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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  August 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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done cannot be viewed in have done cannot be viewed in isolation. it must be viewed against the background of unrest and disorder in the country, this was your contribution to that disorder. your conduct and that of your group was designed to stir up racial hatred. it took place at a time when the social climate was particularly sensitive. by the 3rd of august already been disorder in southport, manchester, hartlepool, aldershot, london, liverpooland manchester, hartlepool, aldershot, london, liverpool and sunderland. i will now turn to and following the sentencing guidelines. in terms of culpability, ifind that sentencing guidelines. in terms of culpability, i find that this falls into category a since it involves the targeting of individuals by a group and it was a sustained
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incident. it also falls into category one for harm, since people feared serious violence not only on that day but on subsequent days and that day but on subsequent days and that starting point for a category one a offence without the aggravating factor of racial aggravation is a high level community order with a range of up to 26 weeks imprisonment. given the context and the background of this incident and others around the country, i would have placed this offence at the top of the range. i must now consider the level of racial or religious aggravation involved and apply an appropriate uplift to the sentence in accordance with the guidelines. i am careful not to double count. i find that
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racial or religious aggravation was the predominant motivation for the offence and you were associated with a group which was promoting hostility based upon colour, race, religion. in those circumstances, i will increase the starting point that i consider to be appropriate. as i have said, your position is aggravated by your convictions for similar offending in 2012, for which you received a custodial sentence. at the forefront of my mind are the purposes of sentence, which in this case are punishment and deterrence. in mitigation, i take into account that you pleaded guilty at the first available opportunity, and you will receive full credit, that being one third. i also take into consideration your letter indicating
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your remorse. i take account of the comments of the probation officer that you are a single man living alone, but with responsibilities for alone, but with responsibilities for a child with whom you have regular contact. you say that this behaviour was caused by intoxication, but i note that similar convictions in the past. you are expressed by the probation service to be at high risk of reoffending. you are not in employment, although apparently fit and well. i will now turn to the sentence. would you stand please? given the context in which this incident occurred and the sustained nature of your conduct, which was designed to stir up racial hatred at a time of heightened social tension and immediate custodial sentence cannot be avoided. —— an immediate
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custodial sentence. the sentence that i pass has been reduced by one third to reduce your guilty plea. the sentence is one of eight months imprisonment and you will serve up to half your sentence in custody before you are released on licence. —— to reflect your guilty plea. if you fail to follow the conditions of your license, you can be returned to prison to serve some or all of the remainder of your custodial term. the victim surcharge applies and i will make an enforcement order. would you please take him down? that was jordan would you please take him down? that wasjordan plain being sentenced to eight months' imprisonment at leeds crown court byjudge guy kearl kc. thejudge said he had been caught on cctv footage outside leeds art gallery on the 21st of august as part of an edl group and was seen to
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climb ona part of an edl group and was seen to climb on a barrier and make monkey gestures and insulting comments and also imitated muslim prayer and the judge said this was insulting behaviour which caused alarm and distress to others. —— on the 2nd of august. 0ne witness said she had been traumatised by his behaviour and the judge gave out an eight—month sentence tojordan plain taking into account, he said, the context of civil unrest that was going on and also the sustained nature of the behaviour, went handing down this jail sentence, judge guy kearl kc has givenjordan plain eight months in prison for his own —— unrest which arose after stabbings in southport.
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here's a reminder of who's been sentenced so far today. this is adnan ghafoorr. he's 31 years old and has been jailed for 18 months for affray. he was was also jailed for an additional 12 months for breaching a suspended sentence. alongside him in the courtroom was this man, sameer ali, 21 years old, also jailed for affray, for which he was given a sentence of 20 months. soon after them this man, jordon parlour appeared in the same courtroom, in front of the same judge. he was also sentenced to 20 months in prison, but for a different offence — stiring up racial hatred. it's the first time someone has been jailed for comments made on social media in relation to the riots. the judge said thatjordan parlour encouraged people online to attack the britannia hotel in leeds, where a number of refugees and asylum seekers were being housed. bbc verify and the bbc data teams have been looking into who the rioters are and whatjail sentences they've received.
