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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm GMT

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the decision of sus-endin . of sus-cendin the the decision of sus-cendin the fundin , callin of suspending the funding, calling it shocking. the uk post office chairman, henry staunton, is asked to step down by the secretary of state, kemi badenoch. hello. i'm nicky schiller. the head of the un agency for palestinians, unrwa, says the decision by several countries to suspend funding is shocking, and will threaten its aid work in gaza. it follows the organisation sacking several members of its staff, after israel accused them of being involved in the 7th october hamas attacks. unrwa is investigating the claims. but israel is continues to put pressure on the un agency, saying its boss should resign. our correspondent injerusalem, mark lowen, reports. crushed from the air. lives, homes, families and now the very mission set up to help gaza's desperate is taking
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a hit too. the un agency for palestinian refugees, or unrwa, firing several employees for alleged involvement in hamas' assault on israel. a body set up to protect, accused of attack. britain and a handful of other countries have now paused theirfunding. the foreign office said it was appalled by claims of complicity in what it called "a heinous act of terrorism." hamas stormed israel on the 7th of october, killing more than 1,200 people and abducting at least 240. israeli intelligence has reportedly passed on material said to show the participation of unrwa staff and the use of its vehicles and facilities. its government has seized on the allegations as the world remembers another massacre. translation: it was proven on international holocaust i
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remembrance day what we have been saying for years, that the unrwa employees are collaborators with the terrorist organisation hamas and that the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de—legitimised, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel. the un, which has frequently batted away past israeli criticism, says it is horrified by the news and will ensure any unrwa employee shown to have participated or abetted what transpired on the 7th of october or in any other criminal activity be terminated immediately and referred for potential criminal prosecution. but as israel's offensive intensifies, driving 80% of gazans from home, the un plays a great vital role role there and say some, a mission with 30,000 staff shouldn't be tarred by the violations of a few. it certainly looks as if there is cause to be concerned about the actions of some
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of the members of unrwa, the un relief and works agency, but that does not, nor should it impugn the entire agency and the entire body of work they are doing. they have helped save literally thousands of lives in gaza. they do important work. the worst attack in israel's history has left scars here that will last generations. and with trauma, comes rage. towards those who aided the aggressors, not the victims. mark the aggressors, not the victims. reporting from jer chris gunness is a former chief spokesperson for unrwa, and now director of the myanmar accountability project. he gave me his reaction to the israeli allegations. they are very serious and unrwa has taken robust action in implementing its zero tolerance policy. if you look at the statement of the commissioner general, the head of unrwa, philippe lazzarini, he made it clear that he was sacking these people to protect unrwa's interests. in other words, in advance of the results of the investigation, in the absence of prima facie evidence, unrwa has
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dismissed these people. so, you know, these accusations are taken very, very seriously. unrwa always takes disciplinary action up to and including dismissal and that is what we have seen in this case. and to be clear, this is disproportionate and it is punitive. it is going to hurt the million people who are, at the moment, in a war zone in unrwa installations. the women, the children, the newborn, the sick, the babies, the dying, they are the ones who are going to be punished by this. and at a time when western governments are worried about the middle east war spreading, an agency which we all agree brings stability through its development work to the middle east region, having its aid suspended makes no sense whatsoever. so, you have been, as i said, at the heart of the organisation, do you think these allegations are plausible? look, i've not seen the evidence and far be it for me to pass judgment. i would say two things.
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firstly, the timing is really odd. a day after the supreme court of the world, the international court ofjustice, essentially said that there are suspicions that israel is committing genocide. bang, the next day, what feels like a piece of news manipulation comes out. that is not to say unrwa is not taking it seriously, which it does. it sacked these two people. i think the other important thing to say is that israel has put out lies and disinformation. israeli spokespeople, civilian, military, even the prime minister's office was putting out lies about us that i had to deal with. during the 2014 war, we were continually told that our schools were hit because there were militants in them. not true. this was never proven except perhaps in one incident where unrwa came very clean about it when rocket parts were found in the schools, but essentially, you know, there is a huge history of false allegations being made by israel and its supporters. and, you know, unrwa is doing everything it can and i would like to see this
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disproportionate, punitive measure changed immediately. it is the most disadvantaged, the frail, the vulnerable who are going to be hit by this. and how can it possibly be in israel's interest to have the agency which is calming things down on its borders in gaza... and to be clear, unrwa works in syria, injordan, in lebanon and the west bank. over 500,000 children go to unrwa schools every day. how could it possibly be in the interest of regional stability to have funding cut? and my very last point i would like to make is that the icj yesterday made it very clear that the obstruction of humanitarian aid was against the wishes of the court. it was a violation of the genocide convention. what do we have from those governments the very next day? we have humanitarian aid being restricted through these punitive and disproportionate sanctions against unrwa which will backfire. it will make the middle east more unstable. the houthis and others
