tv [untitled] BELARUSTV September 7, 2022 10:35am-11:01am MSK
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it is important to remain a man to behave like a man. it's more important not to regret. choice of profession. our program is called the meaning of life for you. what is the meaning of life for me ? the meaning of life is in unification and reunification, and i understood this literally. actually, not so long ago, a few years ago, when i was invited to the anniversary of the very school where i was taken from and i, uh? i thought then that i was coming to pinsk, i had no parents there. but there are, uh, and no, parents who, by the way, uh, dad never saw me on stage, my mother saw it, but it was an unsuccessful performance at which i got injured and then my mother stopped, and then i thought that in spite of everything, i must definitely come to pinsk because my parents are from there. i am there that small number of people who have known me since
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childhood, who know somewhere there somewhere that he has something there and when everyone gathered for the concert, when everyone came to my dressing room. eh, i managed to breathe. i don't know how else to call it, but here i was looking at all those people who remained, then what i consist of, i realized that here is a reunion. and all this is the meaning of life, regardless. the family profession at this stage in my profession is the reunion of all those, uh, skills of knowledge that have been received as much as possible to invest in what i am doing now and then maybe i will not be so useless at all in life, because it is very scary to miss the opportunity very it's scary and unrealized for her so for me. uh, the meaning of life is to connect there is always one or go
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circumstances who can destroy, well it is very difficult to build, capacious complex processes. thanks a lot. thank you and see you. this was the meaning of life for igor kolb. propaganda although they are trying to offend us with this word, we continue to prove that propaganda can be different and even so subjective and lofty in the next 20 minutes. we will talk about the events of the past week. about the most important thing, but not only about it. my name is igor tur. this is my propaganda let's start the whole last week, of course, was held under
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the sign of alexander lukashenko's lecture for schoolchildren and students positioned as historical, but in fact it turned out to be political and even with elements of philosophy, and here is the main teacher and here are his assistants from different fields. was it something revolutionary in content from the president? it seems to me that no lukashenka taught us long ago that in his thoughts and comments he is both fundamental and a cutter, if necessary. unless it was new that the head of state worked as a teacher for the younger generation, so something had to be chewed out for children, as for children, but you know, sometimes the president has to chew for adults too, therefore, as for me, for all the unusual form of the event in the palace of independence on thursday , alexander lukashenko’s weekday, friday trip around the minsk region, the usual business trip of the president, was not deservedly deprived of attention. i would even say standard, but
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what i said, lukashenka was there - it was also a lecture and in some vectors the head of state. again i was forced to chew everything and put it on the shelves. the topic of today's our lessons is for everyone understood this further modernization of agriculture under the theme rescue of the drowning, that is, as i once said, about half of the economy. we work well in the country of the remaining half. half, that is, 25% of all this is a farm, which, with our support, will get through 25% of this farm. hmm. well, as i often call them dead, and we need them. save which ways and this is where the fun begins remember. that's when
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the coronavirus emerged. we immediately had an infinite number of experts in comments on social networks, who had their own opinion on what the state should do in the face of an allegedly impending disaster. some people were of the opinion that everything should be closed for lockdown; everyone should not go out to wait out. wear masks at home. everywhere where a different human body can be present within a radius of 20 km, and so on. others had a different opinion that all this is fake, that this is a worldwide conspiracy of pharmaceutical corporations. everyone wants to make money on vaccines , sanitizers in masks and other things, and at the same time to chip everyone and turn them from humanoids terminators. i didn’t have others with a pea either. do people have the right to an opinion, of course, but as they said, then there is an opinion, but there is knowledge of an opinion, not supported by the knowledge on the topic, the one who expresses an opinion most often turns into a disgrace no offense to the funeral virus, it was
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reasonable to find out the doctor’s opinion on lockdowns him through an economist, and everything that a software engineer or a milkmaid considered about the state’s strategy for coronavirus does not matter. although each of them has the right to an opinion, but an opinion without knowledge is dust. with all due respect to the actual knowledge of the above citizens in engineering, programming and the process of milking cattle. now, on the topic of a loss-making agricultural enterprise in the country, have they been there for a long time? and, more precisely, always yes, there were a problem, whether it was a problem. can everyone around have an opinion? what should unprofitable enterprises do, of course? but an opinion without knowledge is often a disgrace. it is important to understand here and the whole picture and the logic of the president of belarus let's use the simplest example, isn't it easier it would be all unprofitable agricultural enterprises that date back from the state budget for years, and