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here at bbc verify, we have been looking into who was involved in the riots following the fatal stabbing of three gals in southport and you can see we have identified some of those sentence in connection with the disorder and mapped where people have been arrested. —— three girls. almost 500 people have been arrested and close to 150 have been charged over the unrest and the data we have analysed relates to 19 separate cities and towns across england and northern ireland and it is worth mentioning that online offences won't assign a location so let's look at this graph. we have analysed 116 people that have been charged for participating in organised riots and you will notice the offences listed are actually higher than the
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number of individuals and that is because one individual can be charged with multiple offences and we have found that 94% of those charged in the cases we analysed were men and by the disorder was the most common charged with 69 counts in total and other alleged offences include 1a counts of assaulting an emergency worker and 12 relating to the possession of a weapon and we also see the section in grey and this is because there are lots of other offences like arson and affray. a man from cumbria has already been sentenced for 12 weeks in prison for posting racially aggravated online content on social media. that is according to police. just to reiterate, this is the latest data we have available. more people connected to the unrest are expected to be sentenced today and we will continue to update this story and data as we know more. bbc newsbeat�*s presenter pria rai has been speaking to younger listeners to her show all week, and hearing their views on the riots and protests. it has been a real range of opinions
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and i think the first thing i really noticed was the volume of people who wanted to get in and express their feelings, personal experiences. the first thing that really started coming from early in the week was people feeling scared and having this kind of inherent feeling of fear, even if they are not in places where at that point there had been flashpoints, clashes, riots and violence and particularly within the british south asian community, i think because it raised conversations of experiences perhaps of racism, discrimination, that kind of racism, discrimination, that kind of feeling of intimidation that their parents or grandparents had experienced, say, in the uk in the 70s and 80s, then rethink those conversations and realising they are witnessing, for some of them, that feeling first—hand that they had only ever heard about, so particularly interesting, i spoke to an 18—year—old who lives in an area
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of birmingham where there is a strong south asian community, called alum rock, saying i am born and raised here and this is the first time i'm kind of questioning my identity and some of it is based off of what people are seeing on the news and some of what is being spoken about online and that was particularly interesting that across all british asian communities, particularly for muslim communities and young muslims we have spoken to, british muslims, and i spoke to one young woman who is a british muslim and she spoke about that has made her question herself. tote and she spoke about that has made her question herself.— and she spoke about that has made her question herself. we have a riot here today. — her question herself. we have a riot here today. and _ her question herself. we have a riot here today, and i _ her question herself. we have a riot here today, and i said _ her question herself. we have a riot here today, and i said riot _ her question herself. we have a riot here today, and i said riot and - her question herself. we have a riot here today, and i said riot and not l here today, and i said riot and not protest. _ here today, and i said riot and not protest. and — here today, and i said riot and not protest, and i will continue to refer— protest, and i will continue to refer to — protest, and i will continue to refer to a _ protest, and i will continue to refer to a riot because these people have no_ refer to a riot because these people have no other motives then riots, so these _
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have no other motives then riots, so these people will come in and they want to— these people will come in and they want to cause havoc so what i wanted to do _ want to cause havoc so what i wanted to do was _ want to cause havoc so what i wanted to do was to — want to cause havoc so what i wanted to do was to take my nan out so she is not _ to do was to take my nan out so she is not afflicted by what is going on, is not afflicted by what is going on. the — is not afflicted by what is going on, the noises, the sounds, the police _ on, the noises, the sounds, the police rattling everywhere because they are _ police rattling everywhere because they are trying to keep communities safe _ they are trying to keep communities safe. ., . , they are trying to keep communities safe. ., .,, h they are trying to keep communities safe. ., ., �*,, they are trying to keep communities