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are looking very closely at what is happening in gaza. this is going to lead to more marginalisation, more radicalisation and what we need at the moment is the complete opposite. the world does not need a desperate, disenfranchised community on the doorstep of israel. that is in nobody�*s interest and i call upon these governments, please, to reverse this decision. what do they want unrwa to do? it has sacked these people suspected of these appalling crimes and it makes no sense to punish those in gaza who desperately need the assistance of unrwa tonight. but israel and their foreign minister calling unrwa the civilian arm of hamas, saying it should not operate in gaza once the war ends, they believe that, so you can understand why they want action taken? yes, israel has waged a political war against unrwa for many, many years under the false assumption, allegation that in some way, unrwa perpetuates the refugee problem because unrwa registers
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the children of refugees as refugees, just as unhcr, the other un agency dealing with refugees, also registers children of refugees under the principle of family unity. israel is mistaken in thinking that unrwa perpetuates the refugee problem. what perpetuates the refugee problem is the failure of the parties, including israel, to see the rights of those refugees resolved, the problems around the refugees resolved, in the context of a two—state solution. the refugees have rights, including the right of return, and this must be resolved in the context of a two—state solution and unless and until that is all resolved, i am afraid we are destined to see this problem continue. israel and the political forces need to grasp the nettle and start promoting peace and the resolution of the refugee question within the context of an overall peace deal. that is what is going to end this problem, not abolishing a un agency charged with humanitarian and human
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development work for as many as 6 million refugees across the middle east. former unrwa spokesperson talking to me a little earlier. the us has asked china to use its influence to convince iran to rein in its support for houthis attacking shipping in the red sea, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes. a significant amount of chinese goods bound for the west pass through the area. firefighters from the indian navy have now put out a fire on board the latest vessel to be attacked. the marlin luanda oil tanker, which is operated by a uk registered company, was hit by a houthi missile on friday while it was travelling in the red sea off the coast of yemen. the uk government says it reserves the right to respond appropriately. our diplomatic correspondent paul adams reports. this was the marlin luanda last night, fire visible from the bridge, threatening its cargo of russian oil
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bound for singapore. the houthis are quick to take credit, their spokesman saying once again that this was being done to support the palestinians in gaza and in response to what he described as american—british aggression. the fire was finally brought under control this morning as indian, french and american naval vessels arrived on the scene. the crew was unharmed and the tanker now heading for a safe harbour. it's been two weeks since britain and the us first hit back, striking military targets inside yemen, aiming to deter the houthis. so far, the strategy doesn't appear to be working. so the attack on the marlin luanda in the gulf of aden signifies a great extension and escalation from the red sea to the gulf of aden, so a geographical extension, and also with the type of weapons. the missile used yesterday was a ballistic missile, and the houthis started their attacks in the red sea using drones, so we're seeing
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a technological expansion and a geographical extension. the houthis are using the attacks to bolster support at home, orchestrating huge rallies on the streets of the capital, sanaa, relishing this confrontation with the west — something they've thought about and planned for for years. they're being helped by iran. when us navy seals seized a dhow off the coast of somalia earlier this month, they found parts of ballistic and anti—ship cruise missiles. diplomats say weapons are also being smuggled through oman. this afternoon, the defence secretary grant shapps condemned what he called this "intolerable and illegal attack "and said britain remained committed to protecting freedom of navigation. paul adams, bbc news. the uk post office chairman, henry staunton, has been asked to stand down after talks with the business secretary,
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kemi badenoch. she says there was a "need for new leadership". he was appointed in december 2022. our political correspondent iain watson has more. they have been very careful with their language, nicky, but i think it is interesting that the government said, and i quote, actually they agreed to part their ways with mutual consent. that may well be mutual consent by the end of that conversation. the post office are telling me actually he was asked to stand down and therefore the person who instigated that call was undoubtedly the secretary of state, the appropriate government minister, in the first place and clearly she wanted him to go. i mean, it is actually rare, i think, for someone who is chairman of an arm's length body, although government funded, to be called up on a saturday afternoon and persuaded to go, so clearly this was the secretary of state who wants a change of leadership at the top of the post office. as we know, the government's currently now trying to push through legislation to compensate and indeed exonerate sub—postmasters and mistresses who were caught up in the horizon scandal, and certainly this has become a major political issue since an itv drama seemed to focus the minds
