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tv   Hunting the Rolex Rippers  BBC News  January 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am GMT

2:30 am
voice-over: this is bbc news. we'll have the headlines for you at the top of the hour, which is straight after this programme. so are you saying you'd steal from a grandma?
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so tell me what you guys do. a court has been told a teenager threatened to cut off the arm of singer
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aled jones when he stole a watch worth thousands of pounds. the 16—year—old pleaded guilty to robbery and possession of an offensive weapon and will appear at youth court next month. i was contacted on instagram by the guy who allegedly robbed aled jones. it's a bit surreal because it's the first time a criminal has contacted me and said that he wants to share his story. hey. you all right? yeah. can you send us the address, please? so, he's just sent me an address, which is where he lives, and it's around the corner to where we were originally supposed to meet him. i'm just trying to call him now but he's not answering. i don't have his number. it's just on instagram. he seems to have given me
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a new address, but it's been a few hours now, so i'm just basically hoping that he turns up.
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how big was it? 23 inches?! after you robbed him, how did you feel? so, why did you do it? i guess when people pull up with weapons and stuff, though, it must scare the victim... would you say you regret what you did, then?
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and what are the consequences? 0k. shall we cut for a second? yeah. that was a bit sketchy, i'm not going to lie. when we were in the car, it was quite dark. he pulled up hisjumper and he had a huge machete on him, so, obviously, didn't feel that comfortable. so it was quite hard to press him on everything... ..but he seems to have remorse for what he did, and... ..he seems to be saying that he's not going to do it again, but it's hard to tell, really. there has been a 65% increase in the number of watch thefts in the capital.
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this report contains violent images you may find disturbing. moped gangs on london's streets. siren wails the mopeds are so fast, they're almost impossible to find. spencer matthews has been caught up in a robbery. pretty scary. a bunch of guys on mopeds with big sledgehammers. indiscriminately, they assault and threaten innocent people, with the capital's busiest streets offering them rich pickings. so is itjust you two that operate together? how does it usually work?
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and how long have you been doing that for? has it almost become a bit of an addiction? why don't you think it's a big loss?
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even standing here with you now, you'rejust naturally clocking people's wrists all the time. yeah. that walk past. i feel like it's almost kind of scary that he's literally just, you know, minding his own business, and then something like that could happen so quickly without him even realising. yeah. it's a bit sinister. so are you saying you'd steal from a grandma? that seems a bit ruthless, though, doesn't it? like, she could have a heart attack or something.
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followed, threatened and beaten for their watches. he ripped my rolex watch off of my wrist, the next thing, ijust heard a gunshot. gunshot reporter: andrew dinsmore | was robbed at knife-point last year by moped thieves wielding an 18—inch machete. we were on our way to the - cinema, sort of broad daylight. we were walking along the main street, and as we turned down l a residential road, a man got off the back of the moped, . charged towards me, screaming, "give me your watch! _ "give me your effing watch! give me your watch! " then i saw the machete.
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she actually thought - i was going to be beheaded, like lee rigby. she ended up behind - a hedge, out of the way. and you can see the sizei of the blade he pulls out. jesus! my wife then starts coming forward. i she was expecting potentially to see me in all sorts... - in a bad state. yeah. she's very upset, she's trying to come across the road, - and i'm walking towards her. and then, you can see here, she actuallyjust collapses. i oh, gosh. how does it make you feel rewatching that? obviously, quite emotional. erm... as much, frankly, just - watching my wife's reaction to it as my own. i mean, it was deeply distressing for her. i and how do you think the watch was spotted? at the time, i was wearing a long—sleeved jumper. i there's basically no way you could have seen it i from the road. and the way that they- approached us, very directly, straight to me, i think. it was definitely that they wanted the watch. the only time it would have - been visible was when we were in the restaurant, - when i pulled myjumper up and we were eating. reporter: thieves have been l known to stalk victims and even steal watches to order.
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reporter: they'll wait outside high-end restaurants or bars. l they know where to find you. he's just on the phone to two of the guys that go on mopeds and steal watches. so is this a watch that you stole recently? 0k. so, is it broken? if it's broken, i'm guessing that obviously decreases the value. so, tell me how much
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that's worth. 5k each? are you guys happy with that? is it planned or do you just...? how would you tell if it was worth it? is it someone that looks rich?
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mm—hm. you seem to know all of the back alleys and different streets. do the moped kids know all the streets really well as well? so, do you coach them? how expensive is that? are there prices that you think aren't worth it? anything less than how much? some of the people that i've spoken to, sometimes it's the first time a weapon has ever been pulled on them, and it scares them pretty much for life.
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some of them are scared to walk alone at night. mm—hm. does that not make you feel bad? so would you say that you're almost a watch expert? where did you learn that? mm—hm. how old were you when you went out and did it for the first time? 0k. 12,13? that feels, like, really young.
