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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm BST

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meanwhile, hamas reports more than 200 palestinians were killed and claims that some hostages also died during the operation. bbc news obtains new video footage believed to be one of the last two sightings of the missing tv and radio presenter michael mosley on the greek island of symi. and we'll have the latest from the general election campaign as the conservatives are pledging stamp duty cuts and labour promises to reform business rates. eight months into israel's war with hamas, israeli forces have rescued four of the hostages
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captured on october the 7th and held in gaza since then. the three men and one woman have been taken to hospital — they're said to be in good health and have appeared in front of cameras. news of their rescue triggered celebrations in israel. these pictures show israelis gathering outside the hospital where the four were taken for checks and remain for treatment. the israeli military has released these picture of the moment one of the hostages, noa argamani, was taken to safety in a helicopter. but the military operation, which israel says was based on precise intelligence it had received, was hard fought. israel's military says it suffered some casualties. hamas says that more than two hundred palestinians were killed during the raid in central gaza. a hamas spokesperson has said that some hostages were also
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killed during the clash. our middle east correspondent hugo bachega reports from tel aviv. free again — four hostages captured by hamas on the 7th of october and taken to gaza, finally back in israel after a dramatic rescue. one of them was noa argamani, who is 25 and became one of the most well recognised faces of this crisis — seen here reunited with her dad. translation: i'd like to thank each and everyone - the president, - the prime minister and everyone. please don't forget that there are another 120 hostages in captivity. we must release them and make every effort in any way to bring them to israel and their families. by the way, it's my birthday. look what a gift i got. thanks to each and every one of you. also freed — almog meirjan, 2i, andrei kozlov, 27, and shlomi ziv, who is a0.
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eight months ago, they were in the nova music festival in southern israel when hamas gunmen attacked. more than 360 people were killed here and at least a0 others taken hostage. this morning, the israeli military carried out a raid of the nuseirat refugee camp in central gaza. special forces went in. there were heavy air strikes. the military said this was a complex operation based on intelligence. the four hostages, it said, were found at two separate locations in the heart of the camp and were brought out under fire. israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they underwent intensive training. they risked their lives to save the lives of our hostages. if there was relief in israel, the operation meant yet more suffering in gaza. at the al—aqsa hospital in nearby deir al—balah, chaos and desperation.
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doctors struggled to treat all the wounded. many arrived already dead. translation: we were at home. a rocket hit us. my two cousins died and my other two cousins were seriously injured. - they did nothing. they were sitting at home. translation: we were buying vegetables for lunch. _ i was with my friend. we saw more than 20 planes over our heads, four helicopters — two over salaheddin and two over the sea. we were surprised by the scene. towers were razed to the ground. they did not send us warnings or leaflets. nothing. body parts spread in the streets. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, visited the freed hostages in the hospital near tel aviv. he's being urged to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal with hamas. today's rescue could help lift some of the pressure. hugo bachega, bbc news, tel aviv.
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israeli hostages were freed during a daylight raid deep in central gaza, which left a huge crater and destroyed vehicles and buildings in the nuseirat refugee camp. hamas, which runs gaza, says at least 210 palestinians were killed and around 400 injured in israeli strikes during the operation. in the aftermath of the raid, our correspondent, rushdi abualouf, has been speaking to palestinians in gaza. yeah. i think the people were quite angry about the number of people killed in this rescue operation. some of them, they have told me that hamas should have accepted the ceasefire proposal that had been in the table for quite a long time. and instead of, like, you know, going in and killing people to get the hostages, they could have been released for also an exchange of some of the palestinian prisoners in the israeli jail.
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some of the people were also expressing their views towards the other side. they were defending hamas and they said what happened is very little comparing to the period of this war, eight months. i mean, one person told me that they managed to rescue four people after four months, and this is very little achievement where they have been defeated many times in very places and hamas was able to kill some of them. so very, you know, they divide palestinian as always. they are always divided about the issue of hamas. many people are supporting what hamas is doing in gaza and they keep defending them. but today we noticed that many, many people in a very rare way were criticising hamas. and one person, he lost his family, as far as i remember, two months ago, in one of the air strikes. he wrote in his first book and he said, why keeping hostages
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among a very crowded refugee camp in a market and put all of the people's life in risk? and some went more far and they said those who are sitting in the doha in qatar and controlling our life should go home. let's get some international reaction now. french president emmanuel macron has welcomed news of the hostages�* release. in gaza, we want secure the immediate release of the hostages. and in this respect, we welcome the news of the four israeli hostages freed today by the israeli army. we want to achieve an immediate ceasefire and open up the possibility of a political solution capable of creating the conditions for a lasting peace that can meet the security demands of both peoples.
