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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm BST

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this was and is a fast—moving and complex incident and investigation, and it will take us some time to establish the facts. this will be our priority in the coming days. hamas leaders consider a new ceasefire proposalfrom israel , we'll bring the latest from negotiations in doha, and the hostage families waiting for news. tensions ramp up again at columbia university, as pro—palestinian protesters barricade themselves inside a campus building and — king charles returns to public engagements — with a visit to a cancer treatment centre — we'll hear from our royal crrespondent. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live, we begin in london and in the last hour police have said a suspect
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is in hospital after a 14—year—old boy was killed in a sword attack in hainault, east london, this morning four others footage handed to the bbc shows a man wielding a sword. police say they do not believe it was terrorism related. four others were injured, including two police officers . really disturbing details in today's incidents, telus what happened? disturbing details, and you've seen some of those images shared over what happened. we understand police were called around 7pm this —— 7am this morning, about a car being driven into a house. we are told that 22 minutes later, police were on the scene and had made an arrest,
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but in that time, it is understood a man was wielding a sword, had been in the area behind me and had struck five people including a 14—year—old boy, who sadly later died in hospital two of those people were police officers, we understand that surgery but that's not said to be life—threatening, and two other members of the public. i spoke to a local resident here who said he described seeing a man with a big gash in his neck. as i say, you talk about door bell footage and other footage circulating on social media, shocking scenes, and in that short period of time ofjust 22 minutes this morning. there have been updates throughout the day and in the last hour or so, the police gave an update that a 36—year—old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder. he himself was injured and is in hospital, and police have not been able to interview him, but they
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have said there has been no trace of any previous or prior incidents with that man as far as they're concerned yet, but they say it's a complex investigation. we can hearfrom yet, but they say it's a complex investigation. we can hear from the assistant commissioner right now. our thoughts of course remain with the family and friends of the 14—year—old boy who very sadly died here this morning. we will be there to provide every possible support to them, and ensure we get them the answers they need. we are also thinking of the two members of the public who were injured, as well as brave officers were stabbed during this incident. the 36—year—old man arrested at the scene is currently in hospital having suffered injuries when his van collided with the building. he has been arrested on suspicion of murder. at this time, given his injuries, we have been unable to interview him. we know there is speculation about his background, including police contact with them. despite urgent and extensive checks today, we have had no trace of prior incident involving him so far,
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but we are continuing to make those inquiries. ellie, as you are saying, as we just heard, the police saying there have been no previous contact, but they continue to actually go through records and establish that 100%. what more, if anything, do we know about this 36—year—old? weill. what more, if anything, do we know about this 36-year-old? well, those were the only _ about this 36-year-old? well, those were the only details _ about this 36-year-old? well, those were the only details we _ about this 36-year-old? well, those were the only details we were - about this 36-year-old? well, those were the only details we were given | were the only details we were given today, and i think police are keen today, and i think police are keen to stress, as with all similar incidents like this, this is your social media, and we have seen plenty of images pop up of what exactly happened in that short time this morning, police keen to say, you know, look, careful in sharing the stuff and think of the impact it can have on the families of the victims, but also this is the sort of door bell footage that many people have got, and that is to be
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shared with the police. there is an appeal for shared with the police. there is an appealfor anyone shared with the police. there is an appeal for anyone who has something to share not to share to social media, and to risk any sort of assumptions being made, but to share it with the police because the suggestion is it's a compex investigation, and exactly what's happened is as yet iced —— unascertained, and the crucial question as to why. but the police said in that statement to playjust now, it is the police hisjob and they will get answers for the family. they will get answers for the famil . �* , . , ., family. and the price they are in hainault, thank— family. and the price they are in hainault, thank you _ family. and the price they are in hainault, thank you for - family. and the price they are in hainault, thank you for the - family. and the price they are in l hainault, thank you for the latest. thejudge in donald trump's hush money trial has ruled the former president has violated a gag order and found him in contempt of court. he's fined a total of $9000 , for nine breaches. live now to our north america correspondent nada tawfik. tell us a bit more about what the judge said, because there have been
