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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm BST

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with radio 1's big weekend under way, headline act and brit award winner raye talks to the bbc. i'm excited, i am nervous. i'm excited, lam nervous. there i'm excited, i am nervous. there are a lot_ i'm excited, i am nervous. there are a lot of— i'm excited, i am nervous. there are a lot of people here, you know. 35,000 — a lot of people here, you know. 35,000 to _ a lot of people here, you know. 35,000 to be precise.— a lot of people here, you know. 35,000 to be precise. hello, i'm lauren taylor. we start in ukraine — president zelensky has denounced a deadly air strike on a crowded superstore in the country's second largest city, kharkiv, as an act of "russian madness." officials said at least two people were killed and more than 30 others injured, when two glide bombs struck the diy store on saturday afternoon. the shop is in a residential area, and ukrainian officials reported that russia also hit a school
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and other buildings in the city. the mayor of kharkiv says there are a large number of people missing following the strike. earlier this month, russian forces began a renewed offensive in the kharkiv region, in an attempt to break through a weakened ukrainian front line. here's one of the shop workers explaining what happened. translation: i was at work in the furniture section - when there was a first hit. me and my colleague fell off our feet, went down and hit the floor. there was a second hit after which we were covered in rubble. we were covered in it, our faces, too. we started to dig our way up to the top. there, the extinguishing system had started working. we grabbed a few people and an emergency service guy who was shopping saved us. he was with a girl that was also shopping and he helped us to get out through the window. me, my colleague and another boy as well as the shopper and his girlfriend made it out. i spoke to cyrille amoursky, a journalist for la chaine info channel. he'sjoined me from kharkiv, just in front of the shopping centre which was attacked today. we know that there are at
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least 16 people missing before it used to be 11. now it is 16. we know also that five people are dead, but there may be other people inside of the shopping center, because what the mayor said is that at the moment of the explosion, where about 200 people inside of it. so this is why there are still operations that are ongoing in terms of searching for people that weren't inside of the buildings. we saw some firefighters that were inside of the building with lights, with water cannons trying to find any potential survivors, but also trying to find any people that might be under the rubble. and frankly, there's little chance that anyone survived if anyone is still in the building. what are people been telling you about how they manage with these kinds of attacks going on quite regularly now? yes. in a sense, it's been more than two years than the war. a full scale invasion of ukraine was started. this area was already bombed before it was bombed in the first months of the invasion in 2022. and so, this area was already impacted. the area that is just a little bit further from here of south africa
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was an area that was almost completely bombed in the first weeks of the invasion. so people are used to the situation. and what is pretty, i would say impressive for an international correspondent when you come here is that you see the people still continue living only an hour because it is not the only explosion that happened today. there was another explosion that happened a little bit further, a few kilometers away where a residential area was hit and where a few civilians were injured. and minutes later, they were already trying to remove all of the pieces of glass that were on the ground because they wanted they wanted to see their life going on and continuing. so this is pretty impressive. and this is what you see in ukraine today. the people are, in a sense, used to the war and they know they need to keep going and that continues. you've talked about the people who are staying and who are keeping on going. are any of them talking about leaving now as these attacks continue?
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i have not met that many people that say this, but yes, i did meet a few people who said that they already came back in heartbeat after the first months of the invasion because they already left before 2022, we decided to come back and now they fear that the attacks might be even more intense in the next coming days, because we know the city has been impacted for the past few months, but specifically in the past three, four or five days. the attacks are really intense and they are really targeting civilian infrastructure, the infrastructure infrastructure that is behind me. and you may see maybe some of the smoke. it's a civilian infrastructure. only civilians were inside of there. there were no military to be seen. and so because of all of these conditions, more and more people are thinking about maybe moving to a city that is further away from the front line and further away from the military operations that are ongoing right now in the north of the region. and so it is obviously the case for the people who are living in the nearby towns.
