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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 19, 2024 3:00am-4:01am BST

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our children understand family. our children will have values and our children will love god. cheering our country will prioritise free speech, respect freedom of religion and honour our constitution. as a son, i've never been more proud of a person in my life. a man who has defied all odds more than once. a man who believed in the promise of america when others turned away. a man who saw a nation in need of a champion and answered that call with unwavering determination and courage. a man who survived a bullet that was intended to eliminate him permanently from ourfuture
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and from ourfamily. never have i been more proud to be a trump. applause never have i been more proud to stand by my father's side. i remain incredibly honoured to be part of this journey, a journey all of you, a journey to save the greatest country on earth, a journey with the most incredible people i have ever met. dad, five days ago, laura, luke, carolina and i held our breath as we saw blood pour across your face. breath as we saw blood pour across yourface. by breath as we saw blood pour across your face. by the grace of god, divine intervention, and your guardian angels above, you survived. cheering and applause
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crowd chant: we want trump! we want trump! we want trump we love trump. we love trump! you are the greatest fighter i have ever seen. you are strong. you are full of life. and you are unapologetic. your optimism is contagious. your backbone is unbreakable. your conviction to fight for what is right and against all that is wrong is truly next level.
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cheering and applause the whole world saw your strength as you stood up. you wiped the blood off your face and you put your fist in the air ina and you put your fist in the air in a moment that will be remembered as one of the most courageous acts in the history of american politics! you shouted "fight! fight! fight". fight! fight! fight! fight! fight! fight! fight! fight! i’m fight! fight! fight! fight! honoured fight! fight! fight! fight! i'm honoured to _ fight! fight! fight! fight! i'm honoured to be your son. i'm honoured to be your son. i'm honoured to be your son. i'm honoured to speak to our great nation tonight. you are a true leader. you epitomise strength. our country loves you. our country loves you. our country loves you. our country precious you. our country precious you. our country precious you. our country misses you.
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and on november 5, our country will re—elect you as the 47th president of the united states of america. cheering and applause god bless you all. cheering and applause well, we'vejust been cheering and applause well, we've just been listening there to eric trump, the son of donald trump, addressing the final night of the republican national convention here in milwaukee in wisconsin, building up of course to the keynote, the headliner of the night, which will be the former president himself, donald trump. eric trump there delivering quite a fiery speech, very much outlining his father's policies. also a bit of a guy graphical speech,
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telling us all about donald trump's original story, his cv essentially, lining that out. rodney davis is here, former republican congressman for illinois. there was a bit of an outline of donald trump there, but a bit of red—meat campaign fire as well. has but a bit of red-meat campaign fire as well.— fire as well. as hulk hogan would have _ fire as well. as hulk hogan would have said, _ fire as well. as hulk hogan would have said, "brothers fire as well. as hulk hogan - would have said, "brothers and sisters, everybody needs their red meat." and these delegates tonight got their red meat. what role do you think eric trump is playing in the build—up? the whole picture that we're seeing tonight? well, you saw the crowd get excited. you saw the "fight, fight, fight" and the chants continue to build up to the moment when president trump's going to take the stage again. this is entertainment again. again, every single minute of what's happening tonight has been scripted out and been laid out, practised, and it's been executed very well. when you have an individual who's as well known as donald trump is and has been president on top of that, are there
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certain challenging in a way in what you can say? because the whole country, the whole world knows who donald trump is at this stage. knows who donald trump is at this stage-— this stage. that's why i think it's so important _ this stage. that's why i think it's so important for - this stage. that's why i thinkl it's so important for president trump in his speech tonight to continue what the tenor and the tone for... as to a unifying approach that we've seen this entire convention. that would be different for america and the world to see. and i think you're going to witness that tonight. that's new, but i do believe those voters who may have been disenchanted with donald trump in the past because of his rhetoric and personal actions and social media posts, may take a second look because joe media posts, may take a second look becausejoe biden's policies and joe biden himself have been failures. we policies and joe biden himself have been failures.— have been failures. we heard from eric _ have been failures. we heard from eric trump _ have been failures. we heard from eric trump there - have been failures. we heard from eric trump there a - have been failures. we heard from eric trump there a few. have been failures. we heard l from eric trump there a few of the lines of old like "draining the lines of old like "draining the swamp" and those kinds of greatest hits, if you like to call them, that we've heard from the trump campaign along the way. what... do you think is there a balance between what eric trump was saying if we're going to see a more calm,
