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tv   BBC News at Six  BBC News  February 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm GMT

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good evening, welcome to bbc news. in the last few moments, we've received breaking news from buckingham palace, which has announced that the king has been diagnosed with cancer. let me bring you that statement in full. during the king's recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer. his majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public—facing duties. throughout this period, his majesty will continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. the king is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure. he remains wholly positive
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about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible. his majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer. that statement just through in the last few moments. that statement just through in the last few moments. our royal correspondent daniela relph is here. that note of optimism within that statement, but nonetheless a huge shock. , ., ., shock. yes, on a personal level, clearly for _ shock. yes, on a personal level, clearly for the _ shock. yes, on a personal level, clearly for the king, _ shock. yes, on a personal level, clearly for the king, for - shock. yes, on a personal level, clearly for the king, for the - shock. yes, on a personal level, l clearly for the king, for the queen and for the wider royal family, this will be a shock. coming so early on, just 17 months into his reign, he is facing such a serious health challenge. it was a week ago today this afternoon, that i was outside the hospital watching as the king left, he had been there for three
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nights being treated for that benign prostate condition. he was on reflection in hospital a little longer than we anticipated. we thought he would be after one or two nights but he stayed in for the three nights and we know it was during that stay in hospital this cancer was discovered a secondary condition was found, and that is when it was spotted. so, clearly, a difficult period of time now, for the king and the wider royal family, he will be stepping back from all of his royal duties, bar some of the admin of royalty. he will deal with the red box, he will carry on hopefully having his audience with the prime minister and taking part in the privy council meetings but he will step back, we will see more of the prince of wales, and his wife, they will be picking up some of his duties but for now he will focus on his treatment, and his recuperation, that treatment started today. find that treatment started today. and was 'ust a that treatment started today. and was just a slightly further thought about the positivity, because we saw him, with the queen, very very
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recently, walking round, wavering to the crowds, waving to the cameras. we saw the king yesterday in norfolk on his estate. he was on his feet walking to church into the main church, that in itself is rounds a ten minute walk so he was well enough to do that, we saw him there with the queen, he saw the photographer, he waved, then he came back to london staid to start his treatment for that cancer. and in terms of the workload, you mention some royal duties will pass to queen camilla, and to his son, to the heir and of course, health issues with the princess of wales so another element of the royal family dealing with a lot on the health front. , . , , dealing with a lot on the health front. , ., , , ., dealing with a lot on the health front. , .,, , ., . ., front. this has been a tricky month there, is front. this has been a tricky month there. is no — front. this has been a tricky month there, is no getting _ front. this has been a tricky month there, is no getting away _ front. this has been a tricky month there, is no getting away from - front. this has been a tricky month | there, is no getting away from that, prince william scaled back his own diary to help look after his wife while she was in hospital and now she is back home recuperating, we are due to see him for the first time since 11th january this wednesday, he is carrying out two
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engagements, that is the first time since we have seen him, but going forward with his wife and his father, now out of the picture he will have to pick up some of those engagements. our health editor hugh pym is here. scant details as we would expect huw, but that note of optimism and striking last sentence of the statement from the palace, in the last few minutes, that awareness on the part of king, that people around the part of king, that people around the world deal with cancer every day, and he is now one of those. indeed jane. all we know he came down from sandringham to london today and began his treatment as an outpatient. we don't know where and according to the palace he continues to be at home in london this evening. we don't know what form of treatment, this involves, we know it is not prostate cancer, it was covered in the course of treatment
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for his benign prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer was ruled out at the time, it has been ruled out now according to the palace but we don't know what form of cancer it is and it is still not entirely clear how it is still not entirely clear how it was discovered. was it through scans or some other form of examination in the course of that treatment for his prostate condition? and yes, according to the palace, the king remains wholly positive about his treatment, and he has chosen to make his diagnosis public, because he was very keen that the public should know because he is a patron of cancer charities, and he certainly believes in as much information as possible, because when his prostate condition was reported, the nhs reported a considerable number of extra calls coming through, to various helplines with others just taking onboard what potential risks they may have. yes. potential risks they may have. yes, and we have _ potential risks they may have. yes, and we have just _ potential risks they may have. yes, and we have just passed _ potential risks they may have. yes, and we have just passed world cancer day and the nhs was grateful putting out those details about the
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awareness raising that came from the king being so open about what we are told was a benign treatment and something that millions of men get and was treated successfully, we are told. , ., ~ told. yes, indeed, and i think the oint is told. yes, indeed, and i think the point is cancer, _ told. yes, indeed, and i think the point is cancer, the _ told. yes, indeed, and i think the point is cancer, the risk _ told. yes, indeed, and i think the point is cancer, the risk does - point is cancer, the risk does increase with age, that is a known fact, and certainly awareness is very very important, any cancer specialist will tell you that, and certainly what the king has done today with this statement, by making it public should raise awareness. thank you for now hugh. mark easton is outside buckingham palace now. we have heard a little mark, of now, and increased workload for queen camilla, among others, what happens now, what are the constitutional implications here, potentially?
