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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm BST

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police open fire in the kenyan capital, nairobi, during huge protests against planned tax increases. protesters broke through police lines to storm the parliament building and several people have been shot dead. taking off from bangkok airport, julian assange begins the next leg of his journey home to australia, after agreeing a plea deal with us authorities. and coming up on sportsday in the next half an hour, we're going to be live in cologne as england prepare to play theirfinal group game at the european championships. hello and welcome to bbc news, i am kasia madera. we have lots on the programme and we will be covering the situation with the gambling situation with the labour party, but
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we are going to start with kenya in this hour. police in the capital nairobi have shot dead at least five people taking part in huge demonstrations against planned tax increases. crowds broke through police cordons and entered the city's parliament buildings, setting part of the complex alight. for several hours, police fired tear gas and rubber bullets as thousands of protesters marched through the streets. about a0 people are being treated in hospital. our correspondent merchuma is following developments from nairobi and has the latest. this is the accident and emergency unit at the kenyatta national hospital here in nairobi, the biggest referral facility in the county and country. and the whole day, the medics here have been on standby to receive casualties from the protests that have been happening in town. initially, there were two other medical camps set closer to the central business district, with volunteer medical personnel taking care of the injured people, giving them emergency treatment before referring them here,
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but those have now been closed. we saw earlier the general service unit getting into one of the camps — that was at the all saints cathedral — and asking the medical providers to pack up and leave, and also everybody who was in that compound was asked to leave, so this is now the main area where casualties and people injured from the protests are coming to get treatment. mercy merchuma in nairobi, and we do hope to speak to mercy live a little later on any programme to see the latest developments, but now i want to bring you up—to—date with a developing story. labour says it has so offended one of its parliamentary candidates after the cable commission would look into it that he made on the outcome of his election. kevin craig, the candidate for central suffolk in north which, allegedly placed it on him losing the race for his seat on the 4th of
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july. the conservatives won the seat with a majority of over 23,020 19. they were also said it will return a £100,000 donation made by him during the leadership of sir keir starmer. the gambling commission has passed information to the metropolitan police alleging that five more officers laced bets related to the timing of the general election, in a further developing on the uk election. this morning, it was revealed that the conservative party had withdrawn support for two of its candidates the week before the uk goes to the polls for the general election. both craig williams, who was a close aide to rishi sunak, and laura saunders, who is married to the conservatives�* director of campaigning, are being looked into by the gambling commission over alleged bets placed on the timing of the election. let's cross over straightaway. 0ur political correspondent hannah millerjoins us now.
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just bring us up because a number of threads regarding this question of what the gambling commission is investigating, but we have this developing story when it comes to a labour parliamentary candidate, kevin craig. what do we know? yes. kevin craig. what do we know? yes, it miuht kevin craig. what do we know? yes, it might be — kevin craig. what do we know? yes, it might be helpful— kevin craig. what do we know? yes, it might be helpful to _ kevin craig. what do we know? yes it might be helpful to take these things one by one, in some ways. if we look at the labour strand of these developments now, the labour party have administratively suspended kevin craig. that means that he is, well this investigation is going on, no longer a party member, for the time being, nor their candidate, though his name will still appear on the ballot paper, as is the case in these situations, because the deadline to change that has already passed. the party have been keen to be seen to move very quickly on this post keir starmer has criticised rishi sunak for the way he has handled some of
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the allegations around conservative candidates for taking too long to deal with those things, and previously said the candidates feet would not touch the ground if he were to discover that a labour candidate had been involved. we understand that that is what happened this afternoon, the liberal —— labour party was notified by the gambling commission this investigation was going on, and they have therefore moved to administratively suspended kevin craig. they say that they want to be seen to have candidates who uphold the level of behaviour that the public expect and that is why they have moved quickly, and they are drawing a contrast with the way that the conservatives have handled this over the past couple of weeks. ijust want a quick message to the constituents of montgomeryshire and glyndwr. i remain on the ballot paper on the 4th ofjuly, and i hope to secure your support after years of delivery.