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of the public and politicans alike at the start of this year. so, do we think it is to do with the horizon it scandal that he has had to go, or another issue? well, certainly one government source said it probably would not have happened without the horizon scandal but that does not mean to say it is directly linked to the horizon scandal. as you were saying, he was appointed only in december 2022, he was somebody with a pretty illustrious career in various boards in the private sector, whsmith newsagent for example, itv, the broadcaster, as well, so it doesn't seem to be any suggestion he was involved in the horizon scandal, responsible for any of that whatsoever. i think the focus though is on how does the government sort out the mess after the horizon scandal? it is interesting that an independent director of the post office, who was in charge of the post office's own offers of financial compensation, it was announced he was departing just over a week ago. there is going to be a replacement and it is possible there was tensions over perhaps who that replacement was or exactly
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how the post office itself undertook its own compensation scheme, but neither the business department, nor indeed mr staunton himself, would comment any further. now, as you said, there now has to be another chairman, all during all the stuff around the horizon scandal. it is not going to be easy for someone to come in amongst all of that and get up to speed. absolutely, it is going to be incredibly difficult. perhaps the secretary of state, kemi badenoch, has someone in mind, i don't know, but at the moment they're saying there will be someone appointed on an interim basis, so there won't certainly be that stability there at the top of the post office at a time when, a, there is will be a big public focus on them and b, in parliament, mps will be voting on effectively offering compensation and exoneration to people caught up in the scandal. so, clearly the secretary of state must have thought it was better to have new blood rather than continue with the current
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chairman but it does actually mean that we will have in fact an interim chairman, then an actual chairman in due course. it is quite clear though, i think, the government's been politically attacked for being slow to deal with this scandal and there's therefore political pressure i think on government ministers to get a grip. that is our political correspondent iain watson. donald trump says he'll appeal against a court order to pay 83 million dollars in damages to a woman he defamed. e jean carroll said the former us president destroyed her reputation when he said she'd lied about him sexually assaulting her in the 1990s. a jury in a previous civil fraud trial found ms carroll was sexually abused by trump back then. she said the ruling was a "great victory for every woman". mr trump said he'll appeal. our north america correspondent nada tawfik reports. ejean carroll has now taken on donald trump twice in court, both times emerging victorious. last may, he was found liable
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for sexual abuse and defamation, and ordered to pay her $5 million in damages. this second defamation trial looks set to cost him far more — $83 million. donald trump was not present when the verdict was read. and earlier, he stormed out of court when ejean carroll's lawyer was delivering her closing statement, arguing that the former president acted as if the law didn't apply to him. afterwards, he slammed the verdict on social media as "absolutely ridiculous" and a politically motivated witch—hunt directed by president biden. we will immediately appeal. we will set aside that ridiculous jury and i just want to remind you all of one thing. i will continue with president trump to fight for everybody�*s first amendment right to speak. everybody has a right to defend themselves when they are wrongfully accused, and to be able to say, "i didn't do it". donald trump has repeatedly denied raping the former advice columnist at a department store in the �*90s.
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ejean carroll's lawyer submitted as evidence videos and posts where trump continued to defame her while the trial was taking place. i have no idea who she is, where she came from. this is another scam. it's a political witch—hunt. the damages awarded to ejean carroll were far more than the 2a million she asked for. it signals that the jury agreed with her lawyers that only a very large sum that would hurt donald trump financially would convince him to stop. in a statement, ejean carroll described the verdict as a victory for every woman who stands up when she's been knocked down and a huge defeat for every bully who's tried to keep a woman down. donald trump has plenty of other upcoming trials, where he faces a total of 91 felony counts and the threat ofjail time. but so far, it hasn't dented his chances of becoming the republican presidential nominee. quite the opposite —
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it's energised his base. nada tawfik, bbc news, new york. well, our north america correspondent, will vernon, has the latest reaction from washington. mr trump is holding a rally for supporters later on today. that's in las vegas in that key swing state of nevada. that's one of the states that mr trump has to win if he has any hope of unseating joe biden at the election, assuming he is the republican nominee, which we expect he will be. it was interesting, you know, earlier we saw a social media post from nikki haley. she is, of course, the last remaining major candidate to challenge donald trump for that republican nomination. and nikki haley essentially asked why all this attention was being paid to donald trump's $83 million lawsuit, when, in her opinion, attention should be being paid to serious political issues such as immigration, such as inflation. nikki haley said in that post that
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america can do better than donald trump and joe biden. and that really is a strategy we've seen deployed by ms haley quite a few times in the last few days. in the early parts of her campaign, she was quite reluctant to directly criticise donald trump, to harshly criticise donald trump. perhaps she was concerned about alienating potential supporters. but now, as the last woman standing, perhaps she feels she has less to lose. she has been linking donald trump and joe biden in her campaign in the last few days, essentially saying these are two men of advanced age, you know, in their 80s or very close to it in mr trump's case, both of them, ms haley says, mentally unfit for office. and both of them with grievances, ongoing investigations into their affairs, that are a distraction. now, you know, the polls seem to back up that view, that opinion of ms
