tv [untitled] BELARUSTV September 29, 2023 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK
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introducing the viewer to portraits from the family to the pantheon of creators. according to statistics, every resident of minsk has seen the work of master stalmashonok. mosaic-moscow metro station stained glass window in the pobeda square subway is his handiwork. more sports news. we'll be on air at 13:00 until we meet. today our team played hockey what was asked of it, hence the result. head coach of the capital's youth. the second little guy summed up the outcome of the bears’ fight against the current champion zhlobin metalg. the omen residents in the final match of the day the day before turned out to be stronger than stalivarov 3:2. sergei drosto scored the winning goal in the championship standings, youth came into fourth place, ahead of metallurg by one point. they stuck to their line, played from start to finish, everything according to instructions, congratulations to the team of fans on the victory, well done, also team work, work, work and not one at a time. together, in the remaining games on thursday
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they say if you don't know where you're going, any the road is fine, i personally know very well where i am going, today i will go to a wonderful city with a huge number of historical attractions, this is slonim, a city led by the great politician lev sopego and a creative person, mikhail ogininsky. and if sopega turned an ordinary provincial town into a political center, then oginsky breathed incredible cultural life into the elephants. what's going on in the city now? i really want to see this.
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a city on three squares, why slonim is cooler than you think, a museum in a suitcase, how slonim residents opened a new destination for tourists, the combinator from albertina, who created a stir in business circles of the 10th century, the sounds of the city, which the streets of slonim sing about every day. how about lukarevich, an intersection of five roads, here i am, and indeed, in the historical center of slonim there is an intersection with five roads, in the city, by the way, there is not just one square, three at once, not the most common phenomenon, i agree, but this is slonim, and here for every meter of the historical center you can find something special, even... archaeologists and those
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were surprised. it turned out that hidden under a layer of modern asphalt is a real layer cake from time. in simple words, a fortification, a wooden castle, a modern stone castle. for centuries they were in one place, replacing each other, while the main streets almost did not change their directions, that is , walking through three squares, you can imagine what slonim looked like 5 centuries ago. a long time ago, this place was one of the central squares of the city and shopping arcades. after the war, of course, all this was gone, they decided to build a park and install a monument to lenin, but it was not appropriate for the leader of the revolution to point to the temple, so lenin’s gaze and his hand were directed. in the opposite direction, then the temple was demolished and lenin was turned over. a little later, the temple was rebuilt. thus, today, vladimir ilyevich lenin invites you to visit one of the central attractions of the city. as for me, the elephant is a real open-air museum of architecture and even
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the spasobrazhensky cathedral, built in early 2000, and it doesn’t look like a bridge at all and fits perfectly into the ranks of centuries-old buildings. by the way, it was built on the surviving foundation. church of the 18th century, perhaps that’s the whole point. the cathedral is very interesting for tourists, firstly, it is the third largest temple in belarus, it can accommodate several thousand people, secondly, there are 13 domes, thirdly, the temple is white on the outside and blue on the inside. oh, there are still talented craftsmen on the belarusian land, if earlier for the painting of the temple there were masters from byzantium itself, then the frescoes of this temple were painted by the ivanov brothers, who live in slonim. the spasopreobrazhensky cathedral is very simple from the outside, but how good it is inside, it’s definitely one of the most beautiful
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religious buildings that i saw during my trip, but i didn’t linger in these painted walls, because there was still a long walk ahead through the elephant, and here, as you know, there’s no historical value, really , here... i turned the corner, and here was the bernardine church, and now a short history of this temple: once upon a time there was a radevilov’s estate here. the rodivilles invited the bernardine order here, a little later the bernardines naturally appeared here, then they all left together and bought the estate from the radevils. today here is the church of the immaculate conception of the virgin mary. walking along the streets, be sure to pay attention to the little things, look, the ancient foundation of the building, the locals rush by at a fast pace, you can understand them, only the tourists are doing, they are looking for secrets in every building,
