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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am BST

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are thrown by protesters in belfast. talks are under way in bangladesh between student protest leaders and the military, which has taken charge after the prime minister resigned and fled. blindfolded and beaten — israel's leading human rights organisation has likened the country's prison system to a network of torture camps for palestinians. hello, i'm nicky schiller. welcome to the programme. we start this hour here in the uk, where there's been renewed rioting in some cities in england and northern ireland. the worst outbreaks of violence came in belfast, plymouth and birmingham. nearly 400 people have been arrested after a week of violent disorder, which began last week in southport after the fatal stabbings of three girls, and escalated following misinformation about the identity
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of the perpetrator. last night in plymouth, at least three police officers were injured in what the police described as "sustained violence." bricks and fireworks were thrown at them. six arrests were made. in belfast, riot officers had stones and petrol bombs thrown at them close to a supermarket which was set alight at the weekend. as the latest disorder unfolded, the prime minister criticised the owner of x — elon musk — who posted that "civil war is inevitable". aru na iyengar reports. chanting: refugees are welcome here. two opposing protests in plymouth started out peacefully, before vocal clashes between the anti—racism and anti—immigration groups. police in riot gear were deployed to keep the groups apart, and several officers suffered injuries as violence later broke out. it was kind of terrifying. hundreds of people moved up the hoe park onto the end of the promenade and the memorial area.
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ten minutes after that, there was a strong police presence kind of dissipating them after they'd set fires and things. and then there was a huge group of rioters outside our front door, kind of smashing things, organising themselves for further mischief. and then ten minutes after that, it had completely moved back down the crowd should disperse immediately. there was also unrest in south belfast. last night, riot teams were deployed to sandy row as a petrol bomb and stones were thrown at police officers. in birmingham, cars were smashed and a pub was damaged after protesters gathered following false rumours of a planned far—right demonstration. and a hate—crime investigation is under way in burnley after gravestones in the muslim section of a cemetery were covered in white paint. i still think that there is a way to bring this to an end by people coming together as a community in the way that we've seen in the clean—up operations. now, clearly, that strength
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of community spirit is there, and that's what we call upon to bring this violence to an end. meanwhile, in southport, the community is dealing with the horrors of last week, and the disorder that's followed. the family of leanne lucas, who was stabbed while leading the children's dance class, have shared their disbelief at what's going on around the country. just go home, just let us recover the best we can. i know we're never going to recover but at least give us chance to. police say they're working around the clock to identify more people involved in the violent disorder, with more arrests expected in the coming days. aruna iyengar, bbc news. our political correspondent harry farley has been giving us the latest from uk government reaction from westminster. cesa ne cesane concerned about criminal
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activity online such as inciting violence but also separately about the spread of misinformation online. and urging social media companies to do more. and in that context, we heard briefly as you mentioned there, there is a war of words that has emerged between the prime minister and the ceo of x, elon musk, one of the richest men in the world. elon musk highlighted a post by the far right activist stephen yaxley lennon also known as tommy robinson to his $193 million, then in response to another post about the rights, he posted "civil war is inevitable in the uk". the prime minister's spokesman yesterday criticising that comment, saying that there was no justification for comments like that. then elon musk followed it up directly criticising the prime minister. he said last night that he would not tolerate attacks on muslim communities and in
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response elon musk said shouldn't you be concerned about a tax on all communities? so, there is that context, i suppose, that spat between the prime minister and elon musk. we heard from thejustice minister heidi alexander rejecting accusations among some from the protesters, some writers, about two—tier policing, essentially that deep police managed protest in different ways depending which community is protesting. she rejected those allegations when we spoke to us this morning. fundamentally, the police will take operational decisions about how to police protests effectively. what i do take issue with, though, is the idea that what we are seeing on our streets at the moment is a protest. it is not. it is outright, sheer criminality and violence, and that is why the individuals who are responsible for it need to face the full force of the law and face consequences for the actions that they