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i committed an error ofjudgment, not an offence, and i want to reiterate my apology directly to you. i'm fully cooperating with routine inquiries for the gambling commission, and i intend to clear my name. in all these things, due process is important, and that is what sets the uk apart from other countries. and the commission must be allowed to do its work. it's been a privilege for me to be the member of parliament for the constituency where i was born, raised and now live with my young family. i've been working hard helping thousands of constituents with our team from everything from benefits to housing, from potholes to energy bills, as well as securing unprecedented level of investment in our local businesses, communities and high streets. we're finally sticking up for farmers, because without farmers, there's no food, and without food, there's no future. for now, however, the most important thing i want to say to you today is i'm committed to my campaign to be elected as your member of parliament and staunch champion. finally, a huge thank you for everyone that's reached out, come up to the office and still continues to lend me your support this week and today.
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it's now over to you, the electorate of montgomeryshire and glyndwr. it's your decision. you're the ones that matter on the 4th ofjuly. asi as i mentioned, there are a number of strands when it comes to what the gambling commission is investigating, and that was in fact craig williams, the former conservative candidate, just to extend to arguers that we were talking about this latest development when it comes to the labour party, and just to make it a love for confusing, the trick williams is the former conservative party candidate, we were talking about kevin craig, with, when it comes to labour suspending the parliamentary candidate —— craig williams. so, when it comes to labour, the, he was gambling against himself, but when it comes to the conservatives, they were allegedly putting bets on the date. help us to
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understand what the allegations are when it comes to what the gambling commission is looking at. the gamblinu commission is looking at. tue: gambling commission commission is looking at. tte: gambling commission now is looking quite broadly, it seems, and what you might call political betting, and craig williams, who you heard there in that clip, we have asked him for an interview, that was a clip he put out on social media himself after being suspended by the conservative party. as you say, his alleged that was around the date of the election, and because he is a parliamentary aid to rishi sunak, there is the suggestion, did he have information about what that date would be? he has always denied wrongdoing, he has denied any kind of criminal activity around this, but the gambling commission is looking into what information he had at the time that he placed his bed. the conservative party also
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suspended in other candidate today in bristol northwest, and then the labour party today, as we were talking about, suspending one of their candidates in all of this, at their candidates in all of this, at the same time as there are also investigations going on into a number of police officers around political betting and around the election date itself. so, clearly, this investigation by the gambling commission is now looking at a number of different strands and a number of different strands and a number of different bets that may have been made by people who work in politics, and therefore have access to information or influence to see whether were not there is anything untoward that has gone on there. hannah, as always, thank you for talking us through that, in number of strands, as hannah was saying, when it comes to the gambling commission's investigation, and what the bbc understands that when it comes to the suspended labour party
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candidate, the bbc understands that the bet was about the result of the election, and it has been suggested that kevin craig bet on the result in the seat where he was standing. lots more, of course, this developing story, on our website about as well, the other situations, the other investigations from the gambling commission, and i have to remind you that you can find a full list of the candidates standing in every constituency on the bbc news website. so, it is all there for you. here's the list of people standing alongside craig williams in montgomeryshire and glyndwr. and this is the list of candidates in central suffolk and north ipswich, where kevin craig is standing for labour. that is also on our website, a full
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slate of the candidates, and that is where kevin craig is standing. we are monitoring developments as and when we get them, so do stay with us here on bbc news. elsewhere, the snp are on the campaign trail today promising to make scotland a "green powerhouse", with the deputy first minister and economy secretary kate forbes visiting a wind farm in east lothian. 0ur political reporter phil sim was at the wind farm and spoke to kate forbes. yeah, kate forbes was here. there is a wind farm behind me, i promise. it has slightly disappeared into a cloud at this point in time, but kate forbes was really talking about actually the scottish weather in a way, about how scotland's been blessed with natural resources twice in her view. the idea that we first won the lottery with the oil and gas industry. obviously there were great, plentiful reserves of that
