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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 20, 2024 3:00am-4:01am BST

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kamala carries stay with you. kamala carries with her the hopes of every child she protected, every family she helped, every community she served. so as president, she will always have our backs. and she will be a fire for us. she will fight to lower costs for hard—working families. open the doors wide for good paying jobs and, yes, she will restore abortion rights nationwide. cheering. as a prosecutor, kamala locked up as a prosecutor, kamala locked up murderers and drug traffickers. she will never
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rest in defence of our freedom and safety. donald trump fell asleep at his own trial and when he woke up, he made his own kind of history. the first person to run for president with 30 forfelony person to run for president with 30 for felony "34 felony convictions. as vice president, kamala sat on the situation room. cheering.
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but we also know as vice president kamala sat on the situation room and stood for america's values. i know what it takes and i can tell you, as commander—in—chief, kamala won't disrespect our military and veterans. she reveres our medal of honour recipients. she won't be sending love letters to dictators. she will defend democracy and our constitution and will protect america from enemies foreign and domestic. think about it. the
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constitution says the president �*s job is to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. those are the words of our founders. take care. look at the candidates. kamala carers about kids and families, carers about kids and families, carers about america. donald only cares about himself. on her first day in court, kamala said five words that still guide her. kamala harris for the people. that is something donald trump will never understand. it is no surprise, is it? that he is lying about? �*s record, mocking her name and
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her life, sounds familiar. but we have him on the run now. so, no matter what the polls say. we cannot let up. we cannot get driven down crazy conspiracy rabbit holes, we have to fight for the truth, fight. kamala as she will fight for us because you know what it? it still takes a village to raise a family, heala takes a village to raise a family, heal a country and when a campaign. america needs everyone of us,
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our energy talent, dreams. we are notjust electing a president. we are uplifting our nation. we are opening the promise of america wide enough for everyone. together we put a lot of cracks to the highest, hardest last ceiling. —— glass ceiling. tonight, so close to breaking through once and for all. i want to tell you what i see for all of those cracks. why it matters for each and every one of us. what do i see? i see freedom. i see the freedom to make our own decisions about our health, our
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lives, our loves, ourfamilies. lives, our loves, our families. the lives, our loves, ourfamilies. the freedom to work with dignity and prosper. to worship as we choose or not. to speak our mind freely and honestly. i see freedom from fear and intimidation from violence and injustice, from chaos and corruption. i see the freedom to look our children in the eye and say in america you can go as far as your hard work and talent will take you and mean it. on the other side of that class ceiling is kamala harris raising her hand and taking the oath of office as our 40s at the president of the united
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states. "47 president. because, my friend, when a barrier falls for because, my friend, when a barrierfalls for one of because, my friend, when a barrier falls for one of us, it falls and clears the way for all of us. for the next 78 days, we need to work harder than we ever have. we need to beat back the dangers trump and his allies pose to the rule of law and our way of life. don't get distracted or complacent. talk to your friends and neighbours. volunteer. be proud champions for the truth and for the country we all love. i once my grandchildren and their
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grandchildren to know i was here at this moment. that we we here at this moment. that we we here and that we were with kamala harris every step of the way. this is our time, america. this is when we stand up. this is when we break through. the future is here. it is in our grasp. let's go when it's. former secretary of state hillary clinton. let's go to sarah smith correspondent and editor on the floor. it is very loud up here. tells what it is down there. very exciting. absolutely
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ecstatic with the speech hillary clinton gave. it is an uplifting and buoyant message to a crowd who think they are now in sight of victory with their candidate kamala harris and that is what hillary clinton was telling them and they are loving it.— they are loving it. what did ou they are loving it. what did you make _ they are loving it. what did you make of _ they are loving it. what did you make of her _ they are loving it. what did you make of her message? they are loving it. what did l you make of her message? it they are loving it. what did - you make of her message? it was fascinating- _ you make of her message? it was fascinating. listening _ you make of her message? it was fascinating. listening to - you make of her message? it was fascinating. listening to the - fascinating. listening to the on the woman that has run for president as the candidate of a major party and only candidate that lost against donald trump. later on we will hear from joe biden, the only democratic candidate that has been donald trump. she was telling us a message of progress that even though she didn't make it, she is confident kamala harris can because donald trump, we've got him on the right is how she put it. after she left the crowd in
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chance. i thought it was amusing of law, after she was told about his felony convictions which was a parody of our use to wrap up his rallies. ., ~ of our use to wrap up his rallies-— of our use to wrap up his rallies. ., ~' , ., ~ of our use to wrap up his rallies. ., ~ , ., ~ ., rallies. thank you. we will go back to the — rallies. thank you. we will go back to the stage. _ thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you and good evening. thank you, south carolina. thank you. four years ago americans were experiencing
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high anxieties. and great uncertainty. the virus range, school clothes, businesses suffered. donald trump mismanaged the crisis from day one. looking out for himself instead of the country. the american people responded to the crisis in leadership by electing new leaders. thanks to joe biden and kamala harris, we reopened our schools, brought back our businesses and restored our faith in the american can—do spirit. thanks tojoe and kamala, we reduced the price of prescription drugs, prepared roads and bridges and replaced lead
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pipes. thanks tojoe and kamala, we are honouring our heroes in uniform and expanding benefits to over a million veterans. thanks tojoe and kamala, make it in america is no longerjust a slogan but a movement bringing meaning of manufacturing jobs back to america. for president biden �*s lifetime achievement, and service of his country, we owe him a great debt of gratitude. we're all gratefulfor him a great debt of gratitude. we're all grateful for one of the best decisions he made. selecting kamala as his vice president and endorsing her to succeed him. i often say we are
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but the sum of our experiences. and the introduction to my memoir i wrote all my experiences have not been pleasant but i consider all of them to be blessings. so has been the case with kamala. her experiences have prepared her for this moment. kamala harris is a true battle tested leader, district attorney, attorney general, the senator and vice president who gets things done. while donald trump has been bragging about how he overturned roe versus wade. kamala have been simply
