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tv   The Context  BBC News  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm BST

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hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. the graves are now at the centre of conflicting claims between hamas and local aid workers on one side and the israel defense forces on the other. hamas claims some of the dead were executed, had their hands tied and were dumped in mass graves. the examination was carried out respectfully while maintaining the dignity of the deceased. bodies were examined which did not belong to israeli hostages, and they were returned to their place. we are horrified also - by the destruction of al nasser medical complex and al shifa medical complex and the reports _ of the discovery of mass graves in and around facilities. - and we call for independent, effective, transparent - investigations into the deaths.
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tonight on the panel, former us ambassador to nato ivo daalder and philip rycroft, the uk's former permanent secretary at the department for exiting the european union. good evening. in the last hour, white house national security adviser jake sullivan says he wants a report on the mass graves in gaza, reports he calls disturbing. he added, "we want answers" from the israeli government. that's as volker turk, the un's human rights chief, has called for an independent investigation into the destruction at two of the main hospitals in gaza. palestinian officials say they have exhumed the bodies of almost
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300 people at the al shifa and nasser hospitals. many of them buried in "mass graves" that were found within the medical complex. the israel defence forces described those reports as "baseless and unfounded". the bbc�*s fergal keane's has been investigating these reports. and a warning — you may find some of these scenes distressing. —— we are going to take you straight to columbia university in new york where the house speaker is about to address the press. booing america's pre—eminent academic institutions on a very important day, in a very important time. throughout history colombia's students have contributed to the great story book of america's life and thoughtful as a visionary
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american leaders like alexander hamilton and john american leaders like alexander hamilton and jothay and thejewish leader... knew the self—evident truth that was at the heart of this country, and once at the heart of this university, and that is that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. they should not be infringed. the founders, in the great leaders would come to this institution in the past, believed in religious liberty, they believed in democracy, they believed in morality, in virtue, and the dignity of every human person. they believed in the free exchange of ideas. and they detested mob rule. we are standing here right now on the steps of the low library. in this very building right behind us, columbia university once awarded winston churchill an honorary degree and it was churchill who said, it is manifestly right thatjews should have a national home where they may be reunited. we believe in that
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principle, and today i'm here to proclaim to all those who gnash their teeth and demand to wipe the state of israel off the map, and attack our innocentjewish students, this simple truth — neither israel nor these jewish students this simple truth — neither israel nor thesejewish students on this campus will ever stand alone. today, hamas issued an endorsement statement of the protesters on this campus. they called them the future leaders of america. it is detestable. all of this has to be said because the cherished traditions of this university are being overtaken right now by radical, extreme ideology stub they please to target on the ofjewish students in the united states and here on this campus. a growing number of students have chanted in support of terrorists. they face down jewish support of terrorists. they face downjewish students. they have mocked them and reviled them. they have shouted rebel -- racial —— racial epithets. they have screamed at... -- racial epithets. they have screamed at. . ._
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screamed at... chanting en'o screamed at... chanting enjoy your _ screamed at... chanting enjoy your free _ screamed at... chanting enjoy your free speech . screamed at... chantingi enjoy your free speech for screamed at... chanting - enjoy your free speech for they told jewish students who were the star of david to leave the country and, shamefully, some faculty have joined the mobs. things have gotten so out of control the school has cancelled in person classes and now they have come up with this hybrid model. they will discriminate againstjewish students. they are not like to come to class any more for fear of their lives. is detestable. as colombia has allowed this lawless agitators and reticles to take over, the virus of anti—semitism is spread across other campuses. by some counts as many as 200 universities have a similarform of protest many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now. at yale and jewish student was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag in 45 students were arrested for some and nyu, pro—hamas protesters were shouting the sea, anti—israeli and campus are popping up anti—israeli and campus are popping up at universities all across this country... up at universities all across this country- - -_
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country... booing the madness - country... booing the madness has l country... booingl the madness has to country... booing - the madness has to stop. country... booing _ the madness has to stop. the country... booing — the madness has to stop. the madness has to stop. we just left the knitting with jewish has to stop. we just left the knitting withjewish students who told us of the heinous acts of bigotry they have experienced, simply because of their faith. their bravery has attachment is inspiring, much more inspiring than some of the activities we are having here for they should never have to confront such hate on american college campus, such a revered institution. anti—semitism has been growing in america and its clear wife as to powerful people have refused to condemn it and some have even peddled it themselves. —— it is clear why. peddled it themselves. —— it is clearwhy. from peddled it themselves. —— it is clear why. from university professor to public officials, people in positions of authority have denied the horrific facts of symptom ii 2001. it happened right here in new york city for some they have refused to... the barbaric attack of hamas on october seven. israeli women were