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and we're just going to show now some pictures of you when you went into the building just after that had happened when the fire was still raging. and tell us a little bit about the state at the moment on the ground. do people get the sense there that the russian offensive is moving forward and that they will end up managing to encircle kharkiv? is that the sense you're getting? no, this is not the sense that i'm getting, because in the past few days we have seen that the ukrainian military has managed to contain the advances of the russian military. and this is something that has been confirmed as well by primary sources and therefore military sources that are on the ground that i spoke to, because i did work in the villages around both channels, so to speak, and that is mainly targeted today by russia. and the russians still did not manage to capture the city of chance again, apparently street after street fighting that are ongoing and the russians are being pushed back again. this is what some of the military say. this is as well.
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this is as well, the official discourse, what is happening directly on the ground is really, really difficult to verify because you don't have that many reporters right now in the city, since it is extremely intense. but obviously with 50,000 to 70,000 soldiers that were around the region, on the side of the belgorod region in russia, obviously with this amount of troops, that is not enough to move forward up to the city of kharkiv. and that is something that the residents are hoping to understand. one less thing, but they do understand it. one last thing, but they do understand it. that is that if the russians managed to advance a little bit further, then they might be hit more often with artillery and missiles. in the uk, the conservatives and labour have been setting out their positions on the economy in the first weekend of campaigning forjuly�*s election. in a newspaper article, the chancellor has hinted at tax breaks for high earners, while labour's shadow chancellor said she had "no plans" to raise the tax burden on working people. our political correspondent leila nathoo reports. day three of the election campaign, and the labour leader is hoping for a path to victory. going door to door in the west midlands this morning, sir keir starmer said he wanted 16
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and 17—year—olds to be able to vote and asked people to trust labour to manage the economy. stability now is change. it's strange to say that in 2024, but a stable economy has to be the first step of an incoming labour government, and that is what we'll make an absolute priority if we're privileged enough to come in to serve. hello, richard. visiting a supermarket in london, the woman who's pitching to be in charge of the public finances, rachel reeves, promised she would never play fast and loose with taxpayers' money. all parties received a warning from the independent institute for fiscal studies today to be open with voters about the economic challenges ahead. no chance to ask the prime minister for his thoughts, though. he had a chat with some veterans in the north of england. is your campaign on track? later spotted leaving conservative headquarters tight—lipped, a junior minister taking questions instead. inflation was sort of 11%, 11.1%. now it's down to almost target 2.3%. that doesn't happen by accident.
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it's not all the government working in partnership with the bank of england. but what that means is that now we are now back on to a situation where things can start to improve and get better. hello. hello there. the liberal democrat leader, sir ed davey, made the most of the sunshine in chichester today to set out his economic approach. we are the ones talking about the windfall tax on the oil and gas companies. i've already made clear that the tax cuts to the big banks the conservatives have given since 2015, they need to be reversed and we'll show that we are being responsible. no guarantees for any party that the rest of the campaign will be plain sailing. leila nathoo, bbc news. the conservative party have today said they'll make more cuts to national insurance, if re—elected. but what trade—offs would be needed if they pursue that? for his thoughts, i spoke earlier to pauljohnson, director of the institute for fiscal studies. that would be very difficult to tear.
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they have announced twovery big cuts coming up. but now, they have said that they want to get the debt down. there really isn't space for more tax cuts unless they are going to spell out exactly what spending cuts are going to come alongside those. not least because, pencilled into the government's figures already, are some harsh spending cuts across from public services. it needs to be taken, presuming, in relation to the country's income. is that spelled out enough when it comes to these parties talk about spending on tax and? i don't think any party is spelling out the difficulties here. they both say they want to take the debt down.
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both the chancellor and shadow chancellor have made absolutely crystal clear that they are absolutely committed to getting debt down. from where we are at the moment, that will require spending cuts or tax increases or some combination of the two. what concerns me is that neither of them are making it clear. as you have said, jeremy hunt has said that he wants to reduce taxes. we all want to do that, but you can't do that and keep spending at this current level and try to get the debt down. those things are simply not compatible. what are rachel reeves saying that it is already costed and won't require more borrowing. do you agree that? the commitments that they have made are extremely limited. they also haven't told us how they would take on this situation. as i've said, the current figures imply some cuts across areas of public spending.
