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tv   BBC News  BBC News  July 25, 2024 1:00am-2:01am BST

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1968, he left the race, the democrats _ 1968, he left the race, the democrats unified - 1968, he left the race, the democrats unified and - 1968, he left the race, the - democrats unified and richard nixon — democrats unified and richard nixon won~ _ democrats unified and richard nixon won. right _ democrats unified and richard nixon won. right now- democrats unified and richard nixon won. right now we're . nixon won. right now we're looking _ nixon won. right now we're looking at_ nixon won. right now we're looking at polling _ nixon won. right now we're looking at polling and - nixon won. right now we're looking at polling and if - nixon won. right now we're looking at polling and if it . nixon won. right now we're looking at polling and if it is a race — looking at polling and if it is a race between— looking at polling and if it is a race between donald - looking at polling and if it is i a race between donald trump looking at polling and if it is - a race between donald trump and vice—president _ a race between donald trump and vice—president kamala _ a race between donald trump and vice—president kamala harris, - vice—president kamala harris, the poies— vice—president kamala harris, the poles show— vice—president kamala harris, the poles show she _ vice—president kamala harris, the poles show she is - vice—president kamala harris, the poles show she is not - vice—president kamala harris, i the poles show she is not going to win — the poles show she is not going to win she _ the poles show she is not going to win. she has _ the poles show she is not going to win. she has to _ the poles show she is not going to win. she has to explain - the poles show she is not going to win. she has to explain to i to win. she has to explain to the american _ to win. she has to explain to the american people - to win. she has to explain to the american people why - to win. she has to explain to| the american people why she to win. she has to explain to i the american people why she is ready— the american people why she is ready to — the american people why she is ready to be _ the american people why she is ready to be president _ the american people why she is ready to be president and - ready to be president and frankly— ready to be president and frankly she _ ready to be president and frankly she tried - ready to be president and frankly she tried to - ready to be president and frankly she tried to do - ready to be president and i frankly she tried to do that ready to be president and - frankly she tried to do that in 2000 — frankly she tried to do that in 2000 nineteenths_ frankly she tried to do that in 2000 nineteenths and - frankly she tried to do that in 2000 nineteenths and 2020| frankly she tried to do that in i 2000 nineteenths and 2020 and she failed — 2000 nineteenths and 2020 and she failed miserably. _ 2000 nineteenths and 2020 and she failed miserably. [f- 2000 nineteenths and 2020 and she failed miserably.— she failed miserably. if you look at her _ she failed miserably. if you look at her most _ she failed miserably. if you look at her most recent - she failed miserably. if you | look at her most recent rally she laid _ look at her most recent rally she laid out but this race is about, _ she laid out but this race is about, freedom, opportunity and the rule — about, freedom, opportunity and the rule of— about, freedom, opportunity and the rule of law. we about, freedom, opportunity and the rule of law.— the rule of law. we are a few seconds _ the rule of law. we are a few seconds away _ the rule of law. we are a few seconds away from _ the rule of law. we are a few seconds away from the - seconds away from the president's address, his first remarks since exiting from the 2024 race. he will be delivering his address from the oval office and he will talk about the defence of democracy, about the defence of democracy, about the defence of democracy, about the need to unite around the democrats for the election and the power being in the hands of the people, the idea
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of america lies in your hands and he will talk about passing the torch to a new generation. let's go to the oval office. mi; let's go to the oval office. my fellow let's go to the oval office. m fellow americans, i'm let's go to the oval office. m1 fellow americans, i'm speaking tonight from behind the resolute desk in the oval office, in the sacred space, surrounded by portraits of extraordinary american presidents. thomasjefferson wrote the immortal words that guide this nation, george washington initiated president are not kings. abraham lincoln implored us to reject malice, franklin roosevelt who inspired us to reject fear. i revere this office and i love my country more. it has been the honour of my life to serve as your president. but in the defence of democracy, which is at stake, i think it is more important than any title. i draw strength and find joy in
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working for american people but this sacred task of perfecting our union is not about me, it is about you, your families, your futures. is about you, your families, yourfutures. it is is about you, your families, your futures. it is about we, the people. and we can never forget that. and i never have. i have made it clear that i believe america is at an inflection point. one of those rare moments in history when the decisions we make now will determine the fate of our nation and the world for decades to come. america is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward. between hope and hate. between unity and division. we have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? in this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as
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enemies but as fellow americans. can we do that? this character in public life still matter? i believe you know the answer to these questions because i know you, the american people, and i know this, we are a great nation because we are a good people. when you elected me into this office, i promise to always level with you, to tell you the truth and the truth, the sacred cause of this country is larger than anyone of us and those of us who that because cherish it so must, —— much. we should unite to protected. in recent weeks, it has become clear me that i need to unite my party and it is critical endeavour. i believe my leadership in the world, my vision for america's
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future, all merit a second term but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. democracy. that includes personalambition. so democracy. that includes personal ambition. so have decided the best bag way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. it is the best way to unite our nation. i know there is a time and place for long years of experience in public life. there is also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices. yes, younger voices. and at that time and place is now. over the next six months, i will be focused on doing myjob as president. that means i will continue to fight for hard—working families, grow our economy, i will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights from the right to vote to the right to choose. i will keep calling out hate and extremism and making it clear
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that there is no place in america for political violence orany america for political violence or any violence ever, period. i am going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence, our plan for climate crisis and the existential threat. i will keep fighting so we can and cancer as we know it because we can do it and i am going to call from supreme court reform because this is critical to our democracy, supreme court reform. you know, i will keep working to ensure america remains strong and secure and the leader of the free world. i am the first president in this century to report to the american people that the united states is not at war anywhere in the world. we will keep rattling the coalition of our nations to stop vladimir putin from taking over ukraine and doing more
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damage. we will keep nato stronger and make it more powerful and united that in any time in our history and i will keep doing the same for our allies in the pacific. when i came to office, it was foreseen that china would over and surpassed the united states but thatis surpassed the united states but that is not the case anymore. i will keep working to and the war in gaza bring home the hostages and bring peace and security to the middle east and end this war. we are working around the clock to bring americans unjustly detained all around the world back home. we have come so far since my inauguration. on that day i told you, as i stood in a winter of peril and a winter of possibilities. peril and possibilities. peril and possibilities. we were in the grip of the worst pandemic in a
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century, the worst economic crisis since the great depression, that worst attack on our democracy since the civil war but we came together as americans. we got through it. we emerge stronger and more prosperous and more secure. today, we have the strongest economy in the world creating nearly 60 million newjobs at are reckoned. wages are up. inflation continues to come down. we are literally rebuilding our entire nation, and factories have come back to america. we are leading the world again in chips, signs and innovations. we finally beat big farm to lower the price of medicine. more people have healthcare today than ever before. i side the most
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significant laws helping millions of veterans and their families. —— signed. who were exposed to toxic materials. you know, the most significant climate lot ever, ever in the history of the world. today, violet crime rate is at a 50 year low. also securing a border. border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. i have kept my commitment to appoint the first black woman to the supreme court of the united states of america and my commitment to have an administration that looks like america and be a president for all americans. that is what i have done. i ran for president four years ago because i believed and still believe that the soul of america was at stake, the very nature of who we i was at stake and that is still the case.
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america is an idea and an idea is stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. the most powerful idea in the history of the world. that idea is that we hold these truths to be self—evident, we are all created equal. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. we have never walked away from this idea and i do not believe the american people will walk away from it now. in just a few months, the american people will choose the cause of america's future. i made my choice. i made my views known. i would like to thank our great vice president, kamala harris. she is experienced, tough and capable. she has been an incredible partner to me and a leaderfor incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. now the choice is up to you, the
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american people. when you make that choice, remember the words of benjamin franklin, hanging on my wall here in the oval office, along side the last of doctor king and rosa parks. when ben franklin was asked as he emerged from the convention going on, whether the founders had given america a monarchy or republic, his response was a republic, his response was a republic, if you can keep it. a republic, if you can keep it. a republic, if you can keep it. whether we keep to a republic is now in your hand. my fellow americans, it has been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years. nowhere else on earth could a kid with a starter from modest beginnings from pennsylvania would one day sit behind the president's desk in the oval
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office as president of the united states and here i am. that is what is so special about america. we are a nation of promise and possibility, of dreamers and there was. ordinary americans doing extraordinary things. i have given my heart and my to my nation like so many others. have been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the american people. i hope you have some idea of how grateful i am to all of you. the great thing about america is here, kings and dictators do not rule, the people do. history is in your hands. the power is in your hand. the idea of america lies in your hands. we just have to keep faith, keep the faith and remember who we are, we are the united states of america and if there is simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity
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when we do it together. so let's act together, preserve our democracy. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. all and may god protect our troos. . ~' ,, , troops. thank you. president biden delivering _ troops. thank you. president biden delivering an - troops. thank you. president biden delivering an address i biden delivering an address from the oval office. his first public remarks is exiting from the 2024 presidential race. be deliberate an address talking about the accomplishments, as he put it, of his administration, talking about his vice president and encouraging americans to move forward and he said i have given my heart and soul to the nation and i hope you have some idea of how grateful i am to all of you. i want to bring in my panel again. we also have margaret,. stephanie and rodney, what was your take on what we heard from your president?— what we heard from your president? what we heard from your resident? , , ., ~ president? the president talked about his legacy _ president? the president talked about his legacy and _ president? the president talked about his legacy and he -
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president? the president talked about his legacy and he should l about his legacy and he should have. teetering more on a campaign speech and i was a little surprised but there are still going to be questions based upon the fact that those of us who have knownjoe biden for many years before now, he's just not the same person. the question of whether he should remain as president will still be pervading throughout the rest of his presidency and now we move into campaign season. he gave that speech. i think he did better than what many expected and in and will have a legacy of achievement is a us senator and vice president and president. 1 senator and vice president and president. ~ senator and vice president and president-— president. i think that might have been — president. i think that might have been one _ president. i think that might have been one of _ president. i think that might have been one of his - president. i think that might have been one of his most i have been one of his most presidential speeches he has given— presidential speeches he has given and he spoke to but i think— given and he spoke to but i think unite this country, that we may— think unite this country, that we may disagree on the policies, on the day to day but we att— policies, on the day to day but we all believe in this republic and understand that we are the
