tv [untitled] BELARUSTV October 14, 2023 1:20pm-2:41pm MSK
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to talk about the cities of belarus, the starting point of our route, like most tourists, is the station square, the author’s routes. it’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land, and the largest trade route from the vorak to the greeks passed here. the most mysterious places. a unique timepiece in the heart of broadway. initially there were no arrows on them. later they appeared, but the clock did not show the correct time. interesting myths or. they say: here on in the central square, under the asphalt , a unique paving stone has been preserved; it was brought here in soviet times from the krevsky castle, watch the program of the city of belarus on our tv channel. we participate in exhibitions in order to show what we produce , an exhibition is a colossal expense, so the payback here is always prolonged, but at the same time... we have shown that we are a partner country and
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the work began at our enterprises in advance contracts were signed for almost $280 million. also, contracts are signed and signed in uzbekistan. we had a small exposition there, but $300,000 contracts were signed. we are organizing an exhibition in mongolia in the near future. this is our second exhibition. it will be small for us. we will also present in syria, a company that... dairy production , including industrial enterprises, and we will also have exhibitions in uzbekistan, in egypt, we are working on an exhibition in tbilisi in georgia, and of course a large exhibition, the second largest this year in terms of volume, it is in shanghai, the chinese import exhibition , which traditionally takes place from november 5 to 10, we already have about 50 companies there that are going to participate, we are already... working with the countries of the middle east
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directly for the first half of the year, this is the same kadr, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, where today belarusian products are very interesting and there is great interest, at least from visitors, but we choose exhibitions where not only one country, but where at least 5-7 countries to maximize present on one platform for those who participate, and exchange experiences, so the plan is being formed next year and it will be... probably no less active, of course, which causes certain difficulties is participation in events in african countries, although this year we held in algeria, we held in zimbabwe, now an exhibition is being prepared in egypt , well, next year, of course, the countries of africa, asia and of course, the cis and russian regions, our food producers are popular, everything, not only milk, this and confectionery, and of course dairy.
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fresh cheeses, meat products, there is always the greatest interest in them; they are simply in great demand, i remember at the exhibition in may in china, which was held in shanghai, where food products were presented, some of the belarusian stands were sold out, all the bloggers gathered, the same ligprom, the foreign industry exhibition was industrial , but the furore that fashion collections and fashion shows created from our belarusian manufacturers, many... participants had stands, and there were also governors, there were the heads of large state corporations, russian and foreign, simply aroused genuine interest that this was a belarusian production, and half of it was ready to buy, and of course the industry, an industry that today is not inferior to world brands, and today it is actively shown and sold.
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they are determined, fearless and incredibly dangerous. the main goal is to become invincible. the time for battle has come. we are waiting for a match between teams from belarus and uzbekistan. and we, reimi rre, will be guides for them on this path. this day will be special for them. tears and pain, excitement and sports anger. will they cope with their emotions and pass all the tests? so, meet my guys, they are sweeping away all obstacles on their way, because their patron is the most powerful typhoon.
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i'm not overconfident, i just believe in myself, i've been climbing for 6 years, this first of all, endurance. secondly, it is self-discipline, and thirdly, it is dexterity. i love extreme sports for the endless rush of emotions beyond the sea of adrenaline. there are many superheroes among us, these are firefighters, they are the heroes of our time. i strive to become like them. a lot of people dear to me are waiting for my victory, we are grandparents, my parents, my dog, my younger brother, i don’t consider the possibility that i won’t succeed, i’m... determined only for the best, i’m not invincible , i'm skiing with second class, a sport for one person, it was on the rocks, about 30-30 m, well, it’s scary , yes, for the first time you climb so high, i felt my hands were stuffed, how they
