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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  October 7, 2023 6:25am-6:35am MSK

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valadarka and earth and sky, yes, we are looking for you in the patrabe, at your town hall we are looking, we are looking for the warrior of lithuania, ruzhantsova, panna marya. praise be to jesus christ. i love you, dear tv presenters. sennya katalitski kascel
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adnaznae ўspamіn matsi bozhay ruzhantsova. the getae of the saint was established as the honor of the most holy lady mary, as the father of bagarodzitsa for the victory of the christians over the enemy troops of the fall of leppant on the 7th of kastrychnika, 1571. holy aycetz pi 5ty daminikanin and all christians are small ruzhanets ab hetay peramose. pope roman to the great shamans of matsia bozhai. we received the news of the right to war, with tears on our hands , a hot little girl and mary, her dear friends. raptam the pit was saved by bachannya. it seemed to the holy man that he was going to sign up for the month of the battle of the padlyapant. her great velizar wings, which fluttered in battle, above him,
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which calmly looked at him. an unexpected change in the wind ruined the maneuvers planned by the enemies and spoiled the christian fleet. the heels, informing us, are connected with the great war of europe, established by god ruzhantsovay, what do we mean by salmon salmon? i allowed myself to focus on goals in those churches. dze knew the brotherhood of saint ruzhanets. pope clement 11, in 1716, dissolved this whole holy church. brothers and sisters, ruzhanets, although in may maryna’s character is born, a christ-centered little thing is evident. in the basic elements of knowledge, the depth of the gospel of the gospel is all in all. it can be said that this is
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the campedia of the gospel, written by the apostolic pastor of the great saints ruzhanets, john paul ii. ruzhanets - geta malitva, why we are let's spread the word over the people. may the gift, many forms of blessings and the most holy panna mary, ruzhanets are most familiar and widespread. this hell is the most daring little thing in which we can ask god ab dapamoze. we open the recitation of the apostle's symbol of faith, for faith is revealed to the fruits and the foundations of the skin. then we pray our lord, this little prayer will teach us that god himself, jesus christus, and the excluded ones are saved. all our requests to
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satisfy all of us with your thoughts and caresses. in order to feed the little ones and the eggs that are in heaven, we give tenfold and add to our arable land the apyakunts and matsi that intercede for us in the sky. we honor mary as the greatest jumper from this world, as we are the best-loved one, who abide by god’s will. absolutely the words of god's son. more love please. then we pakornaya ask for the simplest matsyarynstvo, for the sake of us the devil will die. there our eternity will lie in such a state and the hell of our abyss. ureshtse we will finish the skin dzyasyatka ruzhnets, far away and choirs of heavenly ones. and we give
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praise to the father and the son and the holy spirit. ruzhannets is so simple, such a language accessible to the skin , that even the gifted can read it. old and young, men and women. ruzhanets can do little in the village and at home, in the garden and in the field, in seas and land, sometimes in medicine and sometimes in illness. how easy and accessible this little task is, how holy and rewarding it is, because in it we understand life, right, justice, justice, punishment, curses, danger and death on... hiring the greatest salvation and the most gentle mother i oh my god. there the people who lived in the shepherding of st. damin , the yawn of the new chalavek, as if they would not stop the dried sweets in zhantsovaya malitva, the kali yans lived and worked with the ruzhans
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near the rutse, and kali from the ruzhans, they placed them in the damavinu. brothers and sisters, holy faith. teach us that god, who is true, who gives, and who lives, is great and often suffers from the captivity of children and practice. tsudas are the most superficial and non-absurd signs that these blessings are good, holy, and deserve all praise. kolkasti tsudaў, taught to the gods, zyakuyuchy malіtva for the people of ruzhany, incredible. there, pan god himself has the highest wisdom and the most powerful military captivity and the marriage of ruzhantsov was carried out. my gift, senna to the expressive speeches of david and mary and jesus and this
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canteplyatsyynaya malitva may be for us pope francis. kali is holy yatsets adchuvae patrebu adpachynku, yon byare ў ruki ruzhanets. pope francis prayed for four times a day, so that we can draw strength, and then we will do our best. at the kastrychnik, as in the kascele, the traditional ones are illuminated for the ruzhanets, we are so faithful to work on our holy child, this is the meaning of the psalter of the mother of god, we will bury our simpleton, our abyss, and at the very latest we will do everything with it, all our lives, shovels and aba knitting. sprawled with countless canteplyats, this little thing never ceases, but becomes the true partner of
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that, which is the kind of dachshund that greets us, as soon as we fall into our joy, pain, the holy and our praise. brothers and sisters, let us not be saromitsa. rougnets: let's finally draw the warmth and rich caresses that mary tried to save you, who pray for the people of ruzhany, and first for everything i said mercy. in the gospel of st. luke there is an apologia that is true, as jesus learned the apostles of the malitsa. we insist on your understanding of our requests and may god draw near. we and i want to help us understand god’s promise to our children. we need to ask and tear apart faith, from the languid overhang and from the deep doorway. it is necessary to search for god's mercy and help in the calculations and
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infusion of knocking in the doors of god's mercy and blessings. happy chalavek, who don’t follow parades. godless, ale ў the law of pan, yago asalod. yon budze yak dreva pasajanae kala waternaga molasses, which fruit bears in its hour, call upon us in psalmism. brothers and sisters, who are devoted to the holy ruzhanets, come to our little one, you can receive god’s indelible gifts. atrymaitse zh. nyahai ruzhannets will become small. our families, our parishes, our civility and our assabism , wash away from the gods. tayamnitsy ruzhanets saint, overcome the strength of the spirit of the evil one. we’re looking for the ratuunku, we’re chatting right away in ruzhanets.
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ruzhantsova, panna maryya. on radar the holy day of the holy season and the holy prayer of the saints. i bless the inhabitants of the hell of the sertsa, in the name of the hag and the son and the holy spirit. amen.


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