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after nine months of conflict, the situation in rafah and the human toll are unacceptable. it is also intolerable that israel is not opening all the checkpoints to humanitarian aid. as the international community has been demanding for several months and we reiterate our demand for a ceasefire so that massive aid can get in. i've been speaking to nir barkat — the israeli minister of economy — and a member of benjamin netanyahu's likud party. i asked him about the human cost of this operation. the goal of hamas is to kill israelis. they teach their children to kill and they're willing to die for the cause. the israelis, on the other hand, we teach our children to make a better world and seek peace. and, unfortunately, hamas is using our advantage as a disadvantage.
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they know that we care about lives, and that's what they're putting all their infrastructure, their terror infrastructure, as part of the civil infrastructure. they're using human shields to try to protect themselves and hide the hostages within families. and they understand that, if we retaliate and if we send our troops, unfortunately, some collateral damage may happen. but they use that against us, which is crazy. it's totally crazy. israelis, we will do everything we can to try to bring our hostages back. only hit militants. and if there are civilians helping them hide the hostages, the civilians, the residents of gaza, are taking a risk of their life. are you saying then that you had intel that civilians were helping to shield hamas, hamas members, people within the area? sorry.
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if you could just clarify that for me. i'll clarify that very clearly. the majority of the people that were killed in gaza are either terrorists or people supporting terrorists. and we're basically saying that, anywhere we find terrorists, we will hunt them down. and if you are giving shield, a human shield to terrorists, you're risking your life. so we're telling the residents of gaza to shy away. shy away from our hostages. shy away. move away from the terrorists because we are going to get our hostages back. we're going to kill the terrorists. and if hamas is trying to the residents of gaza as human shields, then the human shields must shy away. we have no interest of killing civilians. very quickly, your reaction to the united nations saying that it was going to add not only israel, i should say hamas and also islamichhad, to a list of countries that harms children within war zones. what's your response to that?
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well, you know, israel, unfortunately, didn't think highly of the un as a biased un. and i think that this is the most unfortunate decision, statement ever made by the un. we are a democracy. we care about people, we care about lives. we have a really strong, independentjudicial system and it is totally crazy that the un even thinks that israel is aligned with the most radicaljihadi islamic terrorists around the world. it is totally crazy, and the majority of the people in the world know that. it's very unfortunate. big, big minus. big, big shame on the un leadership taking such a decision. let's speak to our middle east
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correspondent, hugo batchega. end of the day, how has the day ended on reporting these four hostages rescued in israel? 50. hostages rescued in israel? so, there have _ hostages rescued in israel? so, there have been _ hostages rescued in israel? srr, there have been celebrations hostages rescued in israel? sc, there have been celebrations across there have been celebrations across the country following the rescue of these four hostages but here in tel aviv hours ago there was a huge protest with thousands of people demanding a deal with hamas for the remaining hostages to be freed, this is a square here that has become known as a hostage square, this is where relatives and friends of the hostages have been gathering, and many of the people here have been urging the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to accept a proposal laid out by president biden last week, that would see not only the release of the remaining hostages but also pave the way for a permanent ceasefire in gaza, which is a
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contentious point in israel, there has been opposition from some radical members of the coalition, including the far right ministers who threatened to quit the government, said the prime minister is facing... is under a lot of pressure from all sides, really. so this rescue operation that happened on saturday was considered a success by the israeli authorities but could change the calculations of the prime minister. the change the calculations of the prime minister. , , ., , minister. the numbers have been re minister. the numbers have been pretty difficult — minister. the numbers have been pretty difficult to _ minister. the numbers have been pretty difficult to verify, - minister. the numbers have been pretty difficult to verify, hugo, i pretty difficult to verify, hugo, and unconfirmed so far, but i wonder whether you could take us through what we do know, primarily hamas reporting claims that hostages were also killed as part of this rescue operation, what do we know about that, anything coming from the israeli government on that? there have been lots _ israeli government on that? there have been lots of _ israeli government on that? there
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have been lots of claims _ israeli government on that? there have been lots of claims during i israeli government on that? there l have been lots of claims during the day, we have seen those dramatic images of this operation, heavy air strikes by the israeli military, we know there was heavy gunfire as well as israeli special forces entering the refugee camp in central gaza, and there was heavy fighting during this operation, and we have seen images of one of the hospitals near this camp, one of the hospitals that received the casualties and victims of this operation by the israeli military, and at least two hospital say at least 70 people were killed, they counted 70 bodies as a result of this operation, the military say there have been fewer than 100 casualties in total. 50 there have been fewer than 100 casualties in total.— casualties in total. so within israel itself _ casualties in total. so within israel itself and _ casualties in total. so within israel itself and politics - casualties in total. so within israel itself and politics one | casualties in total. so within l israel itself and politics one of the contentious points is this idea of the day after, what is the plan once the government has achieved
