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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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let's ta ke let's take you first at the scene of police has been deployed to keep separate protest and counter protest, for example we have seen in some cities, there have been protesters who have been shouting anti—immigration slogans and counter protesters shouting anti—fascist and they have been scuffles and a bottle in some cases, smashed windows but please do say that the protests are largely under control in liverpool, police said they have been granted greater stop and search powers. this is for officers to deal with unrest meanwhile, in manchester, a dispersal notice has been authorised for the city centre. just imagine it is images that you are seeing in nottingham at the moment but it is a
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similar picture in a lot of cities elsewhere so the protests in nottingham have been kept separate for the past hour now, are reported in nottingham have said that the two sides have been facing each other and please have formed a thin line between the groups and you can just about see the thin line of police on one side of those protesters waving placards. this is similar to other places where operators have taken place. a few bottles have been a throne, lots of chants but no sign of huge trouble, but you can see the counterprotest on each side there. just to remind you what starts —— was back on this, the stabbing of three little girls in southport on monday in the wake of that, there were huge amounts of misinformation
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that went viral on social media about the nature of the attack with ethnicity or religion been attribute it suspect which was later said to be false and the real name and identity of the 17 euros sub —— suspect was released. —— 17—year—old suspect was released. —— 17—year—old suspect had been released. you may remember on tuesday that a rap erupted in violence since then, we have had, we have seen violence in cities elsewhere and you may remember earlier we were talking about me the violence that erupted in sunderland last night, today the situation has been calm in the aftermath of that, after a huge
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amount of damage, including an attack on the police station and the citizens advice office next door to that being completely set on fire as well, that was a scene in sunderland last night. that has been a huge clear up operation by the city so todayis clear up operation by the city so today is air, picture, the sunderland city council that many of the rioters came to cause chaos in their words and went actually from within sunderland itself. these are the images that you are seeing in nottingham are similar to nottingham, there are protests elsewhere and you may have seen if you missed it, you can catch it on the bbc news website as well. there is a live page up at the moment to give you a bit more information minute by minute analysis and reports from the scene of these
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various protests all across the country. there is some analysis from bbc verify looking at where some of the information and messaging has come from in orderfor the information and messaging has come from in order for people to gatherfor come from in order for people to gather for these protests, because they are fairly coordinated across cities, across the country and the bbc analysis showed that there was a pattern of influences in social media, including on x, formerly known as twitter, getting the message out there for people to gather at these photos. not everyone turning up at these protests support writing or have links to far right groups, that is something the analysis has made clear but many of the protests have been organised by far right groups. the protests also appeared to draw people in, concerned generally about a violent crime or misled by misinformation as
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well. the picture you are seeing now, these are just to remind you if you're just now, these are just to remind you if you'rejustjoining us, these are live images from a protest and a counterprotest taking place in the nottingham city centre and it is a picture replicated in several cities across the uk, including manchester, liverpool, leeds and belfast. in hull, a little bit earlier, we saw protesters gathering outside a hotel that had housed asylum seekers and in terms of all these protests are seeing the moment, police have had these under largely under control. we have had some bottles being thrown at police officers. we are going to take you now to what happened in liverpool a little bit earlier weather is currently a similar protest going on. our
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correspondent had this update. we are just buy the building correspondent had this update. we arejust buy the building here on liverpool waterfront. this is actually an antifascist demonstration that started earlier this lunchtime near liverpool station. the protesters have come down to the pierhead where they have confronted a group of anti—immigrant protesters and for a time there was a bit of a flash point of wear the two crews were able to get right in each other�*s faces. the police are now trying to reassert control and trying to get between the two groups of demonstrators. they have been a few things thrown, we have seen a couple of people arrested. there are more police officers just coming couple of people arrested. there are more police officersjust coming in now to bolster the lines of police control, we have seen in their right to gear. this is quite a tense situation, there's been a lot of
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slogans, trying —— shunting, the people on that side are chanting slogans against immigration, saying they want their country back. the police seem to have got control back here for the time being but certainly, there are huge numbers of officers out on the streets. they are probably may be 2000 or 3000 people down here at liverpool pierhead. a difficult situation for the police to manage and we know that this is the sort of situation replicated across of number of english towns and cities this afternoon. they have been a couple of flashpoints here in the last hour or so. you can see a smoke canister that hasjust been or so. you can see a smoke canister that has just been thrown and has just landed in the crowd. all sorts here for the police to deal with, but we have not seen here, widespread disorder. but certainly,
