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tv   Newsday  BBC News  July 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm BST

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applause and so we have one of six days until election day, it did not tell we have some hard work to do. and as jyoti always reminds us, we can do hard things ——jod. jod has been such an active leader of this team and that is why i have just asked her to run my campaign and she has accepted. her to run my campaign and she has acce ted. , accepted. cheering and so _ accepted. cheering and so over - accepted. cheering and so over the - accepted. cheering| and so over the next accepted. cheering - and so over the next 106 accepted. cheering _ and so over the next 106 days, we are going to take our case to the american people and we are going to win. we are going to win. and so now i'm getting back to you, joe. i will tell you, it has been one of the greatest honours of my life, truly, to serve as vice president to our presidentjoe biden. joe's legacy
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accomplishmentjust over a lifetime but just over the accomplishmentjust over a lifetime butjust over the last three and a half years is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already surpassed legacy of most presidents who served two terms office. think about it and i know everett here in the campaign, we have, we know... laughter if we don't know, we have a problem, but am going to repeat them for those who might be guessed at a moment. joe, got the covid—i9 pandemic under control. remember those days? he has created more than 15 million newjobs will stuff you brought together republicans and democrats and passed historic legislation. and i'm going to tell you, i would sit withjoe in the oval office while he would bring members of both sides of the aisle and talk and listen, and help them see what they may have in common,
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and how we can actually work towards solutions and because of their confidence injoe, these confidence in joe, these accomplishments confidence injoe, these accomplishments occurred. joe has stood up for democracy at home and he has stood up for democracy abroad and he has always stood up for what he believes is right. and many of you may know, ifirst he believes is right. and many of you may know, i first came to know joe through his son beau. beau and i worked together as state attorneys general and back then beau was tell me stories about his dad and tell me about the kind of father and he kind of man thatjoe biden is and he would talk about the qualities of his father and the qualities that beau revered the most are the same qualities that i see every day in our president. his honesty, his integrity, this commitment to his faith and his family, his big, big
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heart and his deep love of our country. and i don't need to tell you, you all knowjoe's background, he grew up in a middle—class family in scranton and he is never forgotten where he comes from. and so, again, iam forgotten where he comes from. and so, again, i am a first—hand witness, for being with him in the oval office, to the situation room and seeing him on the global stage with world leaders, presidentjoe biden fights for the american people and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his service to our nation. cheering applause joe, are you watching? you hear this cla -'n~ ? joe, are you watching? you hear this clapping? can _ joe, are you watching? you hear this clapping? can you _ joe, are you watching? you hear this clapping? can you see _ joe, are you watching? you hear this clapping? can you see it? _ joe, are you watching? you hear this clapping? can you see it? i'm - clapping? can you see it? i'm watching! _ clapping? can you see it? i'm watching! i'm _ clapping? can you see it? i'm
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watching! i'm watching! clapping? can you see it? i'm - watching! i'm watching! cheering you're the best, _ watching! i'm watching! cheering you're the best, kid. _ watching! i'm watching! cheering you're the best, kid. and - watching! i'm watching! cheering you're the best, kid. and let - watching! i'm watching! cheering you're the best, kid. and let us i watching! i'm watching! cheeringj you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear — you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on _ you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on the _ you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on the joke _ you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on the joke is _ you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on the joke is not - you're the best, kid. and let us be very clear on the joke is not done. | very clear on the joke is not done. farfrom it. he knows there is still more work to do and our nation will continue to praise his bold and visionary leadership —— joe continue to praise his bold and visionary leadership ——joe is not done. thank you, joe. visionary leadership -- joe is not done. thank you, joe.— visionary leadership -- joe is not done. thank you, joe. and done. thank you, joe. thank you. and it is my great — done. thank you, joe. thank you. and it is my great honour to _ done. thank you, joe. thank you. and it is my great honour to have - done. thank you, joe. thank you. and it is my great honour to have joe's - it is my great honour to havejoe's endorsement in this race. it is my great honour to have joe's endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my — endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my intention _ endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my intention to _ endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my intention to go - endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my intention to go out - endorsement in this race. cheering and it is my intention to go out andl and it is my intention to go out and earn this nomination and to win. cheering so, in the days and weeks ahead, together with you will do everything
