tv [untitled] BELARUSTV April 14, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK
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sergei vasilyevich, the time we have now is such a difficult one, yes , sanctions pressure on belarus does not stop. under such conditions , how do you assess economic indicators as a leader? i would like to stop here, of course. there were plans, there were plans , approved plans, and there not for one year, but for a five-year period ahead. yes, but i won't hide it. here are some sanctions you have. so well, it was not that some woke up that made them shake off, but it’s really easy to do. well, such a big leap forward. here because, well, there is an enterprise that last year worked at only 50% of its load, well, the teams withstood the teams worked professionally, well, or replaced and markets that are lost. e, again, yes, and by the end of the year 22, hmm, the enterprises reached 100% load, so i’m also saying something that worried us very seriously hmm in the middle of last year, but
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now we are already looking at how well the stages passed and we are proud of the same, well, i shot examples when, ah, literally, there are several years ago there was a wasteland, and now a successful enterprise is in this place. how do you attract investors? well, you know, maybe he's some kind of little secret. here is the work of our team. yes, in general , investment attractiveness. we look at it, well, we look at it widely. yes, it's not only there. uh, convenient geographical location so labor potential. well lida such a serious 100.000 year here, uh, let's say there are highly qualified personnel who can work and well, let's say, enter into some kind of technology and uh produce uh, various microcircuits and so on. yes, they’ll just say there the area that is engaged in the production of agricultural products, if we talk, let’s say about the culture of the historical heritage here, of course, the linsky castle, if we take the economy, then everyone immediately remembers
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the class, but say flour, here in this direction a little has changed, that is, the city. is there anything else to be proud of. here, in addition to such well-known brands. yes, in addition to your question, of course, the lida prefix is, well, really pride and those enterprises are those manufacturers of a particular product that is branded there with the word elite. this is a great responsibility. they think well before doing this, that's because the lida let down. uh, you can't, you just can't, yes, and well, it's gratifying that turkey meat producers are today. uh, they also named their brand and associated it with the word, if i'm not mistaken, 5,000 individual entrepreneurs. ah. this is not a little, that is, what conditions do you create for a small business so that it feels comfortable good examples that really engaged in the production and high-tech products. well, as far as i know, so far, uh, no one has left us. let's say not satisfied there, or
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at least i did not find the answer to my question. so please, open the door. uh, well, we're working on it, so any support from our sole trader. we provide now spring is such an active time for sowing for farmers, that's what concerns agriculture . how do you pull up the same, but weak enterprises, agriculture, how once, of course, our head of state said. this phrase really sunk into my soul, and i always live from below, or i set up my chan to work. uh, and the fact that agriculture really needs to be treated with respect. yes, he said such a phrase that one villager gives his family a job in the city as a man. well, that’s what i thought, so today there’s no baking. bread is already processing milk meat, please, what will our dairy plant cost today without the raw materials produced today in agriculture. yeah well, take it even further machine of the construction industry, for whom we produce those harvesters hmm rakes plows and
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huge. uh, the list, so here too surprised very seriously attention to date prepared for spring. uh, fully prepared security. fully fertilized with seed fertilizers , so it remains only to work , wait, good weather. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in business. we are on the air every tuesday following thursday in the most visible in the economy. see you soon. paint
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. hello, everything is clear with you project. with marina roman let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today is about who and why demolishes monuments, how they appear on our streets and where each belarus can filter out personal settings. let's go in every city in the world, there are thousands of people who fuss in the streets and dozens of those who forever froze in one pose. some people don't notice them. some people recognize cities by their silhouettes in photographs, others go to
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them with children and flowers. and if you speed up this film of life. we will see that generations and scenery change, and these people. no, they hold the history of their native places on their bronze shoulders and determine the future of their inhabitants. we are talking about monuments, and recently there has been more and more news that somewhere they are being massively demolished, there is a global perestroika under its rubble many people want to bury the debris its history, but for this you need to demolish the bronze shoulders that hold it. the most painful news for us comes from ukraine, our native people, who shared with us 80 years ago. first, the horror of the genocide, and then the jubilation of the victory in the great patriotic war, destroys the evidence of the struggle of our grandfathers and desecrates the monuments, with symbols from which belarusians and ukrainians shuddered for decades, monuments in honor of the heroes of the great patriotic war are being demolished in estonia, lithuania and latvia, as well as in ukraine there do. it's deliberately blasphemous