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unified speech from donald trump that eric trump was taking more of the heat and the fire there? i taking more of the heat and the fire there?— fire there? i certainly hope my children later _ fire there? i certainly hope my children later in _ fire there? i certainly hope my children later in life _ fire there? i certainly hope my children later in life can - fire there? i certainly hope my children later in life can say i children later in life can say that things might not seem as nice for me. i don't expect to run for office again so i won't have to worry about it. but in the end, yes, eric trump exactly is the person who can deliver that, exactly is the person who can deliverthat, because exactly is the person who can deliver that, because he can do it with passion. he can do it because, as he showed, he showed the love for his father and he was so dedicated toward sending that message of hope and that message of fight and that's what the american people want to see also.— want to see also. we've been speaking _ want to see also. we've been speaking all _ want to see also. we've been speaking all week _ want to see also. we've been speaking all week about - want to see also. we've been speaking all week about the i speaking all week about the efforts to humanise we saw that here. all the grandchildren here. all the grandchildren here are in the vvvip box. the two smallest ones sitting on his knee. the younger one sitting on lara trump's knee. it adds to creating a more human vision of donald trump thatis human vision of donald trump that is clearly one of the goals of this week. yeah. and
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it's not a _ goals of this week. yeah. and it's not a creation. _ goals of this week. yeah. and it's not a creation. the - goals of this week. yeah. and j it's not a creation. the donald trump that i know does care about the minutiae of everyone's life. and the caricature that everyone built in america and throughout the world that donald trump was not a caring individual, just a narcissistic president who lucked into an election, now the world and america is getting to see the donald trump that i know and the donald trump that his family knows and unfortunately, it took a would—be assassin to get people to pay attention to really who he is. stephanie murphy, former democratic congresswoman from florida, is here with us as well. stephanie, what did you make of eric trump's speech there? actually, you know what? you don't have to answer that question because melania trump, i'm told, is about to arrive into the arena here behind us. no eyes on herjust yet. but former president trump has now exited the vip box here. jd
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vance is still there with his wife. donald trump vance is still there with his wife. donald trumer is there. tiffany trump is there. ivanka trump is there. lara trump has left but so, too, have the two tiniest grandchildren, so she may have gone to put them to bed. while we're waiting for the former first lady to arrive here, stephanie, what, from a democratic point of view, did you make of eric trump's speech there and the whole that he's playing here tonight?- playing here tonight? well, he's played _ playing here tonight? well, he's played a _ playing here tonight? well, he's played a significant - playing here tonight? well, | he's played a significant role as he was the key advocate for vice—president. there she is. there is melania trump. cheering the formerfirst lady who cheering the former first lady who has been absent from the campaign trail and from the various court appearances as well. she's just arriving here. court appearances as well. she'sjust arriving here. she's coming in the same way that the former president has come under the tunnel from beneath the stand where we're sitting now and she's making her way up the stairs to the special family box, where jd stairs to the special family box, wherejd vance is sitting with his wife, and all of the
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trump children and most of the grandchildren. cheering and applause just pausing there to wave at the top of the stairs. a very warm welcome for her here. melania trump is a popular figure within supporters of donald trump, and the republican party. melania trump was treated so terribly when she was first lady. this is somebody who was an immigrant to our country. she should be celebrated for that status. she knows multiple languages, a very intelligent individual, and was treated horribly by many americans in the american press and i certainly hope they change their tune if he's re—elected in november. so a video is just about to play in the stadium here. again, we're building up to the main event which will be, of course, the former president
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himself, donald trump speaking later when he officially accepts the nomination of the republican party. this little video that's playing here taking us back through a biographical tour of donald trump's life, his career, his various businesses. we're seeing images of trump tower and the books that he's written along the way. it's the final night of the republican national convention here in milwaukee in wisconsin. before we hear from milwaukee in wisconsin. before we hearfrom donald trump, we'll hear from dana white, the ceo of the ufc ultimate fighting championship. and there will be a performance from kid rock, a special rendition of american badass and that is going to be we're told how donald trump will be introduced onto the stage a little later. stephanie, i'll allow little later. stephanie, i'llallow you little later. stephanie, i'll allow you to answer the question this time! i've had to keep interrupting you. my apologies for that. what was your view of what eric trump said there? he what was your view of what eric trump said there?—
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what was your view of what eric trump said there? he was a key erson trump said there? he was a key person in _ trump said there? he was a key person in the — trump said there? he was a key person in the selection - trump said there? he was a key person in the selection of- trump said there? he was a key person in the selection of the i person in the selection of the vice—president and it's clear that he has a significant role in his father's re—election campaign this cycle. he brought a little more red meat tonight than he did earlier this week and i imagine that that's consistent with what is... what we're going to see. it was sort of a warm—up for his father. indeed. he mentioned draining the swamp. he mentioned better rights for workers. he mentioned just one of the platforms which is getting rid of the department of education and returning education to the states. he talked about trans rights. he talked about the... you know, what he saw as the incredibly bad press that his father receives. cheering yeah, he reflects what the trump family feels that they have been maligned by what they call the mainstream media, but the reality is that