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in my power to unite our democratic party, to unite our nation and to win this election. as many of you know, before i was elected as vice president, before i was elected as united states senator, i was the elected attorney general of california, and before that i was a courtroom prosecutor. in those roles i took on perpetrators of all kinds. laughter applause predators who abused women, fraudsters ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. cheering
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and in this campaign, i will probably, i will probably put my record against his. —— proudly put my record against his. as a young prosecutor when i was in the alameda county district attorney's office in california, specialising cases involving sexual abuse. donald trump was found liable by a jury for committing sexual abuse. as attorney general of california i took on one of our country's largest for—profit colleges and put it out of business. donald trump ran a for—profit college, trump university, and i was forced to pay $25 million to the students it scammed —— and it was forced. as district attorney, to go
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after polluters, i created one of the first environmental justice units in our nation. the first environmental 'ustice units in our nation.h units in our nation. cheering donald trump _ units in our nation. cheering donald trump stood - units in our nation. cheering donald trump stood in - units in our nation. cheering - donald trump stood in mar-a-lago and told bi oil donald trump stood in mar-a-lago and told big oil lobbyists _ donald trump stood in mar-a-lago and told big oil lobbyists he _ donald trump stood in mar-a-lago and told big oil lobbyists he would - donald trump stood in mar-a-lago and told big oil lobbyists he would do - told big oil lobbyists he would do their bidding for a $1 billion campaign contribution. booing durinu the campaign contribution. booing during the foreclosure - campaign contribution. booing during the foreclosure crisis, i i during the foreclosure crisis, i took on the big wall street banks and won $20 billion for california families. holding those banks accountable forfraud. families. holding those banks accountable for fraud. donald trump was just found guilty of 3a counts of fraud. but make no mistake, all of fraud. but make no mistake, all of that being said, this campaign is notjust about us of that being said, this campaign is not just about us versus of that being said, this campaign is notjust about us versus donald trump. there is more to this
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campaign than that. our campaign has always been about two different versions of what we see as the future of our country, two different visions for the future of our country. one focused on the future, the other focused on the past. donald trump wants to take our country back to a time before many of our fellow americans had full freedoms and rights. but we believe in a brighter future that makes room for all americans. we believe in a future where every person has the opportunity notjust future where every person has the opportunity not just to future where every person has the opportunity notjust to get by but to get ahead. opportunity not 'ust to get by but to get ahead.— to get ahead. cheering applause _ applause he believe in a future where no child has to grow up in poverty. ——
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we believe in. where every person can buy a home, start a family and build wealth. and where every person has access to paid family leave and affordable childcare.— affordable childcare. cheering that's the future _ affordable childcare. cheering that's the future we _ affordable childcare. cheering that's the future we see. - affordable childcare. cheering - that's the future we see. together, we fight to build a nation where every person has affordable health care. where every worker is paid fairly. and where every senior can retire with dignity. all of this is to say, building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. will be a defining goal of my presidency-— presidency. cheering because _ presidency. cheering because we _ presidency. cheering because we here - presidency. cheering| because we here know presidency. cheering - because we here know when our presidency. cheering _ because we here know when our middle class is a strong america is strong. and we know that's not the future donald trump is fighting for. he and
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his... �* , his... laughter he and - his. . . laughter he and his - his... laughter i he and his extreme his... laughter _ he and his extreme project 2025 his... laughter — he and his extreme project 2025 will weaken the middle class and bring us backward. please do note that. back to the failed, trickle—down policies that gave huge tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and made working families pay the costs, backed up policies that put social security and medicare on the chopping block, back to policies that treat health care is only a privilege for the wealthy instead of what we all know it should be, which is a right for every american. america has tried these economic policies before. they do not lead to prosperity. they lead to inequity, economic injustice, and we are not going back. we are not going back.
