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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm BST

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england's men are fighting to end the almost six—decade wait for a major football trophy. so far neither team have scored... hello, i'm kasia madera. we start in the us. donald trump has called on americans to stand united after he narrowly escaped assassination at a campaign rally in pennsylvania. the former president and republican candidate was addressing the crowd when a gunman opened fire from the roof of a nearby building. mr trump dived for cover, bleeding from his right ear. one onlooker was killed and two others were critically injured. the 20—year—old gunman, who's been named as thomas matthew crooks, was shot dead by secret service officers. gary o'donoghue was at the rally when the attack unfolded, and sent us this report. and you know, that's a little bit old, that chart�*s a couple of months old...
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it was just a few minutes into donald trump's speech when a volley of shots rang out. gunshots get down, get down, get down! gunshots the former president could be seen clutching at the right side of his head. after that, he hits the ground, as the secret service pile on top of him. theirjob — to put their bodies between him and the shooter. there was panic among the thousands of people inside the rally. many ran, many threw themselves to the ground. donald trump was seen getting to his feet and raising a fist to his supporters, signs of blood at his right ear. cheering he can be heard saying the words "fight, fight." cheering we're just waiting to see if things have cleared, and as you can see, we're on the ground behind our car,
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which is not ideal, but that's the shelter we have at the moment, and that's what we are trying to ascertain — what's happened. as people streamed out of the venue, they told us what they had seen. one man, a local business owner, described how he had noticed a man he believed to be the shooter climbing onto a low roof nearby holding a weapon. we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear—crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us. so we're standing there, and we're pointing, we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. and he had a gun, right? he had a rifle. a rifle? we could clearly see him with a rifle. absolutely. he's got a gun! shouting, screaming we're pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground, we are like, "hey, man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle."
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and the police are like, "oh, what?" gunshots shouting, screaming get over here! - what are you doing? we now know at least one spectator was killed and two more critically injured. a doctor in the crowd tried to help. i heard the shots. i thought it was firecrackers to begin with. somebody over there was screaming: "he's been shot, he's been shot." so i made my way over. i said: "i'm an emergency department physician, let me help you?" the guy had spun around and wasjammed between the benches. there's the helicopter coming in to get him. so, people there were really helpful... was there only one person shot, that you saw? i did cpr, did chest compressions, as well as breathe for him. president trump was taken straight off to the local butler county hospital.
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shortly afterwards, he released a statement paying tribute to law enforcement, and expressing condolences for those killed and injured. later, he posted on truth social. "it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. we will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness." thomas crooks. the fbi has named 20—year—old thomas matthew crooks as the subject involved. he graduated from high school two years ago. condemnations were swift. president biden had this to say. the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just unheard of — it's just not appropriate. and everybody must condemn it. everybody. the biden campaign is suspending its activities for the time being. but donald trump, seen here after the shooting last night, has said he plans to go to the the
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republican national convention on monday as planned. in the meantime, investigations will continue. everyone asking: how could an attempted political assassination be part of modern day america? daniel o'donoghue with that report. before we cover that assassination attempt i want to bring you an update from euros 2024 football tournament. it is of course the final. spain versus england and i am just being notified in my ear that spain has scored. is it stands we are in the second half of the game and as it stands it is 1—0 to spain versus england and there is a lot of cheering of spanish fans that i can see. it is nico williams who scored in the 47th minute of the game. nico
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williams bringing that, what was 0-0, williams bringing that, what was 0—0, into the second half, is now 10- with 0—0, into the second half, is now 10— with spanish player nico williams scoring in the 47th minute of the game. we will continue to monitor that is the two teams continue with the second half. let's return to what happened in the united states. a short while ago, president biden delivered new remarks on the shooting of mr trump. here's what he had to say. last night i spoke with donald trump. i'm sincerely grateful that he's doing well and recovering. and we had a short, but good conversation. jilland i are keeping him and his family in our prayers. we also extend our deepest condolences to the family of the victim who was killed. he was a father. he was protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired and he lost his life. god love him.
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we're also praying for the full recovery of those who were injured, and we're grateful to the secret service agents and other law enforcement agencies who...and individuals who risked their lives literally for our nation. as i said last night, there is no place in america for this kind of violence, or any violence for that matter. an assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for as a nation. everything. it's not who we are as a nation. it's not america, and we cannot allow this to happen. unity is the most elusive goal of all, but nothing is important than that right now. unity. we'll debate and we'll disagree. that's not going to change, but we're not going to lose sight of who we are as americans. look, vice president harris and i were just briefed in the situation room by my homeland security team, including the director of the fbi, the secretary of homeland security,
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the attorney general, the director of the secret service, my homeland security advisor, the national security advisor. and we're going to continue to be briefed. the fbi is leading this investigation, which is still in its early stages. we don't yet have any information about the motive of the shooter. we know who he is. i urge everyone, everyone, please, don't make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations. let the fbi do theirjob and their partner agencies do theirjob. i'm instructed that this investigation be thorough and swift, and the investigators will have every resource they need to get this done. look, as this investigation continues, here's what we're going to do. first, mr trump is a former president and nominee of the republican party, already receives a heightened level of security, and i've been consistent in my direction of the secret service to provide him with every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure
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his continued safety. second, i've directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures — for the republican national convention, which is scheduled to start tomorrow. and third, i've directed an independent review of the national security at yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened, and we'll share the results of that independent review with the american people as well. and finally, i'll be speaking more about this tonight at greater length from the oval office. we must unite as one nation. we must unite as one nation to demonstrate who we are. and so may god bless you all. and may god protect our troops. thank you very much. president biden speaking from the roosevelt room in the white house. he will be giving another address to the nation from the oval office in around four hours' time. that timing might slip slightly but we will keep an eye on that because we are
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expecting him to speak again about this. the shooting is an extraordinary security failure for the us secret service, one of whose main duties is to protect current and former presidents. 0ur security correspondent frank gardner has been working alongside bbc verify to piece together what went wrong. if you want to really see something that said — l take a look at what happened... gunfire the moment the former us president was nearly assassinated. the people tasked to protect him were from the us secret service. this failure was on their watch. the investigation — already under way — is focusing on butler, in pennsylvania, where the rally took place. this bbc verify graphic shows how the secret service missed seeing the gunman climb up onto a roofjust 130m from the stage, and opened fire before law enforcement snipers could shoot him dead. i asked former secret service special agent robert macdonald what went wrong.
