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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm BST

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sense that the people we hold in high esteem are not behaving properly, but at the same time we have to understand the details about what went on. have to understand the details about what went om— have to understand the details about what went on— what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the — what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the dial _ what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the dial has _ what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the dial has shifted - what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the dial has shifted at - what went on. we do. inevitably it seems the dial has shifted at the i seems the dial has shifted at the bbc. they sacked him straightaway, there is no shilly—shallying like there is no shilly—shallying like there was in the case of huw edwards where he was employed and received a pay rise which infuriated many people who watched newsnight. look, the important — people who watched newsnight. look, the important difference _ people who watched newsnight. look, the important difference is _ the important difference is ultimately employers cannot and shouldn't sack people until they are proven— shouldn't sack people until they are proven guilty one way or the other. obviouslym — proven guilty one way or the other. obviously... it protects all of us. ultimately. — obviously... it protects all of us. ultimately, asjermaine jenas set ultimately, as jermaine jenas set himself. — ultimately, asjermaine jenas set himself, he said those texts. it is a much _ himself, he said those texts. it is a much easier thing for any employer, including the bbc, to do and they— employer, including the bbc, to do and they have done it, but i would defend _ and they have done it, but i would defend the — and they have done it, but i would defend the bbc handling of the other story because it is very difficult when _ story because it is very difficult when you — story because it is very difficult when you have a live court case. you cannot _
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when you have a live court case. you cannot sack — when you have a live court case. you cannot sack people when there is a court _ cannot sack people when there is a court case — cannot sack people when there is a court case. justice has to play out. it seems _ court case. justice has to play out. it seems like it has come so soon on the heels of another scandal. the corporation's behaviour is always under scrutiny. thank you both very much. we are going to switch with the final word about storm lillian. storm lilian has brought disruption, flooding and power cuts. strong winds of up to 70 miles per hour have hit northern england and wales, causing trains to be cancelled, and cutting electricity to thousands of homes. these festival goers in leeds and on social media saw their tents lift off. look at this. it is quite remarkable, this one. it looks like it is on the approach to heathrow. that is my experience of camping wherever i go, stephen. j that is my experience of camping wherever i go, stephen. i am that is my experience of camping whereverl go, stephen.- that is my experience of camping whereverl go, stephen. i am not a ha- whereverl go, stephen. i am not a happy camper- _ whereverl go, stephen. i am not a happy camper- i _ whereverl go, stephen. i am not a happy camper. i like _ whereverl go, stephen. i am not a happy camper. i like a _ whereverl go, stephen. i am not a happy camper. i like a nice, warml happy camper. i like a nice, warm hotet— happy camper. i like a nice, warm hotel and — happy camper. i like a nice, warm hotel and all of my creature comforts. hotel and all of my creature comforta—
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hotel and all of my creature comforts. ., ., comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i — comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i am _ comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i am not _ comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i am not sure _ comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i am not sure i - comforts. how are you coping with this tent? i am not sure i would i this tent? i am not sure i would co -e this tent? i am not sure i would cone with _ this tent? i am not sure i would cone with that _ this tent? i am not sure i would cope with that very _ this tent? i am not sure i would cope with that very well. - this tent? i am not sure i would cope with that very well. it - this tent? i am not sure i would cope with that very well. it is i cope with that very well. it is suitably to fish typical british weather. but i think that will be quite disappointing for people indeed. ,, , indeed. quite disappointing indeed. you heard it — indeed. quite disappointing indeed. you heard it summarised _ indeed. quite disappointing indeed. you heard it summarised there. - indeed. quite disappointing indeed. i you heard it summarised there. thank you very much for coming and have a great weekend. thanks for watching, enjoy the bank holiday weekend. victoria derbyshire will be back on tuesday. dojoin her then. goodnight. live from london, this is bbc news. an attack at a festival in western germany. police say several people have been killed and others injured. energy bills on the up — they'll increase from october after the regulator
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set a new price cap. sacked bbc presenter jermainejenas has apologised tonight for his conduct, but insists he's done nothing illegal. this is completely on me. i am 100% in the wrong and i accept full responsibility for that. trial of a promising new lung cancer vaccine that uses mrna technology to tell the body how to fight and kill the disease begins in uk. hello, i'm samantha simmonds. we start with some breaking news from germany, where police say a number of people have been killed and others injured in a suspected knife attack in the western city of solingen. these are pictures which have just come into us from the scene. celebrations were under way in soligen at the time to mark the 650th of the city's foundation.
