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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  August 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm BST

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against charging a witch hunts against him after charges are filed over elected interference from 2020. a , , 2020. the new indictment puts the packet _ 2020. the new indictment puts the packet to — 2020. the new indictment puts the packet to the _ 2020. the new indictment puts the packet to the heart - 2020. the new indictment puts the packet to the heart of- 2020. the new indictment puts the packet to the heart of this | the packet to the heart of this election campaign with donald trump dismissing the charges as being politically motivated. senior doctors call on the uk government — to ban all flavoured and disposable vapes — to protect children against what it calls a growing epidemic. and, paris prepares for the paralympics — with the opening ceremony — just hours away. at least nine people have been killed — in the biggest israeli operation in the occupied west bank for 20 years. a series of co—ordinated raids took place in at least four cities —jenin, nablus,
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tulkarm and teeoo—bas. the israeli military has been using drones and armoured bulldozers — and there are reports of israeli forces surrounding hospitals. israel claims, it has killed what it says, are nine palestinian "terrorists". its foreign minister, israel katz, has described the situation as a "war" that must be won. a senior palestinian official, has accused israel of trying to escalate the war in gaza and warned of "dire and dangerous" results. the palestinian president, mahmoud abbas has cut short a visit to saudi arabia because of the attacks. our middle east correspondent, lucy williamson, hasjust sent this update from jenin. there are israeli jeeps, there are israeli jeeps, israeli armoured vehicles israeli armoured vehicles moving around the entrance tojenin�*s government moving around the entrance tojenin�*s government hospital behind me. hospital behind me. you can see an ambulance coming through now as well. the hospital entrance isjust the hospital entrance isjust behind this army vehicle here. behind this army vehicle here. staff inside the hospital say staff inside the hospital say that since last night, the army that since last night, the army
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has surrounded the building... has surrounded the building... and is searching anyone and is searching anyone who wants to leave. who wants to leave. this street, deserted now, this street, deserted now, one of the main roads one of the main roads through the town, has seen this through the town, has seen this kind of activity so many kind of activity so many times since the hamas times since the hamas attacks last october. attacks last october. but this operation, but this operation, looks a bit different, looks a bit different, are warning that continued it is a part of a wider, it is a part of a wider, coordinated operation coordinated operation across the northern west bank. across the northern west bank. these kinds of operations these kinds of operations going on in several cities. going on in several cities. what is not entirely clear what is not entirely clear at the moment is why this at the moment is why this operation is taking place now. operation is taking place now. the kind of extensive the kind of extensive operation that people here haven't seen in decades. operation that people here haven't seen in decades. israel's foreign minister says israel's foreign minister says it is a counterterrorism it is a counterterrorism operation against what he calls operation against what he calls terrorist infrastructure terrorist infrastructure backed by iran. backed by iran. but over the past ten months, but over the past ten months, these cities have had weekly these cities have had weekly incursions by the israeli army, incursions by the israeli army, it is not clear what it is not clear what has changed in terms has changed in terms of their targeting, in terms of their targeting, in terms of their methods. of their methods.
