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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm BST

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new pictures of the barrage of missiles and drones launched by iran at israel — as tehran rejects western criticism of its attack. and i'm injerusalem as media reports — and i'm injerusalem as media reports that opposition parties have been invited to a real security meeting — been invited to a real security meeting raising questions about israel's — meeting raising questions about israel's plans. another mass stabbing event in sydney — a church is targetted just days after six people were killed by a lone knifeman in the city. hello, and welcome to verified live. we start in new york — and history being made — with a former us president,
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standing trial in a criminal case. this was donald trump setting off from central manhattan a couple of hours ago. he's charged with 3a counts of fraud, relating to hush money — allegedly paid to the former adult film star stormy daniels — before the 2016 presidential election. he's now in the courthouse itself for the start ofjury selection. prosecutors accuse him, of arranging payments to stormy daniels in an effort to buy her silence. donald trump has pleaded not guilty, describing the case as a witchhunt. he spoke to the media just before heading in to the courtroom, let's have a listen. something like this has never happened before. there's never been anything like it. never happened before. every legal scholar said this case is nonsense. it should never have been brought. it doesn't deserve anything like this. there is no case and they've said it. people that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said this is an outrage that this case was brought. this is political persecution. this is a persecution like never before.
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nobody's ever seen anything like it. and again, it's a case that should have never been brought. it's an assault on america. and that's why i'm very proud to be here. this is an assault on our country, and it's a country that's failing. it's a country that's run by an incompetent man who's very much involved in this case. this is really an attack on a political opponent. that's all it is. so i'm very honored to be here. thank you very much. that was donald trump as he went in again attacking joe biden and the department ofjustice, blaming them and just a game going through the sort of statements he has made in the past in these court appearances, and now we will speak to... jessica roth, professor of law co—director, at cardozo school of law, but first,
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quite a moment. your reflection of that, first of all. it quite a moment. your reflection of that, first of all.— that, first of all. it is a historic moment. _ that, first of all. it is a historic moment. it — that, first of all. it is a historic moment, it is _ that, first of all. it is a historic moment, it is the _ that, first of all. it is a historic moment, it is the first - that, first of all. it is a historic moment, it is the first time i that, first of all. it is a historic. moment, it is the first time had that, first of all. it is a historic i moment, it is the first time had a criminal trial against a former president of the united states so that, in and of itself, is absolutely extraordinary and consistent with our system, he is going to be tried by a jury of his peers, 12 individuals who will be selected through the process beginning today who can be fair and impartial solely based off the arguments presented in court so it is an extraordinary and solemn day. you are a former prosecutor. in terms ofjury you are a former prosecutor. in terms of jury selection, you are a former prosecutor. in terms ofjury selection, tell us what it is that the prosecutors will be aiming to do and what they are trying to actually avoid. the?e be aiming to do and what they are trying to actually avoid.— trying to actually avoid. they are t in: to trying to actually avoid. they are trying to find _ trying to actually avoid. they are trying to find people _ trying to actually avoid. they are trying to find people who - trying to actually avoid. they are trying to find people who can - trying to actually avoid. they are j trying to find people who can put aside anything they have heard about the case beforehand in the media and any personal views, either for or against the former president, and be fair and against the former president, and be fairand impartialjurors, against the former president, and be
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fair and impartialjurors, which is the prosecution's interest year to have the case tried based on the evidence presented. they will be on the lookout for people who seem to have preformed use one way or the other particularly those who are pro—trump and would not be able to decide the case fairly and listen to the evidence presented in court. they will also be on the lookout for people who, for whatever reason, may be looking to get onto the jury for some special interest, some fame or notoriety perhaps. i think those individuals are real but in high—profile cases that is a particular concern as well. in high-profile cases that is a particular concern as well. in terms ofthe particular concern as well. in terms of the ease — particular concern as well. in terms of the case itself, _ particular concern as well. in terms of the case itself, 34 _ particular concern as well. in terms of the case itself, 34 counts, - particular concern as well. in terms of the case itself, 34 counts, howl of the case itself, 34 counts, how strong is the case? we've heard a variety of things regarding republican strategist is missing it saying it is not like the other three cases he faces which are related to the electionjanuary six, you have the former watergate prosecutor saying it is notjust about cash money payment, it is an