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savagely raped and murdered an infant's work cooked in ovens. crowds of radical left activist have chanted, death to america, on our own streets in this country and some public officials have refused to condemn them. 0thers public officials have refused to condemn them. others have openly offended these acts on campus —— defended. the harassing and intimidation and the threatening of innocentjewish students, sickly because of who they are, they call that peaceful protest. and some have even gone as far as calling for the state of israel to be eliminated. these are words we expect from ayatollahs in iran, not american lawmakers and non—american students. unsurprisingly, it has given way to threats of violence in a generation of students who feel safe in their own classrooms, who don't feel safe in their own classrooms, or where they live or were they worshipful stub limit see this very simply —— status will no american of any colour or creed should ever have to live under those kinds of threats. that is not who we are in this country. sadly, colombia's
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administrator have chosen to let... cheering the intimidation of the mob rule, to overtake american pencils like free speech and the free exchange of ideas. the free exercise of religion. they have co—opted first amendment arguments to protect genocide and to elevate the voices of anti—semitism. they have proven themselves to be incapable of achieving their basic responsibility, which is keeping students safe. wejust responsibility, which is keeping students safe. we just cannot allow this kind of hatred and anti—semitism to flourish on our campuses and it must be stopped in its tracks. those who are perpetrating this violence should be arrested. and i'm here today, i'm here to date, joining my colleagues, and calling on the president to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos. as speaker of the house, i am committing today that the congress will not be silent asjewish students are expected to run for
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their lives and stay home from their classes, hiding in fear. any house of representatives we've already acted to address anti—semitism on campuses, we have passed a number of statues address this matter, and we call upon the us senate to act upon our legislation. i have a couple of my colleagues here that i would like to share a few words, i will turn it overfor us of the to share a few words, i will turn it over for us of the house education and workforce commission, virginia fox. north carolina stop at the house speaker there, mikejohnson, house speaker there, mike johnson, visiting house speaker there, mikejohnson, visiting colombia. you up seen him some of the republican representative behind him, a0 new york, i can see cumbersome and lawler there from new york state. also covers woman from staten island. he had fairly stern words for the president of columbia university, who formerly served as the deputy governor of the bank of england. she has been the president
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for a few years now but is under immense pressure to do with the scenes you see outside one of the main faculties there in new york. 0ur panel have been standby patiently waiting for us. i mean throw it to you first of all, ivo — what do you make of the politicians weighing in on this? what unique of what we have seen today across the country? i what we have seen today across the count ? ., �* ~' what we have seen today across the count ? ., �* ~ , , ., country? i don't think this is a time where — country? i don't think this is a time where we _ country? i don't think this is a time where we want - country? i don't think this is a time where we want to - country? i don't think this is a time where we want to try - country? i don't think this is a time where we want to try to l country? i don't think this is a - time where we want to try to bring politicians into a very difficult and complicated set of situations. it is her —— are markable only republicans showing up. last i looked, the house will be better off washington doing its business. it finally did so with regards to ukraine, which is great, but there are plenty of other things that congressman and speaker should be pointing attention to. that said, what is happening in our country and i think in many other countries is a fierce debate about both israel and, what's happening in gaza, there is a
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good degree of anti—semitism that is part of that which is despicable and needs to be combated in the best possible way of the book calling for university presidents to resign rather than figuring out how to do their dual mission of ensuring freedom of expression and freedom of speech and civilised, and i will underscore that, civilised debate on the one hand and the safety for all students on the other, is what is needed now. this is not a time for politics, this is a time for solutions, and making politics out of it and calling for people to resign, as if that will solve anything, frankly is not the way to address this issue.— address this issue. philip, love what ivo has _ address this issue. philip, love what ivo has said _ address this issue. philip, love what ivo has said has - address this issue. philip, love what ivo has said has been - address this issue. philip, love what ivo has said has been set| address this issue. philip, love i what ivo has said has been set on the site as well —— a lot of what ivo has said. a very active debate in recent days over the treatment of gideon fulcher, who was someone, in the words of the met police officer who stopped him, who looked openly jewish trying to stop a protest.
