tv [untitled] BELARUSTV June 4, 2023 6:05am-6:16am MSK
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and having glorified the tire the lakes are blue to the sky early, which corrected the races of the mlesse. suras take off in ponarzhakh. we are creatures. yes, the shrine is removed. the skies are thrown over the tire the latitude lakes behind the fabrics smile under the sun. you look, he and nick are not smura. but what about gold sandy beer, i would drink them endlessly, not lakes. i'm not a big belly, especially, i just want from
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stress, so that the thieves of the pestilence, the azer, do not know. utykh not if, do not forget the heart loves. dear brothers and sisters, today the orthodox church celebrates the great feast of the holy trinity day, this is a celebration takes place on the 50th day after easter, therefore , it has another name for pentecost , the continuation of 40 days after its resurrection from
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the dead, the lord. jesus christ appeared to his disciples, strengthening them in the faith during the ascension of the savior to heaven, the apostles appeared to the holy angels and announced that the lord, who had entered heaven , would come to earth again in the same way as the disciples saw him ascending to heaven. studying the church, we know that the second coming of the lord will be glorious and resounding, because he will come to judge the living and the dead. after ascension of the lord to heaven, the apostles returned to jerusalem, but not in sorrow, but in the joy of tremulous expectation. after all, even during his earthly life, jesus spoke to his disciples about the comforter who would be sent to believers after the end of the earthly ministry
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of the savior, the comforter, the holy spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that i told you. the comforter the holy spirit was given by the apostle on the feast of pentecost and at the same time was given to all the churches to the whole congregation of those who believe in christ, this was the tenth day after the ascension of the lord jesus christ, on which the jewish feast of the first sacrifice fell, the apostles, and with him the virgin mary, were all in the upper room of ona where the sacrament of the eucharist was established at the third hour of the day they heard a loud noise, similar to the sound of the wind during a storm in the air appeared flames
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that descended and stopped above the heads of christ's disciples. it was an unusual material fire, and the radiance of the grace of the holy spirit through the descent of the divine flame occurred to the apostles. the bible says so about being filled with the spirit saint and began to speak in other tongues. how did the spirit give them? the events of the descent of the holy spirit completely changed the apostles, they became completely different people. before that , we hear about how the disciples were often in doubt and confusion. sometimes in unbelief, like the apostle, but the grace of the holy spirit gave them firm faith, fiery love for god and a bold abyss, the gospels
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for this saving sermon the apostles, and received the gift of speaking in tongues, which they had never known before before his ascension, christ told the disciples . will me as witnesses in jerusalem, and in all judea , and even to the ends of the earth. sermon to the ends of the earth, and the saving feat and christ is the main work of the apostolic ministry in jerusalem, a great work was done to save mankind, but from now on, all peoples are recognized to use its fruits in memory of this event. the church has established to celebrate the day of the holy trinity and the day of the holy spirit, the moment of the descent - this is the spirit on the apostles of zion's upper room. god has reopened. there is the secret of his nature. the holy god proceeds from god
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the father according to the promises of god the son. and by this shows us the unity of the holy trinity there is another name for today's holiday , pentecost calls the birthday of the church at that great moment of the descent of the holy spirit , the apostles, endowed with grace-filled power, became the first members of the church of christ. the church is an integral part of the life of every christian, because it is a community of all who believe in christ, all who have trusted in him, who have accepted holy baptism and have followed him since then. for over 2,000 years now. the church continues on this earth. a saving work from their head the lord jesus christ, the savior himself once told the apostle peter that the gates of hell would not be able to. remove church. and indeed, despite
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countless persecutions, harassment and other severe trials, today, as then , her birthday from end to end of the earth testifies to all mankind that there is a god, there is eternal life. the holy gospel that tells us how to be worthy of this eternal life the feast of the descent of the satal spirit on the apostles, this is not just a memory of that great event, the church has a very important property. it is called universal, which means that all orthodox christians who have lived , live and will live in any corner of the earth make up a single christ church, over which neither space nor time has power. holy pentecost reminds us that even today we are members of the church of christ of that church
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that appeared 2,000 years ago in the zion upper room, and today the holy spirit is invited to act in the church and overshadow its grace to each of its members. well, what does it mean for us today to be part of the church, we know that every person who has accepted the holy baptism becomes a disciple of christ and joins the unity of his church, but as in the time of the apostles, those who received the grace of the holy spirit were called to testify in christ to all nations and today we are not required to go to distant countries to preach the gospel in other languages, but here and now in in our society there are quite a few people who, despite all the modern abundance of information , have not really heard about christ and have not thought about eternal life, and in the sense of
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deep life. spiritual often these people are not somewhere far away, but next to us in the house of the team among our friends, relatives and even in our family. how can we preach the saving gospel sharing is good news. is it necessary to find some theological features of the corrected words of the form? in our age of information , so many words have been said that modern man is simply lost in this informational twist, and in this situation, the only effective means of christian preaching is an active lifestyle; christians do not talk so much about the gospel. how many lives on it and this exalted way of life preaches daily to all those around us that christ has indeed risen. different
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always attracts attention the life of a christian differs from the generally accepted way of behavior , they are distinguished by the desire for virtue , the avoidance of sin, kindness and mercy in relationships, neighborly, thrifty attitude towards property and other people's work. all this makes the surrounding people pay attention to the christian and become interested in the gospel, but human attention. today it has a very important value. dear brothers and sisters pentecost was the saint descended on the apostle and from now on relentlessly abides in the church of christ from now on to us with the great mystery of the holy trinity revealed may the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god the father
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