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advocating for the production freedoms. while trump has been looking after himself and his billionaire buddies, kamala has been fighting to lower costs for all americans. and while trump forcefully plead tru m p forcefully plead ignorance trump forcefully plead ignorance for project 20 35 which in my opinion isjim crow 2.0. kamala has been offering the american people proposals and visionary leadership. i often looked to the cookbook for understanding and guidance. a second corinthian informs, we are troubled on every side yet not distressed. we are
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perplexed but not in despair. persecuted but not forsaken. cast down but not destroyed. our great democracy has been tested. and so has the basic goodness of the american people. but our resolve to remain a great country with freedom and justice for all will not falter. we will continue our march towards a more perfect union, united in our common purpose and emboldened by our resolve to collect kamala ——lx kamala harris and tim walz as the next president and vice president of america. thank you and god
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speed. congress men james e congress menjames e clyburn speaking from south carolina, a key ally ofjoe biden and it is important to say he very much is seen as a man who helped get joe biden elected in 2020, helped energise black voters in the state of south carolina and again as a big supporter ofjoe biden. i want to come back to who we have, my guest with me tonight, maxine waters and jeff who is a former special assistant and speechwriter to joe biden and to give our viewers an idea. it was as interesting watching the speeches as it was watching congresswoman�*s waters reaction to the speeches because you were jumping to the speeches because you werejumping out to the speeches because you were jumping out of your chair during eloquence and speech. what did you like about it so much? , ., ., ., much? first of all i love the fact that — much? first of all i love the fact that hillary _ much? first of all i love the fact that hillary was - much? first of all i love the fact that hillary was here. l much? first of all i love the fact that hillary was here. i | fact that hillary was here. i love the fact that she worked very hard and she should have been president. i like the fact
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that she did not let her lose faith, she stayed working hard in the democratic party, travelling and shelling up and she came here tonight to talk about why it is so important to elect kamala. talked about the issues, talked about how bad donald trump is and was and the people were delighted in seeing her and remembering her and the campaign and the fact that there was a woman who was almost president of the united states of america and so yes i was excited, i really love her. i care so much about her, i worked in her campaign and i to believe she could have been and should have been the president of the united states. however, she kept on ticking and talked about another woman who could be president and will be
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president of the united states. you are right, i was excited. as were a lot of people in here, as we heard she took a few digs at donald trump as well, didn't she? she few digs at donald trump as well, didn't she?— few digs at donald trump as well, didn't she? she did and i'm happy _ well, didn't she? she did and i'm happy to _ well, didn't she? she did and i'm happy to take _ well, didn't she? she did and i'm happy to take the - well, didn't she? she did and i'm happy to take the advice l well, didn't she? she did and j i'm happy to take the advice i offered — i'm happy to take the advice i offered is _ i'm happy to take the advice i offered is because witches don't _ offered is because witches don't yell into the microphone when — don't yell into the microphone when it— don't yell into the microphone when it gets loud. this arena has gotten electric in the last 30 minutes or so. before we talk— 30 minutes or so. before we talk about the digs, i want to build — talk about the digs, i want to build on _ talk about the digs, i want to build on something you said which — build on something you said which is _ build on something you said which is tonight really feels like a — which is tonight really feels like a torch passing. whatever the official theme of the evening is, it is hillary clinton, _ evening is, it is hillary clinton, joe biden saying we have — clinton, joe biden saying we have given our lives to service, _ have given our lives to service, these are our shoulders and you stand on them, _ shoulders and you stand on them, without bitterness or recriminations, maybe a couple for donald _ recriminations, maybe a couple for donald trump. but there's something really beautiful in the way— something really beautiful in the way this is happening and it is unfolding this evening. and — it is unfolding this evening. and what congress said, is
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true — and what congress said, is true she _ and what congress said, is true. she showed she can throw a punch — true. she showed she can throw a punch or— true. she showed she can throw a punch or two. she true. she showed she can throw a punch ortwo. she is an effective _ a punch ortwo. she is an effective politician, so some forget — effective politician, so some forget she's been a stats woman but she — forget she's been a stats woman but she is— forget she's been a stats woman but she is a politician and i thought— but she is a politician and i thought these conventions are about — thought these conventions are about. the leadership and statesmanship of the fact that you have _ statesmanship of the fact that you have to win.— you have to win. she talked about that _ you have to win. she talked about that glass _ you have to win. she talked about that glass ceiling - you have to win. she talked | about that glass ceiling very much from her perspective as a woman and said we can see these cracks and we said kamala harris. i want to ask you what you thought ofjim clyburn�*s speech, the key ally ofjoe biden and critical to getting elected in 2020. absolutely. joe biden — elected in 2020. absolutely. joe biden never— elected in 2020. absolutely. joe biden never forgot - elected in 2020. absolutely. joe biden never forgot that l elected in 2020. absolutely. i joe biden never forgot that and you know what he said tojim and all those who came with him? not only in south carolina but all over the country, joe biden said you have my back and i will have yours. and he has lived up to the promises. he is an honourable man, and i think an honourable man, and i think a lot of what this is all about
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is something that you alluded to. i think people are sick and tired of the divisiveness. of the name—calling, of the scandals, of someone who served as president of the nose states the kind of dishonourable person he is. and people are feeling a sense of the fact that we can move forward with people who not only care but who are committed to the proposition that this democracy must be protected. and we know, and even some republicans know that our democracy is at stake. and that donald trump aligns himself with vladimir putin in russia, he thinks that is his friend and it keeps alluding to wanting to be a dictatorfor one day but we all know he may live like that forever if he can get it. it's a new feeling