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it’s not difficult with elephants, there is always something interesting, eh , how easy it was to live before, the names of the squares spoke for themselves, for example, this square behind me is called the school yard, that it was in this place that the jews built a school next to the synagogue for your children, it's simple. the slonim synagogue was built in the 16th century. the building is noble and significant. all city roads converged on it. the one and a half meter walls of the loophole windows seem to hint at the readiness not only to welcome the townspeople to prayer, but also to actively defend themselves. my observations, in principle, were not far from the truth, because the religious buildings of slonim were part of the city’s defensive system. such a laconic appearance, thick walls and location in the main city squares. in anticipation of reconstruction, the synagogue was surrounded by a fence, it’s impossible to get inside, and it’s also unsafe, although locals say that despite the dilapidated state of the building, beautiful frescoes have been preserved inside, well, you’ll have to
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take your word for it. they are ready to go to the end, yekaterinburg. now, and before, and this is leningrad, with st. petersburg, what happened, there is an answer, whether it’s right or not, we’ll find out, and for the sake of victory he will stop at nothing, sertaki, i mean, tadyn, yes, yes, exactly that , tadyn, tydy-dy-dyn, there is an answer, and this is one, why, and -2, well, it is less than -1, and you are brave, of course, yes, after that, as you turned your back to the tower, she made three more swings, look, the intellectual and entertainment project “tower” on our tv channel. young interviewers ask bold, unexpected and sometimes very touching questions to famous people. do you believe in love for the rest of your life, or are you
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of the opinion that it lasts 3 years? why do all the kids want to become bloggers now? would you like to adopt another child? thanks to the guys, we learn interesting facts from the biography. we were told to tell the truth yes, so i tell you everything now i’ll tell you, i dreamed of a golden helik, in fact, it turned out that i finally bought it, sincere emotions, hockey players earn differently, just like all people in different industries, if you achieve great success and become, well, conditionally there’s the top -level yes, then of course you earn a lot of money, watch the project 100 questions for adults on our tv channel. previously , slonim stood in the pyatergek valley and naturally they traded fish here, and since
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there were no refrigerators, and the fish had a specific smell, trade was carried out on a special fish square, this fish square was located behind the sinaga at the very end of the modern slonim market. in search of city stories, i walked around the city center until i came across the metro. yes, yes, yes, you heard right. no matter who you talk to in slonim about the sights, everyone unanimously says: look at slonimskoye. here it is behind me, it’s a simple public toilet, but when it was built, for some reason the residents of slonim affectionately called it, that’s right, the slonim metro, and this is lenin square, although the monument to lenin is there is an elephant standing on may day square, on lenin square there is a monument to the lion of sapega and the elf tower of the left, i don’t understand anything, lev sapega is practically a local legend, he turned a provincial town into a trade and political center, high-ranking officials from all over the grand duchy of lithuania came here,
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sapego himself, although he ruled slonim officially, was an infrequent guest, but he put in a good word and fussed about macdemburg rights for his possessions, and then slonim got a coat of arms, a leb with an arrow in its paws, the same sign is on the coat of arms clan of sapiehas. this is how the politician elegantly immortalized his possession back in heraldry. the clock on the old tower is not an illusion, oginsky's polonese sounds like elephants, even if it was written by another oginsky, but mikhail kazimir supported creative people in every possible way, true connoisseurs are sure that the elephants are the birthplace of the polonezes, because the world's most famous saginsky's palonese appeared here, farewell with the homeland, by the way, so that there is no confusion, i will explain that the author of the polonaise was the nephew of the same aginsky who replaced the lion sapega in office elders. complete tediousness, but one wrote a masterpiece, the second built roads, theaters and palaces.
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the city has long understood that slonim and polanes are made for each other. he was first played by kolanchevy in 1920. today polanes also sounds in the city, but only at noon. but in the house of the caretaker of the home museum of good simple things, palones plays at any time of the day. when the soul demands music, nina mikhailovna takes out a gramophone record and starts up a rare gramophone. everyone in their house has antique things left over from their great-great-grandmother, some of these they keep things and don’t show them to anyone, and some, on the contrary, put the story on display. i came to the museum of good old things. they opened it. they didn’t even ask who, everyone was welcome.