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are choosing to take. ..met with representatives from x but also tiktok, meta and google and following that meeting he said that he expects platforms to ensure that those seeking to spread hate online are not being facilitated and have no place to hide, and the government, i suppose, looking, as you say to arrest and sentence those participating in violence on the streets but also asking social media companies to do more to stop the spread of misinformation on their platforms. on the point of arresting them, is there enough court time, and we know that prison spaces have been at a lower amount available, so, will prison spaces be created? taking that second point on prisons, there has been real concern over the last few weeks about the availability of prison
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space and the capacity within the prison system, with warnings about the prison estate being full, and the government says this morning that they are releasing, creating, an extra more than 500 prison places in the coming weeks. that was part of a plan already. it will come from repurposing cells in cookham wood in kent and a new block in rutland, so those plans were in place and they are being accelerated to cope with the arrests that are being made. keir starmer says he wants those arrested to be remanded in custody while they await trial. so far, around 400 people have been arrested with the police expecting more to be arrested in the coming days as police wade through all of that footage that we have seen, to identify those people perpetrating the violence. and on your point about the courts, there is an additional protocol
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that has been set up, so that magistrates courts can sit for longer, if they need to. that is up to the judiciary, judges, to set those hours, but that power is there if they need to sit for longer to process the extra cases they are expecting. some breaking news from nottinghamshire police. they say that eight people have been arrested in connection with disturbances that broke out in nottingham city centre at the weekend. they say that 15 people were arrested, with one women and seven men aged between 18—46, now charged with a variety of crimes, they say, including public order, weapons offences and assaulting an emergency worker. just mac people were released, but there was no further action, as investigations continue into the others. the deputy chief constable saying that the vast majority of people who attended carried out
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their right to protest in a peaceful manner. those who were intent on causing problems were dealt with robustly. eight people they are nottingham chars. you can get more on that and the latest from across the country... on the violent disorder online, with our team of correspondents across the uk and a stream of the latest pictures online. you can find that on the bbc news website or app. talks are under way in bangladesh between protest leaders and the military, which has taken charge after sheikh hasina's resignation as prime minister. the army has taken charge and the setting up an interim government but the organisers of demonstrations that led to the leader's dramatic resignation say they will not accept a military led resignation. let's hearfrom a military led resignation. let's hear from one of the protest leaders. translation: ~ ., leaders. translation: ., , ., , translation: we will not accept any other government _ translation: we will not accept any other government other _ translation: we will not accept any other government other than - translation: we will not accept any other government other than the - translation: we will not accept any other government other than the one | other government other than the one proposed by us. we will not accept the government supported by the military or the fascist. any proxy
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government or government against the people will not be accepted. we will form an interim government headed by the nobel laureate muhammad yunus, who has accepted this responsibility, to protect the people of bangladesh. we want to present this proposal to the president to form an interim government under the leadership of doctor mohammed younis. these pictures show that sheikh hasina's helicopter leaving. at least 109 people were killed in that arrest on monday alone. what least 109 people were killed in that arrest on monday alone. what began as student protest _ arrest on monday alone. what began as student protest of _ arrest on monday alone. what began as student protest of a _ arrest on monday alone. what began as student protest of a civil- as student protest of a civil servant job as student protest of a civil servantjob protest and escalated into demands for the prime minister to stand down after 15 years in power. not long after sheikh hasina left, thousands of anti—government
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protesters stormed her official residence. you can see some of the pictures there, whilst crowd celebrated on the streets. widespread looting was also reported to have taken place. and a little bit of breaking news. it has been announced in the last few minutes that the leading opposition figure and former prime minister, khaleda zia, has been released from prison, she had beenjailed on corruption charges that critics claimed had been trumped up. jill protesters have been released. let's speak to akbar hussein from the bbc bengali service, who's in dhaka. starting with those talks, the military holding talks with the protest leader but they say that they will not accept military rule. so, what do you think is likely to happen? i so, what do you think is likely to ha--en? ~ . so, what do you think is likely to ha en? ~ . , so, what do you think is likely to ha--en? ~ . ,. happen? i think that is a high possibility — happen? i think that is a high possibility that _ happen? i think that is a high possibility that a _ happen? i think that is a high possibility that a nonparty - happen? i think that is a high - possibility that a nonparty interim government will be formed, that is the demand of the protesters. andy