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those aims, but next week the secretary of state, the us secretary of state antony blinken won his eighth visit to the region? exactly, so this is another— eighth visit to the region? exactly, so this is another effort _ eighth visit to the region? exactly, so this is another effort by - eighth visit to the region? exactly, so this is another effort by the - so this is another effort by the biden administration to put pressure on both israel and hamas to reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal, so antony blinken will be in egypt, here in israel and injordan and qatar, which has been acting with egypt as a mediator in these negotiations. now, one of the key points here is the idea of a permanent ceasefire in gaza, this has been a key hamas demand in these negotiations, they want to guarantee that once hostages are released that israeli military will not return to gaza to continue with its offensive against the group, and this is a contentious point here in israel because of what prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu has been saying all along, they want to destroy hamas and want to destroy hamas military capabilities and also the ability of the group as to continue to govern gaza, so this has been a contentious point here and this proposal announced by president biden last week, so this visit by antony blinken is another effort by the biden administration to put pressure on both sides for a deal to be reached. pressure on both sides for a deal to be reached-— be reached. thank you very much indeed. president biden has welcomed the return of the hour hostages and stated "we won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached". he made the comment during a press conference with french president emmanuel macron during his two—day state visit to france. during his speech, the us president also spoke about the war in ukraine, saying putin is "not going to stop at ukraine". our two countries are standing with the ukrainian people
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as they fight off putin's brutal aggression and yesterday announced $225 million in new security assistance to ukraine. and it's the sixth package we've provided since we signed the national security legislation earlier this year. i wish we could have done it when we wanted to, six months earlier, but we got it done with $61 billion in additional aid to ukraine. and i commend france and our european allies for their leadership as well. the eu has provided over $107 billion in assistance to ukraine since the war began. because we know what happens if putin succeeds in subjugating ukraine. you know, putin's not going to stop at ukraine. it's not just ukraine. it's about much more than ukraine. all of europe will be threatened. we're not going to let that happen. the united states is standing strong with ukraine.
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we're standing with our allies and we're standing with france. we will not say it again — walk away. in the uk, parties are back on the campaign trail following last night's seven—way debate, where politicians locked horns over the economy, the armed forces, the nhs, immigration and climate policy. on saturday, the conservatives are pushing a permanent cut to stamp duty and labour is outlining its position on business rates. our political correspondent, ian watson, has the latest. i'lljust try and get the sign in! rishi sunak was putting a brave face on the events of the past few days. is this taking over from those fidget spinners? he was keen to move on from his d—day apology with an announcement to make temporary tax relief for first—time homeowners permanent. but his ministers were still having to fight on the political beaches... the prime minister has made a mistake, he's apologised for it and has apologised to those who would have been particularly hurt by it.
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so how has the prime minister's misstep gone down on the doorstep? we have been talking to conservative candidates, some have spoken about anger and disappointment. one of them despairingly said, "whatever is going to happen next? will the prime minister's trousers fall down?" others said voters haven't raised the issue at all, and one candidate said that those who are so vexed by this have already defected to labour or reform. elections are often about political theatre, but the snp say in this campaign, the main westminster parties are sidestepping difficult decisions. the biggest issue that's not been spoken about is the fact there are £18 billion worth of cuts agreed to by the conservatives and endorsed by the labour party, and they are coming down the track towards us. but what about raising revenue? labour say, if they form the next government, then, just like the
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conservatives, they won't be able to increase tax thresholds in line with inflation any time soon. we will inherit the _ government's spending plans. i will be candid — _ there are in those plans tax rises. i mean, the personal. allowance, the personal allowance we all get - in terms of our income tax, that is set to be frozen for several years. - but the lib dems are courting voters with spending pledges, including a multi—billion pound plan to plant 60 million trees a year. this is a capital investment over the next five years. you are right — it is a significant investment. but i believe this is hugely important for our environment. it will help the fight against climate change. the main parties are preparing to launch their manifestos this week. only then will we know how well their policies will connect with the voters. iain watson, bbc news. the wife of the missing tv presenter, michael mosely, says his family refuses to lose hope, and the last few days have been "unbearable. "
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efforts are continuing to find the 67—year—old, on the greek island of symi, where he's been missing since setting off for a walk on wednesday, and cctv footage has been released of his last movements. joe inwood, has the very latest, from symi. just a few hours working on the hills of symi is enough to leave you exhausted. two hours. two hours? that is why there is such concern that michael mosley may still be up here after more than three days. the major search operation to find the missing broadcaster has today focused on the hills to the north of the village of pedi. so that search and rescue helicopter has been circling for maybe half an hour or so. there's been a huge amount of emergency services activity focused on those hills, and that's because we know from cctv taken at this spot that, on wednesday, at about 1:30pm, 2pm, michael mosley passed this road and headed into those hills. the search is focusing on the hills because, finally, a picture has emerged of michael mosley�*s movements. he left the beach where he'd been
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with his wife, clare, at about 1:30pm on wednesday. he was then picked up on a camera at a coffee shop here. a second one at a restaurant here, and then, finally, the one at the marina, before he is thought to have headed into the hills. the disappearance of michael mosley has been a major story in greece. here on symi, locals have even joined the search, as have british holiday—makers. this morning, she came in my room and said, "let's go and look for michael." it would have been terrible. we know the paths, so we... we're just staying there. we're within 2km of where he's got to be, so it was, feeling quite helpless. at the heart of this is not just michael mosley, but his family as well. today, his wife clare released a statement...