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effort to defraud american voters and it is extremely important. well do you stand? you like it is far less serious than the other cases being brought, the case brought by the federal council in the district court in dc referring to the events of the january six, 2020 election are far more serious and in this case we will have to see how the evidence unfolds. these charges about falsifying business records of the trump organisation to conceal the trump organisation to conceal the true nature of payments that are made to michael cohen, the former president's former lawyer, and to reimburse him for payments to stormy daniels to keep quiet in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election. that clearly is not as serious as the allegations regarding efforts to subvert the peaceful transfer of power in 2020 but the charges are pursued to a statute of state prosecutors for the false occasion of business records that i will be keenly watching to see how michael cohen was a key witness year for the
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prosecution does on the standard whether his testimony linking donald trump to the scheme can be corroborated by the testimony of other witnesses and by the documents presented. you mentioned michael cohen. 0f you mentioned michael cohen. of course the trump defence team have spent months trashing him. how important is he going to be as a witness in this case? there are also tape—recording so how important will those be? tape-recording so how important will those be? , ., , ., a ., ., those be? testimony of michael cohen will be very important _ those be? testimony of michael cohen will be very important particularly - will be very important particularly on linking donald trump himself to be false occasion of the business records of the trump organisation which is the heart of the case. there are other witnesses who apparently based on reports we have heard will be able to corroborate michael cohen's account that donald trump was involved in orchestrating the payments to stormy daniels to keep quiet but on the actual falsification of the business records, to conceal the flow of money to michael cohen, in order to reimburse him for making those payments, that is less clear to me
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with the other witnesses are and who will be able to corroborate the account. , , ., ., will be able to corroborate the account. , ., ., , ., account. just another question, would you _ account. just another question, would you expect _ account. just another question, would you expect donald - account. just another question, | would you expect donald trump account. just another question, i would you expect donald trump to take to the standard if he does, as a prosecutor, what would your strategy be? i a prosecutor, what would your strategy be?— a prosecutor, what would your strategy be? i know that donald trump said _ strategy be? i know that donald trump said he — strategy be? i know that donald trump said he wants _ strategy be? i know that donald trump said he wants to - strategy be? i know that donald trump said he wants to take i strategy be? i know that donald j trump said he wants to take the stand or you would like to, i really want to evaluate how he will do that or not, it's normally very bad strategy for a defendant to take the stand when they've made inconsistent statements in the past and there was so much material one could point to do, that might cross—examine them and show they have been inconsistent and show they have been inconsistent and unreliable as a witness in the past. but former president trump is unlike any other defendant and any other witness we have encountered so it is hard to say whether he will actually take the stand or not but as a prosecutor i would point to inconsistent a county is given in the past and numerous other conduct he has engaged in like fraud as
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found in the civil trial to point to his unreliability as a witness. thanks very much forjoining us live there from new york on this day one of that criminal trial. thank you very much. just to alert you, we will talk to our correspondence to is at the courthouse very soon live here on the programme to just get some of the scenes that they are at the courthouse, great grammar in the run—up to the compactly arriving in the courthouse but he is inside now as that case gets under way. first, let head to the middle east and israel. where the country's war cabinet has been meeting again, to consider its response to iran's weekend drone and missile attack. a meeting of the war cabinet on sunday night, ended without consensus. iran has called on western nations to "appreciate its restraint"
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after its attack in retaliation for a deadly strike on its consulate in syria. international pressure for restraint has mounted in the past 24 hours with the united nations chief antonio guterres warning israel to "step back from the brink" and britain's foreign secretary lord cameron saying — israel should recognise that iran's attack had been a failure and not respond. however, a member of israel's war cabinet, benny gantz has said it will "exact a price" when the timing is right. let's get the latest from our chief international correspondent lyse doucet, injerusalem. 0ver over to you. yes, the question here, the question — over to you. yes, the question here, the question being _ over to you. yes, the question here, the question being raised _ over to you. yes, the question here, the question being raised anxiously l the question being raised anxiously in many capitals in the region and beyond is what israel will do now after that unprecedented attack by iran in the early hours of the morning here on sunday. as you mentioned, the security cabinet met last night for three hours with no decision, meeting again this afternoon here in israel and now we
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have just heard that the prime minister has invited, in an unusual move, the heads of all the opposition parties, to a security briefing in tel aviv and this is going to heighten speculation about what kind of discussion is being conducted inside that war cabinet which has been tasked with making the decision about what israel should do next and the israeli media are talking about some heated debates, talking about a division with some of the former army chiefs including benny gantz arguing for a swift and forceful response which shows a very clear signal and firmly establishes israeli deterrence while others argue this is a moment when israel is now enjoying strong backing from the international community and that should take time to solidify this coalition. well, let's take a look at the latest developments, we have this report.