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cheering they are not taking us back. our fight for the future is also a fight forfreedom. generations of americans before us have led the fight for freedom, from americans before us have led the fight forfreedom, from ourfounders fight for freedom, from our founders to fight forfreedom, from ourfounders to ourframers, to fight forfreedom, from ourfounders to our framers, to the abolitionists and the suffragettes, to the freedom riders and farm workers, and now i say, team, the baton is in our hands. we, who believe in the sacred freedom to vote, we who are committed to fight to pass thejohn lewis voting rights advancement act and the freedom to vote act... cheering we who believe in the freedom to live safe from gun violence, and that's why we will work to pass universal background checks of a red
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flag laws and an assault weapons ban... , ban... cheering we who - ban. . . cheering we who will- ban... cheering we who will fight ban... cheering . we who will fight for ban... cheering _ we who will fight for reproductive freedom, knowing if trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban to outlaw abortion in every single state, but we are not going to let that happen. cheering it is this team _ going to let that happen. cheering it is this team here _ going to let that happen. cheering it is this team here that _ going to let that happen. cheering it is this team here that is - going to let that happen. cheering it is this team here that is going - it is this team here that is going to help in this november to elect a majority of members of the united states congress to agree the government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body. cheering and when congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms, as president of the united states, i
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will sign it into law.— will sign it into law. cheering we the people! _ will sign it into law. cheering we the people! indeed, - will sign it into law. cheering we the people! indeed, we i will sign it into law. cheeringl we the people! indeed, we the people. ultimately, to all the friends here, i say, people. ultimately, to all the friends here, isay, in people. ultimately, to all the friends here, i say, in this election, we know we each face a question, what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of freedom, compassion and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear and hate? you all are here because you as leaders know, we each, including our neighbours and our friends and our neighbours and our friends and ourfamily, we each as our neighbours and our friends and our family, we each as americans have the power to answer that question. that's the beauty of the power of the people. we each have the ability to answer that question.
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so in the next 106 days, we have work to do. we have to door to knock on. we have people to talk to. we have phone calls to make. and we have phone calls to make. and we have an election to win. so, are you ready to get to work?— ready to get to work? cheering do we believe _ ready to get to work? cheering do we believe in _ ready to get to work? cheering do we believe in freedom? - ready to get to work? cheering do we believe in freedom? do . ready to get to work? cheeringl do we believe in freedom? do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in the promise of america? and are we willing to fight for it? and are we willing to fight for it? and when we fight, we... god bless you all and god bless the united states of america and joe biden. cheering
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studio: you have been watching us vice president kamala harris speaking to steph democratic party headquarters in delaware, rallying the troops and setting a clear contrast between herself and former president donald trump and saying they have a lot of work to do the net 106 days before the election in november. all this comes just a net 106 days before the election in november. all this comesjust a day after president biden announced he would be withdrawn from the 2024 us election and endorsed ms harris to be the democrat party nominee. over the course of today, more top democrats have thrown their support behind the candidacy of vice president kamala harris. the majority of democrats in congress and nearly half of the party's state governors have said they are now backing her. and while, party elders such as hillary clinton and nancy pelosi have also voiced their
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support. prisonjoe biden, he also spoke over the phone at the harris campaign and here's what he had to say. campaign and here's what he had to sa . g ., campaign and here's what he had to sa ., ., ., ., say. julie, if i did not have covid, i would say. julie, if i did not have covid, i would be _ say. julie, if i did not have covid, i would be sitting _ say. julie, if i did not have covid, i would be sitting there _ say. julie, if i did not have covid, i would be sitting there with - i would be sitting there with you, standing there with you. i'm so proud of what you have all done. it's just covid keeping proud of what you have all done. it'sjust covid keeping me proud of what you have all done. it's just covid keeping me out of people's care for the next three or four days, but i'm going to be out on the road, and i'm not going anywhere. it's kept away a little bit, but, you know, iwant people anywhere. it's kept away a little bit, but, you know, i want people to remember that what we have done has been incredible and we can get so much more we are going to get done, and so i want to say hello to, likem if you can hear me, i know she is going to be speaking shortly, and i want to say to the team, embrace her, she's the best.— her, she's the best. cheering i know yesterday's _ her, she's the best. cheering i know yesterday's news - her, she's the best. cheering i know yesterday's news was i i know yesterday's news was surprising and hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do. i know it's hard because you poured