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haley that americans don't want a trump—biden rematch. around 70% of people, according to opinion polls, don't want that. but nikki haley has a political mountain to climb. you know, donald trump has a huge lead in the polls in ms haley's home state of south carolina. that's the next major primary election. she trails the former president by around 35% points, and that's a state you'd expect her to do rather well in, so she has got a hill to climb. donald trump will be watching in a few hours when he heads out onto the stage in las vegas. we'll see if he has any more stinging attacks to make on nikki haley and we'll see whether he has any comments on that crushing defeat in a courtroom in new york yesterday. will mention to that stage in las vegas and we can show you that right now. this is the scene right there, trump posters and people holding flags and things we have seen
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already. donald trump expected that already. donald trump expected that a little later in the city of las vegas, we will keep an eye on that and let you know anything we get from it a little later. now it's time for a look at today's sport. some breaking news this evening — the head coach of barcelona, xavi hernandez, says he will leave his post at the end of the season. it follows a strong of poor results this season and tonight barca were beaten 5—3 by villarreal in la liga. in a statement xabi said, "we have reached a point of no return. it's time for change. i spoke with the board and the club today. i will leave on the 30th ofjune". xabi has been at the spanish giants since november 2021, winning last season's league title. as a player he was a barcalona legend, winning eight league titles and a world cup and two euros with spain. he is leaving barcelona at the end of the season. next to a big upset
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in the fa cup this weekend, as the lowest ranked side left in the competition — non—league maidstone united have knocked out the in—form championship side ipswich town in the fourth round. maidstone are 98 places and four divisions below ipswich in the english football pyramid, but they managed a 2—1 win at portman road. it's a day their supporters will never forget. they did need a few heroics from their brazilian goalkeeper lucas covolan and they had to see out eight minutes of added time, but they held on for a famous win, much to the delight of their cameroon manager george elokobi. this one binds us for life now. we are tied. our supporters richly deserve days like this, we are tied for life. we are bound for life. and my community back in cameroon, motown. __ my community back in cameroon, motown. —— my town. and my college, i hope i am
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doing you all proud, i hope i'm doing the entire country proud and the entire continent proud. luton are through after a memorable 2—1 win over everton. substitute cauley woodrow scored the winning goal in the 96th minute despite having a suspected broken hand. it's only the second time luton have reached the fifth round of the fa cup, the last time was more than a decade ago. elsewhere, brighton were 5—2 winners at sheffield united including a joao pedro hat—trick. leicester co mforta bly beat birmingham city while leeds will have to replay against plymouth, but newcastle are through, they knocked out fulham 2—0 the final score at craven cottage. angola are the first team through to the quarterfinals of this year's africa cup of nations which is being staged in the ivory coast. angola beat namibia 3—0 — both sides ending the match with 10 men. gelson dala with two goals. in the day's other last 16 game, nigeria are beating cameroon 1—0 in abidjan — ademola lookman with the goal. onto tennis and aryna sabalenka has
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won the australian open women's singles title for the second year in a row. the number two seed belarussian comfortably beat china's zheng qinwen, who was playing in her first grand slam final. our correspondent russell fuller was watching. the whole fortnight she has been very impressive and she has underlined why many thought she was the favourite. not an easy thing to do, i would argue, but to do so without dropping a set, and in this final she made a fast start, i think probably zheng qinwen, having not played any top 50 opponents to get to the final, was a little taken aback and took a bit of time to get used to the pace of sabalenka's ball. first set fairly straightforward and when zheng qinwen served three double faults you felt the writing was on the wall and there was not too muchjeopardy, it felt like sabalenka was in control of the final. england's hopes of winning the opening test in india
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are still alive, thanks to what's being hailed as one of the best centuries by an overseas player in indian cricket history. ollie pope staged a remarkable rescue act, to keep england in the game in hyderabad. with wickets falling all around him and the tourists in deep trouble, his 148 not out along with useful partnerships with foakes and ahmed kept them in the game. and that's all the sport for now. you can get more on that breaking barcelona coach news on the bbc sports website or app. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. temperatures have been a little bit higher today, but we have seen more cloud around, particularly across more western parts of the uk. a lot of the cloud is still quite thin, high cloud, mind you. and if you have a look at the satellite picture, you can see all that cloud that's been coming in from the atlantic to the south of our weather front
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that's been hanging around in the north and north—west of scotland, bringing some outbreaks of rain. but through the night, as we see a southerly wind picking up, we're going to blow that rain band out of the way. it still could be quite cloudy in northern ireland and scotland, bit of dampness in the air now and again. rather more variable cloud across england and wales. and last night it got to minus three at exeter airport. lowest temperatures will be across eastern parts of england where we have clearer skies and there could be a touch of ground frost first thing on sunday morning. but with that wind picking up on sunday, we should see temperatures continuing to rise and most places will have a dry day again. some sunshine at times, a bit more cloud in the south west of england, maybe moving into the midlands and ahead of our rain band approaching northern ireland and heading into the north—west of scotland, it's going to be windy with some gales in the north—west, some quite lively winds developing through the irish sea as well. but it is a southerly wind and that's why temperatures are continuing to rise. it's going to be a milder day on sunday, it could make iii degrees in north wales and the moray firth. now those southerly winds are coming from a long way south and they could actually pick up some
