tv [untitled] BELARUSTV June 23, 2023 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK
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we will work together to strengthen the country. we will argue over the programs. we will argue over some methods of action, but we have one country, and moreover, i will say at the present time, when they are strangling us with sanctions , threatening extremism with terrorism and trying to blow everything up from within. we will generally stand side by side. at the moment , three belarusian parties have confirmed their viability and active work. earlier , belaya rus also underwent re-registration; it unites about 16,000 people from all over the country. at 19:00 more relevant information join the evening broadcast.
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you will feel the history of nature and you will never forget it again. the author of the treatise the art of war, sun tzu, wrote to undermine the prestige of the enemy’s leadership and expose it at the right time to public disgrace already in the fourth century bc, the chinese strategist did not rely on the military power of the state, but first of all, in modern terms, to pour technology, however, they began to be fully applied relatively recently, in the middle of the last century. it is then that the information turned into a full-fledged weapon of war. let's consider the problem from a scientific point of view
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in order to understand how and why this happened and what will happen next for ekaterina's studio hello and don't miss out on the program. let's figure out the main means of manipulation and information, when and how it began to be used for military purposes. can an information war develop spontaneously, or is there always someone behind it ? and why information security is becoming one of the main components of national security will we learn very soon? one of the first examples of application
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information and psychological influence on people dates back to the fifth century bc, according to historians, the persian king xex first frightened his opponents of the hellenes , spreading rumors about the gigantic size of his army, and in the second century bc, in the code of ancient indian laws, the authorities prescribed the enemy troops to follow encourage rebellion. introducing a split in the ranks of those who are inclined to this, however, the term information war itself appeared only in the eighties of the last century , the american thomas ron led it even more facts from history of information wars. my colleague. we went to look for the institute of history of the academy of sciences of belarus, where for more than one year, by the way, the center of the general history of international relations and hell politics has been operating. even aristotle in the fourth century bc wrote that if you want to influence a person, you need to do it through three spheres of mind
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, feelings and aspirations, i must say that we similarly meet in the instructions for psychological operations in the united states of america dated 19556, where the main sphere , on which it is necessary to influence this will is the mind. well, either consciousness, they already say, or feelings or the emotional sphere, because very often, if the emotional sphere is not used in relation to military leaders, because there is more analytics there. yes, here the pressure on consciousness is on the will, then in terms of the ordinary population , the emotional component plays here. almost a decisive role. well, before the first modern works , from the psychological influence on a person in a manipulative way , millennia will pass in the literal sense. however, even then, in ancient times, information was used in the first queue for military purposes and use precisely during the military period, as an additional operation, and most often this is deterrence at the
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technological level that was possible in this period and in this period. at least the researchers. it is said that intimidation was actively used even during the period of the decomposition of the primitive system during the confrontation between tribes, and each other among the verbal methods. in the most popular became known. spreading rumors. the second form is so serious that was used. that's right in the period before our era. this is often disinformation and could be presented in different ways, most often presented in the form of deceptive maneuvers on the battlefield. it was effective enough. why because when there is a battle with a military commander, for example, there is no time to think, comprehend and directly make the right decision, a decision is made very often spontaneously and, uh, these maneuvers give plus more rumors. they give the desired result, and the enemy. thousands of years later, nothing
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has changed. it remains the same goal human psychology and everything is also a means information question on information warfare learning methods. it begins more actively from the second half of the twentieth, and the century and the same americans return to these treatises. they are studied very seriously, they take a lot into service. and this is clearly visible active. and the information itself, according to historians, began to play an even more significant role in the new time . this is connected with the development of bourgeois society. this is connected with the development of technology in general, because the source is very important for conducting information wars. who is the content coming from? information. it is very important the channel through which information is transmitted and the speed of transmission of this information. how secure is this channel? the first newspapers appeared , printing appeared. people are becoming more literate. so they can read
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the necessary information in the same newspapers. the second half of the 19th century is even more advancement is the advent of the telegraph, where information is accelerated even faster, as far as it takes a few minutes to transmit information , the end of itself, finally the beginning of the nineteenth century in the 20th century. this is the construction of a telegraph cable under the ocean that connected america with europe improved channels. information automatically makes it possible to increase the amount of information and the intensity of this impact. and at that period, the theoretical understanding and practical implementation of the british governments in france are already beginning to create the appropriate structural unit that is responsible for the informational or psychological impact after the first world war, again, new technologies appear and, most importantly, radio radio appears, in