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well, i think the concern is going to be, how did that individual get on top of that roof? and what did the secret service's security plan have in place to mitigate anything like that happening? i asked the former special agent what else the secret service should have done better. the agents then put themselves in what we call a body bunker, to move him off of the stage. i would've liked to seen him be moved off the stage a little bit quicker, but under the circumstances, it's chaotic, and he was probably becoming a little bit slower, and wanting to make that a furtive movement to indicate to fight on. so, the agents took their quickness to get over to him and put themselves between him and any future harm's way, with respect to any shots coming, ringing out. there are some historic precedents here — the fatal shooting ofjohn f kennedy in 1963, and the shooting of ronald reagan in 1981, which he survived.
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donald trump may have escaped with minor injuries, but there are still major questions to be answered. just four months away from a presidential election, people want to know how these dangerous lapses in security were allowed to happen. frank gardner, bbc news. an awful lot of questions remaining, some of which i posed to richard painter. richard painter is the former chief ethics lawyer at the white house for george w bush, and currently a law professor at the university of minnesota. he told me this incident will come as a shock to the american people. this is indeed a shock. and, we've had, of course, political assassinations before. assassination attempts and assassinations. president kennedy lost his life in 1963. we had attempts on the lives of president gerald ford and ronald reagan. uh, and, uh, we've had, uh,
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presidential candidates shot bobby kennedy in 1968, george wallace in 1972. and this is a very, very tragic day for the united states. and we we really need to come to grips with the fact that there are those who are mentally ill, so mentally ill that they would do something like this and that our gun laws allow people access to guns who really shouldn't. and here, apparently, his father bought the gun. and there needs to be an investigation as to what type of safekeeping there was, uh, with a gun there. but once again, the united states has a terrible problem with loose gun laws, a lack of enforcement. uh, and, uh, the crazy people, uh, like this could get a high powered rifle, uh, and take a shot at a presidential candidate. very, very tragic. i have to say, the secret service should have done a lot betterjob this building.
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this a rooftop clearly within rifle�*s range of the stage. the secret service should have had a person up there on the rooftop, not have a sniper up there. well, of course, as the investigation starts getting under way and those kind of questions are being asked, ijust wonder, just in terms of if we pull out and look at the bigger picture of what is happening in the united states, a polarised nation, as so many different nations are becoming when it comes to political beliefs, which political sides people are on, is it time to turn down that rhetoric that we've been hearing? well, certainly the extremist rhetoricjustifying violence doesn't help, particularly combined with the gun laws, the loose gun laws we have in the united states. those two combined are a very, very toxic combination. and we have those on the extreme left who would justify violence, those on the extreme right who would justify violence.
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whether they're the people who would justify the attack on the united states capitol onjanuary 6th, or people would somehow excuse the terrorist attacks by hamas on israel. there are those who willjustify and seek to excuse violence. and that is certainly a very, very dangerous rhetoric. but the united states is alone among the industrialised nations in the world in having some of the worst gun laws that allow crazy people like this to get access to guns. professor painter there, former ethics lawyer at the white house. a lot more on our website and we are awaiting president biden to address the nation once again a little bit later on, in around four hours' time. a lot of lines are coming from that investigation. it pains me to go to the euro 2024 final which has kicked off in berlin between england
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and spain. the score is, spoiler alert, 1—0. let's have a look at some of the fan zones across germany. that is the england fans own. they do not look very happy. i am being told it is wembley. whether this is, the fans are not happy following that goal from nico williams in the 47th minute, assisted by lamine yamal, that star player, who only turned 17 yesterday. they are 1—0 up. let's speak to joe inwood, who is with fans in brixton, in south london. this isn't in the script! it has beenin this isn't in the script! it has been in the script before, we have been in the script before, we have been here before but, come on england. i been here before but, come on encland. ., ., i. , england. i hate to tell you this. the fans aren't _ england. i hate to tell you this. the fans aren't happy. - england. i hate to tell you this. the fans aren't happy. the - england. i hate to tell you this. the fans aren't happy. the first half was fairly turgid but at least england kept a lid on the spanish
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creativity. but then in the second half, within 30 seconds, a couple of minutes at of it starting, the spanish had scored. there was rodri, great talismanic figure. he had been taken off and the fans were thinking great, fantastic. it plays to our advantage. but it didn't. they have been all over england in the second half and they don't seem to have an answer. there was a cheer about two minutes ago that went up. that anything england had done but it was because of the idea that 0llie watkins might be coming on. the mood is not great because england have not been great. and now they are 1—0 down. we not been great. and now they are 1-0 down. ~ . , , ., down. we have been here before. let's face it- _ down. we have been here before. let's face it. it _ down. we have been here before. let's face it. it is _ down. we have been here before. let's face it. it is painful- down. we have been here before. let's face it. it is painful to - let's face it. it is painful to watch but think about the game against slovakia, switzerland, the netherlands. they come up from behind. . �* , , behind. that's true, but with the createst behind. that's true, but with the greatest of _ behind. that's true, but with the greatest of respect _ behind. that's true, but with the greatest of respect to _ behind. that's true, but with the greatest of respect to those - behind. that's true, but with the i greatest of respect to those teams, those teams were not spain. spain have been far and away the best
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theme of this tournament. they have steam—rollered other sites. there were 3—0 up to croatia within the first half. they were a far better team than anybody else. it is not going to be easy to come back. england, as you say, have done it before, so i'm going to keep checking, just in case. it is possible. there is plenty of time left. gareth southgate has proved his substitutions can be effective. it is going to be have to be very effective to turn this game around. england are a little clueless. but as you can hear the fans still have belief. , ., . ~' as you can hear the fans still have belief. , ., ., ~ , ., ,., as you can hear the fans still have belief. , ., . ~' i. . ~ belief. joe, thank you so much. we hold our fingers _ belief. joe, thank you so much. we hold our fingers crossed _ belief. joe, thank you so much. we hold our fingers crossed and - belief. joe, thank you so much. we hold our fingers crossed and house| hold our fingers crossed and house and everything else. the score there 1-0. and everything else. the score there 1—0. let's get some more sport. 0ver