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ambulances and fire crews as well. armed officers are at the scene. it's believed the attacker is still at large. with more on this, we can cross to the newsroom and our reporterjack surfleet. jack, bring us up to date. what more details do we have? this jack, bring us up to date. what more details do we have?— details do we have? as you can imauine, details do we have? as you can imagine. we're _ details do we have? as you can imagine, we're getting - details do we have? as you can imagine, we're getting lines i details do we have? as you can i imagine, we're getting lines through every moment but still trying to stand some up. police say a number of people have been killed and injured in a knife attack in the german city of soligen. we're getting very few details, but local media in the area, the bild website, saying a man randomly stabbed passersby in the city centre. we have asked of that up directly. the city was reported to have been hosting a celebration, celebrating
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the history of soligen, 650 years of history. authorities have been advising people gathering to disperse and to leave the area. police as you would understand or setting up cordons. we're seeing emergency services attending the scene and treating people, we're away from the fact this is a very distressing event 6 people, we're being told. we've got limited scene and treating people, we're being told. we've got limited details at the moment on the details at the moment on the attacker. there are reports locally attacker. there are reports locally that the person involved have fled that the person involved have fled the scene but we haven't stood that the scene but we haven't stood that “p “p the scene but we haven't stood that up directly and we're still waiting the scene but we haven't stood that up directly and we're still waiting to hear from to hear from up directly and we're still waiting to hearfrom german police. more up directly and we're still waiting to hearfrom german police. more details on the motive, on the number details on the motive, on the number of people killed and a number of of people killed and a number of people injured. as soon as we get people injured. as soon as we get more details on that, we'll bring more details on that, we'll bring them to you. them to you. more details on that, we'll bring them to yon-— more details on that, we'll bring them to yon-— them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, _ them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, _ them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the _ them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the number. them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the number of| them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the _ them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the number. them to you. can you tell us a little bit more, the number of| them to you. can you tell us a i little bit more, the number of its them to you. can you tell us a i little bit more, the number of its inhabitants —— inhabitants? is a inhabitants —— inhabitants? is a inhabitants -- inhabitants? is a small study. — inhabitants -- inhabitants? is a small study. — inhabitants -- inhabitants? is a small study, but _ inhabitants —— inhabitants? is — small study, but that doesn't take inhabitants -- inhabitants? is a small study, but _ inhabitants —— inhabitants? is — small study, but that doesn't take away from the fact this is a very away from the fact this is a very
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distressing event at distressing event at a festival where they were celebrating 650 years. we don't have any details of the soligen is
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let her viewers know that soligen is a city in west germany. around 160,000 inhabitants, around 50 miles east of dusseldorf and northeast of alone. we don't know how many right this, but we know it was a large salvation —— of colon. detailjust coming into us. —— a large event. we will review the details as they come in. the typical annual household energy bill will increase by {149 from october after the energy regulator set a new price cap for england, scotland and wales. 0fgem says the limit on what suppliers can charge customers is going up because of higher prices in the international energy market. here's our cost of living correspondent colletta smith. follow the leader.
