tv -... BELARUSTV January 7, 2023 12:00am-2:36am MSK
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in the new year hello, dear viewers belarusian tv channel belarus 3 begins live broadcasting of the festive christmas service, we are in the holy tunic cathedral in the city of minsk in the main orthodox church of our capital. my name is priest andreeva makin . i will accompany the broadcast with brief comments in which i will explain
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the meaning of the main points of the service and talk about their theological meaning and symbolic meaning. festive worship. today heads his eminence metropolitan veniamin of minsk, patriarchal exar of all belarus, we will see the main festive service of the divine liturgy, which on christmas , according to the established tradition, is performed at night. . on this day , god himself, the savior of the world, incarnated in a person, experiencing the joyful
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event of the birth of our lord jesus christ, we feel a huge divine love for us and our heart trembles with the greatest gratitude to god, for all his bounties and blessings sent down to the human race. i take care of the horse, his eminence in meters. bring down benjamin more honestly in the honor of his christianity, and to all the glory of the lord, let us pray the center of the celebration of any church celebration is the service of the divine liturgy. the great feast of the nativity of the lord god and our savior jesus christ is also celebrated in all orthodox churches with the divine liturgy. we hear,
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as senior clergyman. he proclaimed blessed the kingdom with this exclamation , a festive divine service begins. let us pray, bless the air brought forth the fruits of the earth while their peaceful lord let us pray. we hear how the protodeac proclaims the great or, in other words, peaceful, the word translated from greek means intensified prayer in petition more effectively, believers are encouraged to focus on prayer at this moment, the
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prayer also turns to the lord with a request for their spiritual and worldly needs , spoken now and in the shadow contained on and a greater number of petitions, therefore, she is called the great catherine. thank you , dear. i save us, your god, with grace and strength, the pure breaking glorious piety of your nobility and my christ with all the saints violates themselves and each other and the whole abdomen. let's commit to christ.
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have mercy on you holy holy spirit, the lord will be the victim of no one and the lord that of the listener. the choir performs the festive antifreeze antiphon - this is a hymn containing lines from psalms. david, the very name antiphon comes from the ancient way of performing these hymns in ancient times. churches during the service, the lines of the antiphon in were alternately performed by several choirs at a
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reminds those who pray, and the importance of spiritual focused and attentive prayer during worship. with all the saints turning to themselves and each other and live our claim. god is the charm of the lord how your power yours clings to all my words of the father, if such a spirit is now christ and
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forever and ever. every single ends prayer book of a clergyman, in which the name of the holy trinity is glorified in these holy days of christ of the nativity filled with such rich words. the church constantly praises the savior for his incomprehensible sacrifice for the human mind, which he made for us in these hymns, the theological depth and meaning of christmas is gradually revealed, which for virtuous christians becomes not just an experience of the event, but also the participation in it of
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lord, the liturgical hymn is not only a penetrating prayer, but also an exposition dogmatic doctrine of the church. now we have heard the special hymn of the only begotten son, which expounds to us the doctrine of our savior. lord jesus christ, who was born of the virgin in order to save us from sin and eternal death through his way of the cross.
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we see how the main part of the clergy enters the altar, a liturgical act is performed, which is called the small entrance; the clergy take the holy gospel from the throne, the priest passes it to the deacon and together with him leaves the altar through the northern doors, standing in front of the royal doors. ahead, the clergy carry a candle. this is a symbol of the fact that the gospel teaching is a
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, acceptance proclaims wisdom forgive me that is, let us be grateful to listen with wisdom the gospel that the clergy hold in their hands occupies a significant place not only in worship, but is the basis spiritual life of every christian every day, believers try to read at least a small passage of the sacred text, reflect on its meaning and try to apply the gospel principles in their
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lives, without knowing the gospel it is impossible to understand what the christian faith is and what is the orthodox dogma? we see how the primate blesses the worshipers with dikiria and trikiria. this is a special liturgical item that has a deep symbolic meaning dikiriy containing two candles symbolize the duality of nature in the lord. jesus christ, the divine and human rivers, red, having three candles, reminds us that god is one in essence, but three in outposts father son holy spirit. lord, fear
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which the meaning of the celebration of the triumph is briefly conveyed. today, the holiday tropark reveals the deep meaning of the nativity of christ . this is how this festive chant sounds in russian. your christmas. christ our god aizarilized the world with the light of knowledge, for through it the stars, serving as a star, taught you to worship the sun of truth and know you from the height of the rising luminary, lord glory you.
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we hear how the choir sings the hymn of the fir tree in christ baptized into christ ablecusya, that is, those who were baptized in the name of christ were clothed in christ spiritually in his truth holiness, meekness, humility, obedience, patience and abstinence in words in christ's perfection in christ's image in the new a man cleansed
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great event. the nativity of christ was a light for the world and people immersed in the darkness of delusions and sins, the festive troparion depicts christ as beautiful and great, the sun flooding the belly and rays of the entire universe, this reminds us of the ancient old testament prediction of the prophet isaiah about the savior. the people entering in darkness will see a great light on those living in the country of the shadow of death, our lord islam will shine, my death appears.
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ennost, who, after the clergyman , repeats the move, the word will overturn in translation into russian means the preceding precedes the biblical reading and consists of small verses and a close book of psalms, which are performed by special tunes. resurrect to yours, o lord, all the earth, be afraid
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this passage from the new testament book, the epistle of the apostle paul to the galatians, the bible is the main source of spiritual knowledge for a christian, therefore, for each liturgy, reading passages from the holy scriptures, special attention is paid to the reading of biblical texts is traditionally performed in the church slavonic language, the orthodox church uses this language in all services of the church year.