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and the palestinian authorities and the palestinian authorities are warning that continued violence here is going to have dire and dangerous consequences. let's have a quick reminder about the west bank. bounded by israel and jordan. it's been occupied by israel since the 1967 middle east war, but decades of talks between israel and the palestinians have left its final status unresolved.the international court ofjustice has ruled israel's occupation of the west bank — and the building ofjewish settlements there are — illegal under international law. let's speak to our correspondent in ramallah jon donnison. tell us more about what we have seen of the last few hours. is this operation still ongoing as we speak? this operation still ongoing as we speak?—
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this operation still ongoing as we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in the _ we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in the last _ we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in the last hour _ we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in the last hour i - we speak? yes, it is ongoing. just in the last hour i was - just in the last hour i was watching video from jenin which showed fierce gun battles between palestinian militants and israeli forces for the night is falling here now in the west bank. i think there will be fair amongst the palestinian population in the north of the west bank that it could be another difficult night. israel says this was a counterterrorism operation. it says it has taken out aeds, missile, web and supplies being held by militants in the west bank. —— ied. israel's foreign minister has called it a war that
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donald trump has accused the us department ofjustice — of trying to �*resurrect a dead witch hunt�* — after it filed �*revised' election interference charges against him. the allegations relate to mr trump's efforts to overturn his loss tojoe biden four years ago. government lawyers were forced to amend their case, because of a landmark supreme court ruling, that former presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution. the new indictment re—works the language of the accusations. they now refer to his status as a political candidate rather than sitting president. let's speak to our senior north america correspondentjohn sudworth. as we said, this follows that supreme court ruling. in terms of the revisions, take me through and give me a little more detail. this through and give me a little more detail.— through and give me a little more detail. as you say, this is all being — more detail. as you say, this is all being done _ more detail. as you say, this is all being done in _ more detail. as you say, this is all being done in the -
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is all being done in the light of that supreme court ruling. some people saw as breaking with the long—established resumption —— assumption that nobody in american society was above the law. supreme court or at least the six members of the conservative supermajority on the car, three of whom were appointed on donald trumps watch decided that presidents enjoy broad immunity for actions carried out as part of their official duty. what the special counsel appointed by the justice department to special counsel appointed by thejustice department to bring this indictment, jack smith has had to go away and go through line by line of the indictment and remove those parts where donald trump could be seen to be acting within his remit. for example, bits of the previous indictment that referred to the instructions that he was given to lawyers in hisjustice department, asking them tojoin
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him in challenging the results of the election. they've been taken out. and the thing is now framed in a way that focuses on his interactions with what the indictment refers to as private individuals, his own personal lawyers. the idea that this was knocked donald trump as president trying to cling to power but donald trump as a candidate for reelection attempting to interfere in the electoral process. that is now the basis of the indictment. what it tells us is that the justice department still believe they have a case and they intend to pursue it right up they intend to pursue it right up to the election. tiara up to the election. two questions, what - up to the election. two questions, what is - up to the election. two questions, what is the | up to the election. two - questions, what is the likely timeline and one remembers that actually donald trump was floundering in the polls before all of these legal cases started against him a few years ago but he was able to use it to energise his supporters. i
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suppose it's entirely possible we could see a repeat of that given some of the dent he said in recent weeks with kamala harris? , harris? yes. on the timeline we can be absolutely _ harris? yes. on the timeline we can be absolutely certain - harris? yes. on the timeline we can be absolutely certain now. can be absolutely certain now that this case will not be heard before the election. just ten weeks to go and almost certainly to be challenged by donald trump's lawyers once again. this indictment is a signal of intent rather than anything that is actually going to see action in court before november the 5th. does it help or hinder mrtrump? november the 5th. does it help or hinder mr trump? clearly, almost as soon as it was published his retaliation began. posting on social media calling this a dead witchhunt. that is widely seen to have helped him, as you say in the past. it makes him amongst his face at least something of a
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martyr to his cause. but at the same time it puts this issue right back front and centre of the election campaign with just a few weeks ago and will once again give the democrat side another opportunity to focus on this as a line of attack. one think we can say with absolute certainty is that it raises the stakes once again in the election itself because what it means is if mr trump loses, this case is almost certainly going to be pursued through the courts and he will find himself the day after the election ensnared in legaljeopardy. if he wins it all goes away with the stroke of his pen.- the stroke of his pen. thank ou very much for that. before we move on let's go to the live pictures on a couple of our main stories, these are the pictures live from janine. just as we were talking tojohn
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another puff of cloud and spoke with that operation thatjon donnison was telling us was still ongoing in the west bank the occupied west bank, that operation going on for hours with israel saying it has killed nine palestinians. describing those as terrorist. but senior palestinian officials again warning about the dangers of this offensive that we have seen from the israeli military. those live pictures coming to us from janine. let me show you live pictures from paris because there is the red carpet, more world leaders arrived with president emmanuel macron meeting those leaders ahead of the opening of the paralympics in the next couple of hours. those e—zines coming into us live from paris. we will return to that story here in the next few minutes. a lovely evening there ahead of the opening
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ceremony with that sweeping shot of the eiffel tower in paris. orare shot of the eiffel tower in paris. or are not in a moment or two. paris. or are not in a moment ortwo. first paris. or are not in a moment or two. first to an interesting story here in the uk. doctors are calling on the government — to ban flavoured and disposable vapes — to protect children against what, they say, is a "growing epidemic". in a report last year, the world health organization said vapes were banned in sa countries including india, brazil and thailand. however, according to the report, 7a countries — mostly in africa, but also elsewhere including pakistan, colombia and mongolia — did not regulate e—cigarettes at all. according to the latest estimates, around 8% of ii— to 17—year—olds vape. although it's already illegal to sell e—cigarettes to anyone under 18, the british medical association says more needs to be done and quickly to protect children and young people from a vape epidemic.