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what labour has not said explicitly is that, yes, we accept that, and we accept cuts, or no we don't, and we avoid all those cuts because that involves tax rises. the tax increases they have talked about are tiny by comparison of the scale of the challenges we face. what about the lim dems. do you think their figures add up? i'm not sure we have a lot of figures from the lib dems. i'm not sure they have engaged with the scale of these issues. like the two main parties, they would rather not discuss that. we are not in a world where, we can remember some time ago where the lib dems said they were going to increase income tax, and with all their proposals maybe that will come out later on. at the moment, i am not aware that they have made anything different in their proposals to the other two main parties. follow the latest on the general election on our website.
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there are continuous updates on the bbc news app or website. nicki minaj has been released by police after being detained at an airport in the netherlands, while on her way to the uk as part of her world tour. the american rap star was stopped by police at amsterdam's schipol airport, on suspicion of carrying drugs in her luggage. the star strongly denied possessing any illegal substances but was told she'd have to accompany officers to a nearby police station. nicki minaj was due to perform at the co—op live in manchester on saturday evening — that's been postponed. let's speak to our correspondent in the netherlands, anna holligan nicki minaj can be sea surrounded by dutch military. they are asking her to get into the police van, she is asking for a lawyer and she is told
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that she is under arrest. in the last hour or so, we had a statement from the dutch military police in which they confirmed a 41—year—old american woman had been arrested on suspicion of exporting soft drugs. later they said that she was fined and allowed to continue on her journey. but that does not mean that she has made the first stop on the european leg of her world tour. we have had confirmation, just in the last half an hour or so, in which they say that nicki minaj is scheduled to perform at manchester's co—op live but it has been postponed. we understand from our correspondent in manchester, the arena is currently full, so thousands of disappointed fans there tonight. in thousands of disappointed fans there toni . ht. . thousands of disappointed fans there toni . ht. , ., thousands of disappointed fans there toniaht. , ., , ., , ., tonight. in terms of the story at the airport. _ tonight. in terms of the story at the airport. you _ tonight. in terms of the story at the airport, you mentioned - tonight. in terms of the story at the airport, you mentioned thatj tonight. in terms of the story at - the airport, you mentioned that she had come in on a privatejet, so how
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did this all come about? had come in on a private 'et, so how did this all come about?_ did this all come about? going by the videos on _ did this all come about? going by the videos on instagram, - did this all come about? going by the videos on instagram, we - did this all come about? going by the videos on instagram, we can | the videos on instagram, we can piece together what happened, according to nicki minaj. her pilot, so privatejet pilot, she according to nicki minaj. her pilot, so private jet pilot, she filled according to nicki minaj. her pilot, so privatejet pilot, she filled him saying they want to go to all of the bags, go to all of the luggage because they were unhappy, the police, with the fact that she was filming them and they were concerned that there may be drugs on board so everything came. nicki minaj denied possessing drugs and she said that there were pre—rolled joints which belonged to her security. we should also just say, because of course the netherlands has a reputation for being tolerant when it comes to drugs. in fact, being tolerant when it comes to drugs. infact, cannabis being tolerant when it comes to drugs. in fact, cannabis is illegal but small amounts for personal consumption is tolerated. but of course, exporting these types of substances, marijuana is prohibited. nicki minaj has been fined though, and allowed to go on her way. she
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denied possessing drugs. political rallies have taken place across south africa, as parties make theirfinal attempts to win support ahead of wednesday's election. they are seen as the most tightly contested elections since the advent of democracy in 1994. south africa's president, cyril ramaphosa, has promised to focus on job creation if the governing african national congress is voted back into power next week. the main opposition democratic alliance and two anc break—away parties are also holding final rallies over the weekend. we spoke to catherine byaruhanga — who's been following events from the anc�*s final election rally injohannesburg. here at the fnb stadium, this is where the world cup final was held back in 2010. so they're packing up the stage. the lights, i'm sure, are about to be switched off. but this has been the climax of months of campaigning by the ruling anc party. the president, cyril ramaphosa, was here earlier today addressing thousands of the party's supporters and its members.