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of possibility, a new feeling that we can take this country in the direction that it wants to go and it should go and that we have kamala harris who has the kind of background that shows us that we can get a accomplished woman who has served as vice president, who not only is very knowledgeable about the domestic agenda but has trouble to 20 countries and couldn't have learned better international relationships than with joe international relationships than withjoe biden. he is an expert and everybody understands that. she has had the possibility of working with him to learn international, combined that with her domestic knowledge, combined with her commitment and with the fact that she has worked hard to get where she is. we have the next president of the united states of america. president of the united states of america-— of america. you are certainly convinced! — of america. you are certainly convinced! what _ of america. you are certainly convinced! what do - of america. you are certainly convinced! what do you - of america. you are certainly i convinced! what do you think? i
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should also say from your lips to god's — should also say from your lips to god's ears. that is all true _ to god's ears. that is all true you _ to god's ears. that is all true. you hit it on policy and the — true. you hit it on policy and the politics of it. there's a newfound excitement. it's a really — newfound excitement. it's a really powerful emotional moment that comes up when joe biden— moment that comes up when joe biden witt— moment that comes up when joe biden will take the stage and we sense that a little later. this — we sense that a little later. this is _ we sense that a little later. this is someone who really has been _ this is someone who really has been a dedicated public servant and in _ been a dedicated public servant and in thinking about this i went— and in thinking about this i went back to the few times in his career— went back to the few times in his career where he had to close — his career where he had to close chapters. when he left the senate in 2009, when he chose — the senate in 2009, when he chose not _ the senate in 2009, when he chose not to run in 2016 and there — chose not to run in 2016 and there are _ chose not to run in 2016 and there are themes flowing through that. one of them going way back— through that. one of them going way back to when he left the senate — way back to when he left the senate was how much america can change _ senate was how much america can change over the course of one person — change over the course of one person service and i think one of the — person service and i think one of the things we are seeing in this new— of the things we are seeing in this new ticket is now taking the stage is exactly that. it is that— the stage is exactly that. it is that generational change. | is that generational change. i want is that generational change. want to is that generational change. i want to on that, you've written
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speeches forjoe biden. what do you think we will hear from him tonight and from how you know joe biden and what he wants to achieve with the speech? there are certain _ achieve with the speech? there are certain touchstones - achieve with the speech? there are certain touchstones in - achieve with the speech? there are certain touchstones in his . are certain touchstones in his life and — are certain touchstones in his life and career that keep coming _ life and career that keep coming back and one is the dignity— coming back and one is the dignity of work and this is a president who when he was running _ president who when he was running for president said he was — running for president said he was going to work to restore the nation, rebuild the middle—class, the infrastructure and serve as a bridge — infrastructure and serve as a bridge to _ infrastructure and serve as a bridge to the next generation. tonight— bridge to the next generation. tonight it takes the stage and he becomes that very president who has— he becomes that very president who has said i have kept every promise — who has said i have kept every promise i_ who has said i have kept every promise i have made. he who has said i have kept every promise i have made.- promise i have made. he is auoin promise i have made. he is going to — promise i have made. he is going to get _ promise i have made. he is going to get a _ promise i have made. he is going to get a lot _ promise i have made. he is going to get a lot of- promise i have made. he is going to get a lot of blood i going to get a lot of blood tonight. i going to get a lot of blood toni . ht. . �* going to get a lot of blood toniaht. . �* ~ . tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about _ tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about this _ tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about this -- _ tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about this -- you - tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about this -- you will - tonight. i agree. and i think a lot about this -- you will get l lot about this —— you will get a lot— lot about this —— you will get a lot of— lot about this —— you will get a lot of love tonight. you will -et a lot of love tonight. you will get the — a lot of love tonight. you will get the love that he didn't get in the — get the love that he didn't get in the last election because of covid, — in the last election because of covid, they were not those crowds _ covid, they were not those crowds. this will be a standard for all— crowds. this will be a standard for all of— crowds. this will be a standard for all of the love he should have — for all of the love he should have gotten in the last four or five years _ have gotten in the last four or five years—
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have gotten in the last four or five years._ an - five years. absolutely. an endorsement of kamala l five years. absolutely. an - endorsement of kamala harris & time it is passing the torch onto her. in what way do you thinkjoe biden needs to look forward in his messaging to the party? i forward in his messaging to the -a ? ~ forward in his messaging to the .a ? ~' , , party? i think in his messaging to the party — party? i think in his messaging to the party he _ party? i think in his messaging to the party he is _ party? i think in his messaging to the party he is going - party? i think in his messaging to the party he is going to - to the party he is going to talk about his leadership some and what he has done and why he has done it. and i think he is going to talk about the possibility of continuing to carry on in that direction. to deal with the needs of the family, to make sure that everyone has a beacon of quality of life, to make sure that when we deal with inflation that we cut out those who basically would steal and take advantage of the fact that there is inflation and doubt and steel. i think he's going to talk about the democracy, a lot of people now are talking about the democracy. it is our
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democracy at stake? and i think many people believe it is. as they watch what is going on, i think you will talk about that. but then he's going to talk about the possibilities. the possibilities going forward and the future and that we should all be hopeful and work towards that end. no matter what has happened, the matter what we have experienced, no matter what we have had to fight so hard against, but they are going to work for housing and get people off the street. it is a hopeful vision. and - get people off the street. it is a hopeful vision. and a i is a hopeful vision. and a final point _ is a hopeful vision. and a final point on _ is a hopeful vision. and a final point on that, - is a hopeful vision. and a final point on that, when | is a hopeful vision. and a - final point on that, when you look— final point on that, when you took back— final point on that, when you look back on his inaugural address. _ look back on his inaugural address, indisputable line about— address, indisputable line about a _ address, indisputable line about a country now where there is much — about a country now where there is much to— about a country now where there is much to do and much to fix and _ is much to do and much to fix and much _ is much to do and much to fix and much to heal and accomplish, it's a series of much _ accomplish, it's a series of much too _ accomplish, it's a series of much too and if you draw that through— much too and if you draw that through line he will speak to all those _ through line he will speak to all those things that he did, but when he says there is much