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more sport. over to you! you just stole my thunder and i will try to lift the mood. 0llie watkins has just come on for hurricane as captain as england chase first title 58 years. rodri off at half time injured, replaced by martin zubimendi. it isi-o it is1—0 to it is 1—0 to spain at the moment. 16 minutes played in the second half. england though, the only team to ever have made the final that has actually lost or been behind, i should say, in those three games in the last 16, the quarterfinal and semifinal, before winning and getting through to the final. there is hope yet. these are live pictures from one of the many fans parks —
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this one in london at the 02.. it looks sombre but this could change if england managed to get themselves on the scoresheet. half an hour to go and we have fans also from madrid who are watching on. they must be a lot happier than england fans. there is reaction to the goalfrom nico england fans. there is reaction to the goal from nico williams, england fans. there is reaction to the goalfrom nico williams, when he scorned in the second minute of the second half. spain currently leading. 28 minutes plus stoppage time left in that one and they lead by one goal to nil in berlin. carlos alacaraz has made it back—to—back wimbledon championships after he defeated seven—time winner novak djokovic in the final. it was a repeat of last year's decider and watching on at the all england club was chetan patak. last year we had a five set epic between these two. this time it was
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entirely different, in part because carlos alcaraz is a better player a year on and also novak djokovic was clearly out of sorts. alcaraz�*s level was high from the start and djokovic's search early and raced into a two set lead. the seven time champion struggled. djokovic had knee surgery last month and against the relentless player it showed. there was a brief opening for a novak djokovic comeback in the third set when the championship points slipped away but he made no mistake in the tie—break, winning in straight sets. at 21 he becomes the youngest man to win wimbledon and the french open in the same year. my dream, i wanted to keep going but it's a great feeling to play in this beautiful court, to live this massive trophy. i said it before, for me this the beautiful tournament, and the most beautiful trophy.
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for novak djokovic, at 37, that wait for a roger federer equalling wimbledon title and a record 25th grand slam, goes on. he has had an incredible fortnight, all things considered, with much to reflect on. you can always analyse the match after and say, i could have done this or that, but overall, the way i felt on the court today, against him, i was inferior on court. he was a better player. he played every single shot better than i did. i don't think i could have done much more. and so wimbledon 2024 comes to an end and novak djokovic and carlos alcaraz turn their attentions to the next prize in the sport, which just so happens to be olympic gold, and that quest begins in paris injust under two weeks' time. six stages to go at the tour de france —
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and tadej pogacar is closing in on a third yellowjersey. the slovenian dominated stage 15 in the mountains. he soared away from his closest rivaljonas vingegaard, leaving the defending champion trailing in his wake. pogacar won the stage, his third on this year's tour, and gained significant time on vingegaard. he now leads by over three minutes going into the final rest day. elsewhere, elisa longo borghini won the women's giro d'italia. and just after i spoke about the football before i went to the tennis, jude bellingham has had a lovely shot that has gone wide. so there is hope for england but nico williams' goal separates the two teams. spain leading by one go to nil with around 25 minutes remaining in that. everything else is on the bbc sport website. you didn't have to remind me of the school but 66th minute now and it is
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still zero — one. let's return to our top story — president biden has promised a swift and thorough investigation into the assassination attempt against donald trump. the former us president was injured during a campaign rally in pennsylvania last night. the republican national convention is due to start on monday. 0ur north america correspondent, nada tawfik, joins us live now from milwaukee. the former president very much not changing his agenda. he is on his way there but since that decision to continue with his plans to go to milwaukee we have had an fbi briefing. fillers and on what is new. �* ., , ., ., ., new. briefing, it was a moment for the fbi director, _ new. briefing, it was a moment for the fbi director, the _ new. briefing, it was a moment for the fbi director, the attorney - the fbi director, the attorney general, to say that there is no place or tolerance of violence and that no resource will be left out of the investigation. but they offered what they know now. the fbi telling
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us that there was no sign of any mental health issues for that suspect, 20—year—old matthew thomas crooks. they are still trying to figure out a potential motive. they say they haven't seen yet any signs of any particular ideology or anything threatening in his social media history, though they caution that it media history, though they caution thatitis media history, though they caution that it is early in the investigation and they are still going through it. the same with his phone. they say they are trying to get into his phone. it has been sent to the fbi's laugh in quantico in virginia but looking at initial text messages, nothing threatening in there. that evidence at the lab, along with the rifle. they say they have had 2000 tips from the public so it gives you a sense of how much material they are having to comb through and they noted they are seeing an uptick in threatening online rhetoric, including people who are pretending to be the shooter, who of course was killed by secret service. that is the latest
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on the investigation but much more to potentially come from another secret service briefing.— to potentially come from another secret service briefing. thank you so much and _ secret service briefing. thank you so much and just _ secret service briefing. thank you so much and just say, _ secret service briefing. thank you so much and just say, former - so much and just say, former president trump is on his way there. we are monitoring all of this for you here on bbc news. hello there. we're just coming up to the half way point of the month, and there are already a number of places that have seen in excess of the july average rainfall, particularly across southern and eastern england, the northeast of aberdeenshire, too. leading the league of misery is loftus, where we've had well over double thejuly average rainfall, and there's a bit more on the way as well as we'll see over the next few days. now, on sunday, we did manage to see a bit of sunshine across southern and western areas of the uk, but the same area of low pressure out in the north sea continued to feed patches of rain in to parts of northeast england and eastern scotland, where it will stay quite damp overnight for some. temperatures around 10—11 celsius overnight. and into monday morning, we start to see the next area
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of low pressure moving in from the southwest. this is going to be bringing a belt of heavy rain across england and wales through monday, monday night and into tuesday as well. the first signs of the rain, well, arriving across wales and southwest england, the rain turning heavy here quickly through monday morning with a chance of some rumbles of thunder, some localised flooding before the rain extends into south east england, east anglia, the midlands. north of that for northern england, northern ireland and scotland, it's a largely dry day with some pleasant spells of warm sunshine. top temperatures reaching the low 20s here, which will feel very pleasant. but through monday night we've got more rain to come, extending its way northwards and eastwards across england and wales, with the rain across eastern areas of england reluctant to move away through tuesday. and this is part of the uk that has seen the most rainfall so far this month. so it looks like we'll see another dollop working in here monday night and into tuesday. again scotland and northern ireland, not faring
