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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 24, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm GMT

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manchester united confirm british billionaire sirjim ratcliffe has agreed to buy a 25% stake in the club in a deal worth over 1.5 billion dollars. we start in gaza, where the health ministry says at least 70 people have been killed in an israeli air strike at al maghazi refugee camp in central gaza. the injured were taken to al aqsa hospital in deir al—balah. the health ministry says the strike hit three houses and the death toll is likely to rise given the large number of families living the area. the health ministry says more 20,400 have been killed since the war began in october. we are hoping to get more from our
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correspondent in the next hour. the united nations estimates 1.9 million of gaza's 2.4 million population have been displaced — that's nearly all of the population. hesham al sayyad works for penny appeal, a charity that provides medical aid and emergency food in the middle east and africa. he told us about the hundreds of thousands of palestinians displaced as a result of the israeli offensive. anyone displaced is not right, but we go back to now the amount of people displaced in gaza, especially now in the rafah governorate because of the bombings that have been happening in the south. you have a place now in the rafah governorate which is basically desert, that people have been displaced. there is 1.2 million people living in a place which can probably house at most 200,000 people in an area the size of heathrow airport. if you can imagine 1.2 million people living in an area the size of heathrow airport living on top of one another, with no irrigation, no water
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supplies, no basic essential needs for a human being like myself to survive. we are looking forward here to christmas from the warmth of our own homes, they have no warmth, hardly any shelter, and we are trying to provide for them. the numbers are harrowing. i'd like to add, antonio guterres, secretary general of the un, mentioned that four out of five of the hungriest people in world are now in gaza. earlier i spoke to dr victoria williamson, who's a lecturer at king's college london. i asked her about the impact of trauma of those affected by the conflict in gaza. people who have experienced traumatic and challenging events can develop mental health problems like post—traumatic stress disorder or ptsd. they can also develop other difficulties like major depression and anxiety difficulties too.
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is ptsd a big risk for many of them? so a number of people, after traumatic and challenging events, can experience psychological difficulties and symptoms after trauma. i think it's really important to emphasise that experiencing psychological difficulties, symptoms, nightmares, difficulty with sleeping, things like that, is very normal after traumatic events, and for most people, those symptoms will come down after 6—8 weeks, but for those people who find that their symptoms are very severe or they don't improve in a month, six weeks post—trauma, that would be the time to start thinking about reaching out to a medical practitioner to get some sort of formal psychological support. can you tell us more about the kind of help they will need to cope? the vast majority of people will recover on their own post—trauma, but people who feel like they need extra formal support,
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some of the treatments available, like trauma—focused cognitive behavioural therapy or cbt, those sorts of treatments, those sorts of treatments are available, there are talking therapies and they have good evidence. it's important to stress that disorders like ptsd are treatable and the treatments available work for the majority of people. how do people know that they are suffering from ptsd? so, one of the key signs that you may be suffering with ptsd is you may experience nightmares, you may have a lot of trouble with intrusive or unwanted thoughts. you may have difficulty with hypervigilance, a feeling of being constantly alert and you may have difficulties with blame and feelings of fear. it's important to stress that you can only diagnose ptsd after four weeks,
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four weeks after an event. if at that time, after 4—6 weeks post—trauma or you feel like your symptoms are very bad and not getting better, that's the time to reach out to a medical practitioner. dr to a medical practitioner. victoria williamson. earlier, israel said 1a more soldiers have been killed in gaza since friday, taking the total during the ground assault to 154. speaking at a weekly cabinet meeting, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the war had come at a heavy price for israel. translation: the war has taken its toll, - but we have no option but to keep fighting. 0ur troops have eliminated thousands of terrorists so far. we are fighting with full force until the end, until the victory, until we fulfil our goals. those are the elimination of hamas, the return of our hostages and the promise that gaza will no longer pose a threat to the state of israel.