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they dismember the characters of the sculptures, they throw them into the dirty buckets of tractors for the nose, they choose the time, closer to memorable dates, and carry out the dismantling. in large crowds, this is done to assure those who still remember the stories of the veterans of ceremony that they do not have low memories with them. nobody will. the life of anyone who disagrees will be thrown into a dirty tractor bucket, as was the case last august, when the riga police arrested people who came to the monument to the liberators in order to prevent it from being demolished, and at the same time, torchlights go around kiev processions, in honor of stepan bandera in estonia , it has become a tradition for the fss veterans to gather in the central avenues of riga once a year on march 16th. they cordially accept the parade in honor of the dead sss legionnaires, that is, with latvians who voluntarily went to serve the german punishers and you know what wikipedia writes about the emergence of a cult of memory of ss legionnaires in latvia after the collapse of the soviet union at that time, official soviet history
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delegitimized itself in the eyes of the inhabitants of latvia in return it created a new national history of the memory of the latvians, those who fought against soviet power was perceived as the history of their heroic struggle. that is, those who combine do not even hide that they are simply rewriting history, but people who draw information only from wikipedia into the nuances rarely delve into the demolition of monuments. it is so effective for overturning public consciousness that us political strategists are now using it at home. yes, they are demolishing the publication of white men who somehow noted themselves in the oppression of black commanders of the confederate army; they fought to preserve slavery or christopher columbus for what opened america and then civilized europeans staged a genocide of natives there and occupied their lands in the usa the demolition of monuments is part of the implementation of a plan to undermine society through racial hostility, the authors of this plan heat up the atmosphere in the country and form a group of aggressive untouchable people
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who can always be use as a weapon in their own interests the demolition of monuments to soviet heroes of the second world war in europe this is the implementation of a plan to revive nazism nazism. one of the few ideologies capable of extinguish a person's beliefs. they are touches of life. therefore, the true adherents of this ideology are ready to fight to the death and can choose the enemy on a national basis, and so that no one has any doubts about the correctness of this approach, all evidence must be destroyed. lenye stories of the target nation and write a new one, where she is not a savior, and the executioner of the executioners is not customary to regret. the demolition of monuments is almost always dictated by the desire to erase from the memory of the people some episodes of his life in order to replace them with new ones, a distinctive feature of belarus is history without blind spots. we do not have the goal of breaking up societies. we have nothing to be ashamed of, therefore sawing to pieces the figures that have recently been revered and wiping the shameful traces.
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we do not have occasional impulses to demand the demolition of some monument, but those responsible for the upkeep of the monuments always explain to the person. why is it not worth doing the whole history of this land is ours and those who renounce it renounce themselves in belarus you can’t just take and remove the monument. after all, they do not appear by chance in our streets, the path of a monument from the stage of conception to the appearance on the street looks like this: first , someone initiates its installation, most often it is an organization. then she becomes a customer, her representative applies to the local executive body. he says that we want to perpetuate the memory of an event or a person, the executive committee considers the application, if there is no kramula in it, it is sent to the academy of sciences, where experts decide whether the installation of the monument is historically and ideologically justified, if the monument is personified, that is, dedicated
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some person raise data about this person, evaluate his contribution and the measure of participation in the development of the country or some events, and on the basis of these data issue a conclusion, it is not always positive, but this does not mean refusal, if the scale of the personality is more modest than that declared by the initiator, they propose to establish not a monument, but a memorial plaque or a memorial sign, if the conclusion of the academy of sciences is positive, the application is submitted for approval to the ministry of culture. and if the person is canonized by the clergy after the ministry of culture, the documents are sent to the apparatus authorized for affairs, religion and nationalities, it happens that a foreign mission asks to erect a monument. yes , the project is also coordinated with the ministry of foreign affairs, for example, the embassy of moldova asked minsk to install a bust of ivan soltos , they agreed and installed it at the intersection of the sun and volchasovo, or a monument to simon balir was a gift from the venezuelan government in our country. this is the support of foreign policy relations and often the opportunity to erect