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repeated breaches, we have had this fine, but there was a clear warning today wasn't there?— today wasn't there? that's absolutely _ today wasn't there? that's absolutely right. _ today wasn't there? that's absolutely right. the - today wasn't there? that's| absolutely right. the judge today wasn't there? that's - absolutely right. the judge really absolutely right. thejudge really rejected the defence argument that donald trump's post on social media and his campaign website where a response to political attacks coming his way. the judge found that only one incidents, there was a tenuous correlation, as he put it, to the words of michael cohen, the key witness in this case, but otherwise he sided with the prosecution and note donald trump has onto the close of business on friday to pay that fine, and he has until this afternoon to take down those offending posts. thejudge acknowledged that donald trump is a wealthy man, and so the maximum penalty under law, $1000 per violation, it may not be enough to persuade them to stop. and the judge said he would considerjail as an
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necessary punishment if donald trump continues on this course. fix, necessary punishment if donald trump continues on this course.— continues on this course. a brief word about _ continues on this course. a brief word about today's _ continues on this course. a brief word about today's evidence, i continues on this course. a brief i word about today's evidence, take continues on this course. a brief - word about today's evidence, take me through it. we word about today's evidence, take me throu~h it. ~ . a word about today's evidence, take me throu~h it. ~ . x' ., through it. we are ticking through witnesses understand _ through it. we are ticking through witnesses understand today, - through it. we are ticking through - witnesses understand today, matthew, the main one was gary farrow, a former banker who worked with michael cohen when michael cohen set “p michael cohen when michael cohen set up a shell company that transferred money to stormy daniels's lawyer, the hush payment that is at the centre of the case. that banker said that he would have asked more questions if he knew that account wasn't being set up for real estate consulting but instead was made to help a presidential candidate, and for money to go to an adult film star. so, he really laid out the fact that he put the onus on michael going there to be honest with the bank. we had a few witnesses because
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of the prosecution to introduce evidence, we saw donald trump at rallies denying that he knew any of the women who had made claims of affairs or inappropriate touching against them, such as stormy daniels, and they aired a clip where he called michael cohen a great and talented your lawyer and a friend of his. . ~ talented your lawyer and a friend of his. ., ~ , ., ., ., talented your lawyer and a friend of his. ., ~ ., ., ., , ~ to the middle east — where hamas leaders, are considering a new ceasefire proposalfrom israel. the deal includes a 40—day truce, in return for the release of some hostages. it would also allow for displaced families to return to northern gaza. it's also reported to involve, new wording on restoring calm to gaza, designed to satisfy hamas's demand for a permanent ceasefire. a source close to the talks, told the bbc, the new proposalfrom israel is — significantly different — from previous offers. benjamin netanyahu says, israel will carry out an operation in rafah — regardless of whether a ceasefire
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deal is reached with hamas in gaza. he made the comments, during a meeting with the families of hostages, where he reiterated that israel would eliminate hama, that israel would eliminate hamas, and achieve "total victory. " a large protest was held in tel aviv last night — calling for the hostages to be released. large fires were lit, with demonstrators clashing with police. moshe emmelio lavi spoke to us earlier. his brother—in—law is held hostage by hamas in gaza, he gave us his thoughts on the new possiblities of a ceasefire agreement. it is difficult, but it's important for us, the families, to have a voice. and whoever can echo that voices is going on television worldwide. we are trying to be as hopeful as possible. try not to let statements made to political basis, as done today by the prime minister,
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prime minister netanyahu, as done a few days ago by the finance minister and focused on the reports and what we receive behind closed doors indications that there is a deal on the table, that israel is agreeing to that deal or at least to significant portions of that deal, and that we're waiting for hamas to respond. most likely tomorrow night after they left cairo today. and we as a family received some sort of glimmer of hope three days ago, on saturday evening, when hamas released the psychological warfare of my brother depicting my life recently. and so we hope that is we don't pay attention to the content, but we hope that the fact is alive and others are still alive will give the government and to other stakeholders the push to close the deal as soon as possible. i wanted to ask you about exactly what you've just touched on, because every time we have spoken
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over the weeks, over the months, you had heard nothing about your brother—in—law. we've had a change in the last seven days. what was that like to actually hear that news? see that video? it was a difficult experience for our family. i'm in israel right now. we normally speak when i'm in the us, where i'm based. i returned to israel to mark passover with my family. we were scattered all around, to be honest. i was on my way to the rally in tel aviv on saturday evening. my sister had a medical issue, and other members of the family were not together. but we received a notification a video came out. we run back to where my family is displaced in southern israel and processed the video together, processed our emotions. it was difficult to watch. 0mri doesn't look the same. the glimmer in his eyes is no longer there. the smile is gone.
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he looks frail and weak, but he is alive. and that's what we're trying to focus on, because it gives us the hope and the motivation to continue and pushing stakeholders to close the deal. just like my sister said yesterday in a press conference in tel aviv, where the hostages were. she said she called directly for a hostage deal that will guarantee both the return of the hostages home, and a ceasefire in the gaza strip. that was moshe emmelio lavi talking to me earlier on today's programme. in the next two minutes, we have the latest on the columbia protests in new york, those tensions of heightened, and that is coming up here on bbc news in a moment or two.