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and in the bible passage we read, we learn that christ's coming into the world was not sudden god through his messengers of the prophets. he repeatedly gave people a promise that a savior would come into the world in order to restore fallen human nature. m. god 's creation proclaims his zhelku. alleluia
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blessed everything to me with the most sacred dekoz of the evangelist the holy hierog is asking the primate for a blessing on reading a passage from the gospel of matthew today we will hear the gospel reading, which tells us about how the great event of the nativity of christ of our lord jesus christ took place, the world
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from the east i bring jerusalem a verb, where there is a father to him. but herod the king was troubled, and all jerusalem with him, and gathered all the high priests and scribes of the people in those who had passed from them, where christ was born. they are recomended, if it is written to yeme judaism that it is written by a prophet, and you are bethlehem, the land of judas. nothing less than his lords of judah's
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discord. your whole joy is fun. and who came to the temple in the form of a shadrach with my mother , and pasha, who bowed to him and rejected their treasures, grabbing to him the gifts of zlata and smirnov and did not return the news of the one who received the snow. while celebrating the saving feat of the lord jesus
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christ, it is important for every christian not only to know the text of the gospel, but also to try with all his might to build his life according to the gospel rules, not only to listen, but also to hear the word of god, let's listen how the excerpt from the gospel that sounded today sounds in russian, when jesus was born diffley of judaea in the days of king irad, magi from the east came to jerusalem and say where the jewish father was born, for we saw his star in the east and came to bow to him, having heard. it was king herod who was alarmed, and all jerusalem with them, and having gathered all the high priests and scribes of the people , he asked them where they should. faces of christ they
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told him bethlehem of judea, for so it is written through the prophet and you are bethlehem land of judah, nothing less than the miraculous province for out of you will come a leader who will fall down the people, my israel then. herod mystery summoned the polhvs, found out from them the time of the appearance of the star , and sending them to bethlehem said, go, carefully reconnoiter about the babies. and when you find it, let me know so you don't have to go and bow. after listening to the king, they went to him, and behold, the star that they saw in the east went before them, as it finally came and stopped over the place where the baby was, seeing the star, but they did not return with joy and very great. and when they entered the house they saw a baby with mary of his mother and fell down, bowed to him and opened the treasures. now they brought him gifts
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of gold in a way and with peace, and having received in a dream the revelation not to return to the city in any other way, they departed for their country. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, sacredly we hear how the protodeacon proclaims a pure eptinia, in which again and again he calls those present in the church to an intense prayer purely, which means that a doubled increased move for each petition answers three times lord have mercy. i
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lord have mercy, lord have mercy holiday the nativity of christ belongs to the great twelfth feasts, but on the tenth feasts, these are the 12 most important annual church celebrations after easter, connected with the gospel history and the history of the church. the definition of twelfth comes from the
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church slavonic word two by ten. what does 12 mean in terms of content in 10 holidays are divided into master and mother of god master holidays established by the church to the glory of the lord jesus christ and reflect the most important events from his earthly life, in turn, the mother of god holidays are dedicated glorification of the mother of god and events are reflected. and the earthly life of the blessed virgin mary hallelujah let us pray to the lord, lord have mercy.
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lord, the gift of peace to your people. let all your peoples understand your love and the sweetness of the holy spirit. may people forget the grief of the earth, and bring all the bad things and cling to you with love. and yes, they will live in peace and create yours for your glory we hear that the chairman said a prayer for the strengthening of peace between peoples, the strengthening of peace in the heart of each of us. sounds eugene about catechumens catechumens
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- these are people who are just preparing to receive the sacrament of baptism but have not yet received it at the divine liturgy. according to historical tradition, catechumens are allowed to be present only until a certain moment, after which they must leave the church to continue praying at the divine liturgy. from now on, only the faithful, that is, baptized orthodox christians, can. come out an invitation, or rather let us pray to the lord to boil in peace. thanks
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dear. save us god by your grace. every word of a man of the clergy and the clergy are dressed in white liturgical robes, the white color, which combines all colors, is a symbol of the divine uncreated light. that is why, in white vestments, they perform divine services on the nativity of christ and also on many other holidays dedicated to the lord jesus christ , such as the theophany of the ascension of the lord
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sings the liturgical chant the name of the cherubic song is cherubic. the song is one of the main chants of the divine liturgy, the text of the cherubic song was compiled in the sixth century by an unknown byzantine author. this prayer is based on the knowledge of the old testament prophets isaiah and the tongue and symbolizes the singing of angels at the thrones of god. the cherubic song recalls how angelic forces in heaven serve at the throne of
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god, this is how it sounds in the russian translation, we mysteriously, becoming like cherubim and singing the life-giving trinity , every most holy song is now postponed worldly care, in order to be glorified by the king, all of whom are invisibly solemnly exalted by the ranks, angelic orreluia hallelujah, hallelujah, after, after the choir, the clergy repeat this prayer, raising their hands. the state duty the lord is risen
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commemorating the names of the living and the dead. this liturgical prayer is considered the most effective and powerful commemoration of our loved ones. we see the liturgical action, which is called the great procession. the great entrance symbolizes the procession. of the lord jesus christ to free suffering and death for the sinful human wire during the great entrance
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, the transfer of the holy gifts of the altar to the thrones is carried out in detail ; the temple in front of the entrance is bolted, after which the primate of worship performs a prayerful commemoration of the clergy of the parishioners of this temple and all orthodox christians. father our kirill is quieter than the patriarch of moscow all russia of the holy trinity sergi lavra, the sacred archimandrite and the synod of belarusian glorious
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forever and ever and ever. liturgical vessels are placed on the throne and covered with a special liturgical veil, which called the air-spirit clergy enter the altar of the temple. also, this liturgical action is accompanied every day by walking, which occupies a special place in the worship of the orthodox church and is performed by the clergy at the evening morning worship of the liturgy and other services. every day is carried out with the help of a censer of a special vessel containing red-hot coals, on which the armor relies, releasing fragrant fiam, this fiam go to the throne of mountain
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she pronounces the petitioning catherine, she is called so, because each petition in her ends with a phrase. o lord, we ask in this shadow that a petition is heard not only for our spiritual life, but also for everyday urgent needs, which every person is certainly surrounded by. this tells us that a christian, both in the spiritual and everyday life, always strives to trust, that is, to hope in god. we pray, step aside. save us, have mercy and save us, god bless you