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conservative stations actually are the ones that have the greatest number of viewers in america and they don't portray the family that way, but he was voicing an attack on the other stations here in the us and a lot of those comments that he mentioned are just red meat for the base and it was bound to come up and i think this is just sort of a preview of what his father is going to talk about. perhaps he's the one giving that red meat, as we're calling it, that fire and fury and leaving the more calmer tone to donald trump which we've heard all week is the tone he's going it strike tonight.— it strike tonight. that could be the case _ it strike tonight. that could be the case as _ it strike tonight. that could be the case as well. - it strike tonight. that could be the case as well. this i be the case as well. this audience, those things resonate with them, the idea of abolishing an education department, the idea of getting rid of... you know, sending immigrants away, all of these things are core to this part
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and you can expect the democratic party to pounce on these things and remind the american voter what this platform stands for, and it stands for some policies that make a significant portion of america uncomfortable. speaking about education, _ america uncomfortable. speaking about education, in _ america uncomfortable. speaking about education, in your - america uncomfortable. speaking about education, in your own i about education, in your own state in florida, that's played out there in terms of information kids can access in school. . t, information kids can access in school. ., t, t, school. yeah. i have two school-aged _ school. yeah. i have two school-aged children i school. yeah. i have two| school-aged children and school. yeah. i have two i school-aged children and it's school—aged children and it's been an interesting situation to navigate, notjust as a mother but also as somebody who has been involved in policy. i think that the conservative mums pushing these poll advice have been very well organised and i wonder where the counterpoint is.
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i think some of policies passed are a detriment to our children, the things being banned from discussion in classrooms across florida, presets a situation where there will be a knowledge gap for students growing up in florida. the policy of abolishing a department of education — is that something the entire republican party is in favour of? is that something specific to the trump platform? when you talk about abolishing _ to the trump platform? when you talk about abolishing the - talk about abolishing the department of education, remember when stephanie and i served _ remember when stephanie and i served together in congress, republicans for two years had complete control of government. if that _ complete control of government. if that was their priority, that_ if that was their priority, that could have been done, but it wasn't — that could have been done, but it wasn't. so in the end, i think_ it wasn't. so in the end, i think bringing attention to some _ think bringing attention to some of the issues within our educational system and clearly the lack— educational system and clearly the lack of educational attainment of young children, especially post covid and the covid — especially post covid and the covid response in our educational institutions is
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something we need to talk about more _ more. can i... to more. - can i... to be more. — can i... to be fair, what they're talking about with abolishing the department of education, is not about the learning gap that occurred during covid. what they're talking about is the content of the materials that students are being provided, what types of books they have access to, the, you know, the type of history that they are learning, so i agree with you that we must, as agree with you that we must, as a nation, address the learning gap that occurred within the covid years, where many students were forced online but that's not what we're talking about here. abolishing the department of education is about something very, very different. about something very, very different-— different. certainly, ithink most americans _ different. certainly, ithink most americans would i different. certainly, ithink. most americans would agree, giving — most americans would agree, giving books to second—graders that talk— giving books to second—graders that talk about sexual relations is not... sorry, rodney- _ relations is not... sorry, rodney. just _ relations is not... sorry, rodney. just to - relations is not... sorry, rodney. just to say i relations is not... sorry, rodney. just to say why| relations is not... sorry, i rodney. just to say why there's such a large chant at the moment is that photograph from
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the stage that was taken attribute letter, pennsylvania just up on the screen of donald trump with his fist in the air and that elicited that big. here's kid rock. here's kid rock. he it's an entertainment show tonight. put your hand up in the air. say fight! fight!— put your hand up in the air. say fight! fight! fight! fight! say fight! fight! fight! fight! say trump! _ say fight! fight! fight! fight! say trump! scream! - # devil without a cause # and i'm back with the beaver hats and ben davis slacks i'm the living proof with the gift of gab from the city of truth
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ijabbed and stabbed and knocked critics back and i did not stutter when i said that going platinum (sellin' rhymes) i went platinum (seven times) and still they ill, and wanna see us fry i guess because the "only god knows why, why, why, why, why, ohhh they call me cowboy, i'm the singer in black so throw a fist in the air and let me see where you're at, say fight, fight # say trump! trump! like ac/dc and 22 top, ment the beasties and kings of rock, seger, limp korn and the stones, david allen coe and no