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dozens of pro—palestinian protestors at new york's columbia university have escalated their protest against the war in gaza by occupying a campus building.
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activists broke into hamilton hall in the early hours of tuesday morning, barricaded themselves inside, and unfurled banners form the buildings balconies and windows. columbia has urged stuents and staff to stay off campus today. columbia has urged students and staff to stay off campus today. the university had begun to suspend students who had defied an earlier order to leave their protest camp, but this has largely been met by defiance. this latest move follows weeks of protests that have seen hundreds arrested across the country. the un human rights chief volker turk has expressed concern that some of the law enforcement action has been "disproportionate in their impact," whilst the white house says it believes for more, i'm joined by claire davenport — masters student and journalist with the columbia spectator — who's been covering the protests all of last night. welcome to the programme. start by
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describing what actually happened overnight and today, because i gather at some stage you were evacuated from your building, weren't you?— evacuated from your building, weren't ou? , . ., ., weren't you? yes, and thank you for havin: weren't you? yes, and thank you for having me- — weren't you? yes, and thank you for having me- last _ weren't you? yes, and thank you for having me. last night, _ weren't you? yes, and thank you for having me. last night, things - weren't you? yes, and thank you for. having me. last night, things ramped up having me. last night, things ramped up very quickly. it was almost eerily quiet outside, not much noise at the encampment, and then within about ten minutes, things really ramped up. the protesters put on their masks and hundreds came out to mobilise and walk over to hamilton hall. chanting and marching, it was a bit after midnight and then they entered hamilton hall, bringing with them some gates that had been outside the encampment and also zip ties to lock the doors behind them and of the hundreds of protesters that came out, only a dozen or so,
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the organisers at the encampment, entered first or in the rest of the protesters formed a human barricade outside of the building. locking arms, bringing tables and trash cans, different items of the steps of the hall to make it difficult for anyone to enter those were the events overnight.— anyone to enter those were the events overnight. those are the events overnight. those are the events overnight _ events overnight. those are the events overnight and _ events overnight. those are the events overnight and i - events overnight. those are the events overnight and i want - events overnight. those are the events overnight and i want to l events overnight. those are the i events overnight and i want to put events overnight. those are the - events overnight and i want to put a live pictures at the seams outside hamilton hall right now. any indication as to how long those students plan to be there, and what is been the response from the university? we saw the start of suspensions yesterday. i university? we saw the start of suspensions yesterday.- university? we saw the start of suspensions yesterday. i think their lan suspensions yesterday. i think their [an is to suspensions yesterday. i think their plan is to stay _ suspensions yesterday. i think their plan is to stay there _ suspensions yesterday. i think their plan is to stay there as _ suspensions yesterday. i think their plan is to stay there as long - suspensions yesterday. i think their plan is to stay there as long as - plan is to stay there as long as they can him and they are consistent with their message and. they are planning on staying and occupying first the lawn and now this billing onto the university agrees to their demands, which is divestment from
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companies that profit from israel, along with amnesty for protesters who have been arrested and experienced suspensions and other forms of discipline. the university response, you know, ithink forms of discipline. the university response, you know, i think that is what we are waiting to see. over one week ago, they brought the nypd onto campus, and i think there is a lot of questions in the air whether they will do so again the stump today, the campus has really been locked down my as you mentioned earlier today, we were told to evacuate from blitzer hall, where we studied journalism, we were later allowed to come back into the building. right now, id holders who do not live on campus or certain staff members are not being allowed onto campus right now, so it's a tense environment out there, but at the same time quiet
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right now, so really curious to see what the next few hours will bring. a final thought, it's notjust happening at columbia university but at other universities. how quickly is it spreading and in terms of responses from that different universities my it was interesting to see democrat lawmakers, some of them, demanding that the board at columbia university sorted out or resign. columbia university sorted out or resin. �* , , ,., columbia university sorted out or resin. �*, , . ., ., resign. there's been so much of a olitical i resign. there's been so much of a political i on _ resign. there's been so much of a political i on this _ resign. there's been so much of a political i on this over _ resign. there's been so much of a political i on this over the - resign. there's been so much of a political i on this over the last - political i on this over the last few weeks, speaker mikejohnson, few weeks, speaker mike johnson, house representative it had few weeks, speaker mikejohnson, house representative it had 0mar, and others, came to campus and there's been a lot of politics around the encampment and as you mentioned it is to other colleges across the country. notably not only larger ivory league schools where a history of these protests but smaller schools that have less of a tradition of this sort of pushback,