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unlike the traffic police from the telegraph, where the border of the state is clearly established, what will go what will not go, the radio wave cannot be cut at the borders, and as this technological component of radio yes developed, the signals amplified and the so -called jammers appeared. because in this regard , it is possible, and how to protect your society from information coming through such a channel, it is either not always to drown it out. this was possible even in western countries, it was not always possible to jam. the soviet union made an even more serious breakthrough in development after second world war. here , whole services of the premium ministries of defense under the agent headquarters, which are engaged in psychological warfare, are already beginning to form . this contributed to its establishment of this two-pole system and the appearance of atomic weapons. it is clear that traditional military methods can lead to the death of the entire planet, therefore, the means begin
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to soften and the greatest amount of attention begins to be paid to information and psychological impact, and it works very well between the united states of america and its allies the soviet union and their allies within the framework. these are the armed conflicts. yes, for example, and in korea, in the war of korea , leaflets were actively used, radio was used for psychological influence, and after the korean events, the events were very seriously analyzed, and the results. during this period , experts say they begin to test new methods of psychological influence, if we take the war in vietnam, otherwise there are already new such moments new moments, holding constant fear, the local population, for example, yes, but the americans, but the loss in the vietnam war also predetermined a very serious moment of analysis.
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and to what extent certain forms of methods are effective and began to concentrate attention already several theories of the general strategy of influence, and on specific methods that can be applied in specific conditions. the most important conclusion that the americans made at that time was that in order to influence someone, you need to know him very well. and today in any strategy information peaceful not peaceful at all in what is called public diplomacy in the united states of america they will not work with what they do not know. the first is information gathering. although it must be said that even in ancient times , chinese philosophers spoke about this in order to misinform the military leaders in the opposite direction. it is necessary to know its quality well. what quality can you play yes, and therefore, uh, starting somewhere in the sixties and seventies , an active collection of information on
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e population in society, with whom they play, they begin to decide that, well, information cannot be thrown away. here at once to the whole society with someone. it works with someone, it doesn't work with young people. it might work with the older generation, it might not work. why use extra resources? and with the creation of the internet, information wars sometimes received lightning-fast development, which is so necessary for the enemy, although many experts. today they note that more and more often this form of influence is moving from, if we speak the language of scientific soft form, to much more aggressive and leads to the most tragic consequences. on the air, the science project is nearby and here's another thing. how to prevent the substitution of concepts why is it so easy
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to believe in information that threatens the security of the state? and who are the future soldiers of the information front in the program in a few minutes? good early morning, belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. well, let's get closer to your main profession, so the photos are yours. i went to shoot deer and look in the distance. there these deer ran away from i had binoculars and they are running at me. there's all volkov that is, it turns out. mom once on a tree. no, you can't do that. for what? i just covered myself with a net, i’m sitting waiting for you to quickly draw everything, as you can immediately see in the end. i am so bold voice of such a world of secrets of a good mood. this is how the birds sing - this is such
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music, in general, the greatest composition. behind the house, there are a lot of interesting stories immediately behind the swamp, so we have some sort of ghosts going on behind spin. although it may be, our valencia walks half, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. breakfast is not only should saturate, but also please, confidence in today begins with what breakfast we will actually do now and experts and sports professionals will share delicious hearty and very simple recipes that we will cook with you today. today we will cook cottage cheese muffins with fruit filling. believe me. they will be very tasty and useful. how to choose the right natural quality cottage cheese products. should be white with a creamy, not blue or greenish tinge. from what breakfast should consist of ingredients,
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leave zucchini, with our crimson and cottage cheese, and eggplant pancakes can be changed to something more slowly, and then it will be super. a healthy combination for your breakfast. watch breakfast of champions on our tv channel. the term information security is defined as the state of protection of the balanced interests of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats in the information sphere, what these threats can be attributed to and how to counter them we ask our guest political expert. petr sergeevich are glad to see you in our studio. good afternoon, everything related to information is changing very quickly, what we mean by
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information war today, when we say information war. first of all, we mean that information is being manipulated, but conditionally enemy territory. the information presented is one-sidedly designed with the aim of destabilizing the situation in a particular community. same with buckwheat failures. if i say that today, in the information war, you can talk about counteraction, probably more des information or not. the most powerful disinformation is the manipulation of the truth. that is, when one side is presented, when there is a lack of telling, or dilution of the truth with some false ones with some narrative plus the most important factor is the informational and psychological impact, that is, emotionality is a game on the feelings of the emotions