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hurt and how my skin was abraded, this is a victory over myself, to prove to myself that i can, i came to the game with the mindset of winning, i’m ready for this. my favorite character is pippi bangs, she is a strong, small, dexterous girl, i have always had a lot of things, sports music went in parallel, i play the dulcimer, and the piano goes in parallel, i am attracted i’ve been saying for 7 years already, everything is effective there, both the brain and the body, i dream of becoming a master of sports in figure skating, i count on myself more, because you train your body, you train yourself, it turns out to rely on the oud you don’t need anything, you are your own luck, i’m not afraid to be high, i’m not afraid that it will be hard , i can handle everything, i was very upset about our performance in the first season, since we
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were a little unlucky that season, the team a completely new group of us has gathered, so i i set the guys up only to win, to fight until the very end, they are very purposeful and they are self-confident, not self-confident, self-confident, only a true hero can overcome himself, his fears, his own limit, the will to win, that you can get there to the end, to do something that you were even a little unsure of, they will fight for every crystal, we will not give it to our opponent. typhoon, typhoon, typhone, guys, hello, hello, let's high five, 1, 2, 3, future champions, i'm glad to be with you today, show me
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everything you are capable of, i see that you will do it today, 100%. the destructive energy of my guys is enough to cut off power to the whole world, the electra team is charged for victory. o'zimni shaxsan kuchli tarafim, kuchli irodag ega bo'lishim, tezligim, kuchli yugulishim, yugurish bo'yicha yengil atletikadan viloyat bosqichida birinchi o'rinni egallaganman, unaqasi yo'q, adashosa, bizga qarshi bo'lgan. tuzgan rejjasini birinchi bo'lib his qilib ko'rardim men shu musobaqaga qatnashishdan
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maqsad shu birinchi o'rinni olish, men o'zi yoshligimdan beri futbolga qiziqaman, besh yildan beri futbol to'garaklarlariga boraman va ko'plab chempionatlarda g'olib bo'lganman, men yaxshi ko'rgan qahramonim flash, o'shaning tezligini olib kirmoqchiman, geroy o'yinni yutqazib qo'yish di, business komandani o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchi juda kuchli va ... birinchi o'rinni olamiz deb ishonaman, men taykvando itf yo'nalishi bilan yetti yildan beri shug'ullanaman va shu yetti yil davomida balandlikdan qo'rqaman, ikki qavatdan uzoqroqqa uje o 'tsa qo'rquv boshlanadi, qo'rqanimda yuragim xapqirab ketadi, albatta qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman , harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan holda, tezik, aql bilan ishgan holda.. harakat qilamiz. o'zbekiston terma
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jamoasini tanlashdan maqsad o'zbekiston terma jamoalari har birinni o'zini xarakterlari, irodaligi, tezligi, chidamlililigi va ularni bitta komanda bilan harakat qilishlari, birgalikda harakat qilishlari uchun tanlangan. faqat olga, o'zbekiston, ortimizda o'zbekiston turibdi, ota-onamizni oldimizga. bilan borishni nasib qilsin deyiladi, bo'ldi. my, my heroes, hello, hello, oops, oops, oops, well done, dangerous confrontation,
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the ferocity of the storm and high-voltage discharges. which of you will remain in the matrix of heroes will reach the third level of the game and the final battle. now you are at the first level of the game, and in order to win it, you need to overcome four elements, these are... water, air, earth and fire. crystals collected throughout the course will help you defeat your opponent. all levels of the game. well, who will get the main crystal, who will decide on the towers? in the first test you will need supersonic speed in order to conquer the element of water, this is a one-on-one fight, a fight on... a famous obstacle course where anything can happen, which of you will bring crystals to the team and will not drown in
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pursuit of rival. justa, the teams are waiting for your instructions. the ability to swim will not save you; as soon as you touch the water, you will no longer swim out. i activate the first test, the element of water. in this test, opponents must pass on suspended platforms above the sand, stay on the monkey bars and scales, fly on a rope over the wall of rain, jump onto the net, go down it without plunging into the water, then climb the web to the downhill on the trolley, slide down on it and land exactly on it. .. island, having accelerated, fly up the ramp and pick up the victory crystal from the totem. don’t get your feet wet,
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the typhoon team decided to send a whirlwind to this test, a guy who is vice champion of the republic of belarus in rock climbing, which means that his sports skills will help him bring the treasured crystal. the electro team will have a hard time today, as you know, current plus water is a dangerous formula, so tok, i believe in you, don’t touch the water, reach the crystal first, come on! birinchi etapni o'zi chidamlilik, baquvatlik va irodani talab etganligi uchun birinchi etapga ozodbekni qo'ydim, chunki u hislat bu bolada borligi uchun shuni qo'ydim va unga