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especially around issues like palestine and gaza. you have indiana university and emory university, and the university of austin in texas, so interesting to see how it spreading, in europe as well, the fashion school of technology has an encampment, so they bite it, new schools arejoining, so encampment, so they bite it, new schools are joining, so curious to see if anyone else occupies a building or do what columbia did last night postop interesting that hamilton hall was the billing occupied, because it was during the vietnam process as well —— vietnam process as well. vietnam process as well -- vietnam process as well-— process as well. protest. thank you for “oininu process as well. protest. thank you forjoining us— process as well. protest. thank you forjoining us claire _ process as well. protest. thank you forjoining us claire davenport. - forjoining us claire davenport. thank you me. to kenya now , where the country's
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president has announced people living in areas at risk of flooding or landslides will be asked to evacuate from wednesday. it comes after a week of severe flooding in the country , which has killed at least 169 people. kenya is now bracing forfurther rain. president ruto sys the army has been mobilized to help with evacuations. from there , here's our africa correspondent, barbara plett usher. we have been following rescue teams today which have been searching for bodies. one was found in the river over here. it was a 13—year—old girl. another we know of that was found in a village a bit to the north—east of where i am, we don't have wider figures and that at the moment. a bulldozer has been active here, taking away the debris, a lot of branches that have fallen into the river, and that is kind of how it works. the rescue workers, who are the red cross and the national youth service, they fan out along the river bank, they have got rakes and shovels and sticks to poke into uprooted trees to see if bodies are tangled in there. where there are large mounds of tangled trees and debris, the bulldozers come in to move it away they rescue workers can keep looking.
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underneath that mound was a house when six people had lived and the neighbours were not sure if they were still there, whether they were buried there. it has been that kind of situation all day. there is this quiet despair and grief underneath it all. we saw a woman in front of us suddenlyjust double over crying because she heard that her child's body had been found. she would not speak to us, understandably, and it was a terrible moment for her. we spoke to another man who had just returned from the morgue, where he had seen the body of his nine—year—old son. his daughter told us the story of how the water had rushed into the house, she is at 17 and had been carried away but she hung on to a tree branch. the father was hit in the head
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and he let go of his son, a nine—year—old boy, and he drowned. searching for the bodies is, i guess, a bit of closure. it tells you the numbers and that sort of thing, but it is such a tragedy. barbara put a shirt report in there, evacuations and we would be more on that. king charles has been visiting a cancer treatment centre in london. it's his first public engagement since february when he was diagnosed with the disease. with more on this, let's speak our royal correspondent sean coughlan. take me through the day, because there are so many pictures. he spoke to so many people, give me an idea of the things he said to them and they said to him. it of the things he said to them and they said to him.— they said to him. it was his first big engagement _ they said to him. it was his first big engagement of _ they said to him. it was his first big engagement of the - they said to him. it was his first big engagement of the year - they said to him. it was his first - big engagement of the year because he has had to stay away from crowds in public since his cancer diagnosis in public since his cancer diagnosis in february, so his big return to the streets and seeing people, that familiar burgundy royal bentley ruling on the street, and there he
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is shaking hands. he seemed to look well and confident, and someone shouted out" you got to be back", and he suggested he was pleased to be back on the road. probably one of the longest times he has been away from public engagements in his adult life, we haven't seen them out and about probably for about four months. he popped up briefly at easter at the easter sunday service, what i was only a partial glimpse of him and hear is often about meeting people, and today he was visiting a hospital in central london, especially centre for cancer, and i'm sure he has been to many hospitals on visits before, but this was more of a personal engagement, and he met staff there but also patients, people undergoing treatment similar perhaps to his own. we know he is still undergoing cancer treatment. we own. we know he is still undergoing cancer treatment.— cancer treatment. we heard a few sni ets cancer treatment. we heard a few snippets of—
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cancer treatment. we heard a few snippets of the — cancer treatment. we heard a few snippets of the sort _ cancer treatment. we heard a few snippets of the sort of— snippets of the sort of compositions, quite nervous —— honest conversations he had. it compositions, quite nervous -- honest conversations he had. it was very human. _ honest conversations he had. it was very human. and — honest conversations he had. it was very human, and he _ honest conversations he had. it was very human, and he can _ honest conversations he had. it was very human, and he can talk- honest conversations he had. it was very human, and he can talk from i honest conversations he had. it was i very human, and he can talk from the heart about what you experience themselves, and he heard people talking about the side effects from chemotherapy, people with multiple ulcers and talking about how tired they were, and people ask how he was doing, and i think he said not too bad, he was doing 0k, and he also talked about the shock of when people first get any cancer diagnosis, and that will resonate with people, when people in their family. that own news, his willingness to talk about the sense of shock of his own use. he spoke to alyssa people there, spoke to doctors who showed them some of the fancier medical equipment they have got, but i think it was a human angle that it was really about today, and it was his return to meeting people, which he clearly likes doing, and doing very well. he looks very well in the pictures, and people will be encouraged by that.