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well, there are long—standing protocols to deal with this kind of situation, the king's private secretary will have been in close contact with the prime minister's private secretary and the cabinet secretary, the so—called golden triangle to ensure that the british state does not miss a beat, as its head steps back from full—time duty, the palace said they are not appointing councillors of state. that is what would happen if it was thoughting that the king was unable to fulfil his function, if that were to fulfil his function, if that were to be the case it would be queen camilla, the four next in line of success, next adults in line, so it would be prince william, prince harry, prince andrew and princess beatrice, but as i say, the palace is confident they are not going to need councillors of state. he will continue, going to continue doing his red boxes, have weekly meetings with the prime minister, perhaps what many people many this
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commonwealth will be wondering will he be able to continue with his royal trips, the planned royal trips to canada in the spring, and to australia, and new zealand, and indeed to samoa where the commonwealth heads of government conference is due to take place in the autumn. we don't know at this stage how long this treatment will take, what kind of impact it is going to have on king charles, but as i say, the protocols are all there, the palace will be very confident that there will be no damage to the british state, as the king undergoes his treatment. mil king undergoes his treatment. all right, mark, for now, thank you. mark easton at buckingham palace. if you are just mark easton at buckingham palace. if you arejustjoining us e let me just bring you up—to—date because that statement came through from buckingham palace, only in the last few minutes, and it is significant news, that the palace has told us about tonight, the king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer.
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that is the wording that has been used on the statement, and we do know his treatment has already begun, it is a form of cancer, and an schedule of regular treatments has begun, that is what the palace is saying tonight, and he has been advised by his doctors to postpone any public facing duties. just as mark was reflecting, we are told that statement business, official paperwork will still be done by the king, he is expecting to carry out those sort of duties as usual but it is those public facing duties that he is stepping back from for now, and as you would appreciate, we simply don't know how long that will be the case for, but he will be stepping back, and some other senior members of the royal family will be carrying out some of those duties on
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his behalf, while he has than treatment. let us talk to our royal editor ana ivanovic as you would appreciate, we simply don't know how long that will be the case for, but he will be stepping back, and some other senior members of the royal family will be carrying out some of those duties on his behalf, while he has than treatment. let us talk to our royal editor ana ivanovic who joins me —— nicholas witchell who joins me —— nicholas witchell who joins me —— nicholas witchell who joins me from hong kong. this is a surprise and a shock.— surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i think that — surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i think that encapsulate _ surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i think that encapsulate it. - surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i think that encapsulate it. this - surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i think that encapsulate it. this is l surprise and a shock. yes, jane, i j think that encapsulate it. this is a huge shock, we know that he was in hospital for the treatment for the benign prostate condition last week and it was as we have been reporting, it was during that procedure that surgeons found evidence of a cancer. now, the outlook, we are told, is positive, it has been caught early, treatment will begin immediately, but nonetheless, people will be learning this news around the united kingdom, round the commonwealth, round the world and people will be very shocked, it will reverberate as people learn this news and reflect it is as daniella was saying, 17
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months now, since he inherited the throne, he succeeded to the throne after the death of his late mother, our longest reigning monarch, nine months since that coronation at westminster abbey, the transition to this new reign had gone more smoothly i think than many people and perhaps most people imagined. there had been the family issues we are familiar but the transition to charles' destiny, his destiny as prince of wales for which he had waited all his life has gone very smoothly. he had begun foreign visit, there was a full programme of public facing engagements for the months ahead. we contemplate, we remember that he was, of course, the longest serving prince of wales, he waited decade after decade, loyal to his late mother, the oldest heir to