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whatever his motives were, whatever happened there, there were two issues — one is freedom of speech and the right to protest, the other is that there should be no room for anti—semitism and bigotry, but trying to find a path through those two positions are not that easy. absolutely, not that easy, and for the met _ absolutely, not that easy, and for the met police in london, and for university— the met police in london, and for university physicals around the world, — university physicals around the world, i— university physicals around the world, i know that universities in the uk _ world, i know that universities in the uk have tried to find the space for that— the uk have tried to find the space for that respectful debate, and clearly — for that respectful debate, and clearly people feel very passionate about _ clearly people feel very passionate about this conflict, and it is having _ about this conflict, and it is having a _ about this conflict, and it is having a radicalising effect on young — having a radicalising effect on young people in the uk and us and elsewhere, and public authorities have a _ elsewhere, and public authorities have a duty to try and manage that debate _ have a duty to try and manage that debate in _ have a duty to try and manage that debate in a — have a duty to try and manage that debate in a way which allows the debate _ debate in a way which allows the debate to— debate in a way which allows the debate to be heard but is done in a respectful— debate to be heard but is done in a respectful way and does not allow to creep— respectful way and does not allow to creep into _ respectful way and does not allow to creep into the margins, or in the centre _ creep into the margins, or in the centre of— creep into the margins, or in the centre of that indeed, anti—semitism or islamophobia or any other hate,
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and indeed — or islamophobia or any other hate, and indeed one can have this debate white _ and indeed one can have this debate while respecting the rate of the state _ while respecting the rate of the state of — while respecting the rate of the state of israel to exist, but that does _ state of israel to exist, but that does not — state of israel to exist, but that does not mean that you cannot protest — does not mean that you cannot protest against the way the war is being _ protest against the way the war is being conducted. so it's important not to— being conducted. so it's important not to conflate all these things in a way— not to conflate all these things in a way we — not to conflate all these things in a way we respond to these issues. but the _ a way we respond to these issues. but the interesting thing is, the statement has just come out from the white house, ivo, as mikejohnson was speaking on the steps of columbia university, joe biden put out a statement saying that he backs freedom of expression on us campuses, so as you say, given the volatility at us two universities at the moment, whether a politicalfight on universities at the moment, whether a political fight on top of that is a political fight on top of that is a good thing is to be question to. yet, i don't think this is a good time for politics, although if everything is politcised in our country and other countries for sure, that's was happening, but i
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think philip is right. we should have a respectful debate and we must have a respectful debate and we must have a respectful debate and we must have a respectable debate about what is happening in gaza. in the kinds of activities, actions the government has taken. in response to what is beyond any doubt a heinous crime but it was noticeable that speakerjohnson did not mention the word gaza, he did not mention the word gaza, he did not mention the word palestinians, he did not mention the fact that thousands and thousands of children have also been killed, but they happened be palestinians, in bombardment set a whole variety of things, and that there are now thousands of children and many more people in northern gaza on the brink of starvation. these are serious problems that we are facing and we should have debates about these. i think president biden is rightful to we need freedom of expression. and at the same time we need to also respect that there are differences on these issues and those differences reflect points of view rather than the religious
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background, perse. rather than the religious background, per se. there are plenty ofjews, i am one of them, highly critical of what is israel engaging within the last six months, that does not make me anti—israel and certainly not anti—jewish but that just makes me some one who has deep feelings about these kinds of issues and let's have a big debate and define the space rather than to politicise. define the space rather than to oliticise. ., ., ., , politicise. you made some really im ortant politicise. you made some really important points _ politicise. you made some really important points there, - politicise. you made some really important points there, and - politicise. you made some reallyl important points there, and some politicise. you made some really - important points there, and some of our viewers no doubt will be feeling some of that. there is a broader context to this which we have been reporting tonight. specifically, and you probably reckon as i segued as i was talking into these reports of mass graves in the hospitals, but thatis mass graves in the hospitals, but that is what is angering a lot of people who are observing what is going on in the middle east. the national security adviserjake sullivan has been asked about these reports of the mass graves today and he has been responding last hour. let's have a listen to what he said those reports were deeply disturbing. irate those reports were deeply disturbing.— those reports were deeply disturbinr. ~ ., , ., . those reports were deeply disturbinr. . ., , ., . ., disturbing. we have been in touch at