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protesters and its student leaders have already proposed the name of professor muhammad yunus, the noble lorry in bangladesh as the head of the interim government. they think that he can protect the country, and that he can protect the country, and that —— the noble laureate. they are saying that any interim government should be based on their recommendations, because they have made it happen. they have ousted the government of sheikh hasina. so their voices must be heard. but the army chief is holding discussions with many political parties, and are supposed to hold discussions with the student leaders as well. so, while i can understand that the army will be forming a new interim government, and that would be a nonparty caretaker government, in a day or two, and some local media are reporting that professor muhammad yunus has agreed to take up that
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role. but the main challenge has been to maintain the law and order, because you can see the lawlessness, looting has taken place, many police station set on fire, and people, their houses have been damaged, some of them beaten to death, so, in many places, there is lawlessness and absolute chaos. so it will be a very daunting task for the new interim government to restore order. haw government to restore order. how siunificant government to restore order. how significant do — government to restore order. how significant do you _ government to restore order. how significant do you think the fact that they have released the former prime minister from that they have released the former prime ministerfrom prison? it that they have released the former prime minister from prison?- prime minister from prison? it was widely exnected — prime minister from prison? it was widely expected that _ prime minister from prison? it was widely expected that khaleda - prime minister from prison? it was widely expected that khaleda zia i widely expected that khaleda zia would be released from prison, because the bangladeshi president signed an order yesterday, releasing khaleda zia from the prison, and the president said that the decision was taken unanimously. add the 78—year—old khaleda zia, who was
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three times prime minister of bangladesh, she is the arch rival of sheikh hasina, and khaleda zia's release order came several hours after sheikh hasina left the country. i there was a history of enmity between sheikh hasina and khaleda zia. when khaleda zia was the prime minister she chased sheikh hasina for a long time, and when sheikh hasina became the premise, she chased khaleda zia away, she was chased by khaleda zia. so it is a very interesting turn in bangladesh's politics, and khaleda zia was released at a time when people are on the street celebrating their victory, and her party, the bnp, bangladesh nationalist party, is urging people to maintain calm and restore order in the country. so maybe people believe that khaleda zia, being the leader of one of the
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largest political parties in bangladesh, in absence of sheikh hasina, so i think she can take some role, orshe hasina, so i think she can take some role, or she can urge people to stay calm, and not be indulging in violence. akbar hussein live in dhaka, thank you. the indian foreign minister says that they are deeply concerned by the bangladesh crisis. the latest on that will be on the live page on the bbc news website and app. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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level of these are pictures of the british prime minister sir keir starmer. he is greeting the sultan
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of oman in downing street. there you can see them at the very famous door of number ten. i am told that the sultan arrived in a silver rolls—royce. we do not see those pictures, but there was a red carpet outside number ten. they are going to be having a bilateral meeting thatis to be having a bilateral meeting that is taking place inside downing street, and there we can see them inside. this is life, where they are discussing different issues. the sultan of oman with the british prime minister sir keir starmer inside number 10 downing street. i do not think... have we got any sound? we do not have any sound. we will keep on your across what is said. our correspondence inside will bring you any lines is that bilateral meeting takes place. to the middle east now. israel's leading human rights organisation says conditions inside israeli prisons holding
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palestinians amount to torture. b'tshelem em says conditions have dramatically deteriorated since the start of the war in gaza last october, with the red cross prevented from visiting israeli prisons. last week, the issue of israel's treatment of palestinian detainees caused a very public row when demonstrators tried to prevent the arrest of soldiers accused of sexually abusing the lebanese health ministry says poor people have been killed in an israeli air strike for, it is north of the is lebanon border. meanwhile, american military officials say several us soldiers have been wounded in an attack on an air base in iraq. suspected rockets were fired at the al asad facility in the west of the country. presidentjoe biden and vice president kamala harris were briefed on the attack, the white house releasing this image of the pair in the situation room on monday evening. in a phone call with his israeli counterpart, us defence secretary loyd austin called the attack on the base a dangerous escalation.
