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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  May 14, 2024 2:45pm-3:01pm BST

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19805 are talking and going back to 19805 and 1989 in this very street are talking and going back to 19805 and 1989 in this very 5treet when young georgian5 and 1989 in this very 5treet when young georgians were and 1989 in this very 5treet when young georgian5 were killed by russian troops as they stood up for their independence. that was on the 9th of april 1989 and people still remember that. 9th of april 1989 and people still rememberthat. so 9th of april 1989 and people still remember that. so they believe they cannot give up now after all these years of having this dream of joining the eu and breaking away from russia. they won't accept it again and they believe that by introducing thi5 again and they believe that by introducing this law the government is somehow trying to take them back to the russian orbit. it is really dramatic what'5 to the russian orbit. it is really dramatic what's happening now and very important for this small country which is between russia and the eu. 0n the side, people who support their country's european
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future. they believe becau5e support their country's european future. they believe because of the statements that were made by european leaders, by the president of the european council, he said a short while ago on social media 5ugge5ting short while ago on social media suggesting that this is the battle between russia and the eu value5, right here in the streets of tbili5i. de5pite right here in the streets of tbili5i. despite the rejection5 of these claims by the government. but i think what is clear now is that the government pu5hed ahead with this law. what is going to happen next, is there going to be more violence? we have seen a serious campaign of intimidation again5t violence? we have seen a serious campaign of intimidation against the opponents of this law. now the streets are being cleared by the
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riot police but the protesters are not planning to go anywhere. they believe they are standing here for the european future of their country. what makes matter5 the european future of their country. what makes matters worse is that the government has been di5regarding the5e prote5t5. a few days ago there were thou5and5 di5regarding the5e prote5t5. a few days ago there were thousands of people who filled the streets of tbili5i 5aying people who filled the streets of tbili5i saying no to the russian law, but despite all of this this law, but despite all of this this law known as the transparency of foreign funding, which people are worried will kill the democracy in the country, will take away this opportunity they have to come out and prote5t, opportunity they have to come out and protest, that it would kill the free speech and that is what they are worried about. we have a president in russia and in russia thi5 president in russia and in russia this law is called the foreign agent5 law... hello, how are you? can i ask you a question? why are
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you prote5ting? fir5t can i ask you a question? why are you prote5ting? first of all i am prote5ting becau5e you prote5ting? first of all i am prote5ting because i think that they 5peu prote5ting because i think that they 5pell a5 a direct threat to georgian democracy and secondly i think the actions of the government is against the will of the georgian people. why do you think they are pushing ahead with this law? i do you think they are pushing ahead with this law?— with this law? i think this government _ with this law? i think this government is _ with this law? i think this government is a - with this law? i think this government is a proxy i with this law? i think this - government is a proxy government with this law? i think this _ government is a proxy government of russia _ government is a proxy government of russia and _ government is a proxy government of russia and i_ government is a proxy government of russia and i think it's a directive from _ russia and i think it's a directive from the — russia and i think it's a directive from the kremlin.— russia and i think it's a directive from the kremlin. what do you think will ha en from the kremlin. what do you think will happen next? _ from the kremlin. what do you think will happen next? we _ from the kremlin. what do you think will happen next? we know - from the kremlin. what do you think will happen next? we know that - from the kremlin. what do you think will happen next? we know that the| will happen next? we know that the protesters have the support of the eu. we have heard from european politicians saying tbilisi right now is the heart of europe because of the struggle people are going through. so you feel the support from the european union? absolutely. i feelthe from the european union? absolutely. i feel the suwort _ from the european union? absolutely. i feel the support from _ from the european union? absolutely. i feel the support from the _ from the european union? absolutely. i feel the support from the european l
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i feel the support from the european union _ i feel the support from the european union. ., ., ., i i feel the support from the european union-— i am - i feel the support from the european union-— i am 18 - union. how old are you? i am 18 ears union. how old are you? i am 18 years old- _ union. how old are you? i am 18 years old- and — union. how old are you? i am 18 years old. and you _ union. how old are you? i am 18 years old. and you have - union. how old are you? i am 18 years old. and you have a - union. how old are you? i am 18 years old. and you have a lot - union. how old are you? i am 18 years old. and you have a lot of| years old. and you have a lot of our years old. and you have a lot of your friends _ years old. and you have a lot of your friends who _ years old. and you have a lot of your friends who are _ years old. and you have a lot of your friends who are the - years old. and you have a lot of your friends who are the same i years old. and you have a lot of i your friends who are the same age standing here?— your friends who are the same age standing here? yes. and you have been taking _ standing here? yes. and you have been taking part _ standing here? yes. and you have been taking part in the protest? yes from the first day. your parents are worried for you? yes i think so. thank you so much. another thing to point out is that the majority of the protesters, this young man who was talking to us a minute ago, he isjust 18 years old. was talking to us a minute ago, he is just 18 years old. these protests have been driven by georgia's young people. they believe they are correct, they believe they are standing for their future like their parents did decades ago, standing up against the soviet regime. now they