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midnight mass is being held in bethlehem this evening to mark the start of christmas, despite the ongoing israel— hamas war. these are the pictures from inside the church of the nativity. a very toned down service this year. normally, you would have lots of decorations around the church itself, around bethlehem, and around the church of the nativity. last month, patriarchs and heads of various churches withinjerusalem itself had released a statement urging their congregation to forego unnecessarily festive activities and saying they should be focusing more on the spiritual meaning of christmas. normally, my —— mahmoud abbas would attend, but it is
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unclear whether this will take place this year. that was bethlehem, and inside the church of the nativity, live, the midnight mass is currently taking place. pope francis has appealed for peace in the middle east. he was speaking earlier during his christmas eve mass at st peter's basilica in the vatican. he said our hearts are in bethlehem and jesus�* message of peace was being drowned out by what he called the "futile logic of war". for the third year running, the service has been held in the early evening rather than what is otherwise known as midnight mass. translation: tonight our hearts | are in bethlehem, where the prince of peace is once more
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rejected by the futile logic of war. by the clash of arms that even today prevents him from finding room in the world. christmas is subdued this year in bethlehem, the biblical birthplace ofjesus, after christian leaders in the town cancelled all public festivities as a mark of solidarity with the people of gaza. the town, in the occupied west bank, would normally be packed with pilgrims and tourists celebrating christmas. but a senior catholic leader, the latin patriarch ofjerusalem, did pay his traditional christmas visit to bethlehem. this is some of what he had to say, speaking in manger square. we are here to pray but also, tonight, to ask not just for the ceasefire. a ceasefire is not enough. we have to stop these hostilities and turn the page, because violence generates only violence and the message of christmas is not violence. it's peace. earlier, a large palestinian flag
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was carried around manger square. it followed the inauguration of an art installation, nativity under the rubble, showing figures among the ruins of buildings in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. it's the christmas present many manchester united fans will have been hoping for. it's been announced that sirjim ratcliffe is buying a 25% stake in the premier league club in a deal worth more than a billion pounds, which, pending approval, will see him take control of football operations. he is also promising over £200 million of new investment. the multi—billionaire founder of the ineos petro—chemicals group is a lifelong fan of the club. it's hoped by many supporters that it might mean the end of the controlling interest of the glazer family. our sports editor dan roan reports. when sirjim ratcliffe toured old trafford earlier this year, the british billionaire was hoping to buy manchester united. instead, he'll become a minority
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shareholder of the club he says he's always supported. the founder of petrochemicals giant ineos, ratcliffe's already invested in sailing and cycling teams and owns a third of mercedes in formula 1. the owner of two football clubs, including nice in france, manchester—born ratcliffe last year failed in a bid to buy chelsea, at the time hinting to me that united was his real goal. some would argue you should be trying to buy the club that you grew up supporting. yes, i mean, i can understand that, but manchester united's not for sale. with its rich history... they were supreme soccer champions of europe. ..legendary players... ca nto na! ..and dominance under managerial great sir alex ferguson, united became a commercial powerhouse with a global fanbase. but since 2005, it's been owned by the glazer family and after years of protests from fans unhappy with the club's debt,
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a lack of investment in old trafford and on—field decline, last season the americans put the club up for sale. qatari banker sheikh jassim wanted to buy it outright but withdrew, leaving the way clear for ratcliffe. one of united's top executives explained why fresh investment was needed. we are doing this for a very positive reason. we know we've got real ambition and a plan at united and we wanted to make sure that we attract the right investment to deliver that ambition. after a drawn—out and divisive process that's lasted more than a year now, many united fans will be dismayed that the glazers remain in overall control here at old trafford. the challenge facing sirjim ratcliffe is to convince them that he's the man to lead a revival in the footballing fortunes of this club. ex—british cycling chief sir dave brailsford oversees ratcliffe's various sports teams and is set to have a key role at united, the pair experiencing mixed fortunes at nice since ineos bought it in 2019. some environmental campaigners say that the petrochemicals company uses sport to give it a more positive
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image, but those involved defend the investments. what do you think jim's motivation is? he loves a challenge bigger than any, and i guess that's the drive for the america's cup and probably when you look at man united, a team that's been struggling in recent years, there no bigger in recent years, there's no bigger challenge in sport right now than turning man united round. so i think that's what drivesjim. but ten years have now passed since united last won the premier league, and after a difficult start to this season, the challenge facing ratcliffe is a formidable one. dan roan, bbc news. there's been reaction from former manchester united right back and club legend, gary neville, who wrote on the social media platform x...