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as well as city republican events. also, the choir accompanies visits, his holiness his holiness patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia , during his primatial visits to our country, participates in the meeting of the first years with the state. our church choir is also a regular participant in various festivals, working closely with the honored team of the republic of belarus of the academic choir named after grigory shirma. the glorious mistress of all the saints of each other and
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loves each other the most important part of the divine liturgy is approaching the illumination of the holy gifts of the body and blood of christ before the illumination saints. gifts all the people sing the symbol of faith. the creed is a summary of the teachings of orthodox christianity. it consists of 12 parts, each of which briefly sets out a certain dogma of the orthodox faith. the creed was approved at the first and second ecumenical councils 320, 5 and 381. on behalf of the church, the creed briefly, but accurately expresses everything the essence of our faith, and therefore must be
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exaltation we hear how the protodeacon proclaims, let us become diligently with reverence, let us be attentive in order to bring the holy offering in the world, this call emphasizes the importance of the world of spiritual work. divine things can only be done in the world that is why, in order to participate in the divine liturgy, a christian must be at peace with his neighbors or be
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reconciled with those of them with whom he is in disagreements, the divine liturgy is also called the greek word eucharist, eucharist. so thanksgiving , we thank god for all the mercies bestowed upon him. the lord during the divine liturgy the most important christian sacrament is performed. the sacrament
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of the eucharist, the communion of the body and blood of christ plays a huge role in the life and in the salvation of every christian, and participation in this sacrament, our attitude towards the eucharist should become for us a measure of whether we are doing the right thing there. , do not move in our spiritual life, according to the prevailing liturgical tradition of prayer. the eucharist is pronounced by the primates of the most senior clergy. at the divine service, confess all the
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after eating the old testament easter, the savior took bread and thanked god the father for all his mercy to the human race, broke it and gave it to the disciples saying, there is my body, which is given for you, do everything in my remembrance. then he took a cup of grape wine. he also blessed it and gave it, saying to them, drink everything from it for it is. my blood of the new testament is shed for many of you, the remission of sins, the communion of the apostles. the lord gave them the commandment to always perform this sacrament, do everything in my remembrance since then since then, the christian church, at every
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, the primate blesses the bread and wine that is on the throne, which become the body and blood of the lord god and our savior jesus christ. the eucharist is the closest. what union of man with god is possible here on earth, understanding from the cups of the true body and blood of the lord jesus christ the lord
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mercy, christ is risen, greeted each other with the phrase christ is in our midst, and indeed christ invisibly abides with us in the full sense of the word and, first of all, in the sacrament of the eucharist, therefore it is precisely in it that the main value and core of the existence of the church. the god of the first
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mention of the lord the great lord of our father kirill kept amusing the patriarch of moscow all russia holy trinity sergius lavra, the holy archimandrite and the synod of the belarusian orthodox churches like gifts to saints of information to churches in the world of whole honest health long-lived right of the government of truth. i don't see, lord, lord. we hear the prayerful commemoration of his holiness the patriarch, as well as the head of the belarusian exarch of the head of the
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belarusian exathat. in this prayer. we ask the lord for their health and wisdom in the management of the church. it should be noted that christians have an ancient custom to pray for each other. at the same time, prayers are performed both for the living and for the ears of loved ones. prayer for your loved ones is an important manifestation of christian love for her, because the main thing is after all, the west of god sounds like this: love god with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. about the great master of our father cyril, his holiness patriarch, holy trinity of moscow and all russia sergius lavra in the sacred archimandrite of the most venerable
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metropolitans of the archdiocese , the bishop, i am to all priests and other part about the welfare of our country, the host of power and the people, and i, according to the measure of the whole world, for the well-being of god's holy churches about the salvation of help by the breath and the fear of god of those who work and serve them. at healing in the infirmities of the dormition to the glory of blessed memory and the remission of the sins of all before, the deceased orthodox he is the salvation of people.
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all days of the church year from the feast of the nativity of christ to epiphany eve are called christmastide in the ancient church, the feasts of the nativity of christ and the baptism of the lord were a single holiday. this event was called god's appearance over time, a single holiday was divided into two independent ones, and the 12 days between them became days of special joy, and jesus christ, the savior of the world, who appeared to the world ,
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jesus christ, the savior of the world, was born from in the reign of emperor augustus octavia in the city of bethlehem , augustus ordered the most holy diva mary to make a nationwide census throughout his empire, to which the story belonged at that time. the jews had a custom to conduct a national census by tribe, tribe and clan, each tribe and clan had its own specific cities and ancestral places, therefore, under the blessed virgin and righteous
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joseph, as descended from the clan. davidov had to go to bethlehem, the city of david, to put their names on the list. hallelujah the world, probably the tutors of the guardian of souls and taurus. they did not find a single free place in city hotels in a limestone cave intended for standing among sin and straw far from their permanent residence. among strangers on a cold winter night in an environment devoid of not only earthly grandeur, but even ordinary comfort, the god of man, the savior of the world, was born
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i see a strange mystery and sings with surprise. the holy church is the sky, spinning, the throne of the surgical virgin, the manger receptacle, in which the incongruous christ god lies painlessly, who gave birth to god baby. the blessed virgin herself, without outside help, swaddled him and laid him in a manger. lord, lord of the faith, the communion of the holy spirit, and ask ourselves and each other and our whole life to christ god to betray jesus and
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all those who pray in the temple perform the most famous christian prayer, our father taught this prayer to his disciples by the lord himself, jesus christ is a unique prayer. after all, it combines the glorification of god and thanksgiving and repentance and a request for help in urgent needs. here the principle of any prayer is revealed, when we turn to god in prayer, we must first
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gates of the altar are closed in the temple and closed at this moment the communion of the clergy is performed. the holy bread, which has become the body of christ, is divided into four parts. one of them is immersed in the holy cup with the blood of christ, the other part is divided for the communion of the clergy, and the remaining two parts fight into small particles for the communion of believers. the lord at
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this moment the choir performs a special festive liturgical hymn called the sacramental symbol of christmas whether the client star people have always peered at the stars and admired the view of the night sky occupies a special place. this is the star that led to the cradle of jesus dorami its ray showed the way to the birthplace of the
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the christmas message of the metropolitan of minsk and zaslavsky veniamin, the shocked exar jose of belarus reads the traditional christmas message of the primate of the belarusian orthodox church of the belarusian orthodox church again, together with patience and trembling attention to angelic words, announcing the greatest event in the history of mankind , now you were born in the city of davidovo.