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ishonaman, eplaydi. because he is a very strong guy, resilient, and i am completely confident that he will be able to get through this stage, he has huge potential, i’m worried, but at the same time i’m calm for him, so i think he’ll succeed and he ’ll beat his opponent. without wasting a second, the guys started going through the test, all over again, all over again, everything is fine, this is what happened now, in the first segment they fell apart, but nothing, gathered strength and continued, listen my, what, by the way, is very desperate i grabbed onto the platforms with my hands, this can be done, this is
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acceptable, and resolutely walked through the monkey bars, that’s good. look, your participant has fallen into water, i told you, you can’t touch the water, tox plus water is a dangerous formula, i remind you, you are left alone with the boktem, the ropes bend and easily pass this strip. the water has already succumbed to you, it seems to me, at least, my friend has succumbed, otherwise he would have won, he would have simply rushed things, but i see that vikryu, to be honest, finds the web difficult, it’s really very easy to get confused in it, serpi , cerpi, cerpi, damn, more ropes probably cut your hands, you know, and he admitted that his main advantage is
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a very powerful start, well, we already saw the start, the start was so-so, but overall, he admitted that he could do it throughout. minutes to work at the limit, he will not get tired during this time, imagine, come on, look , he is landing now, a very dangerous moment, how he was swayed, you look, grab onto at least a rope, at least something, land, land and not touch the water, carefully , eat, great, from a helicopter and on a rope, oops, well now you need to fly over, that’s it, step, just accelerate, great, go down and climb onto a four-meter frame, 4 m in front of him. let's,
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enormous pressure on you from absolutely all sides, you wanted at least win make sure that all your loved ones, the people who watch you, are proud of you, that you did not give up and reached the end, so the first crystal turned out to be the most emotional, i knew that i could do it, especially since my opponent was already left behind , so to speak, to swim. raqibim haqida yaxshi, yaxshi tayyorlanib kelibdi, yaxshi qatnashdi, ko'p o'ylandim, yutamizmikan, yo'qmikan deb, shu meni sal sindirib qo'ydi, xudo xohlasa hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi, ozgina shoshib qoldim, shuning uchun yiqilib tushdim, keyingi shartlarda.
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belarus is a country with a rich history. all this pabudova, yana shined to the punishment of mindaug, the first caranavana to the punishment, for whom the current appeared... our country, this kalegium, the educational establishment of the 16th century, this was the case throughout all of belarus. adukatsiya was free. unique sights can be found literally at every step. church of the holy apostles peter and paul. even upon entering it, you can literally touch antiquity. klyamka main entrance doors have been around for over 200 years. and uvesy the rubyazhevichs embrace traditions on sunny days. i will make a medicine from the market, such pharmacies , which are there, you don’t know, navat in the post-savetsky space, and the blue-eyed soul
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is people, hello, good afternoon to you , dear gasts, our shchyrae vitanna, we bring you, travel with us on the tv channel belarus 24. yana is not very sensitive to the rules of the kashtouna people and i know them well. we are all working, i started early. my parents and my parents came to work , a neighbor came and said what are you doing, i said, well, i don’t know, so i want to make a mill, otherwise
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problems, come on, let him join in, and the two of us made it, this is the beauty we get, look at paleshuka’s project on the belarus 24 tv channel . water became a dielectric for the current and did not allow it to pass further, the whirlwind overcame the elements and brought the team the first typhoon crystal. well done boys! listen, real typhoon, keep it up, but most importantly, remember, of course you can’t relax, because there are still challenges ahead, we’ll do it, we ’ll do everything, don’t be upset, you
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just didn’t have enough charge, you know, you of course, electro, but still add a little, a little emotion, anger, where is the team spirit, well done, keep it up. only the one who casts aside all his fears and overcomes all obstacles will become the winner and win the title of heroes, along with it an honorary award from the creators of the game, the presidential sports club. this is a grant for the development of sports in the country of the winning team, just imagine, you will help fulfill the dreams of those who would like to become as strong, brave, just like you, like real heroes, and thanks to ultra-modern tablets, you can also... you will be able to upgrade your knowledge to conquer virtual worlds, all winners will receive powerful devices. the next