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the bma wants disposable vapes and all flavoured ones to be banned. it's also calling for kerbs on how vapes are marketed and sold, similar to cigarettes, with plain packaging and products kept behind the counter. if you're stopping smoking, you need a tobacco flavoured vape to just transfer from one to another. there is no need for any of the colourants or any of the flavourings that we see at the moment. we don't want to see them advertised in an open forum. there's no point in having a shiny bubble gum flavour, it's just about providing a quit aid. the uk vaping industry association agrees that stronger measures are needed to cut off the supply of youth vaping and illicit products, but it fears bans could lead to people using the black market and harms stop smoking progress. what we'd like to see and have been campaigning for many years is to see an introduction of vape licensing for both retailers and wholesalers. that would include things like robust age verification
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processes, for instance. then also we need to combine that with increased fines. and we'd like to see, as an industry, minimum fines of £10,000 per instance for anybody caught selling to a minor. in february, the conservative government introduced a tobacco and vapes bill, which aimed to restrict access for children but not adult smokers trying to quit. however, parliament was dissolved for the election before the law could be passed. when labour took over, it announced that it would reintroduce the bill. we're seeing in schools across the country, in bus stops and in town centres at the end of school billows of smoke from young people who are consuming vapes, often with really, really high levels of nicotine. and that's before we talk about the illegal vapes that we know exist within our country, which contain drugs which can cause real harm to young people. government says it's always been clear that children and adult nonsmokers should never vape, and that
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the tobacco and vapes bill will stop vapes from deliberately being branded and advertised to appeal to children. michelle roberts, bbc news. the british prime minister has been meeting the german chancellor in berlin. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news.
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the british prime minister has been meeting the german chancellor in berlin. sir keir starmer was welcomed by olaf scholz before holding in a news conference, where he announced a new uk—germany treaty — calling it a �*once in generation chance to deliver for working people.�* both leaders say, they hope to sign it by the end of the year. germany laid out the red carpet for the british prime minister who is heading to paris — for talks with french president, emmanuel macron.
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our chief political correspondent henry zeffman sent this report. the press conference between sir keir starmer and his german counterpart, olaf scholz, has just broken up after keir starmer�*s first official visit here to germany as prime minister. and the warm words from keir starmer pretty familiar. keir starmer pretty familiar now — reset. that�*s the word he always uses when he meets a european leader. but what i was most struck by there was the warmth of the words from olaf scholz. he said, we want to take this hand that has been reached out to us, and that is clearly the tone under which both sides are beginning the negotiations for this treaty, a treaty between the uk and germany, which they say they will sign within six months. that�*s pretty rapid. but what will it mean? is it rapid because it won�*t include a lot? i think we�*re no further really towards answering that question. keir starmer said it�*s going to include cooperation on trade, on defence, on illegal migration, on biodiversity, on pretty much everything that the uk and germany cooperate on.