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exhaust tends to close to zero to hell in terms of saving budget funds, here and now, of course, it’s easier and better, that’s for sure , if we had a task strictly to minimize the cost of agriculture, here and now, at the snap of lukashenka’s fingers, all unprofitable collective farms would be closed the day before yesterday in the morning, and yes, it would be easier for the budget and local authorities, who would be saved from the smut and by the industrial enterprise, which is forced to drag unprofitable collective farms with them. here and now it would be better for everyone to make an introduction for those who still consider it important to acquire knowledge. read what is happening now in agriculture, for example, in georgia, where everything is unprofitable in agriculture for the sake of momentary gain. the opinion about the closure of all agricultural enterprises indiscriminately for a person was closed, perhaps, but it is desirable that it be backed up with knowledge, but the thing is that this issue cannot be considered strictly from
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the point of view of an agricultural specialist industries of the economy and so on without context, the only vector that lukashenka is forced to take into account, the next collective farm was closed at a loss, and the lands were given away to the participants, who then on these lands will produce a product for the consumption of belarusians in the first place, but this is how everything works as long as lukashenka and private business are in power in belarus he wants he does not want to do first of all what the authorities consider the best for the people in the country first of all, and not for profit. now listen to the conversation between the president and the head of a private enterprise. well, here the way here is the coincidence of interests first here there are lands. and he has a production and this production does not have enough feed grain. well , yes, he is a good fellow, a successful person. dzerzhinsky works well, the whole world knows it's so grokombinat. we give an example and so
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on. he could buy this grain in russia, which he would live somewhere in clover, but what is its value ? they began to give these dead farms the land to him to protect the land, plow it up and put it in order. at someone has guarantees that such a public private partnership will always exist after lukashenka. what if we now give away all the problematic state partnership. yes, maybe a more effective private trader, but wouldn't it suddenly happen that if someone with a less iron fist than lukashenka comes to power in belarus, that the private trader will not say. thanks to everyone, but now my profit is in the first place for me, because chastnik will continue. this is my private property, my production and it is more profitable for me to sell chicken for my income. say to poland, and if belarusians have nothing to eat at the same time, these are not often my problems. wherever i want my goods there and i will deliver. this is
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the first second. they closed the collective farm, in which, at the very least, 200 people worked. yes, the salary was for those who were lazy, small but now there is none. what should these people do. after all, it is most often not the urban, but the rural population to find work somewhere in the countryside without collective farms. and even without unprofitable collective farms it is difficult to move to the district center, but if we have a quarter of such collective farms unprofitable, if to close all that work in regional centers, here and now it’s not enough for everyone and people will earn money and go to large cities, which is not bad, yes in itself, and i, as minsk, do not have the right to consider the limit, otherwise we will lose the village as a phenomenon, why i hold on to large-scale commodity farming, these collective farms and state farms, because the collective farms and state farms fulfill. they support the social function of the village, and these chairmen, in the old saying, the director of the collective farm, the state farm, drag this social program on themselves, therefore, for
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they are the state leaders of the enterprise for me and for you, so we can hold on to them, we can create farms. if there are farmers, of course, the land was distributed, and the farmer, yes, the light bulbs came to him and were hired . he paid for leaving, and he will not bear this social burden he can inflict, but in our country, farmers bear this social burden, too, well done, because we have such a policy in the state you are a farmer. do you want to take yesterday's collective farm land, please, from the village. production premises to bring to mind the work that is the policy in the countryside and by doing this we raise the saving of the village. speaking, in a philosophical language, we give work to people on earth. this should be our
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policy in agriculture. well, if after you and me someone decides to go the way of ukraine, he gave the land to pieces. well, you see, the best land was taken away by the family. the farmer provided. and all is well. let's continue with an example. here sits in the comments, for example, the deputy director of a small private company in grodno for simple issues fellow countrymen. i'm sure not offended at me for the geographical choice. an example of a deputy for simple issues from grodno has an opinion, which he kindly, but without asking, shares with everyone around him . let's be honest, the lock on simple issues is completely indifferent to the state budget. his logic is simple, if unprofitable collective farms are closed in belarus, then the state will not spend millions every year to support them, and he