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the savior who is christ the lord each of us today is witnessing the fulfillment of ancient prophecies about the salvation of man and, together with st. gregory the theologian, comprehends the mystery. coming world the barren savior is incarnated invisible becomes visible, the intangible is tangible not temporary gets the beginning the son of god becomes the son of man god's love for humanity. so great that he didn't just send to him. prophets, and judges through whom he taught the commandments, but he gave his son the unicorn so that everyone who believes in him would not perish, but have eternal life, therefore the words proclaimed by the
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apostle john the theologian were not heard before by the world. god is love. this is not the product of theological thought. they witnessed the birth of the savior by his earthly life and public ministry of his preaching and miracles by death on the cross and resurrection, that is why our hearts are filled today with such inexpressible joy and spiritual exultation, son. god entered our world and united himself with man forever and ever, becoming like us in everything except sin. gifts of the joy of eternal life. the fullness of being with god allow bound adam freedom, however, was given to all the faithful in swaddling clothes to the one who is being saved, and according to the word of st. hilarion of kiev, there is no longer crowded in universities
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the law of mankind, but grace walks freely, glory to god above and on earth the peace of man's good will. for over 2,000 years now. these angelic words sound both like a promise and like a call to build the kingdom of heaven for your soul to keep peace and love between people at times. it seems to us that little depends on us, that everything in our history is decided by the mighty of this world, but the lord was not born in the royal chambers, but a simple cave was laid in a clear place for cattle. and thus he showed that god chose a weak measure to shame the strong concern for bread essential welfare and the public good. all this is undoubtedly important and requires our
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participation while we live on earth, but not in this foundation of the true life of man. no matter how much people try to resolve the social contradiction and build a harmonious society , efforts will not bear good fruit until there is peace in the human soul, and this peace is achieved by fighting sin and untruth. at the very heart, it is not about good deeds and mercy is superfluous precisely in this source of good changes in all areas of human existence. and the lord through the apostles calls us to the pain of everything. put on love. which is the totality of perfection, therefore, daily and constant good deeds are so important, even if they do not seem to us to be something significant and great, and they constitute what
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attracts god to the mercy of the earth. our people sit and sit on a solid foundation for family public and private life. remembering this, let us fill our lives with gratitude to god with joy for his great blessings and deeds of mercy, under no circumstances will we become discouraged and we will grieve as a source of peaceful and pious spirit for all who surround us. dear brothers and sisters. i congratulate all of you on the great feast of the nativity of christ and on new year's eve prayers. i wish that your hearts be filled with saints with joy, and to the born lord, that peace and harmony be in every house of the family and in our entire fatherland because of its borders good health to you and god's help all labors. and
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may every day in your life be illuminated by the light of the phleem star. metropolitan of minsk zaslavsky potryavshchik of belarus benjamin nativity of christ 2022-23, the power of the feast of the nativity of christ begins a whole festive christmas period, which is called christmas time in christmas time, believers visit each other to share the joy of the born savior of the world, holy days of worship in the temple are of a particularly solemn nature, recalling the
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nativity of christ fasting days are canceled sunday schools festive christmas mornings are held during the festive christmas period, it is customary for believers to come to visit each other and sing carols a carol, these are small song stories about the greatest event of the nativity of christ; it recalls the main persons of that reflin night, which brought the most joyful, most important news, the savior of the world was born. we hear the choir perform one of the most famous christmas songs. the lord
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among the people there are many superstitions associated with the christmas season. so there is an opinion that it is customary to guess at christmas time, however, this is by no means a church tradition; moreover, any fortune-telling is a sin and for a christian it is also sometimes unacceptable among the people they mix the christian holiday of the nativity of christ with pagan customs, which they are, for example, dressing up in costumes with pagan images, this custom is an echo of the ancient slavic pagan tradition and has nothing to do with orthodox pious customs.
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as the royal gates open , the clergy take out a cup with the body and blood of christ for communion, the believing priest says a prayer before communion, praying as a sign of repentance, hands on his chest. with the likeness of me serving the sacraments of dozens of your most pure sacrament became sins and into eternal life. amen, your evening tanya is a virgin, god's communicants and in your enemy do not catch the secret of ladies like judas but to the thief i confess the name of the lord in your kingdom let not the communion of the holy poets be in judgment or condemnation, lord, healing of soul and body. it turned out that a christian who
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wants to partake of the holy body and blood of christ necessarily performs preliminary preparation, which consists in performing special prayers before communion fasting abstinence attending worship services if a person is with someone in a quarrel, but wishes to a particle, then it is obligatory for him. we should be reconciled with our neighbor, we also know that the great feast of the nativity of christ is preceded by a long period of advent , this time when we purely focus our attention on our own spiritual life. the source of the immortal taste died, we are
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watching the broadcast of the service and the holy spirit cathedral, which has a very rich and long history. rock. this place originally belonged to the orthodox male monastery in the name of the unmercenaries of the cosmetomian. the first information about this orthodox monastery dates back to the beginning of the 15th century, after a fire in the period 1633 to 1.000.642, the
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bernardinat temple was erected on the land of the former cosmonavian orthodox monastery, which is the building of the current cathedral. the stone monastery complex was built later than 16502. another strong fire broke out in minsk in 1835 . after him, restore the temple to the nuns the bernardines did not succeed in their original form. and in 1852, due to the reduction in the number of nuns in it, the temple was completely closed already in
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1870. an orthodox male monastery was opened at this place and the consecration of the main altar of the monastery church took place in honor of the coming of the holy spirit. in 1918, after the bolsheviks came to power, the monastery was closed and soon services in the holy spirit church ceased . was closed, and since 1961 the holy spirit church was given the status of the cathedral church of the minsk diocese. lord
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, today the minsk cathedral of the holy spirits is an active parish, where more than a dozen priests and deacons daily carry out their liturgical obedience, the cathedral is open to parishioners every day, services are performed in the morning and evening every day without days off at the cathedral. there is also a sunday school for children and parents, which is one of the largest orthodox sunday schools in the world. nuyu activity is carried out by the youth brotherhood of the apostle john the theologian
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, the sisterhood of the sisters of mercy is working, who visit various medical institutions, being in the center of the capital. the holy spirit in the cathedral daily opens its doors to all those seeking prayer communion with god. , being miraculously found in 1500 on the waters of the svisloch minsk icon since
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then, there has been no ray on has been in our city parishioners have always treated this shrine with great reverence, they managed to save it even during soviet persecution and the great patriotic war in 1945, and on the mother of god of minsk was transferred to the sanctuary in the cathedral, where hundreds of believers, like parishioners, are to this day the church, and the guests of the parish resort to this miraculous shrine not only with a prayer for their sorrows and needs, but also with words of gratitude for the mercies bestowed from god.