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to do— but when he says there is much to do and — but when he says there is much to do and much to go, that work remains — to do and much to go, that work remains and so so much she accomplished and he has set up to accomplish and so much remains _ to accomplish and so much remains to be done and that becomes— remains to be done and that becomes the work of... we've heard it many _ becomes the work of... we've heard it many times. - becomes the work of... we've heard it many times. this - becomes the work of... we've heard it many times. this will| heard it many times. this will be a pretty bittersweet moment we been reflecting about tonight? we been reflecting about toniaht? ~ , , we been reflecting about toniaht? ~ , ., tonight? absolutely. i am feelin: tonight? absolutely. i am feeling feelings _ tonight? absolutely. i am feeling feelings as - tonight? absolutely. i am i feeling feelings as someone tonight? absolutely. i am - feeling feelings as someone who loves _ feeling feelings as someone who tovesjoe — feeling feelings as someone who lovesjoe biden and considers it a signal on his career to work— it a signal on his career to work closely with him. he is someone _ work closely with him. he is someone who has, when i first met— someone who has, when i first met him — someone who has, when i first met him he looked skyward and said we — met him he looked skyward and said i've been in the senate ionger— said i've been in the senate longer than you've been alive. that's— longer than you've been alive. that's his _ longer than you've been alive. that's his way of saying what you need _ that's his way of saying what you need to teach me, but also a way— you need to teach me, but also a way of— you need to teach me, but also a way of saying this is my life and _ a way of saying this is my life and i'm — a way of saying this is my life and i'm inviting you to contribute to it and so i think he knows _ contribute to it and so i think he knows he has a lot to do in the next — he knows he has a lot to do in the next six months, they are working — the next six months, they are working on those legacy projects and one piece of that legacy— projects and one piece of that legacy is— projects and one piece of that legacy is electing kamala
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harris _ legacy is electing kamala harris. ~ ., ., ., harris. we are hearing the raw as the congresswoman - harris. we are hearing the raw as the congresswoman from i harris. we are hearing the raw - as the congresswoman from texas is on stage, the up—and—coming democrat certainly made a name for herself as well. what do you think is important to a cup from joe biden because we will see him deliver the address and passed the torch on. what does she need to pick up on as she looks ahead to her big speech on thursday? i looks ahead to her big speech on thursday?_ on thursday? i think her xp chicken is — on thursday? i think her xp chicken is about _ on thursday? i think her xp chicken is about -- - on thursday? i think her xp chicken is about -- her- on thursday? i think her xp chicken is about -- her big | chicken is about —— her big speech is about bringing the country together. a unity of what is possible, the way that the destructive leadership of donald trump has caused people to fear, have fear and hatred and divisiveness and i think she is going to have to show that she is working towards making sure everybody has the
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decent quality—of—life, that people are respected, that families are taken care of, that the children are going to be educated and we will have healthcare and all of those things. i am healthcare and all of those things. iam really healthcare and all of those things. i am really thinking healthcare and all of those things. iam really thinking it is about unifying the country, thinking about showing that america cares about the family and the children opened quality—of—life. and the children opened quality-of-life.- and the children opened quality-of-life. talking about a more positive _ quality-of-life. talking about a more positive message, i quality-of-life. talking about - a more positive message, kamala harris and her campaign and tim walz are running met had to address the criticisms we are seeing from republicans and donald trump, some of which have been about being psycho intelligence, his style, her laugh. how should she take that on and continue with what you are seeing is a positive message? i are seeing is a positive message?— are seeing is a positive message? are seeing is a positive messaue? ~ . message? i think there are oints message? i think there are points in — message? i think there are points in the _ message? i think there are points in the discussion - message? i think there are i points in the discussion where she can take him on. but i don't think she should waste her time responding to how she laughs. be yourself, life the way you want to laugh, the way you feel good about laughing.
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that is nothing to worry about them. the other thing is he is such a big liar, he is killing himself in the debates. to say 15,000 people who showed up in detroit were fact, that it was ai, that it was not real. the average person knows that is alive and i think you can openly call him a liar. we don't do that often, we don't set up directly, but when you talk about him and the way that he is so blatant in his lies, i think he is undermining himself and the way that he disparaged and the way that he disparaged a veteran and the way his vice president has talked about single women, let them keep talking. let them keep talking. there was a great piece on bbc verify about that rally and i happen to be there and i can vouch for a fact there was a lot of people there. that was not fake. geoff, iwant people there. that was not fake. geoff, i want to pick up on what we were hearing because
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at the same time kamala harris wants to distinguish yourself from president biden in a way. if you look at how she will pick up his message, how did she do that without obviously disparaging their record together? i disparaging their record together?— disparaging their record touether? , ., , together? i started my career workin: together? i started my career working for— together? i started my career working for vice _ together? i started my career working for vice president i together? i started my career. working for vice president gore and i havejoked that working for vice president gore and i have joked that my career as an object lesson in how to get to the top the one of my lessons from that experience is the president has two jobs. lessons from that experience is the president has twojobs. one is to be loyal and the other is to be prepared. —— the vice president has twojobs. to be prepared. —— the vice president has two jobs. vice president harris has been really unfailingly loyal and a difficult time forjoe biden but she has also been very prepared so i think the way she takes the baton from here is to show that loyalty because as americans start to seejoe biden out of an electoral political context they will feel more warmly towards him and as his popularity rises again, that will help. she is also showing that she is
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prepared and she has ideas and her time as vice president she has said things that she would like to do so i think that is one key piece of differentiation. the other thing, you never get a chance to make a first impression but in politics that is absolutely not true. on thursday you will see somebody... inaudible. a chance to make a first impression. i have had half of the year are to what has happened on the floor and congressmen showed that vice president harris had worked at mcdonald's and a couple of republican consultants has said to me today if americans know that it really helps her because if you believe in the mcdonald's statistics, one in ten americans has worked at mcdonald's so it is notjust a metaphorfor being mcdonald's so it is notjust a metaphor for being connected but for many people it shows that she connects with their lived experience and so the elements of biography, it will