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too badly on tuesday, although there'll be some heavy showers, i think, for east scotland, parts of northeast england. where the sunshine comes out, temperatures reached the low 20s. and then something we've been hoping to see for a while. an area of high pressure moves in for wednesday. you can pencil in a decent day. most areas will be bright with some spells of lengthy sunshine, and it's going to feel warm in that sunshine as well, with temperatures reaching 24 celsius in london. 24 is actually average for this time of the year, but in that strong july sun it will feel very pleasant. the fine weather hangs around for most of england, wales, eastern scotland through thursday before we start to see the weather patterns return to a rather more unsettled—looking weather picture into the following weekend, with rain or showers around and temperatures back below average for the time of year.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... donald trump has survived an assassination attempt while speaking at a rally in pensylvania. the former us president says a bullet ripped through his ear but suffered no serious injuries. he's now left hospital. the fbi says the gunman, 20—year—old thomas crooks — who was on a nearby roof — killed a spectator and wounded two others before being shot dead by snipers. president biden has promised a swift and thorough investigation into the assassination attempt against donald trump. speaking at the white house, president biden said he had requested an independent review into the security arrangements at the rally.
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the euro 2024 final is well under way, as england and spain fight for the trophy. the score is currently 1—0 to spain, as they score 69 seconds into the second half. the equalising goal has the equalising goal has literally the equalising goal has literally just come in, so england is now 1—1, and it was cole palmer who scored the equalising goal. i'm just checking on the website, there it is, in the 73rd minute, cole palmer who was just substituted on. so yeah, 1—1 to england versus spain. we are obviously keeping an eye on that, and reaction from fans in the
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various zones, they are going crazy. we will keep you up—to—date. let's get more now on our top story — and president biden has promised a swift and thorough investigation into the assassination attempt against donald trump. the former us president was injured during a campaign rally in pennsylvania last night. a spectator was killed in the attack, and the gunman was shot dead by a secret service sniper. 0ur news correspondent azadeh moshiri has been looking at what we know about the assassination attempt. let's take a look at exactly how all of this unfolded, as well as look at some of the verified images of the event. now, this video is of donald trump speaking at the rally in butler, pennsylvania. we know that he went on stage at about 6.03pm local time in pennsylvania. now, this is the setup before the event started. now you can see, if we zoom in, this is the area here, the stage where donald trump was going to be speaking. and if we move here, this is a satellite image from before the rally.
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this point here is where donald trump was due to speak. now, we know that the gunman was set up on this building — and the bbc has calculated the distance, and it's a little over 130m. meanwhile, here is a sniper near donald trump — he was assigned to protect the former president during the rally. this video from tmz, though, shows the gunman on top of the building. he appears to be setting up and trying to take aim. then, just a few minutes into donald trump's campaign speech, loud shots ring out at about 6.10pm. take a look at what happened... gunfire you can then see secret service agents swarm around donald trump. and take a close listen to what he is saying — he tells them he needs shoes before they rush him off stage.
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i got you, sir, i got you, sir. let me get my shoes on. hold that on your head, you're bloody. sir, we got to move to the classroom. let me get my shoes! you can see, at this point, blood covering part of his right ear and on his face. he lifts his fist, mouthing the word "fight". that moment was captured in this photo by the new york times. you can then hear the crowd chanting "usa"! chanting: usa, usa, usa! these are videos that captured the moment, filmed by people attending the rally — and that bbc news has verified. remember, one spectator was killed at the rally and, according to our us media partner, cbs, two others were critically injured. now, a little over 20 minutes later, trump's campaign says he is fine — that's at 7.03pm. at 7.45pm, law enforcement confirms
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that the suspect is dead along with an audience member. now, all of this is a little over more than an hour—and—a—half after the incident took place. so, this is how all of this unfolded. the next question, though, for secret service is how it could have even happened in the first place. our team at bbc verify has analysed footage, eyewitness testimony, and satellite imagery showing how the assassination attempt against former us president donald trump unfolded. here's ros atkins. how did the us secret service fail to stop this? gunfire get down, get down, get down! the fbi says this was an attempted assassination, that it's surprising the attacker was able to open fire. bbc verify has examined videos, eyewitness testimony, and satellite imagery to build up a detailed picture of how that happened.
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on saturday night, donald trump was speaking at a campaign event in the city of butler, in pennsylvania. he took to the stage at 6.03pm. there were bleachers behind him and secret service snipers on the roof. just over 100 metres away with these buildings, outside the rally venue. from the nearest, the gunman had a clear line of sight to the stage. this video shows the same buildings — it was filmed at 6.10pm — we know this because we can hear trump's speech in the background. the smaller building on the right is the one the gunman was on. in this video, we see a man talking to someone who appears to be a police officer — they both look at the buildings. an eyewitness also told the bbc that, while trump was speaking, they'd seen someone on the roof. we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear—crawling up the roof of the building beside us. we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. and he had a gun, right? he had a rifle — we could clearly
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see him with a rifle. and the police were like, "huh, what?" you know, like, they didn't know what was going on. the police haven't responded to this claim. there's also this video, filmed by a member of the public, and showing the gunman as he opens fire. at 6.11pm, there were three shots. trump raises his hand to his right ear and ducks. there were more shots. one person in the crowd was killed, two others were critically injured. this video shows an injured man being carried away. cross—referencing with other videos, we know this is in the bleacher to the right of the stage — that's consistent with the shot being fired from the roof towards trump. seconds after the shots were fired, in the words of the secret service, snipers neutralised the shooter. this video shows a person motionless on the roof of the building. 0n the stage, secret service agents surrounded donald trump before moving him away. we have a clear picture of how this attempted assassination played out. the investigation will want to find out why the secret service didn't do more to prevent it.