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which have provided great wealth over the previous decades, and she says the future now is in renewable energy like the wind farm which you can't see behind me. she says that scotland could become a green powerhouse, and the snp's aim in all this really is, in this election, to hopefully get things like energy regulation and pricing devolved to the scottish parliament. the snp's been in power at holyrood just along the coast from here in edinburgh for a good few years now, and that's where they have been involved with giving permission to projects like this one. they say if there is more of the regulation and indeed the pricing decided here in scotland, then they could see things like the benefits of these projects passed more directly onto local residents because they say, as it stands, people can look out the window on a clear day and see a wind farm, but they don't necessarily feel the benefit of that in their bills here in scotland. and it has become a bit of the debate here between the different parties in terms of, you know, a lot of it's been about oil and gas, but renewables, too, because labour have their plans for a clean energy company to be headquartered in scotland. so, yeah, a bit of discussion about the energy revolution going on. and we can hear some
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of what kate forbes had to say this morning about that now. scotland has the potential to be a green powerhouse globally, and with wind farms like this that were developed when the snp first came to power, we've seen the transformation that it's had on communities. 0bviously there's been a lot of talk about the place of oil and gas in the energy mix. i can see a nuclear power plant over your shoulder. where do you think all of these different things fit it? do we need to have a broad energy mix with all of these things in it? well, in scotland, we already have a broad energy mix, although the snp remain opposed to nuclear power. we believe that with the plentiful supply of clean green energy in terms of wind, we should focus when it comes to the energy transition on green industry and on creating jobs for the future. it's a win—win situation because, here, we have created jobs. we are developing schemes like this, and in so doing, we are also ensuring that people in scotland have access to green energy.
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the snp are hoping that their role here can really be to kind of push labour to the left because there are no seats in scotland which are a contest between the labour party and the conservatives as you might see in england. it is much more a contest either between the snp and the tories or the snp and labour, and the snp will feel that they can attack labour from the left. and if they have mps returned to the house of commons, those mps will be the ones who are pulling labour to the left on issues, you know, from the economy to energy. 0bviously labour have set out quite a cautious position. they say they're going to follow quite strict fiscal rules in order to give people confidence to invest in the economy. the snp say that is actually continuing the fiscal regime of the conservatives. that is what they term austerity, so the snp saying that a vote for them is a vote to pull labour away from that. and, as i say, that economic debate about the future of the economy, about whether there will be further spending, really underlies everything, including when we're talking about investment in green projects like this one here.
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phil sim reporting there, and it is worth me remind everybody that we have much more on our website, a special section dedicated to the uk election and a full list of candidates standing in every constituency, all listed on the bbc news website. let's turn to a former future engineer who helped design the ultimate horizon software at the centre of the post office it scandal, who has said sorry to a sub postmistress wrongly jailed for stealing money. garethjenkins said he may have been "wrongly confident" that accounting bugs were quickly resolved. seema misra was sent to prison when pregnant, one of hundreds of sub—postmasters falsely accused of theft. 0ur employment correspondent zoe conway reports. garethjenkins is not a household name, but he is a key figure in the post office scandal. he helped design the faulty horizon software system. he gave evidence in court cases, including that of former sub—postmistress seema misra.
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his testimony helped put her in prison whilst pregnant after she was wrongly accused of stealing £70,000. it is very, very important because i definitely want to know why he did what he did, who was behind it and all of that. five years ago, sub—postmasters won their stunning victory against the post office in the high court. the judge, justice fraser, said the problems with horizon could cause discrepancies in sub—postmasters' accounts. that the evidence i shall give shall be the truth... garethjenkins told the inquiry he didn't agree with the judge. and you don't accept his findings that bugs, errors and defects could result in, ie cause discrepancies or shortfalls in branch accounts? they could cause discrepancies in branch accounts, but not at the sort of levels that are being talked about.
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and in general, the systems, i believe, were operating as they should. do i take it that you accept his first finding that legacy horizon was not remotely robust? i don't accept that finding. he was asked about his role in giving evidence in court cases, whether he was sufficiently briefed about all the bugs and errors. i was confident and possibly wrongly so that when problems did occur, they were quickly fixed and they weren't left to fester in the system to have a larger impact. knowing what you know now, would you adopt the same approach of relying on your confidence? i think i'd have to say that with hindsight, i would have done things differently, yes. in his witness statement, garethjenkins said he was truly sorry that seema misra was wrongly convicted, that he didn't know she was pregnant at the time. "i can only apologise again," he said, "for what happened to her." zoe conway, bbc news.