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your heart and so into the campaign to help me get this nomination, help me win the nomination, and go on to win the presidency. but you are an amazing team, we've got a great, great... i think we made the right decision. i know how hard you have worked, how many sacrifices you made. so many of you, so many of you uprooted your lives for me and the kind of commitment people make for anything these days, but you made it but i've been honoured and humbled. i mean this from the bottom of my heart. my word is a biden, you've done for me and my family. we built the best campaign organisation in history. i've been doing this, i know i am only 40, but i have been around a long time, i don't know of around a long time, i don't know of a better campaign organisation and grassroots campaign. we have over 20 30,000 2030 offices open, —— 230 office is open, several thousand volunteers on regular basis, thousands of them and
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they have been relentless and tireless and reaching out and contacting voters. leadership of this camping has been amazing. —— of this camping has been amazing. —— of this campaign... so many more. you built this team, he brought them together, brought us together, inspired them, and done what leaders do. now we have got to, the name has changed at the top of the ticket in the but the mission hasn't changed at all, and by the way, not going anywhere. i'm going to be out there on the camping with her, with kamala, i'm going to be working like hell, as the sitting president, getting legislation passed, as well as an campaign. we still need to save this democracy for trump is still a danger to the community, a danger to the nation, and my counterparts, and other people around the world and at home, look, i'm hoping you will give every bit of your heart and soul you gave to
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me to kamala. and i want you to know i won't be on the ticket, but i'm still in a be fully, fully engaged. i've got six months left in my presidency, i am determined to get as much done as it possibly can both foreign—policy and policy, keep lowering cost for families, continued to speak out on guns, childcare, eldercare, prescription drugs and climate. climate still is the exceptional threat we face and if we don't win this thing, it is all injeopardy. we have got if we don't win this thing, it is all in jeopardy. we have got to if we don't win this thing, it is all injeopardy. we have got to keep working for an end to the war in gaza by been working very closely with the israelis and with the palestinians to try to work out how we can get the gaza war to end and the middle east peace, and get all those hostages home was to i think we are on the verge of being up to do that. we have got to keep our alliances together for some is prickly important. it took a while for me to build these alliances, most of my collies have knowledged that, but it's critically critical import for our safety and security
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and i know i will be doing whatever, wants me and ease me to do in addition. that may be real clear. —— whatever, wants me to do. we are still fighting this fight together, i'm not going anywhere. you have always had my back and i promise you, i was always have your back and i am anxious for you also hear from kamala, so thank you, thank you, thank you, julie, you are the best. that was the voice of presidentjoe biden, speaking ahead of kamala harris, the vice president of who we also heard from. let's get you, in case you're just also heard from. let's get you, in case you'rejustjoining also heard from. let's get you, in case you're justjoining us, also heard from. let's get you, in case you'rejustjoining us, kamala harrisjust spoke case you'rejustjoining us, kamala harris just spoke earlier at her campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware, and this what you had to say. in the days and weeks ahead, i together with you will do every thing in my power to together with you will do every thing in my powe— together with you will do every thing in my power to the that our democratic _ thing in my power to the that our democratic party, _ thing in my power to the that our democratic party, to _ thing in my power to the that our democratic party, to unite - thing in my power to the that our democratic party, to unite our. democratic party, to unite our nation, and to win this election. as many of you know, before i was
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elected as vice president, before i was elected as united states senator, i was the elected attorney general of california, and before that i was a courtroom prosecutor. in those roles i took on perpetrators of all kinds. laughter applause predators who abused women, fraudsters ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. cheering and in this campaign,
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i will proudly, i will proudly vice president kamala harris talking about former president donald trump and drawn on her prosecutor past with some of the lenglet she was using there. it has been quite an extraordinary to four hours. kamala harris that she intends to earn and win the democratic nomination, but how did she get to this point? our correspondent tom bateman has this profile. after three and a half years as vice president, kamala harris is now thrust into the spotlight. her years—long journey towards the top of the democratic ticket has been fraught and often seemed unlikely, but now this could become harris versus trump for the white house. do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for it?