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showjones. # me rock with the flash, boy bands are trash. i likejohnny crash and grandmaster flash. # they call me cow boy # they call me cow boy # i'm the singer in black # i'm the singer in black # so throw a fist in the air and let me see where you're at # say fight! fight! # say fight! fight! # sa fiht! fiht! fight! # say fight! fight! fight! fight! say _ # say fight! fight! fight! fight! say trump! i # say fight! fight! fight! | fight! say trump! trump! # say fight! fight! fight! - fight! say trump! trump! trump! trum -' trump! iam trump! i am american bad ass. i'm a porno flick, i'm like amazing grace. # full sack to share
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# full sack to share # bringing flash and flare # bringing flash and flare # got the long hair swinging # got the long hair swinging # middle finger in the air # middle finger in the air # snake skin suits, 65chevelles # snake skin suits, 65chevelles # see me ride in sin # see me ride in sin # hear the rebel yell # hear the rebel yell # rock for freedom and rock for truth # who knew i'd blow up like only hama, # smell the aroma, chancellor of the exchequer my hits # trump's the... # trump's the... # they call me cowboy, i'm the singer in black # so throw a fist in the air and let me see where you're at # say trump! trump! # say trump! trump! # say trump! trump! # say trump, trump # say trump, trump i need to hear you louder than that. one more time! # i'm the cowboy # i'm the cowboy # bad ass in black # bad ass in black # say trump! trump! trump! trum -'
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# say trump! trump! trump! trump! from _ # say trump! trump! trump! trump! from side _ # say trump! trump! trump! trump! from side to - # say trump! trump! trump! trump! from side to side, i # say trump! trump! trump! i trump! from side to side, from front to back _ front to back # come on, trump! trump # come on, trump! trump # put detroit city back on the map # kid rock's in the house. this is where i'm at. ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the most patriotic american baths bad ass on earth, president donaldj. baths bad ass on earth, president donald j. trump. baths bad ass on earth, president donaldj. trump. but first, another american bad ass. my brother, dana white! god bless america! so we've just been watching quite the performance there from kid rock here at the republican national convention
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and the build—up to the big highlight and the build—up to the big high light of the night which will be the former president. still here with rodney davis and stephanie murphy. rodney you were rocking and laughing and enjoying that. i you were rocking and laughing and enjoying that.— and en'oying that. i like this new and enjoying that. i like this new republican _ and enjoying that. i like this new republican party. i i and enjoying that. i like this i new republican party. i really do. new republican party. i really do take _ new republican party. i really do. take that, democrats. top that, _ do. take that, democrats. top that, chicago. let's go. somehow i don't think george clooney will roll onto the stage in chicago. i’d clooney will roll onto the stage in chicago.- clooney will roll onto the stage in chicago. i'd love to see him _ stage in chicago. i'd love to see him perform _ stage in chicago. i'd love to see him perform that i stage in chicago. i'd love to see him perform that one. | stage in chicago. i'd love to i see him perform that one. i'm not sure if— see him perform that one. i'm not sure if the _ see him perform that one. i�*m! not sure if the atmosphere comes across through television but it is electric in here, everyone on their feet singing, fight, fight, fight, the fists in the air. fight, fight, fight, the fists in the air-— in the air. you know what? auain, in the air. you know what? again. this _ in the air. you know what? again, this is _ in the air. you know what? again, this is a _ in the air. you know what? again, this is a great i again, this is a great convention, all choreographed and my— convention, all choreographed and my wife and i, first time i ever_ and my wife and i, first time i eversaw— and my wife and i, first time i ever saw kid rock, ironically at my— ever saw kid rock, ironically at my last _ ever saw kid rock, ironically at my last favourite convention, 2004, where he played — convention, 2004, where he played an— convention, 2004, where he played an afterparty. this is a luy played an afterparty. this is a guy who — played an afterparty. this is a guy who is cop sistent in who
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he supports and what believes and i'm — he supports and what believes and i'm glad he was part of the convention. we and i'm glad he was part of the convention.— and i'm glad he was part of the convention. we might be able to ull convention. we might be able to pull taylor _ convention. we might be able to pull taylor swift _ convention. we might be able to pull taylor swift out _ convention. we might be able to pull taylor swift out of... i convention. we might be able to pull taylor swift out of... you i pull taylor swift out of... you know. ~ , pull taylor swift out of... you know. ., pull taylor swift out of... you know. ~ ., ,, �*, ., know. who's that? she's a chiefs know. who's that? she's a chiefs fan. — know. who's that? she's a chiefs fan. let's _ know. who's that? she's a chiefs fan. let's listen i know. who's that? she's a chiefs fan. let's listen to l chiefs fan. let's listen to dana white, _ chiefs fan. let's listen to dana white, the - chiefs fan. let's listen to dana white, the ceo - chiefs fan. let's listen to dana white, the ceo of | chiefs fan. let's listen to - dana white, the ceo of ultimate fighting championship.- fighting championship. asking me if i'd be — fighting championship. asking me if i'd be willing _ fighting championship. asking me if i'd be willing to - fighting championship. asking me if i'd be willing to speak i me if i'd be willing to speak tonight. as usual, there was no pressure, no demands. he asked me as a friend and of course, i said yes. then, after i accepted his offer, he sent me accepted his offer, he sent me a text message and i want to read to you a little piece of what president trump wrote to me. "dana, i'm so honoured that you will be doing the introduction at the national republican convention. think of it as the biggest fight you ever had, a fight for our country and even the world. i only wish you didn't have to interrupt your family trip, but i hope they understand, they love you and they know how