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test is definitely not for the faint of heart, the air will test your strength, the route is very difficult, dangerous, passing it is already a real deed. now let’s see who has the courage to do so and who will be afraid of difficulties. justa, the teams are ready. what is stronger in each of you? fear of heights or desire to win? it's time to test the elements of air, in this test the participant must maintain balance on the levitating steps and deftly pass the yakari, have time to grab the bonus crystal hanging on the cunt, after which step onto... air
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pucks and walk along them to the finishing platform to take the main crystal, the easy way, harvey will conquer the element of air from the typhoon team, he is an athlete , a champion of belarus in rock climbing, and at the same time he still finds time for e-sports, the statistics of his account in the famous computer game about tanks are the dreams of any e-sports athlete, but i suggest from the world after all, we will be virtually transported to our, also fictional world , we will watch how he will pass the tests of the air, on the outside he is a very calm, but quite confident young man, so i am sure that he will be able to pass this stage in a very good time, a little i’m worried because it’s heights, although i know very well that he’s
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different. one rotates around its axis, the other is suspended at different levels, it's very difficult, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, boldly, boldly, oops, they go down, up, it's so unpredictable very exciting, harvey, to be honest, he's in no hurry, come on, come on , come on, come on, he 's in no hurry, but it's also important to remember that there is an opportunity to bring two crystals, not one, if you cope with this obstacle course. in a minute, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, long, long, long, long, you need to hurry up, but it’s better to bring one shout to do it with dignity than to hurry up and not bring a single one, oh-oh-oh, this is very rare, but i agree with you, my dear, thank you, and by the way, there is also a uniqueness here, each step is that when you stand on it, it still sags down 20, 30 centimeters, that’s it, the bonus crystal burned out, listen, well, now
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it’s important to at least get there. end, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, pay attention to the monkey bars , which, for some reason, harvey copes with so deftly, it’s just, in general, it’s a shock, it’s generally easy for him, nothing, great, s of course, he completed this segment much faster, it takes my breath away, because i can imagine how harvey is now standing at this five-meter height, looking down, and there, well, can you imagine what the distance is between... our tests and the ground, this something with something, such a nervous stage, and now the most dangerous thing, it seems to me, is the air pucks, the main thing here is to step carefully, i want to correct myself, and there is danger itself, you know, we are not afraid of absolutely nothing, so you are for us don't worry, he's already almost reached the end and it wasn’t difficult for him, he did it, well done, really, super, super, super, goosebumps are running
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all over your body, harvey, you really did a great job, not paying attention to the fact that you didn’t take the second crystal, it was worthy, but my team, i think, will still take two. yes, this applause is absolutely deserved, not two, but one crystal, ours, is also not bad, in general, at least he’s calm, why isn’t he smiling, he just passed the air test, he coped with it successfully, where are the emotions, wait a minute, he accepts the victory very much dignified, with a big head, how well, you know my team, even surprises, you may need to take an example from my team,
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calm and great, a real hero. you pull with your hand to lean on your hand and your rope is starting to come out, as if you could go into the abyss here, when you ’re hanging by your hands, it’s also very scary, i’m not really a team player, i’m already climbing, i volunteered for this was a test, i conquered myself, climbed this route, my hands and fingers hurt, my back hurt, my neck hurt, but i i was still able to overcome my fear. so that it becomes less and less, i’m already ready to conquer the air from the command of the electromagnet, i see that you are very
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stern, yes, i don’t see a spark in your eyes, but of course, when there will soon be a five-meter height under you, your pulse and thoughts are going off scale are confused, but you need to pull yourself together, ozodbekni ikkinchi etapga qo'yishdan maqsad ozodbek tabiatan bosiq, og'ir bola, o'quv mashqlarda, um bilan mashq bajarganimizda aytilgan vazifalarni oʻir-og'ir mashqlarda o'zim sinab bajarganligim uchun ishonamanki ikkinchi etabni bemalol uddalaydi.