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next _ and understand that we are the next generation whose responsibility it is to keep it going — responsibility it is to keep it going. that lays responsibility on att— going. that lays responsibility on all of— going. that lays responsibility on all of us as americans to disagree _ on all of us as americans to disagree without being disagreeable, to do things without the political violence we have _ without the political violence we have seen in recent years, to be — we have seen in recent years, to be able _ we have seen in recent years, to be able to carry forward this— to be able to carry forward this experiment of democracy in the tradition that our country has done _ the tradition that our country has done over the last 200 years _ has done over the last 200 years i_ has done over the last 200 years. i thought that was probably one of the most presidential moments and the other— presidential moments and the other thing that stuck with me, he said — other thing that stuck with me, he said as _ other thing that stuck with me, he said as much as i revered this— he said as much as i revered this office. _ he said as much as i revered this office, i love this country— this office, i love this country more, and that talks to the sacrifice and the decision—making that led him to this moment. he decision-making that led him to this moment.— this moment. he said also, i believe all _ this moment. he said also, i believe all of _ this moment. he said also, i believe all of my _ this moment. he said also, i believe all of my record - this moment. he said also, i believe all of my record as l believe all of my record as president merited a second term but nothing comes over seven
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democracy. margaret, what did you make of all of this? if democracy. margaret, what did you make of all of this?- you make of all of this? if you are looking — you make of all of this? if you are looking to _ you make of all of this? if you are looking to the _ you make of all of this? if you are looking to the speech - you make of all of this? if you are looking to the speech as l are looking to the speech as sort — are looking to the speech as sort of— are looking to the speech as sort of a _ are looking to the speech as sort of a biden _ are looking to the speech as| sort of a biden confessional, when — sort of a biden confessional, when you _ sort of a biden confessional, when you are _ sort of a biden confessional, when you are going - sort of a biden confessional, when you are going to - sort of a biden confessional, when you are going to get i sort of a biden confessional, | when you are going to get all the skinny— when you are going to get all the skinny on— when you are going to get all the skinny on how _ when you are going to get all the skinny on how this - when you are going to get all the skinny on how this guy i the skinny on how this guy down, _ the skinny on how this guy down, how— the skinny on how this guy down, how did _ the skinny on how this guy down, how did it— the skinny on how this guy down, how did it make - the skinny on how this guy| down, how did it make him the skinny on how this guy - down, how did it make him feel and the — down, how did it make him feel and the evolution _ down, how did it make him feel and the evolution that - down, how did it make him feel and the evolution that he - down, how did it make him feel and the evolution that he wenti and the evolution that he went through— and the evolution that he went through over _ and the evolution that he went through over the _ and the evolution that he went through over the course - and the evolution that he went through over the course of- and the evolution that he went through over the course of thej through over the course of the ntonth— through over the course of the month between— through over the course of the month between the _ through over the course of the month between the debate, i through over the course of the i month between the debate, you are not— month between the debate, you are not going _ month between the debate, you are not going to— month between the debate, you are not going to get— month between the debate, you are not going to get it _ month between the debate, you are not going to get it in - month between the debate, you are not going to get it in this- are not going to get it in this speech— are not going to get it in this speech trut— are not going to get it in this speech but roughly- are not going to get it in this speech but roughly ten - are not going to get it in this. speech but roughly ten minutes on the — speech but roughly ten minutes on the clock— speech but roughly ten minutes on the clock compared - speech but roughly ten minutes on the clock compared to - speech but roughly ten minutesi on the clock compared to donald trump _ on the clock compared to donald trump 93 — on the clock compared to donald trump 93 minute _ on the clock compared to donald trump 93 minute acceptance - trump 93 minute acceptance speech— trump 93 minute acceptance speech at— trump 93 minute acceptance speech at the _ trump 93 minute acceptance speech at the republican - speech at the republican national— speech at the republican national convention. - speech at the republican - national convention. biden's goats— national convention. biden's goats were _ national convention. biden's goats were to _ national convention. biden's goals were to be _ national convention. biden's goals were to be much - national convention. biden's goals were to be much more| goals were to be much more brief— goals were to be much more brief and _ goals were to be much more brief and to— goals were to be much more brief and to have _ goals were to be much more brief and to have fewer - goals were to be much more l brief and to have fewer quotes to be — brief and to have fewer quotes to be picked _ brief and to have fewer quotes to be picked through. - brief and to have fewer quotes to be picked through. the - to be picked through. the speech— to be picked through. the speech ended _ to be picked through. the speech ended with - to be picked through. the speech ended with a - to be picked through. the speech ended with a call. to be picked through. the i speech ended with a call on americans— speech ended with a call on americans to _ speech ended with a call on americans to preserve - speech ended with a call on americans to preserve ouri americans to preserve our democracy— americans to preserve our democracy and _ americans to preserve our democracy and i— americans to preserve our democracy and i think- americans to preserve ourj democracy and i think that americans to preserve our. democracy and i think that is not by— democracy and i think that is not by accident. _ democracy and i think that is not by accident. he - democracy and i think that is not by accident. he had - democracy and i think that is not by accident. he had a - not by accident. he had a number— not by accident. he had a number of— not by accident. he had a number of things- not by accident. he had a number of things he - not by accident. he had a . number of things he wanted not by accident. he had a - number of things he wanted to accomplish— number of things he wanted to accomplish but— number of things he wanted to accomplish but one _ number of things he wanted to accomplish but one was - number of things he wanted to accomplish but one was want i number of things he wanted tol accomplish but one was want to -ive accomplish but one was want to give americans— accomplish but one was want to give americans are _ accomplish but one was want to give americans are confident i give americans are confident that— give americans are confident that he — give americans are confident that he could _ give americans are confident that he could continue - give americans are confident that he could continue to- that he could continue to govern— that he could continue to govern and _ that he could continue to govern and the _ that he could continue to govern and the signal- that he could continue to. govern and the signal that that he could continue to- govern and the signal that he could — govern and the signal that he could continue _ govern and the signal that he could continue to _ govern and the signal that he could continue to govern - could continue to govern through— could continue to govern through the _ could continue to govern through the duration - could continue to govern through the duration of. could continue to govern . through the duration of his presidency— through the duration of his presidency and _ through the duration of his presidency and another- through the duration of hisl presidency and another was through the duration of his - presidency and another was to release — presidency and another was to release the _ presidency and another was to release the sort _ presidency and another was to release the sort of _ presidency and another was to| release the sort of enthusiasm
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inside — release the sort of enthusiasm inside his— release the sort of enthusiasm inside his base _ release the sort of enthusiasm inside his base that— release the sort of enthusiasm inside his base that has- release the sort of enthusiasm inside his base that has been. inside his base that has been realty— inside his base that has been really stagnant, _ inside his base that has been really stagnant, to _ inside his base that has been really stagnant, to sort - inside his base that has been really stagnant, to sort of. really stagnant, to sort of give — really stagnant, to sort of give that _ really stagnant, to sort of give that over _ really stagnant, to sort of give that over with - really stagnant, to sort of give that over with some i give that over with some momentum _ give that over with some momentum to— give that over with some - momentum to vice—president kamata — momentum to vice—president kamala harris _ momentum to vice—president kamala harris and _ momentum to vice—president kamala harris and another, . momentum to vice—president i kamala harris and another, and i kamala harris and another, and i was _ kamala harris and another, and i was talking _ kamala harris and another, and i was talking to _ kamala harris and another, and i was talking to a _ kamala harris and another, and i was talking to a pollster - kamala harris and another, and i was talking to a pollster who i i was talking to a pollster who made — i was talking to a pollster who made an— i was talking to a pollster who made an interesting _ i was talking to a pollster who . made an interesting observation who said — made an interesting observation who said that _ made an interesting observation who said that president - made an interesting observation who said that president biden . who said that president biden needs— who said that president biden needs to _ who said that president biden needs to reframe _ who said that president biden needs to reframe the - who said that president biden needs to reframe the way- needs to reframe the way americans— needs to reframe the way americans see _ needs to reframe the way americans see him, - needs to reframe the way americans see him, to. needs to reframe the way. americans see him, to make americans— americans see him, to make americans more _ americans see him, to make americans more enthusiastic about— americans more enthusiastic about him _ americans more enthusiastic about him now— americans more enthusiastic about him now that - americans more enthusiastic about him now that he - americans more enthusiastic about him now that he is- americans more enthusiastic about him now that he is notj about him now that he is not running _ about him now that he is not running for— about him now that he is not running for election- about him now that he is not running for election because | running for election because that— running for election because that has— running for election because that has the _ running for election because that has the potential- running for election because that has the potential to - running for election because that has the potential to lift| that has the potential to lift up that has the potential to lift up vice—president - that has the potential to lift up vice—president kamala i that has the potential to lift - up vice—president kamala harris in her— up vice—president kamala harris in her campaign, _ up vice—president kamala harris in her campaign, whereas- up vice—president kamala harris in her campaign, whereas if- in her campaign, whereas if americans— in her campaign, whereas if americans have _ in her campaign, whereas if americans have a _ in her campaign, whereas if americans have a negativel americans have a negative opinion— americans have a negative opinion about _ americans have a negative opinion about president i americans have a negative - opinion about president biden, that could _ opinion about president biden, that could hold _ opinion about president biden, that could hold vice—president| that could hold vice—president kamata — that could hold vice—president kamala harris _ that could hold vice—president kamala harris back. _ that could hold vice—president kamala harris back. i- that could hold vice—president kamala harris back. i think- that could hold vice—president kamala harris back. i think it i kamala harris back. i think it was — kamala harris back. i think it was a — kamala harris back. i think it was a really— kamala harris back. i think it was a really interesting - was a really interesting observation _ was a really interesting observation and - was a really interesting observation and as - was a really interesting observation and as he i was a really interesting - observation and as he begins to pivot _ observation and as he begins to pivot to— observation and as he begins to pivot to these _ observation and as he begins to pivot to these ideas _ observation and as he begins to pivot to these ideas that - pivot to these ideas that america's— pivot to these ideas that america's future - pivot to these ideas that america's future is - pivot to these ideas thatj america's future is more important _ america's future is more important than - america's future is more important than his - america's future is more important than his or- america's future is morei important than his or that democracy— important than his or that democracy is _ important than his or that democracy is bigger- important than his or that democracy is bigger than| important than his or that. democracy is bigger than any one person's _ democracy is bigger than any one person's ambition, - democracy is bigger than any one person's ambition, it - democracy is bigger than any one person's ambition, it is i one person's ambition, it is not — one person's ambition, it is notiust_ one person's ambition, it is notiust his _ one person's ambition, it is not just his own _ one person's ambition, it is not just his own legacy - one person's ambition, it is not just his own legacy hisi not just his own legacy his trving _ not just his own legacy his trying to— not just his own legacy his trying to shape _ not just his own legacy his trying to shape but - not just his own legacy his trying to shape but it - not just his own legacy his trying to shape but it is i
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trying to shape but it is making _ trying to shape but it is making people - trying to shape but it is making people see - trying to shape but it is making people see him trying to shape but it is . making people see him in trying to shape but it is - making people see him in a different— making people see him in a different way— making people see him in a different way and _ making people see him in a different way and await - making people see him in a i different way and await which could — different way and await which could potentially _ different way and await which could potentially benefit - could potentially benefit harris _ could potentially benefit harris as _ could potentially benefit harris as she _ could potentially benefit harris as she takes - could potentially benefit harris as she takes the i could potentially benefit - harris as she takes the torch from — harris as she takes the torch from him _ and rodney, he was really injecting the sense of urgency when he said i believe america is at an inflection point. what did you make of that?- did you make of that? well, i thinkthat _ did you make of that? well, i think that and _ did you make of that? well, i think that and the _ did you make of that? well, i think that and the rhetoric . did you make of that? well, i think that and the rhetoric of| think that and the rhetoric of a threat to democracy, and trying to save the country from an existential threat to democracy, it is that type of rhetoric that led to the assassination attempt of president trump. the turn down the rhetoric favourably asked but i will still talk about it, and we witness that tonight. when you're talking about president biden and we hear all this discussion about the torch being passed, i mean, the american people see through this. the torch was put in his face and it was get out or else, and this was the culmination tonight of that backroom deal that led to him withdrawing, and therefore we now have vice president harris,