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are you the leader? today's news of an energy bill rise isn't going down well with chloe. everything's just too expensive. and then your rent, like, it'sjust living. it'sjust too much. we're just fed up with it, aren't we, really? like millions of people who rely on benefits, last winter, chloe and joshua got extra cost of living payments. but there's no extra help planned this winter. where are you going to find the £150 if, like, your wages aren't going up and then like, benefits aren't going up, you're not getting any extra help, like with benefits or anything. how are you supposed to pay for it? gas unit prices are increasing from sp to 6p per kilowatt hour, and electricity is going up from 22p to 24p per unit that you use. more providers are now starting to offer fixed tariffs again, which will give you more certainty, but won't necessarily work out cheaper than the standard price cap rate across the year, so make sure you do the maths first. the rise we'll be hit
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within the last three this year is because the price of global gas has fluctuated in the last few months, so the amount that your supplier has had to pay for energy has gone up, and they're passing the costs onto us. we will be doing everything we can — working with the regulator, working working with the suppliers to remind them of their to remind them of their responsibilities to the most vulnerable in our society. and this government will leave no stone unturned. after coming under lots of pressure to scrap daily standing charges, the regulator has also said today that it will make a final decision on that by the end of the year. the truth is, though, there is no silver bullet. as a regulator, we can't make costs disappear. we can simply make them move from one part of the bill to the other. anybody want a curry and rice? nothing will change before this rise, though. this winter will feel tough for millions. the government has removed the £300
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winter fuel payment for the vast majority of pensioners, except for those on pension credit. last night, i had this wrapped over me and the honey, we needed it on last night. sylvia and billy are just above the threshold for that pension credit top—up, so they're losing their winter fuel payment. last year was really scary, but we did get the help last year. but we still felt the cold. it's hard work sometimes when you're, you know, if your fingers are freezing, you can't do nothing, can you? we shouldn't have to do that now when we've worked and paid our taxes all this time and then, and we're still paying taxes on our little bit of pension, and now we've, you know, this has happened, and it's just really frightening. despite billy's parkinson's, they're determined not to be beaten. we're going to keep warm, aren't we, bill? colletta smith, bbc news, in warrington. the sacked bbc presenter jermainejenas, whose contract was terminated earlier this week after an investigation into allegations about his behaviour in the workplace, has tonight spoken of his shame about inappropriate texts he sent to two women.
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in an interview with the sun newspaper released in the last hour, jenas said he learned of his dismissal while on holiday with his wife and their three children. he said he's apologised to her and to the two women involved, though insists he's done nothing illegal. the 41—year—old former footballer was a rising star on the one show and match of the day. let's take a listen to some of that interview with the sun, asjenas begins with an apology. firstly to say sorry to my wife, to my family, to the women involved as well and what i've put them through. but also these kind of like, rumours that just kind of start, and i think it's really important that i kind of put my point across that there is nothing illegal that has happened here. this is consenting adults that messaged each other. now, this is completely on me.