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magneta is actually very serious, but this is 220 in pure self-confidence, he takes every step very deliberately, you see, he is in no hurry, for us, the bonus crystal is not so important, honestly. they say yes, this one, hurry up in a minute to get there, get there, pick it up, especially with one more hand, i think he takes every step deliberately, not because he’s uh, so dexterous, yes, but because he’s just afraid, what do you mean -if you don’t like it, you can go through it yourself
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on the air staircase, with pleasure, but in any case, we need to state the fact that he goes through the first segment very slowly, unfortunately, backwards, i have to agree with this, but there is no need to rush here, from the word very, very dangerous tests , especially since the huge, colossal load is placed on the hands, the magnets are quite strong, although to be honest, on the hands on the feet, i must say, and when the mice are now clogged, it will be more difficult for him to go further, but in any case , look, yes, a bonus the crystal has already burned out, then there is, if he reaches the end, he will only get one, he will reach the end , i don’t even doubt him, rey magnet’s legs are strong, he loves to play football, in this obstacle course he has no one to pass to, so he it’s twice as difficult, it’s okay, he can give me an energetic pass to his team, and we’ll catch up, i’m sure that today
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is still success, luck is on our side, so magneta, come on, there are literally two steps left, it’s going to take a long time, of course he’s going through , but i know you, i’ll correct you, he’s probably not the one for you must transmit these electrical discharges, and you look at how hard it is for him, help him emotionally, it’s a problem, charge him, charge him, i charge you with the magnet as much as possible, just as the audience is charging him now. applause, come on, come on, come on, come on, he passed the first section, oh, you can exhale, it would seem, yes, there are still two sections ahead, you can exhale, you can, yes, but it was very, very, very, tense, i’ll tell you, oh, and the monkey bars, and the monkey bars on the eve, look, they’re not so simple, the monkey bars are much more confident, than an air staircase, although no, again there’s some kind of hitch.
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well, what is it today and i’m not confident at all, i would say, to be honest, i’m very upset, because my hands are getting sore, let’s go magneto, no, no, no, hold on, swing now, try to jump onto the platform, my heart sank , oh, that was very intense, magneta, huh? how could it be, that’s what we were talking about, yes, his hands began to work hard, it became very difficult, oh, whore, he certainly couldn’t cope with the elements of air, i’m sure that everything will be fine with him, especially since there’s a lot ahead they are still waiting for the magnet test, we need to get together, what is it all about, electro, why are you relaxed, i don’t understand, but please get ready, i am very worried, however , i think he is now in a complete daze. he did not expect that he would not be able to pass this
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obstacle course, it was difficult for him, it was clear from the very beginning, yes, something went wrong, but let's hope that he can pull himself together and prove himself in the next test. khuddo khokhlosa, hamma yakhshi bolada. kel mana yoqqa kella hech narsa qilmang ko'p turib qoldinga sen joyingda o'sha shunday tortishib qoldida tomirni bu yerda hech narsa qilmang oldinga tortib ketaman deb o'ylagandim o'zimni fikrim bo'yicha qo'yilgan to'siqdan o'tib olsam bo'ldi qolgani qiyinchilik tug'dirmaydi deb o'ylaganman to'mirim to'g'ri tushib qoldi qo'limni to'muri top aynan o'sha damn o'zida
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stress holatiga tushib qoldim, aynan olsilib qolgan paytim, jamoadoshlarim va trenorlarimdan uzr so'rayman, g'alabaga hali ham umidimiz bor . cyclona. tayfun, one din kristall. electric, still zero. harvey, that's all, this guy, a real hero, harvey, we keep our noses up, yes, we keep our smile, please , what’s most important is that you did it, we did it, yes, plus one crystal in the piggy bank, keep it up, we give petuniki, we keep the strength, right?
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so, teams, the next test that you will need to pass is the test of the elements of earth, to be honest, there will be a lot of surprises, they are not pleasant, well, unless you are fans of horror, of course, one of you will find yourself in a dark labyrinth full of unexpected traps of turns, the rest of the participants will become his intuition, make sure you don’t get lost. it's scary not to get into a dead end, but not to find a way out of it. i activate the third stage: the element of earth, this is an underground quest, the player must, in 4 minutes, reach the main crystal to pick it up, to do this you need to get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass
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the key through the pipeline and open the vendian mine with it, get through it, calling the marshy sands to appear at the vault, in order to open the door to it, do not miss the clues with numbers along the way, their sum is the code for the lock, entering it, you can only touch it three times lasers, take the main crystal , you will have 2 minutes to get back, you should hurry. the ceiling press can press to the sand, the thunderstorm is ready to pass the test, run through the labyrinth charged to collect as much as possible o'sha shartga charosni lozim topganmiz,
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shuning uchun charos, aqlli va matematik qiz ham har qanday vaziyatda, kichik to'siqlardan balandlikka pastlikka chiqib labirint yo'lidan yo'l topib ketadi, shuning uchun charos qo'yganmiz, charosni qo'llab-quvvatlaymiz, hammasini qarab, qayerda o'shat bo'lgan nomerlar kerak bo'lsa, aytib turamiz, men o'zim shu yerda otib turaman, lavizerga tega ketma, ehtiyotlab qo'yganda shu shartga.
