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tv   Newsday  BBC News  February 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am GMT

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welcome to newsday, reporting live from singapore, i'm steve lai. the headlines... the palestinians killed as israeli special forces rescued two hostages ten days ago — we have a special report. alabama's largest hospital pauses ivf procedures after the state's supreme court ruled embryos are children. the middle east and the war in ukraine dominate the agenda as 620 foreign ministers meet in brazil. and checkmate — we meet the eight—year—old who's become the youngest chess player ever to beat a grandmaster.
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we start tonight with a special report. last week israeli special forces rescued two of the hostages kidnapped on october seventh by hamas. they were being held in southern gaza in the city of rafah. there was huge relief for the families of 60—year—old fernando simon marman and 70—year—old louis har. but the military raid to free them reportedly left more than 70 people dead and dozens wounded. the bbc�*s special correspondent fergal keane has been hearing the stories of civilians and medics caught up in a night of fear. his piece contains distressing details. they were rescued from here. the two israeli hostages that were kidnapped by hamas in the massacre of october 7th are now home. this is the story of the price paid by the civilians of rafah on the night of february 12. the rescue began around 1:45am.
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by the time the hostages were safe, more than 70 people were reported killed, a high number civilians. in this house, a doctor from medecins sans frontieres lay across her children to protect them. she has asked to remain anonymous. voice messages to colleagues afterwards convey her horror. some of the wounded were brought to an international field clinic. drjaved ali from pakistan has worked here for the last two months. it was very close to the hospital.
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the windows and the doors were rattling. it was extremely scary. all in all, we saw more than 20 patients. a lot of women and children were trying to come and seek refuge in the hospital. it is in the stories of individualfamilies that the impact of the raid is most painfully expressed. nawara al—najjar is a mum of six, and pregnant with a seventh child. she woke after being injured by an explosion. nawara remembers happy days with abed—alrahman, 32 years old when he was killed.
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here, some of the couple's children in hospital on the night their dad died. 12—year—old samaya, treated for minor physical wounds but traumatised. and 13—year—old malak, who lost her eye in the raid. burnt-in.
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israel accuses hamas of using civilians as human shields. in a statement to the bbc, the idf said it was committed to mitigating civilian harm. military lawyers advise so strikes complied with international law. commanders analyse, take into account expected military advantage and the likely collateral harm to civilians. the war goes on. civilians like malak keep being killed. in the voice message of the msf doctor, a sense of the despair felt here. this message means nothing to a lot of people, and will change nothing, and to be honest, the one who died is the one who is lucky, the one who lives to suffer again and again and again who are the ones who have been cursed and abandoned by all people.
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and the memory of their father will endure for all of their lives. fergal keane, bbc news, jerusalem. while the current conflict has led to some renewed calls for a two—state solution, the israeli parliament voted to back prime minister benjamin netanyahu's declaration opposing the �*unilateral�* creation of a palestinian state. his likud party says 99 out of 120 members voted to support the declaration, passed earlier this week by the israeli cabinet. it comes amid growing international pressure to revive efforts to reach a two—state solution to the decades—long conflict. meanwhile in another vote, this time in the uk — there've been chaotic scenes in the house of commons, where mps were preparing to vote on whether to call for a ceasefire in gaza. the measure was brought forward by the scottish national party. but a row erupted when the commons speaker, sir lindsay hoyle, in a break
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with convention, allowed amendments from both the government and labour. labour's amendment went through to loud shouts of "aye", without a formal vote, after the government said it would not take part in protest. 0n the ground — the humanitarian situation remains desperate, and it's particularly acute in northern gaza, which has received little aid in recent weeks. aid agencies say hunger and disease are spreading, with children particularly at risk. on tuesday, a uk funded consignment of medicines, fuel and food, was airdropped by thejordanian air force to the area, close to the tal al—hawa hospital. 0ur correspondent, quentin sommerville, was on the flight. the men arejust the men are just sitting appear, thejordanian air force crew. we're getting close to the drop zone over northern gaza. inaudible
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the first time we are using the airdrop to get help to gaza, and the reason we're using that is there's much no other way to get it the area. northern gaza was the most densely populated part of gaza. most of the people have been forced out, still about 300,000 palestinians are in desperate need. the un says there's too much violence, can no longer get a properly into that part of the gaza strip. inaudible about to open the doors it will fall out, land into gaza, this is the most efficient means to get help into gaza. it's been a busy day