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multile disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels. _ disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels. we _ disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels. we want _ disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels. we want answers, l multiple levels. we want answers, we want to understand what happen. you have seen some public commentary from the idf on that but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this work and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states, can haswell. the un human rights chief has also asked for an independent investigation. they are unlikely to get one in the immediate term because what is going on in gaza, but the criticism of the white house in recent days has been that there have been two standards of human rights of the one for his release and one for the palestinians in gaza, and reports like this are stoking some of the ferments on these us campuses.— stoking some of the ferments on these us campuses. indeed, and this is another low _ these us campuses. indeed, and this is another low point _ these us campuses. indeed, and this is another low point in _ these us campuses. indeed, and this is another low point in this _ these us campuses. indeed, and this is another low point in this awful - is another low point in this awful conflict, — is another low point in this awful conflict, and no doubt it will take quite _ conflict, and no doubt it will take quite a _ conflict, and no doubt it will take quite a long time for the truth of the episode to emerge. who is in those _ the episode to emerge. who is in those graves and how they got there, and this— those graves and how they got there, and this is_
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those graves and how they got there, and this is in— those graves and how they got there, and this is in the fog of war, in this— and this is in the fog of war, in this terrible conflict. it is going to he _ this terrible conflict. it is going to be sometime, if ever, before we find out _ to be sometime, if ever, before we find out exactly what happened around — find out exactly what happened around this. the concern must be course _ around this. the concern must be course that— around this. the concern must be course that we are not near the end of this— course that we are not near the end of this yet — course that we are not near the end of this yet if— course that we are not near the end of this yet. if there is further military— of this yet. if there is further military action, particular in rafah, _ military action, particular in rafah, this could get worse before it gets _ rafah, this could get worse before it gets better i think is lots of folks— it gets better i think is lots of folks have been saying from the start _ folks have been saying from the start of— folks have been saying from the start of this, of course israel had the absolute right to defend itself to respond to that ghastly atrocity to respond to that ghastly atrocity to kicked — to respond to that ghastly atrocity to kicked all of this off, but overwhelming military might does not lead to— overwhelming military might does not lead to a _ overwhelming military might does not lead to a stable solution to a way forward _ lead to a stable solution to a way forward for — lead to a stable solution to a way forward for this, which will give us ultimately— forward for this, which will give us ultimately a peaceful end to this conflict, — ultimately a peaceful end to this conflict, and so the international community, it seems to me, has to continue _ community, it seems to me, has to continue to— community, it seems to me, has to continue to keep the pressure to bear, _ continue to keep the pressure to bear, particular on israel but also on hamas. — bear, particular on israel but also on hamas, to find a way to resolve
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this issue — on hamas, to find a way to resolve this issue before many more people die. . ~ this issue before many more people die. ., ,, , ., this issue before many more people die. ., ,, i. ., this issue before many more people die. ., ,, ., ., . move on, because there's plenty more i want to get into tonight. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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welcome back. president biden has this afternoon signed off that $95 billion aid package after it passed the senate last night with bipartisan support — a8 democrats and 31 republicans backing the bill. it includes that much delayed support for ukraine. the us president says ukraine has the "will and skill" to win the war against russia. it's going to make america safer, it's going to make the world safer, and it continues america's leadership in the world, and everyone knows it. it gives vital support to america's partners so they can defend themselves against threats to their sovereignty, and to the lives and freedoms of their citizens, and it is an investment in our own security,
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because when our allies are stronger, and i want to make this point again and again, when our allies are stronger, we are stronger. president zelensky posted his gratitude on twitter/x last night. the vote, he says, reinforces america's role as a beacon of democracy and the leader of the free world. but take a look at those who voted against the bill last night, some of the names might surprise you — or not — the vice chair of the intelligence committee, marco rubio, and senator barasso of wyoming, who was part of the republican delegation to kyiv. in the end, speakerjohnson and the senate minority leader won the day, but here's who mitch mcconnell blames for the six—month delay. the dehumanisation of ukraine began by tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he should have been all along, which is interviewing vladimir putin. and so he had an enormous audience which convinced a lot of rank—and—file republicans that
