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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  February 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm GMT

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,is , is dead, ,is dead, his london chemical attack is dead, his body thought to be in the river thames. prince harry settles his phone hacking case with mirror group newspapers, winning substantial damages. we newspapers, winning substantial damaues. ~ . newspapers, winning substantial damaies, . ., ., newspapers, winning substantial damaies, . ., u, ., , ., damages. we have uncovered and prove the shockingly — damages. we have uncovered and prove the shockingly dishonest _ damages. we have uncovered and prove the shockingly dishonest way _ damages. we have uncovered and prove the shockingly dishonest way which - the shockingly dishonest way which the shockingly dishonest way which the mirror acted for so many years and then sought to conceal the truth. , ., and then sought to conceal the truth. ., ., , ., truth. junior doctors in england announced _ truth. junior doctors in england announced five _ truth. junior doctors in england announced five more _ truth. junior doctors in england announced five more days - truth. junior doctors in england announced five more days of i truth. junior doctors in england - announced five more days of strike action. we will have all the latest. the us president, joe biden, hits out at suggestions he has a poor memory and is now unfit for office. first there was a var, now football authorities consider introducing a blue card along with yellow and red with a ten minute sin—binned. we will have all the reaction.
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let's start with that breaking story with those details coming to us in the last ten or 15 minutes. the metropolitan police believe the man they one to four chemical attack in south london is now dead. in the last hour police have said that the main working hypothesis is that abdul ezedi has gone into the river thames but no body has been found. the 35—year—old was last seen on chelsea bridge onjanuary the 35—year—old was last seen on chelsea bridge on january 31 just hours after the attack in clapham, south london. he was wanted for attempted murder after a woman and her two children were injured by a corrosive liquid. it is feared the woman will lose the sight in one of her eyes. the police have been giving a briefing at new scotland yard.
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giving a briefing at new scotland ard. , ., ., giving a briefing at new scotland ard. ,., ., ., ., ., giving a briefing at new scotland ard. ., �* yard. good afternoon. a further u date yard. good afternoon. a further update in _ yard. good afternoon. a further update in relation _ yard. good afternoon. a further update in relation to _ yard. good afternoon. a further update in relation to our- yard. good afternoon. a further l update in relation to our manhunt for ezedi. yesterday we released images of him being on chelsea bridgejust before images of him being on chelsea bridge just before 11:30pm on the evening of the attack. the last 2a hours we have and take a sleeping viewing all of the available cctv in and around the chelsea bridge area and around the chelsea bridge area and we have also worked with transport for london in accessing the cctv from their bosses. it is now our main working theory that ezedi has actually gone into the thames from chelsea bridge. all of our work was far has not seen him come off the bridge. we are in contact with his family in order to pass that news on and to provide the necessary information and support for them because of course i'm sure they will be very worried about what has happened to him and what he has
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done. i would like to thank the hundreds of members of the public you have come forward, that has been incredibly thoughtful. our thoughts of course remain with our victim. and our thanks for the members of the public who intervened that evening, and our officers who also suffered secondary injuries. our marine support unit will be carrying out some searches of the thames. but as you can imagine at this time of year the thames is very fast flowing. our expertise and the experts from the oceanography departments are supporting us and would indicate that it may be some time, if someone has gone into the water at this time of year, for a person to surface. and sadly they may actually never be found. that was commander _ may actually never be found. that was commanderjohn _ may actually never be found. that was commanderjohn savill. just worth going through the key planks we heard in that briefing. the
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commander making the point the have been scouring hundreds of hours of cctv, just spotting different locations where ezedi was on that night. coming to the conclusion, they saw him on a cctv working with purpose to the edge of chelsea bridge. then they say they saw his behaviour change and no cctv of him leaving the bridge. that is why they have this working assumption that he went into the river. that attack nine days ago in clapham, a 31—year—old women remain sedated in hospital. as we heard there, she may lose her sight in her right eye following the attack. initially a £20,000 reward was a offered for information leading to his arrest. the police also talking about all
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resources being used. it was a huge manhunt. we know so much more background of this man over the past few days. he was originally placed on the sex offenders register for ten years, ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work, but then had a suspended sentence back in newcastle in 2018. he was granted asylum after two failed attempts. he was allowed on the third attempt to stay in the country after a priest confirmed he had converted to christianity. it was a dreadful attack, we saw the cctv when he pulled out the liquid. the victims remain in hospital. ali price was listening to the police asking questions about what happens now. we will talk to her again on the programme in the next couple of minutes. those are the key new details coming from the metropolitan police. to another developing story