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julian assange, the founder of wikileaks, has flown out of the uk after spending five years in prison fighting extradition to the us on espionage charges. he's struck a deal with prosecutors and will stop in a us territory to plead guilty to a single charge, before flying home to australia. mr assange uploaded classified military files to his website nearly 15 years ago. in the last hour, after leaving the uk, his plane was seen taking mr assange uploaded classified military files nearly 15 years ago. after leaving the uk, his plane was seen taking off from bangkok airport en route to the northern mariana islands, where he will appear in a us court. let's speak to our correspondent shaimaa khalil, who's in saipan in the northern mariana islands. just fill us in, shaimaa, on what we can expect later. t just fill us in, shaimaa, on what we can meet later-— can expect later. i am standing 'ust outside the —
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can expect later. i am standing 'ust outside the us fl can expect later. i am standing 'ust outside the us district i can expect later. i am standing 'ust outside the us district court h can expect later. i am standing just outside the us district court here l outside the us district court here in saipan in the northern mariana islands, wherejulian assange is expected in a few hours to start the hearing, and to complete his guilty plea proceedings. in a few hours, he's expected to plead guilty to a single felony of obtaining and disclosing security material, national security material. that guilty plea is an exchange of his release from the london jail. now, it is quite a contrast if you think about it, this remote island that is famous for its landscapes, kurds pristine waters, for it to be the location where he comes to finalise his case and for this to be the last chapter, to end this legal saga this particular location was chosen because julian assange particular location was chosen becausejulian assange refused to go to mainland us. he did not want to go to the continental united states because there is a deep—seated mistrust that he has for the us government. he's a plea refuse to go
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because he was not sure what would happen if you landed there, instead he is going to finalise this guilty plea and all the legal proceedings here before he goes to australia, a free man. one logistical reason we have heard is that here, in saipan, it's much closer to australia, much closer than hawaii for a sample or mainland united states, but it is quite a unique location for this to be the end of a long—standing legal battle, that has lasted more than a decade, oralmost battle, that has lasted more than a decade, or almost a decade and a half, and spend five countries. it ends here in this us pacific territory. ends here in this us pacific territory-— ends here in this us pacific territo ., , , , territory. just briefly, he was facin: a territory. just briefly, he was facing a very _ territory. just briefly, he was facing a very long _ territory. just briefly, he was facing a very long sentence l territory. just briefly, he was| facing a very long sentence in territory. just briefly, he was i facing a very long sentence in a territory. just briefly, he was - facing a very long sentence in a us high—security prison, he will not be facing prison time now, he will be a free man in australia? tia. facing prison time now, he will be a free man in australia?— free man in australia? no. that's riuht. he free man in australia? no. that's right. he would _ free man in australia? no. that's right. he would not _ free man in australia? no. that's right. he would not be _ free man in australia? no. that's right. he would not be facing - free man in australia? no. that's i right. he would not be facing prison time, because part of this guilty plea deal is that he gets credit for
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prison time served in the uk. remember, he was in a ukjailfor five years before it was announced before this plea deal, and part of that was once he pleads guilty for that was once he pleads guilty for that one single felony, he then walks free because he gets credit for the time he has already served in the uk. ,, ., ., ., ., in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank ou ve in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank you very much _ in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank you very much for — in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank you very much for bringing _ in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank you very much for bringing us up - in the uk. 0k, shaimaa khalil, thank you very much for bringing us up to l you very much for bringing us up to date of what we can expect in the next few hours. shaimaa khalil there in saipan in the northern mariana islands, thank you. let's turn to football now. england's path to the next round of the euros is assured as they prepare to face slovenia in theirfinal group game at 8pm tonight, but there is added pressure for the team to perform after some high—profile criticism of their performance so far. and to explain, i have been
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on for every england game so far and have spoken to stephen wall and his family. they are england fans, idu can guess, judging by the decor behind them. stephen, ican guess, judging by the decor behind them. stephen, i can see hugo, florence and claire joins us this time around. so far you've been predicting discourse, you've got them wrong every single time, but your enthusiasm has been fabulous —— protecting the scores. what can we expect from england versus lavinia tonight? expect from england versus lavinia toniaht? ,., ., ., expect from england versus lavinia toniaht? ., ., . tonight? good evening, and once aaain tonight? good evening, and once again thanks _ tonight? good evening, and once again thanks for _ tonight? good evening, and once again thanks for having _ tonight? good evening, and once again thanks for having me - tonight? good evening, and once again thanks for having me on i tonight? good evening, and once| again thanks for having me on for this time i think there is going to be a reconciliation 20 fans and players. we are going out there, all the tech and win 3—0. there will be a couple of changes will i think jude bellingham will play alongside rice, medical palmer will play, but, yeah, i think this time they note the england fans expect, they want an high—intensity game —— cole palmer will play.