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kamala harris was born in california to immigrant parents ofjamaican and indian heritage. here on the left, she was five when her parents divorced, later saying her mum was determined to make sure the children grew into proud black women. can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body? she won office in the us senate in 2017 after years as a california prosecutor. i'll repeat the question. known for her tough questioning, she gained a reputation as one of the democratic party's rising stars. five years ago, a run for the nomination quickly failed. i stand before you today to announce my candidacy for president of the united states. it was ultimately won byjoe biden. we did it, we did it, joe! mr biden picked her as his running mate against donald trump in 2020.
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and after one of the most divisive elections in us history, the biden—harris ticket took office. she was sworn in as the first woman, and first black and asian american, to serve as vice president. but while i may be the first woman in this office, i will not be the last. we won't go back! as vice president, she campaigned for reproductive rights that democrats saw as under assault in the legal fallout from mr trump's presidency. today, our daughters know fewer rights than their grandmothers. this is a health—care crisis. but she quickly ran into trouble over the us border, for which mr biden had tasked her with diplomacy. immigration is now a key line of attack for republicans. she faced criticism for simply telling people not to come. do not come. in a bitterly divisive race, mrtrump has
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long focused attacks on her. kamala, i call her laughing kamala. have you ever watched her laugh? she's crazy. you can tell a lot by a laugh. no, she's crazy. she's nuts. she prosecuted sex predators. he is one. her campaign ads have long focused squarely on him, and expect many more. but the opinion polls suggest she hasn't pushed past mr biden's problems, so far predicting a tight race with her still behind donald trump. and coming from a true blue democratic state, some worry she lacks the solo street fighting campaign experience needed for the toughest race of all. this could now be another historic first, if she wins the democratic nomination. here with her husband, this couple from california is aiming to become america's first family. but this is already an unprecedented race and the biggest winner could still be the unexpected. tom bateman, bbc news, washington.
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let's cross now to washington and speak to our tea presenters sumi somaskanda. great to have you on to react to what we have seen, kamala harris giving a speech at her campaign headquarters. things have been moving incredibly quick over the last 24 hours?— been moving incredibly quick over the last 24 hours? they really have, and if ou the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look— the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look at _ the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look at the _ the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look at the video - the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look at the video and - the last 24 hours? they really have, and if you look at the video and the | and if you look at the video and the rapturous applause that kamala harris received at the campaign headquarters, it felt like something of a homecoming of course delaware is not kamala harris's come, that is where joe is not kamala harris's come, that is wherejoe biden has his beach home wherejoe biden has his beach home where he has been the last few days, where he has been the last few days, where he has been the last few days, where he made his momentous decision to bow out of the race and endorse his vice president kamala harris, but you can sense the warmth in that room, and we saw the second gentleman, doug emhoff as well, and this really has been the moment, i believe, that has now set forth the coming days, kamala harris a very clearly as she was speaking the
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baton is in our hands, we have the obligation of a rather, to move forward with what our forefathers have fought for which is the right to vote, the right of bodily autonomy, she talked a lot about abortion rights as welcome and she talked about the need to unify party stub unify democrats because, as you know, steve, any riesling up to this, there was a crisis in the party over president biden staying in the race, she's now talking about the need to bring democrats, both voters and party delegates, together and also unify the country after the assassination attempt on donald trump. it is a message i believe that we will hear from kamala harris again as she goes out onto the campaign trail, but gives us a sense of the mood which she is taking out onto the trail. jae of the mood which she is taking out onto the trail.— onto the trail. joe biden featured heavil in onto the trail. joe biden featured heavily in her— onto the trail. joe biden featured heavily in her speech. _ onto the trail. joe biden featured heavily in her speech. we - onto the trail. joe biden featured heavily in her speech. we also i onto the trail. joe biden featured - heavily in her speech. we also heard from him before she came out, as well. it seems like the two of them are so unify going forward, what happens tojoe biden now? he has