safe. ., .,, �*, , ., they are trying to keep communities safe. ., k, ., they are trying to keep communities safe. ., ., ., safe. how as it's been for you and our safe. how as it's been for you and your mum — safe. how as it's been for you and your mum and — safe. how as it's been for you and your mum and your— safe. how as it's been for you and your mum and your nan, - safe. how as it's been for you and your mum and your nan, as - safe. how as it's been for you and your mum and your nan, as much | safe. how as it's been for you and i your mum and your nan, as much as your mum and your nan, as much as you have been able to do with her, having the conversations about the experiences they may have remembered this is the ones and the feelings you are having now? that this is the ones and the feelings you are having now?— this is the ones and the feelings you are having now? that used to tell me when _ you are having now? that used to tell me when i _ you are having now? that used to tell me when i was _ you are having now? that used to tell me when i was young, - you are having now? that used to tell me when i was young, oh, . you are having now? that used to i tell me when i was young, oh, yeah, this used _ tell me when i was young, oh, yeah, this used to — tell me when i was young, oh, yeah, this used to happen when i went to school, _ this used to happen when i went to school, i_ this used to happen when i went to school, i used to house after watch my back, _ school, i used to house after watch my back, and out was like, oh, you were _ my back, and out was like, oh, you were born — my back, and out was like, oh, you were born and brought up in a predominately white area but the town we — predominately white area but the town we live in is not like that, it is pretty— town we live in is not like that, it is pretty diverse, and my mum is like, _ is pretty diverse, and my mum is like. oh. — is pretty diverse, and my mum is like. oh. you— is pretty diverse, and my mum is like, oh, you still need to be carefut— like, oh, you still need to be careful and they always instilled the spring of this may be the country— the spring of this may be the country you live in, but you will never _ country you live in, but you will never futty— country you live in, but you will never fully be british, and i never fully understood that until the coming — fully understood that until the coming days where i add herds that you would _ coming days where i add herds that you would never be british, no
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matter— you would never be british, no matter whether your mum was born here, _ matter whether your mum was born here, your— matter whether your mum was born here, your grant was born here, because — here, your grant was born here, because of— here, your grant was born here, because of skin colour. and here, your grant was born here, because of skin colour.- here, your grant was born here, because of skin colour. and did you hear from people _ because of skin colour. and did you hear from people that _ because of skin colour. and did you hear from people that actually - because of skin colour. and did you hear from people that actually had | hear from people that actually had concerns about immigration even if they did not particularly want to be involved in rioting? absolutely, and i think that is something that came through pretty strongly is people talking down the violence and not wantin: to talking down the violence and not wanting to see — talking down the violence and not wanting to see that _ talking down the violence and not wanting to see that irrespective l talking down the violence and not| wanting to see that irrespective of their heritage or community on their streets or on other people's streets but a sense of frustration at not knowing then how to, if they have concerns about immigration, how to talk about it without being branded something that they don't feel like they are and also a sense of wanting to have more information and feeling like, 0k, to have more information and feeling like, ok, i to have more information and feeling like, 0k, iam to have more information and feeling like, ok, i am concerned about immigration and i don't know if i have all the information to base that opinion on. we had several people get in touch and saying, i really empathise and understand, or can only imagine how fearful some people may be feeling. i don't want them to feel that beer but i am also
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wanting to talk about immigration. that is something that a couple of people who got in touch with news beat, chris and christie, spoke to me about. fir beat, chris and christie, spoke to me about. ., beat, chris and christie, spoke to me about-— me about. or the illegal and the creation and _ me about. or the illegal and the creation and the _ me about. or the illegal and the creation and the volume - me about. or the illegal and the creation and the volume of - me about. or the illegal and the l creation and the volume of people that are _ creation and the volume of people that are being let in and the fact that are being let in and the fact that even— that are being let in and the fact that even though, you know, with the voting _ that even though, you know, with the voting and _ that even though, you know, with the voting and things that have happened, it still doesn't feel like they are _ happened, it still doesn't feel like they are being heard. you know, the ones _ they are being heard. you know, the ones that— they are being heard. you know, the ones that are — they are being heard. you know, the ones that are really shouting about their views — ones that are really shouting about their views and things like that. you know. _ their views and things like that. you know, there are reasons why nigel— you know, there are reasons why nigel farage was voted in and i think— nigel farage was voted in and i think people are trying to say what they want— think people are trying to say what they want to say but it is not being heard _ they want to say but it is not being heard by— they want to say but it is not being heard by the right people. what they want to say but it is not being heard by the right people.- heard by the right people. what is our heard by the right people. what is your message. — heard by the right people. what is your message, then? _ heard by the right people. what is your message, then? you - heard by the right people. what is your message, then? you sent. heard by the right people. what is your message, then? you sent as| heard by the right people. what is. your message, then? you sent as a whatsapp as well so what did you want to say? i whatsapp as well so what did you want to say?— whatsapp as well so what did you wanttosa? ., . want to say? i am deeply concerned about what — want to say? i am deeply concerned about what is _ want to say? i am deeply concerned about what is taking _ want to say? i am deeply concerned about what is taking place _ want to say? i am deeply concerned about what is taking place at - want to say? i am deeply concerned about what is taking place at the - about what is taking place at the moment— about what is taking place at the moment and _ about what is taking place at the moment and it _ about what is taking place at the moment and it is _ about what is taking place at the moment and it is really- about what is taking place at the moment and it is really alarming about what is taking place at the - moment and it is really alarming how it has— moment and it is really alarming how it has got— moment and it is really alarming how it has got to — moment and it is really alarming how it has got to this— moment and it is really alarming how it has got to this point. _ moment and it is really alarming how it has got to this point. might - it has got to this point. might tocat— it has got to this point. might tocat towns— it has got to this point. might
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local towns will— it has got to this point. might local towns will be _ it has got to this point. might local towns will be holding. it has got to this point. might - local towns will be holding protests in the _ local towns will be holding protests in the coming — local towns will be holding protests in the coming week— local towns will be holding protests in the coming week and _ local towns will be holding protests in the coming week and i— local towns will be holding protests in the coming week and i am - local towns will be holding protests in the coming week and i am in- local towns will be holding protests in the coming week and i am in two minds. _ in the coming week and i am in two minds. i_ in the coming week and i am in two minds. iwould— in the coming week and i am in two minds, i would like _ in the coming week and i am in two minds, i would like to— in the coming week and i am in two minds, i would like tojoin, - in the coming week and i am in two minds, i would like tojoin, but- in the coming week and i am in two minds, i would like tojoin, but if. minds, i would like tojoin, but if it is going — minds, i would like tojoin, but if it is going to— minds, i would like tojoin, but if it is going to lead _ minds, i would like tojoin, but if it is going to lead to _ minds, i would like tojoin, but if it is going to lead to violence, i i it is going to lead to violence, i want _ it is going to lead to violence, i want no — it is going to lead to violence, i want no part— it is going to lead to violence, i want no part of— it is going to lead to violence, i want no part of that _ it is going to lead to violence, i want no part of that and - it is going to lead to violence, i want no part of that and it- it is going to lead to violence, i want no part of that and it is. it is going to lead to violence, i i want no part of that and it is quite scary. _ want no part of that and it is quite scary. the — want no part of that and it is quite scary, the scenes— want no part of that and it is quite scary, the scenes we _ want no part of that and it is quite scary, the scenes we have - want no part of that and it is quite scary, the scenes we have been . scary, the scenes we have been seeing — scary, the scenes we have been seeing and _ scary, the scenes we have been seeing and i_ scary, the scenes we have been seeing and i am _ scary, the scenes we have been seeing and i am a _ scary, the scenes we have been seeing and i am a young - scary, the scenes we have been seeing and i am a young dad . scary, the scenes we have beenl seeing and i am a young dad and scary, the scenes we have been . seeing and i am a young dad and i have— seeing and i am a young dad and i have got— seeing and i am a young dad and i have got kids _ seeing and i am a young dad and i have got kids and _ seeing and i am a young dad and i have got kids and this— seeing and i am a young dad and i have got kids and this should - seeing and i am a young dad and i have got kids and this should not| seeing and i am a young dad and i. have got kids and this should not be the answer— have got kids and this should not be the answer in — have got kids and this should not be the answer in our— have got kids and this should not be the answer in our society. _ have got kids and this should not be the answer in our society. but - have got kids and this should not be the answer in our society. but i - have got kids and this should not be the answer in our society. but i am i the answer in our society. but i am understanding _ the answer in our society. but i am understanding people's— the answer in our society. but i am understanding people's frustrationl understanding people's frustration as wett _ understanding people's frustration as well. �* ., ., , understanding people's frustration as well. �* ., ., ., as well. and that was an overriding sentiment because _ as well. and that was an overriding sentiment because also _ as well. and that was an overriding sentiment because also part - as well. and that was an overriding sentiment because also part of - as well. and that was an overriding | sentiment because also part of that conversation with chris, there was this, i would say, this new government has only been in power for a month and has said x, y and z on immigration and he was interested to hear that and didn't feel like that information had been cutting through to him so he was open to having that dialogue and likewise, on the flip, i spoke to a different young british muslim woman earlier in the week you had been outside a mosque in liverpool that was seeing a demonstration and she had decided
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to actually go and have conversations with people that are chosen to come and demonstrate and just opened that conversation. they were asking questions about her religion, about islam, she was asking what their motivation was, and before you knew it, in her experience, what she was telling me is that they were able to have that conversation and see things from each other�*s perspective a bit more so what has been good, with all the happiness that people have been hearing, the fear, as might listeners have been telling me, there is a will to be persistent and try to keep things going in a more positive and less violent direction. just every cop —— a recap are not used. jordan plain sentenced at leeds crown court to eight
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months for racially aggravated intentional harassment. thejudge said his language was designed to stir up racial hatred and so he was sentenced to eight months. will be joining the bbc verify team. do stay with us here on bbc news.
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police in northern ireland said they dealt with violence on thursday night and incidents of rachel hatred. bricks were thrown and the prime minister, sir keir starmer, says he plans to crack down on any
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blind further incidents this weekend and a man has beenjailed for 18 months after he admitted to stirring up months after he admitted to stirring up racial hatred on social media by calling for an attack on a hotel housing asylum seekers. —— racial hatred. the police say they are on as date of readiness. there have been a series of arrests in staffordshire this morning in connection with trouble last weekend. and the prime minister, on a visit to the metropolitan police, says officers are also prepared in case of further trouble this weekend, even though far—right demonstrations which had been
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planned for the middle of this week largely failed to materialise. my message to the police, and all of those charged with responding to disorder is, "maintain that high alert". i am absolutely convinced that having the police officers in place these last few days in the right places, the swift justice that is being dispensed in our courts, have had a real impact. but we have to stay on high alert going into this weekend because we absolutely have to make sure that our communities are safe and secure, and feel safe and secure. this is the moment police arrest a 69—year—old rioter. william morgan had armed himself with a wooden cosh and joined a violent mob during the recent riots on merseyside. i'm english! he has now been jailed for two years and eight months. footage released by the crown prosecution service reveals the moment a library was torched in liverpool last saturday. with so many books inside, it didn't take long for the place to go up. it is being visited today by the business secretary. the public has already donated more than £200,000 to an online fundraiser to buy new books. we have a very diverse community that came together. last night in brighton, around 100 people attended a rally organised by stand up to racism. but despite the community support, some say they remain fearful.