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charos shoshilma teppaga chiq chiq chiq chiq chiqaver chiqaver tochkaga qara tochkaga qara tushding chop tomoningda anavi bor narsa bor chap tomoningda hal emas yur yur yur sal sal yurgin chap tomoningga qara narsa bor chap tomoningga yurib kelaver passida passida pasta passida raqam necha 456 456 raqam necha 456 45656 qayerda bor tochka
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1715 17-15 1715 kerakmi bir daqiqa qoldi bir minut 645 637 17 18. normallar shoshilma, bemalol, bir marta, bir marta, yana bor, ehtiyot bor, shoshilma, shoshilma, shoshilma, bu yerda shorta tegmagan, shoshilma, bemalol, to' xtaykan charos o'sha yerda, qara qarab, qarab o'tgan, yugur aka, yugur, davoy, davai, minut bor, tezlash, ulgurding, yaxshi,
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now the athletes are following similar courses, it is called, to show one day from your life, the important elements of the work of the museum are not only the acquisition of material culture, artifacts, but also intangible culture, then the making of folk songs, abrada, and just this year we can observe, the outstanding meats of bela russi sa shmatvekavoy gіstoryyay. we can obtain abaronial dolicts from the right-handed architecture, and all round veils are typical for this period. they sailed to the pharmaceutical economic centers of the country. extraordinary people, some meats, garads,
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which were previously significant in magdeburg, in attacks, the kali chygunka prakhodzila bolache, tsi is far away, ruined their significance , this was a self-righteous revolution, the chygunka changed navakolle, cultural and secular project architecture of belarus, the kascels do not end and the savetsk period, the kalka region of the temple of the stratsila its pershachatkovaya meaning, the whole thing remembers the 50s, such... knowledge of stalinist classicism. please tell belarusians that you won’t get a chance, because dastatkova come to our city center, prices on praspektse, if you please as if with a soul, what geta is. glyadzice on our tv channel. from the typhoon team, a storm is sent into the labyrinth, vikhar and harvey will help her at the command post, we wish the guys
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good luck, we bet on the smallest, most nimble, dexterous, dasha, a very brave girl, confident in her abilities, but i worry about her, i worry, can she bring it to the team? two crystals, but i believe in her, i believe with all my heart and dasha just forward, this is a top view, this is a rear view, it’s clear, that is, right from above, left from behind, see tips here, she when it passes, you will have to say , wait, the hint is somewhere here, look in this area, dasha, listen to the guys as much as possible, pronounce the numbers clearly, don’t remember , don’t think too much about it, i understand, yes, nod, i understand, that's it guys, good luck, come on! you will remember the number, basically say more
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the end, yes. dasha, be careful, okay, but look around, because you might miss something, let's see, at the exit, not far from the exit, you should have a hint somewhere, come on, 2 minutes, everything is fine, at the exit, yes , look somewhere here, found it, nine. 53 heard 9 5 3 accepted here somewhere hint found listen 6 4 5 heard 6 4 5 645 heard count 353 + 645 953 + 645 dasha dasha one 7 4 3 1 7 4 3 okay, dasha, 45
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seconds, okay, where is the crystal, and the crystal, the crystal , crystal, now we can understand where you are right now, somewhere, i get to the second, leave the second, listen, we don’t see crystal, 25, 25 seconds, i took crystal, what oh, what? dasha, be careful , tasha, be careful, you see the lasers, don’t take risks, that’s it, you have a minute and a half to get out, dasha, what’s going on there, i’m opening
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door, okay, which way. you have a minute and 5 seconds left, come on, come on, yes , you can handle it, you can do everything calmly , throw everything away, in short, do something, come up with something, come on, roller coaster. hurray, two great mathematicians , mathematics, well done, well done, well done, thank you, good, this map, even the magiograph
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will curse, i tried my mathematical skills. we weren’t let down one bit, i trusted myself, i trusted my team, i kind of knew where i was going and knew what i could do with it, when you’re with someone... it’s always much easier, than once, when i touched the laser , everything flashed red very strongly, i thought where exactly i could touch it, while i was thinking, i touched the second one, i’m not entirely happy with this result, it could have been better, it could have been it was a little more to think, a little more to look at, on the other hand, it’s still good that there’s at least one. the participants left the dungeon, but none of them were able to find its secret crystals. the thunderstorm brought the first crystal to
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the electro team, storm, another crystal to the typhoon team, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, well, hug everyone urgently that you need. yes, that’s to say, i’m giving you my energy for victory, if you didn’t know what a real storm looks like, then look straight into its eyes, the eyes of the storm, it brought a whole crystal to our team, hurray, that’s it, guys, we’ve practically won in your pocket, but let’s not make any guesses, with every test, the desire to win flares up with greater force, but will it be enough... to overcome the element of fire, now we will find out who plays for themselves, who plays for the team, success depends on this, success is like a match, maybe