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already at the latest g20 meeting in rio dejaneiro — we've been hearing from a number of foreign leaders. brazil's foreign minister has criticised the paralysis of the un security council on the wars in gaza and ukraine. it's been a busy day already at the latest g20 mauro vieira said the inaction resulted in the loss of innocent lives. meanwhile uk foreign secretary lord cameron said that the uk, france, canada, and germany all used their speeches to raise the death of alexei navalny in front of the russian foreign minister, sergey lavrov. 0ur south america correspondent, ione wells, is at the conference and sent this report. well, there was certainly a tense atmosphere at the g20 summit in rio today, and that's partly because of some of the differences of opinion in the room when it comes to russia's actions in ukraine. now, present at the meeting today was russia's foreign minister, sergei lavrov. i'm told that directly in that room, many of the other foreign ministers used the opportunity to call out russia both for the war in ukraine, but also for the death of the russian opposition leader, alexei navalny in prison. these included the uk, canada, france, germany, australia,
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among others. and i'm told that lord cameron, the british foreign secretary, used the opportunity to ask other nations in the room whether there was anything more important to them than sovereignty and the ability to not be invaded by another nation. he said that he hoped that this was a message that was particularly important to be heard by some of russia's allies who were also present in the room, including the hosts, brazil. now, in response, sergei lavrov, i'm told, effectively continued to deny allegations of murder against alexei navalny, dismissing that as a fabrication. but certainly a tense finish, i think to the day that was meant to be an opportunity for these g20 nations to try and find consensus about how to tackle ongoing international tensions. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. western officials have warned that russia has not given up its original goal of taking over most of ukraine. they said the kremlin still hoped to install a pro—moscow government in kyiv, although there
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was no real plan of how it would achieve these aims. the government of ecuador says it'll hike value added tax — or vat — in a bid to fund the country's battle against drug cartels. vat will increase by three percentage points to 15% from april. it follows a surge in violence across the country the first breeding population of an "incredibly rare" turtle has been discovered in india. a team of conservationists, led by the university of portsmouth, uncovered the nesting site of the "secretive" cantor�*s giant soft—shell turtle. the species, which is native to the rivers of south and south—east asia, is classified as critically endangered. let's turn to the us — alabama's main hospital has paused ivf procedures after the supreme court in the us state ruled that frozen embryos could be legally considered children. the hospital authorities say
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they feel for those relying on ivf to build a family but are concerned they could be prosecuted. the court ruled last week that any human life from the moment of conception was sacred. alabama, like many southern states, outlaws all abortions without exception. david willis in los angeles gave us this. we are indeed, steve. indeed. just five days after that ruling by the alabama supreme court classifying embryos as children, the largest hospital in the state of alabama, the university of alabama hospital, has said that it is putting ivf procedures on hold for the time being whilst it evaluates the potential implications of this ruling by the alabama supreme court last week, there is concern that doctors and patients could be the subject of criminal or civil proceedings in the light of this decision
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by the justices, or indeed find themselves susceptible to large fines. now, reaction to this has been swift. the national infertility association here in the united states has said it is heartbroken in a statement by the decision, the decision of the university hospital in alabama. and it also in that statement goes on to say that this new legal framework, in its view, could make it impossible in the state of alabama for ivf treatment to be offered. david, so far, alabama is the first state to pass such a ruling. could other states look to do the same? well, that is a possibility, of course, steve. and there are concerns amongst some here that this sort of thing could raise the cost of ivf treatment because it could put
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up malpractice insurance costs. it could prompt doctors, fertility doctors to seek employment in other states and all in all, make ivf treatment a lot more difficult and more expensive to obtain. now, alabama is one of about two dozen states which either have banned abortions or have put strict limitations on women's ability to receive an abortion. and this ruling, it's thought, could open the door potentially to tougher abortion restrictions, including penalties, it's thought, for women who obtain the procedure. currently, the law only penalizes those who administer abortion. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. a two—year—old boy reported
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to have fallen into a river in leicester has been named as xielo maruziva. he fell into the river soar at aylestone on sunday. his family have described him as a "cheeky, funny" boy who is "a bundle ofjoy". they thanked everyone involved in the ongoing search and said they were "heartbroken at what happened". the government is implementing one of the key recommendations of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse — by making it a �*legal requirement�* for many people who work with children in england and wales to report evidence of abuse. those who fail to comply with the mandatory reporting duty could be barred from working with young people, while covering up abuse could result in a prison sentence. thousands ofjunior doctors across wales have begun a three—day strike — in their latest action in a pay dispute. the strike means thousands of appointments and operations have been cancelled. it is the second walk—out since january by doctors, who say they've effectively lost about a third of their pay in the last 15 years.