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great joy for the orthodox church is the responsible attitude of many believers to the sacrament of holy communion, the regular participation of a christian. in mystery. communion is an important condition for his correct spiritual life. having served the tradition, believers who wish to take communion first proceed to the sacrament of confession, during which they confess their sins and receive forgiveness from the lord, lord
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god, as the holy church teaches, a christian, accepting holy communion, mysteriously unites with christ immeasurably, the meaning of the sacrament of the eucharist, the comprehension of which exceeds our mind, it kindles the love of christ in us, lifts up our hearts to god, gives rise to an attack on us by dark power, grants strength against temptations, revives the soul and body , heals, they give them strength, cultivates virtue, restores in us the purity of the soul, which the original adam had before the
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you, the word of ours sat down to them, lord, to the son and the holy spirit, now unsweetened forever and ever. the unevenness of the clergy comes from the altar for the performance of a special self-intelligent prayer. i bless the blessed lord, sanctifying on you, hoping to save your people, bless your property preserve the fulfillment of your church, dedicate those who
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love the splendor of your house and those of you glorifying your divine power did not leave us, who trust in you the world peace and yours will give the church to you with your priest to the army and to all your people and to every pressure of good and always in perfection the highest is coming from you from the council in you glory of thanksgiving and worship to you, we exile the father and the son and the holy spirit now and forever and ever. today, on the day of the bright christmas of christ, a divine service is celebrated in all orthodox churches . the liturgy, the divine liturgy, is the most important christian worship service. after all, the great sacrament is performed on it, the application of bread and wine into the body and blood of the lord, and then
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communion, the believers of the liturgy in greek means a joint work, the believers gather in the temple in order to glorify god together with one mouth and one heart and partake of the holy mysteries christ. lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy on the verteperodiva server of all near our gay city of salvation. christ of truth god our prayers, the most pure mother of the holy glorious of these free apostles, and the height of our hatz john to the bishop of constantinograd chrysostom and all the saints
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will have mercy and save us supposedly and love humanity. the final prayer of the divine liturgy, like any other divine service, is a leave during the leave of the clergy prayerfully calls on the lord of the mother of god and the saints. whose memory is performed on this day for all those who pray and asking for forgiveness of sins and blessings for the coming day today sounds a special vacation, reminiscent of to us who were born in bethlehem, the lord prays the savior, the choir repeats the festive hymns of the nativity of christ and
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orthodox christians try to visit the temple, but also other great holidays, as well as sundays, the orthodox christian tries to visit the temple - this is the center of our spiritual life. in it , our spiritual birth and transfiguration take place, here we take communion, giving eternal life in the temple, especially the grace of god is felt after praying in the
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church, a believing person comes out cleaner, strengthened spiritually. in the name of the father and son and the holy spirit, dear fathers, brothers and sisters, all night special blessed we remember the coming of the world of his savior. humanity that suffers from sin suffered from many different evils through the coming of the world of the savior received a new life. for in the official texts that pretend to be the feast of the nativity of
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christ, we hear such a calling from the spiritual treasures of those calling from above, glory to god so that from the depths of the soul from the treasures of the heart to address the human god and in the divine liturgy of st. basil the great, which was performed the day before on christmas eve, there are such words. in which the feat of christ the savior is depicted, exhaust
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yourself the ghost of a slave ; voluntarily, out of love for the human race, he came to earth. in the form of a slave in a cave with a desire to help and save the entire human race. of course, these are far from all those thoughts that are associated with christmas . which prompts us to give thanks and slogan to god, and at the same time to
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answer him mutually feasible by our labors, deeds of the heart dispositions and thoughts. let us try to spend these holy days in this way, reflecting on the great feat of the savior, and his words and thanksgiving. glory to god and on earth , peace of men of incense and yes, the lord grants peace on earth and good will of man amen with the holiday
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we heard the instructive festive word of the patriarchal exarch of all belarus , his eminence metropolitan veniamin minsky and zaslavsky. we see it as presidency. yes, the coming of christ into the world , people were in the darkness of paganism after the nativity of christ, a new era has come, our era christ brought people the light of truth, the feast of the nativity of christ is not only a universal
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celebration, but also a personal joy for each of us, dear viewers. we sincerely thank you for your attention. may this joy illuminate our hearts as well, and the news of god-born babies born in bethlehem in response finds in our souls sincere faith and love for god the belarusian orthodox church thanks bill tv and radio company and channel belorus 3 for the opportunity to share the joy of the bright holiday of the nativity of christ with our viewers. lord jesus have mercy.
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of a straight punch in boxing with the front hand. that 's right, let 's check how smart the savvy participants are. how many attempts are given to perform one vault, women's artistic gymnastics at the world championships oleg was the first two attempts. what we play know our sports equipment, for which sport is shown in the photo this squash is through, that's right. watch the intellectually entertaining show head game on belarus 24 tv channel, it turns out that you love the whole palette of life in the project. say don't be silent. this impression is correct or misleading. pride doesn't get in the way. we all live pride, it prevents us from accepting love for what it is and giving, my position. you stood down from it. you need to re-work
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confidence that you will achieve. the highest heights and don’t even stop and don’t think, these are the most important things, because your inner state depends on it. that's how much good and interesting profession you have contributed. how much energy did you put into it? that's so much, and how to say, she will come from the screen and in life new interesting acquaintances will come to you, practical advice from specialists and an amazing life story. say, don't be silent, don't miss the new releases on belarus 24 tv channel. this year we left building. moreover, syria of publications is a two-volume book. a living tradition ranevstvoval, which tells about all the houses of crafts that work in the republic of belarus today, there are many of them 104, and they are all reflected, and
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the routine of their activities is reflected in these collections. uh, club formations are also reflected here. the second edition is uh, the folk suit of the fish of belarus uh. this means that state support also implies the status of a folk master, that is, there are masters who work in this type of art and are the best, who is a carrier and is assigned the status of a folk master. well, this collection reflects all the folk craftsmen who have this status in our country. are some rare trends preserved, for example, those that symbolize exclusively belarus, are associated just from our side and with a specific view of the forces of folk art, probably in the first place. you can call the esurian scania a unique type of decorative applied art, which, uh, maybe 30 years, was only revived, that is, it was completely forgotten. eh, the essence of it lies in the fact that it is wood shavings, which has
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nu according to its physical properties ba to curl. and here it is, and after all, it unfolds, a certain pattern. eh, and it turns out such an edge is superimposed on a plane and such a wonderful image is obtained. the most-most different to the right from the artistic point of view. e embodiment of some ideas, and products from this in this form of decorative arts and crafts , but is well representative souvenir products and really need to say that many leading politicians, including the pope of rome, have, uh, such products of this decorative command art have seen. second, of course, i would like to point out. quality, of course, knitting openwork quality is unique for belarus, it is the middle between quality and knitting, so unique weaving. and of course, straw weaving is the material itself and, uh, here is the technique, how it works out of a simple material it would seem such a unique artistic one. uh, i mean, some things are spiders, this is
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weaving. you know modernity. we are speaking about modern trends there are jewelry that is quite popular among young people. and so to say e mature age jewelry women's jewelry it that's it from straw weaving straw all these items are worthy of being included in the state list of cultural heritage stories. or i'm wrong. here is what is included there today in the state list of historical and cultural values of the republic of belarus, which is 54 intangible stories, and cultural values are manifestations of human creativity. uh, well, lately. this is active work continues that's just for the last year. 17 e means the complete list of 18 elements, of which 11 intangible cultural values are this year 2022.11 added to this list and nine are intangible cultural values, but in this aspect.