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last week the us said it carried out a strike in iraq against militants who posed a threat to coalition forces. tensions are high in the middle east after last week's killings of the hamas political leader in tehran and a senior hezbollah commander in lebanon. iran has vowed to retalitate against israel, and the us has sent more aircraft and warships to the region. earlier i spoke to our middle east correspondent hugo bachega. i started by asking him about that suspected rocket attack that wounded several american personnel in iraq. this base is in western iraq, which has been repeatedly targeted by iranian—backed militia in iraq,
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especially after the hamas attacks of the 7th of october. it seems that the two rocket spell inside this base. at least five us personnel, soldiers and contractors, were injured. obviously, this happened as this region is waiting for this iranian retaliation, after the assassination of the hamas political chief that happened last week in tehran. western officials believe that iran might be planning an attack that is bigger than the one that it carried out in april, reacting to the attack on the iranian diplomatic compound in damascus, syria, it launched more than 300 missiles and drones, and almost all of those were intercepted by a coalition of countries led by the united states. there is also the concern that iran might be planning a response in coordination with its proxies across the region, including those militias in iraq. we have seen that there has been a lot of diplomatic activity to try to de—escalate tensions in the region. thejordanian foreign minister was in tehran. a rare visit by a jordanian
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official to iran. again, that was to try to contain those tensions and de—escalate tensions with iran. tomorrow there will be an emergency meeting of the organisation of islamic cooperation, a meeting called by iran to discuss the situation in the region, in particular the assassination of ismail hanieh, which happened in the capital whilst ismail hanieh was there for the inauguration of the new iranian president. so, we don't know how this response is going to be, when this response is going to happen, but here in lebanon, there is also concern about the response from hezbollah, another iranian—supported group in the region after the assassination of a senior hezbollah commander in beirut a week ago, and later today the hezbollah leader will be
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addressing supporters, to mark this one week since the assassination of this senior commander, so the expectation is that we could indications of how hezbollah is planning to respond. to us politics now , and we should know — within hours — who the us vice president and democratic presidential nominee kamala harris has chosen as her running mate. we can cross live to new york to speak to cbs correspondent jarred hill. when and how is it likely that you will get the announcement? in as much detail— will get the announcement? in as much detail as _ will get the announcement? in as much detail as i _ will get the announcement? in as much detail as i can _ will get the announcement? in as much detail as i can give - will get the announcement? in as much detail as i can give this - much detail as i can give this morning, is when we are expected to get the announcement. that leaves us with six or seven hours to see exactly how this ends up being. sometimes it could be mid—morning. this will come in the form of likely a campaign style video and some other kind of message on social media, that is what we are expecting
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at this point. we know that the vice president sent a text message to supporters saying that she had not yet made a decision on who her running mate would be so we're just waiting to see who this is. so running mate would be so we're 'ust waiting to see who this is. so maybe she wakes up. _ waiting to see who this is. so maybe she wakes up, has _ waiting to see who this is. so maybe she wakes up, has breakfast, - she wakes up, has breakfast, and decides who she is actually going to choose. you are the runners and riders? who are amongst the favourites?— riders? who are amongst the favourites? ., , ., , ., favourites? the two people that there are lots _ favourites? the two people that there are lots of _ favourites? the two people that there are lots of on _ favourites? the two people that there are lots of on this - favourites? the two people that there are lots of on this point i favourites? the two people that. there are lots of on this point are either the midwestern governor tim walz, orjosh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, both battleground states, regions potentially important for the democratic ticket to try and win in november. there are styles are slightly different but looking at some of this on paper, there are lots of similarities that could make either of these individuals potentially a good pick for the vice president.