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and it's all because, as he mentioned, and as has been discussed on this show, that the polling numbers were not good forjoe biden, so he was pushed out. he is going to say he willingly did this, but he was defiant up until he wasn't, and now i'm go to vice president harris, what is going to happen to the democratic party, are they going to try to push out and put someone else on? ~ . ~ push out and put someone else on? . ., . ., , on? we have the white house reort on? we have the white house re ort at on? we have the white house report at the _ on? we have the white house report at the wall _ on? we have the white house report at the wall street - report at the wall street journey sabrina to dieke with us. i want to get your take on the address which is heard from president biden.— president biden. well, look, this is off — president biden. well, look, this is off the _ president biden. well, look, this is off the first _ president biden. well, look, this is off the first time - this is off the first time we're _ this is off the first time we're hearing from president biden— we're hearing from president biden since his decision step aside, — biden since his decision step aside, beyond the written statement, and it was really about— statement, and it was really about explaining the rationale to the — about explaining the rationale to the american public and laying _ to the american public and laying up what he believes are the stakes of the election. certainly a bit more of a political— certainly a bit more of a political speech but what was interesting was that he really did focus it on this idea that
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america _ did focus it on this idea that america is not ruled by kings and — america is not ruled by kings and dictators, and this is about— and dictators, and this is about saving the democracy, and no personal, political ambitions greater than goal, it is a republic of the american people — is a republic of the american people can keep it that way, so in many— people can keep it that way, so in many ways he was kind of sounding _ in many ways he was kind of sounding the same kind of warnings about the stakes in november as he warnings about the stakes in novemberas he and warnings about the stakes in november as he and democrat see it, november as he and democrat see it. and _ november as he and democrat see it. and kind — november as he and democrat see it, and kind of weaving that into — it, and kind of weaving that into his _ it, and kind of weaving that into his decision to ultimately step— into his decision to ultimately step aside, because that was really— step aside, because that was really the argument democrats made _ really the argument democrats made to— really the argument democrats made to him, that if you truly believe — made to him, that if you truly believe what you are saying, then — believe what you are saying, then you _ believe what you are saying, then you will accept you are not the _ then you will accept you are not the most equipped messenger or candidate to make that case to the — or candidate to make that case to the american people over the course _ to the american people over the course of— to the american people over the course of the next three months, even if i do agree that the way— months, even if i do agree that the way he _ months, even if i do agree that the way he is presenting this situation _ the way he is presenting this situation to the american people. _ situation to the american people, we all know it took some — people, we all know it took some time for him to reach this decision— some time for him to reach this decision and he certainly would not have — decision and he certainly would not have reached if he hadn't been — not have reached if he hadn't been forced by a large number of democrats to ultimately step aside _ of democrats to ultimately step aside. a . of democrats to ultimately step
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aside. a, ., , ., of democrats to ultimately step aside. ., ,, ., aside. margaret, you know, he did also hail— aside. margaret, you know, he did also hail a _ aside. margaret, you know, he did also hail a tough, - aside. margaret, you know, he did also hail a tough, capable i did also hail a tough, capable vice president kamala harris, and said it has been clear to me in recent weeks that i need to unite my party. tell me what he thought of that.— he thought of that. actually i thou . ht he thought of that. actually i thought his _ he thought of that. actually i thought his remarks - he thought of that. actually i thought his remarks about i he thought of that. actually i i thought his remarks about vice president — thought his remarks about vice president harris _ thought his remarks about vice president harris were - thought his remarks about vice president harris were quite - president harris were quite short. _ president harris were quite short. but— president harris were quite short, but he _ president harris were quite short, but he did _ president harris were quite short, but he did say- president harris were quite short, but he did say a - president harris were quite short, but he did say a few| short, but he did say a few words. _ short, but he did say a few words. and _ short, but he did say a few words, and those - short, but he did say a few words, and those words i short, but he did say a few. words, and those words give short, but he did say a few- words, and those words give you clues— words, and those words give you clues about _ words, and those words give you clues about the _ words, and those words give you clues about the areas _ words, and those words give you clues about the areas where - words, and those words give you clues about the areas where she| clues about the areas where she needs— clues about the areas where she needs to — clues about the areas where she needs to prove _ clues about the areas where she needs to prove herself- clues about the areas where she needs to prove herself now - clues about the areas where she needs to prove herself now to l needs to prove herself now to voters — needs to prove herself now to voters he _ needs to prove herself now to voters. he used _ needs to prove herself now to voters. he used the _ needs to prove herself now to voters. he used the word - voters. he used the word experienced, _ voters. he used the word experienced, tough, - voters. he used the word experienced, tough, and| experienced, tough, and capable, _ experienced, tough, and capable, and— experienced, tough, and capable, and i— experienced, tough, and capable, and i can- experienced, tough, and capable, and i can tell. experienced, tough, and . capable, and i can tell you, because _ capable, and i can tell you, because i— capable, and i can tell you, because i was _ capable, and i can tell you, because i was just - capable, and i can tell you, because i was just sitting . capable, and i can tell you, i because i wasjust sitting on some — because i wasjust sitting on some focus— because i wasjust sitting on some focus groups - because i wasjust sitting on some focus groups earlier. because i wasjust sitting on. some focus groups earlier this week, _ some focus groups earlier this week, there _ some focus groups earlier this week, there are _ some focus groups earlier this week, there are a _ some focus groups earlier this week, there are a lot - some focus groups earlier this week, there are a lot of- week, there are a lot of americans— week, there are a lot of americans who - week, there are a lot of americans who aren't . week, there are a lot of- americans who aren't convinced that she — americans who aren't convinced that she has _ americans who aren't convinced that she has enough _ americans who aren't convinced that she has enough experiencej that she has enough experience or that — that she has enough experience or that she _ that she has enough experience or that she is— that she has enough experience or that she is qualified, - that she has enough experience or that she is qualified, even i or that she is qualified, even though— or that she is qualified, even though she _ or that she is qualified, even though she served _ or that she is qualified, even though she served as - or that she is qualified, even though she served as vice i though she served as vice president— though she served as vice president for— though she served as vice president for the - though she served as vice president for the last - though she served as vice president for the last 3.5i president for the last 3.5 years _ president for the last 3.5 years a_ president for the last 3.5 years. a lot _ president for the last 3.5 years. a lot of _ president for the last 3.5| years. a lot of americans president for the last 3.5 - years. a lot of americans are either— years. a lot of americans are either still _ years. a lot of americans are either still getting _ years. a lot of americans are either still getting to - years. a lot of americans are either still getting to know. either still getting to know her or— either still getting to know her or have _ either still getting to know her or have formed - either still getting to know her or have formed their. her or have formed their opinions _ her or have formed their opinions about- her or have formed their opinions about her, - her or have formed their. opinions about her, based her or have formed their- opinions about her, based on the travel— opinions about her, based on the travel that— opinions about her, based on the travel that the _ opinions about her, based on the travel that the biden - the travel that the biden administration _ the travel that the biden administration has - the travel that the biden administration has had i the travel that the biden| administration has had in controlling _ administration has had in controlling the _ administration has had in controlling the southerni controlling the southern border _ controlling the southern border. she _ controlling the southern border. she has - controlling the southern border. she has a - controlling the southernj border. she has a pretty controlling the southern - border. she has a pretty tight window— border. she has a pretty tight window to— border. she has a pretty tight window to reintroduce - border. she has a pretty tight window to reintroduce herself to sceptical— window to reintroduce herself to sceptical voters, _ window to reintroduce herself
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to sceptical voters, and - window to reintroduce herself to sceptical voters, and or- window to reintroduce herself to sceptical voters, and or an| to sceptical voters, and or an equal— to sceptical voters, and or an equal tight _ to sceptical voters, and or an equal tight window— to sceptical voters, and or an equal tight window to - equal tight window to definitely— equal tight window to definitely enthuse - equal tight window to| definitely enthuse the democratic— definitely enthuse the democratic base, - definitely enthuse the democratic base, and| definitely enthuse the - democratic base, and those are two different _ democratic base, and those are two different roles. _ democratic base, and those are two different roles. turn - two different roles. turn outcome _ two different roles. turn outcome the _ two different roles. turn outcome the democrats| two different roles. turn i outcome the democrats are hoping — outcome the democrats are hoping that _ outcome the democrats are hoping that vice _ outcome the democrats are hoping that vice president. hoping that vice president harris _ hoping that vice president harris will— hoping that vice president harris will be _ hoping that vice president harris will be able - hoping that vice president harris will be able to - hoping that vice president harris will be able to get i harris will be able to get younger— harris will be able to get younger voters, - harris will be able to get younger voters, voters i harris will be able to geti younger voters, voters of colour. — younger voters, voters of colour, women _ younger voters, voters of colour, women voters - younger voters, voters ofi colour, women voters who younger voters, voters of - colour, women voters who are under— colour, women voters who are under enthused _ colour, women voters who are under enthused about - colour, women voters who are under enthused about biden, i under enthused about biden, reallv— under enthused about biden, really excited _ under enthused about biden, really excited about - under enthused about biden, really excited about turning i really excited about turning out, _ really excited about turning out, but _ really excited about turning out, but this _ really excited about turning out, but this idea _ really excited about turning out, but this idea of- really excited about turning i out, but this idea of undecided voters — out, but this idea of undecided voters or— out, but this idea of undecided voters or persuadable - out, but this idea of undecided voters or persuadable voters, i voters or persuadable voters, there — voters or persuadable voters, there aren't _ voters or persuadable voters, there aren't that _ voters or persuadable voters, there aren't that many, - voters or persuadable voters, there aren't that many, if- voters or persuadable voters, there aren't that many, if the| there aren't that many, if the race — there aren't that many, if the race is— there aren't that many, if the race is really— there aren't that many, if the race is really tough, - there aren't that many, if the race is really tough, they- race is really tough, they might— race is really tough, they might really— race is really tough, they might really matter. - race is really tough, they might really matter. i- race is really tough, they. might really matter. i think she — might really matter. i think she has— might really matter. i think she has major— might really matter. i think she has major challenge i might really matter. i think she has major challenge to| she has major challenge to define _ she has major challenge to define herself— she has major challenge to define herself or— she has major challenge to define herself or redefine i define herself or redefine herself— define herself or redefine herself with _ define herself or redefine herself with some - define herself or redefine herself with some of- define herself or redefinei herself with some of those voters. _ herself with some of those voters. and _ herself with some of those voters, and that _ herself with some of those voters, and that is- herself with some of those voters, and that is in- herself with some of those voters, and that is in a - herself with some of those i voters, and that is in a very short— voters, and that is in a very short couple _ voters, and that is in a very short couple of— voters, and that is in a very short couple of sentences i voters, and that is in a very- short couple of sentences what he was — short couple of sentences what he was trying _ short couple of sentences what he was trying to _ short couple of sentences what he was trying to address, - short couple of sentences what he was trying to address, but i he was trying to address, but the speech— he was trying to address, but the speech was _ he was trying to address, but the speech was much - he was trying to address, but the speech was much less . he was trying to address, but i the speech was much less about her and — the speech was much less about her and much _ the speech was much less about her and much more _ the speech was much less about her and much more about- the speech was much less about her and much more about him i her and much more about him trving — her and much more about him trying to— her and much more about him trying to sort _ her and much more about him trying to sort of— her and much more about him trying to sort of cement - her and much more about him trying to sort of cement a - trying to sort of cement a legacy— trying to sort of cement a legacy for— trying to sort of cement a legacy for himself - trying to sort of cement a legacy for himself as - trying to sort of cement a - legacy for himself as someone who embraces— legacy for himself as someone who embraces democracy- legacy for himself as someone who embraces democracy and| legacy for himself as someone - who embraces democracy and sort of the _ who embraces democracy and sort of the history. _ who embraces democracy and sort of the history, the _ who embraces democracy and sort of the history, the future - who embraces democracy and sort of the history, the future of- of the history, the future of the country— of the history, the future of