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siren wails reporter: the met targeting those taking high value items| on london's streets. the criminals are turning to ever more aggressive means. sirens wail. we've been on oxford street for about five minutes and i've picked out six watches that are probably over about £20,000 each. so, yeah, we'vejust got a call from our sister car. they've apparently got a gentleman stopped. we've been asked to, obviously, just come and assist. is there a chance that this person could be a watch thief? yeah, there's a high possibility. over there, they spotted someone who was acting a little bit suspicious. when they went up to him, he gave them some fake details, which obviously is
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a bit of a red flag. clocked them up there and round the corner. our suspicion is that he was spotting. i've spotted him following two females off down a side street and then, i can clearly see him looking at a watch and almost crouching down to get a look at the face, where we've now gone into a bit of darkness. there's often watches well over 100,000, is a monthly occurrence. what's the most expensive watch that you've come across that's been stolen? it was $2.2 million. no way! yeah. a really rare, one—off piece. and it was stolen earlier this year. no—one�*s going to have £150,000 in their wallet but they have got it on their wrist, so... it's easier to steal a watch than it is a car as well. how large is the circle of people that they're working with? this is organised crime,
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so they're notjust coming in and grabbing people's watches off the street. they're doing surveillance work, they then go to a handler, and, yeah, then potentially out of the country or sold on the black market. so, you've got a couple of rolexes on you. so, what are you going to do with those watches now? it feels like it's young
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kids that are doing it. do you not feel bad that you're bringing kids into this? because they're so young. do you not think that they have other prospects in life other than this?
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when you were younger, did you have anything else that you wanted to do? why were you lost, if you don't mind me asking? so, do you think you'll ever stop? is it until you make enough money? is it until someone gets hurt? is it until you end up in prison? in one part of london,
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you'll have council flats and then, in the other part of london, you'll have these really lavish restaurants and bars and people in suits and people with 20 grand on their wrist. and for those young kids, they feel like they haven't had anything and they can just go out and take it. he's just gone to go and get a female spotter who is going to tell me how she basically goes out and looks for people and steals their watches.
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and how much do you get paid to do this? do you think that it's needed for a girl to do it in order to go to these kind of affluent areas? do you ever feel bad when these people's watches get stolen? because you've spent the whole night talking to them and building some kind of relationship with them.
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are you getting a bit stressed out? sorry, what have you got in your hand? what's the briefcase? what's in there? can you show me? is it a weapon? so, he's just gone around the corner to open up the case.
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so, did you just put a knife in your trousers? a gun? what do you need a gun for, though? is that actually something you would do, though? you would shoot someone? 0h, bleep, yeah. mm—hm. yeah...
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yeah. thank you. you can see the gun coming out of the back of his trousers. guys, can we...? is it ok if we go inside? what's going on, tir? like, basically, it's a rival gang. erm... so, he was, like, "can you please hide your cameras "quickly, cos it's going to kick off." ok, let's go. erm... go back to the car. 0k. basically, they had to get out of there as quickly as possible.
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guys, get in the car. i've got to almost know m, in a way, over these past few weeks. i actually didn't think that he would be capable of that but he obviously is. it goes to show that, obviously, below all of this kind of, you know, grabbing watches, there's something a lot more sinister going on. 0k...! i'll kill you, bleep! reporter speaks french help! a criminal network dealing in stolen luxury watches. all those held reportedly come from naples. screaming the unique watch was worth about $500,000. the thieves got away with a rolex watch.
2:56 am
hello there. we're in for a very stormy spell of weather for the second half of sunday into the first part of monday, all thanks to storm isha. met office have a number of amber wind warnings in force for northern and western areas. heavy rain could lead to localised flooding along with snowmelt, as it will be turning very mild indeed. but we could be looking at some significant disruption from this storm as it continues to hurtle across the atlantic towards our shores
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later on sunday. but sunday starts off on a fine note for many, england and wales dry with some sunshine. same, too, for north east scotland. the winds will continue to pick up, though, through the day and rain across northern ireland will spread across the irish sea into much of scotland, northern and western england and wales, so it will be turning downhill as we head through the afternoon but very mild for the time of year — up to 13 degrees in many parts of england, wales, northern ireland. storm isha continues to plough through during sunday evening and overnight. a real squeeze in the isobars across western scotland, northern ireland but lots of isobars across the charts. amber warnings in force. gusts of 60—70 mph south west england, particularly irish sea coasts, much of wales, maybe up to 80mph north—west wales, 60—70 for northern england, maybe 80 mph in excess for northern ireland. some very strong winds expected across scotland through the night — perhaps in excess of 85mph across western scotland — so these are damaging gusts and likely to cause some disruption. there'll be some heavier rain and showers rattling through as well and we'll
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also see amber warning for the southeast of england for strong winds. sussex and kent could see gusts in excess of 60 or 70 mph early on monday. a mild night to come across the south, taking a little bit fresher further north. into monday, storm isha continues to push across the norwegian sea. lots of isobars on the charts, so monday will be another windy day as well — not as windy as sunday night — and there'll be lots of showers rattling into northern and western areas. best of the sunshine towards the east. some wintriness over the higher ground of scotland and northern england. it won't feel particularly warm in the north if you factor in the wind but still double figures in the south. stays pretty unsettled for the upcoming week. tuesday, we see another spell of wet and windy weather and then, a ridge of high pressure for wednesday will bring some fine conditions. another spell of wet and windy weather, perhaps, for thursday and friday. so, the weather really will be up and down through this week, interspersed with fine spells. generally staying on the mild side. stay tuned to the forecast, though, for the effects of storm isha.
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3:00 am
live from washington, this is bbc news. a number of us military personnel are injured in a missile attack by iranian—backed militants on an airbase in western iraq. iran's president vows to punish israel for an air strike in damascus that killed five iranian revolutionary guards. tens of thousands of people protest in germany against the far—right following revelations that a major party had discussed plans to deport immigrants. iam i am helena iam helena humphrey. it is good to have you with us. a number of us military personnel have been injured in a missile attack on an airbase in western iraq. us central command says an iran—backed militia targeted the al—assad airbase, which hosts american troops, with ballistic missiles and rockets on saturday evening. it says, the personnel are "undergoing evaluation
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for traumatic brain injuries" — and at least one iraqi service


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