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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2023 2:40am-3:16am MSK

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e, 20 years after the song of the forty-sixth year of solovyov sedogo and alexei fatyanov, where are you fellow soldiers? maybe a familiar breeze, a soldier, will bring us here for 20 years, not a single song about the war . at night the scum and the memory of the heart began to carry it around the composers. and you know, everyone to whom misha gave it told me that he gave it to many composers. i will not list them. they seemed to refuse to write on this topic, but the topic
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of the war, as it were, left, they did not understand the novelty novelty of this text. misha what is he doing he is printing the first copies again. the first is such a naive author's dexterity and brings the text to another composer, finally brought it. this young man is 14 years younger than him and i say a splinter, but a splinter. the text somehow caught on, as igor said that this song was first performed on may 9, 1966 on belarusian television, igor speaks in the ussr, together with sorokin, accompanied by his wife, pianist vera isakovna. well, you know probably, some kind of fuse didn't sound in this song. well, first of all, liquid accompaniment, even in power there is only one piano. and sorokin's is wonderful, but the lyrical baritone
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is very soft. i was very good at lyrical songs. but this song is heroic, it seemed to slip on tv and didn’t catch on, but it was noticed by a very sensitive, very perspicacious musician, the head of the belarusian stage. lev moller. we just met with misha. well, i congratulated him on the song there, he says, volodya, so i wrote the melody. i just hum myself. it turns out that he brought it up, not only to me, to many others, that he is the author of music, well, tailing it came to the best puppy, and for some time the relationship. their splinters became very aggravated, they did not write music for some texts offered by golman, but soon the brilliant triumph of their song, the memory of the heart
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, tried them on and moved them to write new new songs. the best performance of a soviet song and for the best soviet song all songs had to be new for the competition was presented by the elegant handsome viktor buyachich with the song splinter, golman, memory of the heart and the most charming aching boguslavskaya with our song with glebov, house, part 3 of our trilogy from the cycle i remember, and after the competition, our names with misha first met on this plate viktor buryachich, boguslavskaya, and before that everything was very interesting songs for the competition were selected by
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the artistic director of the stage. lev moller. he coordinated the texts with the head of the literary department, so peter kharkov, well, with me. as if there were no questions. but with misha he was somehow advised, or he himself guessed to take a pseudonym. i honestly don't understand why. him this it took all the poets of the song, as if mishin's co-religionists wrote under their names to their minds. lobkovsky mikhail matusovsky yevgeny dolmatov well, it's either holman himself, or the editors, as if they decided to give him a pseudonym and began to feverishly go through the cities of no, e part of the world. no e was explaining. maybe it was a late bike, it seems clear, i am the son of the jewish people. maybe
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true, maybe not. well, what's the difference, and that's really the competition from donetsk kobzon turned out to be the second blessing diplomat. the best accompanist is himself fucking wedding lion muler tweet, the best song of the splinter, i am the memory of the heart and i must say that the only two songs. recorded here on a gram disc, these are our two songs, my song is home and the memory of the heart. misha's first prize and a splinter. mikhail yasen igor luchinok. that's how the composer wrote it. igor luchanok's music is such a date, and the soloist there is very shooting with
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the desire of the wound and the memory of the heart. there is also such an interesting detail, either a bike, or the truth. well, they seem to say that before the announcement of the results of the competition, misha asked that after his pseudonym they would call him given his real name. why not half of the jury, headed by the chairman of the coryphaeus of the soviet stage, leonid utyosov lazarev? in the city from the direction of moscow, the first thing
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you see. our company, our products are of special quality, for which we are not ashamed of the company's team. i sometimes say that i'm going home. i sincerely say that i love my enterprise. you are already visiting us. you already feel the warmth and kindness and the development and achievements of the enterprise, which, probably, simply does not have a second one like it. this at least 90 years, we produce plywood. we have probably increased production volumes twice this year. see the quality mark in the program on our tv channel. the key to sports success is a competent decision and a smart approach. how many teams
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are involved in one-fourth of the competition finals? ruslan switzerland dmitry what are we playing? let's who is cooler with the help of which water polo athletes distinguish their players from the opponent's players on belarus 24 tv channel and misha, after the memory of his heart, how the songs just erupted, and in another think, he could not write about anything else
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war only wars of russia and a random bullet did not accidentally find it, and behind them back. you hold out girl, you be patient, honey , just look, you hold out, this war will soon end soon. having met with misha in
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the ninety-sixth, of course, they hugged like that. i said that his classmate, my older brother, had died in the position of director of the plant, and he was sad somehow in silence. immediately he began to hum his new songs to me again. and hum hum with melodies and assured me that the songs that will be written on his poems will be on his melody, because he drinks everything by the author. who is the medical battalion here. respond girls 345 i can't help writing i can't help singing i can't help dancing i can't help playing. this is an excess. here misha had an excess. it was his very humble, but real. with you, we are a happy
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chance and a branch of a song for us and the usa is good, everyone wants to know them in a dream book and i have one and a half advice almost before each of our meetings, another disc with ours with the heavenly ones. he said volodya again , the country is listening to our songs with you. today we all remember the roads of heavy wars.