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reappear and a first impression and to demonstrate that she has — she has been a loyal soldier and president biden's most important accomplishments and is prepared to push forward in ways that she feels is important. that is the triangulation that she is already doing so very well. what about what i asked earlier that we don't have a policy agenda yet. we have had criticism that we don't know what she wants to do except for the economic policy she unveiled last week but in apart from that she remains a mystery as to what she wants to achieve. is that a strategy? will it stay that way? she has brou . ht will it stay that way? she has brought out _ will it stay that way? she has brought out some _ will it stay that way? she has brought out some economic. brought out some economic policies and you will continue to see them rolled out. you won't see a 120 page part —— dossier saying here is me. but to the extent people know what she is and what she stands for they can compute what that
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means in the policy environment and we will start to see that as well. it has been wonderful to talk to you both. great to talk to you both tonight and we will share more from the floor as well. ,., , . will share more from the floor as well. , . ., ., as well. do we expect to hear from president _ as well. do we expect to hear from president joe _ as well. do we expect to hear from president joe biden. - as well. do we expect to hear i from president joe biden. while from presidentjoe biden. while we wait to let's recap what we have heard so far tonight as the party rallies around its bridges it —— presidential candidate kamala harris and honours it outgoing president joe biden. earlier ms harris paid tribute on stage as she addressed the thousands of democratic delegates. good evenina . democratic delegates. good evening. good _ democratic delegates. good evening. good evening. - democratic delegates. good evening. good evening. it i democratic delegates. good evening. good evening. it is democratic delegates. good i evening. good evening. it is so good _ evening. good evening. it is so good to— evening. good evening. it is so good to be _ evening. good evening. it is so good to be with everyone this evening — good to be with everyone this evening in this hall and everyone at home. this is going to be _ everyone at home. this is going to be a — everyone at home. this is going to be a great week. and i want to be a great week. and i want to kick— to be a great week. and i want to kick us _ to be a great week. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible presidentjoe
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our incredible president joe biden— our incredible presidentjoe biden who will be speaking iater— biden who will be speaking later tonight. joe, and you for your— later tonight. joe, and you for your historic leadership, for your— your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation — your lifetime of service to our nation and _ your lifetime of service to our nation and for all you will continue _ nation and for all you will continue to do, we are forever grateful— continue to do, we are forever grateful to— continue to do, we are forever grateful to you. and of course kamala harris will formally accept the party's nomination for president later this week and the democratic national convention. many of the speakers tonight have been making a case for the democratic ticket come november including the influential democratic congresswoman alexandra also geo cortez speaking a little earlier. we will also elect _ speaking a little earlier. - will also elect strong democratic majorities in the house and the senate so that we can deliver an ambitious agenda for the people —— alexandra cassy o'connor because if you are a parent trying to afford rent and childcare if you had
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to go back to work because your retirement didn't stretch far enough, kamala is for you. retirement didn't stretch far enough, kamala is foryou. if you are an immigrant family just starting your american story, kamala is for you. but a big focus _ story, kamala is for you. but a big focus will— story, kamala is for you. but a big focus will be _ story, kamala is for you. but a big focus will be on _ story, kamala is for you. but a big focus will be on joe - story, kamala is for you. but a big focus will be on joe biden l big focus will be onjoe biden as the party reflects on his career and accomplishments, less than a month since his stunning decision to step down from the race and indoors ms harris as his replacement. this is not the way he would have imagined this convention playing out, potentially a bit bittersweet as he will be passing the baton to kamala harris. among those paying tribute to joe harris. among those paying tribute tojoe biden was former secretary of state and 2016 democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton. let's take a listen.- let's take a listen. let's salute president - let's take a listen. let's
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salute president biden. | let's take a listen. let's i salute president biden. he let's take a listen. let's - salute president biden. he has been democracy�*s champion at home and abroad. he brought dignity, decency and confidence back to the white house. cheering and applause. and he showed what it means to be a true patriot. thank you, joe biden, for your lifetime of service and leadership! cheering and applause. mil cheering and applause. all riaht, cheering and applause. all right, as we have been listening to some of these speeches, bring back our guest,
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congresswoman stephanie murphy, former democratic congresswoman and congressmen rodney davis. he is getting miked up at the moment i will speak to you a little bit, stefanie. i want to get your take on some of the speeches we have heard so far tonight including secretary of state hillary clinton who really, she really got this play is going. it really, she really got this play is going-— really, she really got this play is going. it was great to see a mix — play is going. it was great to see a mix of _ play is going. it was great to see a mix of generations - see a mix of generations inaudible. and also alexandra ocasio—cortez. it inaudible. and also alexandra 0casio-cortez._ ocasio-cortez. it is very much the focus _ ocasio-cortez. it is very much the focus on _ ocasio-cortez. it is very much the focus on the _ ocasio-cortez. it is very much the focus on the future - ocasio-cortez. it is very much the focus on the future but. ocasio-cortez. it is very much | the focus on the future but she also reference to story. one of the things that we keep hearing from so many delegates and things we have —— people we have spoken to is they have to make the economic message to
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people. is that something you are hearing from the speeches tonight? are hearing from the speeches toniaht? , _, ., , tonight? this convention is four days _ tonight? this convention is four days so _ tonight? this convention is four days so they _ tonight? this convention is four days so they will - tonight? this convention is four days so they will be i tonight? this convention is four days so they will be a | tonight? this convention is i four days so they will be a lot of opportunity to talk about that. i think a lot of the speeches on this first day is about values because values unite and so that is a good starting place for any convention is to establish the values that unite and connect with the american people before you roll into a litany of policies or specific issues. rodney, now that you are sitting next to us, give us your take on what you heard. of course we had some real digs at president trump and former secretary of state hillary clinton's speech. did you think those were fair?— those were fair? you have got to hold everybody _ those were fair? you have got to hold everybody to - those were fair? you have got to hold everybody to the - those were fair? you have got| to hold everybody to the same standard. if you are going to hold donald trump to a standard of personal attacks, and then you will have to hold her his former opponent, hillary clinton, to the same standard.