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important this is." cheering now, think about this. this man's running for president of the united states. he's fighting for the future of this country and he's concerned about interrupting my family trip. that's the president trump that i know. a man who truly cares about people. the mainstream media likes to push the narrative that he doesn't care about anyone but himself. absolutely know that's not the truth, because i've been friends with this guy for 25 years. applause and for the people who know me, they'll know this is true, i want to make something very clear. nobody in the trump campaign has ever told me what to say. nobody tells me what to say. and i'm nobody�*s puppet! cheering and applause and i'm not telling you what to think. i'm you what i know. and
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i know president trump. i know president trump is a fighter. i've been saying this since 2015. now, look at what's happened over the last ten years. we have all seen it with our own eyes. i'm in the tough guy business, and this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that i have ever met in my life. cheering and applause the higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never, ever gives up. so what's at stake here? the answer is in president trump's text and i quote — "a fight for our country". i know why he's running for president again. why else would he put himself through everything he's dealt with just to get back here. we all know he doesn't need this. this guy's got a great life. he has a beautiful family and he has a beautiful family and he has achieved everything that you could possibly achieve in
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life. i know president trump is literally putting his life on the line for something bigger than himself and he's willing to risk it all because he loves this country. and i know he wants what's best for the american people. all american people. i know he's running for president to save our american dream. i'm living the american dream! and i know the american dream! and i know the american dream is very real. whether you were born in this country or came here from some place else, this is the last real [and of opportunity. president reagan once said government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. and if you're buried in government red tape, how will you ever start your own business? if you're struggling to pay your bills, how can you ever afford to start a family? and if you
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don't feel safe in your own town, why would you ever buy a house? i know that president trump is fighting to save the american dream and that is what is at stake in this election. cheering and applause we are choosing who we want to lead us in this fight. i know president trump is a proven leader, a fearless leader, and this country was in a much better place when he was in the oval office. cheering and applause in my mind, the choice is clear. but this election we all get to choose. i know i'm going to choose strength and security. i know i'm going to choose opportunity and prosperity. i know i'm going to choose real american leadership and a real american bad ass. cheering and applause
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and i'm not telling you what choice to make and i'm not telling you what to think. i'm telling you what to think. i'm telling you what i know. i know america needs a strong leader and the world needs a strong america. i know donaldj. trump is the best choice for president of the united states. my president of the united states. my fellow americans, it is my honour to introduced the 45th and soon to be 47th president of the united states, donaldj. trump! #if # if tomorrow all the things were gone # i worked for all my life
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# i worked for all my life # and i had start again: we've been listening _ # and i had start again: we've been listening there _ # and i had start again: we've been listening there to - # and i had start again: we've been listening there to dana i been listening there to dana white, ceo of ultimate fighting championship, before president donald trump will take to the stage to give his official acceptance speech of the nomination of the republican party. to contest the race for the white house in november. # and i'm proud to be an american # where at least i know i'm free # and i won't forget the men who died # who gave that right to me. this is lee greenfield performing an iconic song, rodfully? you can hear the crowd singing along and it's a perfect choice for an entry song and i was kinda hoping he would use a song i had earlier when he was practising, creed, higher,, one of my favourite songs but he chose a good song.—
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of my favourite songs but he chose a good song. whether you are left or _ chose a good song. whether you are left or right _ chose a good song. whether you are left or right or _ chose a good song. whether you are left or right or centre, i are left or right or centre, this— are left or right or centre, this song _ are left or right or centre, this song brings out a sense of patriotism with you no matter what — patriotism with you no matter what it's _ patriotism with you no matter what. it's an excellent song. here — what. it's an excellent song. here he _ what. it's an excellent song. here he is, the man himself. # from detroit to houston. # and new york to la. # there is pride in every american heart and it's time to stand and say... # i'm proud to be an american. # were at least i know i'm free. # and i won't forget the men who died. # who gave that right to me. # and i'd gladly stand up next to you. # and defend her still today. # because the banks no doubt. # i love this land. #
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god bless the usa. # i'm proud to be an american. # were at least i know i'm free. # and i'd gladly stand up next to you # and defend her still today # �*cause there ain't no doubt i love this land # god bless the usa. cheering and applause. all
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chant: usa! cheering and applause. all chant: usal— we love you! usa! usa! usa! thank you— we love you! usa! usa! usa! thank you very _ we love you! usa! usa! usa! thank you very much. - we love you! usa! usa! usa! thank you very much. thank l we love you! usa! usa! usa! i thank you very much. thank you very, very much. wow. and thank you, dana. thank you, kid rock. sometimes referred to as bob. laughter. and thank you, lee. right from the beginning. what a beautiful, beautiful song.