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oh, nina mikhailovna, hello, hello, volodya, i’ve heard a lot about your large collection, and now i want to see this collection, please, let’s see, of course , come on, come in, oh, nina mikhailovna, how many items do you have? i wonder, by the way, how many, oh, well, i roughly counted somewhere around three. so many items fit in one apartment, they are here live or are you still? and we are together, together, we are shaking with them. the history of collecting began about 40 years ago, when nina mikhailovna and her husband saved a hundred-year-old iron and a french watch from the trash. today the collection has expanded significantly and seems to have filled all the free cabinets and shelves in the apartment. how many cars could you buy if you didn't spend money on all these wonderful items. well, i’m probably, uh, basically indifferent to cars, but i really like to travel, so i’d probably
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go on more than one trip around the world, really, someone invests in a business to earn money, in a family they look for the opposite, they spend it in order to later show and talk about simple things with history for free, it happens that people just give away interesting things when they learn about a home museum, others offer a profitable exchange rarities, and you know what this collection is exclusive about, the fact is that here... objects from slonim and the slonim district of the district are collected, that’s right, that is, there is no shell that accidentally flew here from some other country, and so on, here everything is local, everything is native. all. family, telephones, horseshoes, bells, everything related to warriors, irons, a collection of irons, a collection of writing instruments, writing instruments, and much more, a strange, of course, feeling when you walk around the apartment of strangers and see what they have in the closets, but really it’s very fascinating, nin
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mikhailovna teaches historical studies , of course i dealt with many historians, but even here... i was surprised, so surprised, these are also horseshoes, these are also horseshoes, and one one of the most valuable in the collection, well, because the crimean tatars, who participated in the battle of grenald on the side of the grand duchy of lithuania, used such horseshoes to shoe their horses, that is, you want to say that these horseshoes are several hundred years old, quite possibly, given all the scale collection, it is assembled quite quickly and fits practically into a suitcase, so the home museum becomes even more accessible, for lovers of the history of the slonim region and i practice the museum holding exhibitions under the general name, let’s say, a museum in suitcases, yeah, packed, packed the exhibits, schoolchildren, and i very often hold exhibitions at schools, schoolchildren helped bring them in, arranged them, looked at them, collected them and went to new places;
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moreover, i prepare schoolchildren so that it’s not me who gives a tour, but them of the exhibition, but they but you need to know history, that’s right. and while nina mikhailovna was preparing for the next mobile exhibition, she was helped by a possibly future famous local historian, who in the age of the internet managed to become interested in ancient objects, and i, so as not to distract, i’ll go and see what else interesting they didn’t show me, a very interesting part of the collection, cameras, i’ve never seen such outlandish ones, for example, what is this? this is the first codec. where to look here, what to click on, well, it’s just not clear, a box and a box, with the help of this camera, at the beginning of the 20th century, society ladies took selfies, it’s some kind of delight, you’ll be passing through, i highly recommend stopping by and looking at these rare things collected in an ordinary
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high-rise residential apartment, by the way, not only to look at, you will be allowed to photograph and touch absolutely all the exhibits, and some... will even include a reminder that slonim is somehow like the city of polonaise. nina mikhailovna, i sincerely envy you, because every night spent in this apartment is a night in a museum. thank you very much for the impression, well, adding to the collection. thank you, come again, old slonim is, of course, a story, every historical object also has its own history, for example, the trinity church monasteries. used to be a church, but the church belonged to the bernardines. the bernardine elephants had a different registration, but they hastily moved here, giving up their old abode to the bernardines. i liked the temple that arrived in the bernardine monastery, it looks majestic, and the golden kupal-onion shines so much that it seems to be visible no matter where you look. previously, the church had