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there are members of my congregation and congregations across the country that are having to think twice about whether they can attend mosque, especially in the evenings. in this day and age, and in our country, nobody should be fearing to go to a place of worship, which are sanctuaries. these images have been released by humberside police of men they want to speak to. many of them were captured by tv cameras and on social media too. this man with the grey jumper around his neck was filmed with a police shield and is being cheered on to throw objects. and this man with a grey hoodie appears to be among a group of people attacking a car. police and politicians alike are hoping the stiff sentences being handed out to offenders, including those who stirred up hatred online, are acting as a deterrent to further trouble. we want to reassure our local communities that we are absolutely taking this seriously and that that level of disorder and public violence will not be tolerated within staffordshire police. but officers are braced for what could be another
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challenging weekend. simon jones, bbc news. meanwhile, a councillor in dartford, in kent, has been charged with one count of encouraging violent disorder after he was filmed addressing a crowd at a london demonstration on wednesday. 0ur political correspondent, ben wright has more. rickyjones was a former labour councillor in dartford, kent, and was among thousands of people who joined a counter demonstration against racism and violence in walthamstow, east london, on wednesday evening. but video footage posted online showed the 57—year—old telling a crowd that far—right demonstrators needed to have their throats cut. he was arrested by the met yesterday when a labour party spokesman issued a statement saying this was completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated and he has since been
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suspended from the party and he has now been charged with encouraging violent disorder and the cps said he had made remarks and gestures encouraging others to act violently towards far right protesters and he is expected to appear at westminster magistrates' court later today. that is our political reporter, ben wright, reporting from westminster. the family of a retired british doctor have issued an urgent appeal after he disappeared in the french pyrenees almost 48 hours ago. tom doherty, who is 67 and from st albans in hertfordshire, was travelling alone in southern france. the search, involving helicopters and dogs, resumed this morning. the austrian interior minister says a third person has been arrested in connection with the planned attacks on the taylor swift concerts in vienna. the austrian authorities said an 18—year—old iraqi was detained in the austrian capital on thursday night.
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he said the teenager, who is believed to have pledged allegiance to the islamic state group, was an acquaintance of the main suspect, a 19—year—old austrian citizen. taylor swift's three performances in vienna have been cancelled. let's heart from some of the fan. let's heart from some of the fans. we area we are a bit sad but we are glad. it's a curious line but we are glad to be alive. positive. tote it's a curious line but we are glad to be alive. positive.— to be alive. positive. we had the outfit and we _ to be alive. positive. we had the outfit and we just _ to be alive. positive. we had the outfit and we just found - to be alive. positive. we had the outfit and we just found out - to be alive. positive. we had the l outfit and we just found out about it last _ outfit and we just found out about it last night and we could either be mad hut— it last night and we could either be mad but we decided to be glad but we decided _ mad but we decided to be glad but we decided to— mad but we decided to be glad but we decided to come anyway with the outfits— decided to come anyway with the outfits we — decided to come anyway with the outfits we planned because we put a lot of— outfits we planned because we put a lot of effort into it and we are having — lot of effort into it and we are having fun with the other fans. | having fun with the other fans. i feel disappointed and sad because this is— feel disappointed and sad because this is a _ feel disappointed and sad because this is a very— feel disappointed and sad because this is a very special _ feel disappointed and sad because this is a very special moment - feel disappointed and sad because this is a very special moment for. this is a very special moment for all swifties — this is a very special moment for all swifties and _ this is a very special moment for all swifties and it _ this is a very special moment for all swifties and it is _ this is a very special moment for all swifties and it is so _ this is a very special moment for all swifties and it is so sad - this is a very special moment for all swifties and it is so sad that i all swifties and it is so sad that it is destroyed _ all swifties and it is so sad that it is destroyed right— all swifties and it is so sad that it is destroyed right now. - all swifties and it is so sad that it is destroyed right now. we . all swifties and it is so sad that - it is destroyed right now. we waited a year— it is destroyed right now. we waited a year for— it is destroyed right now. we waited a year for this — it is destroyed right now. we waited a year for this moment. _ it is destroyed right now. we waited a year for this moment. 1&— it is destroyed right now. we waited a year for this moment.— a year for this moment. a real disappointment _ a year for this moment. a real disappointment for _ a year for this moment. a real disappointment for those - a year for this moment. a real-