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you're live with bbc news. germany has the largest economy in europe — but now its government has officially slashed its forecast for economic growth in 2024 — warning that germany is in troubled waters. last year its economy shrank by 0.3%. business leaders are urgently calling for less bureaucracy as our berlin correspondent jess parker reports. carmaking, chemicals, heavy industry — how we perceive the german powerhouse economy. but europe's engine of growth is stuttering. germany will be the sick man of europe, like 20 years ago. andrei runs a building firm and has a common complaint — that german red tape and environmental rules are punishing his industry. the higher regulations we have in germany are slowing down the economy because we are taking too long to finish the apartments we need really here, especially in the capital, in berlin.
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building things, making things — it's something germany's supposed to be good at, but demand has slumped, not just in construction, and it's dragging the economy down. charts in hand, germany's economy minister also pointed to acute labour shortages as he talked of troubled waters but better times to come. in germany, global shocks have combined with longer term problems. we fell — especially under the government of angela merkel, i have to say — we fell a bit asleep and we were very comfortable in general. so i think we have to catch up. i think we had, like, bigger dreams and we thought we were going to be able to live bigger lives and more financially free. but now the reality hits us and it's not as good as we thought is going to be. forecasts vary, but look at this — germany's lagging behind among g7 major economies, though european countries, including the uk, also look set for lacklustre growth. the sluggish growth in germany is certainly also going
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to affect our neighbours and ourtrading partners worldwide. the german economy is running the risk of not being the growth engine of europe anymore, but rather slowing growth down. back on the building site, 16 new apartments will eventually stand here. a substantial task — but lifting up the german economy will be a mammoth one. jessica parker, bbc news, in berlin. king charles has revealed he has been reduced to tears by the messages of support since he was diagnosed with cancer. he was speaking to the prime minister in his first face to face audience since his diagnosis was made public. here's royal correspondent, daniela relph. the prime minister, your majesty. - good evening, your majesty. they usually meet every week, but it has been a disrupted start to the year. wonderful to see you looking so well. well, it's all done by mirrors, you know. well, we are all behind you. the country is behind you.
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you are kind. i know, because i have had so many wonderful messages and cards. ican imagine. it has reduced me to tears most of the time. clearly moved by the public�*s good wishes, this was a hint of normal royal business for the king. the audience with the prime minister has been an important moment, a sign that the king is coping well with his cancer treatment and can still do those core duties. it is now three weeks since the king left hospital after treatment for a prostate condition. it was during his stay here that his cancer was discovered. he is not expected to return to a full schedule of engagements for several months. the audience lasted around 45 minutes, during which the king also recognised how going public with his diagnosis had highlighted the work of cancer charities, many of which have him as a patron. daniela relph, bbc news, buckingham palace. a pioneering satellite —
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first launched in 1995 — has now landed in the pacific ocean. the ers—two, known as the grandfather satellite, was one of two that were launched by the european space agency to help scientists monitor the earth's activity. as it re—entered the earth's atmosphere most of the device burnt off, with any fragments that survived falling into the ocean. an eight—year—old from here in singapore has become the youngest chess player ever to beat a grandmaster. ashwath kaushik beat poland's jacek stopa in switzerland on sunday and beat the world record set just a month earlier by leonid ivanovic from serbia who is aged eight years and 11 months — ashwarth is eight and a half years old — but both are the first players under nine to reach this achievment. and ashwath and his mother rohini are here with me in the studio. welcome to both of you, it's
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great to have you in. congratulations on beating a grandmaster, how did it feel? it felt exciting and it felt like amazing and i'm really proud of my game and how i played. and how i found good moves and... it’s played. and how i found good moves and. . ._ moves and... it's very cool, and i understand _ moves and... it's very cool, and i understand you - moves and... it's very cool, j and i understand you picked moves and... it's very cool, i and i understand you picked up just, well you are still very young, but when you were four, is that right? i young, but when you were four, is that right?— is that right? i picked up chess when _ is that right? i picked up chess when i _ is that right? i picked up chess when i was - is that right? i picked up chess when i was four, l is that right? i picked up. chess when i was four, on is that right? i picked up - chess when i was four, on chess kids app. it's an app you can play with other people online and you get learning experience.