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i would like to say that it is also an achievement at the international level, because this year an application has been sent to the un headquarters. uh, so this is belarusian bacon weaving. yes, the inclusion of uh, the repressive list of historical and cultural values of mankind. family is so simple and complicated. this is true interesting and scary. after all, everyone needs support, love, home comfort. that is why
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it is so important to find and love a reliable companion that cannot be described in one word. what a family is, after all, is a place where everything is born , new skills are acquired, traditions , value orientations, the ability to accept, be happy, love and, of course, be loved. . i would really like our children to be happy. ask any parent, no one will tell you otherwise, no one will come up and tell you. no. i want my child to be unhappy. why do you think that it will happen by itself, the child grows by itself, and he will become happy, but look in the world what is happening, go.
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find a happy family, a truly happy one, not one that plays the role of happy ones, but really, how can children pass this happy, when they don’t have examples in front of their eyes, it’s very difficult. and how can a child learn to eat with a spoon when no one will do it in front of him in the same way. with happiness, you need to show the child every day. how to live happily? how to choose the path according to your heart? how to be honest yourself? how to do it? the most important thing is to think about life, the most important thing is that they think about themselves, think about their parents and think about those people who give an example . and here they are about it. look at this, what kind of people. anyone in any situation can do great things. do you have money? no, you don’t have famous money, it
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doesn’t matter where you are now, can you do a great deed or not? can, it means you are a great person. this is what i want children to understand. any amazing wife is not only that she has her own uniqueness in this world. she is a beauty, she is an amazing mother who gave birth to four children on her own. she is a person who really believes and trusts that his putin also began with me on one birthday, she gave him a ticket to a seminar in st. petersburg. uh, found we found it now his main teacher. here he is everywhere on the walls in every photo, practically this is what they call him the last living classic pedagogy. that is, this is a very respected person, a teacher. eh, defender of the ideas of humane pedagogy. but i gave him this ticket. zhenya went to st. petersburg for these seminars and from
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that time he began his journey in this direction . everything in our life is devoted in one way or another to the issues of childhood upbringing, which are similar. and they are with us all the time in our projects in life camps in life schools, uh in life classes. uh, constantly next to what we do when we talk about raising children about being strong the family in all this practically plays the main role in the state of the woman. uh, that is, if a woman is tired, tortured, uh, outside, the resource is, how much psychological knowledge don't give her, what's there say to the child so don't tell the child like that, don't shout. do not hit him on the pope, but physically she will not be able to do this, because she is not in the resource, therefore, in the matter of preserving the family of education and all. these are the topics on which we are working on the condition of a woman - this is one of the top topics, and
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for this, a favorite project was invented, where every week, women gather to chat, fill up with resources for some kind of creativity, go to the bathhouse. uh, hold a master class. there for massage make-up photos dress up to spend a literary evening. well, these are the things it is believed that a woman is often smarter, i think faster and can do a lot of things. simultaneously. he feels everything he knows in advance, but at the same time it is very important for all the luggage to maintain trust in a man to believe that you can manage not to give unsolicited advice and so on and so on. like that then his wings spread out and he can take off very quickly. we simply do not have in society from this culture. e learn relationships. unfortunately, although this is 80% of our lives our happiness. uh, in some places already uh, this
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culture is increasing. they even begin to teach a lesson in schools. yes, as a lesson in relationships, we don’t have such a thing yet, therefore. eh, i will advise women. uh, consciously engage in pumping yourself as a master of relationships. now there is a huge amount of materials on the internet, please, youtube the main desire and here opportunity and development of a million is now the 21st century. a woman can give birth, feed, work, earn, build, educate. she. maybe you understand everything, but a man still can’t, he ca n’t give birth and breastfeed a child and a woman who’s not trusted by a man. they seem to consider themselves to be something or better due to the fact that they are really more
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functional. you see, they begin to have doubts that this is indeed so, but when you show a woman a real man, you demonstrate some skills and women next to men feel women for real. she is right there at this moment. she understands what equality is at stake. what is not so good next to him. it is good that he is strong, that he is responsible, that i can rely on him. why is this equality? who needs it? yes, of course, there are very women. the social ministry of the director of the head of the business authors, there and the directors they have this, because. well, everyone has their own gift, there is no problem spending a blow on helping other people spent it there. yes now, if a woman can combine it, she is the director of the plant, but at home she is a woman and a mother. this is great. if you don't want to
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change your life. if you don't want to, i have one request, please do not touch the children. let them live as they can, but we do not change our lives. and where are the requirements of the service station on the day you are like that you should be like that you take it into account there? no. you must apologize here. you should say hello. you should be happy mom, dad, thank you. look, you are a happy person. and if you change yourself , you show an example for children how to live happy life, you will automatically not touch them and the tension in the family goes away immediately. restoring a friendly family, now you will have a chance to see this smile, moreover, on the face of this dolphin, because, that is, for the
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past many years, i have been standing on animals, as it were, but in principle, my wife was engaged in raising and preparing this particular couple , that is, she is such a mother for them to a large extent, his hour is at the next performance, she will again come out to them, i present to your attention widely, well-known in narrow circles , a part-time marine mammal trainer. my wife is the mother of my child, just a wonderful girl, julia in general, i didn’t get bored. she always has a job. this is very hard work. of course there is a big huge bonus. these are dolphins their love is communication with them. well, besides this huge factor. there are many small, but quite difficult moments. i think evgeny was lucky, because i was also in this profession. and when you were in it,
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when you know all the nuances of all the moments, then you understand why it is at home? no, that is, it not the moment when he lingers just because he wants to. you know what could be and how you would be in his place. that's what he did, and that's why. you have to be patient with it a little. i would say we have. uh, how we spent time before the baby, how we spend time now with the baby? that is, these are some two different lives that have come and now, uh, this only monday, of course, we are trying to solve some everyday moments. but at the same time, include something like joint leisure, well to make it interesting even just a joint walk. for us. it is , in fact, a holiday. and sometimes we go to the pool, it's scary to admit it. yes, yes, baby, she already walks faster. maybe this is a reserve for a future specialty. well
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, we are mastering the pool. they learn to communicate and interact. that is, it is likely. in communicating with a child with his appearance, this became a useful skill for me, because, in principle, words are the essence of paint, when you need to learn to understand and interact, who cannot tell you and explain what he is wants a child in this category. i have absolutely now. that is, he is not yet fully able to express some of his thoughts. the only thing i definitely managed to read about smart books and raising children doesn’t give a damn what i want. if she wants, she will have much more chances than others she will have someone to learn from, and what to learn from. here it says what i want. there is no need for you to be a dolphin trainer. to speak zhenya of course, this is a special pleasure. we had an interesting history in that we are 24 hours a
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day together in this work woke up in the morning found a job. in the evening some acquaintances returned to work. they say it's terrible how you can stand it. well, we somehow formed such a tandem. and in fact, when i left me, that's what i thought most of all. and how is it, now we will not be together all the time. and, of course, if i perform with zhenya, it is much calmer and more pleasant and joyful for me to perform with him, but nonetheless. i'm still at work, all my focus is on animals anyway, so zhenya doesn't get any attention. about the effect dolphin therapy, there are indeed some miraculous effects. well, firstly, there is a team of specialists, a team of psychologists who lead the child. secondly, there are props that can be interacted with. and thirdly, uh, everything, the interaction takes place in the game with dolphins. and as for example, yes, that is , ring balls are used, again.
