tv [untitled] BELARUSTV June 27, 2023 10:10pm-10:31pm MSK
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a different cat of the nation, which over the centuries has generated a complex of sacred historical and cultural traditions of the people in belarus, like in no other country in the world, religious holidays are celebrated by representatives of different faiths together with catholics, orthodox jews and muslims. it does not destroy christ, it does not blur these national boundaries, but on the contrary, it strengthens them. it is in such healthy ramonkas. this is what gives here, this is ah, the correct spiritual vision in our country is a lot of interfaith families, therefore the activities of various pseudo-religious and destructive organizations. those striving to break spiritual ties in belarus are stopped at the start. after all , conflicts on religious grounds often became a source of disagreement and hostilities . national relations are serious issues in fact, in their own
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interests, religious contention. this is a reliable tool in an attempt to undermine political and social stability in countries dominated by the orthodox population split of the orthodox church, the main manipulators, as a rule, are people far from religion. for the first time, belarusians faced a church schism. a hundred years ago, in 1921, according to the riga peace treaty, almost half of the territory of belarus was ceded to the polish republic, part remained part of the bssr, then the soviet union, religious processes in the eastern and western regions took place differently in soviet belarus. propaganda temples closed the most active operations, just the same under the odds of the thirties. if there was an idea to kill the ussr
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yes, there were such godless republics of the soviet union of intelligence. this process and the closing of churches in western belarus, church life took place according to a completely different scenario. poland considered the fact that orthodox parishes were legally subordinate to the moscow patriarchate of the russian orthodox church to be very dangerous, therefore, in addition to solving political and economic issues, the polish government began to actively engage in national issues and to be introduced into the religious sphere , the teaching of the law of god in schools was e theological seminaries of the school. monasteries, pastoral courses operate, that is, there was an outwardly church structure, but for all that, uh, the process of the polovtsy went through, and it also went through the church, the work of church production should be carried out up to the teaching of the polish language. uh, the law of god in
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polish schools, as a rule, is the majority. in 2010 , everything is in polish it was a political krok e, krok e of the polish kira, the murders divide that how to control, uh, the orthodox church on the territory of poland and exerts a complete political and cultural-national restraint on food within the framework of the policy of colonization of non-polish lesser steppes. they no longer shunned anything to effectively resolve the issue, even the intelligence agencies of the differential recruited some clergymen so that they would convey to the believers in the parishes the information that the valtsevsky government demanded, and then sang slutsky in his overwhelming majority, orthodox clerics. eh, very negative. reacted to this idea, especially when they saw that the polish government decided to appeal. again , the patriarch of constantinople does not coordinate this issue with
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the russian church. that is, it violates here, the evangelical principle agrees on love, the main task is to break kindred national spiritual ties. orthodox belarusians close their eyes the day before and proclaim the autocephaly of the polish orthodox church, that is, to gain independence and become independent from the russian orthodox church is paramount the task for the polish government is to completely subordinate the church of the state to the one that has achieved autocephaly. in what ways this was done, it didn’t matter, in 1924, the polish lada was molested, and over the years, on the doom, but these phantoms of the orthodox church of the patriarch of constantinople, e do n’t seem to be, and this thought went around this private murmansk political discussion, what kind of victim from years , the patriarchate of constantinople tore off its brooches from the polish ones. uh, it’s good that on their territory such guys are recognized, many churches
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the hierarchies of the orthodox church, who served in western belarus and did not support such aluminum, proclaimed it in a nikononic way, that is, illegally. these are all the mysterious actions by which the church illuminates people. they do not have the power of grace, so this is an illegal, non-canonical proclamation. in such faly bears. harm to people harms them salvation of spiritual life do not agree with the religious genocide of pastors. poland deprived. the dignity of the parish, then the citizenship and from the priests were arrested, served their sentences in prison camps and exiles, the bishop of the load of panteleimon rozhdnovsky was removed from the chair of the bishops, in fact, who headed the grodno, diocese and squeak of bialystok. vladimir tikhonitsky
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was similarly suspended and expelled from the country for resisting the disclosure of such files to the polish church. documents of the polissya spiritual consistory of the organization for church affairs under the pachial bishop at the end of the thirties, the skopinsky diocese was headed by alexander inozemtsev, under his leadership, vladimir penkovsky monk served, which is interesting in just a couple of years, the clergyman changed dozens of parishes, orders for appointment and transfer occupy almost half of the personal file, which consists of only 65 sheets. in the thirty-eighth year, almost every month , the finikovsky changed his place of service. often a complaint. parishioners in may 1939 as rector of the temple. in the village of kuplin, not far from pruzhany, a hieromonk is appointed vladimirovenkovsky hieromonk is a priest who accepted monastic fasting. in the white clergy. this sansa corresponds to the rank of priest, but this vladimir served here for a very short time after the reunification of belarus in