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this is a crucial election. nelson mandela was at the forefront of bringing bringing an end to the apartheid regime. but despite that legacy, that rich history, there are real questions about what it's done to transform south african society. there's a focus and most importantly, as you will see anywhere in the world, on the economy. there's slow growth, there's high unemployment rates, and these were really some of the key issues that president cyril ramaphosa had to address when he spoke here on the stage just behind me. over the next five years, working with all south africans, we will implement a jobs plan to put more south africans to work. we will build our industries and invest in an inclusive economy. we will tackle the high
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cost of living. we will invest in our people and provide services that our people need. we will continue to defend our democracy and advance the freedom that we fought so, so hard. we will continue to build a better africa and a better world for all our children to grow up in. to india now. officials say at least 20 people have died in a massive fire at a games arcade. the blaze broke out at a complex in gujarat on saturday afternoon, when the mall was packed with children and young people. there are fears more victims may be trapped under the wreckage and a search mission has been launched. rescue teams have saved several people and they've been taken to local hospitals. police say both the owner and manager of the gaming zone are among several people who've been
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detained in connection with the fire. a pilot has died after a spitfire crashed in a field close to an raf station in the uk. the iconic aircraft belonged to the battle of britain memorial flight based at nearby raf coningsby. the historic military planes are frequently seen at air shows and other events during the summer. are frequently seen at air shows jake zuckerman reports. are frequently seen at air shows police were called to a field off langrick road in coningsby roads in the area were closed and cordoned off. the crash site itself is visible across fields, and the aircraft, now partly covered by a tarpaulin, appears to have come down very close to a small house or bungalow. emergency services are still at the scene this evening with fire crews from louth, woodhall spa and horncastle now, the crash site itself is very close to the runway here at raf coningsby,
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where the battle of britain memorial flight is based. at the moment, the raf have only said that they are aware of the incident and that it involves one of their aircraft. the raf say they are working with emergency services and supporting those involved and that they will provide updates in due course. singapore airlines says it has decided not to serve meals on its planes when the seat belt sign is on. the announcement comes after one passenger died and dozens were injured during severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight from london to singapore. let's bring you up to date with the football. it was a big day in england and scotland. manchester united stunned rivals manchester city with a 2—1win in the fa cup final. united took the lead in the first half with two goals. city replied with one of their own late in the game, but it wasn't quite enough. united hung on to take the trophy — their 13th fa cup win. in the other match, celtic beat the rangers 1—0 to secure the scottish fa cup title.
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it was a goalless first half and remained that way well into the second. a 90th minute winner from celtic secured the title, completing the team's league and cup double. festival season is well and truly underway, with bbc radio one's big weekend kicking off in luton in the uk. it's day two of the event, with record—breaking brit award winner raye topping the bill on saturday evening. pria rai from bbc newsbeat, who's at the festival for us, was joined by raye a few hours before she took to the stage. i do have a very special guest. and she goes by the name of raye. welcome to luton. how are you feeling about being here? girl, i am excited, i am nervous, i am, there is a lot of people here, you know. 25,000, to be precise. 35,000, to be precise. bloody... wow. keep it clean. no, i am very... i am excited, i am nervous, and i hope i am going to do a good enoughjob, it is my first ever headline ever.
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what does it mean to you to be a female, british headliner? it is a really, really big deal. i remember my first ever trip to big weekend, and i was a guest vocalist with jax jones years ago, and then a guest vocalist again, and finally i had my first set last year. it has been a bit, oh wow. you are the name on everybody's lips right now. we are soaking up mable now. yeah, i think she looks absolutely stunning, she sounds amazing, the production is beautiful. so many people are trying to wave at you as we have this conversation. i want to ask about how you go about deciding your set list because you've got a huge catalogue to choose from. how do you balance what you want to play versus what this lot are going to want to hear? the balance is important, you know, and i realise that. i know i need to do some songs. you need crowd pleasers and crowd favorites... sorry, i wrote this song.
