloud cover and misty and murky in places and bits and pieces of rain. it will be windy, temperatures in many spots back into double digits, and then we look to thursday with a deep area of low pressure passing to the north of the uk want lots of isobars on this chart, it would be a windy day indeed and behind the cold front we will see colder air returning. real seesaw conditions this week in terms of the feel of the weather. in the cold air, sunshine across parts of
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scotland, gales will combined with snow showers to bring blizzard conditions, further south it stays mild and what follows from the sky would be rain and it would be a windy day wherever you are. and in looking towards christmas itself, stays unsettled and rain at times and it may be cold enough, particularly in the uk but some snow here and there. goodbye.
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this is bbc news. the us restates its support for israel, insisting a two—state solution is necessary. we hear... to two-state solution is necessary. we hear... ., , so, we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself, and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. we hear from we hearfrom a family we hear from a family that hosted the british teenager found we hear from a family that hosted the british teenagerfound in france after six years, alex batty. in a former conservative peer stands to benefit from tens of millions of pounds of personal protective equipment sold to the government during the pandemic. sport and let's go live to bbc sport centre and join catherine.
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good evening. we've had the draw for the champions league last 16.


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