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a difficult situation for the police to manage but at the moment, they are keeping control. that was our correspondent danjohnson in liverpool there where there were protests taking place and counterprotest. let's take you back to live pictures in nottingham where there is a similar situation with there is a similar situation with the protest on one side and a probe —— much counterprotest with a thin line of police officers separating the two. as he had heard in our correspondent danjohnson�*s reported from liverpool, he was saying that there had been largely under control according to police and that is something that applies to the other demonstrations taking place across the country in different sitting —— city centres. it is to give you an idea of how widespread they are, they are protests taking place in
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liverpool, in nottingham as you are seen on screen as the moment, leeds and hull and manchester, and belfast. as you saw from what dan johnson said earlier in terms of the protests taking place in liverpool, police there have been given a stop and search powers, greater stop and search powers, in order to deal with the unrest. in manchester, a dispersal notice has been authorised for the city centre and as you are seeing now, the scene in nottingham is something that is being replicated in city centres elsewhere and in many of them, i would put as they have said groups have been shouting slogans such as stop the boats and anti—immigration messages as well. in many cases, they have been countered with antiracist and antifascist demonstrations. last
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night, in sunderland, there were violent clashes which left four police officers injured and the home secretary said at those involved in the unrest will face the full force of the law. that is what happened in sunderland last night, they were seen on bbc news and on the website and across social media actually, images of violent unrest with cars being set alight and building into being, windows being smashed. the council in sunderland said that they believe that most of those causing chaos, in their words, were not from within sunderland itself and had come from outside the city. as i said, the home secretaries had said those involved will face the full force of the law. those at the live images in nottingham where i said it
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has not been, according to police, has not been, according to police, has not been, according to police, has not gotten under police, with some minor scuffles under the cities. let's speak to joe. i'm joined byjoe mullwall, director of research at hope not hate. just tell us a little bit what is behind these protests and counterprotest. the behind these protests and counterprotest. behind these protests and counter - rotest. ., . counterprotest. the original trigger for this, obviously, _ counterprotest. the original trigger for this, obviously, was _ counterprotest. the original trigger for this, obviously, was the - for this, obviously, was the horrifying attack that happened on monday in southport. but we are seen in recent days, the rioting in southport that followed on tuesday, racist disturbances in hartley wood and the events in sunderland last night. from this weekend, we are monetary about 45 demonstrations across the country and therefore did out in what they are talking about nets we are monetary about 45 demo treasures. they have taken a much
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broader anti—multiculturalism, anti—asylum seeker, anti—muslim, bentin anti—asylum seeker, anti—muslim, bent in the way they are being organised and to say there are about 45 planned for this weekend. we are managing once in hull, —— hull, manchester liverpool. it is really all over the country are some of them have seen some very nasty scenes, especially in hull, manchester and west of where in stoke. us picked up racist and far right slogans and transit at almost all of these demonstrations to dave —— we have picked up races and far right slogans at almost all of these demonstrations today.— right slogans at almost all of these demonstrations today. there has been some certainty — demonstrations today. there has been some certainty about _ demonstrations today. there has been some certainty about who _ demonstrations today. there has been some certainty about who are - demonstrations today. there has been some certainty about who are behind l some certainty about who are behind these specific protests. 0bviously these specific protests. obviously this is not withstanding the fact that people —— but some people have not been standing up for the same reason that the organisers have arranged them.— reason that the organisers have arranged them. these protesters really represent _ arranged them. these protesters really represent nature _ arranged them. these protesters really represent nature of- arranged them. these protesters really represent nature of the - arranged them. these protesters really represent nature of the farj really represent nature of the far right. there is no simple organiser
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to these various events, there is no simple organisation to them. while the british far right these days, does have traditional far right groups with it. we have these pose organisations and decentralised networks of thousands of individuals operating primarily on light as hunters off—line. instead of having a single leader or structure, there is —— there are far right social media influencers, figures most notably, tommy robinson who created the tone and direction but these organisations are being led by local individuals who are plugged into these online networks. there is no central land figure here. these are very much decentralised events which reflect the nature of the modern far right. is reflect the nature of the modern far riuht. , . , reflect the nature of the modern far riht. , . , ., reflect the nature of the modern far riuht., ._ ,, right. is there any way of assessing or analysing — right. is there any way of assessing or analysing how _ right. is there any way of assessing or analysing how many _ right. is there any way of assessing or analysing how many of _ right. is there any way of assessing or analysing how many of those - or analysing how many of those attending these protests are aligned with the views of the organisers? and how many of them are voicing