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israel's air defences call to action in an early hours on sunday with fighterjets battling drones fired at israeli targets. it fighterjets battling drones fired at israeli targets.— at israeli targets. it marked the first time they _ at israeli targets. it marked the first time they had _ at israeli targets. it marked the first time they had hit - at israeli targets. it marked the first time they had hit the i at israeli targets. it marked the first time they had hit the soil. first time they had hit the soil being heard widely injerusalem and tel aviv. israel's air defences called to action. in the early hours on sunday, fighterjets battled waves of iranian drones and missiles, fired at israeli targets. it marked the first time iran has attacked israel directly from its own soil. explosions could be heard widely, including injerusalem and tel aviv. israel says that 99% of more than 300 drones and missiles launched by iran were intercepted. some of those that got through hit
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here in the sensitive nevatim air force base in southern israel. nearby, seven—year—old amina hassouna was seriously injured when a missile fragment struck her house. translation: the children were frightened and wanted to run away from home. and that's when the missile hit our house. the israeli war cabinet met yesterday to plan its next move. one of its members, benny gantz, said israel would exact a price from iran when the time is right. and last night, the un security council met in an emergency meeting following the attacks. israel called for sanctions on iran and reiterated its right to a response. this attack crossed every red line, and israel reserves the legal right to retaliate. we are not a frog in boiling water, we are a nation of lions. following such a massive and direct attack on israel, the entire world, let alone israel, cannot settle for inaction. we will defend our future. iran's ambassador to the un told the meeting that its actions, which were in retaliation for a deadly airstrike on its consulate in syria, werejustified. these countries, especially the united states, have shielded israel from any responsibility for the gaza massacre, while they have denied iran inherent right to self—defence against the israeli armed attack
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on our diplomatic premises. amid rising tensions, the attacks have received widespread international condemnation. the scale and nature of iran's heinous assault, the first direct attack from iran on israeli soil, poses grave risks to the security and stability of citizens across the middle east. now, world leaders are pressing for de—escalation in a bid for calm in the region. the middle east is on the brink. the people of the region are confronting a real danger of a devastating, full—scale conflict. now is the time to defuse and de—escalate. up all eyes are on israel and how it responds. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem.
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so so all eyes on israel but growing cries from around the world to avoid an escalation. the warning sounded last night in new york at the world's top table with many of the security council members, though they are very much divided on many issues, including the issues here, are all calling for restraint but let's get some insight into israeli security thinking. joining me now is thomasjuneau, middle east analyst, 0ttawa's graduate school of public and international affairs welcome to bbc news. thanks for havin: welcome to bbc news. thanks for having me- _ welcome to bbc news. thanks for having me. around _ welcome to bbc news. thanks for having me. around the _ welcome to bbc news. thanks for having me. around the world, i welcome to bbc news. thanks for. having me. around the world, israel has been told _ having me. around the world, israel has been told that _ having me. around the world, israel has been told that you _ having me. around the world, israel has been told that you showed i having me. around the world, israel has been told that you showed that| has been told that you showed that you could deter this unprecedented israeli attack but of course for israel, some missiles did get
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through and there are some who are arguing here that that punctured israel's wanted deterrence and that israel's wanted deterrence and that israel must strike back in order to re—establish it. where do you think the argument wise? the re-establish it. where do you think the argument wise?— re-establish it. where do you think the argument wise? the argument is very difficult — the argument wise? the argument is very difficult to _ the argument wise? the argument is very difficult to resolve _ the argument wise? the argument is very difficult to resolve from - the argument wise? the argument is very difficult to resolve from the i very difficult to resolve from the israeli perspective because there are multiple pressures to try to reconcile and they are very contradictory and there are domestic political pressures in israel, pressure to respond but also pressures on the fragile coalition that benjamin netanyahu heads. there are diplomatic pressures was not in the us but also some of israel's growing air partners like the uae and saudi arabia calling for restraint and there is a promise of working together or against iran in the future that israel also has to think about but there is a deterrence calculus that israel also has to make and much has been said that the success rate of israel to intercept the drones and missiles was close to 100% which is true but
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the precedent of a large, large—scale attack with about 300 missiles and drones on israel has been set and israel, from its own perspective, will want to make sure that that precedent is not repeated and there is also the idea that if only a couple of those missiles had gone through in for example urban areas, we might have dozens or hundreds dead today and that would be a completely different world so i do expect an israeli retaliation, a relatively strong one, but may be one that will be measured in time, in direct and that will take some time to build diplomatic support. and there is danger on the iranian side as well. . , , is danger on the iranian side as well. ., , , ., ., well. iran priding itself on what it called strategic _ well. iran priding itself on what it called strategic patience - well. iran priding itself on what it called strategic patience and i well. iran priding itself on what it called strategic patience and now well. iran priding itself on what it i called strategic patience and now we have the army chief saying there is a new equation. if you hit us, we will hit back. so if israel is contemplating a retaliatory strike, then given what iran are saying, iran will respond in kind. in fact it warns it would be even harsher.