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the country about _ of the history, the future of the country about his - of the history, the future of the country about his own i the country about his own personal— the country about his own personal goals. _ the country about his own personal goals. as- the country about his own personal goals. as you i the country about his own i personal goals. as you heard the country about his own - personal goals. as you heard in this conversation, _ personal goals. as you heard in this conversation, in— personal goals. as you heard in this conversation, in the - this conversation, in the moment, _ this conversation, in the moment, there - this conversation, in the moment, there are - this conversation, in thei moment, there are going this conversation, in the - moment, there are going to be a lot of— moment, there are going to be a lot of sceptics _ moment, there are going to be a lot of sceptics and _ moment, there are going to be a lot of sceptics and doubters - lot of sceptics and doubters about — lot of sceptics and doubters about that, _ lot of sceptics and doubters about that, but _ lot of sceptics and doubters about that, but history- lot of sceptics and doubters about that, but history hasi lot of sceptics and doubtersi about that, but history has a way— about that, but history has a way of— about that, but history has a way of smoothing _ about that, but history has a way of smoothing out - about that, but history has a way of smoothing out the i about that, but history has a - way of smoothing out the edges, and i_ way of smoothing out the edges, and i think— way of smoothing out the edges, and i think the _ way of smoothing out the edges, and i think the way— way of smoothing out the edges, and i think the way americans i and i think the way americans view_ and i think the way americans view biden_ and i think the way americans view biden now— and i think the way americans view biden now may- and i think the way americans view biden now may not - and i think the way americans view biden now may not be i and i think the way americans i view biden now may not be the same _ view biden now may not be the same way— view biden now may not be the same way americans _ view biden now may not be the same way americans view- view biden now may not be the same way americans view in i view biden now may not be the| same way americans view in 50 or a _ same way americans view in 50 or a hundred _ same way americans view in 50 or a hundred years _ same way americans view in 50 or a hundred years from - same way americans view in 50 or a hundred years from now. l or a hundred years from now. stephanie, _ or a hundred years from now. stephanie, i— or a hundred years from now. stephanie, i want— or a hundred years from now. stephanie, i want to - or a hundred years from now. stephanie, i want to get - or a hundred years from now. stephanie, i want to get your| stephanie, i want to get your take on the point margaretjust made. did you expect this address to have more of an endorsement for kamala harris thanit endorsement for kamala harris than it did?— than it did? no, because he is s-ueakin than it did? no, because he is speaking from _ than it did? no, because he is speaking from the _ than it did? no, because he is speaking from the white - than it did? no, because he is. speaking from the white house, and there are rules around campaigning from an official office, which i think it is fair to say a lot of americans have forgotten about that, in the sense that for four years president trump often use the white house for campaign purposes, so the fact that there is this rule that prevents presidents to not use the office for campaign purposes. so i am not surprised
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that he didn't spend more time talking about the campaign, and rather stuck to what his decision was, and also his legacy, as he gets an opportunity to use his own voice to secure that. i opportunity to use his own voice to secure that. i think we do have _ voice to secure that. i think we do have some _ voice to secure that. i think we do have some sand - voice to secure that. i think we do have some sand of. voice to secure that. i think i we do have some sand of the address wejust had we do have some sand of the address we just had as the president was talking about the need to move forward as a democracy and pass the torch to a new generation. let's listen in. a new generation. let's listen in, �* . , , in. so i've decided the best way forward _ in. so i've decided the best way forward is _ in. so i've decided the best way forward is to _ in. so i've decided the best way forward is to pass - in. so i've decided the best way forward is to pass the l way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. it's the best way to unite our nation. you know, there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. but there is also a time and place of new voices, fresh voices. yes, younger voices. and that time and place is now. sabrina, coming back to you now, do you think this is a bittersweet moment for the president? obviously reflecting on his own legacy, but as he
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said, passing the torch and realising perhaps his place in the party is no longer the future, as he sat? i the party is no longer the future, as he sat?- future, as he sat? i think without _ future, as he sat? i think without question - future, as he sat? i think without question it - future, as he sat? i think without question it is - future, as he sat? i think without question it is a l without question it is a bittersweet moment, and one thing that was interesting about that portion of his speech is for those of us who covered his campaign in 2020, he had always positioned himself as a bridge, as kind of a transition within the democratic party, who was going to be a conduit between his tenure in office to the next generation of leaders, and that's why it was very puzzling to, or may be surprising, i should say, to some democrats, when he chose to run for re—election, because a lot of people had interpreted those comments in his 2020 campaign to suggest that he only ever intended, given his age, to perhaps remain in office for just one single term. so kind of having this full—circle moment now he is coming back to that idea really interesting. but i also think when you heard
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him talk about how he did believe that his record and his vision, his agenda, deserved a second term, he ultimately has come to the conclusion, even if it took some persuasion from a large number of democrats, that it is time to move on to the next generation of leaders, and that moment when he talked about being a bridge, that moment has come now, and i think to margaret because my point, there is going to be a lot of focus right now on the last one month, and how all of this went down after the debate and the chorus of democrats that kept growing day by day. but perhaps in the long run, he will be seen as more of this transitionalfigure, and transitional figure, and someone who transitionalfigure, and someone who ultimately did serve as a bridge to the next generation of democrats. rodney, i want to ask about a point you made a little bit earlier, as we've been having this discussion. what questions do you think this raises about president biden's remaining six months in office, if any, because you said it does raise questions about whether he can
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stay out his term. trio. questions about whether he can stay out his term.— stay out his term. no, it certainly _ stay out his term. no, it certainly does, - stay out his term. no, it certainly does, that - stay out his term. no, it certainly does, that is i stay out his term. no, it certainly does, that is a | certainly does, that is a legitimate question to ask. you have _ legitimate question to ask. you have a — legitimate question to ask. you have a president who is defiantly stating that he was going — defiantly stating that he was going to beat president trump in his— going to beat president trump in his re—election, he was defiant— in his re—election, he was defiant up until he wasn't, and as sabrina _ defiant up until he wasn't, and as sabrina said, there was a lot as sabrina said, there was a tot of— as sabrina said, there was a lot of pressure from democrats, feitow _ lot of pressure from democrats, fellow democrats, who did not want _ fellow democrats, who did not want to — fellow democrats, who did not want to lose an election, to be able _ want to lose an election, to be able to— want to lose an election, to be able to tell him to step aside. this— able to tell him to step aside. this is— able to tell him to step aside. this is a — able to tell him to step aside. this is a big moment in american history, but as you go forward, — american history, but as you go forward, he _ american history, but as you go forward, he has to be on his game — forward, he has to be on his game in _ forward, he has to be on his game in every single appearance he makes, — game in every single appearance he makes, oryou are game in every single appearance he makes, or you are going to see many— he makes, or you are going to see many americans begin to say why isn't— see many americans begin to say why isn't the 25th amendment going — why isn't the 25th amendment going to — why isn't the 25th amendment going to be discussed, and why, if kamala — going to be discussed, and why, if kamala harris is so ready to be president, why doesn't he 'ust be president, why doesn't he just step _ be president, why doesn't he just step aside and let her walk— just step aside and let her walk into the presidency and ran as — walk into the presidency and ran as an— walk into the presidency and ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would like _ ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would like to _ ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would like to get _ ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would like to get your - ran as an incumbent? margaret, i would like to get your take - i would like to get your take on that as well, just watching your reaction on my screen. trio. your reaction on my screen. no, my poker — your reaction on my screen. no, my poker face! _ your reaction on my screen. no, my poker face! i'm _ your reaction on my screen. no, my poker face! i'm just - your reaction on my screen. no, my poker face! i'm just not
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hearing _ my poker face! i'm just not hearing that _ my poker face! i'm just not hearing that from - my poker face! i'm just not hearing that from voters i my poker face! i'm just not. hearing that from voters right now, — hearing that from voters right now. i— hearing that from voters right now. i witt— hearing that from voters right now, i will buy _ hearing that from voters right now, i will buy the _ hearing that from voters right i now, i will buy the congressmen are realty— now, i will buy the congressmen are really nice _ now, i will buy the congressmen are really nice to _ now, i will buy the congressmen are really nice to know - now, i will buy the congressmen are really nice to know if - now, i will buy the congressmen are really nice to know if i'm - are really nice to know if i'm wrong — are really nice to know if i'm wrong between _ are really nice to know if i'm wrong between now- are really nice to know if i'm wrong between now and - are really nice to know if i'm - wrong between now and election day, but — wrong between now and election day, but the _ wrong between now and election day, but the way _ wrong between now and election day, but the way the _ wrong between now and election day, but the way the primary- day, but the way the primary system — day, but the way the primary system works _ day, but the way the primary system works is _ day, but the way the primary system works is not - day, but the way the primary system works is not the - day, but the way the primaryl system works is not the same day, but the way the primary- system works is not the same as a generat— system works is not the same as a general election, _ system works is not the same as a general election, and - system works is not the same as a general election, and an - a general election, and an 81-year-old _ a general election, and an 81—year—old coming - a general election, and an 81—year—old coming to - a general election, and anj 81—year—old coming to the realisation _ 81—year—old coming to the realisation that— 81—year—old coming to the realisation that his - 81—year—old coming to the realisation that his own i 81—year—old coming to the . realisation that his own party doesn't — realisation that his own party doesn't think— realisation that his own party doesn't think he _ realisation that his own party doesn't think he will- realisation that his own party doesn't think he will be - realisation that his own party doesn't think he will be ablei doesn't think he will be able to convince _ doesn't think he will be able to convince people - doesn't think he will be able to convince people that - doesn't think he will be able to convince people that he l to convince people that he should _ to convince people that he should serve _ to convince people that he should serve another- to convince people that he should serve another four| should serve another four years. _ should serve another four years. i— should serve another four years. hust— should serve another four years, ijust haven't- should serve another four years, ijust haven't seen| should serve another four - years, ijust haven't seen any evidence _ years, ijust haven't seen any evidence in— years, ijust haven't seen any evidence in the _ years, ijust haven't seen any evidence in the polling - years, ijust haven't seen any evidence in the polling that l evidence in the polling that there — evidence in the polling that there is— evidence in the polling that there is a _ evidence in the polling that there is a critical— evidence in the polling that there is a critical mass - evidence in the polling that there is a critical mass of. there is a critical mass of pebble _ there is a critical mass of peopte that _ there is a critical mass of people that think- there is a critical mass of people that think that . there is a critical mass of- people that think that doesn't mean — people that think that doesn't mean he _ people that think that doesn't mean he can— people that think that doesn't mean he can go— people that think that doesn't mean he can go through - people that think that doesn't mean he can go through the i people that think that doesn't i mean he can go through the end of his— mean he can go through the end