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today. prince harry has agreed further damages in his case against mirror group newspapers. prince harry has agreed further damages in his case against mirror group newspapers. he settled his remaining claims of phone hacking and invasion of privacy. in a statement, the duke of sussex said, the mirror had acted in a shockingly dishonest way for many years, then had sought to conceal the truth. prince harry's victory — follows a judge's ruling in december that mirror group journalists — had made extensive use of hacking. the mirror said it was pleased to have reached a deal over events for which it had apologised. 0utside court, harry's lawyer, david sherbourne, delivered this statement on his behalf. "after our victory in december, mirror group have finally conceded the rest of my claim, which would have consisted of another two trials, additional evidence, and 115 more articles." "everything we said was happening at mirror group was in fact happening." "and indeed far worse, as the court ruled in its extremely damaging judgment." "as the judge has said only this
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morning, we have uncovered and proved the shockingly dishonest way in which the mirror acted for so many years and then sought to conceal the truth." "in light of this, we call again for the authorities to uphold the rule of law and to prove that no—one is above it." "that includes mr morgan, who, as editor, knew perfectly well what was going on, as thejudge held." "even his own employer realised it simply could not call him as a witness of truth at the trial." "his contempt for the court's ruling and his continued attacks ever since demonstrate why it was so important to obtain a clear and detailed judgment." "as i said back in december, our mission continues." "i believe in the positive change it will bring for all of us."
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in that longer statement outside the court, david sherborne referring to piers morgan's time as editor at the daily mirror. he has given his first response in the last hour. piers morgan has been speaking and giving his reaction to reporters. what morgan has been speaking and giving his reaction to reporters.— his reaction to reporters. what do i think? ithink_ his reaction to reporters. what do i think? | think that's _ his reaction to reporters. what do i think? i think that's invading - his reaction to reporters. what do i think? i think that's invading the i think? i think that's invading the privacy— think? i think that's invading the privacy of— think? i think that's invading the privacy of the royal family is utterly— privacy of the royal family is utterly reprehensible. 0n privacy of the royal family is utterly reprehensible. on that i share _ utterly reprehensible. on that i share prince harry's opinion. ijust wish _ share prince harry's opinion. ijust wish he _ share prince harry's opinion. ijust wish he would stop doing it. a share prince harry's opinion. i 'ust wish he would stop doing it. a brief statement now _ wish he would stop doing it. a brief statement now from _ wish he would stop doing it. a brief statement now from piers - wish he would stop doing it. a brief statement now from piers morgan. | 0ur correspondent, charlie rose, gave us more details about how the settlement was reached. this all follows events last year, when prince harry won 15 of 33 sample claims,
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saying journalists obtained information about him unlawfully, hacking into his phone and his voice mail to get information to write articles about him. but prince harry argued that was really just the tip of the iceberg and there were 115 more examples of articles written using information about him obtained unlawfully. now, today prince harry has settled his claim against mirror group newspapers, who have agreed to pay £400,000, not including additional costs. now, prince harry has his sights set on the publishers of the daily mail and the publishers of the sun newspaper. he says it is not about the money, it is all part of his mission to bring about positive change to the way the press here in the uk operates.
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i promise you it we were about two scotland yard. 0ur correspondent was listening to that police briefing concerning that clap in attack. she joins us live now. ring is right up—to—date. what happens now, for example? the up-to-date. what happens now, for exam - le? . ., , , example? the continues. cctv being the bi est example? the continues. cctv being the biggest lead _ example? the continues. cctv being the biggest lead that _ example? the continues. cctv being the biggest lead that they _ example? the continues. cctv being the biggest lead that they had, - example? the continues. cctv being the biggest lead that they had, and l the biggest lead that they had, and the biggest lead that they had, and the cctv they were given. that included thousands of different cameras from around the capital which essentially retract ezedi's journey after the attack. suddenly the trail went cold on chelsea bridge. the police say he had been working with purpose until he got to the bridge, when his behaviour change, when he was working more slowly up and down the bridge, then the cctv trail went cold. police say they have not found a body, they say
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it could take up to a month... inaudible. apologies, we have lost the sound of our correspondent. senior democrats have defended president biden after his memory was called into question by the official investigating the president's handling of classified documents. the special counsel, a republican former attorney, said the president had struggled during interviews to recall major events in his life, like when he served as vice president and the year his son died. joe biden furiously rejected the claims, saying his memory was fine. from washington, here's will vernon. well, earlier i spoke to richard goodstein, the former adviser to bill and hillary clinton. i began by asking him if he was concerned about president biden's age and memory.