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absolutely and that is why we are in a dangerous moment. 0n the iranian side, one of the key pillars that iran has said for many decades is to push the envelope, hit israel, hit the us but indirectly and below the threshold that would lead to a large scale retaliation. iran really push that much farther than it has so far on saturday of the weekend but i do think it remains iran's calculus that it does want to avoid all—out war because in a scenario of escalation of all—out war, everyone knows this, it is costly for everybody but arguably more for iran than anyone else because ultimately in an escalation scenario the us and israel are much stronger militarily and i think iran knows that's of course they will bluster, they will say things like what you just quoted but there are also mindful that they do not ultimately want that full escalation. do not ultimately want that full escalation-— do not ultimately want that full escalation. �* , ., ., escalation. i'm sorry we have to leave it they _ escalation. i'm sorry we have to leave it they are _ escalation. i'm sorry we have to leave it they are a _ escalation. i'm sorry we have to leave it they are a thank - escalation. i'm sorry we have to leave it they are a thank you i escalation. i'm sorry we have to l leave it they are a thank you very much for giving us your insight into
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this moment. still considerable peril in the middle east after iran's unprecedented strike with everyone saying they would want to avoid war but everyone braced for a war which may still come. thank you forjoining us from auto are and you will continue to follow developments from here, waiting to see what comes out of that unusual security briefing with the edge of the opposition parties here in israel. back to you in london. thank you and reports from third maxing the us does not want escalation with iran but that they will continue to defend, so the same message i have pushed for the asked 24 hours. in the uk and around the world, you're watching bbc news.
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this is bbc news.
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let's return now to our top story — former president donald trump, standing trial in a criminal case. these are the pictures of donald trump leaving to go to that manhattan court and then arriving, he is now inside the courthouse itself. nada tawfik is there. just work from the course in your last few minutes that donald trump has lost a second bid to actually remove thejudge in this lost a second bid to actually remove the judge in this case, so tells more about that.— the judge in this case, so tells more about that. yes, that is right, before the trial _ more about that. yes, that is right, before the trial gets _ more about that. yes, that is right, before the trial gets warmly - more about that. yes, that is right, before the trial gets warmly underl before the trial gets warmly under way, thejudge said before the trial gets warmly under way, the judge said there were a few loose ends, as he called it, to address and one of those was again last—ditch attempt by donald trump as maguire is to have the judge recuse himself. they claim that because his daughter works for a democratic consulting firm and because he made comments about candidates and their use of social media that he should not be allowed to preside over this trial. the
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judge said that donald trump as my team did not provide any evidence of any conflict. just innuendo. and so he said that the matter was closed, he would not recuse himself and the trial would get under way. there was another point where donald trump did ask to be able to be absent from the court in may, may 17, which is a date when his son will be graduating from high school. remember, because this is a criminal trial, donald trump is required to be here every day unless he gets permission from thejudge to be day unless he gets permission from the judge to be absent. so as i say, a bit of loose ends being tied up here at the courthouse donald trump is there, his campaign spokesperson as they are, his two groups of attorneys, representing him, they are in the courthouse along with the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and his team so all key characters, parties in this case, they are, matthew and waiting for they are, matthew and waiting for the trial to formally start.