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the throne to come to the throne in british history. now, we reflect on the positive aspects of all of this. he is a fit man, for his age, he eats well, he keeps fit, he is known to have a considerable personal and physical resilience, that will be tested notjust physical resilience, that will be tested not just for physical resilience, that will be tested notjust for him, but for the british royal family which one imagines will now come together round him to support the functions of the monarchy, to support him, as he steps back from public duties but continues with the work of head of state, but italy be a testing time, of course, for him. it is a considerable shock for anyone, never mind your position to be told that you have cancer. but, we are told by buckingham palace, that there are these positive aspects and we are told by buckingham palace, that the outlook is a positive one. yes. told by buckingham palace, that the outlook is a positive one.— outlook is a positive one. yes, and nick, 'ust outlook is a positive one. yes, and nick, just a —
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outlook is a positive one. yes, and nick, just a brief— outlook is a positive one. yes, and nick, just a brief additional- nick, just a brief additional thought about the pressures this may place on particularly senior members of the royal family, and in the coming weeks and months, because some of this will fall to prince william, of course, but we know that he has been caring for his own wife who has had considerable surgery, and we know he is not going to be undertaking any public duties of her own until at least easter. it increasing the pressure on prince william, very very considerably, as you say, he is looking after his own wife, who has encountered her own serious health problems, who is recuperating from that abdominal surgery. it is a british royal family which is depleted at the moment. now, without certainly in terms of the public role, without the king, without king charles. with an heir to the throne whose priority, he must balance his priorities now to his recuperating wife but to the additional workload
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that he must face, with his father, at least having to retire from the public duties, as monarch, but of course there are other members of the family who will be stepping up. the princess royal, the duke of edinburgh, they are busy working members of the royal family, so they will be sharing the load, in terms of investitu re, will be sharing the load, in terms of investiture, in terms of other functions which would normally fall to the king, but the family will come together, clearly as any family in a situation such as this will, to support the person who requires that support, and at this time, that person is the king.— person is the king. nicholas witchell, — person is the king. nicholas witchell, thank _ person is the king. nicholas witchell, thank you. - witchell, thank you. if you are justjoining witchell, thank you. if you arejustjoining us witchell, thank you. if you are justjoining us the news in the last 15, 20 minutes or so, the news that the king has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, thatis diagnosed with a form of cancer, that is the wording that is being used and that his majesty has today
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begun a schedule of regular treatments, and as we have been reflecting there with nick witchell will be stepping back on the advice of his doctors from any public facing commitments. let us turn to chris mason, hejoins me from belfast, because of events in stormont of course over the last few days. what reaction from the prime minister and others quiz ill role of the monarch is both public and private and we have heard about the king stepping back from public rows from the time being but the crucial private row is from the time being but the crucial rivate ro , .,. ., private row is the interaction between the _ private row is the interaction between the gang _ private row is the interaction between the gang and - private row is the interaction between the gang and the i private row is the interaction _ between the gang and the government and we are told throughout this period his majesty will continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual. he will continue to receive what are known as his red boxes, the interactions between a monarch and government.
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when a new law is passed in parliament it goes to the monarch, the king, what is known as royal assent. there is a constant flow of paperwork between the palace and government. we are told that will continue. as mark easton was telling us, there are no plans to appoint councillors of state, officials who can take on the role of a monarch. that is not going to happen. it is also my understanding that the king will continue his weekly audiences with the prime minister. the two of them meet weekly face—to—face. that will continue with the provision for them to happen remotely if that were to be necessary. i am also told the prime minister had been informed of the diagnosis and the news we are bringing you this evening in advance of it becoming public. i will tell you a few bits of reaction from political figures tonight. 0bviously political figures tonight. obviously a huge amount of surprise and shock.