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well, our sports correspondent nesta mcgregor has more on what happens next for the club. the club and sirjim ratcliffe may have agreed a deal, but the premier league must still sign this off. the 71—year—old will be subject to the owners�* and directors�* test, which normally takes 6—8 weeks. they want to know if he has the money and where he got it from. 0nce that�*s done, maybe fans can fully celebrate and get to thinking about the glory days that gary neville�*s tweet has mentioned, because united are eighth and are out of european competition. sirjim ratcliffe�*s 25% stake comes with a £200,000 cash injection, with a £200 million cash injection, some of which will be spent on refurbishing old trafford,
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but more importantly, ineos and sirjim ratcliffe will be in charge of footballing operations, meaning the signing and selling of players and the hiring and firing of managers as well. let�*s not sugar—coat this, because the glazers are still in total control, but many fans are unhappy with how the american family have been running the club since 2005 and will see sirjim�*s place on the board as a step in the right direction. andy mitten is a journalist, author and life—long manchester united fan who founded the best—selling united we stand fanzine as a 15—year—old. he gave me his reaction to the deal, and gary neville�*s comments about the timing. i think because it�*s on christmas eve, that may be an inconvenience. gary�*s sentiment would be echoed by a lot of manchester united fans. it has been a very poor year for manchester united.
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there is very little trust in the glazer family, who have owned the club since 2005. fans want to change. is what is going to happen ideal? no, it is not. is it going to be an improvement on what we have seen since 2005? hopefully so. gary is very passionate. he�*s a big manchester united fan as well as being a lifelong player for the club and i think he genuinely wants what is best for the club. i still see him at matches and he has been as frustrated as any fan this year. and in previous years as well. this has not been a good decade for manchester united. what was the first issue with the glazers? was it the way they bought manchester united? they acquired it? it was very predatory. is it the lack of investment, or was it the debt that they loaded on the club? all of those factors were important. i think highly leveraged buyouts should not be allowed in sporting organisations. i think the way that it was allowed to happen was an absolute scandal and the feelings of manchester united fans around the world were discarded. the glazers basically took
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a huge mortgage out on a house and the fans paid it off. so, looking at it another way, they were business geniuses, but i don�*t think football is like any other business. football fans don�*t change and support another club because they are not happy with what is going on at their own club. the glazers, in addition to the point you raise, never communicated with fans whatsoever. they took out huge dividends as well, and that is another point. i�*ve been writing about the lack of investment and old trafford of investment in old trafford for 15 or 20 years. it�*s the biggest club stadium in england. it�*s full every single week. it needed to be invested in far more than it has been. it is still a very good stadium, but it should be bigger, it should be more modern and other clubs have invested heavily, but that requires investment for the medium and long term, and the glazers have never been about that, or at least that is what the fans think at manchester united. here in the uk, the home secretary james cleverly has apologised forjoking about spiking drinks. the remark is alleged to have been
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made on the same day he announced new measures to tackle the problem. 0ur correspondent ione wells has more. there has been quite a backlash today after the mirror reported these comments last night. they say that at the reception, which happened on monday, a christmas reception forjournalists, political aides and ministers, they say that james cleverly was speaking to some of the guests and made a joke about drink spiking, the act of putting drugs or alcohol in somebody�*s drink without their consent. they say that he said to some of these fellow guests that the ideal spouse is one that was always "mildly "sedated so she doesn�*t know that there are better men out there." the newspaper also claims that he mentioned the drug rohypnol, which is frequently used in drink spiking. this came on the same day the government announced a raft of measures to try and tackle drink spiking.