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believe they are standing up against this proxy russian regime. of course, there government that sits in parliament, the mp5 from the governing party have been saying all along that they are pro—european, they want to see the country as part of europe. but they say —— but unfortunately their actions suggest the opposite. nobody here in the street will be convinced they country are still planning to take them to the european union despite their reassurances. their actions today speak louder than their words and action was voting in favour of this controversial bill that brought so many people out onto the streets. so many young people believe they in this minute of fighting for the country's future. we know that the government is not willing to take
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this law back. we know that the country's pro—western president who is the ceremonial president, she does not have executive powers, she has said she will immediately veto the law. that means they will be a couple of weeks before the law returns back to parliament and the georgian dream has enough votes to override the veto. let georgian dream has enough votes to override the veto.— override the veto. let me 'ust ask ou one override the veto. let me 'ust ask you one question, fl override the veto. let me 'ust ask you one question, you b override the veto. let me just ask you one question, you talk - override the veto. let me just ask you one question, you talk about| override the veto. let me just ask. you one question, you talk about the government, just explain how it has come to this because we have this government which has been in power since 2012 but its main backer is this billionaire who is a secretive figure who made his fortune in 19905 russia. who are the government? these protesters want to get rid of the government but is it possible?
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he is the founder of the georgian dream and these —— this party has beenin dream and these —— this party has been in power since 2012 so it has been in power since 2012 so it has been 12 years of georgian dream in georgia. a lot of people in the government are loyal to him. a lot of key people like the minister of interior is his former bodyguard. people in the security services are all loyal people to him. the former prime minister used to be as personal assistant. prime minister used to be as personalassistant. now prime minister used to be as personal assistant. now that prime minister is the chairman of the party. he has been out of politics himself and he is now back in his latest role is honorary chairman of the georgian dream. but the opposition has been saying all along
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that even though he has been officially in and out of politics, he has been the main ruler of this country. he recently addressed his supporters in this very square... they are shouting towards the police. another interesting thing that happened while this crisis has been unfolding is that the government rushed through certain changes to georgia's tax code that would allow to bring in money from offshore accounts without paying any tax in georgia. the opposition has said it was done in the interests of this man who is georgia's richest man and has a number of offshore accounts abroad.
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but also potentially it could pave the way for russian dirty money also to make its way to georgia. we haven't really talked about it during our coverage of the protest because that is the nature of news, we talk about what's happening immediately, but there are always in the current that have been happening here. so he is a very powerful man and today we have a senior us diplomat, jim o'brien, visiting georgia and yesterday the prime minister when he made his press briefing said no matter the protest we will adopt this law and it proved to be right today. the prime minister said the senior us politician wanted to have a meeting with you initially but he refused so we talked about him and there were
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some commentators saying he is the prime minister of georgia but he speaks like the press secretary for this oligarch. i think what's happening now is that the riot police cleared the street and the protesters... do you want to talk to us? no. 0k. the protesters are standing here despite the rain and it looks like the stand—off will continue but at least the riot police is not pushing them further. you see the eu flag and ijust want to point out that throughout this process we have seen so many eu and georgian flags because this protest is notjust against georgian flags because this protest is not just against this law georgian flags because this protest is notjust against this law but also for georgia's european future. this small nation where people
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consider themselves european and they say we are georgian and we are european. they want to see their country as part of the european union. they do not like it when people through to them as a post—soviet country. they say has been more than three decades and we want to shake off this shackles of the soviet past. it's gone, goodbye. now it is forward towards the european union. unfortunately with the adoption of this law many protesters who believe that it will hamper georgia's chances ofjoining hamper georgia's chances of joining the hamper georgia's chances ofjoining the eu. they are now chanting slaves. you are chanting slaves, who are you referring to? we are