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i am 100% in the wrong, and i accept full responsibility for that, and it's something that obviously i need to address and look at myself. the family situation is the things that is at the forefront of my mind the family situation is the thing that is at the forefront of my mind that i'm trying tojust piece back together, but i've also got to be able to kind of look myself in the mirror and understand where i've gone wrong and understand that this is on me. it's not on anybody else, there's nobody else to blame here. but ijust want that kind of clarity in what's been written. 0ur correspondent will vernon is in the bbc newsroom. will, welcome to you. with this apology into context for us. yeah, that was an _ apology into context for us. yeah, that was an extraordinary - apology into context for us. yeah, | that was an extraordinary interview wherejermainejenas
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that was an extraordinary interview where jermaine jenas basically after goodness. he wherejermainejenas basically after goodness. he said he where jermaine jenas basically after goodness. he said he felt wherejermainejenas basically after goodness. he said he felt chill shame, he left his colleagues, friends and family down. he admitted his behaviours fell below the standards of the bbc and had to take responsibility for that. he accepted he sent an appropriate technique —— text messages to two female colleagues on and the one show. he says he's now having therapy for self—destructive behaviour. he admitted that he cheated on his wife by acting in this way. but importantly, he said the texts were between consenting adults as you heard in the extract. he said nothing visible happened, he said i'm not a sex past —— nothing physical. he's considering suing the bbc for the handling of the crisis, saying nothing illegal happened. it was an adult conversation that took place in a bar in london where that person made it very clear that they had and attracted to him. —— an
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attraction. yes, there was alcohol involved, but he takes full responsibility. trying to push back against that reason, some anger at the way he feels he's been treated by the bbc specifically, but also by the media. ~ ., ., ~ ., ., the media. what do we know more about his actions _ the media. what do we know more about his actions that _ the media. what do we know more about his actions that led - the media. what do we know more about his actions that led to i the media. what do we know more about his actions that led to this? | about his actions that led to this? well, we basically know what the bbc says and whatjermainejenas has said. the bbc sacked him this week following what was described as unsolicited digital communications to a member of a production team. on thursday, the bbc announced that jenas was leaving both of his on—air roles, both as presenter of the one show and a pundit on match of day. he was on air when this was announced and he was asked about
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what had happened, what the bbc had said, he said then that he couldn't talk about it, there are two sides to every story and he would let his lawyers deal with it. after that, talksport radio said he wouldn't appear on airand talksport radio said he wouldn't appear on air and others appeared to distance themselves from him as well. the big question now is will this very public apology, this admission of guilt be enough to salvagejermainejenas's reputation. salvage jermaine jenas's reputation. he has salvagejermainejenas's reputation. he has a lot of media gigs, a lot of charity connections. 0r he has a lot of media gigs, a lot of charity connections. or is is in his career essentially over as a result? will vernon, thank you for the update. to america now. the us vice president, kamala harris, has promised a new way forward for america, as she accepted the democratic nomination to run for the white house. she told supporters in chicago that america had to move past division and bitterness. this evening the independent candidate robert f kennedyjunior
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suspended his campaign for the presidency — and urged his supporters to back donald trump. 0ur north america editor sarah smith reports from chicago. please welcome the democratic nominee for president, vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris. and welcome to the biggest test of her career. 0ne single speech that could make or break her chances of becoming president. the middle class is where i come from. she used the obligatory story of her upbringing to stress that she's from working class roots, not a san francisco elite. and she said she wants to move america beyond bitterness and division and chart a new way forward. i know there are people of various political views watching tonight, and i want you to know i promise to be a president for all americans. you can always trust me. miss harris says she wants to build a country in which everyone
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has the chance to succeed, accusing donald trump of being interested only in himself and his rich friends and claiming that re—electing him would be dangerous for democracy. in many ways, donald trump is an unserious man. laughter. but the consequences... ..but the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. kamala harris warned that mr trump could abandon nato while encouraging autocrats like vladimir putin. president biden and i are working to end this war such that israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in gaza ends, and the palestinian people can realise their right to dignity, security, freedom and self—determination. robert f did uni hasjust suspended his campaign
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robert f kenneder has just suspended his campaign as an independent candidate. he is one of those candidates, but is now turned his back on the democratic party. he has turned his back on the democratic party and is supporting donald trump. i am going to remove my name and i have already started that process and i have urged voters not to vote for me. we have just had a very nice - endorsement from rfkjunior, bobby. campaigning in las vegas, donald trump seems deflated — low energy, as he might say — and he hasn't found an effective line of attack on his democratic opponent. she's considered to be the worst vice president in history. - i don't know who the hell did that, she's considered to _
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be the worst vice i president in history. she is the one with the momentum right now, raising over $100 million this week. kamala harris's job tonight was to look and sound presidential. of course, they love to hear it in this arena — this is the democratic party faithful. the question is whether she convinced the nation and whether this massive enthusiasm will translate into votes. democrats he may feel they are on course for victory, but polls suggest the race is extremely close and there is a bruising battle to come. sentencing continues, of some of the people who took part in the recent riots across parts of the uk. speaking to the bbc, the attorney general said he did not think the long sentences passed so far would cause a backlash. 0ur uk correspondent daniel sandford has more. the southport riot was the first of the summer and one of the worst. and in the thick of it was rory allington mott, who is circled in this footage shown in court and had travelled all the way from shropshire.