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the prime minister in the last few minutes said, i wish his majesty are full and speedy recovery and i have no doubt he will be back to full strength in no time and i know the whole country will be wishing him well. i can bring you a few other lines of reaction as well from senior politicians. keir starmer the labour leader, on behalf of the labour leader, on behalf of the labour party he writes i wish his majesty all the very best for his recovery and we look forward to seeing him back to swift and full health. the speaker of the house of commons a few minutes after the news became public at six o'clock expressed the sympathies of all mps on the floor of the house of commons and we have heard from the first ministers of scotland and wales. plenty more political reaction you would expect in the coming hours. thank you. let's talk a little bit
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more to our royal correspondent daniela relph. i know you have more information in terms of other family members, what they know, it is a difficult time for any family, unlike human and personal level i cancer diagnosis is difficult for the whole family. it is cancer diagnosis is difficult for the whole family.— the whole family. it is both a ersonal the whole family. it is both a personal and _ the whole family. it is both a personal and public - the whole family. it is both a personal and public issue - the whole family. it is both a| personal and public issue that buckingham palace is trying to deal with and in terms of the amount of information we have been given it is quite lot. in the past 20 senior members of the royal family have had to have any kind of treatment or beenin to have any kind of treatment or been in hospital we have been told little but this has been different. although there had been a warning from buckingham palace they would like the king to be afforded the pgpgcy like the king to be afforded the papacy to have his treatment when he goes to hospital as an outpatient they have asked people don't photograph it. how members of the family were told about the condition of the king, we are told he told william and harry what was going on as he did his siblings, and, andrew
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and edward. as he did his siblings, and, andrew and edward-— and edward. worth reiterating the moments of _ and edward. worth reiterating the moments of optimism _ and edward. worth reiterating the moments of optimism despite - and edward. worth reiterating the moments of optimism despite the difficulty of a diagnosis, whoever it is, stressing, they are trying to stress that there is optimism and they are being as upbeat as one can be in the circumstances.— be in the circumstances. privately definitely optimism _ be in the circumstances. privately definitely optimism in _ be in the circumstances. privately definitely optimism in terms - be in the circumstances. privately definitely optimism in terms of. be in the circumstances. privately| definitely optimism in terms of his treatment, which started today. looking forward to get back to public duties as soon as possible. constitutionally again i don't think public —— buckingham palace want this to be viewed as a constitutional crisis. they don't believe there will have to be any of these cancers are state to take over any of the king's duties. he can do as much as he can with the advent of royalty from home and the other members of the royal family will step up in terms of getting it out and about in public engagements. we mentioned it earlier but it is worth referencing the very final sentence in the statement, cognisant that
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people around the country and around the world deal with cancer every single day and the king is aware of this and once people to talk about this and once people to talk about this and once people to talk about this and to have some awareness raising around all of this. although we don't know _ raising around all of this. although we don't know what _ raising around all of this. although we don't know what kind _ raising around all of this. although we don't know what kind of - raising around all of this. although we don't know what kind of cancer| raising around all of this. although i we don't know what kind of cancer he has and buckingham palace have been very clear they don't want that discussed and they are not going to tell us publicly what that is, the king does recognise he is now a member of the cancer community and he wants to make sure he is as open and is happy to discuss it as much as he feels comfortable.— and is happy to discuss it as much as he feels comfortable. let me remind you of the statement that came from buckingham palace in the last hour.