of his presidency. _ mean he can go through the end of his presidency. so _ mean he can go through the end of his presidency. so i _ mean he can go through the end of his presidency. so i don't - of his presidency. so i don't know. — of his presidency. so i don't know. i_ of his presidency. so i don't know. i guess _ of his presidency. so i don't know, i guess that - of his presidency. so i don't know, i guess that is- of his presidency. so i don't know, i guess that is sort. of his presidency. so i don'tj know, i guess that is sort of how— know, i guess that is sort of how i— know, i guess that is sort of how i see _ know, i guess that is sort of how i see it— know, i guess that is sort of how i see it right _ know, i guess that is sort of how i see it right now- know, i guess that is sort of how i see it right now at- how i see it right now at least _ how i see it right now at least i've _ how i see it right now at least. i've been - how i see it right now atj least. i've been thinking how i see it right now at- least. i've been thinking about american _ least. i've been thinking about american history, _ least. i've been thinking about american history, and - least. i've been thinking about american history, and there i least. i've been thinking about. american history, and there are kind _ american history, and there are kind of— american history, and there are kind of two— american history, and there are kind of two presidencies - american history, and there are kind of two presidencies that i kind of two presidencies that are models— kind of two presidencies that are models or— kind of two presidencies that are models or warning - kind of two presidencies that are models or warning posts| kind of two presidencies that l are models or warning posts or signposts — are models or warning posts or signposts for _ are models or warning posts or signposts forjoe _ are models or warning posts or signposts forjoe biden - are models or warning posts or signposts forjoe biden and - are models or warning posts or signposts forjoe biden and for| signposts forjoe biden and for the democrats _ signposts forjoe biden and for the democrats right— signposts forjoe biden and for the democrats right now, - signposts forjoe biden and for the democrats right now, and| the democrats right now, and one is— the democrats right now, and one is george _ the democrats right now, and one is george washington's . one is george washington's presidencv. _ one is george washington's presidency, and _ one is george washington's presidency, and one - one is george washington's presidency, and one is- one is george washington'sl presidency, and one is linda johnson's _ presidency, and one is linda johnson's presidency, - presidency, and one is linda johnson's presidency, and l presidency, and one is linda| johnson's presidency, and as you know. _ johnson's presidency, and as
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you know, george _ johnson's presidency, and as. you know, george washington serve — you know, george washington serve two _ you know, george washington serve two terms, _ you know, george washington serve two terms, decided - you know, george washington serve two terms, decided not| you know, george washington. serve two terms, decided not to id serve two terms, decided not to go for— serve two terms, decided not to go for a — serve two terms, decided not to go for a third. _ serve two terms, decided not to go for a third, which _ serve two terms, decided not to go for a third, which he - go for a third, which he could have — go for a third, which he could have done _ go for a third, which he could have done at _ go for a third, which he could have done at that _ go for a third, which he could have done at that time. - go for a third, which he could have done at that time. i- go for a third, which he could have done at that time. i was sort — have done at that time. i was sort of— have done at that time. i was sort of trying to _ have done at that time. i was sort of trying to beef- have done at that time. i was sort of trying to beef up - have done at that time. i was sort of trying to beef up on i sort of trying to beef up on history. _ sort of trying to beef up on history. and _ sort of trying to beef up on history, and realising - sort of trying to beef up on history, and realising thati history, and realising that george _ history, and realising that george washington- history, and realising that george washington was . history, and realising that i george washington was only history, and realising that - george washington was only 67 years— george washington was only 67 years old — george washington was only 67 years old at— george washington was only 67 years old at the _ george washington was only 67 years old at the end _ george washington was only 67 years old at the end of - george washington was only 67 years old at the end of his- years old at the end of his life. — years old at the end of his life. and _ years old at the end of his life, and lbj _ years old at the end of his life, and lbj famously, i years old at the end of hisi life, and lbj famously, this years old at the end of his. life, and lbj famously, this is 1968. — life, and lbj famously, this is 1968. a — life, and lbj famously, this is 1968. a year— life, and lbj famously, this is 1968, a year of— life, and lbj famously, this is 1968, a year of so— life, and lbj famously, this is 1968, a year of so much- life, and lbj famously, this is 1968, a year of so much time| 1968, a year of so much time out, _ 1968, a year of so much time out, and _ 1968, a year of so much time out, and it— 1968, a year of so much time out, and it was— 1968, a year of so much time out, and it was the _ out, and it was the unpopularity- out, and it was the unpopularity overi out, and it was the . unpopularity over his presidency— unpopularity over his presidency and - unpopularity over his presidency and the l unpopularity over his - presidency and the vietnam unpopularity over his _ presidency and the vietnam war that compelled _ presidency and the vietnam war that compelled him _ presidency and the vietnam war that compelled him not - presidency and the vietnam war that compelled him not to - presidency and the vietnam war that compelled him not to seek| that compelled him not to seek another— that compelled him not to seek anotherterm, _ that compelled him not to seek another term, but— that compelled him not to seek anotherterm, but by— that compelled him not to seek another term, but by then - that compelled him not to seek another term, but by then the i another term, but by then the timeout — another term, but by then the timeout and _ another term, but by then the timeout and the _ another term, but by then the timeout and the infighting - another term, but by then the j timeout and the infighting and his party— timeout and the infighting and his party tost— timeout and the infighting and his party lost to _ timeout and the infighting and his party lost to richard - timeout and the infighting and his party lost to richard nixonj his party lost to richard nixon that year _ his party lost to richard nixon that year so _ his party lost to richard nixon that year so i _ his party lost to richard nixon that year. so i think— his party lost to richard nixon that year. so i think biden, i his party lost to richard nixon that year. so i think biden, asj that year. so i think biden, as someone _ that year. so i think biden, as someone who— that year. so i think biden, as someone who has _ that year. so i think biden, as someone who has been- that year. so i think biden, as someone who has been in- someone who has been in politics— someone who has been in politics longer— someone who has been in politics longer than- someone who has been in politics longer than a - someone who has been in politics longer than a lot i someone who has been ini politics longer than a lot of americans— politics longer than a lot of americans have _ politics longer than a lot of americans have been - politics longer than a lot of| americans have been alive, politics longer than a lot of - americans have been alive, you know, _ americans have been alive, you know. half— americans have been alive, you know. half of— americans have been alive, you know, half of the _ americans have been alive, you know, half of the century- americans have been alive, you know, half of the century and l know, half of the century and then— know, half of the century and then some. _ know, half of the century and then some, is _ know, half of the century and then some, is looking - know, half of the century and then some, is looking at- know, half of the century and then some, is looking at the| then some, is looking at the lessons _ then some, is looking at the lessons that— then some, is looking at the lessons that history - then some, is looking at the lessons that history shows, i then some, is looking at the i lessons that history shows, and maybe — lessons that history shows, and maybe he — lessons that history shows, and maybe he came _ lessons that history shows, and maybe he came to _ lessons that history shows, and maybe he came to this - lessons that history shows, and maybe he came to this point. lessons that history shows, and| maybe he came to this point too late _ maybe he came to this point too late i_ maybe he came to this point too late idon't— maybe he came to this point too late. idon't know— maybe he came to this point too late. i don't know that _ maybe he came to this point too late. i don't know that that - late. i don't know that that says — late. i don't know that that says much— late. i don't know that that says much about _ late. i don't know that that says much about his - late. i don't know that that says much about his ability late. i don't know that that i says much about his ability to govern— says much about his ability to govern now— says much about his ability to govern now through - says much about his ability to govern now through january i says much about his ability to . govern now through january but it's a _ govern now through january but it's a lot — govern now through january but it's a lot about _ govern now through january but it's a lot about his _ govern now through january but it's a lot about his ability - govern now through january but it's a lot about his ability to - it's a lot about his ability to run — it's a lot about his ability to run for— it's a lot about his ability to run for another— it's a lot about his ability to run for another four- it's a lot about his ability to run for another four years. i it's a lot about his ability to i run for another four years. so, sabrina. _
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run for another four years. so, sabrina, what _ run for another four years. so, sabrina, what is _ run for another four years. so, sabrina, what is this _ run for another four years. sabrina, what is this period over the next few months look like then? you cover the white house, obviously you will be covering the president, he talked a lot about his record of the goals that he still has for the remaining months he has an office, that of course will also be overshadowed by the election campaign and by his vice president out on the trail. . vice president out on the trail. , , ., vice president out on the trail. , ,, ., vice president out on the trail. . ~' ., ~' trail. yep, you know, i think that obviously _ trail. yep, you know, i think that obviously he _ trail. yep, you know, i think that obviously he still- trail. yep, you know, i think that obviously he still has i trail. yep, you know, i think. that obviously he still has the remainder of his term to see through, and i think now that he's not running for re—election, this is really going be a period of time where president biden according to white house aides will be much more cemented on cementing his legacy. the reality is that in a divided congress, where republicans control the house and democrats have such a narrow charity in the senate, there is not going to be a lot that he can do legislatively, and certainly in an election year, there is no expectation that any of the kinds of bipartisan victories he was able to secure on issues like infrastructure and semiconductors, that is not going to happen when everyone
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is in campaign mode. but i think there are still two was ongoing that have honestly been front and centre between russia's war in ukraine, and the israel—hamas war and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, and i think the latter has been one of president biden's greatest vulnerabilities, so i think securing some kind of ceasefire deal, trying to play a role in bringing an end to that warand a role in bringing an end to that war and rebuilding gaza is something that i think white house aides believe could help repair what has been seen by some as more of a stain on his legacy. obviously he has already corralled a lot of support for ukraine, and the anticipated entry of ukraine into nato, even if it doesn't happen during the course of the war, is something that they are very focused on, and you know, in terms of policy, we will see if he chooses to wield his authority with any kind of executive action. but there
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will be some, i think, caution now that vice president harris is also out campaigning, because ultimately, even if she tries to carve out her identity, she is part of the administration and will be seen, in some ways, still very much as tied to anything that president biden does over the next six months. but again, with a divided congress, i think it will be more what he is able to do with the power of the presidency, and less anything that we would expect, in terms of legislation. we have another voice. former speechwriter to resident —— president barack obama. what did you think of the address? it speaks to the moment, it rises to the occasion? does it answer key questions? i think he did all those things. he explained in very personal terms of why he was doing this. he defended and laid out his record and he laid out a challenge to the country. it
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said repeatedly, history is in your hands, the choice is yours. he was making the case for continuation and he never said and did not expect him to donald trump's name once but it was viewed to donald trump and what he represents. that he rejected the will of the people in january 2020 and rejected the will of the people injanuary 2020 and in stark contrast to someone out who is making the ultimate sacrifice and stepping aside from power. can you tell us more what goes into a speech like this and selecting the oval office for an address to the nation and the shape of the speech? it is the shape of the speech? it is interesting — the shape of the speech? it is interesting that _ the shape of the speech? it 3 interesting that speech is from the oval office can take weeks to write but this is come together in the past few days so you can imagine the president working with a very small people of advisers and
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speechwriters. one of the things the same speech writing, great speakers, great leaders, they say what only they can say. it is a lesson we can use in our lives. do not be generic. bring your story to bear and i generic. bring your story to bearand i think generic. bring your story to bear and i think the most powerful part of the speech was the ending when he talked about being a kid who started from pennsylvania and rose all the way to the oval office. it was deeply personal. it showed you how he sees himself and his love story and the cause to which he has dedicated his life. there is a lesson for all of us that we are most effective as people, speakers, as citizens when we bring our story to bed to the work we do. we mention are ready that he said he has given his heart and soul to the nation and i hope you have an idea of how grateful i am to all of you. you would just mentioning about the personal aspect of the speech, do you think this and