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concern about violent crime more closely linked to what happened on monday? i closely linked to what happened on monda ? ., , closely linked to what happened on monda ? ~ , ., ., monday? i think it is worth drawing a detection between _ monday? i think it is worth drawing a detection between something - a detection between something between the quite beautiful ritual which happened in southport on tuesday which saw thousands of people to hug each other and talk about the horrors that had happened and these events that we have subsequently seen. if you look across most of these events, whether the right in southport or the events in hartlepool and sunderland, these people are gathering outside mosques and we are seeing widespread use of racist slogans and chanting for tommy robinson. i think it is very clear that what you are seeing here is a wave of far right protest. they may be individuals turning up to these events unsure what they are but the picture on the ground is a very clear. if individuals are willing to stay while these logos are being chanted, if they are willing to stay, and these places
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are specifically targeting places where asylum seekers are being housed,it where asylum seekers are being housed, it is very clear there is a far right but it is as we weed is a very careful that we don't... we use too much land would arise legitimate concerns where we are seen widespread racist attacks and bricks to be and bricks to been held to muslim builders across the country. how much has this changed? how much is this ground is right for this sort of movement that is happening because it is now, compared to before? is it purely down to the spread of misinformation on social media? ., ., spread of misinformation on social media? . ., ., ., media? there are a range of factors. in many ways. _ media? there are a range of factors. in many ways, this _ media? there are a range of factors. in many ways, this has _ media? there are a range of factors. in many ways, this has been - media? there are a range of factors. | in many ways, this has been bubbling underfor some time. you may remember that we saw a similar though a much smaller one, following the events in knowsley last year where police were set alight aside an accommodation housing asylum
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seekers. much of this has been rumbling on for some time and there are deep underlying factors, many of them are related to increasing disquiet gets multiculturalism, there are economic factors involved in this. one of the major issues is that for some time now, we have had no strategy in this country to talk about social cohesion. you add into thatis about social cohesion. you add into that is the fact that there is a cost of living crisis and people are angry and i think it is possible to say that many people are angry with the state of the country and the status quo. thus angus beam weapon weaponised and showed it to things like misinformation and —— that anger is being weapon nice and put into this lack of misinformation and disinformation. while southport was a spark, we are seen the spread of wider issues. we influence of social media and most importantly, the influence of the far right and the ideas of the far right. jae. influence of the far right and the ideas of the far right.— ideas of the far right. joe, it is really good — ideas of the far right. joe, it is really good to _ ideas of the far right. joe, it is really good to get _ ideas of the far right. joe, it is
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really good to get your - ideas of the far right. joe, it is i really good to get your thoughts. that is the director of research at hope not hate. what we are seeing our live vaccines in nottingham at the moment where many other cities across the uk —— live scenes at the moment, protests, with police trying to separate the two sides. in nottingham. washington has reiterated that america's commitment to israel's defence remains �*iron—clad', as it steps up its military presence in the middle east. the pentagon is sending additional warships and fighterjets as regional tension grows following the assassination of the hamas leader ismail haniyeh in tehran, and a hezbollah commander in beirut. iran's revolutionary guards have said mr haniyeh was killed by a short—range missile, launched from outside his room in a tehran guesthouse. it promised severe retalliation �*at an appropriate time and place.�* from tel aviv, our correspondent jenny hill has this update. the us has said that it will be
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sending an extra squadron of fighterjets to the region, as well as warships, stating that america's commitment to israel's defence is, quote, �*ironclad'. now, it's not the first time we've seen such a scenario. perhaps you'll remember that in april, iran fired more than 300 drones and missiles at israel. israel was able to intercept them, shoot them down with the help of the us and other allies. nevertheless, it is a reminder ofjust how dangerous and significant this moment is. i'm here in tel aviv on the beachfront, where it all looks and feels very relaxed, people getting on with their daily lives. but people here are uneasy. we know that iran has vowed, along with its proxies, revenge for two assassinations, that of the hamas political leader and a senior hezbollah commander. everyone knows something is likely to happen, but it's not clear what that
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retaliation will be, what kind of scale we'll see, or indeed when it might happen. so this is a country on high alert. a number of international airlines have suspended flights to and from israel, and ministers in the israeli cabinet were sent home this weekend with satellite phones for use in the event of an attack which throws out any kind of communications network. and as you know, there's urgent diplomacy going on right now to try to stop israel's war on gaza, which began following the october 7th attacks, from exploding into a region—wide conflict. and that's why the us intervention now is not only about providing help to israel militarily, but also focusing on ongoing efforts to try to diffuse the tension. the pentagon, a spokeswoman, said yesterday that they still think escalation is not an inevitability. america urging all parties in this to look
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at potential for a ceasefire. and it's worth remembering, of course, that there are two groups of people in all of this whose voices have become somewhat lost in the geopolitics, people in gaza, because don't forget, israel's war on gaza goes on. there were people killed there last night in a number of strikes. and those people know that right now a ceasefire looks very remote. and then there are the families of israeli hostages who are being held captive by hamas in gaza. still, they know that a chance of being reunited with their loved ones, it's greatly diminished right now. and one potentially positive note benjamin netanyahu, the israeli prime minister, has sanctioned an israeli delegation to travel to cairo, potentially as early as this evening for ongoing negotiations on a possible ceasefire. but as i say right now, tension is high. the world is watching the middle east and hoping that a crisis can be averted.