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oh, that is so... you are an award winning songwriter. your set, have you got much i don't trust? i your set, have you got much i don't trust? .., �* your set, have you got much i don't trust? .. �* ., ,~ if you want to sing, go ahead. they are going to come as many musicians as they would let us bet on that stage. there is a 30 piece choir made up of young kids who are so talented. it is going to be beautiful.
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you are taking this whole rise thst you have gone through in your stride. but are you feeling the nerves and pressure of headlining? how you handling it? i think it'sjust, when the have waited so long for opportunities like this, and all the doors are opening for me to open, i would be kicking myself if i didn't give it everything that i had and i'm really so grateful. i really am. so, i am just trying to give it my all and do the best that i can with an opportunity like this and everything that's happened to me this year, it is really kind of nuts. and if you're watching in the uk — you can see all of the performances from across all four stages on the bbc iplayer — raye, mabel and charli xcx are among the acts performing today — head to the iplayer for all the latest from bbc radio 1's big weekend in luton. now many people dream about turning left as they board a flight — into the first class section
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but a new airline has launched a first class flight for pampered pooches. bark air took off for it's maiden flight from new york to los angeles with 10 dogs and their owners on board. prices start at $6000 for a us flight and it's $8000 for a one—way ticket from new york to london. there are no dog—eared in—flight magazines but an on—board spa for the dogs as well as tasty treats including frothy milk drinks and even old shoes. the company says it's already planning new routes from the us to paris and milan. don't forget there's so much more on our website — just head to — or use the bbc news app details of all the stories that we are covering and of course the sport as welt _ stay with us here n bbc news.
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hello there. with sunny spells and thunder downpours moving in all thanks to low pressure close by. as we head into sunday, these weather fronts will be pushing their way northwards with outbreaks of rain. heavy as it pushes northward. in the latter part of the afternoon, some sunshine in northern england and wales and that will set off some thundery downpours at times. further north, some showery rain. some sunshine across northern scotland. temperatures not
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as warm as saturday, highs of 16 to 19 degrees. sunday night, showers and thunderstorms will go on a while into the evening, and then some clear skies here. patchy rain likely across the northern part of the country. temperatures ranging from nine to 11 degrees. bank holiday monday, it looks like the weather front will continue to push northwards, so that is where we will see the heaviest of the showers across the north—east of scotland. some sunshine. northern and eastern scotland and may the may be north—east england. pushing into western areas. as we head into tuesday low pressure starts to move in, the sunshine begins to fade,
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clouds and trains us to pressure from the west. it will be patchy and go down throughout the day. north—eastern scotland and the northern isles should largely stay dry until after dark. temperature wise, the mid to high teens. low pressures as we move through the middle parts of the upcoming week. the signs of it moving away and some high—pressure coming in from the west, so that it should slowly settle things down, i think, towards the end of the week and as we head into wards next week. some sunshine so it should start to feel a touch warmer too.
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every this is bbc news, the headlines... ukraine says russia bombed a superstore in kharkiv where 200 people are thought to have been shopping, killing at least two people and injuring others. here in the uk, party leaders hit the campaign trail for the general election amidst a growing exodus of conservative mps. campaigning out in west midlands, sir keir starmer says labour will lower the voting age from 18 to 16 if the party wins. manchester city sees red as man united wins the fa cup — meanwhile in scotland — celtic beat rangers in the scottish cup. lots more on on our website —
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let's get more on the uk general election. a parliamentary committee has written to rishi sunak to say the government should be prepared for the possibility of foreign interference during the general election. the letter calls on the electoral commission, the independent body overseeing elections, to issue guidance on how to spot deepfakes and other types of misinformation online, warning members of the public may not fully understand how these threats may appear. there has been a recent example of election interference using ai. over in the united states, an ai—generated robocall imitating presidentjoe biden�*s voice was commissioned by a rival political consultant to dissuade people from voting for him in new hampshire's democratic primary election. let's take a listen to the call that was obtained by cnn. it's important that you save your vote for the november election. voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest
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to elect donald trump again.


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