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awake cements his legacy? we have been talking a lot without guests about president biden 's legacy and how he hopes to shape that. he legacy and how he hopes to shape that-— shape that. he will be president _ shape that. he will be president for - shape that. he will be president for the - shape that. he will be president for the nextj shape that. he will be i president for the next six months and a lot can happen in six months so still a lot of work to get done and he talked about that very directly in the speech. 5—10 years, 50 years from now, when students are studying the biden presidency, this is probably the speech they go back to because it is so rare, notjust in the united states but all over the world, it is so rare for a leader in power to walk away from that and he said very clearly in his speech, he believes his record merits a second term so in his heart he still believes he could do it and that his record merits it and he's doing this to unite his party because the line was nothing is more
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important than saving our democracy. this is a profound act of political sacrifice the likes of which really see in world today.— likes of which really see in world today. nothing is more important — world today. nothing is more important and _ world today. nothing is more important and that _ world today. nothing is more important and that includes i important and that includes personal ambition and he talked about the need for new voices, fresh voices and, yes, younger voices, seemingly an admission that he was to hold. he voices, seemingly an admission that he was to hold.— that he was to hold. he is not the only person _ that he was to hold. he is not the only person that - that he was to hold. he is not the only person that was - that he was to hold. he is not the only person that was tool the only person that was too old in — the only person that was too old in the _ the only person that was too old in the donald trump by the rematch — old in the donald trump by the rematch and we have seen potting _ rematch and we have seen polling that the american people did not want to see that rematch — people did not want to see that rematch and while they have greater— rematch and while they have greater concerns about joe biden's— greater concerns about joe biden's age, trump was not exactly— biden's age, trump was not exactly a _ biden's age, trump was not exactly a spring chicken and it is and — exactly a spring chicken and it is and now— exactly a spring chicken and it is and now that biden has handed _ is and now that biden has handed the torch over to a younger— handed the torch over to a younger person, the party that is running _ younger person, the party that is running an older, more mature. _ is running an older, more mature, an elderly person who makes —
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mature, an elderly person who makes mistakes, miss names his wife, _ makes mistakes, miss names his wife, miss— makes mistakes, miss names his wife, miss names of people in his speeches, rambles on for 90 minutes— his speeches, rambles on for 90 minutes of— his speeches, rambles on for 90 minutes of random things, that person— minutes of random things, that person is— minutes of random things, that person is now the republican candidate so by handing off the torch _ candidate so by handing off the torch to — candidate so by handing off the torch to a — candidate so by handing off the torch to a younger person, he's really— torch to a younger person, he's really flipped the script on this— really flipped the script on this particular campaign. have the tables _ this particular campaign. have the tables been _ this particular campaign. have the tables been turned? - this particular campaign. the: the tables been turned? whether he was pushed out or not? everybody knows he was pushed out. everybody knows he was pushed out come — everybody knows he was pushed out come on _ everybody knows he was pushed out. come on. we _ everybody knows he was pushed out. come on. we cannot- everybody knows he was pushed out. come on. we cannot glossi out. come on. we cannot gloss that— out. come on. we cannot gloss that over. — out. come on. we cannot gloss that over. we — out. come on. we cannot gloss that over. we cannot _ out. come on. we cannot gloss that over. we cannot gaslight l that over. we cannot gaslight what — that over. we cannot gaslight what actually _ that over. we cannot gaslight what actually happened. - that over. we cannot gaslight what actually happened. it i that over. we cannot gaslight. what actually happened. it was a backroom _ what actually happened. it was a backroom deal. _ what actually happened. it was a backroom deal. powerful- a backroom deal. powerful democrats _ a backroom deal. powerful democrats pushed - a backroom deal. powerful democrats pushed the - a backroom deal. powerful- democrats pushed the president out been — democrats pushed the president out been the _ democrats pushed the president out been the candidate - democrats pushed the president out been the candidate and - democrats pushed the president out been the candidate and now| out been the candidate and now they have — out been the candidate and now they have passed _ out been the candidate and now they have passed the _ out been the candidate and now they have passed the torch - out been the candidate and now they have passed the torch to l they have passed the torch to vice—president _ they have passed the torch to vice—president harris. - they have passed the torch to vice—president harris. i'm - they have passed the torch to| vice—president harris. i'm not convinced _ vice—president harris. i'm not convinced based _ vice—president harris. i'm not convinced based on— vice—president harris. i'm not convinced based on her- vice—president harris. i'm not convinced based on her last. convinced based on her last presidential— convinced based on her last presidential campaign - convinced based on her last presidential campaign thati convinced based on her last. presidential campaign that she is ready— presidential campaign that she is ready for _ presidential campaign that she is ready for prime _ presidential campaign that she is ready for prime time. - presidential campaign that she is ready for prime time. time i is ready for prime time. time witi— is ready for prime time. time will tett~ _ is ready for prime time. time will tett~ we _ is ready for prime time. time will tell. we will— is ready for prime time. time will tell. we will see - is ready for prime time. time will tell. we will see over- is ready for prime time. time will tell. we will see over the next — will tell. we will see over the next few _ will tell. we will see over the next few days _ will tell. we will see over the next few days if _ will tell. we will see over the next few days if she - will tell. we will see over the next few days if she is - will tell. we will see over the next few days if she is able . will tell. we will see over the| next few days if she is able to maintain _ next few days if she is able to maintain the _ next few days if she is able to maintain the momentum - next few days if she is able to maintain the momentum that| next few days if she is able to - maintain the momentum that she has got _ maintain the momentum that she has got but — maintain the momentum that she has got but america _
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maintain the momentum that she has got but america the - has got but america the difference _ has got but america the difference between - has got but america the - difference between president trump — difference between president trump and _ difference between president trump and president - difference between president trump and president biden . difference between president - trump and president biden under the debate — trump and president biden under the debate stage _ trump and president biden under the debate stage and _ trump and president biden under the debate stage and that - trump and president biden under the debate stage and that was i the debate stage and that was the debate stage and that was the beginning _ the debate stage and that was the beginning of— the debate stage and that was the beginning of the _ the debate stage and that was the beginning of the chapter. the debate stage and that was| the beginning of the chapter of removing — the beginning of the chapter of removing joe _ the beginning of the chapter of removing joe biden— the beginning of the chapter of removing joe biden for- removing joe biden for candidate _ removing joe biden for candidate for- removing joe biden for candidate for a - removing joe biden for candidate for a second| removing joe biden for- candidate for a second term to a one — candidate for a second term to a one term _ candidate for a second term to a one term president. - candidate for a second term to a one term president. i- candidate for a second term to a one term president. i do - candidate for a second term to a one term president. i do not| a one term president. i do not believe — a one term president. i do not believe this _ a one term president. i do not believe this speech _ a one term president. i do not believe this speech is - a one term president. i do not believe this speech is going i a one term president. i do not believe this speech is going to id believe this speech is going to go down — believe this speech is going to go down in _ believe this speech is going to go down in history— believe this speech is going to go down in history as - believe this speech is going to go down in history as one - believe this speech is going to go down in history as one of. go down in history as one of america's_ go down in history as one of america's best _ go down in history as one of america's best presidentiall america's best presidential speeches _ america's best presidential speeches. joe _ america's best presidential speeches. joe biden- america's best presidential speeches. joe biden would| america's best presidential. speeches. joe biden would be america's best presidential- speeches. joe biden would be in the history— speeches. joe biden would be in the history books _ speeches. joe biden would be in the history books but— speeches. joe biden would be in the history books but not- speeches. joe biden would be in the history books but not for- the history books but not for his legacy. _ the history books but not for his legacy, unfortunately - the history books but not for his legacy, unfortunately he | his legacy, unfortunately he will be — his legacy, unfortunately he will be in _ his legacy, unfortunately he will be in the _ his legacy, unfortunately he will be in the history- his legacy, unfortunately he will be in the history booksi will be in the history books like — will be in the history books like lyndon _ will be in the history books like lyndonjohnson - will be in the history books like lyndonjohnson for- like lyndonjohnson for guitting _ like lyndonjohnson for quitting a _ like lyndonjohnson for quitting a presidential. like lyndonjohnson for. quitting a presidential race white — quitting a presidential race white he _ quitting a presidential race while he was _ quitting a presidential race while he was president. i quitting a presidential racei while he was president. we quitting a presidential race while he was president. we have been looking _ while he was president. we have been looking at _ while he was president. we have been looking at images - while he was president. we have been looking at images of- been looking at images of kamala harris, and the attention is shifting to her a lot. we were discussing the fact that president biden had a few shot was about kamala harris, say she's tough and capable. again, now the attention and support around her is growing. very quickly, have your focus groups said about her as a candidate with
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the caveat that this is still very fresh and very new? to our very fresh and very new? to your point. _ very fresh and very new? trr your point, she has absolved most of the biden campaign infrastructure so that she starting zero but being vice president is a different role to being president or presidential candidate and her key roles are setting a forward—looking agenda so that people know what she would want to do as president and trying to do as president and trying to own or explain or confront people's unease about border security and about inflation and the economy, in a way that president biden has not been able to do. but part of the reason i didn't want to make this a conversation about democracy is because he actually believes all that stuff. probably because this is a referendum on people's pocketbooks and the post covid inflationary period and that
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will be tough for kamala harris. if you can offer a different vision that turns out young voters, voters and colours and people on the fence, then she could make history and biden will be remembered in a different way for it as well.— for it as well. sabrina, we know in — for it as well. sabrina, we know in 2020, _ for it as well. sabrina, we know in 2020, when - for it as well. sabrina, we i know in 2020, when kamala harris was running to be president, she was criticised for having a very disorganised campaign and not having a clear message and not knowing what she stood for. in what we have heard from her since sunday which again is not much time, has that changed? i which again is not much time, has that changed?— has that changed? i think it is 'ust a has that changed? i think it is just a very — has that changed? i think it is just a very different _ just a very different circumstances because in 2020, vice—president harris then candidate harris was running in a very crowded democratic primary. where a lot of the focus was on progressive versus the most eccentric wing of the party and she was trying to straddle both lanes. to your point, it was more of a
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disorganised or mismanaged campaign and there were a lot of questions raised about strategy and it was not so much about her as a messenger. now you are in a general election already, withjust over you are in a general election already, with just over three months to go and there is one mission the democrats have and it is to defeat former president trump and are sure she does not return to the white house so it is a very clear message. makes thinker campaign will ultimately adopt as its own and picking up from where president biden left off. she also has found her voice on issues like reproductive rights and abortion access which has always been a vulnerability and she will focus a lot on issues that the harris campaign believes are going to be tougherforformer believes are going to be tougher for former president trump and put him on the defensive. we're talking about a very different election but she does have to reintroduce herself to the public. i think there will be a dancing act of trying to own what people like
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about the biden administration and distancing herself from what people do not like about it. there is going to be some effort, which she may be already energising some elements of the democratic base as we have seen in recent days but also an effort to rebuild the biden coalition which included swing voters, college educated white voters, suburban voters, independence and those in the middle where is it right now we're seeing a much more neck race a significant challenge i had but it is something of a reset and a real opportunity for democrats that they haven't felt they had with president biden.— president biden. president biden saying _ president biden. president biden saying it _ president biden. president biden saying it was - president biden. president biden saying it was the - president biden. president - biden saying it was the honour of a lifetime. joe biden's first lady posted a note...