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1939. the western territory began to live in the new political economic and re. in bone conditions, it so happened that the alexander nevsky cathedral in the city of pruzhany became vacant on october 1, the thirty-ninth hieromonk. vladimir fenkovsky arbitrarily , without any appointments and official decrees, occupies the alexander nevsky church himself appoints himself rector establishes his own order, only on february 25, 1940. he writes a letter to archbishop alexander that he is at the request of the pruzhany parishioners. that place was forced to be occupied. that's because the temple is vacant, in addition, this is a vacant temple. this is a temptation for the soviet government, which can close it, and thus i saved the church from closing in 1939. orthodox parishes and monasteries in western belarus began to return to the structure of the russian orthodox
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church. including the zharovedsky monastery panteleimon rozhnevsky was released from arrest. vladyka became. behind the arch of the moscow patriarchy in the returned territories, most of the clergy and clergy who previously served in western belarus came under the wing of the russian orthodox church. the only one who refused to change church jurisdiction was alexander nazemtsev, bishop in polissya pinsk, although by birth, he was russian and did not even go to moscow to the meeting with the archpastor, he referred to the illness of the archbishop of the natives, who for more than 15 years headed the polyskopin diocese, ignoring wishes of his parishioners took a position of strict intransigence towards the russian orthodox church. for which the passions of people were fired to rest , the passion of power, old age, money, the passion of your inner pride, when you go into the hearts of the human world into hostility, are the same at all times. don't
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think about the future. why are you standing on the throne of god on june 22, 1941, nazi germany , despite the existing non-aggression pacts , attacked the soviet union, the military-political leadership of the third reich counted on a lightning-fast victory of the strategic program, reflected in directive number 21 , code-named plan barbarossa, the company was to be completed back in the forty-first, they tried to position the attack of the soviet union as a crusade against the godless bolsheviks, propaganda spoke about this and about this. uh, the nazis tried to inform the world community in a well-known way. hitler's attitude
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to the peasants they said the words that the emergence of christianity is the main evil for mankind, and bolshevism is the illegitimate child of christianity, and all this must be destroyed in germany, the process of destruction of christian canons. it began in the thirties after hitler came to power, the population in confessional terms, for the most part , belonged to lutherans or catholics, but the ideology of national socialism denied the role of the church in political life , the process of reviving the ancient germanic pagan cult began. the first years of nazi power in germany this cult. e-e practiced in a narrow limited circle in the first place in the divisions of the ussr in the top
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leadership, but after the war, the researchers found in the nazi archives. such a plan promising it was assumed that by 1960 throughout the territory of the third reich all religions would be destroyed and instead of them would be enjoyed. this neo-pagan nazi cult is the main ideologists, and they directly declared to nazi germany that they were national socialism. e, in its depth is much mm, and more hmm let's say uh, a deep phenomenon. eh, than christianity , the main ideologists of the nazi state were the author of the so-called racial theory and the developer of the final solution to the jewish question alfred rosenberg and personal hitler's secretary martin bormann both held ultra-nazi views. and although the methods of implementing religious policy in the occupied territories. they had
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different goals. there was only one goal. - this is , firstly, to destroy the russian orthodox church in the form and supporting various directions, they are trying to disunite, and the priests who find themselves in the occupied territory are trying to ideologically. convince them that they would not offer any resistance , firstly, to the occupying authorities, and secondly, that they would not help the nascent partisan underground movement by no means was the confrontation unfolded not only between rosen berk and bormann, the implementation of the course of church strategy. a duel began between the nazi secret services of the main department of imperial security and the abbr rsha. e, supported the position of bormann and advocated that religious life should not be developed in the occupied territories, another position was held by
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rosenberg, who advocated the use of religion as tools, it is very important to understand that for the nazis, who come here, religion. the church acted precisely as an instrument, a propaganda instrument of anti-bolshevism in the struggle against the big ones. rosenberg was supported by aber german military intelligence and counterintelligence in the occupied territories for the nazis, the primary task was to organize the further unimpeded advancement of troops, as well as to resolve issues of economic social life and create german authorities to do. it was n't easy. wehrmacht civil administration encountered active resistance from the people, in addition to cruel and tyrannical methods of intimidation to pacify the population, the nazis relied on religion, because the church question in the soviet union remained unresolved. in the first month. during the occupation , a number of directive orders were issued.