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during the course of the fighting he's seen throwing bricks at offices again and again. he even threw a wheelie bin. more than 50 officers were injured in the riot and today allington mott was given one of the longest sentences so far — three years, three months in prison. more than 190 people involved in the disorder have now been jailed for an average of two years. many more are being held in prison before their cases are heard. the prison population has risen by more than 700 in a fortnight, so magistrates have been asked to delay other cases until mid—september. in liverpool, the new attorney general, the minister in charge of prosecutions, was visiting the riot—damaged library. did he think there would be a backlash from the long sentences? i don't think there's any possibility of a backlash. i think what most people thought when they saw the scenes unfolding on the streets just outside of here and in other parts of the country, that this was utterly disgraceful, grotesque criminal behaviour and that those who took part in it deserve to be punished and the punishments deserve to be severe. across england and wales,
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officers like these in bristol are still gathering evidence and poring through video footage to bring more people tojustice. like paul sissons, seen here kicking out at police protecting a hotel housing asylum seekers in rotherham. and his brother, who attacked a police vehicle carrying dogs. both were jailed for three years. daniel sandford, bbc news. the metropolitan police has ended its investigation into the election betting scandal. politicians and police officers were placed under investigation earlier this year over whether they'd used insider information to place bets on the date of the general election. but the met says the high bar proving misconduct in public office hasn't been met. however, the gambling commission says it's still looking into potential breaches, of the gambling act. let's return now to some breaking news from germany where police say a number of people have been killed and others injured
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in a suspected knife attack in the western city of solingen. these are pictures from the scene. celebrations were under way in solingen at the time to mark the 650th of the city's foundation. armed officers are at the scene. it's believed the attacker is still at large. with more on this, leetwe can cross to the newsroom and our reporterjack surfleet. —— for the latest on this. -- for the latest on this. samantha, eah, -- for the latest on this. samantha, yeah. number— -- for the latest on this. samantha, yeah. number of— -- for the latest on this. samantha, yeah, number of people _ -- for the latest on this. samantha, yeah, number of people police i -- for the latest on this. samantha, yeah, number of people police are l yeah, number of people police are saying been killed in the knife attack in the german city of soligen. it is around 25 km east of dusseldorf and a relatively small city, but this was celebrating 650 years of its history. we don't really know how many people work
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attending, but a local news source, the bild website, reported that a man randomly stabbed passersby during the festival. the bbc hasn't confirmed that information, we haven't heard that directly from german police, and we're waiting to hear more on that. but incredibly distressing news coming out of soligen this evening. the authorities there, as you imagine, have been advising those festivalgoers to disperse, to avoid downtown soligen and avoid the area around the festival. they're setting up around the festival. they're setting up a police cordon and it's been reported also that emergency services have been treating people on the scene. in terms of the details around the attacker, local media again reporting that the attacker is said to have fled the scene and is still at large. of course, in any situation like this,
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we're working on very few details and waiting to hear more information from the police. it would be not appropriate to comment on the number of people killed or injured when we don't have those official details. numbers will be batted from pillar to post about that, but recently don't know at the moment how many people have been killed, how many people have been killed, how many people have been injured, and still to find out the motive of the attacker from the police. to find out the motive of the attackerfrom the police. i’m to find out the motive of the attacker from the police. i'm 'ust lookin: at attacker from the police. i'm 'ust looking at the i attacker from the police. i'm 'ust looking at the life i attacker from the police. i'm 'ust looking at the life page i attacker from the police. i'm 'ust looking at the life page and i attacker from the police. i'm just| looking at the life page and there are some photos there from the scene with armed officers clearly visible and reports that members of the public have been asked to stay away. investigators are working to hunt down this attacker. they're also still working to try and stave the lives of wounded victims. we've heard from the reuters news agency one line saying that the western german city of soligen confirms fatalities and injuries. confirming