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joe biden famously says, "don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative." donald trump is not exactly someone who should be throwing stones. this is trump, a man who said that he beat 0bama in 2016, who feared getting into world war two in the future, who mistook nikki haley and nancy pelosi. so this is not exactly somebody who is fit as a fiddle himself. look, there's a reason the democrats wantjoe biden to get re—elected, and that's because how much he's accomplished shockingly with narrow, narrow margins in congress and frankly, the promise. to do things in the future that trump would never do and frankly would reverse. it's interesting, because i ask you a question about biden. you talk about trump. withjoe biden, he couldn't remember when he was vice president. he couldn't remember the year his son had died. he couldn't remember hamas. he couldn't remember
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the french president's name, the german chancellor's the egyptian president's. do you not recognise perhaps there is a problem here? what i recognise is that everybody, except for this trump—picked special prosecutor, somebody who's clearly auditioning to be trump's attorney general, everything he said about biden was gratuitous and not relevant to his decision to not proceed with any criminal charges. you could be right in that context. you could be right. but it is not an observation entirely independent, is it? you had that nbc poll very recently. 76% of voters now are concerned about biden's age. it is the top voter concern in america. this is beyond one or two people, and politicians making hay. this is absolutely front and central in terms of what is in voters' minds. no question that this is a legitimate concern of voters, and there's no getting around it. but imagine somebody else in the white house,
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would they have handled what happened with ukraine the same way? would they have gotten the us out of covid the way that trump got us into it in the same way? would they be dealing with climate change? trump thinks it's a hoax. would they be dealing with gun violence? no. so there's a reason, notwithstanding everything you just mentioned, the democrats and the public generally is supportive ofjoe biden. around the world and across the uk, you're watching bbc news. let's take a look at another few stories making the headlines today. the future of the headlines today. the future of the red bull formula 1 team as their boss, christian horner, faces an internal hearing into a claim of inappropriate behaviour. horner completely denies the claims. plans to publish details of trials of sin bins and blue cards in football for
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dissent and other poor behaviour has been delayed. more details were expected today, but now it is expected today, but now it is expected officials will spend more time discussing the proposals before a meeting of football's lawmakers in the next one. a new 0scarfor a meeting of football's lawmakers in the next one. a new oscar for best casting will be introduced from 2026. it will be the first new competitive category in the ceremony since 2002. casting directors have campaign in recent years to be recognised like other film craft, such as sound and costume, already are. just a few of the other stories making headlines around the world. you are live with bbc news. with more than half of the seats called from yesterday's general election in pakistan, independent candidates backed by the jailed former prime minister, imran khan, have taken a clear lead. but anotherformer prime minister, nawaz sharif — widely seen as enjoying the support of the country's powerful military —
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claimed that his party has emerged as the largest in parliament, but acknowledged it did not have the numbers to form government itself. britain's foreign secretary, lord cameron, has set out that the uk recognise these serious concerns raised about the fairness and lack of inclusivity in these elections. 0ur reporter, farhatjaved updated me on the situation from islamabad. nawaz sharif, pakistan's former prime minister, he has just made his first public speech after more than 2a hours since the poll ended yesterday. a large crowd gathered outside pmln secretariat in lahore. nawaz sharif congratulated them all and said that his party has won maximum seats, although we do not still have the final result from the election commission of pakistan. what we do have, so far, is almost more than 50% of the seats have been declared. we also know that most of these seats are won by imran khan's
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favoured independent candidate. but despite all this, nawaz sharif has just made this claim that his party has won most of the seats, and he has also announced that his party will talk to other opposition parties, the parties which were allied with him during the previous government. he said that his party would speak to them, including pakistan people's party and some religious parties as well. he also hinted at reaching out to the independent candidates which are actually backed by imran khan's pti. but he said that his party would reach out to them and they would try to form a coalition government for the next five years. he also said that he aims to take this country out of the troubles it is facing now, and he said he invites all other political leaders from all other parties to sit
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together and get this country out of the problems it is facing for many years now. the latest from islamabad. president putin has insisted russia has no interest in invading poland, latvia or other nato countries, calling such a scenario "absolutely out of the question". the comments were made during a television interview in the kremlin with the former fox news host, tucker carlson. the interview was broadcast on the tucker carlson network. vladimir putin warned the west must accept moscow's territorial gains in ukraine. 0n evan gershkovich — the wall streetjournal reporter detained in russia — mr putin said an "agreement" could be reached for his release. here's the moment putin was asked by carlson whether he would invade a nato country like poland. can you imagine a scenario where you sent russian troops to poland? translation: only in one case, if poland attacks russia. - why?