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an high-intensity game -- cole palmer will play.— palmer will play. they will go throu:h, palmer will play. they will go through, which _ palmer will play. they will go through, which means - palmer will play. they will go through, which means the i palmer will play. they will go - through, which means the church behind you are staying up. is that good or bad? good today? florence was not that happy, clear, you've let these shirts stay up. you must be really enjoying getting the family around watching the tv for these matches?— family around watching the tv for these matches? . , , ., ., these matches? yeah, it is very good watchin: these matches? yeah, it is very good watching the — these matches? yeah, it is very good watching the matches _ these matches? yeah, it is very good watching the matches when - these matches? yeah, it is very good watching the matches when it - these matches? yeah, it is very good watching the matches when it is - watching the matches when it is england — watching the matches when it is england and things, but i think a few of— england and things, but i think a few of us— england and things, but i think a few of us are looking forward to getting — few of us are looking forward to getting back to watching a bit of our kelly— getting back to watching a bit of our kelly as well! when the group stages _ our kelly as well! when the group stages are — our kelly as well! when the group stages are over!— our kelly as well! when the group stages are over! hugo, i know you were quite — stages are over! hugo, i know you were quite specific— stages are over! hugo, i know you were quite specific about - stages are over! hugo, i know you were quite specific about the - stages are over! hugo, i know you l were quite specific about the result for england — denmark. what do you reckon it will be this time around? 2-0. i think it reckon it will be this time around? 2—0. i think it will be a hard game. a hard_ 2—0. i think it will be a hard game. a hard game? _ 2—0. i think it will be a hard game. a hard game? it— 2-0. i think it will be a hard game. a hard game?— a hard game? it will be a really hard game _ a hard game? it will be a really hard game for _ a hard game? it will be a really hard game for england. - a hard game? it will be a really hard game for england. they i a hard game? it will be a really i hard game for england. they need to do, the hard game for england. they need to do. they need _ hard game for england. they need to do. they need to _ hard game for england. they need to do, they need to put _ hard game for england. they need to do, they need to put through, they i
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do, they need to put through, they need to, because if they draw, they face germany? that need to, because if they draw, they face germany?— that is right. they will bea be a hard game. ethan is not on, your eldest, but when it comes to hoping that england, can we dare say they might go even further? may be a repeat of last euros? t’sre they might go even further? may be a repeat of last euros?— repeat of last euros? i've been d in: to repeat of last euros? i've been dying to say — repeat of last euros? i've been dying to say this _ repeat of last euros? i've been dying to say this on _ repeat of last euros? i've been dying to say this on the two . repeat of last euros? i've beenl dying to say this on the two last times i've been on — i've only got three words for everyone watching, it's coming home.— it's coming home. florence, you reckon that's — it's coming home. florence, you reckon that's the _ it's coming home. florence, you reckon that's the case? - it's coming home. florence, you reckon that's the case? yeah! i reckon that's the case? yeah! laughter — laughter that means those shirts stay out? 0h, that means those shirts stay out? oh, yeah! a little bit longer, we will 0h, yeah! a little bit longer, we will let— oh, yeah! a little bit longer, we will let it — oh, yeah! a little bit longer, we will let it go _ oh, yeah! a little bit longer, we will let it go— will let it go. just one last word from hugo. _ will let it go. just one last word from hugo, because _ will let it go. just one last word from hugo, because i - will let it go. just one last word from hugo, because i know- will let it go. just one last word j from hugo, because i know you absolutely love football and you play it your self. what are you going to do when you grow up? t going to do when you grow up? i really want to be a birmingham city