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i was a little disappointed by the video that was out talking about sexual abuse are donald trump. are they going to do the same thing for president clinton? he has been accused of similar actions and when you look at what the democrats are trying to portray, that they other party looking forward, going above the fray, not going to go hi and stay low — these are the types of things that people in middle america say they don't like the hypocrisy and if this keeps up then we are not going to see each the momentum i mentioned earlier that i thought harris and tim walz could have.— walz could have. earlier we heard about _ walz could have. earlier we heard about positive - walz could have. earlier we | heard about positive unifying picture of what the country needs going forward and that is not what you are hearing? the --eole not what you are hearing? the people outside _ not what you are hearing? iia: people outside the not what you are hearing? “iia: people outside the city not what you are hearing? ti2 people outside the city of chicago in illinois are looking
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and going, wait a chicago in illinois are looking and going, waita minute, you want to say that donald trump is personally attacking vice president harris and this convention is beginning with personal attacks on donald trump? maxine waters, i consider her a friend, but she is the last person who should be talking right now about giving personal attacks away from republicans and democrats. she is the one in 2018 that stood and said go after republicans in restaurants, go after in public settings and it is that type of rhetoric that allowed me and my friends to get shot at on a baseball field by some nutjob screaming healthcare. those other types of things that many americans are going to sit back and say we can't stand hypocrisy. irate we can't stand hypocrisy. we have certainly _ we can't stand hypocrisy. we have certainly seen rhetoric from democrats and republicans, stefanie, but do you agree with what rodney was saying here? that this really hasn't been universe is not unifying that
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—— unifying moment that democrats wanted it to be? i actually do think it is a unifying message. the party is unifying — unifying message. the party is unifying and the desire to prevent— unifying and the desire to prevent trump from having a second — prevent trump from having a second term because they share the concerns about what second term _ the concerns about what second term jump means for people and our democracy so there is unity there _ our democracy so there is unity there but— our democracy so there is unity there but there is also unity iooking _ there but there is also unity looking forward. they've talked a lot _ looking forward. they've talked a lot about opportunity and they— a lot about opportunity and they have shared personal stories _ they have shared personal stories. sec. romano talked about— stories. sec. romano talked about her— stories. sec. romano talked about her father and how republican policies that gave tax cuts _ republican policies that gave tax cuts to the rich caused him to lose — tax cuts to the rich caused him to lose his— tax cuts to the rich caused him to lose hisjob. all of those personal— to lose hisjob. all of those personal stories create the perspective and the values that the democrats, that you've seen on this— the democrats, that you've seen on this stage, bring forward as they— on this stage, bring forward as they shape the policies and look— they shape the policies and look towards shaping our future for america. look towards shaping our future foramerica. it look towards shaping our future for america. it affords opportunities to everybody, not 'ust opportunities to everybody, not just to — opportunities to everybody, not just to the wealthy. we
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opportunities to everybody, not just to the wealthy.— just to the wealthy. we are seeinr just to the wealthy. we are seeing is — just to the wealthy. we are seeing is because - just to the wealthy. we are i seeing is because reproductive rights is one of the themes on stage and will be one of the themes for the week, and economic issues, as you mentioned as well, but rodney, i want to come back to you because something that we heard hillary clinton say and maxine waters touch on this, she was saying really feel like the women are going to kamala harris and hillary clinton talked about this last ceiling and the cracks in the glass ceiling, looking up through that and seeing kamala harris. do you think that is going to be a message that resonates with women in particular and something that will be a challenge for donald trump and his running matejd vance? right now historic difference between men and women when it comes to who their preference is for president of the united states. we were at historic times of split in the vote by... hillary clinton is going to do what she can to make sure that women don't leave kamala harris. like frankly many did in 2016 and took a chance on
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some guy they didn't know because they certainly didn't want the other person hillary clinton that they did know. what do you think of that, stephanie?— what do you think of that, stehanie? ~ ., , ., . , stephanie? what trump and jd vance are _ stephanie? what trump and jd vance are campaigning - stephanie? what trump and jd vance are campaigning on, - stephanie? what trump and jd vance are campaigning on, it l vance are campaigning on, it makes— vance are campaigning on, it makes it— vance are campaigning on, it makes it easy for women to hold onto— makes it easy for women to hold onto the — makes it easy for women to hold onto the democratic reason —— party— onto the democratic reason —— party for— onto the democratic reason —— party for reasons, trump and vans— party for reasons, trump and vans have _ party for reasons, trump and vans have got a bit further than — vans have got a bit further thaniust_ vans have got a bit further thanjust denying women vans have got a bit further than just denying women their medical— than just denying women their medical and healthcare access, they— medical and healthcare access, they have — medical and healthcare access, they have gone as far as to share — they have gone as far as to share their worldview of where women — share their worldview of where women belong in a society. not only can — women belong in a society. not only can you be not responsible for making your own healthcare choices — for making your own healthcare choices that according to jd vance, _ choices that according to jd vance, if— choices that according to jd vance, if you choose not to have — vance, if you choose not to have children then you are just some — have children then you are just some childless cat lady who has no value — some childless cat lady who has no value or could commit to building _ no value or could commit to building a _ no value or could commit to building a future for america or if— building a future for america or if you _ building a future for america or if you are like his mother—in—law, menopausalthen
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mother—in—law, menopausal then you are _ mother—in—law, menopausal then you are -- — mother—in—law, menopausalthen you are —— your value for societies— you are —— your value for societies to care for your janet _ societies to care for your janet -- _ societies to care for your janet —— grandchildren. i think that— janet —— grandchildren. i think that really— janet —— grandchildren. i think that really alienates women that— that really alienates women that have made different choices. they can still have value _ choices. they can still have value. who is he or that ticket to define _ value. who is he or that ticket to define women's roles in american society so narrowly? another— american society so narrowly? another thing we have seen tonight with congressmenjamie tonight with congressmen jamie raskin tonight with congressmenjamie raskin speaking on the january six committee, as you are, is democracy. this is one that has been very, very central tojoe biden's message to his presidency and it is also what he campaigned on in 2020. do you think that is one that as someone who sat on the committee and saw the deliberate efforts to... federal levels overturn free and — federal levels overturn free and fair— federal levels overturn free and fair election, it really pains _ and fair election, it really pains me to say that protecting democracy and our democratic