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referring to the police and the soldiers who should be protecting the people. are you worried they might use more violence? tliei;e the people. are you worried they might use more violence? they have been usin: might use more violence? they have been using violence _ might use more violence? they have been using violence for— might use more violence? they have been using violence for one - might use more violence? they have been using violence for one month. | been using violence for one month. it's been using violence for one month. it's not _ been using violence for one month. it's not out — been using violence for one month. it's not out of the question that they— it's not out of the question that they will— it's not out of the question that they will use more violence. they with _ they will use more violence. they with its— they will use more violence. they with it's a — they will use more violence. they will. it's a matter of when not if. they— will. it's a matter of when not if. they witt— will. it's a matter of when not if. they will use it and we are ready. what _ they will use it and we are ready. what do — they will use it and we are ready. what do you think is at stake in this confrontation we are witnessing now? what are you fighting for? fiur now? what are you fighting for? our parliament today called this radicals, people were against george's— radicals, people were against george's wishes are standing here. when _ george's wishes are standing here. when it_ george's wishes are standing here. when it is— george's wishes are standing here. when it is the opposite. we are fighting — when it is the opposite. we are fighting for our freedom. we want a future, _ fighting for our freedom. we want a future, we — fighting for our freedom. we want a future, we do not want russia because — future, we do not want russia because we have been with russia for 800 years _ because we have been with russia for 800 years. we will never go through that again _ 800 years. we will never go through that again. we are people who were born in_ that again. we are people who were born in a _ that again. we are people who were born in a free democratic georgia and we _
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born in a free democratic georgia and we witt— born in a free democratic georgia and we will keep fighting for a free democratic georgia. canl and we will keep fighting for a free democratic georgia.— democratic georgia. can i ask you about puccini _ democratic georgia. can i ask you about puccini and _ democratic georgia. can i ask you about puccini and its _ democratic georgia. can i ask you about puccini and its really. - democratic georgia. can i ask you about puccini and its really. can l about puccini and its really. can you take a few mask? that about puccini and its really. can you take a few mask? not really because my _ you take a few mask? not really because my man _ you take a few mask? not really because my man is _ you take a few mask? not really because my man is watching - you take a few mask? not really| because my man is watching and you take a few mask? not really - because my man is watching and she is scared _ because my man is watching and she is scared so— because my man is watching and she is scared so that's _ because my man is watching and she is scared so that's why— because my man is watching and she is scared so that's why i— because my man is watching and she is scared so that's why i am - because my man is watching and she is scared so that's why i am wearing i is scared so that's why i am wearing it. is scared so that's why i am wearing it how— is scared so that's why i am wearing it how otd — is scared so that's why i am wearing it how otd are _ is scared so that's why i am wearing it. how old are you? _ is scared so that's why i am wearing it. how old are you? i— is scared so that's why i am wearing it. how old are you? i am _ is scared so that's why i am wearing it. how old are you? i am 18. - is scared so that's why i am wearing | it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range _ it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from _ it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 _ it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 to _ it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 to 18 _ it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 to 18 and - it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 to 18 and i - it. how old are you? i am 18. people here range from 15 to 18 and i told i here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum — here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i— here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i coutd _ here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i could not— here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i could not be _ here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i could not be at- here range from 15 to 18 and i told my mum i could not be at home . here range from 15 to 18 and i told . my mum i could not be at home and ashamed _ my mum i could not be at home and ashamed of— my mum i could not be at home and ashamed of myself _ my mum i could not be at home and ashamed of myself because - my mum i could not be at home and ashamed of myself because there i my mum i could not be at home andl ashamed of myself because there are grandmothers— ashamed of myself because there are grandmothers here. _ ashamed of myself because there are grandmothers here. my— ashamed of myself because there are grandmothers here. my grandmotherj grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot— grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot wath— grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot walk but _ grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot walk but i'm _ grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot walk but i'm sure _ grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot walk but i'm sure she i grandmothers here. my grandmother cannot walk but i'm sure she would l cannot walk but i'm sure she would be here _ cannot walk but i'm sure she would be here with — cannot walk but i'm sure she would be here with her— cannot walk but i'm sure she would be here with her wheelchair- cannot walk but i'm sure she would be here with her wheelchair right. be here with her wheelchair right now _ be here with her wheelchair right now. ~ . be here with her wheelchair right now. . ., ., ,, ~ be here with her wheelchair right now. . ., ., ~ , ., ., now. what do you think georgian --eole now. what do you think georgian peepte are _ now. what do you think georgian people are standing i now. what do you think georgian people are standing for? i now. what do you think georgian | people are standing for? georgian --eole are people are standing for? georgian people are standing i people are standing for? georgian people are standing for i people are standing for? georgian people are standing for their- people are standing for? georgian | people are standing for their rights to be _ people are standing for their rights to be against— people are standing for their rights to be against this _ people are standing for their rights to be against this law. _ people are standing for their rights to be against this law. we i people are standing for their rights to be against this law. we do i people are standing for their rights to be against this law. we do not l to be against this law. we do not want _ to be against this law. we do not want it— to be against this law. we do not want it and — to be against this law. we do not want it and it's _ to be against this law. we do not want it and it's dragging i to be against this law. we do not want it and it's dragging us i to be against this law. we do not want it and it's dragging us backl want it and it's dragging us back into the — want it and it's dragging us back into the same _ want it and it's dragging us back into the same hole _ want it and it's dragging us back into the same hole we i want it and it's dragging us back into the same hole we finally i into the same hole we finally crawted — into the same hole we finally crawted out _ into the same hole we finally crawled out of. _ into the same hole we finally crawled out of. it _ into the same hole we finally crawled out of. it is i into the same hole we finally i crawled out of. it is endangering a future _ crawled out of. it is endangering a future with — crawled out of. it is endangering a future with european _ crawled out of. it is endangering a future with european union- crawled out of. it is endangering a future with european union and i crawled out of. it is endangering ai future with european union and our future _ future with european union and our future togetheh _ future with european union and our future together. people _ future with european union and our future together. people in i future with european union and our future together. people in there i future with european union and our| future together. people in there are old future together. people in there are otd and _ future together. people in there are old and outdated. _ future together. people in there are old and outdated. people i future together. people in there are old and outdated. people here i future together. people in there are old and outdated. people here are i old and outdated. people here are young _ old and outdated. people here are young and — old and outdated. people here are young and futt— old and outdated. people here are young and futt of— old and outdated. people here are young and full of spirit _ old and outdated. people here are young and full of spirit and i young and full of spirit and freedom _ young and full of spirit and
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freedom. if— young and full of spirit and freedom. if they i young and full of spirit and freedom. if they think- young and full of spirit andl freedom. if they think their young and full of spirit and i freedom. if they think their fests freedom. if they think their tests can stop — freedom. if they think their tests can stop att— freedom. if they think their tests can stop att of _ freedom. if they think their tests can stop all of these _ freedom. if they think their tests can stop all of these people i freedom. if they think their tests can stop all of these people theyj can stop all of these people they are definitety— can stop all of these people they are definitely wrong. _ can stop all of these people they are definitely wrong. this i are definitely wrong. this government i are definitely wrong. this government has i are definitely wrong. this government has been i are definitely wrong.- government has been saying are definitely wrong— government has been saying all along of course we will go to the european union by 2030. just of course we will go to the european union by 2030-— union by 2030. just like we were never going _ union by 2030. just like we were never going to — union by 2030. just like we were never going to be i union by 2030. just like we were never going to be part i union by 2030. just like we were never going to be part of- union by 2030. just like we were never going to be part of the i union by 2030. just like we were i never going to be part of the ussr. we witt— never going to be part of the ussr. we witt go — never going to be part of the ussr. we will go there later but first we need _ we will go there later but first we need to— we will go there later but first we need to do this. no. they are doing this because — need to do this. no. they are doing this because somebody lost 2 bittion~ — this because somebody lost 2 billion. they don't care about the peoute. — billion. they don't care about the people, they only care about money. they witt— people, they only care about money. they will always only care about money — they will always only care about money. they think they are lying to peoute _ money. they think they are lying to people and — money. they think they are lying to people and some people do believe that which is very sad that we don't — that which is very sad that we don't. people have been coming here for a month — don't. people have been coming here for a month. we know we have to fight _ for a month. we know we have to fight for— for a month. we know we have to fight for this because the government will never be on our
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side _ for those just joining for thosejustjoining us, you are watching bbc news. you are watching continuing live pictures from tbilisi outside of the parliament building, where in the last hour also we have seen this controversial bill become law. let me show you more of the live pictures, so many feeds coming into the bbc. as well as the cameras on the protest is the parliament building is ringed with security forces, so many of them with riot shields, with water cannon and we have seen some protesters wearing gas masks in preparation. these protests have been going on for weeks, these protests have been going on forweeks, it these protests have been going on for weeks, it is a huge protest today because this bill has become law. it is the controversial bill
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known as the foreign


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