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ros atkins there, and what we are seeing here is newjersey airport where donald trump will be leaving in order to make his way to milwaukee, to the republican national convention. now there had been a suggestion potentially that this would be postponed somewhat, but he actually set himself on his social media platform, truth social, that he was going to delay his trip to wisconsin, but he cannot allow a potential assassin to force change to scheduling, therefore in his words, "i'll be leaving for milwaukee as scheduled." so he is on his way to the republican convention in milwaukee, that will be taking place on monday. it's been really ramped up with secret service and law enforcement agencies working
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with the rsc officials —— rnc officials to make sure there is security there. the rnc is important because it's where delegates are expected to vote in former president trump as the republican party's presidential nominee. so understandably, he does not want to miss that — but understandably, had he changed his plans, it would've been understandable, but he is of course continuing with that action. so we will monitor those live shots as he will be flying to milwaukee. we will now go back to the euros — the final has kicked off in berlin, the final has kicked off in berlin, the score is currently 1—1 with cole palmer equalising just moments after coming on. we are going to see the
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fans own in wembley park. let's speak to our reporter sergi forcada, who is lamine yamal�*s hometown of mataro. he's been all over this game, he had that assist in the first goal in the 1-1 that assist in the first goal in the 1—1 goal, now it's been equalised. what a game! 1-1 goal, now it's been equalised. what a game!— what a game! yes, and i can tell you that as soon — what a game! yes, and i can tell you that as soon as _ what a game! yes, and i can tell you that as soon as possible _ what a game! yes, and i can tell you that as soon as possible spain - that as soon as possible spain scored, the atmosphere here was electric with spanish flags, people waving spanish flags and chanting, especially chanting things about you mean them all —— you mean you like some people here even know him, they are familiar with him becausejust a few him, they are familiar with him because just a few years ago, he was playing in the local field here because just a few years ago, he was playing in the localfield here in
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mataro. ., , , ., playing in the localfield here in mataro. ., , ., , mataro. the atmosphere here is a bit calmer after— mataro. the atmosphere here is a bit calmer after england _ mataro. the atmosphere here is a bit calmer after england scored, - mataro. the atmosphere here is a bit calmer after england scored, but - calmer after england scored, but every time there is an opportunity for spain, we can hear how much they want this, how much they want their team to score once again and get the trophy. and it's a real game for those players becausejude bellingham gave the assisted cole palmer. and you mean the model is just 17, he turned 17 yesterday, this is the next generation of football players in what we are seeing in this final at the euros. —— lamine yamal. b5 seeing in this final at the euros. -- lamine yamal.— seeing in this final at the euros. -- lamine yamal. as we said, it was lamine yamal's _ -- lamine yamal. as we said, it was lamine yamal's birthday _ -- lamine yamal. as we said, it was lamine yamal's birthday yesterday, | lamine yamal's birthday yesterday, and people have been singing happy birthday to him as they wait for the match to start. so definitely a new
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generation of players, many people here, there's lots of teenagers and children here — i was asking them if they remember the generation that was very successful for spain in 2008-12, and was very successful for spain in 2008—12, and they were like, "we heard about who y'all," but for them this is a new chapter because some of the people here in the watching party were too young when spain was very successful at the euros and world cup. and as i said here, very proud of this young but very powerful start right now, lamine yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turning 17. yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turnin~17. ., ., yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turnin~17. . ~ i. yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turnin~17. ., ~' ,, yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turnin~17. . ~ . yamal, whose birthday was yesterday, turnin~17. ., ~' . ., turning 17. thank you so much from mataro, turning 17. thank you so much from mataro. where _ turning 17. thank you so much from mataro, where lamine _ turning17. thank you so much from mataro, where lamine yamal- turning 17. thank you so much from i mataro, where lamine yamal started out, brilliant, his birthday yesterday. isn't it fascinating, all those people still know him because he had just finished playing there,
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and now heading up spain at the euros. we're going to see here from some england fans. let's speak to reporter meghan 0wens, who is in exeter — where 0llie watson grew up so they must be at the edge of their seats, here we go again? the so they must be at the edge of their seats, here we go again?— seats, here we go again? the last time we were _ seats, here we go again? the last time we were on, _ seats, here we go again? the last time we were on, ollie _ time we were on, 0llie watkins wasn't even on the pitch, and now he is, which i think has really pleased the crowd here. as soon as he came on, everyone was shouting his name... sorry, just keeping an eye on the screen. how excited are you that 0llie watkins is now on? 1anthem that ollie watkins is now on? when the su er that ollie watkins is now on? when the suaer subs _ that ollie watkins is now on? when the super subs are _ that ollie watkins is now on? when the super subs are on, _ that ollie watkins is now on? when the super subs are on, palmer - that 0llie watkins is now on? when the super subs are on, palmer got a goal, _ the super subs are on, palmer got a goal. ollie _ the super subs are on, palmer got a goal, 0llie watkins is next. and the super subs are on, palmer got a goal, ollie watkins is next. and how do ou goal, ollie watkins is next. and how do you think — goal, ollie watkins is next. and how do you think england _ goal, ollie watkins is next. and how do you think england have _ goal, ollie watkins is next. and how do you think england have been - do you think england have been playing so far?— do you think england have been -la in: sofar? ., , f playing so far? really well, they've made the right _ playing so far? really well, they've made the right decision _ playing so far? really well, they've made the right decision so - playing so far? really well, they've made the right decision so far. - playing so far? really well, they've made the right decision so far. we | made the right decision so far. we 'ust made the right decision so far. we just need — made the right decision so far. we just need to — made the right decision so far. we just need to have _ made the right decision so far. we just need to have a _