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player, _ really want to be a birmingham city player, or— really want to be a birmingham city player. or he — really want to be a birmingham city player. or be my— really want to be a birmingham city player, or be my favourite - really want to be a birmingham city player, or be my favourite player, i player, or be my favourite player, the brazilian — player, or be my favourite player, the brazilian ronaldo, _ player, or be my favourite player, the brazilian ronaldo, play- player, or be my favourite player, the brazilian ronaldo, play for. player, or be my favourite player, i the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, _ the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, really— the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, really good _ the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, really good teams - the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, really good teams in - the brazilian ronaldo, play for real madrid, really good teams in the l madrid, really good teams in the champions — madrid, really good teams in the champions league. _ madrid, really good teams in the champions league. find- madrid, really good teams in the champions league.— madrid, really good teams in the champions league. and uk teams as well! thank you _ champions league. and uk teams as well! thank you so _ champions league. and uk teams as well! thank you so much _ champions league. and uk teams as well! thank you so much for - champions league. and uk teams as well! thank you so much forjoining l well! thank you so much forjoining us, so far, every time england has played. thank you very much for your predictions. we'll see what happens when england do finally face slovenia a little bit later on, but first of all let's bring the weather in and find out what elizabeth rizzini is predicting. hello there, good evening. well, it's been the warmest day of the year so far in england and wales today. lots of blue sky and sunshine here in the lavender fields of hertfordshire, but it's turned a lot fresher for scotland and northern ireland. now, yesterday afternoon, 27 degrees celsius was recorded in aberdeenshire, but this afternoon across north—eastern scotland, just 12—13 degrees. so that's quite the drop, and the cooling trend is set to continue over the next couple of days or so. there will be some showers around at times.
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the heat and humidity will last longest across england and wales, but it will be gone by the end of the day on thursday. now, overnight tonight, still feeling rather muggy and warm for most. there'll be a lot of low cloud around. that's going to be rolling in from the north sea as well. so rather murky conditions for many. a few spots of rain, but generally dry and freshest conditions again out towards north—west scotland and northern ireland. here, lows of a 6—8 degrees celsius, so a much more comfortable night's sleep. into tomorrow, and a lot of that low cloud, mist and murk will roll back towards north sea—facing coasts. a bit of an onshore breeze going on here. a few showers, also some sunny spells across scotland. and despite the fine start to the day, it will cloud over across northern ireland through the afternoon. of course, the best of the sunshine and the highest of the temperatures will be for much of england and wales. mid to high 20s, but locally possibly 30 degrees celsius maybe in the far south. and the pollen levels will also be very high. and then this area of low pressure rolls in on thursday. here's the cold front that brings behind it that cooler—feeling air, so the heat and humidity get pushed
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further eastwards into the near continent as that cooler airjust rolls in. but some strong gusty winds for a time across parts of northern ireland and north—west scotland. there will also be some showers here as well. lots of sunshine elsewhere, including across eastern scotland. in fact, could be a few showers on the front as it gradually clears, and it will take some time, probably until the end of the day, for that cooler air to get to east anglia and the far south—east of england. temperatures here could possibly still be in the mid—20s in celsius perhaps, but much closer to the seasonal average as we head into friday and the weekend. still some sunny spells around. it will still feels warm in the best of the sunshine. any showers tending to be towards the north and the west, but much cooler as we head into the weekend. bye— bye.
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an update on uk elections and the story that labour has suspended a candidate kevin craig after being told the gambling commission has launched an investigation into him, we just have had a statement from kevin craig. i will show you our
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website where you can read that for yourselves as well. basically the suspended candidate kevin craig says... . he isjust issue he is just issue that statement and it is on our website but now it is time for sports day. hello, and welcome to sportsday. i'm 0lly foster.
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qualified, but heavily criticised — can england sign off from their group with a better performance? we know internally where we are at. anything external really should not affect us. the man in the mask. look he was back for france. kylian mbappe breaks the deadlock with poland. also coming up on sportsday — afghanistan into the semifinals at the t20 world cup semifinals and that means australia out. and raducannu with a morale boosting win at the eastbourne international. good evening.
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will come along. we are 90 minutes away from kick—off in cologne.


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