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what we have already reported, but very few details coming out. we understand that this did happen around 9.30 local time, so 8.30 gmt. they didn't know it had occurred until organisers came around 10pm local time to make the event will make an announcement in the event has been cancelled. attendees were asked to peacefully leave the scene and not panic. 0ne witness told the outlet that he knew something was wrong when he saw a singer on stage with a strange expression on their face. we'll keep across the story and bring you an update injust a minute. time to get a check on the weather. hello there. the weather's looking very mixed this weekend. yes, there will be some rain at times, temperatures a bit disappointing,
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but things are set to warm up as we push into next week, especially for england and wales. so, we will have some rain around at times this weekend, mainly across northern and western areas, though for saturday, it's the south which will bear the brunt of some of the wettest of the weather. will be quite mild to begin saturday in the south, a bit cooler further north where we have more clear skies. but outbreaks of heavy and persistent rain affecting much of the channel islands into central and southern england, southeast wales, up into the midlands and across into eastern and southeast england. we have a met office yellow warning for the far southeast of england because we could see in excess of a couple of inches of rain here. that could lead to some localised flooding, some standing water on the roads. has been very dry across the southeast, though, for all of august. so this is very much needed rainfall — a good drink for the gardens, but it will be very wet through the morning. eventually, it clears out into the afternoon and we should see sunshine and some heavy, maybe
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thundery showers moving in, too, but it does brighten up elsewhere across the country. it's a bright day from the word go with sunshine and showers, but disappointing temperatures —16—18 celsius. that is below par for the time of year. saturday night's dry, quite cool, chilly for many, single digits across the board, but it will be turning a bit milder, wetter and windier out west as the next weather system starts to make inroads for sunday and you'll see more isobars on the chart. so it will be a breezy, blustery day on sunday, with most of the rain in the north and the west. so, quite a wet day, i think, for northern ireland, increasingly so for scotland, northern and western england and wales, maybe a few showers getting into the midlands. but i think the southeast quadrant tending to stay drier, closer to high pressure to the south, so could be up to 20 degrees given some brightness, but rather cloudy skies and again disappointing further north — mid—teens. that system moves away during sunday night into monday. it's a bank holiday monday for many. a ridge of high pressure will start to build in a bit more strong, stronger across the south, so i think england and wales largely dry. we should see some sunshine around, but another area of low pressure will bring more of a breeze. cloud outbreaks of rain to the far west of the uk,
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but temperatures responding up to 23 degrees in the south. and that's the sign of things to come for this upcoming week. it looks like summer will make a return, touching the 30 celsius mark.
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hello, i'm samantha simmonds. we start with some breaking news from germany where police say a number of people have been killed and others injured in a suspected knife attack in the western city of solingen. these are pictures
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which have just come into us from the scene. celebrations were under way in solingen at the time, to mark the 650th of the city's foundation. armed officers are at the scene. it's believed the attacker is still at large. with more on this, we can cross to the newsroom and our reporterjack surfleet. what more do we know? very few details coming — what more do we know? very few details coming through _ what more do we know? very few details coming through to - what more do we know? very few details coming through to us i what more do we know? very few details coming through to us the i details coming through to us the moment. we have given gotten some details from german media. police in the area have said multiple people have been killed and others injured. we don't know the number of those killed and we don't know the number of those injured at the moment. it would be irresponsible to guess at this point. it is far too early in an incident so serious like this one. a few details i can tell you. it happens at a festival celebrating 650 years of solingen. a relatively small city but a big event celebrating the city's history.
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local media are reporting that


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