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friends, delegates, fellow citizens, i stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength and hope. four months from now, we will have an incredible victory and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, colourand citizens of every race, religion, colour and creed, the discord and division in our society must be healed. we must heal society must be healed. we must heat it quickly. as americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. we rise together or we fall apart. destiny. we rise together or we fallapart. iam running destiny. we rise together or we fall apart. i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america. because
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there is no victory in winning for half of america. so tonight, with faith and devotion, i proudly accept your nomination for president of the united states. thank you. usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank ou ve usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank you very much- — usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank you very much. we _ usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank you very much. we love _ usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank you very much. we love you! i usa! usa! usa! thank you. thank you very much. we love you! alll you very much. we love you! all chant: trump! _ you very much. we love you! all chant: trump! trump! - you very much. we love you! all chant: trump! trump! trump! l chant: trump! trump! trump! thank— chant: trump! trump! trump! thank you — chant: trump! trump! trump! thank you very much. and we will do it right. let me begin
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this evening by expressing my gratitude to the american people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on saturday. we assassination attempt at my rally on saturday.— assassination attempt at my rally on saturday. we love you! as ou rally on saturday. we love you! as you already _ rally on saturday. we love you! as you already know, _ rally on saturday. we love you! as you already know, the i as you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. so many people have asked me what happened. tell us what happened, please. and therefore, i will tell you exactly what happened and you'll never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. it was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in butler township in the great
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commonwealth of pennsylvania. music was lovely playing and the campaign was doing really well. i went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly. everybody was happy. i began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily because i was discussing the greatjob my administration did on immigration at the southern border. we were very proud of it. behind me, and to the right, was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. the numbers were absolutely amazing. in order to see the chart, i started to,
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like this, turn to my right. and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which i'm very lucky i didn't do. when i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard. on my right ear. i said to myself, "wow! what was that? it can only be a bullet." and brought my hand to my right ear, brought it down. my hand was covered in blood. just absolutely blood all over the place. i immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack. and one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. bullets were continuing
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to fly as very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage, and they really did — they rushed to the stage. it —— these are great people and great risk, i will tell you, and pounced on top of me so that i would be protected. there was blood pouring everywhere and yet, in a certain way, ifelt everywhere and yet, in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had got on my side. inaudible. the amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if i had not moved my head at very last instant, the assassin's
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bullet would have perfectly hit its mark and i would not be here tonight. we would not be together. the most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading son with actually seen later in almost all cases, as you probably know, and when even a single bullet is fired, just a single bullet and we had many bullets that were being fired, crowds run for the exits and stampede but not in this case. it was very unusual. this massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn't move an inch. in fact, many of them bravely but automatically stood up, looking for where the sniper would be.
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the new immediately it would be a sniper. and then began pointing to them. you can see that if you look at the group behind me. it wasjust that if you look at the group behind me. it was just a small group compared to what was in front. nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved. but that isn't the reason that they didn't move. the reason is that they knew i was in very serious trouble. they saw me go down, they saw the blood and thought actually, most did, that i was dead. they knew it was a shot to the head. they saw the blood. and there's an interesting statistic — years the bloodiest part. if something happens with the ears, they believe more than any other part of the body for whatever reason, the doctors told me. isaid whatever reason, the doctors told me. i said "why is there so much blood?" and he said,"