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because we have no interest in poland, latvia, or anywhere else. why would we do that? we simply don't have any interest. just a short clip from a very, very long interview. 0ur russia editor, steve rosenberg, has full analysis of that full interview. to give you more context, junior doctors first walked out on strike in march last year. since then they've had 3a days walking out. this will push them up to 39 days out of work. it's all about pay. they're asking for a 35% increase
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and they're saying that's to make up for years of below inflation pay rises. what they've been offered, they've actually had an average of about 9%. and there's been talk of an extra 3% between them. so even after all these nearly a0 days of walk—outs now, there's still a massive gulf between what they want and what they're being offered. big gap. what have the government said? the government is saying... the mood music recently has been quite positive. that has changed today. the bma, the union for thejunior doctors, has come out and it started complaining about the glacial speed of progress from the government. the government has hit back saying this new round of action shows that the junior doctors are not ready to be reasonable. the health secretary has said, we've already provided them with a pay increase of up to 10.3% and we're prepared to go further. we urge them to put an offer to their members, but they refused. the interesting thing right now about all this, though, is the timing. so, the mandate, their permission to strike, that's going to run out at the end of this month. so this gets them in just on the squeak before that. is this going to be one last
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strike or one more strike? well, already the bma is balloting its members on another six months, so we'll find out about that in march. and of course, the politics of this — the government have it as one of their key pledges in terms of cutting waiting lists. the prime minister already accepting that they're going to miss that because of this. that's what the prime minister blames. but you not only have the junior doctors, the government thought they'd resolved the consultants, the senior doctors, that seemed to unravel. they've got a huge problem here now, haven't they? yeah. the background of all of this is, 7.6 million people on the waiting list for treatment on the nhs in england right now, which has been growing and growing and growing steadily. the government, though, is pointing to november as a month where there wasn't any strike action, saying, "see, when there was a no strike action, actually the waiting list fell." to be fair to the nhs staff who've been out on strike actually, those waiting lists have been going up and up and up since before the pandemic. so it's not quite as clear as that. and the public support,
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interestingly, is pretty solid. so, forjunior doctors, there's about 48% less than for nurses, but more than, for example, for train drivers. and it's been pretty consistent at that level. let's turn to a story already generating plenty of discussion and comment. the football authorities are considering a major shake—up, to the way football is refereed. a blue card may be introduced to go along with the yellow and red we currently have. it would result in a ten minute sin—bin punishment for offences like dissent. well, matthew, first of all, do we need any more confusion in the game? i would argue not at the moment, with the problems we're having with the introduction of var. however, there are two or three problems outstanding at the moment. the abuse of referees, the fact that that is increasing and trickling down to children in the amateur game,
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and there is a verbal and physical violence going towards these younger referees because they see it at the top level. so how do you get rid of that? that was the idea of the blue card, to stop people going to the referee or else they would get the blue card and would be sin—binned for ten minutes. at the moment, it is just a yellow, it means nothing to them. the other thing is the professional foul, players do it to stop a goal being scored, they are given a yellow card, and they are delighted with it. fans are devastated because there is no real problem for them going forward. if it is a blue card, they are off for ten minutes, and that could be the difference, it could stop them making those challenges. so i understand the concept, but there are downsides, a few. let's get onto that, i reckon i could put the microphone up and you could go for more than two minutes, but you mentioned var, what aboutjust changing, again, the flow of the game here? that is what fans are concerned about. great point, one of the things that worries me most about it,
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the flow of the game. if you end up sending players off for ten minutes, will they still be so positive? the games in the premier league are so good, so many goals, but if you are down to ten men, you willjust get back and defend, so it might make the game worse. i have mentioned the complications that you have got for the fans, who do not need any more confusion. but the biggest concern for me, matthew, mission creep — that is exactly what happened with the var, they brought it in for one or two reasons, then they thought, oh, we will add this or that, and then suddenly nobody has any idea what the rules are. so if they bring it in, it has to trialled well. one final downside that i have already heard voiced is the worry about increased levels of player injury, because even with the changes we have had, with the offside rule, with the flag going up, we have had incidents where players have been injured before
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the decision is made, and that has really angered managers. the talk here, if you put a player in the sin bin for ten minutes, he will be cold, more likely to be getting an injury when he comes back. yeah, just put a bike in the sin bin, a static bike, don't worry about that. the world of football can get over that no problem at all. that is the least of the problems. don't worry, football will always make excuses. if they can stop the professional foul and the abuse of referees, and i would add onto that diving and cheating, i would try it. why not a straight red for those things that are troubling you and players and managers? you and me too, i have to say, that is a pretty good idea, but a lot of people don't agree with it. former chelsea player pat nevin talking to me a little earlier.