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what do you think of that handwritten, very personal note from the first lady, jill biden? �* . from the first lady, jill biden? . . , from the first lady, jill biden? �* . . ~ biden? again, 'ust like the end of his speech — biden? again, just like the end of his speech was _ biden? again, just like the end of his speech was so _ biden? again, just like the end of his speech was so powerful. of his speech was so powerful because it was personal, that is the power that a letter like that has. i have to say, the question of whether this is going to have an impact, this transition from biden to harris, i mean, it already has. your previous guest mentioned deposit but the enthusiasm, the excitement out there on the campaign trail is something you have not seen in recent months. —— the poles stop every democrat i know, whether their first choice was president biden or kamala harris or somebody else, they are excited and if they are unified which is something you could not have said a few weeks ago so this is the potential to transform the race and again, it is hard to believe, it has only been a few days and suddenly the races neck and neck again so let's
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see where we are in another week, and other months. stephanie, what do you think about the potential, the enthusiasm that seems to have erupted really among democrats since sunday. is there a honeymoon period as some republicans have said? everyone is excited about her replacing joe biden, many democrats, perhaps not everyone, and is it sustainable? irate perhaps not everyone, and is it sustainable?— sustainable? we are so divided as a nation _ sustainable? we are so divided as a nation that _ sustainable? we are so divided as a nation that this _ sustainable? we are so divided as a nation that this race, - sustainable? we are so divided as a nation that this race, no . as a nation that this race, no matter— as a nation that this race, no matter who was on the ticket, was _ matter who was on the ticket, was going _ matter who was on the ticket, was going to be a close race and — was going to be a close race and neck— was going to be a close race and neck and neck but what i think— and neck and neck but what i think is— and neck and neck but what i think is interesting is that one — think is interesting is that one candidate is 100% known and he is _ one candidate is 100% known and he is selling is at about 47% and — he is selling is at about 47% and it— he is selling is at about 47% and it has— he is selling is at about 47% and it has been there for quite and it has been there for quite a while — and it has been there for quite a while. harris is still quite unknown _ a while. harris is still quite unknown relative to the former president— unknown relative to the former president and so... and she still— president and so... and she still at — president and so... and she still at this moment pulling neck— still at this moment pulling neck and neck which means she has ubside _
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neck and neck which means she has upside opportunity to reach that higher ceiling and so i think— that higher ceiling and so i think for— that higher ceiling and so i think for her, it is a matter of whether or not she can craft a message about the future, which — a message about the future, which is _ a message about the future, which is what these independent swing _ which is what these independent swing voters are looking for. they— swing voters are looking for. they are _ swing voters are looking for. they are looking for a message about— they are looking for a message about where the candidate is going — about where the candidate is going to _ about where the candidate is going to take this country in the future and if she can present— the future and if she can present that, i think there is opportunity for her. i am not sure. — opportunity for her. i am not sure. with _ opportunity for her. i am not sure, with the ceiling, there has — sure, with the ceiling, there has been _ sure, with the ceiling, there has been a ceiling for almost eight — has been a ceiling for almost eight years for trump and so with— eight years for trump and so with a — eight years for trump and so with a fresh face and i think there — with a fresh face and i think there are _ with a fresh face and i think there are signs and some hope that she — there are signs and some hope that she is _ there are signs and some hope that she is bringing in new people. _ that she is bringing in new people, there were recent polling _ people, there were recent polling that showed independent went to — polling that showed independent went to the new candidate. there — went to the new candidate. there are signs that the democratic bench which had been sort of— democratic bench which had been sort of disenfranchised got energised and are backing her. there — energised and are backing her. there are — energised and are backing her. there are signs of people who have — there are signs of people who have never participated before in elections and in politics,
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are — in elections and in politics, are getting involved in this race — are getting involved in this race and _ are getting involved in this race and we are notjust a are getting involved in this race and we are not just a full week— race and we are not just a full week of— race and we are not just a full week of her being on the same. we will— week of her being on the same. we will see how that goes but that is— we will see how that goes but that is how elections work. we still have — that is how elections work. we still have 100 and some days before — still have 100 and some days before the actual election. this a lot of work to be done, president _ this a lot of work to be done, president biden _ this a lot of work to be done, president biden paying - this a lot of work to be done, | president biden paying tribute to his vice president and calling for the democratic party to unite behind her campaign. i party to unite behind her campaign-— party to unite behind her campaign. party to unite behind her camaiun. . ., . ~' ., campaign. i want to thank our ureat campaign. i want to thank our great vice _ campaign. i want to thank our great vice president - campaign. i want to thank our great vice president kamala l great vice president kamala harris. she is experienced, she is tough, she's capable, she's been an incredible partner to me and a leaderfor our country. now the choice is up to you, the american people. taste to you, the american people. we talked a little bit about that message with you a little bit earlier but it seems, in that sense, the president was addressing grab some of the criticisms against kamala harris at this point, that she might not have that toughness to take on donald trump. do you
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think that addresses those concerns sufficiently, especially among those who were standing behind joe biden, wanted him to stay in the race? i think it's going to be up to her to do that. in the end, evenif her to do that. in the end, even if he had decided to give a full throated political embrace of her and make the case from the white house grounds in defiance of separation of politics from governing, i don't think that is how voters make up their minds. they want to know it from her and i think there are two aspects, other than her age, that make her unique, and one is that she is a woman, and we will see how donald trump will run against a woman this time. it will be a different race than 2016. but she also has a background as a prosecutor, and since 2016, in the most recent couple of years, donald trump has begun to face consequences from the
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judicial branch of government. it hasn't impacted his base and how his base feels about him, but it has given many americans in the centre and certainly on the left paws. so i think we will see how harris will address those, given her background as a prosecutor. but i still think is important as those elements may be her ability to speak to women, to energise women around reproductive rights, her ability to talk with some authority about trump and the law, that still at the top of most voters's mines are inflation and the cost of everyday goods, their ability to afford things and save money in their pocket, and concerns at least in the centre and centre—right, but among many democrats as well about national security at the border. and if she cannot successfully address those issues, it will not matter that
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biden is not the candidate at the top of the ticket, or that there is an appeal to a new generation. yes, it is important for how to turn out younger voters, yes, it will be important for her to turn out voters of colour, there are many younger voters and many voters of colour also have many concerns about inflation, the cost of houses, the ability to get mortgages, and the various impacts of undocumented immigration in the us. terrier, can ou immigration in the us. terrier, can you talk — immigration in the us. terrier, can you talk a _ immigration in the us. terrier, can you talk a little _ immigration in the us. terrier, can you talk a little bit - immigration in the us. terrier, can you talk a little bit about . can you talk a little bit about this process of crafting a message from kamala harris's team? obviously not starting from nothing, as we have heard from nothing, as we have heard from our guests tonight, of course she is picking up from the biden campaign, but still, how did she go forward, how to sew team go forward, in creating what that message and what that image is for her? sure. actually, interestingly, i sure. actually, interestingly, i teach — sure. actually, interestingly, i teach political speech writing at american university in washington, dc and one of the things i teach my students is that— the things i teach my students is that a — the things i teach my students is that a campaign speech is actually— is that a campaign speech is actually one of the easiest forms— actually one of the easiest forms of political speech
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writing _ forms of political speech writing you will ever come across _ writing you will ever come across it _ writing you will ever come across. it reallyjust comes down — across. it reallyjust comes down to— across. it reallyjust comes down to a _ across. it reallyjust comes down to a handful of things. you — down to a handful of things. you have _ down to a handful of things. you have to define yourself, you — you have to define yourself, you have _ you have to define yourself, you have to define your opponent, you have to frame the choice. _ opponent, you have to frame the choice. and — opponent, you have to frame the choice, and so that's what this is. choice, and so that's what this is this — choice, and so that's what this is this is _ choice, and so that's what this is this is a _ choice, and so that's what this is. this is a battle. if donald trump — is. this is a battle. if donald trump can— is. this is a battle. if donald trump can frame this book around _ trump can frame this book around pocketbook issues and a referendum on the current administration, that plays to his advantage. if kamala harris is successful in framing their selection _ is successful in framing their selection as a choice, as she's been — selection as a choice, as she's been doing in his speeches over the last— been doing in his speeches over the last few days, over freedom, the freedom to provide for your— freedom, the freedom to provide for your families, the freedom to be — for your families, the freedom to be free _ for your families, the freedom to be free from gun violence, the freedom of women to make choices— the freedom of women to make choices over their own bodies, then— choices over their own bodies, then that _ choices over their own bodies, then that plays to her advantage, and so a campaign is really— advantage, and so a campaign is really a — advantage, and so a campaign is really a competition between two stories. the question is which — two stories. the question is which story well more americans si-n which story well more americans sign onto, — which story well more americans sign onto, which will they vote for? _ sign onto, which will they vote for? she— sign onto, which will they vote for? she is— sign onto, which will they vote for? she isjust now coming into— for? she isjust now coming into her— for? she isjust now coming into her own as the lead, right? _ into her own as the lead, right? she has been playing the side role —
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right? she has been playing the side role now for all these years. _ side role now for all these years, she is getting to step into— years, she is getting to step into her— years, she is getting to step into her own, so what is interesting to me is that even though— interesting to me is that even though she has been on the scene, _ though she has been on the scene, even though she ran for president— scene, even though she ran for president in her own right previously, this is the first time — previously, this is the first time that so many americans, millions— time that so many americans, millions of— time that so many americans, millions of americans are really— millions of americans are really for the first time focusing on who is this person, who— focusing on who is this person, who is— focusing on who is this person, who is she, _ focusing on who is this person, who is she, what did she represent, what is her story? one — represent, what is her story? one of— represent, what is her story? one of her— represent, what is her story? one of her challenges in the past — one of her challenges in the past she _ one of her challenges in the past she has at times been reluctant to do what president biden— reluctant to do what president biden did at the end of his speech— biden did at the end of his speech night, to get very personal, to talk about her life — personal, to talk about her life she _ personal, to talk about her life. she seems to have moved beyond — life. she seems to have moved beyond that, and she is now already— beyond that, and she is now already leading with her story and i— already leading with her story and i have to say, i have some young — and i have to say, i have some young children myself, high school — young children myself, high school and college age, they are telling me every day what they— are telling me every day what they are — are telling me every day what they are seeing on tiktok and it has— they are seeing on tiktok and it has been remarkable sort of branding. _ it has been remarkable sort of branding, the image that has been — branding, the image that has been but _ branding, the image that has been put forward and how many people — been put forward and how many people are flocking to her story. _ people are flocking to her story, to what she represents. that _ story, to what she represents. that is — story, to what she represents. that is part of the interview we have _ that is part of the interview we have seen, part of the excitement we are seeing. just
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five minutes _ excitement we are seeing. just five minutes we _ excitement we are seeing. just five minutes we have left, we have seen some information that during this oval office address that president biden was actually surrounded by his family, that when it ended, towards the end of his remarks, that ashley biden reached for the hand of her mother, jill biden, seated next to her, apparently a very emotional moment, that is what we're hearing from some of the white house reporters who were there on on hand as well. so with that in mind, stephanie, starting with you, we will go around everyone just asking what you think this moment means, not only for president biden, but for voters, for americans.— biden, but for voters, for americans. ~ . ., , , americans. arc of course it is a personal— americans. arc of course it is a personal moment, - americans. arc of course it is a personal moment, and - americans. arc of course it is a personal moment, and i. americans. arc of course it is i a personal moment, and i know americans. arc of course it is - a personal moment, and i knowi a personal moment, and i knowl have had that experience where i was seeking higher office, and the polling, the money, the pathway to victory wasn't clear, and had to make the decision not to move forward, which is what the president just did. and that is deeply personal, and he is there surrounded by people who support him, no matter whether he is president orjust