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saharan dust, which will get blown in towards the uk just ahead of that weather front there, which will bring some wet weather. and we've got a bit more rain pushing towards england and wales. could turn quite heavy rain over the hills of wales, across northern england. and in the southern uplands, we're likely to find some snow falling as things get colder in scotland and northern ireland. but for the midlands, many parts of eastern england it may well be dry and we're in milder air here, so temperatures are likely to reach 1a or 15 degrees. that milder air, though, will get pushed away overnight as these weather fronts move their way eastwards. could bring some snow to other higher parts of eastern scotland before that low pressure is out of the way and all the wet weather is out of the way, leaving cloud for england and wales, sunshine across scotland and northern ireland. that'll push a bit further south through the day. it will introduce cooler air, mind you, so we've got eight degrees in glasgow. could make 12 degrees in the south—east.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... israel is continuing to put pressure on the un agency for palestinian refugees, saying that its boss should resign. it's after israel accused some of unrwa's staff of being involved in the 7th of october attacks. unrwa says it has sacked a number of staff and is investigating the allegations. however, it slammed the decision of several countries, including the uk, who suspended
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funding to the agency — following the accusations. the uk's post office chairman is to stand down following a phone call with the business and trade secretary. he had been in thejob for 13 months. and coming up, we look at how climate change affects the migration patterns of several species of birds, including the crane who are no longer making the long winter trip down to southern spain and northern africa. back to our top story now... the head of the un agency for palestinians, unrwa, says the decision by several countries to suspend funding is shocking, and will threaten its aid work in gaza. it follows the organisation sacking several members of its staff, after israel accused them of being involved in the seventh october hamas attacks. unrwa is investigating the claims. but israel continues to put pressure on the un agency, saying its boss should resign. our correspondent mark lowen
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gave me the latest. crushed from the air. lives, homes, families and now the very mission set up to help gaza's desperate is taking a hit too. the un agency for palestinian refugees, or unrwa, firing several employees for alleged involvement in hamas' assault on israel. a body set up to protect, accused of attack. britain and a handful of other countries have now paused theirfunding. the foreign office said it was appalled by claims of complicity in what it called "a heinous act of terrorism." hamas stormed israel on the 7th of october, killing more than 1,200 people and abducting at least 240. israeli intelligence has reportedly passed on material said to show the participation of unrwa staff and the use of its vehicles and facilities. its government has seized on the allegations, as the world remembers another massacre.
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translation: it was proven on international holocaust i remembrance day what we have been saying for years, that the unrwa employees are collaborators with the terrorist organisation hamas, and that the un has become not only a place where the existence of the state of israel is de—legitimised, but also a place where employees are physically collaborating in the extermination of israel. the un, which has frequently batted away past israeli criticism, says it is horrified by the news and will ensure any unrwa employee shown to have participated or abetted what transpired on the 7th of october, or in any other criminal activity, be terminated immediately and referred for potential criminal prosecution. but as israel's offensive intensifies, driving 80% of gazans from their homes, the un plays a great vital role role there, and, say some, a mission with 30,000 staff shouldn't be tarred by the violations of a few.
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it certainly looks as if there is cause to be concerned about the actions of some of the members of unrwa, the un relief and works agency, but that does not, nor should it impugn the entire agency and the entire body of work they are doing. they have helped save literally thousands of lives in gaza. they do important work. the worst attack in israel's history has left scars here that will last generations. and with trauma, comes rage. towards those who aided the aggressors, not the victims. israel has long accused the un of bias, anti—semitism and worse. and now the foreign minister has called unrwa the civilian arm of hamas and said it should not operate in gaza once the conflict ends. there is real anger here at these very serious allegations, but for a government increasingly under pressure, it is also an opportunity to bolster its argument. mark lowen, bbc news, jerusalem.
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about twenty former prisoners who were held at the auschwitz death camp have taken part in a ceremony there to mark 79 years since its liberation. the event was one of many around the world to mark international holocaust remembrance day. here in the uk, major landmarks were being lit up in purple, and people are being encouraged to light a candle in a window to signal their opposition to hatred and prejudice. alfred garwood is a holocaust survivor who was just eight months old when he was taken to bergen—belsen concentration camp. he told me about his family's experience. you may find some of his recollections distressing. i was born in 1942 in a nazi ghetto and when i was eight months old, all four of us, my parents and my older sister and myself, were taken to bergen—belsen concentration camp.