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but what will that actually amount to in terms of changing the relationship, and how much can it change the relationship when germany, of course, remains at the heart of the european single market and customs union? it�*s not clear, but we will find out within six months. last summer, millions of people across the world wore pink as the �*barbie�* movie dominated the box office and became a global sensation. well now there�*s barbie the flip—phone. hmd global — makers of the nokia phone — have teamed up with the toymaker, mattel. the aim is to help parents who want to give their children phones, while also protecting them against the dangers of social media. our technology editor, zoe kleinman, has more. barbie, a 65—year—old brand which was given a new lease of life last summer
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when the star—studded film hit cinemas, is back again. hi, barbie! this time it�*s in the form of a flip phone made by the mobile phone company hmd, the same budget brand behind nokia. it�*s a feature phone, also sometimes called a dumb phone, meaning there�*s no access to social media and it can only perform basic functions like texting and calling. as concerns about the pressures of digital life on young people grows, hmd hopes devices like this might prove popular with children and indeed adults looking for a digital detox. i asked the firm whether the handset will live up to expectations among young people as it tries to compete with smartphones. we are very clear when we say, like, this phone comes without social media, and because we�*ve seen this surge in actually young people wanting to have a digital detox, no, this is actually delivering on what they�*re demanding right now. i think when we are talking about barbie, that�*s also like there�*s a lot of good values with barbie. it convinces the parents about, like, yes, you believe in the brand. i made this my phone for one day, and it certainly
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was an effective digital detox because there really isn�*t a lot you can do on it. you can get online, but it�*s impossible to read. there�*s no app store, no front facing camera, and only one game. and while you can text, the barbie phone doesn�*t recognise the default message setting that�*s on plenty of smartphones, so you might not get any replies. while this will undoubtedly appeal to some parents, some industry experts question its broader appeal. perhaps in that kind of 7 to 10 year old before you go to secondary school, and there�*s an expectation that smartphones are almost a birthright, that�*s an opportunity. however, the grim reality is when i talk to people who�*ve got smartphones and explain to them the implications of giving up their smartphone for something much more basic, it�*s a pretty tough sell. yeah, i already have tiktok. we decided to put the phone to the test with its key target audience. so i'd like if there was things like google and you could take pictures, and more games. i probably wouldn't use a phone
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like that because it doesn't- have all the apps that i usually like to use. i personally, it�*s something that i�*m really worried about for my daughter. in terms of introducing children to using a phone with restricted kind of access to social media, i get on board with that. hmd says it would welcome apps like whatsapp on board with barbie, but whatsapp says not all operating systems work with its service. for now, texting and calling is going to have to be kenough. paralympians from across the globe — are gathering in paris ahead of the games�* opening ceremony this evening. our disability correspondent, nikki fox, has been taking a look at what the athletes and spectators can expect. there�*s a real buzz in the city. paris is getting ready to host its second major sporting
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event in under a month. the party continues. it�*s time for the paralympics. archie! good to meet you! hello, how are you? archie is so excited, he�*s already arrived. you are in it for the long haul. you are staying for the whole thing? i�*m so excited. i really cannot wait for the games to actually start. we�*re all in that little bubble that nothing else matters but sport. and i wish it could be like that all the time. but it�*s paris. it�*s back with a bang. it's... we�*re all ready to get started again. someone who�*s been to more paralympic games than most as an athlete and a presenter is tanni grey thompson. right, tanni, is this going to be the best paralympics of all time? i'm so excited about the paris games. i really hope it's going to be the best paralympics of all time. london raised the bar, but i don't want it to be
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the best games ever. i want it to be one of the best. but it's really important for movement, for the athletes, that we keep evolving, and i think france has the potential to do that. we're on the cusp of something really special. do the athletes sit around and eat tart tatin with a nice, sweet little drizzle there? no. you see, in competing days, you couldn't touch this, no! in the build up to the games, there have been concerns from charities here in france about how the hundreds of thousands of disabled fans will get around the city. money has been spent on making sure all buses and trams are accessible. there�*ll be more accessible taxis and there�*ll be shuttle buses taking people to and from the venues. wheelchair racer sammi kinghorn is going to be busy. she�*s competing in four events this year. yeah, i�*m so excited to go in there and just hear that roar. i just want to enjoy this whole experience. and more spectators will get to enjoy the competition, because this year, a record
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number of broadcasters from around the world will be covering the paralympic games. but sammi wants to see more para sport on tv throughout the year. do you think that we are getting closer to sort of equality between the olympics and the paralympics? i think we�*re getting there with some things. i think there�*s still obviously a disparity and there always will be, i think, which is really sad. i�*d love, i�*d love to say i don�*t think there�*ll ever be. i think we�*ll always be equal. and i would love that. but it�*s hard, i think, because we don�*t have the same sponsorship and the same money and that�*s the kind of thing we�*re fighting for. and i think because we�*re not on the telly all through the year, people can�*t relate to us. for the organisers, these games are a real chance to change attitudes. we truly believe that it could be a revolution also for france, because that will be the first time that this country will deliver the paralympic games in our country, and maybe the first time that they will be also confronted to so many people with disability.