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a hipped tower, about 10 years ago it was replaced with a green dome, very similar to the one found in the photographs of the early twenties. century, however, another couple of years passed, and the current onion in gold was installed in its place. in historical circles are still angry, saying that it is not from this opera that it violates the historical appearance of the temple. of course, i’m not a historian, so it’s better to move on, and i’ll talk about operas later, after all, these are elephants, we here knew a lot about operas under aginsky. in the middle ages, the width of streets was measured with the horseman's spear. according to the law, the distance between houses had to be no less than this spear, in order for two. could have missed each other on the street. i’m sure you didn’t know yet, but the slonim water supply system is one of the oldest in belarus. rich the tradesman decided to provide the townspeople with drinking water to earn money. for a quarter of a penny , slonim residents collected water from the pump, and for a penny, 2 and a half buckets were delivered to their house. such historical trifles can only be learned in regional museums, so
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when planning your trip, don’t pass by. by the way, the water supply system in slonyama was made of wood, his... the project is about sports, in which the main factor of success is not strength, but knowledge. time to put down the dumbbells and upgrade your knowledge about the sport. in our program, participants will fight in a battle of the mind. what sport do the fab five goalkeepers usually talk about? igor was the first. hockey. hockey. they will get points for correct answers, and for incorrect ones. today we have three games to choose from, which do you prefer? come on, who's cooler? twenty-time olympic champion and multiple world champion in swimming, denis,
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mile phelps, mile phelps, absolutely correct, what is the name of the bicycle race held for more than 100 years in france, tour de france, absolutely correct, look intellectually entertainment show, head game on tv channel belarus 24. and here is an excellent example of generational continuity, when the prince had a people's house here, that is, a house of culture, now here in slonim there is a theater. theater in slonim is a separate issue; it all began in the 16th century, when sapega, an excellent politician, was the city mayor. a person with a fine mental organization, aginsky. on the site of the old castle, a stone palace was built with an arena, a greenhouse theater and a beautiful park. the stage was very technologically advanced, they could
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stage complex war scenes and large-scale opening extravaganzas. the spectators were shown not fake boats, but real boats floating on a stage filled with water. for such a scale, the elephant of priaginsk was called polesie athens. you all know the big aginsky canal, and there is one in slonim. it’s done by hand, it’s a lot of work put into it, all in order to give musical performances on barges. the fortified banks of the artificial canal still hold the soil and are not destroyed, well, they were built to last, or rather, to last. under oginsky on the banks there were gazebos, musicians and singers rode boats along the canal. even old europe did not know such a scale. after a while , a pier was equipped here and barges and passenger boats began to sail on the water. steamboats. previously , the oginsky opera house stood on the site of the children's park. unfortunately, there is no theater now. but opera street has been preserved, the only one,
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by the way, in belarus. opera history is a bright cultural flash for slonim and belarus. oginsky, of course, thanks to his talent, brought this place to the top of cities art, and he not only administered all this action and threw up ambitious ideas, but he himself wrote some plays for the courtiers. theater, and they also say that during a concert, he could pick up an instrument and also masterfully play along from the stage. if you are surrounded by elephants, be sure to stop near this sign; if the modern city center is now far from here, on the other side of the river, then the ancient city of slonim began here. and to confirm my words, literally next to the sign there is a beautiful example vilna baroque, church of st. andrew. this is the main catholic church of the city. its uniqueness lies in the towers, which are built at an angle from the main building; the story is, in principle , classic for religious belarusian buildings. in the 15th century, a wooden
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church was built, it burned down, in the 16th century the temple was renovated in stone. during the first world war, the thick walls were seriously damaged, but fortunately they were quickly restored. but after world war ii there was a warehouse for seaming salny. only in the early nineties of the last century was the church returned to catholics. behind with my back there are buildings that are more than 200 years old, already more than 200 years old, there is a paper manufactory here, you are wondering , yes to me, this is the village of albertin, part of slonim, but with a special historical spirit, once a large estate of the puslovsky family with a rich palace complex and industrial center, today there are mainly private buildings with paper production. previously, the entire factory was located in a large building 12x5 fathoms, this is approximately the same building 25x10 m. they began to develop this territory for a paper manufactory in the end of the 14th century, and already in 1806