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marks— democracy and our democratic marks is— democracy and our democratic marks is the part of the why democrats should win, it will not be — democrats should win, it will not be a _ democrats should win, it will not be a help. how will be through— not be a help. how will be through the economic messages and meeting americans where they— and meeting americans where they are — and meeting americans where they are and on the concerns they— they are and on the concerns they have _ they are and on the concerns they have at their kitchen table _ they have at their kitchen table and democracy is on top of that— table and democracy is on top of that list.— of that list. why democrats tather of that list. why democrats gather here, _ of that list. why democrats gather here, donald - of that list. why democrats gather here, donald trumpj of that list. why democrats - gather here, donald trump and his allies will be campaigning in battleground states. today donald trump has been to pennsylvania where his been making economic promises at a campaign bed, take a listen. i'm here today to deliver a simple message. when i'm back in the white house, america's future will be built right here in pennsylvania. and it will be built by american workers like you, all over the country will be building but pennsylvania is always epic factor and we have had great success as you know politically and otherwise in pennsylvania. we expect to have it again, we are doing very
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well here, thank you very much. with your vote we will unleash explosive economic growth and fast new prosperity for all of our citizens, we will put more money into your pockets and create millions and millions of newjobs and we will do it like nobody else. has ever been able to do. our plan will massively cut taxes, unlocked american energy, slash regulations, big factor. crackdown on trade cheaters and stop outsourcing, rebuild our industrial base and bring back those beautiful words. made in the usa. donald trump running _ words. made in the usa. donald trump running met _ words. made in the usa. donald trump running met jd _ words. made in the usa. donald trump running met jd vance - words. made in the usa. donaldj trump running met jd vance has trump running metjd vance has also been speaking in pennsylvania hoping to frame the conversation around kamala harris�*s campaign. in harris's campaign. in philadelphia and harris's campaign. ii philadelphia and across the whole state in very simple question. has your life been better off under democratic leadership? has your community
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gotten safer under democratic leadership? have your wages kept up with affordability under democratic leadership? and because the answer is no i think americans, pennsylvania and the citizens of the city i ready for a change and for the presidency of donald trump. this is really the question that republicans are pointing to voters. is your life better off now that it was four years ago when donald trump was president? and for plenty of americans they feel like they're economically not better off? �* , ., ., , , off? it's a really interesting thing that _ off? it's a really interesting thing that the _ off? it's a really interesting i thing that the macroeconomic data _ thing that the macroeconomic data shows the united states the inflation is going down, there — the inflation is going down, there are higherjob growth in there are higherjob growth in the administration than previous and the american people _ previous and the american people do not feel it. part of what — people do not feel it. part of what was _ people do not feel it. part of what was part of bidon's campaign was he was consummate trying _ campaign was he was consummate trying to— campaign was he was consummate trying to convince the american
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people — trying to convince the american people that they should feel better— people that they should feel better about the economy and when — better about the economy and when i — better about the economy and when i have seen so out of this campaign — when i have seen so out of this campaign is there really trying to start — campaign is there really trying to start at a place of empathy and layout how they are going make — and layout how they are going make people feel better and address affordability issues. that's— address affordability issues. that's why you saw in the initial— that's why you saw in the initial economic plan that kamala _ initial economic plan that kamala harris rolled out is there _ kamala harris rolled out is there is— kamala harris rolled out is there is a _ kamala harris rolled out is there is a commitment to affordability. if there is a commitment to affordability.— there is a commitment to affordability. if you look at the polls. _ affordability. if you look at the polls. if— affordability. if you look at the polls, if you _ affordability. if you look at the polls, if you compare i the polls, if you compare donald trump and kamala harris, but are still favoured donald trump on the economy, don't they? trump on the economy, don't the ? ~ , ., trump on the economy, don't they? absolutely. no how much democrats _ they? absolutely. no how much democrats say _ they? absolutely. no how much democrats say inflation - they? absolutely. no how much democrats say inflation has - democrats say inflation has stopped growing, prices are not going up and when you look at taxes, taxes and tax cuts i helped craft in 2017 and 2018 or individuals because of democrats in the senate at the time their insistence on making those not permanent i going to
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expire in 2025. american families know those prices have not gone back down. they are still feeling the pinch. it is frustrating when democrats say thatjoe biden has a lower unemployment rate. donald trump presided over the initial months of the pandemic when we had historic unemployment but before that item point was at historic lows, the economy was going just like you and republicans said they would. irate republicans said they would. we 'ust republicans said they would. we just heard earlier pointing out that kamala harris comes from a middle—class background and worked at mcdonald's. so middle-class background and worked at mcdonald's. so did i. when she _ worked at mcdonald's. so did i. when she was _ worked at mcdonald's. so did i. when she was at _ worked at mcdonald's. so did i. when she was at howard - when she was at howard university. that makes over legible to a lot of people to something that you cannot say about donald trump. what about that argument that is able to sell her own middle—class background? sell her own middle-class background?— sell her own middle-class background? when you look at the olls background? when you look at the polls donald _ background? when you look at the polls donald trump - background? when you look at the polls donald trump is - the polls donald trump is winning the mcdonald's worker boat. the less educated members in the workforce of voting overwhelmingly for donald trump. i worked at mcdonald's from age ilt trump. i worked at mcdonald's from age m to 23. democrats in
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my first campaign made a commercial that made fun of mcdonald's and ended by saying you want fries with that? i don't buy the old kamala worked at mcdonald's so we are good with it now. we're good with a because he's your candidate. what do you think? issue someone who with her middle—class background her running mate who she can relate to people or do you think as rodney says the workers still tend to vote with donald trump? you don't have to take my word for it _ you don't have to take my word for it the — you don't have to take my word for it. the recent polling shows— for it. the recent polling shows that the majority of the working — shows that the majority of the working people believe she cares — working people believe she cares about people like them and that's one of the most powerful polling questions and if you are a candidate you really _ if you are a candidate you really want the high score on that— really want the high score on that and _ really want the high score on that and she scores very high on that _ that and she scores very high on that. the american people believe — on that. the american people believe she cares about people like me — believe she cares about people like me and it is because of this— like me and it is because of this and _ like me and it is because of
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this and her story and tim walz is also — this and her story and tim walz is also a — this and her story and tim walz is also a very lettable person. he was— is also a very lettable person. he was a _ is also a very lettable person. he was a coach, he was a school teacher, — he was a coach, he was a school teacher, he _ he was a coach, he was a school teacher, he served in the national— teacher, he served in the national guard and even today he doesn't hold any stocks. how he doesn't hold any stocks. how he plans— he doesn't hold any stocks. how he plans for the future is more like what — he plans for the future is more like what your average american's retirement looks like — american's retirement looks like i— american's retirement looks like. ithink american's retirement looks like. i think that they have a great — like. i think that they have a great opportunity with their lived — great opportunity with their lived experiences to connect the american people. but chat we are hearing _ the american people. but chat we are hearing is _ the american people. but chat we are hearing is for _ the american people. but chat we are hearing is for the - we are hearing is for the georgia senator who is onstage behind us. an important step for both the republicans and democrats, coming back to rodney because we're talking about donald trump and jd vance as they were on the campaign trail today. we have been discussing the fact kamala harris has to appeal to voters on the economic record. what about the policies she has unveiled? do you think they can