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a spokesman for the home secretary has said that it was understood to be part of a private conversation and he made what they described as ironicjoke for which he has apologised, but the comments have faced widespread criticism today. labour have called them appalling and say it is inappropriate to make jokes about drink spiking, and also charities, too, including the charity women�*s aid, who say ministers have a duty to show the survivors of drink spiking that they take the issue seriously rather than downplaying it. lucy thompson campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of drink spiking. she gave me her take on the home secretary�*s comments. i think it�*s absolutely sickening. a senior minister in charge of keeping women and girls safe thinks something like this is a laughing matter. and it was something that happened to both of my friends. but within half a day of putting out
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a call for survivors to share their stories, the account that i set up was inundated with hundreds of responses, and if you ask any of your friends, if it hasn�*t happened to them, they�*ll know someone that has been affected by this, so it�*s really upsetting. so when you when you have comments like this brushed aside as banter or a joke, what�*s your response to that? i think the main issue with how we�*ve been dealing with spiking is that victims aren�*t listened to. i think people go for help in club venues or, you know, the people of authority and it�*s brushed aside, they�*re laughed at, and yeah, they�*re often greeted with banter like this, which...
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itjust hasn�*t been taken seriously. and we�*ve made so much progress in the last two years, which is so heartening to see. and itjust feels like we�*re going backwards a little bit really. lucy thompson speaking earlier. it�*s an iconic sports car that�*s almost instantly recognisable, now the story of ferrari and its founder is one of the big cinema releases this christmas. it stars adam driver as enzo ferrari and penelope cruz as his wife. charlotte gallagher reports. it�*s the story of an italian icon. two objects cannot occupy the same point in space. how the car synonymous with speed, luxury and excess was born. this film takes you back to the early days of ferrari, when the car firm and its founder enzo ferrari were in dire financial straits and struggling to stay on the road. you have perhaps a crisis of identity.
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the star wars and house of gucci actor adam driver takes on the role of enzo. you lift. he passes. he won, you lost. he had a great pride and in being kind of a self—made and in being kind of a self—made person in a way, and maybe we both share a kind of manic obsession with not not of manic obsession with not getting lazy or constantly pushing and attention to detail. director michael mann has been trying to make this film for decades. his love of ferrari dates back to the 1960s, when he was a young student in london. i was standing in the rain on brompton road waiting for the bus and somebody drove by and stopped at a light with a blue piece of sculpture that belonged in the museum of modern art or something. and it was a 1967 ferrari. it was a 275 gtb. and that's when i first really got
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interested in what that was. the marquis de portico of spain i and eddie nelson share a ferrari. the film is set in 1957 and ferrari are risking it all on a lucrative but incredibly dangerous road race. they were kind of these titan heroic figures because the risk was so high. am i willing to risk life for the sake of a win? because that will differentiate someone who wins and loses. yeah. did it make you want to drive around in a ferrari or is it as an actor if you�*re trying to be inconspicuous, i suppose, a big red ferrari... hi, everybody! well, i mean, we know when we did drive ferraris, they�*re movable pieces of art. you are supposed to save him. penelope cruz stars as enzo�*s wife grieving the death of their son. director michael mann was even given access to the family home for filming. everything we've shot in the film, many of them are actual. that is the family mausoleum
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that we were allowed to shoot. and that is the house, that is the barber. adam's being shaved in that chair by the son of the barber who shaved enzo. wow _ so there's a kind of osmosis from all the authenticity that was around us. adam driver may not own a ferrari, but he did get to test one out for the film. i only got to drive one of the cars that was in the movie, for insurance reasons, and we didn�*t tell anybody. we went to an airstrip and the skin hadn�*t been put on the chassis yet, but i got to drive one i think the 801. and it�*s terrifying. michael mann and adam driver are now used to critical and commercial success. they�*re hoping ferrari will race to repeat that. charlotte gallagher, bbc news. we will take you to bethlehem now, because i would just like to show