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flash brightly and quickly go out, activating the fourth stage: the element of fire. the first players of the fire relay pass through the rock garden, pass the hammer to the second players, dive into a glass bowl, and take out a valve from it. the second players, having cut through the wall with a hammer, must dig out the entrance to the mousetrap, stretch a fire hose through it, fill the target with water so that the third players can take out... a crystal from the flask, and then climb the mast to secure it at the top. whoever goes down first and takes the main crystal from the totem will bring victory to the team. on
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starting from the team, the electro player magnet, well, from the team typhoon harvey will pull the moloton. magneta let the team down on the air stage, but now there is an opportunity... to rehabilitate and lead everyone to victory, because you are giving a start to this test, but i, like carvey, am already used to winning, so i don’t doubt him , he will succeed, this test will continue from the team electro thunderstorm, from the typhoon team, beauty, storm, thunderstorm, by the way, the asian champion pataquando, so i think it’s not for nothing that she behaves like a real one winner, well done, keep it up, the girls got one... the most difficult tasks in this test, yes, cut a door into a tunnel, stretch a fire hose, oh, well, in general, we’ll see everything very soon, but in the finale of our fire show they will face a whirlwind
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and then, this will be a duel, it will be powerful, who will get the crystal, bilan shug'ullanganni uchun zo'r qish mashqi ekan, birinchisida zo'r qish mashqini ko'tarib olib borish, charos shu yong'ini o'chirish mashqida qatnashgan , yosh chiqaruvchi musoboqasida, shuning uchun ikkinchi etapiga qo'ydik, uchinchi etapda ozod turibdi, ozodni chaqqonni uchun uchinchi etapga qo'ydik, eta is the stage where it is not the person’s personality that is very important, but the team spirit. we have lad at the first stage, he is a very strong guy and he will stretch the python ball to dasha, who is at the second stage, a little nimble, i think that for her the second stage will not be a problem,
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at the third stage we have styopa, i calculated that he will perform as well as possible on the balance beam, where you need to climb and show strength and endurance and lack of fear, so i i'm sure my team will perform great. and the hammer, and the hammer is very heavy, it weighs about the same as me, well, not approximately, but exactly, he has already reached the second section, oh, what are they doing, look, they are looking for valves in the cube of water, everything is visible, visible,
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get it, look, the main thing now is to very quickly dig yourself into a tunnel and stretch a fire hose there, yes, that’s it, try, try, lift, listen, which of the girls will be faster, a thunderstorm or a storm, i honestly don’t know. and borya is immediate, look, practically already in the tunnel, but there is a lot of sand there, of course, here, here, here we are pushing, good girl, good girl, thunderstorm, what are you doing, hey, come on, let's lift the grate, in my opinion, in my opinion, yes, storm, storm, storm, don't forget about the fire hose, come on, crawl, well done, look, well, in my opinion, we have every chance, now?
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what’s happening, i don’t understand why the thunderstorm can’t lift, now the main thing is to untangle the ropes, untangle and get through, although she’s thin, maybe she ’ll get in there now without untangling, all the little knots, little knots, what i told you, look, it’s yours girl, i don’t understand what the problem is, why she can’t lift the bars, untie it again, don’t be afraid, it’ll come out now, please, don’t get confused, boss! in the meantime, the thunderstorm was able to open, raise this grate up, look, harvey opens the wendell and the water poured out, but now the main thing is exactly at the target, please fill the flask, so that in the third section the whirlwind takes the crystal and climbs onto the machna as quickly as possible, well done, good, in my opinion, we really have a clear advantage now, i’m very
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i hope, look, it’s rising, hey, the electric team, yes, that’s it, styopa, don’t rush, the main thing is don’t rush, you can climb up the mast in a waddle, i don’t understand what happened, thunderstorm, push, you’re dreaming, come on powerfully , climb up this mast, come down. on the ganat and bring us the treasured crystals, well done, well done, worm, everything is already clear here, i really, i don’t know what ’s here, you don’t have to worry, but we have victory at stake here, oh-oh-oh, oh- oh, oh, it seems to me that i would not have been able to cope in this section, well, well, that’s it, victory, and i said everything
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clear, everything is as clear as daylight, signature movement, signature movement, do the same, well, signature movement, as they say , listen, well, it’s worthy, to be honest, i’m very upset, well, we’re waiting for the test of the tower, that’s all and decide, handsome guys, the electro team, don’t get unstuck, we need to get together, the typhoon team fully lived up to its name, with victory in this test, let us rejoice, let me even applaud a little.