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how many rings did you throw? and how many rings the dolphin suffered. and how many brought a kind of two agyrculosis four, and who has more less, that is, you see, in such elementary actions. there is a lot to be done, of course. then it goes. uh, submersion time . uh, the effect of talas therapy is the effect of water, the effect. uh, if possible, then diving therapy. yes, this is when you lower your ears into the water and listen, that is, there are sounds that we hear that dolphins make above the water. and there are sounds that are very unusual and interesting, which are heard only under water, as if the impact. here it is under water. well , in many respects it is believed that it is this effect that has the most healing property. uh, contact again in water. it is a little different than from contact on land you can hug a dolphin lying down. uh, lay next to him on his stomach. and you can hug him, that is, m-m very tactile, yes , the impact, that is, in principle, on everything. uh, let's say, analyzers on our 5 basic ones, yes,
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and there is an impact. well, as it were, the combination of many of these influences. it seems to me that in the end, well, it gives a big impetus to development, what dolphins can learn, and they were teachers for me, let's say in this regard. it is the formation or development of acceptance and patience tolerance towards others. that is, they are ready to accept and communicate with any person. whoever comes, says does not say sees, he does not see. maybe he can't walk, he can't walk. can he stroke him, it doesn’t matter, good evil, they are ready to communicate with everyone and this, of course, is such a uniqueness, but i don’t know them, we must accept them. here comes me. this, of course, deserves such special admiration, what about these animals? it sure was winter when we were meeting about
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massage training. i felt something like something like this, some kind of anticipation, as it were, yes. i somehow really sunk into anna's voice and i was looking forward to this meeting, but when we met, uh, and saw each other, it was, well, such a slight disappointment. yes, probably that is, we didn’t have in our relationship such, as it were, some kind of love at first sight. yes, there was something like this in anticipation of this. yes, but it didn't materialize, let 's just say at the moment. yes, i wanted to continue the practice of thai massage, there was no place to train. i called sergey and said, let's give each other a massage, and you will correct me. it was very interesting moment we tell it not for the first time. i open the door. and my heart does. so, well, when you know that in front of you is not just a person, and from the moment this
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meeting of the heart took place, and our relations began to develop, our rapprochement in activity also happened, as it were, well, gradually and now, as if in motion, they ran, they ran, they ran, and now finally. connected yes, and in our activities, i worked for hire, and at some point such a classic emotional burnout happened to me. i'm going off lime and getting pregnant very soon after. and then a question arises for me. what should i do next sergei continues to do what he did, that is, the organization of training seminars. and uh, my call brings me, uh, to the coaching institute. i'm graduating from coaching so that hmm can help people even more, the way i've always
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wanted to. i'm on maternity leave, but i help him in organizing the event, and only later, when we are studying sound therapy together. and when it becomes already joint creativity, it all results in the fact that we are organizing a center for sound therapy of self-knowledge and specifically, we are already starting to work together for one goal, one mission , one idea. that's exactly the passion for sound therapy, probably, and to a greater extent brought closer, right?
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first, we had a house of sound once, when we dreamed of our own place. we were looking for our place for a very long time, and during such a here is a sound meditation, when i was in a meditative state, the name of the house of sound came right up and what a surprise it was when it turned out to be a real house, it was a wooden separate, standing house and that’s how the sound house appeared, and when very soon after a couple of months. after that, a second house appeared in the same courtyard, they began to think about the
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name, and now silence was born there and when the sounds around sounded. this gives rise to such an inner presence in oneself, as it were, yes. and now, as it were, a feeling of inner silence. this is exactly it. here is the connection flowing silence into the sound and sounds of silence. this is how it turns out , this is the union in these two spaces, and in the name, as it were, it is real. here they are, side by side, our journey into sound therapy obviously had such a significant preparatory part, before we began to study for 5 years. we were the organizers for the session in minsk and we have the most experience. here are those who lie on the mat and get it on themselves and this is, perhaps, probably 50% of our professionalism, because this is all we have passed through ourselves and we know how the sound works on its own experience on its own
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example. and in these five years we have let so much through ourselves that it has become. a kind of preparation, and then the remaining 50%. this is already learning immersion in sound, yes, and i will say this now, playing every session. we are still improving. and it's hard and easy to spend so much time together. yes, on the one hand, we are in creativity in activity, and this unites us very much, on the other hand. as a man and a woman need to move away from each other a little, so that later with some new inspiration to connect, so he conducts
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paired group sessions with me. well, individually, this is more of my story, so i spend time in the house of sound for individual sessions. and thus we have the opportunity to be a little bit apart from each other. ah, do we have disagreements? well, of course, there are. and in principle, i can’t imagine, i don’t know people who don’t have it, and yes, and i don’t happen either about my personal life or about our activities, sometimes. we find out very vigorously. eh, some moments. mm. we are both so expressive, but one of our qualities that apparently continues to connect us together is that we can discuss openly, we can discuss
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everything openly in a relationship. and we are one of those couples that do not hush up, and they even say very sensitive moments and life, as if it were in any case, some kind of undulating, yes, and in this wave there is also a rise to high. plus and lowering into a minus, so that later it rises again into a plus, and it’s just that the ability is the ability to live in to live and be able to go from the minuses to the plus, as it were, and not for the miso strongly in the minus , as it were, yes, well, how to do it? i consider such an important point that should be present in a relationship. and i think that, especially lately, we are moving more and more to the level where we can plunge quite rapidly into some conditional minus in quotation marks, but at the same time get out of it quickly enough. yes, at the expense of, as it were, some kind of skill and experience of interaction, no matter how good it was. eh, this is , sometimes it gets boring, as it were, and not-