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there are obviously about ten or so other names that have been floated but at least at this point, it does seem as though, we are hearing that there are really two candidates. find there are really two candidates. and ou there are really two candidates. and you mentioned it, it is the swing states these are known as, the ones that could go either way, but they try to get the db pick to target. that is exactly —— the vp pick. there are lots of questions political experts have about whether this actually does move the needle, for voters. this actually does move the needle, forvoters. but this actually does move the needle, for voters. but the swing seats, seven in particular at this point that have the potential to sway the vote. again, we are talking about when it comes to the presidential election in november it is not necessarily how the entirety of the country votes but how states vote, how many electoral college votes, in places that, looking at the polls even today, could sway in either
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direction, so hopefully, for both of these camps, they will be hoping that their vice presidential pics, at the top of the ticket as well as their policies will help to sway voters in either direction. jared hill, voters in either direction. jared hill. thank— voters in either direction. jared hill, thank you. _ voters in either direction. jared hill, thank you. back _ voters in either direction. jared hill, thank you. back to - voters in either direction. jared hill, thank you. back to bangladesh, we are hearing from the president was my office and tv channels that the bangladeshi parliament has been dissolved. that coming from the president's office and tv channels, parliament is dissolved, this, of course, after sheikh hasina, the prime minister, fled the country yesterday. stay with us on bbc news, we will bring you the latest from bangladesh shortly.
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hello again. pollen levels today are high across many parts of england, all of wales and southern scotland. for the rest of us they are low or moderate. and we're talking, especially at this time of year, about weed pollen and also nettles. now with the weather today, we've got this weather front continuing to push away into the north sea. for most of us through the afternoon, it's going to be an afternoon of sunny spells and a few showers. the most frequent and the heaviest ones will be across northern and western scotland and northern ireland. and here too, there'll be a noticeable wind, breezy for the rest of us, with highs 15 to about 25 degrees through this evening and overnight, some clear skies. a few showers still, again the heaviest in northern ireland and also scotland pushing eastwards, but by the end of the night stronger winds and some more persistent rain will be coming in to the northwest. all of us staying in double figures overnight lows falling away between 11 and about 13 degrees. so as we head on into tomorrow, then tomorrow, low pressure that's been driving our weather moves across us.
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and you can see from the squeeze on those isobars that it's going to be windy across scotland, northern england and northern ireland. we start with the heavy and persistent rain. that pushes eastwards and in doing so turns more showery. comes south of that and it's a mixture of bright spells, sunny spells and also some showers, but the showers becoming more isolated as we head towards the latter part of the afternoon. temperatures 15 to 23 degrees, feeling fresher across the board. and then from wednesday into thursday, this low pressure eventually pulls away, but it's replaced by another area of low pressure with its attendant fronts bringing in some rain. so it's going to be a breezy day or a windy day, depending on where you are on thursday. this rain, which will be heavy in places, will push northwards and eastwards, the cloud building ahead of it, unseasonably windy, the rain not getting in to the far north of scotland until later. these are the temperatures — 1a to about 22 degrees. then on friday, that rain eventually does make it up into the north of scotland again.
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it's going to be windy in northern england and scotland, and then as we head on in through the rest of the weekend, it does remain quite changeable, but it could be quite warm on sunday in the south.
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this is bbc news. the headlines: there was more violent disorder in parts of the uk last night, with police coming under attack
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in belfast, darlington and plymouth. nearly 400 people have been arrested since the unrest began. a vulnerable man kept as a slave for almost 26 years has won a "record payout" after his family sued the government for denying him adequate compensation. pupils across scotland received blank exam results emails this morning. the sqa says it has now resolved the "technical issue" and that emails have been reissued. and artists from 58 countries are putting on more than 52,000 performances, as the edinburgh fringe gets under way. a very good morning. let's go back to our top story — here in the uk, there's been renewed rioting in some cities in england and northern ireland, including darlington and plymouth and belfast.
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in belfast, a man in his 30s has been taken to hospital


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