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of turning off the rational. and why is this necessary in order to manipulate not only public consciousness, but, above all , the behavior of the psychology of the masses, and we see that this is working today. just running over tight more mobile. why because the internet? space makes it possible to transmit information very, very quickly. another point is that we see another side of the interactivity of manipulation. through chat and through telegram channels , otofarms and various similar institutions are largely interactive and ideological in nature, just aimed at involving human and process it through proactive activity. that is, he himself will not be able at
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a certain stage to understand where real people communicate with him. where are these bots? who manipulate his opinion and moreover, this opinion directs in our topic there is also such a thing as an information attack. let's get scientific. what is it, and can we talk about it? what happened to us in the twentieth year, thank god. the attempted coup d'état failed. those same informational attacks began much earlier just, and most of those who are under. eh, this whole influence succumbed to this, they did not understand, maybe some. uh, unfortunately, they still don’t understand informational so - this is a purposeful action. with the help of information to manipulate public consciousness in order for a particular society or group of citizens to react appropriately
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and act on the orders of those persons who organize this information in this way. here we are the belarusian society permanently, we are under blows and information pressure. and so you look at how many extremist telegram channels. how many television channels and radio stations of an extremist nature have been created? legacy of foreign governments and foundations that try to manipulate public consciousness it can be narrow lobis groups of transnational corporations. this may be a specific state of geopolitical contradictions. it may be in general a struggle of some elite groups, as we remember ukraine when the oligarchs had their own television channels , social networks and simply divided the country , manipulated public consciousness , pitted one part of the population against the second part of the population, and from emotions from information.
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we have come to the material question. if all this is happening and being done, then this someone needs. to whom we understand, yes to certain groups, elites. doesn't matter. how much does it cost if there is already data, for example, how much maidan cost in ukraine in 2014 and how much money was invested in our country in 2020, so that everything goes to somersault, an exact estimate. no one will give maidan, but as one miracle worker in the united states of america, mrs. nuland admitted that about five billion dollars were spent in ukraine by the americans in order to reorient this state geopolitically, as for our cases of the twentieth year, then this is not the first attempt. maidan in general, there are about six attempts in different years of the already sovereign existence
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of our country, and here the funds and american and european funds were used, which worked from lobbying for some reforms in our country to specific subversive destructive activities. this is not one billion dollars for the years of sovereign existence of our country. then let's. find out what to do peter sergeevich how to protect the state of our people from these information attacks here, probably should to act dialectically, that is, to go in two directions, firstly, to teach the population information hygiene. it is possible to include teaching by these methods from school age through the appropriate general education subjects. such as the history of social science, on the other hand , the state should provide those tasks of information security that
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an ordinary citizen will not provide a private person, and last year they adopted a new version of the constitution and there is a clause on the protection of personal data. it is very clearly fixed. and this is in including the obligations of, uh, our state of the republic of belarus, that is, uh, we raise the question of sovereign. networks of the information space, this is a very complex issue. we need to think about how to do it and organize it within the framework of a union state. maybe within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, but we must have the tools and methods for us to subordinate the legislation to the national and international law of the internet information space. the first edition of the concept of information security was published and became operational in 2019, and it was developed under the old
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edition of the national security concept. now we have, uh, a new version of the draft concept of national security, which is being actively discussed and which has quite significant modernized changes compared to the old ones, moreover, in the constitution as well. changes have been introduced related to the protection of personal data, which, uh, poses a constitutional task in this direction. and it's not just about information. yes it regarding the right of a person to his data, so that they do not wander around the network. the internet nobody used them is our concept of national security. new new project concept of information security must be considered. this is the practice of the challenges that we already see today and
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, moreover, projecting the challenges into the future, what we can expect, uh, in 5-10 years, because information technologies keep pace with the times and the sovereignty of the state over the information space. this includes the protection of citizens from what they are doing transnational corporations, because we have a national corporation, they do not have the task of social security of the military-political support of states. and they have the goal of enrichment. that is, today we are talking about protecting the institution of a truly sovereign state peter sergey thank you very much for finding the time, and for coming to us and thank you for really. it seems to me that it is important for every belarusian the conversation among those who every day, and, in fact, every minute, resists information attacks, these are people who with information work, including we journalists.