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misha’s mother’s eyes for songwriting misha produced texts in an incredible amount incredibly celluni for bread wrote buinichi field victory mercy love stories with eduard kazachkov holocaust pit, but the niche, apparently, had a directory of the union of composers, because he carried the texts to all other composers with him wrote the songs of the tin men
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obelisks strict and without great but in the eyes here to live from suffering. cooperation with igor continued, tailing statements that the authors of the music wrote a letter from 45 songs and look how young i am. look at the picture of the light of the snow, dear on it. i am with our guys. look
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how young i am. the front-line soldier looked out for us and, clicking a watering can, denied it with him. and we again went to the place where the grandchildren of the grandfather shot this song for you to win this victory. at each of his reporting concerts. it happens three times a year the tenth music school sings and accompanied this song. the baritones
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very willingly sang the may troops. i remember that somewhere in the minsk concert hall in 1998 iosif kobzon sang this song with the nemiga orchestra, of course, he sang very beautifully without sleep for 45 years. as the blue danube was waiting for you, the people of europe of freedom brought hot sunny may on the square of the saving vein , the people of the old youth gathered. wounded on the old one. battles, harmony, the audience once asked the higher authorities to note somehow mikhail goldman. misha ash tree of their countryman on this song. well something of an award in 2003, the national
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assembly of the republic of belarus awarded misha with a title of some kind and with the following wording. for merits in the development of national culture and a significant contribution to the implementation of the social policy of the republic of belarus, a valuable valuable award. here blooming and singing bright. i washed my heart through the roads, we will never forget the faithful boldly
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. bitter words sound remembers, vienna remembers the alps in the forty-fifth year ended the last war in the history of mankind in the song of the obelisk music of dima smolsky words by mikhail yasin the soloist sings the world will remember. russian brave soldiers yes, nothing, misha the world no longer wants to remember demolish it sung by you in the song of the obelisk. 2003 june 22, the day the great patriotic
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war began, bulat okudzhava was born on may 9 , victory day misha is clear. golfman, died, 2006 may 10 celebrated the day before. for the sixty-first time victory day of the victory they famous and famous which uncle misha brought as close as we could, we love and remember. eternal memory to them in the morning foggy when he wakes up. and the impenetrable theme slips away in the night.
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the streets are not awakened by the sounds of people. clear sky and the sun they are all happy. everything, it will be , everything will be if there is no civil war. all this will be, if not. we recognize the political role for
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the architectural supporters of belarus, the goat of butslavets is closer than the butt of the style of bars, architecture, church and we will reach the proteem of unique places different all the facades will grind their legs, there was only one lid in size and damage, and that's it. this will bite off the architecture of belarus on belarus
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204 tv channel. the river flows, and knowledge is multiplied and at a sharp turn it is more and more difficult to remember where the big catch was and what the exact answer of the participants will be. there are a couple of seconds of the game sometimes answers questions. and, of course, follow the catch, that is, the result of each participant . greetings to the heroes of our program. hallelujah we asked each of the guys to give themselves
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a short bullshit limit and the geography teacher elena valerievna shulga nikolai missyuk gymnasium number two of the city of brest a benevolent and inquisitive guy with a sense of humor and class leader geography teacher yulia viktorovna bagdasarova , gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk and changed fedorov a purposeful intelligent and strong-willed person and history teacher elena andreevna andreeva gymnasium number 10 of the city of gomel believes that it is good to know a lot, but knowledge must be able to be applied both by the class teacher, mathematics teacher natalya grigoryevna and the class teacher, history teacher elena alexandrovna petukhova number eight of the city. kricheva is a person of the planet earth and a history teacher head of the intellectual club version evgeny stepanovich
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viktorovna head teacher of russian language and literature maria fedoraka gymnasium number one of the city of ivye her motto is to go forward and achieve the goal and class head teacher of russian literature svetlana nikolaevna motylevich. daria romanenkova gymnasium number two of the city of volkovysk successful smart and friendly and class teacher teacher of russian literature anna valerievna hunchback in case of disputes, she will decide on which side is the truth olga hello? hello guys. it is a great pleasure to welcome the most erudite figures of the country to the studio today. we understand