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grandpa. and sol he is president orjust grandpa. and so i think that is a view into the private part of what being an elected and public official looks like. yeah, public officials, president biden on down to members of congress and any elected — members of congress and any elected official, they unfortunately, sometimes voters forget _ unfortunately, sometimes voters forget they have families, and those — forget they have families, and those family moments are the ones _ those family moments are the ones that— those family moments are the ones that i remember the most, standing — ones that i remember the most, standing up and victory speeches with my kids, judging how tall— speeches with my kids, judging how tall they have grown, based upon _ how tall they have grown, based upon which election they were standing — upon which election they were standing next to me in a picture _ standing next to me in a picture. so these moments are going _ picture. so these moments are going to — picture. so these moments are going to be the most special for president biden and his family— for president biden and his family and i'm glad the reports are coming out that we saw moments like that. sabrina, our moments like that. sabrina, your take? _ moments like that. sabrina, your take? l _ moments like that. sabrina, your take? i think— moments like that. sabrina, your take? i think this - moments like that. sabrina, your take? i think this is - your take? i think this is honestly _ your take? i think this is honestly a _ your take? i think this is honestly a very - your take? i think this is honestly a very poignant your take? i think this is - honestly a very poignant moment for president _ honestly a very poignant moment for president biden— honestly a very poignant moment for president biden and _ honestly a very poignant moment for president biden and his - for president biden and his family _ for president biden and his family it _ for president biden and his family. it is— for president biden and his family. it is undoubtedly. for president biden and his - family. it is undoubtedly going to be _ family. it is undoubtedly going to be a — family. it is undoubtedly going to be a very— family. it is undoubtedly going to be a very emotional- family. it is undoubtedly going l to be a very emotional moment and i_ to be a very emotional moment and i think— to be a very emotional moment and i think there _ to be a very emotional moment and i think there are _ to be a very emotional moment and i think there are a - to be a very emotional moment and i think there are a lot - to be a very emotional moment and i think there are a lot of- and i think there are a lot of americans— and i think there are a lot of americans out— and i think there are a lot of americans out there - and i think there are a lot of americans out there who, . americans out there who, regardless _ americans out there who, regardless of— americans out there who, regardless of how- americans out there who, regardless of how he - americans out there who, regardless of how he mayi americans out there who, - regardless of how he may have
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come _ regardless of how he may have come to — regardless of how he may have come to this _ regardless of how he may have come to this decision - come to this decision ultimately— come to this decision ultimately do - come to this decision| ultimately do support come to this decision - ultimately do support the decision— ultimately do support the decision that _ ultimately do support the decision that he - ultimately do support the decision that he has - ultimately do support the i decision that he has made ultimately do support the . decision that he has made to step— decision that he has made to step aside _ decision that he has made to step aside and _ decision that he has made to step aside and believe - decision that he has made to step aside and believe that l decision that he has made to. step aside and believe that he is doing — step aside and believe that he is doing the _ step aside and believe that he is doing the right _ step aside and believe that he is doing the right thing - step aside and believe that he is doing the right thing by- is doing the right thing by recognising _ is doing the right thing by recognising he _ is doing the right thing by recognising he is- is doing the right thing by recognising he is not- is doing the right thing by recognising he is not best suited _ recognising he is not best suited to _ recognising he is not best suited to seek— recognising he is not best suited to seek another. recognising he is not best . suited to seek another term recognising he is not best - suited to seek another term in office — suited to seek another term in office one _ suited to seek another term in office. one thing _ suited to seek another term in office. one thing that - suited to seek another term in office. one thing that was - office. one thing that was interesting _ office. one thing that was interesting about- office. one thing that was interesting about his - office. one thing that was . interesting about his decision to step — interesting about his decision to step aside _ interesting about his decision to step aside is _ interesting about his decision to step aside is you _ interesting about his decision to step aside is you probably| to step aside is you probably saw— to step aside is you probably saw a — to step aside is you probably saw a lot— to step aside is you probably saw a lot more _ to step aside is you probably saw a lot more empathy- to step aside is you probably saw a lot more empathy and| saw a lot more empathy and support— saw a lot more empathy and support for— saw a lot more empathy and support for president - saw a lot more empathy and support for president bidenl support for president biden from — support for president biden from democrats _ support for president biden from democrats and - support for president biden from democrats and even l support for president biden - from democrats and even others than _ from democrats and even others than you — from democrats and even others than you have _ from democrats and even others than you have seen _ from democrats and even others than you have seen in _ from democrats and even others than you have seen in a - from democrats and even others than you have seen in a very- than you have seen in a very long — than you have seen in a very long time, _ than you have seen in a very long time, given _ than you have seen in a very long time, given some - than you have seen in a very long time, given some of. than you have seen in a veryi long time, given some of the political— long time, given some of the political vulnerabilities - long time, given some of the political vulnerabilities he - political vulnerabilities he was — political vulnerabilities he was contending _ political vulnerabilities he was contending with - political vulnerabilities he i was contending with before. political vulnerabilities he - was contending with before. so again. — was contending with before. so again. as — was contending with before. so again. as this— was contending with before. so again, as this one _ was contending with before. so again, as this one of— was contending with before. so again, as this one of the - again, as this one of the speeches— again, as this one of the speeches that _ again, as this one of the speeches that people i again, as this one of the l speeches that people will remember, _ speeches that people will remember, 40, - speeches that people will remember, 40, 50- speeches that people will remember, 40, 50 years| speeches that people will- remember, 40, 50 years from now? — remember, 40, 50 years from now? i— remember, 40, 50 years from now? i don't— remember, 40, 50 years from now? i don't know, _ remember, 40, 50 years from now? i don't know, but - remember, 40, 50 years from now? i don't know, but i - remember, 40, 50 years from now? i don't know, but i think| now? idon't know, but i think this— now? i don't know, but i think this moment _ now? idon't know, but i think this moment will— now? i don't know, but i think this moment will definitely . now? i don't know, but i think this moment will definitely be i this moment will definitely be remembered _ this moment will definitely be remembered for— this moment will definitely be remembered fora _ this moment will definitely be remembered fora very- this moment will definitely be remembered for a very long l this moment will definitely be i remembered for a very long time and it— remembered for a very long time and it will— remembered for a very long time and it will certainly— remembered for a very long time and it will certainly be _ remembered for a very long time and it will certainly be a - remembered for a very long time and it will certainly be a big - and it will certainly be a big part— and it will certainly be a big part of— and it will certainly be a big part of his _ and it will certainly be a big part of his legacy, - and it will certainly be a big . part of his legacy, ultimately, that he — part of his legacy, ultimately, that he did _ part of his legacy, ultimately, that he did choose _ part of his legacy, ultimately, that he did choose to - part of his legacy, ultimately, that he did choose to step - that he did choose to step aside _ that he did choose to step aside and _ that he did choose to step aside and listen _ that he did choose to step aside and listen to - that he did choose to step aside and listen to the - aside and listen to the concerns— aside and listen to the concerns of— aside and listen to the. concerns of democrats, aside and listen to the - concerns of democrats, as well of the — concerns of democrats, as well of the american _ concerns of democrats, as well of the american people. - of the american people.
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margaret? _ of the american people. margaret?— of the american people. marc aret? . �* �* . margaret? president biden's entire political _ margaret? president biden's entire political career - margaret? president biden's entire political career has . entire political career has been a story about perseverance in the face of adversity and sort of, you know, if it is the daughters and their hair, he was definitely the daughters, slow and steady wins the race. he has survived the death of his first wife and daughter, later the death of his beloved son, beau, his son hunter's tragic addiction, which has cut notjust hunter biden but the entire family and president biden so much agony, and then of course wanting to be president and losing and becoming vice president and then winning against all odds, but in the end, everybody sort of runs out of gas, and this is the political end ofjoe the political end of joe biden's the political end ofjoe biden's life. the political end of joe biden's life.— the political end of joe biden's life. . . ., ., . biden's life. and an emotional moment- _ biden's life. and an emotional moment- in — biden's life. and an emotional moment. in the _ biden's life. and an emotional moment. in the end _ biden's life. and an emotional moment. in the end it - biden's life. and an emotional moment. in the end it took. moment. in the end it took several weeks. _ moment. in the end it took several weeks. terry, - moment. in the end it took severalweeks. terry, 1. moment. in the end it tooki several weeks. terry, ijust severalweeks. terry, i 'ust want to severalweeks. terry, i 'ust went to get i severalweeks. terry, i 'ust want to get your �* severalweeks. terry, i 'ust want to get your take h several weeks. terry, ijust want to get your take on i several weeks. terry, i just | want to get your take on the several weeks. terry, i just - want to get your take on the 20
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seconds or so we have. i want to get your take on the 20 seconds or so we have.- seconds or so we have. i think to make's _ seconds or so we have. i think to make's speech _ seconds or so we have. i think to make's speech was - seconds or so we have. i think to make's speech was a - seconds or so we have. i think i to make's speech was a powerful example — to make's speech was a powerful example of what true leadership is. example of what true leadership is so— example of what true leadership is. so often we are told leadership means being the person— leadership means being the person up front, being the person— person up front, being the person on the top. sometimes leadership means stepping aside and letting other people sleep —— letting other people lead and — —— letting other people lead and that's what we saw tonight. thank— and that's what we saw tonight. thank you — and that's what we saw tonight. thank you all so very much. just a reminder to our viewers that we have been following all of this, the president has mac address, on our website as well. you can follow all the latest headlines and analysis. thank you for watching bbc news, stay with us. hello. we've got a fairly humid and moist air mass with us at the moment. that's bringing quite a lot of low cloud, some mist and some murk around, as we start thursday. generally, through the day, it's going to continue to feel fairly humid — some spells of sunshine, but also a chance of some rain for some of us.
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now, across southern counties of england, you can see a bit of rain likely here, particularly through the morning hours in the south west, probably going to push into the southeast of england by the afternoon. some of that could be quite heavy. a few scattered showers further north, particularly so for northern ireland and for scotland, too, especially in the north and the west. but in between these two areas, quite a lot of dry weather. in the sunnier spells, temperatures up to about 24 degrees, but i think most of us, we're looking at about 16 to 22. now, into thursday evening, some more spells of rain moving through the english channel, affecting southern counties of england for a time. some scattered showers continue to move in from the north. but the cloud moves away towards the south east, so still a reasonably humid night across parts of east anglia and the south east — 15 degrees or so. but most of us, a cooler, fresher feel to friday morning, and that fresher air will continue to roll in on a westerly breeze behind this weather front on friday, so a real change in the feel to the weather. with that fresher air comes more sunshine on friday. still a few showers, here and there, particularly so for northern ireland and for scotland, but there
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could be one or two elsewhere across england and wales. dry and bright for many, though, especially towards the south. in the east, top temperatures up to about 24 degrees in the warmest spots, most of us, typically, 18 to 22 on friday. rolling into saturday, still a lot of dry weather, but you can see a few showers moving in from the west, potentially affecting northern ireland, scotland, western parts of england and wales. down towards the south east, you're more likely to avoid any of those showers. higher pressure holding on here and temperatures again between about 16 to 22 degrees. but this big area of high pressure builds in and sticks with us, as we head through sunday and into the first part of next week at least, weather fronts trying to move in from the atlantic but bumping into high pressure. 50, sunday, ithink, dry, really, across the board. light winds, long spells of sunshine for all of us and it's going to feel that little bit warmer. so we'll start to see temperatures up at around about 25 for the warmest spots, but, quite widely, high teens and low 205. outlook for next week — a lot of dry, settled weather. perhaps a little bit of rain, at times, later in the week, particularly in the north and north west, but it's likely
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to be turning warmer, especially in the south and south east. bye— bye.
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live from washington this is bbc news. president biden addresses the public. nothing, nothin: addresses the public. nothing, nothing can — addresses the public. nothing, nothing can come _ addresses the public. nothing, nothing can come in _ addresses the public. nothing, nothing can come in the - addresses the public. nothing, nothing can come in the way i addresses the public. nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy.- saving our democracy. israeli prime minister _ saving our democracy. israeli prime minister benjamin - prime minister benjamin netanyahu who delivered an address special session of
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congress. thousands of protesters criticised the visit and israel's war in gaza. thank you forjoining us. in an oval office address of the country, president biden said he exited the election race to defend democracy. he was surrounded by his family during his remarks, including his wife, first ladyjill biden, son hunter and his daughter. the decision came after a poor debate performance against donald trump injune and falling polling numbers. i falling polling numbers. i believe my record as falling polling numbers. i believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future all merited a second term but nothing, nothing can come in
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the way of saving our democracy.


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