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the ears, they bleed so much more" so we all learn something. laughter. these crowd was beautiful, they did not want to leave me, they knew i was in trouble and they did not want to leave me and you could see that love written all over their faces. incredible people. there incredible people. there incredible people. bullets were flying over us, yet i felt serene. but now the secret service agents were putting themselves in peril. they were in very dangerous territory, bullets were flying right over them, missing them by a very small amount of inches. and then, it all stopped. our secret service sniperfrom a much greater distance and with only one bullet used took the assassin's life. took him out. i'm not
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supposed to be here tonight. i'm not supposed to be here. yes, you are! yes, you are! thtll yes, you are! yes, you are! all chant: yes. — yes, you are! yes, you are! all chant: yes. you _ yes, you are! yes, you are! all chant: yes, you are! _ yes, you are! yes, you are! all chant: yes, you are! yes, i yes, you are! yes, you are! all chant: yes, you are! yes, you| chant: yes, you are! yes, you are! yes. — chant: yes, you are! yes, you are! yes. you _ chant: yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! _ chant: yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! thank- chant: yes, you are! yes, you are! yes, you are! thank you. | are! yes, you are! thank you. but i'm not- _ are! yes, you are! thank you. but i'm not. and _ are! yes, you are! thank you. but i'm not. and ru— are! yes, you are! thank you. but i'm not. and i'lltell- are! yes, you are! thank you. but i'm not. and i'll tell you l but i'm not. and i'll tell you i stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty god. and watching the reports over the last few days, many people say it was a providential moment. probably
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was. when i rose, surrounded by secret service, the crowd was confused because they thought i was dead. and there was great, great sorrow — i could see that on their faces as i looked great sorrow — i could see that on theirfaces as i looked out. they didn't know i was looking out, they thought it was over, but i could see it, i wanted to do something to let them know i was ok. i raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people that were breathlessly waiting and started shouting, "fight, fight, fight!" started shouting, "fight, fight. fight!“— started shouting, "fight, fight, fight!“ fight, fight!" all chant: fi . ht! fight, fight!" all chant: fight! fight! _ fight, fight!" all chant: fight! fight! fight! - fight, fight!" all chant: fight! fight! fight! thank fight, fight!" all chant: - fight! fight! fight! thank you. once my clenched _ fight! fight! fight! thank you. once my clenched fist - fight! fight! fight! thank you. once my clenched fist went i fight! fight! fight! thank you. | once my clenched fist went up, and it was high into the air, you've all seen that, the crowd realised i was ok and roared with pride for our country like
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no crowd i have ever heard before. never heard anything like it. for the rest of my life, iwill like it. for the rest of my life, i will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in pennsylvania. tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow americans, corey comperatore. unbelievable person. everybody tells me. unbelievable. and seriously wounded two other great warriors. i spoke to them today. david dutch and james copenhaver. two great people. i also spoke to all three
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families of these tremendous people, a love and prayers are with them and always will be, we will never forget them, they came for a great rally, they were serious trump's does, i want to tell you. serious and still are —— trumpsers. but corey, we have to —— sadly use the past tense. he was accompanied by his wife, helen, incredible woman, i spoke to her today, devastated. and two precious daughters. lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. he went right over the top of them and was hit. what a fine man he was. all chant: corey!
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i want to thank the fire department and the family for sending his helmet, his outfit and it was just something that they are going to do something special with it but we did something which cannot match what happened, not even close, but i am very proud to say that over the past few days, we've raised $6.3 million.
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cheering and applause . forthe cheering and applause . for the families of david, james and corey. including from a friend of mine just pulled james and corey. including from a friend of minejust pulled up and he sent me a check right here, ijust got it, $1 million. danieland, thank you, dan. and again, when speaking to the family, i told them, i said well, we will be sending you a lot of money but you cannot compensate. they also the same thing. you are right, sir. we appreciate so much of what you are doing but nothing can take the place in the case of corey and the other two and ljy of corey and the other two and by the way, they were very, very seriously injured but now they are doing very well and they are doing very well and they will be ok. they are going to be doing very well. they are
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warriors. so now, i ask that we observe a moment of silence in honour of ourfriend observe a moment of silence in honour of our friend corey. there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. this is the spirit that forged america in her darkest hours and this is the love that will lead america back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. this is what we need. despite such a heinous attack, unite this evening more determined than ever. i am more determined than ever. i am more determined than ever. i am more determined than ever, and so are you and so is everybody else. all chant: we love trump!