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made the right decision so far. we just need to have a couple - made the right decision so far. we just need to have a couple more i just need to have a couple more subs, _ just need to have a couple more subs, bring _ just need to have a couple more subs, bring on_ just need to have a couple more subs, bring on cole _ just need to have a couple more subs, bring on cole palmer, - just need to have a couple morej subs, bring on cole palmer, and just need to have a couple more - subs, bring on cole palmer, and it's on. ~ . ., subs, bring on cole palmer, and it's on, ~ . ., ., subs, bring on cole palmer, and it's on. ~ .., ., , on. which one of you was behind me when he scored? _ on. which one of you was behind me when he scored? our— on. which one of you was behind me when he scored? our friend - on. which one of you was behind me when he scored? our friend ben - when he scored? our friend ben throu~h when he scored? our friend ben through his _ when he scored? our friend ben through his plant, _ when he scored? our friend ben through his plant, so _ when he scored? our friend ben through his plant, so i _ when he scored? our friend benj through his plant, so i apologise for him — through his plant, so i apologise for him. �* , through his plant, so i apologise for him._ that _ through his plant, so i apologise for him._ that goal- through his plant, so i apologise for him._ that goal wasl for him. it's fine. that goal was unbelievable, _ for him. it's fine. that goal was unbelievable, that _ for him. it's fine. that goal was unbelievable, that feeling - for him. it's fine. that goal was - unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd _ unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was— unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was so _ unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was so good. _ unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was so good. the - unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was so good.— unbelievable, that feeling amongst the crowd was so good. the crowd at exeter city has _ the crowd was so good. the crowd at exeter city has been _ the crowd was so good. the crowd at exeter city has been amazing, - the crowd was so good. the crowd at exeter city has been amazing, it's i exeter city has been amazing, it's such— exeter city has been amazing, it's such a _ exeter city has been amazing, it's such a good — exeter city has been amazing, it's such a good atmosphere. it exeter city has been amazing, it's such a good atmosphere. it means so much that ollie _ such a good atmosphere. it means so much that ollie watkins _ such a good atmosphere. it means so much that ollie watkins is _ such a good atmosphere. it means so much that ollie watkins is here. - much that 0llie watkins is here. he's one of our own, he grew up in newton— he's one of our own, he grew up in newton abbey, it's amazing that he's on. �* ., newton abbey, it's amazing that he's on, a ., ., " , newton abbey, it's amazing that he's on. �* . ., . on. brilliant, thanks so much... ro , on. brilliant, thanks so much... rory. hello.--- _ on. brilliant, thanks so much... rory, hello,... it— on. brilliant, thanks so much... rory, hello,... it sounds- on. brilliant, thanks so much... rory, hello,... it sounds like i on. brilliant, thanks so much... l rory, hello,... it sounds like they 'ust rory, hello,... it sounds like they just scored? _ rory, hello,... it sounds like they just scored? oh _ rory, hello,... it sounds like they just scored? oh my _ rory, hello,... it sounds like they just scored? oh my gosh, - rory, hello,... it sounds like they just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, i rory, hello,... it sounds like they l just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we 'ust saw just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we just saw spain _ just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we just saw spain score! _ just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we just saw spain score! i _ just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we just saw spain score! i missed - just scored? oh my gosh, sorry, we just saw spain score! i missed that! j just saw spain score! i missed that! reaction, rory? i just saw spain score! i missed that! reaction. rory?— reaction, rory? ithink ollie watkins will _ reaction, rory? i think ollie
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watkins will net _ reaction, rory? i think ollie watkins will net it _ reaction, rory? ithink ollie watkins will net it in - reaction, rory? ithink ollie watkins will net it in extra . reaction, rory? i think ollie - watkins will net it in extra time. how— watkins will net it in extra time. how are — watkins will net it in extra time. how are you feeling now? it's 2—1. | how are you feeling now? it's 2—1. i think he's going to make it a draw and itii— think he's going to make it a draw and it'll go — think he's going to make it a draw and it'll go to them. you think there's still— and it'll go to them. you think there's still time _ and it'll go to them. you think there's still time for— and it'll go to them. you think there's still time for a - and it'll go to them. you think there's still time for a draw? i and it'll go to them. you think. there's still time for a draw? it'll come in. that's _ there's still time for a draw? it'll come in. that's optimistic - there's still time for a draw? it'll come in. that's optimistic of - there's still time for a draw? it'll| come in. that's optimistic of you. that's really _ come in. that's optimistic of you. that's really optimistic, _ come in. that's optimistic of you. that's really optimistic, rory, - come in. that's optimistic of you. that's really optimistic, rory, i'm proud _ that's really optimistic, rory, i'm proud of— that's really optimistic, rory, i'm proud of you _ that's really optimistic, rory, i'm proud of you-— that's really optimistic, rory, i'm proud of you. a proud of you. how are you feeling? a little sad, i — proud of you. how are you feeling? a little sad, i can't _ proud of you. how are you feeling? a little sad, i can't lie, _ proud of you. how are you feeling? a little sad, i can't lie, but _ proud of you. how are you feeling? a little sad, i can't lie, but it's- little sad, i can't lie, but it's not — little sad, ican't lie, but it's not over— little sad, i can't lie, but it's not over yet _ little sad, i can't lie, but it's not over yet. we've - little sad, i can't lie, but it's not over yet. we've just - little sad, i can't lie, but it's not over yet. we've just got| little sad, i can't lie, but it's. not over yet. we've just got to little sad, i can't lie, but it's- not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, — not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, it's— not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, it's still— not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, it's still been _ not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, it's still been an - not over yet. we've just got to stay positive, it's still been an amazing i positive, it's still been an amazing experience. — positive, it's still been an amazing experience, whatever— positive, it's still been an amazing experience, whatever the - positive, it's still been an amazing experience, whatever the result. i positive, it's still been an amazing i experience, whatever the result. 0k, experience, whatever the result. ok, i think... experience, whatever the result. ok, ithink--- sorry. _ experience, whatever the result. ithink... sorry, it'sjust experience, whatever the result. i think... sorry, it'sjust that this game is pretty up and down. so we started off optimistic, pretty disappointed now, but there's still time. 88 disappointed now, but there's still time. j~j~ , ., ., ., , time. 88 minutes of the game, and is still time - i— time. 88 minutes of the game, and is still time - i love _ time. 88 minutes of the game, and is still time - i love the _ time. 88 minutes of the game, and is still time - i love the optimism - still time — i love the optimism of meghan and the guys that she was interviewing there, it is 2—1 at the