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we were given starvation rations, the amount of food you had was about 160 calories per day. one piece of bread, some water, soup and that was basically at. and the life expectancy was about six months. being a baby, clearly that led to different problems. fortunately, my mother was able to breast—feed me, but the breast—feed, when i was eight months old, you need a bit more than just milk, and they were starving, but the only way they could give me some food was to take the bread they had got and to soften it and moisten it in their mouth and they were starving hungry, yet they had to take it out of their mouth, we did not have a spoon, we had nothing, they had to use their thumb to just take the bread out of their mouth
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and feed me with it. it was absolute torture for them. life was unbelievable in some ways. people, you would be talking to someone and they would just drop dead in front of you, and the place was littered with dead bodies and the children had to play amongst the dead bodies. ijust can't imagine that. how did you deal in later life with the obvious trauma that you went through as a baby? the thing about early trauma is that it is remembered in the body and in the way you deal with stress and anxiety. it makes you very insecure, and it affects your whole life and many years later,
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i realised i needed therapy and help and so i have had some 20 years of therapy to help me with the trauma, but in wanting to deal with the trauma, i became a doctor, i wanted to become a healer and heal the wounds of other people, but also my own wounds, and so apart from becoming a doctor and a general practitioner, i became a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist and i started working with holocaust survivors who were traumatised. i spent my professional life as a healer, healing others but also learning to heal myself. did you find it helpful helping those other survivors? it is deeply rewarding. when you know that someone is in pain and you can help them reduce that pain,
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feel less desperate, less stressed, it is very rewarding and you can see the results of your efforts, and they are grateful, and so you have a good relationship with them and it also makes you feel reassured that it is possible to heal the wounds. it gives you hope for the future. i understand you returned in adult life to bergen—belsen? because i was so young, my parents did not want to believe that i had been damaged by the experience, scarred by the experience, and they would say you are lucky you were a baby, you did not remember anything, it did not affect you. not remembering is correct, but saying it was not affecting me was kind of denying my ability to actually deal with it,
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and so eventually, i had a crisis in my life where my wife died and my family was kind of falling apart. i asked my father to go back to the camp to tell me about it so that i could understand it more, and feeling a sense that i understood the experience and how it might have affected me. and at first when i went back, i didn't feel anything, i had no reactions, i was constantly being told i was too young and did not remember anything and that did not allow me to remember what i could remember, but then i went into the camp on my own without the influence of my family and something happened to me, and ifound i could hardly stand up. i became weak, my head dropped, i was looking at the floor, i felt terrified and frightened of people who walked quickly
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and what was happening, i was having a body memory, feeling how i felt when i was two years old, starving, could barely walk because i had ricketts and the fear was the terror i felt then, and so that was a very important experience to recover the sense that it did affect me and it then allows me to move forward, and i decided i needed to speak to other children who had been holocaust survivors, so i formed a psychosocial group, the first in britain, to help children who are holocaust survivors, and then i helped to found the survivors centre in north london, so that there would be a place to meet and we used to meet every
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month and talk to one another and because i was also a psychotherapist, there were major international meetings of child survivors, and i became a sort of therapist to them and i did 30 years of work with giving psychotherapy to child survivors. that allowed me to understand what really happened, how it affected us children in a way, because the psychiatrist and the specialist did not understand holocaust trauma and so it enabled me to study and to write. and i have written a book, and i continue to write new theory about how the mind works with trauma and how it deals with it. so it has been enormously rewarding and it has helped me heal my own wounds. that is holocaust survivor alfred garwood talking to me earlier and
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today, international holocaust remembrance day. or or king charles will stay in hospital for a second night, after a procedure for an enlarged prostate. queen camilla visited her husband at the london clinic, where the princess of wales is also staying following abdominal surgery. our reporter charlie rose, is outside the hospital. this is day two of the king's stay in hospital here at the london clinic after undergoing treatment for an enlarged prostate. his wife, queen camilla, has been to visit him a number of times over the past couple of days — three, we think. the latest visit took place this afternoon. yesterday, she told reporters that her husband was doing well after the procedure. now, she may also have been visiting catherine, princess of wales, who is also being looked after here. she has had abdominal surgery, it is her 12th day here and she is not expected to resume official public engagements until after easter when she feels
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much better and has fully recovered. now, we have had a statement from buckingham palace regarding the king. saying, "his majesty would like to thank all those "who sent their good wishes over the past week and is delighted "to learn that his diagnosis is having a positive impact "on public health awareness." now, it is unusual for buckingham palace to speak about the king's health in this way but apparently, his majesty wanted to raise awareness and that is exactly what has happened, because the nhs says that it has seen a surge in the number of men going to its website, seeking advice and help and information on enlarged prostate. now, the latest information here is that king charles is expected to spend the rest of the night here at hospital and tomorrow, too, when he may have another visit from queen camilla.
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charlie rose reporting. british department store company john lewis has confirmed it's considering making further cuts to its workforce over the next five years. there are reports that up to eleven—thousand jobs could be axed at its stores and waitrose supermarkets. here's our business correspondent marc ashdown. it is the darling of the high street, john—lewis but it is not immune from the gloomy financial picture all businesses have suffered. hit by high inflation, soaring costs forfreight, energy, staffing. it posted a £230 million loss back in march, that is only the second ever time it has made a full year loss. had to scrap the annual pot staff bonus for the partners, don't forget, they are partners, they co—owned the business. some job cuts were announced back then and john lewis and waitrose stores set to close now, it seems more pain coming on the line. a spokesperson told me today with sadness they are today drawing up plans to shrink the 76,000 workforce further. they didn't go into details, but the guardian reporting 11,000 jobs, potentially up to 10% of the workforce.
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i'm told the axe won't fall immediately, it could all take five years. a mix of the term natural wastage but also some redundancies potentially. you mentioned it is a partnership and the staff own it, any reaction from staff to this? the guardian also report they have been on message boards, sharing their frustrations. it does seem like, according to the spokesman, it is all part of a plan to return the business to profitability, they need to get those tills ringing, investing heavily in technology as well to enhance the customer experience. it has been a tough time for staff. last week, the partnership wrote to them saying they are going to reduce the redundancy package, cut it from february, anyone leaving after february next month will getjust one week of pay per year of service instead of two. particularly galling as message board shafts have been showing frustrations, because quite a few senior executives have just left on that more redundancy package.