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let's return to our political editor chris mason and belfast. you were explaining some of the key figures in politics who have been reacting to this news, bring us right up—to—date with what this means constitutionally and how this
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affects day—to—day activities in westminster and beyond. affects day-to-day activities in westminster and beyond. there is the constant interaction, _ westminster and beyond. there is the constant interaction, the _ westminster and beyond. there is the constant interaction, the very - constant interaction, the very nature of how our state is defined and is wired, the constant interaction between buckingham palace and the government, between downing street and the palace and between different government departments as well. it is the spine of the state. as we were reflecting buckingham palace making it clear that much of those duties will continue to be performed by the king, particularly seeing the prime minister regularly and reading those red boxes, the paperwork that constantly flows between the government and the palace. let me bring you a bit of the reaction we have had in the last 15 or 20 minutes. within a moment or two of this news becoming public at six o'clock the speaker of the house of commons so lindsey hoyle was in the chamber and addressed mps. i wish to
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make a short — chamber and addressed mps. i wish to make a short statement. _ chamber and addressed mps. i wish to make a short statement. i _ chamber and addressed mps. i wish to make a short statement. i know - chamber and addressed mps. i wish to make a short statement. i know the i make a short statement. i know the whole _ make a short statement. i know the whole house will wish to join make a short statement. i know the whole house will wish tojoin me in expressing — whole house will wish tojoin me in expressing our sympathies with his majesty— expressing our sympathies with his majesty the king following the news and announcements this evening. 0ur and announcements this evening. our thoughts _ and announcements this evening. our thoughts are of course with his majesty— thoughts are of course with his majesty and his family and with all wish to— majesty and his family and with all wish to send him our very best wishes — wish to send him our very best wishes for the successful treatment and a _ wishes for the successful treatment and a speedy recovery following tonight's— and a speedy recovery following tonight's news. that and a speedy recovery following tonight's news.— tonight's news. that it lindsey ho le tonight's news. that it lindsey hoyle the _ tonight's news. that it lindsey hoyle the speaker— tonight's news. that it lindsey hoyle the speaker of - tonight's news. that it lindsey hoyle the speaker of the - tonight's news. that it lindseyl hoyle the speaker of the house tonight's news. that it lindsey - hoyle the speaker of the house of commons injust hoyle the speaker of the house of commons in just the last couple of minutes. no doubt we will hear from plenty more political leaders in the coming hours. i can bring you the reflections of a few others beyond westminster. humza yousaf the first minister of scotland saying this evening, my thoughts and prayers are with his majesty the king, i wish him the very best for a speedy recovery and a return to public life. my thoughts are also with her
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majesty. mark drakeford as well, the first minister of wales, writing on social media, i am saddened to hear the news that his majesty king charles iii is facing further health challenges. my thoughts and those of people across wales will be with him and his family this evening. i sent my very best wishes as he starts treatment for a full and swift recovery. reflections there from cardiff and edinburgh and from the house of commons. ichris cardiff and edinburgh and from the house of commons.— cardiff and edinburgh and from the house of commons. chris mason, thank ou. let's house of commons. chris mason, thank you- let's return — house of commons. chris mason, thank you. let's return to _ house of commons. chris mason, thank you. let's return to nicholas _ you. let's return to nicholas witchell who joins me from you. let's return to nicholas witchell whojoins me from hong kong tonight. your thoughts about this coming relatively recently after the coronation, after the king acceded to the throne. i coronation, after the king acceded to the throne.— to the throne. i think we are already hearing _ to the throne. i think we are already hearing in _ to the throne. i think we are already hearing in the - to the throne. i think we are already hearing in the first l to the throne. i think we are - already hearing in the first public statements from public figures and around the united kingdom, in the
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coming hours from around europe, around the world, the sense of shock, the sense of sympathy for him and the family and i imagine the sense of support for the institution, for the monarchy, coping with this further medical difficulty and coming as you say just 17 months after the death of such a long—lived and greatly revered monarch as the late queen. as daniella relph was saying i think it is striking how much information buckingham palace is giving, clearly what the king wants, clearly easier to be opened with information in as far as they have, given as we are told that the prognosis would appear told that the prognosis would appear to be a positive one, that this cancer has been caught early and the king himself we are told is positive about the predicament in which he finds himself. we don't know what kind of cancer and buckingham palace