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production was in the hands of state councilor puslovsky. you will hear this name more than once, because it is with the puslovsky family that not only paper production is associated, but also the development of industry and the creation of the first workers' settlements in belarus. and yes, you probably already guessed that the first work settlement appeared here in albertina. do you know that you can trace the history of mankind through waste paper? for example, if earlier it was based on newspapers, now it is based on packaging. society has become consumerist, which means that we began to read less and more, excuse me, eat. but i want to look at the processing of raw materials, exactly how they reduce the amount used at albertina. paper and cardboard, cardboard production is a real kitchen, but where in the kitchen would you be without a huge pan? cardboard gets here, swells and turns into a homogeneous mass. here the paper
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is removed layer by layer from excess moisture and compressed to achieve the required thickness of the future cardboard. and now the cardboard is ready, here on this huge machine, it is cut according to the selected format. and these are cardboard and paper sleeves, a very useful thing, you can wrap whatever you want on them , you probably use these, only smaller in size, at home. by the way, the company is the only one in belarus that produces cardboard for these sleeves. meet
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sergei burseevich, a man who has lived in slonyama in the albertin microdistrict for a long time and knows almost everything about his native land. sergey, hello. let's start with the name, what is albertine? albertine is the name microdistrict, which did not appear immediately. at first, the estate and village around it was called yurzniy. previously they thought that the owner of the estate gave this name in honor of one of his sons, but not one of them was called albert, and then it turned out that puslovsky himself had a middle baptismal name of albert, somewhere at the beginning of the 19th century, wojcach pusłowski, who by this time was already a rich man, famous, entrepreneur, very successful, bought it from the brzhestov shilovichs, obviously.
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these lands belonged, there was nothing here, this is now albertin - part of slonim; in the 19th century these lands were at the complete disposal and possession of the puslovskys. the head of the family turned the territory into a real industrial center; just imagine, at that time there were 15 enterprises operating here. in addition to paper , albertina had a cloth factory, an iron foundry, and an electric lamp production. puslovsky's factories produced carpets and woolen products. as they would say now, from premium raw materials; for this purpose , merino sheep were brought to the estate. he bought all over belarus and not only belarus houses and lands that had fallen into disrepair, and he brought them to fruition, resold them, sold them, and so on, everything was in motion, he was just some incredible person, the incredible puslovsky also had incredible taste, frankly, exquisite, at the entrance to the estate by his order, marble lions were installed, which
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were made... his work is in the louvre and the hermitage. in general, unfortunately, it must be said that leo was five. so, let's guess, two, here. i saw the remains of the third one in the museum, but where are the other two? unknown. who's at the dacha are they worth it? well, there was a lot of bombing here during the war. the one that was found in the water at the museum was taken out with a crane and brought to the museum. apparently it was destroyed by explosions, the other two, maybe somewhere in the middle of the lake, or maybe they were simply destroyed by bombs, today the main palace, outbuildings, stables, very similar to the second palace, have been preserved from the once rich estate, i even got it mixed up, and fragments of the entrance gate, here is a park with linden trees, which was laid out under the leadership of puslovsky himself, an area open to tourists, so sergei suggested taking a walk on the territory of the estate
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complex. several palaces, some believe that this is a winter and summer palace, some say that this is, for example, an outbuilding, so this is a palace or an outbuilding, perhaps it was a summer palace, where some balls, meetings and so on took place, palace, and all the buildings on the estate were expensively decorated, they say, in order to save the property during the first world war, the puslovskys exported furniture, porcelain, clothes, paintings, among them were works by dainci and rubins, art items of belarusian antiquity, ancestral goods were loaded into five carriages and sent to moscow, and as often happens, not everything was returned, only half a carriage of unique luxury items, i believe this is the third palace, about which so much is written on the internet , well, probably those who come, come to see the estate, then find this palace and think that there were three palaces here.
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