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some very gloomy news for the high street in general. everyone thought we were turning a corner in the uk, inflation coming down, interest rate cuts potentially on the horizon, i thinkjohn lewis is seen as a bit of a bellwether, a bit worrying, not out of the woods yet as businesses keep struggling as consumers more butchers notches on the boat to tighten. —— consumers keep finding more notches on their belts to tighten. we will go live to las vegas where donald trump has just appeared. let's dip in and see what he has to say. he is there holding a rally, and it of course follows his latest court appearance over that writer where the former president was ordered to pay over $83 million to her after he denied sexually assaulting her. let's have a quick listen. , , ., , listen. remember this, look at this, in either party _ listen. remember this, look at this, in either party to _ listen. remember this, look at this, in either party to win _ listen. remember this, look at this, in either party to win both, - listen. remember this, look at this, in either party to win both, think - in either party to win both, think of this, iowa and new hampshire, we won them both quite easily. and now
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we are going to have an even bigger... we are going to have an even bigger- - -_ we are going to have an even biner... ., , ., ~ bigger... donald trump talking in las vegas- _ bigger... donald trump talking in las vegas- we — bigger... donald trump talking in las vegas. we will _ bigger... donald trump talking in las vegas. we will keep - bigger... donald trump talking in las vegas. we will keep the - bigger... donald trump talking in | las vegas. we will keep the team bigger... donald trump talking in i las vegas. we will keep the team in the office keeping any air across that and bring you any lines he says in reaction to that defamation court case on friday. us politicians have called for new laws to criminalise the creation of deepfake images, after explicit ai—generated images of taylor swift were viewed millions of times on x, formerly known as twitter. taylor swift's fans, or �*swifties', rallied to flood the platform with posts and drown out the so—called �*deepfakes'. one faked picture of the star on x was viewed 47 million times before it was taken down. here's our north america correspondent david willis. under existing us law, tech platforms such as x, formerly twitter, enjoy protection against liability for content posted on their sites, which means that lawmakers here can do very little to prevent the spread of this sort of misinformation.
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there was a bill put forward a short while ago, which would have imposed criminal penalties against anyone found guilty of creating or distributing this sort of information, but it is currently bogged down in congress. and the hope is that the involvement in all this now of taylor swift could in some way reinvigorate those legislative moves and those attempts to get some sort of laws on the books. the white house said today that it was alarmed by the sexually—explicit taylor swift pictures, but the spokeswoman, karinejean—pierre, appeared to concede that in the absence of congressional action, there was very little in this regard that the biden administration could do to help the situation. for its part, the x platform has said it is actively removing these sexually—explicit pictures, and that it was taking appropriate action against those who have been found to have created or distributed those images.
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but one image alone is thought to have received more than 47 million views before it was taken down. a few years ago, of course, creating these sort of images required a degree of technical skills, now, there's been a lot of these new tools available online, which has made the whole thing a lot easier, and there are concerns amongst regulators here of a sort of tsunami of this type of material, involving celebrities and non—celebrities, politicians and other members of society. in the absence of congressional action, taylor swift's fans, otherwise known as swifties, are taking measures of their own. they've taken to the x platform under the hashtag #protecttaylorswift in a bid to distract attention from the sexually—explicit images.
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david willis reporting. world famous scientists albert einstein and stephen hawking are both said to have had iqs of around 160. and now, so does a 12—year—old schoolboy from north devon. rory achieved a score of 162 in his mensa iq test and is the latest member of the society for people with very high iqs. jenny kumah has been to meet him. oh, he scored! meet rory, like many his age he loves football and scoring goals. he is also a top scorer when it comes to the mensa iq test, putting him in a league of top scientists. it is brilliant, because i know albert einstein, stephen hawking, are some of the most famous people for their intelligence, and it is like being compared to people like that, it's really quite cool.