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is clearly not going to share that degree of information. there are no constitutional implications because there is no question of him being incapacitated, the kind of treatment that one imagines he will be receiving does not require an incapacitation, so he is able to continue, we are reliably informed by buckingham palace, with the duties of head of state. nonetheless as we have been saying this will be as we have been saying this will be a very considerable shock notjust to him, anyone learning they have cancer will have to go through a process of accepting and adjusting and coming to terms with that, as would be the case for his wife, the queen and the other immediate members of the royal family who will now step up to fulfil those aspects of the public facing role as head of state as buckingham palace has indicated while he concentrates on his treatment, on his recovery and on the red boxes, the function
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certainly he is head of state insofar as he is able and there is no reason at this stage to suspect he has not able to continue with those functions, so that will continue. there is no constitutional problem with the fact that the king is receiving treatment for cancer. we are told he will return to full public duty as soon as possible. there is no indication as to whether that will be a matter of months, it but we have no indication as to how many months it would be. the whole programme of public engagement, foreign visits, he will have been coming to mark the 80th anniversary of d—day for example injune. it must be unlikely perhaps that he will be fit enough to do that. all those considerations will now be being studied very carefully by his officials at buckingham palace, all
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the carefully laid plans over recent weeks and months will be having to be reconsidered, shared out to other members of the royal family, be reconsidered, shared out to other members of the royalfamily, and on those other members of the royal family there is now a much greater pressure, particularly on the prince of wales, who of course is also dealing with the recuperation of his own life, after her surgery. thank ou. own life, after her surgery. thank you- make _ own life, after her surgery. thank you. make mentioning _ own life, after her surgery. thank you. make mentioning the - own life, after her surgery. thank you. make mentioning the extra l you. make mentioning the extra duties that will now fall to the prince of wales and queen camilla of course, but to prince william dealing with his own family illnesses as nick was reflecting and around all of that of course the awareness that the number of senior royals is depleted, of course, since prince harry and megan moved to california. in the last few moments has been a brief statement through from prince harry, the press association saying that prince harry
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has spoken to the king about his cancer diagnosis. the duke did speak to his father about his diagnosis and he will be travelling to the uk to see his majesty in the coming days. that is a source close to prince harry, we are told, the press association reporting that tonight. daniela relph our royal correspondent are still here. your thoughts on that very brief statement there. , ., ~' ., statement there. interesting to know that prince harry _ statement there. interesting to know that prince harry is _ statement there. interesting to know that prince harry is coming _ statement there. interesting to know that prince harry is coming over. - statement there. interesting to know that prince harry is coming over. he | that prince harry is coming over. he was due to be in canada next week. ahead of the invictus games in there. he was doing a number of engagements they are related to that particular event. he is grieving to try and get to london first it seems in the coming days. we know the king spoke to harry personally told him about his condition and we can expect therefore to see harry in london to see his father in the days ahead. , , , ., , london to see his father in the days ahead. , ,, ., , , ., ahead. huge pressure on his brother, the prince of— ahead. huge pressure on his brother, the prince of wales _ ahead. huge pressure on his brother, the prince of wales dealing _
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ahead. huge pressure on his brother, the prince of wales dealing with - the prince of wales dealing with looking after his own family, his wife who is recuperating, they have three small children to think about and now these additional duties as well as a natural, concerned that he will have who is being diagnosed with cancer. he will have who is being diagnosed with cancer-— will have who is being diagnosed with cancer. , ., , with cancer. he is 'uggling a number of thins, with cancer. he is 'uggling a number of things. caring — with cancer. he isjuggling a number of things, caring for _ with cancer. he isjuggling a number of things, caring for his _ with cancer. he isjuggling a number of things, caring for his wife, - of things, caring for his wife, supporting her and looking after three young children and now helping his father publicly and some of the public duties, we know the prince of wales will be taking on some of the king duties going forward. kensington palace have no official comment at the moment but we know the prince of wales is in regular contact with his father.- the prince of wales is in regular contact with his father. thank you. we will keep _ contact with his father. thank you. we will keep you _ contact with his father. thank you. we will keep you up-to-date - contact with his father. thank you. we will keep you up-to-date with | contact with his father. thank you. i we will keep you up-to-date with any we will keep you up—to—date with any news announced by buckingham palace tonight but the king is being treated for cancer, the statement we've had from
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the palace and continue with state


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