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help her appeal more to these voters that we are discussing? working—class voters? she is going to try, democrats will try to talk about their economic plans but when you match them up to what reality is, their plans to spend more government on e and the plan that she and democrats are not talking about at the convention are to raise taxes on all of those families by letting the tax cuts expire in 2025. she is talkin: tax cuts expire in 2025. she is talking about _ tax cuts expire in 2025. she is talking about a _ tax cuts expire in 2025. she is talking about a child _ tax cuts expire in 2025. she is talking about a child tax - talking about a child tax credit for families. so talking about a child tax credit forfamilies. so isjd credit for families. so is jd vance. credit for families. so isjd vance. that's true. credit forfamilies. so isjd vance. that's true. she and donald trump have also talked both about ending taxes on tips. that's another point because that something donald trump came up with first? good, i'm lad trump came up with first? good, l'm glad she _ trump came up with first? good, i'm glad she came _ trump came up with first? good, i'm glad she came along - trump came up with first? good, i'm glad she came along with - trump came up with first? good, i'm glad she came along with it l i'm glad she came along with it and i hope it happens. i'm always for lower taxes but you cannot tell me the democrats that are speaking tonight going to raise the child tax credit,
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they will stop taxes on tips for people who work in the industry who get tips and at the same time not raise taxes on middle—class families because they current lower tax rates rom the trump tax cuts are going to expire in 2025. you cannot tell me about not going to raise those taxes on individuals who are going to benefit from the same provisions that they are talking about. it is typical democratic doublespeak on taxes. �* . democratic doublespeak on taxes. �* , ., taxes. i'm sure we will hear more about _ taxes. i'm sure we will hear more about that _ taxes. i'm sure we will hear more about that message l taxes. i'm sure we will hear| more about that message in taxes. i'm sure we will hear- more about that message in the convention but earlier we heard from the south carolina congressmanjim from the south carolina congressman jim clyburn from the south carolina congressmanjim clyburn who compared her track record to donald trump.— compared her track record to donald trump. her experience has prepared _ donald trump. her experience has prepared her— donald trump. her experience has prepared her for _ donald trump. her experience has prepared her for this - has prepared herfor this moment. kamala harris is a true at all tested leader, district attorney, attorney general, senator and vice president who gets things done. while donald
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trump has been bragging about how he overturned bro, kamala has been fiercely advocating for the restoration of reproductive freedoms. trump has been looking out for himself and has been the. kamala has been fighting to lower costs for all americans. and while trump falsely pleads ignorance of projects 2025, which in my opinion isjim crow 2.0. kamala harris has been offering the american people enlightened proposals and visionary leadership. stephanie, we heard jim visionary leadership. stephanie, we heardjim clyburn talking about project 2025, this conservative agenda that was drawn up by the heritage
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foundation, a conservative think tank. donald trump has distanced himself from project 2025 and as have members of his campaign but there is crossover from people who work at the foundation and the trump campaign regardless we heard jim clyburn talking about this as trim crow 2.0. what do you think about? i as trim crow 2.0. what do you think about?— think about? i think pro'ect 2025 think about? i think pro'ect 20:5 has i think about? i think pro'ect 20:5 has a i think about? i think pro'ect 2025 has a lot in it i think about? i think pro'ect 2025 has a lot in it thati think about? i think project i 2025 has a lot in it that would change — 2025 has a lot in it that would change the way that this country— change the way that this country functions and would push — country functions and would push it— country functions and would push it further towards nativist and would actually be quite — nativist and would actually be quite frightening to a lot of people _ quite frightening to a lot of people if they understood what was on — people if they understood what was on it — people if they understood what was on it and unfortunately project _ was on it and unfortunately project 2025 is voluminous. it has been _ project 2025 is voluminous. it has been hard to message around this _ has been hard to message around this but — has been hard to message around this. but the denial of it by the — this. but the denial of it by the trump campaign really has wide _ the trump campaign really has wide been, it has not passed the standard. we wide been, it has not passed the standard.— wide been, it has not passed the standard. we are going to ick u- a the standard. we are going to pick up a conversation - the standard. we are going to pick up a conversation and - the standard. we are going to pick up a conversation and we j pick up a conversation and we will take a short break and come back to our live coverage
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from the dnc. hello. bouts of heavy rain and unseasonably strong winds feature in our forecast for the rest of this week. although tuesday isn't looking too bad on balance, some sunny spells, but also some hefty, blustery showers, particularly up towards the north west of the uk, closest to the centre of this area of low pressure. a lot of white lines. a lot of isobars squeezing together, indicative of some brisk winds. starting tuesday morning, with this frontal system bringing a little bit of rain across the far southeast that will clear. and then we're into that mix of sunny spells and hefty showers, the showers most plentiful across northern ireland and northern and western parts of scotland. some heavy thundery ones blown in on some brisk winds. in fact, increasingly windy across northern ireland, western scotland, the northwest of england. just ilt degrees for stornoway and 16 for belfast. compare that with 23 in norwich and then through tuesday night while things do quieten down briefly, a ridge of high pressure killing off
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most of the showers, giving some clear spells and it is going to be a rather cool, fresh night, some places down into single digits. but as we head through wednesday, all change again. a frontal system bringing cloud and outbreaks of heavy rain through northern ireland into western scotland, some of that rain getting down into parts of northern england and north wales. it is going to be a windy day across these northern and western areas could be gales around some coasts in western scotland further south and east breezy but largely dry. 22 degrees in london, 16 for aberdeen and for glasgow. and then as we move through wednesday night into thursday, we continue to see this frontal system moving through, this one containing the remnants of what was hurricane ernesto. certainly not a hurricane any more, but an injection of moisture and energy, bringing some outbreaks of heavy rain southwards and eastwards with some really strong winds. we're looking at wind gusts of 40, 50mph or more in a few exposed spots.
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these kinds of winds, pretty unusual for this time of year. temperatures north to south m to 22 degrees. we end the week on friday with the potential for more windy weather. certainly the potential for more wet weather, and it does look like staying rather unsettled as we head into the weekend. bye for now.
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imriam i mr i am sumi somaskanda. as you can hear, it has been a raucous night as people say hello to, harass and say goodbye tojoe biden. here's a quick recap of the day one of the dnc.— one of the dnc. sent kamala harris and — one of the dnc. sent kamala harris and tim _ one of the dnc. sent kamala harris and tim walz - one of the dnc. sent kamala harris and tim walz to - one of the dnc. sent kamala harris and tim walz to the i harris and tim walz to the white house! cheering and applause. white house! cheering and appl“se-— white house! cheering and applause. ., , ., . applause. former democratic presidential— applause. former democratic presidential candidate - applause. former democratic presidential candidate hillary l presidential candidate hillary clinton bringing the crowd to its feet as she made the case for a woman in the white house stop kamala harris took the stage briefly she thanked joe biden less than a month since he stepped down from the race. her running mate governor tim walz is in the audience along with her husband, the second
4:01 am
gentleman doug imhoff and


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