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you the scene inside the church of the nativity, where the midnight mass is being held. i wonder if we could just listen in. rubble and abandoned homes. 0ur rubble and abandoned homes. our hearts so overburdened, may fail to fall in tune with the christmas message. too much pain, too much disappointment. too many broken promises, crowded in that inner space in which the gospel of christmas can resonate and inspire peaceful and life—giving actions. so the question is, where is christmas this year? where can we look for a saviour? where can we look for a saviour? where can we look for a saviour? where can the child be born when there seems to be no place for him in this world of ours? the angels give us the answer, that that night and every night, god
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always finds room. even here for us today, despite everything, even in these dramatic circumstances, we believe so. god can make room even in the hardest of hearts. so, first of all, the place of christmas is first and foremost god. god generates jesus christmas is first and foremost god. god generatesjesus to us. that is midnight mass, being held in bethlehem, and comments made also about the conflict that is taking place in gaza. hello. i winds have been howling across northern britain, and it has been one of the mildest christmas eves on record, exceeding 15 celsius. it may have beaten records, but the
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met office will verify that in due course. it was the forecast for the night. what weather it towards the south and west, wince easing in scotland and northern england. pretty chilly in the highlands, close to freezing, but look how mild it is elsewhere, 8—12 c. to sum up christmas day, it will overall be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and very mild indeed. if there is any chance of a white christmas, it will happen across the scottish highlands. here in the north, some snow possible around lunchtime, possible also for braemar, temperatures not far off reason, but by the time we get to edinburgh and glasgow, it is much too mild. showers of rain here. showers and sunny spells in belfast, cloudy for the lakes in lancashire, and lunchtime on christmas day as wet across wales, the midlands, and indeed much of the cell. breezy, cloudy, rainy at times, and if you want an evening walk with dry weather, you may have to wait for a while before that weather clears away. that will be towards the east. how about boxing day? that is
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looking very promising indeed. the lull in the weather, the winds will die down, sunshine therefore belfast, liverpooland die down, sunshine therefore belfast, liverpool and hull. die down, sunshine therefore belfast, liverpooland hull. in die down, sunshine therefore belfast, liverpool and hull. in the south, some hazy sun. if you want a dry walk, do it quick in the south—west, because rain should reach you by the early afternoon, and that is a precursor of a rather large and strong area of low pressure, strong winds and very heavy rain coming our way midweek. in fact, look at all that rain sweeping across the country. yes, thatis sweeping across the country. yes, that is snow across the pennines and highlands as well. gayle�*s in the south and west, unpleasant picture. many of us will travel through wednesday and into thursday again. so bear in mind the weather could turn rough mid certainly wednesday, lasting into thursday as well. heavy rain, snow across the mountains in the north. gayle�*s for many of us, travel disruption possible. and here is the outlook that takes us into 2024. the ist is the outlook that takes us into 2024. the 1st of january and indeed it is a very unsettled one. for me,
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merry christmas.
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this is bbc news. the headlines... gaza�*s health ministry says at least 70 people have been killed in an air strike on al—maghazi refugee camp. the injured have been taken to al aqsa hospital in deir al—balah. the health ministry says the strike hit three houses and the death toll is likely to rise. pope francis appeals
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for peace in the middle east during a christmas eve mass at st peter�*s basilica in the vatican. he said our hearts are in bethlehem and jesus�* message of peace was being drowned out by what he called the "futile logic of war". manchester united confirm british billionaire, sirjim ratcliffe, has agreed to buy a 25% stake in the club in a deal worth over 1.5 billion dollars. jim ratcliffe�*s ineos group will take control of football operations. he is also promising over £200 million of new investment. now on bbc news — influential with katty kay: wendell pierce. wendell pierce is one of the most accomplished actors in america today. you probably know him from the wire, suits, his role injack ryan. we flew down to new orleans to talk to him about what it takes to become a great actor, but also his love of that
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city and his time there in hurricane katrina.


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