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is it possible to teach to win on the information front? and if possible, how exactly did my colleague valeria vasilyeva talk about this with the dean of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university, another exclusive program right now. you are good, remember the school curriculum, refresh it in your memory. young intellectuals will help you. is it true that this engraving depicts the chinese philosopher confucius, this is not confucius, this is the son of schuhland, the first emperor of all china and who is slutsky landed? who knows the residents just by passport. and when you were at a construction site, you can avoid it only if you give the right answers, who saved
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the lives of babies, rum is very loved by tv viewers, when the tower falls , we don’t like it very much, when all my questions can be answered in the company of belarusian athletes, where the first games of the country were held cis but intuitively look at intellectual projects, 24. we talk about the manufacturing enterprises of our country. we make a very amazing and rare product because so many companies who make watches directly do, production. our slogan is quality assurance. purposeful people work here. our team. this is a team of like-minded people, united by common goals
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to achieve the best work results, we share their development history and achievements sometime in the zero years. hey, i set myself a challenge. i completed it on the fact that there are quite a lot of young people at the enterprise to make a watch with one hand. and it certainly contributes because, well, youth is energy. that's life. watch the program sign quality on our channel. alexey viktorovich good afternoon , i would like to say that 2020, in principle,
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introduced us to such a concept as information warfare. it became obvious to me that journalists are soldiers on the information front, and in connection with this. and you, as the dean of the faculty of journalism of the belarusian state university, do you think, what accents should be made in the upbringing, uh, of future journalists and in their education , the idea has already been formed that journalists are a universal soldier, so today we have come to the conclusion that there are several individual we combined about six or seven specialties into one journalism, and at the same time, our profiling is certainly preserved, but the general basic knowledge. all journalists must receive and each of them must be able to work in different environments, both in digital print, audiovisual and in the environment of spoken genre and writing. the word we want to keep, first of all, our sovereign belarusian state, which
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has proved its viability for more than thirty years after the collapse of the ussr. we have it very important task. we see how the borders of the border are now collapsing. in the literal sense of the mental boundary, we see how people's consciousness is now being shoveled, as now there is simply a perversion and perversion of historical knowledge of meanings. this is very important for us. here is our journalism, which, uh, is pro-state, so that we do not allow it in our country. this is the revision of the shoveling destruction, in general, uh, the people of the nation state. this is one of the most important. these are the messages that every journalist carries, uh, which today chose one side. i hope that we have chosen in the direction of good, because it is my true conviction that propaganda cannot be carried on. that is, you yourself do not believe in some things. well, it turns out. due to what is happening. the most important thing for a journalist is to be able
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to think and analyze. can this be taught or not? i want, of course, to be a journalist. eh, it was. well, a representative of the intellectual elite, this is certainly important, and therefore here it is the content part of the content of the items. uh, should be some deeper filling. well , of course, it’s difficult to teach to learn this all in 4 years. there must also be the desire of the person himself to develop. this is self-development, constant reading, when especially journalists here, i think they have such a wonderful field. they communicate with so many creative, talented people, from whom a lot can be emphasized and a good normal journalist. he always heard something somewhere, i don’t even know, then he will come and read it, we’ll see, yes. will create for himself, after all, some idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he did not know, yes, and he will slightly
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replenish his knowledge. so then they are born. yes, not in a year, not in two, but in a certain time, then, indeed, talented people are born who are able and masterfully master the technique of collecting information about its presentation, but at the same time they already understand. what is the meaning of the value of viktorovich and my last question to you, and what personal qualities a future journalist should have in order to become a real journalist, a journalist must love people and communication with people without this, there is nothing to do in the profession. this is definitely a journalist. uh, i have to be honest, that is, if you start to clean up, if you yourself do not share what you write or talk about, it will all be very visible. it will be very evident from such qualities, except for communication. well, definitely personal. the quality of a journalist should be kindness.
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