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moment, and understandably spain are celebrating 88 minutes to go until the final whistle, and currently it is 2—1. let's speak to emer mccarthy, in benidorm. it's a bit met up but they can't be happy. i! it's a bit met up but they can't be ha - . , ., it's a bit met up but they can't be ha“ _ it's a bit met up but they can't be ha--. , it's a bit met up but they can't be hau. , , happy. if you spoke us five minutes auo, happy. if you spoke us five minutes aao, it happy. if you spoke us five minutes ago. it was — happy. if you spoke us five minutes ago. it was a _ happy. if you spoke us five minutes ago, it was a totally _ happy. if you spoke us five minutes ago, it was a totally different - ago, it was a totally different story, as you can see, it's a pretty muted and quiet main strip here in bentancur in right now. of course there's hundreds of british fans lining the streets, and it's gone very quiet. i really don't know what the next few minutes — no one does — what the next few minutes hold, but it's tense here. it what the next few minutes hold, but it's tense here.— it's tense here. it certainly as intense scenes. _ it's tense here. it certainly as intense scenes. i _ it's tense here. it certainly as intense scenes. i think- it's tense here. it certainly as intense scenes. i think we'rel it's tense here. it certainly as - intense scenes. i think we're going to cross back to spain — lamine
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yamal originated from mataro, 2—1, congratulations, 89th minute. aha, congratulations, 89th minute. moment ago, i was saying they had become calmer and more nervous, after england scored. but now they are just chanting, waving the spanish flags, and actually now, giving massive applause to their star, lamine yamal, because of the big screen they have here in the city centre of mataro. now they are chanting lamine yamal's name, and there's a song the citizens of this town have made up for him. so really proud, and also the fact that there's not much left, it makes them think that it could happen and they could get this done. 0bviously
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another... could get this done. obviously another- - -_ could get this done. obviously another... ., ., ., ., ., another... no, that was not another coal, another... no, that was not another goal. don't — another... no, that was not another goal. don't even _ another... no, that was not another goal, don't even go _ another... no, that was not another goal, don't even go there, - another... no, that was not another goal, don't even go there, you're i goal, don't even go there, you're already 2—1 up, don't get greedy. i already 2—1 up, don't get greedy. i can't see the screen over there, but i can only fear the reaction, i'm really proud that spain is about to get the fourth euro cup. if that happens, than obvious he there's still some time to go, and spain will be the first nation ever to win the euros for the fourth time. so yes, everyone is really happy here, and by now they probablyjust want the game to be over. and by now they probably 'ust want the game to be over._ the game to be over. i think they do, and i think— the game to be over. i think they do, and i think it's _ the game to be over. i think they do, and i think it's one _ the game to be over. i think they do, and i think it's one minute i the game to be over. i think they do, and i think it's one minute ofj do, and i think it's one minute of injury time so it'll be over pretty quickly. that second goal scored in the 86 minute, i'm sure he pronounced his name terribly — what do we know about him? so pronounced his name terribly - what do we know about him?— pronounced his name terribly - what do we know about him? so before you were saying. —
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do we know about him? so before you were saying, there _ do we know about him? so before you were saying, there were _ do we know about him? so before you were saying, there were lots - do we know about him? so before you were saying, there were lots of - were saying, there were lots of newcomers in this new squad — she's not one of the newcomers, he's already a familiar name in spanish football, but obviously the headlines have been focusing on all these younger stars like neco williams or our own lamine yamal. so someone who's already been around for a while, but i have to say that here, they don't —— it doesn't really matter who scores, as long as they get this through. now it seems like this is about to happen. i can already hear some fireworks, i must say, hopefully for those who are already setting fireworks up, this won't change because they will probably be disappointed in the end if the result changes. the electric atmosphere now, like they are about
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to win the euros.— to win the euros. we've got four minutes of— to win the euros. we've got four minutes of injury _ to win the euros. we've got four minutes of injury time, - to win the euros. we've got four minutes of injury time, already. minutes of injury time, already into the second minute of that, so there's only a few minutes left in there's only a few minutes left in the game. it's been tense, i know england fans will be so disappointed but spain were the favourites, if we are going to be strictly honest about this. are going to be strictly honest about this-— are going to be strictly honest about this. , ., , ., , about this. yes, and people here in sain about this. yes, and people here in spain were — about this. yes, and people here in spain were quite — about this. yes, and people here in spain were quite confident - about this. yes, and people here in spain were quite confident that - about this. yes, and people here in| spain were quite confident that they could be england — to the point that in madrid, there were already things being prepared for a potential parade. so earlier this morning, there were some structures outside one of the main squares in madrid where a celebration is expected if they end up winning. so as soon as they end up winning. so as soon as the men's national team comes back to the country, we can expect a parade and reception by the mayor of
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madrid. but here, i'm sure there will be celebrations in this case with a particular emphasis on lamine yamal. as we are saying, more fireworks going up already, i think it'sjust two minutes fireworks going up already, i think it's just two minutes until the match finishes now. it’s it'sjust two minutes until the match finishes now.— it'sjust two minutes until the match finishes now. it's one minute now, match finishes now. it's one minute now. england _ match finishes now. it's one minute now, england will— match finishes now. it's one minute now, england will need _ match finishes now. it's one minute now, england will need to... - match finishes now. it's one minute now, england will need to... i'm - now, england will need to... i'm watching the screen now, england will need to do something magical in this one minute. will spain have a national day's holiday, or people allowed to go into work a little bit later tomorrow morning, like they are in the uk? i later tomorrow morning, like they are in the uk?— later tomorrow morning, like they are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle. _ are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle. in _ are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle, in theory _ are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle, in theory - _ are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle, in theory - if- are in the uk? i would say no, not in principle, in theory - if they - in principle, in theory — if they end up winning, it would be a normal working day, so people expect that at work, there's no school for kids because it's their summer break, so they probably can stay up later than usual. but in theory, one should be