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a monument to an important person for us in a friendly state, when all the conclusions are collected projects personalized monuments and busts of memorials and tombstones for minsk and regional centers are sent to the presidential administration and the good given there becomes a point in the process of coordination. after that finds the author. it creates a sketch with reference to the area. he draws a future monument, where the customers want to see it, then he sculpts a model of a plasticine sculpture so that it can be seen in volume. each stage is evaluated artistically by an expert council on monumental decorative art, if we are talking about memorials. nicky to a person, they are in an abstract sign, this is always a council of the republican level under the ministry of culture. the installation site is also not always possible to coordinate immediately . guru with the regiment connects architects, utilities and other services that look to see if the selected locations have pipes or wires, whether the new object will interfere with transport or
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flow pedestrians, if there is a snag , offer the customer other accommodation options. it all depends on what they came with, the initiators of the installation of the monument to the executive body of local government, if they already have an idea and an author and funds, then the process will take several months. if he still plans to collect money for the monument from caring citizens or as church donations, then this stage will stretch for a period that does not depend on state bodies. installing a monument is expensive, for example, designing and creating a memorial plaque costs about 25,000 rubles. it can be assumed that a three-meter monument to a person with a portrait resemblance will cost 10 times more , most often the customer, that is, the organization, pays for it. which initiated the installation of the monument, but by decision of the local authorities. it can be paid from the budget, then, for the transparency of the process , the authors are looking for through a competition of draft designs.
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an already installed monument is hung on the balance sheet of the customer's organization. she takes care of the statue itself and keeps the area around it in order. old monuments, the owners of which have long been closed, are fixed alive by public organizations or enterprises that themselves say that they are ready to look after them from the belarusians. it is customary not only to keep a detailed account of all monuments and keep them in order, but all year round to bring fresh flowers to them monument. in this case, the physical expression of the past, which affects our future. and you look at our khatyn. after all, this is also a monument after the heat of 2020 , adult belarusians of various professions worked at its construction site . and there are still children from the ranks of the detachments. they updated the memorial and created a museum that can change the worldview in an hour. pull the guest out of the person. information garbage. to snatch sincere tears of compassion
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send goosebumps on the back and release him from of their walls, they made the museum updated, and a filter came out that removes our husk of imposed ideals and puts in front of a person an eternal and simple formula for happiness, peace , health, and safety. participants in the construction in khatyn will remember this year all their lives and will definitely bring their children and grandchildren there . they touched it with their hands. we heard a lot of stories, testimonies, imbued it and took it home to relatives and friends. another example is the living memory of grateful generations project, it is also dedicated to those who died in the great patriotic war. the fund is in charge paralympic athlete aleksey talai, he raised funds for the installation of a bronze commemorative sign in minsk victory park, this is a tree next to which adult belarusians invested in a front-line letter, and kids carried them from home, old soviet coins melted them and poured them into the structure of the monument this year the same monument will install in brest, then in
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moscow and the city-heroes of this terrible war. connects the front letter triangle. what did our grandfathers write to our grandmothers these pieces of genetic memory, including never will allow us to cut into pieces, the obelisk of victory or examine the gravestone of a soldier with a swastika. and that means they will not let us forget our history and will protect us from repeating it. remember that peace in the country is not certainly a given. and whose merit is it that children grow up in the beliefs of their parents, that it is in our power to invest in the new generation what war films once invested in us, songs of a trip to the tomb of the unknown soldier, that the world is a very fragile thing, and information is a weapon mass destruction and it is always launched long before the first shells. that those who forget their history will surely repeat it. here, so as not to forget. we have monuments from the word memory. i am marina korona, and we figured out what the memorials of belarus are screaming about, everything
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is clear. see you. we talk about the most interesting from the world of science, it is quite easy to distinguish from a fake. the main thing is to know how experienced consultants will tell you how to choose crystal, what to focus on. mostly. this transparency is a thin beautiful ringing, and the density of the product. naturally. game of light share interesting facts, the very first glasses, parts that archaeologists found in the tomb of an egyptian pharaoh. here he jamon were sunscreen, exciting questions. and we are looking for answers to them,
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