- and you get learning experience. and you get learning exerience. ., �*, experience. so rohini, it's very interesting _ experience. so rohini, it's very interesting to - experience. so rohini, it's very interesting to hear i experience. so rohini, it'sj very interesting to hear he learned from an app, as many kids do these days. i learned from an app, as many kids do these days.— kids do these days. i think we are in the _ kids do these days. i think we are in the app _ kids do these days. i think we are in the app age _ kids do these days. i think we are in the app age so - kids do these days. i think we are in the app age so it - kids do these days. i think we are in the app age so it sort i are in the app age so it sort of started _ are in the app age so it sort of started out very innocently, we were — of started out very innocently, we were just looking for something constructive to keep him occupied, and you know, i think_ him occupied, and you know, i think in— him occupied, and you know, i think in today's age, avoiding screen — think in today's age, avoiding screen time is impossible so we
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thought. — screen time is impossible so we thought, how can we make it a little _ thought, how can we make it a little more productive screen time? — little more productive screen time? and we introduced him to the app — time? and we introduced him to the app and he really enjoyed it, the app and he really enjoyed it. so— the app and he really enjoyed it, so then we soon progressed from _ it, so then we soon progressed from there _ it, so then we soon progressed from there to playing on the board, — from there to playing on the board, and within a few months he was — board, and within a few months he was out _ board, and within a few months he was out a sent's so that's when we _ he was out a sent's so that's when we said we need to get him a coach _ when we said we need to get him a coach because we can't keep up a coach because we can't keep up with— a coach because we can't keep up with this. so a coach because we can't keep up with this— up with this. so you outpaced our up with this. so you outpaced your parents _ up with this. so you outpaced your parents and _ up with this. so you outpaced l your parents and grandparents. what about chess is what you like so much?— what about chess is what you like so much? you can play at different moves, _ like so much? you can play at different moves, you - like so much? you can play at different moves, you can - different moves, you can sacrifice pieces and in many kinds of chest you can play positionally or tactically and sacrifice pieces, so it's really fun to play. 50 sacrifice pieces, so it's really fun to play. so you really fun to play. so you really like _ really fun to play. so you really like the _ really fun to play. so you really like the strategy i really fun to play. so you i really like the strategy and the detail of that comes with chess? 0k. and what's next for you then? what are your goals to achieve, you've onlyjust started your chess career. mr; started your chess career. my coals started your chess career. my goals are _ started your chess career. iji goals are first started your chess career. m goals are first to started your chess career. m1: goals are first to become a grandmaster which i am close to like 20 points away, then
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become a video master and then become a video master and then become international master to grandmaster. and then later after the year i become a super gm and become world champion, the world champion is me. you've certainly thought this through, rohini, tell us a little bit about how you are supporting his ambitions to take chess further? there's a fair amount _ take chess further? there's a fair amount of _ take chess further? there's a fair amount of commitment l fair amount of commitment involved _ fair amount of commitment involved from all of us, my husband _ involved from all of us, my husband does a lot in terms of coordinating with his various coaches. _ coordinating with his various coaches, and helping him with some — coaches, and helping him with some of— coaches, and helping him with some of his preparation on a daily— some of his preparation on a daily basis and in the lead up to tournaments. i'm usually the one who — to tournaments. i'm usually the one who accompanies him for tournaments so i think my role is more — tournaments so i think my role is more just making sure that he follows the right schedule, that he — he follows the right schedule, that he keeps his spirits up, he rebounded quickly from any losses — he rebounded quickly from any losses. he celebrates his winds but then— losses. he celebrates his winds but then moves on and continues to focus— but then moves on and continues to focus on— but then moves on and continues to focus on the next match. and
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his younger— to focus on the next match. and his younger brother is like his biggest — his younger brother is like his biggest fan so he's always cheering him on from the back in silence _ cheering him on from the back in silence. it cheering him on from the back in silence-— in silence. it is your brother any good — in silence. it is your brother any good at _ in silence. it is your brother any good at chess, - in silence. it is your brother any good at chess, to? - in silence. it is your brother| any good at chess, to? he's learning _ any good at chess, to? he's learning chess, _ any good at chess, to? he's learning chess, he - any good at chess, to? he's learning chess, he is - any good at chess, to? he's learning chess, he is four i learning chess, he is four and a half and turning five. he learning chess, he is four and a half and turning five.