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0ur correspondent in tel aviv, speaking to us earlier from tel aviv. now it's time for a look at today's sport. in the last few moments in paris, simon biles, america's most decorated gymnast of time has won her first gold —— decorated gymnast of time has won herfirst gold —— a third gold of the skin, her tenth 0lympic herfirst gold —— a third gold of the skin, her tenth olympic medal, she has won the women's vote vinyl. she was sat out in the set tokyo three years ago to which it achieved in paris so far. if the men's floor final history for the philippines. carlos, this man, the frenchman to win a gold medalfor his carlos, this man, the frenchman to win a gold medal for his country. carlos, this man, the frenchman to win a gold medalfor his country. he met —— mackie —— met this man the first man to win a gold medal for the philippines. great britain out celebrating their most successful games in terms of rowing since london 2012. they finish in this
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particular sport, strike and gold earlier, they moved ahead of the halfway stage, they got in touch over the line well in time. the celebrated adding the olympic title to their back—to—back world and european successes. medal success for britain's women in the same is going to petition, this time round, it was canada who won silver and romania with the first gold of this games —— women won bronze. this woman is celebrating winning in marseille. she had to settle —— team gb had to settle for bronze just like she did in tokyo. majestic gold, herfirst 0lympic like she did in tokyo. majestic gold, her first olympic medal having finished fourth at the last games. wallen gallas, —— at roland garros,
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the chinese competitive rest of the remaining competitive. in the men's double, they beat the american pair. it is australia boss macver frescoed in tennis in 28 years. —— it is australia's frescoed in 28 years. the americans one god. the ioc president thomas bach, has defended the participation
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of algerian boxer imane khelif, and taiwan's lin yu—ting, in the women's category, at the olympics. both have been cleared to compete, having been disqualified from last year's women's world championships, after they were said to have failed gender eligibility tests. khelif, is due to fight hungarian boxer, anna luca hamori, in the quarterfinals of the 66 kilogram competition later on saturday. we have to boxes who have been raised as women who has a passport as a woman, and this is the clear definition of a woman. there was an —— never any doubt about them being women. what we have seen now is that some wa nt to want to own the definition of what a woman is. away from the olympics, england white—ball captain jos buttler is out of this year's hundred competition with a calf injury. buttler was due to lead last year's runners—up manchester 0riginals i will have more for you later. for a live page. _ i will have more for you later. for a live page, just head to bbc
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dot—com. hello there. many of us started off our weekend with a different look and feel to the weather. there has certainly been more in the way of cloud, thick at times for a spot of drizzle. this was norfolk this morning. a weak weather front is seeking south so we had some drizzly rain across parts of east yorkshire, lincolnshire, east anglia and channel coasts. we'll continue to push itself south and east. it may well stay overcast across the channel and on the breezy side. brightening up with some sunshine coming through, scattering of showers up north and is possibly thundery. a fresh feel of 16 to 18 degrees, 20 to 2a celsius in yorkshire. quiet but overcast overnight, this area of low pressure pushing in for tomorrow. we start off with double digits, a great start and we will be chasing cloud mounts around on sunday.
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that will mean they won't be quite as warm again. the wind strengthened. rain into northern ireland in north—west scotland, gradually pushing its way eastwards. highs of 15 to 18 degrees, maybe 23 in the south—east if we get sun coming through. the area of low pressure moves its way in from the east and the rain could turn quite heavy. a couple of inches not out of the question, maybe more to higher ground in scotland and northern ireland and at the same time, a stronger south—westerly wind tapping is into some more humid air so where we have sunshine coming through in east and south—east england, highs of 27 degrees. the weather front will sink southwards and east so hopefully some useful rain for gardeners and growers across eastern england where we are desperate for wetter weather. brightening up behind with a few scattered, sharp showers developing into the north—west and temperatures ranging 15 to 25 celsius. through the remainder of the week ahead, it looks likely we will keep more unsettled weather the further west you are and dry with outbreaks of sunshine in the south.
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this is bbc news. the headlines... far—right rallies and counter—protests are taking place across several cities in the uk. pockets of disorder as protesters threw bottles, smashed windows and scuffled with officers. the protests follow a third night of violence in sunderland. tensions remain high in the middle east over the assassinations of the hamas leader, ismail haniyeh in iran — as well as a key commander of hezbollah. the us is to deploy additional warships and fighterjets to the region to help defend israel from possible attacks by iran and its proxies. and on day 8 of the olympics, athletes are competing for hightest number of gold medals so far. team gb win gold in men's 8 in rowing and australia takes gold in tennis men's doubles. all eyes are on the women's 100 metres final later today.


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