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the paralympics is a world class, highly competitive event, but it�*s also an opportunity for disabled people to have their moment in front of a global audience. nikki fox, bbc news. let�*s end this half with live pictures from paris. an hour and a half before the opening ceremony. huge amount of excitement, plenty more of the paralympics on bbc news in the coming hours. hello there. we�*ve certainly seen some contrasting weather conditions across the country today. out to the west, it�*s been cloudy and often wet once again. this was chorley in lancashire this morning, some of the rain really quite heavy, clearing away to some drizzly, murky conditions. the best of the sunshine, well, high cloud, yes, across east anglia and south east england, but that�*s where we had the sunshine and the warmth. in fact, temperatures peaking in the high 20s by the middle part of the afternoon.
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probably too hot for many of us, but as those weather fronts that brought the rain sink south and east, no rain on it, but they�*re going to introduce fresher air as they move through overnight. so on thursday morning, then, we�*ll start off with a lot of sunshine and just a few scattered showers across northern england, northern ireland. showers more frequent into scotland, moving from west to east through the day. top temperatures between 14—19 degrees here, but we should see temperatures at 23 celsius, so a little bit more pleasant perhaps across southeast england. now, as we move through thursday evening, those showers will tend to fade away, perhaps just clinging to the far north of scotland— clearing skies, that�*s going to allow those temperatures to fall away into single figures. maybe a little bit misty and murky as well first thing into northern ireland, southwest scotland. but on the whole, we keep that quieter theme of weather. friday will start off dry, settled with some sunshine coming through. cloud will build up through the day, but it should be largely dry for many throughout the day, and temperatures will once again range from 15—19 degrees
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in the north, perhaps 20—23 celsius across parts of england and wales. high pressure is going to stay with us as we move into the weekend. it will start to drift its way north and east, allowing the wind direction to come in for more of an easterly — that could push in more cloud off the north sea. certainly a fresher feel on those exposed east coast, and perhaps not as sunny as it has been, so sheltered western areas seeing the best of the sunshine and a dry day for scotland and northern ireland, and as a result, a little warmer as well — highs here of 22 degrees. second half of the weekend looks quite promising. again, that high pressure still likely to pull away, but we keep that drier theme, and that�*s going to hold those weather fronts out in the atlantic. so, dry settled and sunny story as we continue into sunday, and as a result a little warmer, too.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. israel carries out the largest military operation in decades — in the occupied west bank — at least nine people have been killed. she has a side to drop winter fuels despite rising energy bills. thames water proposes raising customer bills up
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to nearly 60% by 2030. that�*s despite the industry regulator suggesting a rise of less than 25%. we will get more on a call from senior doctors about apes to protect from children but calls a growing epidemic. also coming up — as oasis announces its first concerts in 15 years — manchester council investigates hotels trying to cash in on the return of the gallagher brothers. more on those stories in a moment or two, but first the sports. hello from the bbc sport centre we�*re just hours away from the opening ceremony of the paralympics, and after covid saw no fans in tokyo and rio was dogged by financial issues, the pressure is on for paris to rival, or even better, london 2012. beyond the sport however, those involved say they�*re mindful of a secondary purpose for the games.


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