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eh, the supreme command of the wehrmacht, the main department of imperial security and other atational bodies, which regulated the procedure for opening churches for conducting services for attracting clergy to activities in the occupied territory in the implementation of its tactical religious policies in the docked territories. uh, so hmm politicians, addressed primarily to the orthodox church. the nazis used the ancient principles of divide and conquer. the nazis did not come alone in their ideological convoy. they brought trained managers, natives of belarus , who left their homeland back in the twenties , attracted local priests to work at the head of the polesie-pinsk diocese. alexander inozemtsev again became the german authorities, of course, in the beginning they simply flirted with the clergy, but they had their own political disrespect calculation.
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there is no respect for the name of christ and the teachings of christ to the church. they had a political calculation to split up into poison along with the nazis , vladimir finikovsky stays in minsk from pruzhany and novels , the same one who arbitrarily took over the board of the pruzhany and proclaimed himself the rector, the occupying power appointed him as the administrator of the belarusian orthodox church in july forty -first he committed. the first divine service in the church of the transfiguration of the savior. minsk preserved evidence, here are the organs. st that fedkovsky is the best propagandist that we can use him for our own purposes. he praises the german power, the power of the fuhrer, and so on, and hung a portrait of the fuhrer in his room, and he worked for the german power. so let's say, forgetting about christ and veterans - this is a person who has renounced the worldly world should already be forgotten to think about christ, preach christ crucified and risen and call
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people to peace. these are the tasks of a priest, especially an ironach. he at one time, uh, was in the future an agent of brains as agent he gave information, well, on other completely ministers directly, who support the nazi regime, who are categorically against the fact that they are purely engaged in church affairs, the finkovskys , feeling the support of the nazi special services , launched a very active activity, without being a bishop, exceeding canonical powers, they began to appoint priests to the positions of rector of their parishes actions. he declared himself as the head of the orthodox church. in belarus, a parishioner of the pruzhany cathedral, yevgenia smirnova, was familiar with the vinnikovsky cathedral from childhood. father the girls were an assistant to the headman in the church, so the rector often came to the house of smirnov forty-one after the start of the war. father vladimir also did not drive past this car in uniform, the german
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officer was stunned. here, please note, and already in her declining years she remembers and speaks, summing up, as if speaking. it turns out that father vladimir was a german spy before the war at the beginning of the war. a german served here. spy. german traitors. here with the germans. you see, how the people clearly and aptly gives characteristics, meanwhile, in nazi-occupied minsk, a dialogical campaign was also unfolding in the sphere of religious politics. already in the summer. temples were actively opened. dozens of parishes were opened in minsk alone, he thought so. now it is impossible to abandon the orthodox church, but the orthodox church in the field of nation-states. e should not be subject to the russian orthodox church. this also applied to belarus, they set themselves, of course, not redundant. uh, the goals
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are the declaration of independence as the state of belarus and here are the announcements of the church, which hmm should not have cooperated in any way with the moscow patriarchate, but with other churches, that is, uh, to gain independence, the main task of the third reich is to separate the belarusian orthodox church from the moscow patriarchate, to make it independently and as soon as possible oh, the abduction authorities set such a task , even 41 years old, the belarusian autocephalous, orthodox national church , it would be good to create it, according to the ideologists of nazism, if every community, well, in fact, in every village, the church, uh, was independent. uh, thus sharing and power.
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what new did the nazis take into service the old known as the world of the ancients, as dialogues, collaborators appointed in the occupation administration to responsible positions became the collaborators appointed in the occupation administration to responsible positions programmer of the minsk district of the agent rodoslov ostrovsky head of the minsk police dmitry kosmovich, employee of the general commissariat of belarus ivan jamb, a delegation of nazi adherents arrived in zharovich in in the zharovichi monastery lived the exar of the crunch of the orthodox church. panteleimon rozhdnovsky during a working visit, as the members of the occupation administration believed, bishop panteleimon put forward an ultimatum, archbishop panteleimon could lead church life in occupied belarus, but only on condition of complete belarusization and the proclamation of the belarusian orthodox church in takefalia vladyka panteleimon , who was an ardent opponent of polish autocephaly, for which they a link was sent to the fat did not support the idea and about the creation belarusian autocephalous church, as soon as warsaw had already been occupied by the germans earlier in
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the thirty-ninth year, noticed a movement. uh, panteleimon's exit from western belarus, let's say, to the church political arena. immediately he was sent an assistant from warsaw , such an assistant was the archbishop, mogilev philofeiny. narcos de facto headed the orthodox church of belarus vladyka panteleimon de yura, the head of the structure was narcos in march 1942, a church council was held in minsk, where the task of restoring structure of the church, allowing sermons in churches and record keeping in the belarusian language metropolitan. panteleimon did not change his principles and refused the autocephaly of metropolitan panteleimon of rozhkovsky, the snows sent him a link with their saber. about the monastery of lyada's carriage, and there the samos should be under the actual hut. and what about the activity of this e about the nazi e, belarusian?
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