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yes, it is such a military finally arrived at, although numerous attempts to get the case pushed back last week all failing so it is starting today and we have reporters outside where you are, reporters inside. just give us a sense of what the scene is like there. you are there. just describe the feeling of attention this is getting. yes. there. just describe the feeling of attention this is getting.— attention this is getting. yes, you can 'ust attention this is getting. yes, you can just imagine _ attention this is getting. yes, you can just imagine the _ attention this is getting. yes, you can just imagine the world's i attention this is getting. yes, you | can just imagine the world's media are down here on both my right and left, there is a long line of press assembled, we are in a press pain that has been set up by the nypd because all around us, they have barricades set up to secure this area, keep in mind besides the nypd you have the secret service on site here again just underscoring how different this is from our normal trial taking place in new york and here we have not only a former
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president but the republican presumptive nominee so security is extra tight here in lower manhattan but what we have seen is in the court, in the park right in front of me, in front of the courthouse, a steady stream of very passionate pro—and anti—thai trump supporters who have been turning up to voice how they feel about this trial. white might peel back to you later in the programme but thank you for the latest. before we break, turning to one more important story developing in the last two hours in australia. there's been another mass stabbing in sydney. a bishop and several other people were attacked, during an evening sermon, which was being livestreamed online. it follows the weekend stabbings, in a shopping centre in the city, when six people were killed and several others injured — before the assailant was shot dead. from sydney, katy watson has the latest. we can cross live to our correspondent in sydney, phil mercer. i was looking at the pictures a little earlier before we came into the studio, some horrifying images
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from that church.— from that church. confronting, reall , from that church. confronting, really. the _ from that church. confronting, really, the priest _ from that church. confronting, really, the priest was - from that church. confronting, l really, the priest was delivering his sermon at the christ the good shepherd church in sydney in eastern australia when a man wearing a dark jumper or darkjackets walks very jumper or dark jackets walks very calmly jumper or darkjackets walks very calmly up to the altar and all of a sudden appears to start stabbing the priest with a knife. very shortly afterwards, other churchgoers rushed in to help and you can hear the screams of horror of other members of the congregation and as you say all of this being live streamed and all of this being live streamed and a man has been taken into custody and ambulance authorities say that at least four people have been treated for lacerations, cuts, and they are not thought to be life—threatening injuries but all of this of course will be an extremely unnerving reminderfor people this of course will be an extremely unnerving reminder for people all
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around this country of what happened at around 40 kilometres away at a shopping centre in a place called bondijunction on shopping centre in a place called bondi junction on saturday when a lone knifeman went on a rampage killing six people, so certainly this stabbing event at a church in western sydney will stoke those fears here in australia, this fear is of great unease and anxiety. just tells a bit more about what the authorities are saying. we understand _ authorities are saying. - understand the church leader involved in the stabbing in western sydney was a man called bishop mar mari emmanuel. we do not know the motive as of yet but
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the investigation is continuing. thank you very much. i am back with more headlines on the a moment or two. hello there. wild weather to greet us first thing this monday morning. we've had heavy rain, we've had damaging gusts of wind that have brought trees down in parts of the east midlands. we've also seen some snow showers and some hail mixed in there, as well. just a couple of days ago we had the warmest day of the year so far, just over 21 degrees in south—east england, but take a look at south—east england as we go through the week. it's cool, showery and pretty unsettled until we head towards next weekend. more on that in just a moment. but on the whole, low pressure dominates the story at the moment. the rain may be easing away, but the winds will drive in a frequent rash of showers. so we've seen this spell of heavy rain pushing into the south—east,
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the showers tucking in behind. yes, they will be wintry across the tops of mountains in scotland, across the lake district and north wales. there will continue to be a rash feeding in with the strong north—westerly wind. so sunny spells and scattered sharp showers as we go through the remainder of the day. the wind, quite widespread gusts in excess of 40mph. maybe the lightest winds into the far north of scotland. but factor in the strength, the direction of the wind and those showers from time to time, it's going to feel disappointingly cool out there — nine to 12 degrees at the very best. as we move through the evening, a spell of more organized showers pushes its way down into the south—east, but the low will gradually ease off into the north sea, so clearer skies out to the west, still windy with a few scattered showers across east coasts. 0vernight lows generally of four to eight celsius. first thing tomorrow morning still could be cool and breezy on exposed north sea coasts, with some showers just clipping perhaps east yorkshire, lincolnshire down into east anglia. if that happens, it will stay disappointingly cold. fewer showers and a little more
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sunshine further west and with slightly lighter winds it might feel a little bit more pleasant out there, but still the temperatures are struggling at nine to 13 degrees. through the middle part of the week we've got another front moving through, but then high pressure is going to start to build in from the west and, hopefully, quieten down the weather story as we move towards the weekend. so, yes, there will still be some showers around, gradually the temperatures creeping back up to where they should be for this time of year and it will turn a lot drier.
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this is bbc news. the headlines: the hush money trial of donald trump opens in new york — the first criminal trial of a former us president. new pictures of the barrage of missiles and drones launched by iran at israel as tehran rejects western criticism of its attack. live pictures from the house of commons, where prime minister rishi sunak will address parliament in the next few minutes about the role the uk played in repelling the attack. another mass stabbing event in sydney — a church is targeted just days after six people were killed by a knifeman in a shopping mall.


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