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how do you feel about being known as a genius? well, i'm really proud of myself for how well i did, and a lot of my friends are really happy about... like, happy for me that i have done so well and that i am all on the news and everything. let's try and beat it, let's see if we can find a six. and it seems it runs in the family, mum decided to do the test while waiting for rory to do his, and got an above—average score of 129. having done the test yourself, and you think about the fact that he got the top score, how do you feel? just amazing. yes, i am so proud of him. his iq and his intelligence is phenomenal, and that is a huge part of him, but there are many parts of him that make him really special as well. rory plays for his local side, his team and classmates are well impressed with him. how surprised are you that he scored so well on the iq test? quite surprised because i never
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knew someone this young - would have an iq so high. every test we did he would always get 40 out of 40, in like a maths one, english he would get 40 out of 40. he is really smart, yes. anything he is not good at? no. no, nothing. friends and family say rory is a great all—rounder. they believe he can achieve any goal he sets his mind to. jenny kumah, bbc news, north devon. the effects on nature of a warming planet are becoming more and more apparent. in europe, the migration patterns of several species of bird are clearly changing, with some, the crane for example, which breeds in scandinavia in the summer, no longer making the long winter trip down to southern spain and northern africa. our paris correspondent hugh schofield reports from central france. since time immemorial, the sight of cranes moving south in winter in their massive v
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formations has intrigued and thrilled. but today, these birds are no longer overflying the loire valley in search of warmer climes. but staying on. dawn is the best time to catch them as they set out from roosts by the river to forage in fields around. winters here are getting milder by the year. there's still food to be had. so if you're a crane, why travel further? translation: when i was a boy, there were maybe 200 _ cranes here in winter. now it's 8,000. the young ones that come here with their parents never learn how to fly further south so they don't pass it on to their children. and the numbers become exponential. the cranes, what were once french stopovers on their long journey south, are now thanks to global warming, the final destination. the crane is one bird whose migration patterns have been affected by climate change. now we've come to western france, the atlantic coast, to observe another big bird that's increasingly
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spending its winters here — the stork. the storks' winter migration is thousands of miles to sub—saharan africa. most still do it, but more are staying on, some travelling just a short way from their nesting grounds. others not bothering to move at all. in similar fashion, many ducks that normally came here in winter from the arctic are now present in much smaller numbers because they're finding food further north. none of this is necessarily bad for birds because migration is an extremely dangerous business. storks that don't migrate have higher survival rates. translation: birds that spend the winter near their place - of reproduction will tend to breed earlier than birds who migrate, and birds that breed earlier tend to have more babies. so there is a clear advantage to not migrating. the danger for these birds is that even in milder winters, there are still cold snaps. and when they happen up
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north, they're killers. but the overall picture is not necessarily depressing. birds are showing they can change behaviour to live with changing temperatures. they are adapting. hugh schofield, bbc news, central france. some lovely pictures there in that report from hugh schofield. you can get more the bbc news website or stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. temperatures have been a little bit higher today, but we have seen more cloud around, particularly across more western parts of the uk. a lot of the cloud is still quite thin, high cloud, mind you. and if you have a look at the satellite picture, you can see all that cloud that's been coming in from the atlantic to the south of our weather front that's been hanging around in the north and north—west of scotland, bringing some outbreaks of rain. but through the night, as we see
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a southerly wind picking up, we're going to blow that rain band out of the way. it still could be quite cloudy in northern ireland and scotland, bit of dampness in the air now and again. rather more variable cloud across england and wales. and last night it got to minus three at exeter airport. lowest temperatures will be across eastern parts of england where we have clearer skies and there could be a touch of ground frost first thing on sunday morning. but with that wind picking up on sunday, we should see temperatures continuing to rise and most places will have a dry day again. some sunshine at times, a bit more cloud in the south west of england, maybe moving into the midlands and ahead of our rain band approaching northern ireland and heading into the north—west of scotland, it's going to be windy with some gales in the north—west, some quite lively winds developing through the irish sea as well. but it is a southerly wind and that's why temperatures are continuing to rise. it's going to be a milder day on sunday, it could make 14 degrees in north wales and the moray firth. now those southerly winds are coming from a long way south and they could actually pick up some saharan dust, which will get blown
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in towards the uk just ahead of that weather front there, which will bring some wet weather. and we've got a bit more rain pushing towards england and wales. could turn quite heavy rain over the hills of wales, across northern england. and in the southern uplands, we're likely to find some snow falling as things get colder in scotland and northern ireland. but for the midlands, many parts of eastern england it may well be dry and we're in milder air here, so temperatures are likely to reach 14 or 15 degrees. that milder air, though, will get pushed away overnight as these weather fronts move their way eastwards. could bring some snow to other higher parts of eastern scotland before that low pressure is out of the way and all the wet weather is out of the way, leaving cloud for england and wales, sunshine across scotland and northern ireland. that'll push a bit further south through the day. it will introduce cooler air, mind you, so we've got eight degrees in glasgow. could make 12 degrees in the south—east.
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live from london, this is bbc news. israel ups the pressure on the un agency for palestinian refugees, saying its boss should resign following accusations that some of unrwa's staff were involved in the 7th of october attacks. unrwa says it has sacked a number of staff and is investigating. but it's slammed the decision of several countries to suspend funding, calling it collective
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punishment for palestinians in gaza. the uk post office chairman, henry staunton, is asked to step down by the business secretary amid tensions over the horizon postmaster scandal. and donald trump addresses a rally in las vegas, a day after a court orders him to pay 83 million dollars in damages to a woman he defamed. hello, i'm nicky schiller. we start this hour in the middle east. it's already struggling to feed and shelter the two million gazans who currently depend on it. now the uk, us and seven other countries are suspending theirfunding for the un agency for palestinians, unrwa, a decision the head of the organisation has described as shocking. it comes after israel accused several members of its staff of being involved in the 7th october hamas attacks. unrwa has sacked them and says it is investigating the claims.
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but israel continues to put pressure on the un agency,


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