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been getting glowing praises from democrats across the board for making this decision that some say was too long in the coming? indeed, and we know — was too long in the coming? indeed, and we know right _ was too long in the coming? indeed, and we know right now— was too long in the coming? indeed, and we know right now president - and we know right now president biden is still recovering from covid at his beach home in delaware, so thatis at his beach home in delaware, so that is what we have not actually seen him address the public. he said he will address the nation, we anticipate that will happen at some time this week but at some point, i think what we can expect to see from him going forward is that he will continue to carry out his duties as president. he said he is going to continue seeing his term after the very end, tilljanuary the 20th, when the inauguration happens, and so realisi mbete is really prime minister benjamin yahoo, who is visiting washington this week, delivering an address to congress, and we will see him also try to drum up and we will see him also try to drum up as much support as possible for kamala harris. we heard that in that call, as he was calling to headquarters, saying, this is our candidate, and i anticipate thatjoe biden's team will do as much as they can to bring the delegates, bring
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the party and bring voters around kamala harris, as they try and is a little time as left, a days, to be donald trump.— little time as left, a days, to be donald trump. that under six days not donald trump. that under six days got mission _ donald trump. that under six days got mission a _ donald trump. that under six days got mission a few— donald trump. that under six days got mission a few times _ donald trump. that under six days got mission a few times a - donald trump. that under six days got mission a few times a lot of. got mission a few times a lot of work to do and a lot of things have to happen —— that 106 days got mentioned. things hotting up, it seems, given the democrats have who they think will be there contender and don't trip named is vice president a few days ago as well. it is full steam ahead. it president a few days ago as well. it is full steam ahead.— is full steam ahead. it really is. of course _ is full steam ahead. it really is. of course kamala _ is full steam ahead. it really is. of course kamala harris - is full steam ahead. it really is. of course kamala harris has . is full steam ahead. it really is. of course kamala harris has to| is full steam ahead. it really is. i of course kamala harris has to be cemented as the nominee. that would be happening at the convention, on august 22nd, to deliver a speech and officially accept the nomination, but from there we really are hitting the ground running, as you know, you were saying, very little time for kamala harris to move this campaign forward and we are using donald trump and his vice presidential nomineejd vance trump and his vice presidential nominee jd vance attacking trump and his vice presidential nomineejd vance attacking kamala harris on a number of issues,
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chiefly integration of this was her portfolio any biden administration and they are saying that she is just as responsible —— chiefly integration. as responsible -- chiefly integration.— as responsible -- chiefly inteuration. ,, ., ~ , ., as responsible -- chiefly inteuration. ,, ., . integration. sumi, thank you so much for our integration. sumi, thank you so much for your time — integration. sumi, thank you so much for your time today. _ integration. sumi, thank you so much for your time today. great _ integration. sumi, thank you so much for your time today. great to - integration. sumi, thank you so much for your time today. great to have - for your time today. great to have you on as usual. let's look at how some of the front pages of tomorrow's papers will look. no surprise, it's very us centric. kamala harris dominating headlines, being endorsed by several top democrats to run for president. the measure reads, "yes you can," with a stencil image of kamala harris. the financial times makes the point of the nomination, although likely, it's not set in stone. the eye describes ms. sarris as "the anointed" while it points to the flurry of donations flowing in


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