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nor, it seems, will the greek authorities. they say they will continue their search until michael mosley is found. joe inwood, bbc news, on the greek island of symi. thousands of motorcyclists have been riding from london to cumbria to celebrate the life of dave myers, one half of the hairy bikers. the tv chef died in february at the age of 66 after being diagnosed with cancer. here's sharon barbour. it's a big night in barrow, a celebration of the life of dave myers. tens of thousands have arrived, many of them hairy bikers. they're riding all the way up the m6, there were thousands of people on every bridge. unbelievable. as we were coming in through the towns and villages leading into barrow, the streets were lined, and it was just amazing.
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the roar of tens of thousands of motorbikes heard across england today began to arrive late afternoon. the procession at times was 16 miles long and the route was lined by supporters. leading the cavalcade that left london this morning was dave's best friend and fellow hairy biker. what a remarkable reception. just mind blowing. all of the bridges all the way— from london up to barrow—in—furness, people waving and showing kindness land courtesy and oh, unbelievable. | the tv chef died in february after he was diagnosed with cancer. he was 66. well, bikers are still arriving ahead of what's going to be a memorable night, remembering the hairy biker dave meyers.
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sharon barbour, bbc news, in barrow—in—furness in cumbria. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. if you are hoping for some properly warm weather over the next few days, i suspect this forecast might leave you feeling a little disappointed. it does actually look rather cool. sunday, a mixed day, weather—wise. some spells of sunshine but also areas of cloud and some outbreaks of rain, most notably because of this little weather front here, just nosing its way in from the west, bringing quite a bit of cloud across northern ireland from the word go, and some outbreaks of rain. that rain through the day willjust fringe into the south—west of scotland, getting into parts of north—west england, north wales, eventually the north midlands. with that, obviously, increasing amounts of cloud.
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to the south of that, south wales, southern england largely dry but, again, turning increasingly cloudy. central and northern parts of scotland, a mix of sunshine and showers. the showers most frequent in the far north, where it will also be breezy. temperatures north to south, 11—19 degrees, so a bit below average for the time of year. this lump of rain is going to push southwards and eastwards as we go through sunday night and into monday morning. behind that, yes, some clear spells but showers blowing into the north of scotland. where we have the cloud and the rain, relatively mild, 11 degrees, but chillierfurther north and west where the sky is clear. so this little weather front will actually be developing as it clears away from us. it will bring a hang back of cloud and rain across some parts of central and eastern england. there is uncertainty about how quickly the wet weather will clear. behind it, we are back to sunshine and showers. the showers most frequent in northern scotland where some could be wintry over the very highest mountains, say above 800 metres elevation. we will see some rather cold air digging in. 10 degrees in stornoway.
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even further south, those temperatures rather disappointing for the time of year. and as we move into tuesday, we keep this feed of northerly wind, bringing some unseasonably cool air southwards. a lot of dry weather around on tuesday but we will see some showers developing, perhaps most likely across central and eastern parts of england, perhaps with the odd heavy one. temperature—wise, it is going to be a struggle. in the south, 16 degrees. for parts of northern scotland, only up to 9—10 degrees. a few degrees below where we really should be for this time of year. perhaps turning a little bit less cool later in the week, but increasingly unsettled with some outbreaks of rain.
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this is bbc news — the headlines. emotional reunions for the four israeli hostages rescued from nuseirat in central gaza, as they finally get to hug family and friends. all four were abducted by hamas from a music festival on october the 7th. doctors say they are doing well. the israeli military has released video footage of the unusual daytime operation. one special forces officer died of his injuries in hospital. meanwhile, hamas reports more than 200 palestinians were killed, and claims that some hostages also died during the operation. bbc news has obtained new video
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footage believed to be one of the last two sightings of missing tv and radio presenter, michael mosley. the 67—year—old was last seen on the greek island of symi on wednesday. also we'll have the latest from the general election campaign, now on bbc news — newscast. newscast from the bbc. hello. it's adam in the newscast studio. and it's laura, also in the studio. and it's henry, also in the newscast studio. i'm trying to work out, which one of you is orwell, which one of you is kafka? that's a big question. or which one of you is jilly cooper or...? anyway, so just before we dive into this episode of newscast, just a little moment to explain what we actually do.
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we and some of our other kind of bestjournalistic pals in the bbc


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