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disappointment for those swifties. 0ur europe correspondent, bethany bell, in vienna, gave us an update on the latest arrest. we haven't had too many details about this man beyond the fact that he is 18 years old, said to be an acquaintance of the main suspect, the 19—year—old austrian citizen who was arrested on wednesday. and we understand today, as well, we've heard from the interior minister that the process is under way to remand both the 19—year—old, who was arrested on wednesday, and a 17—year—old austrian, who was also arrested on wednesday, to remand them in custody. we also know that the authorities have questioned a 15—year—old person here who happened to be around the area of the stadium where the concerts were taking place. they've questioned him, but we understand they're treating him as a witness and he has not been arrested. this comes at the same time that vienna is still full of swiftie fans who are missing their concert,
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but say they understand that safety has to come first. bethany bell in vienna there. the artist banksy has confirmed he is the creator of a new work of art showing two pelicans which has appeared above a fish and chip shop in london and the birds are shown in silhouette fishing on the corner of pretoria road and northgate avenue in walthamstow. you are watching bbc news. hello.
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it is a decent enough day for most of us, all though a little bit windy with scattered showers across northern parts of the uk and it will turn really hot across southern parts of the uk and we have brisk westerly winds across scotland and the irish sea and we have some showers earlier on here on the radar and we also had thick cloud earlier on in the south and that is a weather front which has now cleared towards the east and it is much brighter. and the temperatures this afternoon are mid—20s in the south—east of england and low 20s in the north—west but the teens for scotland and northern ireland. it should be a fine friday evening although in that north—west although in the north—west of scotland the showers will continue and the western isles too. later in the night we are also expecting thicker cloud to spread into wales, central england and the south—west, and it will really be quite murky around some coasts with a bit of rain and drizzle forecast and the further east you are, the drier it will be. tomorrow starts off quite murky across the southern parts of the uk and the clouds should fade into the afternoon and so we will
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call it bright rather than sunny although the south coast of england should be sunny and in scotland, showers are expected and in northern ireland and the lake district i think it should be quite sunny tomorrow. now, the forecast for sunday, i think a generally sunny day across the bulk of the uk. the winds will start to come in from the south, so pushing hot air from the near continent, and we will probably hit 30 degrees in the south on sunday, not in the north, though. there is that hot stream of air out of spain through france and spreading to other parts of europe as well and this will be a short—lived heatwave, so a couple of days of some quite intense heat, sunday into monday. but not everywhere — look at that, storms are forecast for parts of northern ireland and scotland and maybe the north of england throughout monday. the heat will be reserved to more central, eastern and south—eastern parts of england and 33 is possible but more typically it is around 30 and then we have the high 20s further north across northern ireland and scotland and that heat doesn't last very long.
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and it looks as though next week, we will have weather fronts lining up like buses heading our way.
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live from london. this is bbc news. with me, ben brown. the headlines... ukraine launches a major drone attack about 300 kilometres inside russia. but russia has carried out a strike
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on a ukrainian supermarket — killing at least 13 people accoding to the ukrainian interior minister. dozens have been injured. four men are being sentenced following protests in leeds, as uk prime minister sir keir starmer says police should remain on "high alert" after a week of rioting across england and northern ireland. another teenager has been arrested in connection with an alleged plot to attack taylor swift concerts in vienna. and lee carsley has been announced as the interim manager of the england men's football team. he said it is an honour to step up and lead the squad.
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