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this is the first public engagement that we have been talking about. what is the likely timeline over the next two months in the summer? we don't next two months in the summer? - don't know. there is optimism about king charles return, but it's also a cautious optimism because even though he's back up on his feet and looks well, we still don't quite know whether he will be able to carry out a full schedule of engagements the summer. there's some things coming up soon like garden parties and trooping the colour, but the honest answer is we don't know if you'll take part. we will have to wait and see. if you'll take part. we will have to wait and see-— if you'll take part. we will have to wait and see. thank you for taking us through — wait and see. thank you for taking us through that, _ wait and see. thank you for taking us through that, that _ wait and see. thank you for taking us through that, that is... - wait and see. thank you for taking us through that, that is... here i wait and see. thank you for taking j us through that, that is... here on bbc news. let's return to our main story, what we seen earlier from east london. the stabbing incident we heard in the last hour from the police and
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the last hour from the police and the emergency services taking us through what they had been dealing with. what they dealt with at the time the police talking about the 14—year—old boy who died in this incident, also given us details of the other people who are currently in hospital being treated. two police officers and two members of the public. i want to show you some new pictures that are just coming into us, putting them on the screen here. we have heard about the door bell images, the different images we have seen, and there you see the man in yellow, and in his hand a sword, and really disturbing detail as you see that police officer approaching that 36—year—old and taser and the 36—year—old, just looping those
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pictures so you see them again. these the moments the police actually approached this man, and we were hearing from that officer in a news conference, paying tribute to those people. we know that two officers are currently in hospital being treated, and two members of the public, and the police saying that they haven't had the chance it to question the suspect. he was injured in a collision of his van, but they have not been able to question him yet, but she is in custody, being held on suspicion of murder as a result of what we saw earlier today. the police were talking a bit earlier, so let me just play you a bit of what they had to say stop
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our thoughts of course remain with the family and friends of the 14—year—old boy who very sadly died here this morning. we will be there to provide every possible support to them, and ensure we get them the answers they need. we are also thinking of the two members of the public who were injured, as well as brave officers were stabbed during this incident. the 36—year—old man arrested at the scene is currently in hospital having suffered injuries when his van collided with the building. he has been arrested on suspicion of murder. at this time, given his injuries, we have been unable to interview him. we know there is speculation about his background, including police contact with him. despite urgent and extensive checks today, we have had no trace of prior incident involving him so far, but we are continuing to make those inquiries. that from one hour ago from the news conference, as we return to those pictures. this of course the scene
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early in the day, in the morning in east london in hainault, and you see the length of that sword that moments that the taser incident happened with the police officer approaching that 36—year—old suspect, and not the pictures of the various moments where five people in total were injured. two police officers and two members of the public, who approach this man and try to intervene, and of course the 14—year—old boy who was killed in this incident, and of course all of the police, the ambulance service, the police, the ambulance service, the council, spokesman we saw, the local mp wes streeting speaking in that conference, all talking about their shock and passing out their sympathies and prayers and condolences to the family, so those
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the latest pictures and details of our main story, that stabbing incident in east london earlier today. we have more on all of today's headlines and more on that sort from east london in a moment or two, but let's pause from all of that for a moment or two, let's head to the bbc sport centre. hello there. the quarterfinals of the snooker world championship are under way at the crucible, with all eyes on world number one ronnie 0'sullivan this afternoon. he's up against stuart bingham, in the first session. let's take you to live pictures now from that match — and 0'sullivan has pulled it back, three frames all. —— 14—3 —— 11—3 ahead. he had been behind to the 2015 champion, but 0'sullivan has his sights set on an outright eighth world title here. first to 13 frames wins it. you can catch the action over on bbc two, the iplayer, and the bbc sport website. and let's take you to the other table now —
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where four—time champion john higgins is back, after his dramatic second round finish, which went right


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