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we love trump—era. thank you very much. our resolve is unbroken and our purposeis our resolve is unbroken and our purpose is unchanged to deliver a government that serves the american people better than ever before. nothing will stop me in this mission because our vision is righteous and our cause is pure. no matter what obstacle comes our way, we will not break. we will not bend. we will not back down. and i will never stop fighting for you, yourfamily and our never stop fighting for you, your family and our magnificent country. never. and everything
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i have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, i pledge to our nation tonight. thank you very much, i pledge that to our nation. we will turn our nation around and do it quickly. thank you. this election should be about the issues facing our country and how to make america successful, safe, free and great again. in an age when our politics to often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow americans. we are one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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and we must not criminalise dissent or demonise political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before. in that spirit, the democrat party should immediately stop weaponising the justice system and labelling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy. especially since that's not true and, in fact, i am the one saving democracy for the people of our country. and very big news — as you probably just read, on monday, a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federaljudge in florida, eileen cannon. she found that the prosecutor and
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the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional and the entire case was thrown out of court —— sent me a check r —— alieen cannon. alldritt thrown out of court. if democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these putters and witch—hunts which i've been going through for approximately eight years. and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. we will win it anyway. but worthy of our people. on this journey, win it anyway. but worthy of our people. on thisjourney, i am deeply honoured to bejoined ljy am deeply honoured to bejoined by my amazing wife mullaney. ——
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melania. and melania. thank you very much. you also did something beautiful, america —— a letter to america calling for national unity and it really took the republican party by surprise, i will tell you. took the republican party by surprise, iwill tell you. it was beautiful. in fact, some very serious people said that we should take that letter and put it as part of the republican platform. but would be an honour, wouldn't it? right? mr congressman? it captivated so many, so i also want to thank my entire family for being here — mcdonald, kimberly, ivanka, joe root, eric and lara, tiffany and
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michael and aaron. ——we love you, —— barron. and, of course, my ten wonderful grandchildren — macky sall a few of them up there on my lap before. —— you saw a few of them. and how good was dana? wasn't dana good? you know, he was on probably the only vacation he has had in about — maybe ever. he worked for about ten years with his wife, very far away but with his wife, very far away, beautiful place, and my people called and he said, "i won't be able to do it" this is many years i promised my wife i can't do it and they came and they said dana won't be able to do it because it was my first, second and third choice. i
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said, "well, you know, that's too bad but i understand, he is away and that's good, it's good for him" and i would say about 30 seconds later, she came back in, "sir, dana called, he is going to do it and his wife, she said you cannot turn him down, you just cannot do it. you cannot go. " that's a good wife. so he got on the plane and got here a little while ago and got here a little while ago and now he will get on the plane in a little while and go back home to his wife. but they are great and ijust back home to his wife. but they are great and i just want to thank her and him and their whole family because that's not easy, and kid rock, same thing. i called and he said "i want to be a part of it! i want to be a part was great because you know keyrock does this great song, a monster song, keyrock does this great song, a monstersong, i have keyrock does this great song, a monster song, i have no idea, he came a friend of mine of the
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last ten years and he's amazing, everyone loves him, i didn't even know how big he was, you know he has rallies, 35, 40,000 people it gets and goes out and i think he is making so much money, he doesn't know what the hell to doesn't know what the hell to do with it, if you want to be honest. and then, we have my other friend, honest. and then, we have my otherfriend, and i've known him so long and we took that song and it was a big success but we made that, i saw a chart of great songs to america and that was number one on the chart recently, number one, so that's lee greenwood, especial, beautiful person. a beautiful man. but they all wanted to be here, and how about the hulkster? where is he? boy oh boy! you know, they may call
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that entertainment. i know about entertainment. when he —— when he used to lift a 350 pounds man over his shoulders and then benchpress him to rose into the audience, i'd say "maybe entertainment but he is one strong son of a gun." i tell you, i watched it so many times. there are not many entertainers who can do that, right? you were fantastic. thank you very much. followed by eric. what was that all about? that was good. i did not really want to come up here. laughter. that he was so great and he is such a good young man and he is such a good young man and he is such a good young man and he went through a lot of trouble and don last night was incredible, he went through so much trouble, they got subpoenaed more than any people probably in the history of the united states. every week, they get another subpoena from the democrats. crazy nancy pelosi, the whole thing, just boom,
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boom, boom. booing. they've got to stop that because they're destroying our country. we have to work on making america great again, not on beating people, and we won, we beat them in the impeachments, we beat them on indictments, we beat them at the time when you have to spend the time when you have to spend the time when you have to spend the time that you have to spend, if they would devote that genius to helping our country, we have a much stronger and better country. and jason. the biggest star in country music. jason, thank you for being here. jason. thank you very much. jason alldritt. he is good. i like his wife even better, by the way. thank
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you. —— jason aldean. even better, by the way. thank you. ——jason aldean. i'm proud to have a new partner by my side, the next vice president of the united states, the current senator from of the united states, the current senatorfrom ohio, of the united states, the current senator from ohio, jd vance and his incredible wife usha. all chant: jdt! jid! he's going to be a great vice—president. he's going to be great. with his country, and with his movement, greatest movement in the history of our country — make america great again. when they criticise t they say, "we're going to try and stop maga." i say maga is make america great again. what are you going to stop? there's nothing to stop? it's very tough to fight t all the people
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who did try to fight it have failed. he's going to be with us for a long time. he it was an honour to select him. great, great student at yale. his wife was a great student at yale. these are two smart people. jd, you're going to be doing this for a long you're going to be doing this fora longtime. enjoy the ride. and a very special thank you to the extraordinary people of milwaukee. and the great state of... cheering and applause oh! there they are. there they are! that's... you are so easy to spot! laughter and green bay's going to have a good team this year. right? they're going to have a good team. they're going to have a good team. most of the audience doesn't like it, but it's true. you're going to have a very good team this year. laughter and by the way, wisconsin, we


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