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the team from uzbekistan has such a anticipation of victory, but there is still a thought in my head, that since the opponent is still at a distance, it means that he will definitely not give it away, it’s very pleasant to get the decisive crystal, i won the battle, but i didn’t win the war, unknown , who will become convincing, sababi crystal chigyshi. bular tog' suvini to'ldirmaguncha kristal chiqmasdi, shuning uchun men umid qilamanki keyingi etapda yaxshi harakat qilib yutamiz, hali imkoniyatimiz bor edi, o'sha imkoniyatdan umumiy foydalanmoqchi bo'ldim.
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typhoon receives two crystals, team electro, again none, guys , typhoon, typhoon, typhoon, we have a clear advantage, all that remains is to climb the first tower, easy, easy, but if it’s easy, keep it up, guys, test result please fire, by the way, all in order to take the treasured crystals, but it didn’t work out, he’s waiting for us on the tower today team electro, electro, electro, what a tense, dramatic game today, but
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in order to become the winner and advance to the next level of the game, you need to overcome the main obstacle, the tower... steels, of course, play an important role today, but that's all unpredictable, remember this, so who will become the hero of today's game, we will find out very soon, you cannot change the past, but you can influence the future, the time of the final test, the tower. this is a decisive test, selected participants start from different heights, climb vertical wall with hidden hooks to
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the glass tunnel, using all your strength to climb to the top of the tower. the hardiest and fastest will take the main crystal, with it victory from... the opponent, the electro team will begin to climb from a height of one step, the typhoon will rise five steps, in whose hands the winning crystal will be, the tower will decide. listen, i’m glad that you’re with me in this game, but we decided to help you, last year you somehow lost a little, it’s all over now
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, no, no, no, no, no, curtain, bring us the main crystal, please, come on! we have to help him get higher in a wave, also, tsarlyukevich bladislav, i completely trust him, he is a professional in his field, he said that he can handle it and the team believes in him, vlad, come on, tear everyone up, we have the best. exhausted, in general, his face does not change, if he takes the crystal, where will the emotions be? turtinche, this. qaramasdan yigitlarni shashti va shiddati tugamadi, sal bo'lsa ham oxirgi
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with the same imperturbable face now. man, i felt scared at first, because when i started to start, all the holds started spinning, it became a little scary, i thought that he might speed up, i had to kill behind the crystal as quickly as possible, i feel victory, i changed my team further , emotions completely overwhelm me, i i didn’t expect this at all... the outcome of such a huge lead in the final, vlat is an absolute great guy, i rooted for him with all my heart
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, i was worried, i even wanted to close my eyes for a second when he had some breakdowns at the beginning, but he managed it, overcame his fears , he stepped over himself and was able to do it after all, they already felt the taste of victory, they will want to win again again again, so rivals, be afraid of us, we are coming. the typhoon team moves to the second level, for reaching the finals it will fight with the pirates team, run, run, run to us, come on, come on, champion, come on charlie, well done, well done, well done, how did you do it?
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we tried our best, honestly, we did the maximum, you are still great, fighter, our heroes, yes, guys, you are the best, i warned you that you will not leave anyone a chance, this is your day, your victory, cheers, winners today have been determined, but even more awaits us ahead. exciting games and the main prize from the presidential sports club, this is a game of heroes and it continues, heroes, they are already next to you, only forward to the heroes, good luck is a reward, heroes, victory will be forgotten, a new day is ahead, feel free to go to him and take the first step, without a doubt.
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watch on the tv channel belarus 24. this is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan , kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey , iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up your satellite
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