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thinks these funds, instead of a simple question be evenly distributed over other areas, including his area, including something that will fall to him personally and then he will have a salary of not 1.500, but 1.600, for example. but the deputy on a simple question is mistaken. what will happen if all unprofitable collective farms are closed, a large number of not even cheap, but unemployed forces will be released and there will be no jobs in the regions after the closure of all unprofitable enterprises. all of them will flock to big cities for work, including grodno . denping, that is, offering to do the work at a lower price than the one that is settled on the market and the ex-chief accountant of the closed kolkhoz in the lida region is conditional. i’ll have to be a searcher for the workplace of this deputy on simple issues, offering the employer myself with the same functionality, but not
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for 1.500, but for 1.000 and the deputy for simple issues, who had the opinion close everything that is unprofitable so that i earn more, there will be a problem for him or fired, hiring in his place no less qualified, but cheaper employee, or because of changes in the labor market will offer to work further not for 1.500. and for 1.100, for example, that is, from whoever has an opinion and a selfish motive in the topic close all unprofitable does not see the whole picture and shoots himself in the foot with his comment. but this is a private matter, that's in general. the closure of all unprofitable collective farms, followed by the relocation of people to big cities and dumping in the market, will only lead to one financial benefit, only the director of a private enterprise, who used to pay 1,500 for my simple questions, will receive. and now will pay less. whatever decision he made to leave it or change it to that, from the collective farm work. same profit. the same
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cost is less. that is why all the heads of private businesses and other ipeshniks advocate in belarus the closure of everything that is unprofitable, not for the sake of the state budget, but for their own sake. who receive colossal and simply large incomes and everyone else who somehow survives, for example, ukraine, where there is or there are colossally more oligarchs or beggars and beggars there, and yes, this is to blame, including the strategy of ridding the state of unprofitable assets for the sake of momentary profit and dividing the people into rich and poor will lead to political upheavals in the future, because sooner or later the beggar will take to the streets against the rich and perhaps the poor will win, but they will not get what they stood for, because never once in history have people who protested and changed power in the
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country successfully, having carried out a coup d'état never people did not get what they went out for at that moment, more politically savvy forces were always turned on and they were already hands on. resources were seized by the authorities, and it will be even more fortunate if the authorities seize the resources of their political forces, and not external ones , after food riots and coup d'état in any country. at any time, time passed and the beggar stopped even poorer, and the rich even richer. all of the above is very much reminiscent of ukraine, because all of the above was just about her and happened there so many times, as if it did not sound strange, and agriculture and collective farms, and even unprofitable collective farms for the sake of jobs for people in the countryside, they stick together both the country's economy and politics. so maybe we need to take into account the experience of ukraine and not just try to fill bumps, on our own a person instantly. he understands everything when bad things happen to him. well, no
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matter what happens to us, we are here with you today. and we remember here in our historical memory. we are returning to what was in our history. and as it was said here it is very sickening not to commit the mistakes we made and to know how to move forward. this was already a fragment of the president's speech at that same lecture for schoolchildren and students, about which a lot has already been said, but still i will repeat what i think. most importantly, namely this question and answer, most of the people of belarus refuse to listen to any information, well, let's eh. let's put it this way, you know pro-government information, denis, well, first of all, i will not agree that the majority, because well, i probably have more information than you, if someone does not e perceive about power
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information, god be with us. we have the internet today. well, you got e during covid on the eve of august 2020 , info, how are you folks? here i can agree that almost half, if not more, of which my position was not accepted. everyone was shouting even in the government has frankly said, why did i resign, including why the former prime minister is closed. kokonnikov are all leaving for a remote location. universities are closing everything, no one is moving. and i clenched my teeth walked. pursuing its policy and in the world , sweden tried to do it and then halfway trembled and refused, because i was already strangled by westerners here. have you seen who fought in covid the most, rolling on each other, like which countries are which? i ask