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expected at work as normal, and those who wanted spain to win will probably be having a big smile after this victory if it ends up happening, it'sjust a matter of seconds or a minute or so. but no, no holiday, they have to go back to work as normal, i'm afraid. ilirui’ith work as normal, i'm afraid. with 25-20 seconds _ work as normal, i'm afraid. with 25-20 seconds to _ work as normal, i'm afraid. with 25-20 seconds to go _ work as normal, i'm afraid. with 25-20 seconds to go in - work as normal, i'm afraid. with 25—20 seconds to go in this game, i think it's fitting to end with you, to give you the last words and just to give you the last words and just to say congratulations as we expect the final whistle to go — congratulations, spain have won it. cheering done, it's done. celebrations here and jubilation, as you can see, people celebrating — spain has won
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the euros, and people here are really happily celebrating, waving flags with some kind of light over there. but yes, you can see the reaction from lamine yamal's hometown here, and electric atmosphere right now, and pleased that spain has becomejust atmosphere right now, and pleased that spain has become just the first country ever to win the euro cup for a fourth time. is country ever to win the euro cup for a fourth time-— a fourth time. is it magical that we are with you _ a fourth time. is it magical that we are with you in _ a fourth time. is it magical that we are with you in mataro _ a fourth time. is it magical that we are with you in mataro as - a fourth time. is it magical that we are with you in mataro as spain - a fourth time. is it magical that we i are with you in mataro as spain win? the place where lamine yamal learned his skill, this absolute superstar — we will be hearing so much from this player who only yesterday turned 17, and you are there amongst his friends — it'sjust magical. and you are there amongst his friends - it'sjust magical. friends - it's 'ust magical. yes, and he is — friends - it's 'ust magical. yes, and he is an — friends - it'sjust magical. yes, and he is an icon _ friends - it'sjust magical. yes, and he is an icon here. - friends - it'sjust magical. yes, and he is an icon here. earlieri and he is an icon here. earlier today, i was in the field where he started playing... bud
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today, i was in the field where he started playing. . ._ today, i was in the field where he started playing... and typically as he was getting — started playing... and typically as he was getting very _ started playing... and typically as he was getting very excited - started playing... and typically as| he was getting very excited there, started playing... and typically as i he was getting very excited there, i just want to say that we were in mataro, spain, the place where lamine yamal was playing on concrete on the back streets of this small town down from barcelona, and it was just lovely to be able to celebrate the euro 2024 champions, spain, in the euro 2024 champions, spain, in the place where lamine yamal and dunne earned his trade. so 2—1, spain to england... look, england played well and the whole nation got behind the england team. we got behind the england team. we got behind a lovely family from birmingham whom we visited every single time england were playing, but it wasn't meant to be this time. spain have one the euro 2024 football tournament 2—1 against
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england. there will be lots of reaction and analysis across bbc news and bbc sport. but friend me and the team for the time being, congratulations to spain, bye for now. we are very nearly through we are very nearly throuthuly and the summer has been very cool and for some of us very wet indeed. there's some heavy rain and forecast for the week ahead, but it's likely to be drier and warmerfor a time. in the short term, it is this area of low pressure swirling its way in from the southwest, and this system will generate some very heavy rain across the south of the uk during monday. further north, many places getting off to a fine start with some sunshine, but let's zoom in — some heavy thundery downpours for the channel islands, turning very wet across southern england, southwest england and also
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wales likely to see some particularly heavy rain through the day, which could give rise to some localised flooding and some transport disruption. that cloud spilling its way northwards all the while across the midlands, north wales, eventually into northern england. northern ireland not doing too badly — some sunny spells but increasing amounts of cloud. sunny spells and just one or two showers across scotland, although it could stay quite grey and quite murky up towards the far north — 14 celsius there for lerwick. but come further south, a fairly warm feel, particularly for these north sea coast where it has been so cool over recent days. temperatures getting up into the low 20s. now, that wet weather continuing to spill its way northwards across parts of england and wales as we go through monday night into the first part of tuesday morning, something a little bit drier and clearer out towards the west. and that rain will linger for parts of northern england down into the midlands, east anglia as we go through the day on tuesday. further west, though, we will see some spells of sunshine, albeit with some scattered heavy showers. and temperatures on tuesday, well, it's not going to feel too bad if you get yourself into some sunshine. typically high teens, low 20s celsius, but perhaps a little bit cooler than that
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where the rain lingers for any length of time. now, as we move into the middle part of the week, this area of high pressure will tend to build. and that means actually on wednesday, a lot of fine weather around, some spells of sunshine, just one or two showers here and there. the frontal system is likely to bring rain into northern ireland later in the day, but ahead of that it is going to be pretty warm. in fact, temperatures down towards the southeast corner could well get to 24—25 celsius. now, that drier and warmer weather will hold on for some of us as we head through the end of the week. but generally, the further north and west you are across the uk turning unsettled again, turning cooler as well.
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live from london. this is bbc news. heartache for england after spain score a late goal the euro 2024 final. england substitute cole palmer equalised but it wasn't enough against the spanish side.
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i'm at st james i'm at stjames park in exeter where 0llie watkins started his career. there are a lot of disappointed fans leaving the stadium. heartbreakfor heartbreak for english football fans. england have lost the euro 2024 final in berlin.— 2024 final in berlin. spain beat them 2-0- _ 2024 final in berlin. spain beat them 2-0. let's _ 2024 final in berlin. spain beat them 2-0. let's take _ 2024 final in berlin. spain beat them 2-0. let's take you - 2024 final in berlin. spain beat i them 2-0. let's take you through 2024 final in berlin. spain beat - them 2-0. let's take you through the them 2—0. let's take you through the goals. the first half of the goal might game ended goalless butjust after the second half started this happened. nico williams and scored. it was a lovely move, with the spanish teenage sensation lamine yamal at the centre of it. it fell
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to nico williams,


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