- a half and turning five. he is t in: a half and turning five. he is trying to _ a half and turning five. he is trying to teach _ a half and turning five. he is trying to teach him - a half and turning five. he is trying to teach him now, - a half and turning five. he is trying to teach him now, so | a half and turning five. he is i trying to teach him now, so he can come _ trying to teach him now, so he can come along for tournaments as welt — can come along for tournaments as well. ., �* , can come along for tournaments as well. . �*, ., ,., as well. that's awesome, something _ as well. that's awesome, something you _ as well. that's awesome, something you can - as well. that's awesome, something you can both | as well. that's awesome, - something you can both enjoy together. thank you both for coming in and i wish you all the best in your endeavours to become a chess grandmaster as well. ., ., become a chess grandmaster as well. . ,, , ., ., ,, become a chess grandmaster as well. . ,, ., ,, a couple who won a £61 million share of a euromillions jackpot have said at first they mistakenly thought they had only won £2.60. richard and debbie nuttall scooped the prize last month, and found out while on holiday in fuerteventura celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. when you dream about winning the lottery, you're thinking, "i will do this and i will do that and i will be super calm". but when you actually do win
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the lottery, you're in such a daze because the numbers are so huge. we will have nicer things and we will do nicer things, but we'll still be the same people. still be us. we'll have our friends and family around us, they will help to keep us sane. they were murder you can catch up they were murder you can catch up on all the stories from today on the bbc news website, and a reminder if you have young children and you want to get them involved in the game of chess, there may be an app is a good way to start as we've seen from our guests in studio here. it is possible to be grandmasters at the age of eight. it seems anything is possible these days, thanks for your company here in bbc news.
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hello there. it looks like it's going to be very wet for the next 2a hours, particularly across england and wales. and that could exacerbate already existing flooding problems there. by the end of the week, as well, it'll be pulling colder air behind the low pressure. on thursday, things will be turning colderfor all areas and any showers will have wintry elements to them across northern and western hills for friday and into the weekend. now, this deepening area of low pressure will move across the country, particularly england and wales, during the course of thursday — a squeeze in the isobars indicating gales for a time. and then you'll see the blue colours invading the whole of the uk behind the system, so it turns colder for all. but through the morning, there could be some issues with standing water, localised flooding as this rain could be heavy, squally, as it spreads across the midlands, southern and eastern england. maybe some rumbles of thunder on it, strong and gusty winds with that, too. but even as we move out of the morning into the afternoon, we could see another round of heavy rain spreading across central, southern and eastern england.
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it'll take its time to clear. elsewhere, it's a bright day — sunshine, blustery showers, particularly across northern ireland and western scotland. and there will be some snow falling over the hills, even down to moderate levels across scotland through the course of the day. a blustery day for all areas, very windy with gales across the south—east. by the end of the day, that cold air will be pretty much across the whole of the uk. so we're looking at 4—8 celsius the high. so we've gone out of those double figure values that we've had over the past couple of weeks. it has been very mild indeed. now, as we head through thursday night, it looks like it'll stay cold. there'll be further blustery showers, wintry on the hills in the north and the west, and a touch of frost in places, particularly where skies are clear. so much colder night to come and a colder start to friday. we hold on to westerly winds, a few troughs enhancing the shower activity across northern and western areas, so plenty of showers rattling into scotland, northern ireland, western england and wales. a few getting in towards the east, but a lot of sunshine here. a blustery day to come for all. there'll be further snow on the hills in northern
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and western areas. top temperatures, again, ranging from around 7—9 degrees for most. it looks like we keep hold of a ridge of high pressure through the course of saturday and sunday. low pressure just skirts past the south—west, so a bit of a question mark on that. but i think, generally, saturday and sunday, quite a bit of dry weather around some sunshine, a few showers — which will be wintry — over hills. nights will be cold with a touch of frost and mist and fog.
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the ceo of nvidia says artificial intelligence is at a tipping point. as the chip maker reports revenue surged 265 percent last quarter. and turbulent times for boeing. the boss of its 737 max programme leaves the company. we'll look at what lies ahead for the planemaker. hello and welcome to asia business report. i'm steve lai. nvidia has just reported its highly anticipated earnings for the final quarter of last year. and the numbers didn't disappoint, with revenue surging 265%. 0ur north america business correspondent erin delmore joins us from new york with the latest. the leading chip maker in the
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