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maybe this was a mistake. ivo, a former ambassador to nato, you are the right man to ask this question. not once but twice in recent days, donald trump has backed the speaker mikejohnson at a moment when he could have chastised him and fed the wolves. i wonder if you think the former president's position on ukraine has evolved? certainly one hopes so, although if it has evolved, it is as likely to evolve back to where it used to be. it has always been clear from the very beginning that donald trump does not really believe that ukraine should be even an independent country, he has at times said that the russians have been feeding —— body—line that russians have been feeding that ukraine is not a country and it might have been better off if it's part of, or least good chunks of it, are part of russia. forthe good chunks of it, are part of russia. for the moment,
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good chunks of it, are part of russia. forthe moment, he good chunks of it, are part of russia. for the moment, he has decided that politically, it makes more sense to be silent, he did not support the vote but he also did not oppose it for him had he done so, not clear whether the kind of positive and strong support we saw on both in the house and in the senate last night was going to be forthcoming. but the good news is the aide is coming. it is six months too late, but it's much better to haveit too late, but it's much better to have it too late than not at all. is quite the list, isn't it? they put out the list earlier today and it runs to two pages. how quickly do you think that sort of stuff will get to the front? i you think that sort of stuff will get to the front?— you think that sort of stuff will get to the front? i think the first ammunition. — get to the front? i think the first ammunition, particular- get to the front? i think the first ammunition, particular the - get to the front? i think the first ammunition, particular the kind| get to the front? i think the first l ammunition, particular the kind of stuff already forward deployed, artillery shells, some of the air defence capabilities and others, it is in germany, it is in poland, will get to the front in the matter of days or weeks, butjust as important, now that the ukrainians know that this is coming, the stockpiles that they currently have which they were saving up in case they had to not only fight for more
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months but more mormons without american aid, they can now dip into those stockpiles because they know they're going to be replenished, and so in many ways, when the house voted on saturday, that became the moment at which the ukrainians can start using some of the very much dwindling supplies that they still had in terms of air defence capabilities, artillery shells, etc, in order to do the job that they are doing so valiantly, which is to try to defend their country and hopefully push back the russians to where they came from, which is their own country. the where they came from, which is their own country-— own country. the americans will alwa s own country. the americans will always do _ own country. the americans will always do the — own country. the americans will always do the right _ own country. the americans will always do the right thing - own country. the americans will always do the right thing once . own country. the americans will. always do the right thing once they have exhausted all the other options is the quote that is often attribute it to churchill. i am not sure it was him, but it does feel applicable today, as it might do to the europeans, because they have dallied but have not spent they should have, but have not spent they should have, but from the speeches given in poland yesterday and berlin today, finally, finally, they seem to be getting the messages. i finally, finally, they seem to be getting the messages.- finally, finally, they seem to be getting the messages. i agree with that. i getting the messages. i agree with that- ithink— getting the messages. i agree with that. l think this _ getting the messages. i agree with that. i think this is _ getting the messages. i agree with that. i think this is good _ getting the messages. i agree with that. i think this is good news - getting the messages. i agree with that. i think this is good news in i that. i think this is good news in
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an otherwise fairly bleak global situation we have to member that ukraine, — situation we have to member that ukraine, the russian publishing is about— ukraine, the russian publishing is about three and a half times that of ukraine _ about three and a half times that of ukraine -- — about three and a half times that of ukraine —— russian population. it's the economy— ukraine —— russian population. it's the economy in order of magnitude greaten _ the economy in order of magnitude greater. these things matter in this sort of— greater. these things matter in this sort of conflict and the only way that ukraine can address that is by mohitising — that ukraine can address that is by mobilising and very much greater econonric— mobilising and very much greater economic might of its western supporters, so that, some of that is now flowing — supporters, so that, some of that is now flowing through again. the americans are stepping up to the plate, _ americans are stepping up to the plate, uk — americans are stepping up to the plate, uk saying more aids coming from _ plate, uk saying more aids coming from the _ plate, uk saying more aids coming from the uk, many others, the czech republic, _ from the uk, many others, the czech republic, poland itself, the baltic states, _ republic, poland itself, the baltic states, all making the effort to get that support into ukraine. that ultimately is what will make the difference, is the economic might of the west. _