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you. the united states of america accused china that they artificially created this problem, and china accused the united states of america that some marines brought a test tube and threw it artificially created this problem from the territory. china you. it didn't bother me. no, denis you, it's not careful, because he didn't give a damn about it, you sit and drink beer and then drank. and for me it was a tragedy. i had to stand and get you through this storm so that the country would suffer the least. well, you didn't believe it. using the internet, can you still read some other news? about not pro-government, what did you get from this? you went some to the barricades in 2020 for what? do civilized people
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treat their president like that? which he kept. sorry for indiscretion to you this country and tomorrow you will receive it into your own hands. i am glad that this kind of question is sharp. well, at least it sounded naive. i am glad that alexander grigoryevich’s answer was also heard, where it was not only about state information about coronaviruses , politics, but also about lukashenka’s personal information, our youth is different and more thoughtful and less. there is a diligent and a little unassembled and a genius and guys more down to earth. and those who are in the belarusian republican youth union and others. all of them are our children with everyone and for everyone. we need to work and they were all different at that meeting. with lukashenka among the hooligans who wrote this inscription on a notebook not for political reasons, and even as this guy said later , not because they wanted to eat, just a boy with this hooliganism. i wanted to show off and please the next girl, you don’t need to
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bore an adult. they themselves were not all like that, but some were such hooligans in childhood. now they are adults. among us , state people successfully solve state tasks and even accomplish this feat, because the hooligans have the earth burning under their feet, they want to do something and sometimes hooligans are more effective than everyone else. whether tur was a hooligan as a student, of course, whether marat markov was a hooligan, i am more than sure, in the end i dare to say that alexander lukashenko also happened to be a student as a student, all the more hooligans. therefore, such youth is impudent and sometimes impudent, the state and the authorities also need us. they just need help and explain how to hooligan for the good of the country, and not against it, and this is what is an important part of the youth policy. my name is igor tur. this was my propaganda
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conditionally, we can divide our work into two such basic conceptual directions. the first is procurement, public procurement and procurement from own funds, and the second direction is exactly what we are talking about, now this is the promotion of foreign economic activity. here is punished, a complete comprehensive system set of services in our exporters, starting from the organization of the business mission. exhibition activity means, uh, establishing direct contacts, but if we are the national marketing center. naturally, we also carry out a full range of e-marketing research, both for our exporters of our companies and for foreign partners. we also have an
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image of our educational center, yes, which we use here to explain. uh, how to work in foreign markets. yes, what tools? its use in each market has its own specifics. yes, we recently did, uh, a series of webinars, yes, for how to work in the african market? that is, we invited , among other things, our e, de representations, and that means, focusing on explaining to our exporters in a normally accessible language, how to enter the market. yes, where to start , what are the barriers, what are the problems, if there are any tariff tariff issues, yes, that is, the whole range of issues, the same work is being carried out under another region. we are similar. ah, webinars. these are different needs before the binar online conference, that is, the chinese in the chinese in the asian market with pakistan with egypt. yes, uh, we have the russian market, uh, we have such a resource as an information resource export. uh, very
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interesting very useful very effective information resource. uh, let's say. so. these are aggregators, they accumulated information about more than 7,000 belarusian exporting enterprises, uh, in which about 20 are represented. well, more than 22-2000 goods and services that they can offer, but you know, everything moves, everything changes. we have created it, yes to say that there is a floor satisfaction from how effectively this resource is used. i probably would not say this, therefore, based on the conditions of the e that exists around us now, we are trying to say this way to breathe new life into this portal new life. what does it mean? that is, we are trying now with using. e-e of new technological developments of new know-how of the latest with the participation of the largest russian e trading platform, rts tender
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to create e, a module that will allow you to automatically select partners in an intelligent mode, which is meant, that is, there is a database, which already exists. it will be used. so, uh, after two clicks, relatively speaking, you have created, you register on the portal, you create your own account and hosts stupid commercial information that you don't need or want to promote, price lists and so on. this, uh, means that the information is automatically processed processed. yes, and automatically, which means it is scattered over the corresponding headings . and most importantly. it finds automatically automatically automatically finds e by requests that have already been previously posted by potential partners, either who wants it or who wants to apply in different regions of the world russia while we are talking about russia russia we are talking about the fact that yes. that is, i do not want to say this in the revolution.
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