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it is necessary again, that is, if we talk about the wave, space is needed for joint joint actions of space for monostities. this phrase dolphins are smart, the answer is no, dolphins are different, that is, you cannot equate a whole species with the same brush among dolphins and among dogs and among people in each species in each group. in every society or ecosystem there are completely different representatives. there are those who are smart , those who are slow, those who are more cheerful, and so on and so forth, but this is not a question. selection. it's a matter of approach. that is, as they say, good teachers and psychologists do not have stupid children. everyone has their own talent. you just need to be able to find it, open it , interest it. where are you? just tired of
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very smart adults very strange. and we also want to convey something to them. well, it's just such a key tyuk and that's it. they are just so inspired joyful, and they do something, they run, they wash their feet, they draw something there, and at this time, because it is pawned to me, you know, it seems to us that if the child did not repeat. that's it. yes, i understand, we think that he did not understand. and when our heart understands, you are ready to immediately repeat that there is no pony's heart. we feel pain or joy. we take it for ourselves and wear it silently. education, which is tuned to an external result, it is doomed to death. and if an education that works with a person's heart and believes that certain changes are taking place there. this is what the children need now, when i asked myself a man, all sorts
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of rituals were done with the girls. on this account, i clearly it was formulated that i need a man who is interested in learning the spiritual. well , let's say spiritual selves, yes, that is, if i had the same request, that is, i had some kind of feeling. yes, but at the same time , commonality was also important. it was like it was originally and the request is simply to connect at the level of everyday life. eh, it would probably be something that i wonder is impossible in my picture of the world, that is, there should have been a person who is congenial in interests in the wake of life. yes, sergey broke all my ideas of being from the point of view of the family for a long time, by the way, i got out of this reoriented that what to clean, cook, and so on, uh, special people can do, that there are a lot of things that you can do to create, uh, and so on. and that it is not necessary to be a woman who, uh, cleans, cooks, erases
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, and on this, as it were, her hmm, and this is her main function. here he somehow reoriented me because of this. although he loves, of course, when i cook for people to clean. yes hmm now everything has been reoriented towards the activity of creativity. the president of belarus visited abu from the
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lesnovsky training ground near baranovichi here the russian part of the joint regional grouping of troops is located at the training ground of the president heard a report on the completion of the combat coordination of its units and formations. the head of state at the training ground also got acquainted with the location of the military units of the units of the russian armed forces . he talked to the soldiers and officers. of education in belarus, a number of changes, first of all, they touched on the introductory campaign, in order to better adapt to innovations , schoolchildren are offered to test their knowledge in advance and prepare for admission in belarus on january 28, a rehearsal centralized exam will be held, in which all graduates of the school will take part prepared 144 points delivery of children to the place of delivery
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the exam will be taken over by the organizers. this also applies to rural schools and metropolitan schools. the most centralized exam is scheduled for may 14 and 21; the choice of the second the subject for delivery was left for the students to decide; it is necessary to make changes before april 20 that give e even more opportunities to become the winner of the republican international olympiads. they can enter without acceptance certificates for all specialties, such as the one in which the subject in which they won is the first or second profile used to be tied to the first profile, but this is a much larger spectrum in terms of choosing a specialty for 3 months of the new funded pension system more than nine thousands of contracts about this the day before in the panorama told the first deputy fund manager. the most active women of social protection of the population over 65% of them, most of the contracts are drawn up in minsk, experts note that additional funded pensions will not
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affect the size of the social pension that all belarusians of advanced age receive in the future, the program is most interesting for those who remain in general order until retirement age 5 years. yes, if those who enter into an agreement for three to 13 years. yeah it's offensive total fixed pension about 95% of the people who came and signed an agreement with the insurer are about 95% of the age, and by decree this is a state-owned enterprise of australite. they choose the period during which they will be paid a monthly pension. for 95% of people who agreed to pay for five years with the participation of the italian composer and conductor paulo carlom, a solemn concert was held in the large hall of the conservatory friendship without borders with the support of belarusian musicians paulo performed her most famous compositions. currently the composer acts as the author of music for feature and documentary films i8
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panic works played in many countries of the world the concert was organized with the support of the national assembly of the republic of belarus and at the initiative of the composer himself , thus emphasizing the friendly relations of italy. in the belarusian people, he, as a representative of another italian culture , is of interest to us, as a musician, first of all, because music is all academic. she, in general, came from italy. we still use italian terms. well, contact with a living bearer of italian culture. it is always very interesting and useful for the orthodox, the believers are preparing to celebrate one of the most important and bright holidays of the church calendar. christmas for believers is christmas eve, the name of which comes from the word sochi, which is lenten sweet. kasha , exactly. it is customary to put this dish on pre-holiday chairs and try it before sunrise. the first star in the divine services that will take place today in the temples, the old testament prophecy of the birth will sound. christ in on christmas eve it is customary to come to church for
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confession and communion to put candles with a prayer from relatives and friends the birth of the savior today at midnight in belarus 24 live broadcast of the festive service on christmas day from the minsk holy spirit cathedral, the meaning of christmas eve is initially the most ancient form and method of preparations for christmas is such a strict fasting day, but this severity is given to us for this, so that we not only stand so quietly, but so that on this day we rest, calm down spiritually and all your attention. turned as far as possible . uh, to what should happen this night, uh, frosty bethlehem return in belarus, a sharp cold snap and snowstorms on january 6 , an orange danger level was announced on the roads, sleet, the thermometer will drop to -14, and frost will intensify over the weekend
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. everything you wanted to know about everyday life and to be illumined workers. you need to consciously make his decision and understand that you will need to follow certain rules. it happened in our family about parishioner participation in divine services. here are the sitsa people who are rich in that we have such a temple near our vesta. and that we have such abbots in the temple, for 31 years now, with the faith of truth, to serve god for the healing of the soul and body with the word of god makes every family of people who live and give a state of joy to a believer.
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