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difference, is the economic might of the west, locking in behind the effort _ the west, locking in behind the effort of— the west, locking in behind the effort of ukrainians to defend their country— effort of ukrainians to defend their country was to going to be very, very— country was to going to be very, very difficult from here on in the stub— very difficult from here on in the stub this — very difficult from here on in the stub this war, i think, is proving the maxim — stub this war, i think, is proving the maxim that offences a lot more difficult _ the maxim that offences a lot more difficult defence —— here on in. it will he _ difficult defence —— here on in. it will he very. _ difficult defence —— here on in. it will be very, very difficult to shift — will be very, very difficult to shift the _ will be very, very difficult to shift the russians from those lines they have — shift the russians from those lines they have dug in. you make an important _ they have dug in. you make an important point. humility heavily, the united states and the us integrated. the united states and the us integrated-— the united states and the us interrated. ,, ., , ., ., . ., integrated. should be no match for the russians. _ integrated. should be no match for the russians. it _ integrated. should be no match for the russians. it should _ integrated. should be no match for the russians. it should not- integrated. should be no match for the russians. it should not be - integrated. should be no match for the russians. it should not be a . the russians. it should not be a fair fight. the russians. it should not be a fairfight. trish the russians. it should not be a fair fight. trish a the russians. it should not be a fairfight. trish a quick word on mitch mcconnell. clearly won the day, he will relish that, but this will come around again?- day, he will relish that, but this will come around again? yeah, it will come around again? yeah, it will come — will come around again? yeah, it will come around _ will come around again? yeah, it will come around again, - will come around again? yeah, it will come around again, but - will come around again? yeah, it will come around again, but this| will come around again? yeah, it. will come around again, but this is a that should have been passed in september, and it will be gone by the end of the year in one form or another and so we will need more aid, and mitch mcconnell, who has been steadfast from the very beginning in support of ukraine, blaming tucker kherson, does not
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strike me the best way making an argument, he has got plenty of people in his own caucus to blame for that —— tucker carlson. flute people in his own caucus to blame for that -- tucker carlson. we will be riaht for that -- tucker carlson. we will be right back- _ hello. it has been another rather cold—feeling day for many parts of the uk. any sign of the temperatures lifting over the next few days? well, certainly notjust yet — staying chilly through thursday and friday. there will be some sunshine, but also some showers — some of those showers wintry over high ground in the north of the uk. a cold air mass enveloping the country right now, that cold air being drawn down from the north. also coming down from the north overnight, some areas of cloud, some bits and pieces of showery rain — i say rain, cold enough for some of the showers over high ground in scotland to be falling as snow. some snow mixing in above, say, 2—300 metres' elevation. it'll be cold enough for a frost as well, temperatures dropping perilously close to freezing, below
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freezing in some locations. so for thursday morning, quite a cold start. areas of cloud bringing some showery rain across parts of england and wales, brightening up through the day across northern england. northern ireland and scotland, seeing sunny spells and showers — still some wintriness in those showers over high ground in scotland, and temperatures in a range between 8—13 celsius, so below par for this time of year. through thursday night and into friday, it looks like we'll see this weather system here just grazing the south of england and the channel islands, so that will bring some cloud, perhaps some showery rain here through the day. elsewhere, it is another sunny—spells—and—showers day. still some wintry showers in those showers over the hills and mountains of scotland, and those temperatures for most between 8—12 celsius. now, as we head into the start of the weekend, for most, it'll be a cold morning on saturday, it's another sunshine—and—showers day. but turn your eyes to the south — an area of thicker cloud and some outbreaks of rain pushing across the channel islands, into southern counties of england through saturday afternoon.
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with that, temperatures will start to lift a little — ia celsius in london. and that is the story of the weekend weather, some slightly less cold air beginning to spill its way up from the south. certainly not going to be a heat wave, and it's certainly not going to be completely dry, because that slightly—less—cold air is being brought our way by this area of low pressure. looks like we will see some outbreaks of rain continuing on into sunday, particularly across england and wales. the chance of seeing something drier and brighter for northern ireland and scotland.
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hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. europe survived the first trump presidency, but this time around things will be a lot harder. we will look at what his comeback means for the continent. what does america first mean? by now it is apparent to us all that donald trump, by instinct, is an isolationist, he abhors the international rules—based order, is pretty indifferent to nato, abhors the un, largely bypassed the eu preferring to go direct to national capitals. the word from the campaign is that plans are already being drawn up
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to slash federal government in washington, his opponents fear


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