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since all of the upper or an avalanche of comet, the football authorities pressing pause on that idea. 0ne authorities pressing pause on that idea. one of the day's headlines after the weather with than bet. hello there, the snow that's now falling is restricted to the hills of scotland. elsewhere, well, we've seen some rain around that has led to some flooding. this is the picture earlier on in cambridgeshire. together with the heavy rain, of course, there's been some snow melt, and that's why there are so many flood warnings. most of the flood warnings still across the midlands and southern england. the numbers may drop this weekend. it looks like it should be turning a bit drier. at the moment, though, this weather front is pushing torthwards, taking wetter weather northwards, particularly into scotland. and this is where we've got the last of the colder air. elsewhere, we've seen temperatures rising in the milder air as it's moved its way northwards. and with those rising temperatures, some of the snow has been melting. this was the picture earlier on in staffordshire. now, if i show you the radar picture. the blue is rain, so we've got these bands of rain moving northwards again. and the snow, the white there,
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sleet and snow getting restricted to scotland, and increasingly that's becoming confined to highland and grampian, where above about 300m there could be 20cm snow, so it is quite high elevations. we've got some rain elsewhere and the strong easterly wind that we've had will gradually ease overnight. but we'll see some further rain moving across northern england, into southern scotland and over northern ireland. england and wales actually turning drier and clearer. it could be a little bit chillier in the south than it was last night. all depends on the amount of cloud and mist and fog as well. and we could see some of that mist and fog through the midlands heading towards lincolnshire for a while. 0therwise, some sunshine coming through, some sunshine for northern england this time, and northern ireland and eventually across southern scotland as it turns drier. what's left of any rain, sleet and snow is really in the far north of the country. there will be some showers much further south, most of those into south—west england and south wales. those temperatures continuing to rise and getting up to 7 degrees widely in scotland on saturday. the last of the cold air away
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from northern scotland is getting moved away by that weather front. things will be much brighter in the north—west of scotland. still got low pressure close by for sunday, could be a bit of rain actually running northwards up these north sea coasts. 0therwise, some sunshine breaking through the cloud eventually, leading to a scattering of showers in the west and the south, nothing particularly heavy. still quite gusty winds through the english channel. otherwise, the winds will be lighter. temperatures continuing to rise in scotland. but further south, it may turn a little cooler.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. police believe the man wanted for a london chemical attack is now dead. his body is not to be in the river
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thames. prince harry settles his claim on phone hacking and invasion of privacy against mirror group newspapers. a national drug shortage is causing difficulties for children and young people with adhd in the uk. and we look at the little—known disease taking the lives of hundreds of dogs — and the group of vets researching what causes it. a boom in bbc football. if c shows the number of teams havejumped thanks in large part to the lionesses. now for sport and for a full round—up, from the bbc sport centre. hello from the bbc sport centre. we will have more a women's football in a moment. we will have more a women's football in a moment. the head of red bull's formula one team — christian horner has been facing questions today in relation to allegations of innappropriate behaviour.
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horner, who denies the allegations, has been interviewed


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