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each of you today hopes for victory and reaching the superfinal, but i want to wish her the next. let regardless of the results of today's game. each of you will gain experience that will be useful to you in the future, good luck and wish light applause, good luck to yourself and your colleagues in game. right now, in the teacher's room, along with your teachers, is my colleague, yulia pertsova, who is happy to pass the floor, if this was a show factor buy, and we are all oli buzova or seryoga, then we would say, cherished yes, we missed all the participants in the superfinal, but we have an intellectual show. i know and according to the rules of the game to influence the result. there is no way we can. everything depends only on the knowledge and erudition of the guys, so go ahead and get the maximum support from the teacher's room georgy let's start guys. we are starting the first round. let's
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get acquainted with its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 questions with yes or no answers, of which only one is the correct choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer brings the participant one point for 8 players, who scored more points go to the second round, the first question of the first round. is it true that the set of all numbers from minus infinity to plus infinity is called numerical time what is the correct answer, of course, the correct answer. no, why, because it not a number ray is a number line? katya, how did you answer the question? honestly, i don't remember, but i said, no, i don't remember, is this correct, but i'm more inclined to answer. yes, well , daria answered in solidarity with katya. yes? and what was guided by this moment, what exactly was guided by, most often
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it is the number that is depicted, as a number by a ray that can continue indefinitely, both in minus and in plus. why am i looking there? maxim now her head will come off if he still listens to you and shakes it for her maxim tell how do you answer the question, you have the right to no, because he attributed infinity, yes, plus infinity is a straight line nikolai and that means from some finiteness and you don’t remember the name now, but uh, this is the set of all numbers. well, that is you how to answer the question, i answered the question. there is no correct answer to this question. this option is not such a numerical gap is called a numerical direct second question, like, yes, that gubakha elk at the same time
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gave time to the zoo about the story of genrikh davidovich. have you read this work and do you know the answer to the question? honestly, i read it, but i read it a very long time ago, i answered no, because for some reason it seems to me that he either just ran away there, or they killed him at least, in general, it’s definitely not a zoo. for some reason, it seems to me so, well, how do you tell the zoo would be the best outcome for him, coming from your versions, ivan please tell me how you answered, i answered no, because according to the plot, the tale of gubakh's story and the hunter found an elk. uh, and brought it home. and the children of the hunter loved their witch nothing. let's just then we'll be back. yeah, but the hunter is leading and the client has grown up, and he has grown up, that the rescue is to return the forest
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to the house. he was so irrational that the blue one returned outside the zoo, and in the forest it’s good with maria, i also ask maria as far as i remember, to the reserve. i answered, no, let's not, no matter how we are, and the truth that has grown after the rain is the word radiation of time. the fact that this base is so itself of the eighth grade according to shlyakh is a pronasonic even somewhere in the zone is the word radiation is a permission, because this is about a nasal, i don’t declare a word sounding knee, there is a grammatical basis. uh-huh, and ekaterina, there is no word for rain.
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the fourth question. is it true that fish that migrate from seas to rivers for spawning or from rivers to seas are called migratory fish while it is usually sturgeon and it is usually salmon vanya as answered, i answered there is no exact answer to the question. i don’t know, but i decided to trust my intuition, i don’t know for sure, but i answered. yes, because they know that fish that do not move from the sea to the rivers and vice versa are called donkeys. but the logic we can say that such fish. well, in principle , it is logical to assume that this is the correct answer to this question. this is an option, right? fifth question is it true that with increasing
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atmospheric pressure, the melting point of ice decreases time? honestly. yes yang, as you answered, i also answered, no , i am guided by intuition, someone was not guided by intuition, but by knowledge from the field of physics, or in general by some kind of general outlook. elisha well, you know in part, because the density of ice is lower than the density of water. the sixth question. is it true that the main catholic cathedral, the central and largest building of the vatican - this is st. paul's cathedral. how did you answer? i
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answered yes, because i remember that there was no leakage. the area is the main one, let's say, so the catholic city of the country. so i honestly don’t remember answered, yes, because it sounds like the truth, but it’s not, it’s not, it’s not. it looks like the truth ivan how to answer that the large building of the vatican is the board of st. peter and for some reason it seemed to me that this particular answer was correct, then there is an answer option you chose no, this is the correct solution. indeed, this is the cathedral of st. peter and not paul, but st. peter. let's move on to the seventh question. is it true that the great barrier reef is a unesco world heritage site? kirill what
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is the great barrier everyone can imagine what it is, but i answered intensively. no , i don't know how the manual will erase the answer to this question. i missed this geography. it seems to me, apparently in the seventh grade. maxim as answered, and i said, yes, i remember that barrier reefs are corals. yes, absolutely right, nikolai, how did you answer, right? since the big barrier rave is like one of the most well-known ones.
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