tv [untitled] BELARUSTV October 15, 2023 2:45am-3:31am MSK
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[000:00:00;00] the greatest among the moscow bohemia, non-professional jazzmen, a jazz connoisseur, well, you know, suffice it to say that when he and i went to palanga to film the royal army, the two of us, in two voices , sang gershin’s blue rhapsody almost in its entirety, starting with the clarinet glisand , and so on, misha knew jazz very well, why later he did... this recitation program of his , a concert for voice with saxophone with igor budman, an inexplicable night boat sails in melancholy among the brick nodsad, an inextinguishable night lantern from the alexander garden unsociable, like a rose and yellow, above the heads
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of his loved ones at the feet of passers-by. at the feet of passers-by, clicking on the channels, i turn on good night kids, my children had already grown up by that time , well, just oops, i look, sitting after these call signs, sits misha, the cossacks, my friend, dear, on the left is zoyka, on the right is mishka in his arms. and he begins to tell his children three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening a fairy tale about tsar saltan and i sat down like that , enchanted, and i listened for 15 minutes in the same place as they go, good night, little ones, here this whole fifteen-minute fragment, which misha read, because the way he reads
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poetry, it’s magic, it’s magic. he read poetry to my wife and me for 4 hours straight without a break, well, occasionally we sipped something there , but 4 hours, you know, because for him not making money was a problem and aspiration, and they just splashed out of him, they erupted from him , he wanted to read, he wanted to enrich us viewers, listeners always with everything that these poems just burst out of him so, with such joy he read it, as if it were he himself composed what he says to me, you know, he says, right now in great russia there are only five people from the stage reading poetry , this is alexander filipenko speaking, this is seryozha yursky, this is alla demidovova, this is me, and he named someone else fifth, i don’t remember, well, he says, you know, he says, in fact, less
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like... at the pokrovsky gate, he says, i opened it, after me, he says, he has already become so popular, i say, i tell him, oleshka, let me tell you all my reading programs, how to do, what, how to build he says, everything, i’ll tell you everything, all the secrets of communication, with the reader from the audience, i’ll reveal where, how, with a gesture, he says i’ll do everything to you, he says, he looks at me like that and says, uncle misha, why do i need this i need it, i say, i take a disc with a couple of fragments, i tell a couple of tales from my films about how movies are made, i say, i get more of you for speaking than you say, 2.5 hours, it hurts your throat, he speaks on the stage, past the stages, temples, past temples and bars, past luxurious
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cemeteries, past large bazaars, peace and grief past, past the mecca of rome, with the blue sun polym, pilgrims walk along the earth, they are crippled, hunchbacked, hungry, half -dressed, their eyes are full of sunset, their hearts are full of dawn, behind them the deserts sing, the dawns flash, the stars rise above them, and hoarsely scream they are birds, that the world will remain the same, yes, it will remain the same, dazzlingly snowy and doubtfully tender, that the world will remain deceitful. that the world will remain eternal, perhaps comprehensible, but still infinite, and that means there will be no sense, from faith in oneself to in god, and that means that only illusion and the road remain, and to be on earth with sunset, and be above the earth at dawn,
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fertilize it for the soldiers. therefore, approve it. every 2 years he brought a new program here. the only two times he brought it was at the request of the audience. concert for voice and saxophone, well, his poetic talent and love for jazz merged here. there was a girl sitting next to me, the first section had passed, misha had rested, the second section was underway, suddenly at some point this girl got up and left, i think, well, how is it possible, she’s reading the cossacks, not even zamisha
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felt a little offended, i think she’s reading poetry, so good, she got up, suddenly left, suddenly after 15 minutes, probably, or 20, the girl appears with a bouquet of flowers, sat down, and waited until misha finished the next verse on stage, applause, she ran to the stage, handed him these flowers, i looked at her with different eyes, she says, you know, i have never, in my life, heard how poetry sounds , well, what are you saying at school, i learned poetry there, i say, i discovered a whole world for myself, she says, today, how in general, you can read poetry, how they can sound, how they can penetrate your soul says to penetrate, i say, i discovered myself today under... snow is falling, they don’t smoke, but trumpets, pipes, roofs, move in like spots , herod drinks, women hide the guys, who is coming,
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no one knows, we don’t know the signs, and the hearts they may suddenly not recognize the stranger, but when in a draft of a door, from the thick fog of the night... a figure appears in a scarf , and you feel the baby and the holy spirit within yourself without shame, you look into the sky and see a star. suddenly there was a call from some production company and they said: in april, it was 2010, mikhail mikhailovich is coming with a play kozakov, and he said that he has a friend in minsk, and who will
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meet him here and, so to speak, take care of him , so he gave me your phone number, so that’s it, i say, yes, of course, we meet, we hug , let's go to a hotel, somewhere near the proletarskaya metro station, i say, well mishol, well ... that's it, we'll say goodbye, that's it, no, no, vovochka, no, let's go, let's go, let's go up and have breakfast together, well, some breakfast, i remember there were some scrambled eggs, it was barely eaten, i said, mishunya, that’s it, you need to rest, you’re on the train, it’s night, you have a performance in the evening, no, no, no, let's go to the room, and he talks and talks and talks and talks about his life, about this, about that, about the royal army, about our friendship, the state of the theater, talks about how he staged king lear, in at the mostsovet theater and how he played several performances there and how suddenly after the morning rehearsal, after setting up the scenery and before the evening performance, the whole set collapsed down, he says: “vova, you understand that
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little sheep, what is this, this was a prophetic sign that i i don’t need to play there anymore, it could kill me, i’m still trying to leave, i i understand that now he just needs to get some basic sleep before the evening show, which he staged and played a role in, but he still doesn’t leave me alone, he starts giving me cds, and he gave me about eight audio and video cds with his films, with his concerts, with with his reading programs, just listen, just listen to me, i understood that he had no one in moscow to talk to, no one to talk to. from our first meetings i noticed that his last name is not spelled cossack, like cossack, they are going, they are going in berlin
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our cossacks, and through oh, cossacks, this is from jewish, from odessa, cossack, dad, yes, dad iudeev, mikhail emanulovich, kazakov, russian mother, zoya alexandrovna. they lived in a house on the griboyedov canal, so i find out that on april 18, 2011, the jewish side... holiday , and on april 24, 1911, orthodox easter, misha, so as not to offend either dad or mom, died between them on april 22, you you know, if he was even remembered by soviet viewers, first of all, as a man with negative
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her, the great battles are returning. they are determined, fearless and incredibly dangerous; their main goal is to become invincible. the time for battle has come, a duel between teams from belarus and uzbekistan awaits us, and we, ray, will be their guides on this path. this will be the day for them. sports anger. will they cope with their emotions and pass all the tests? so, meet my guys, they are sweeping away all obstacles on their way,
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because their patron is the most powerful typhoon. i’m not self-confident, i just believe in myself, i’ve been climbing for six years, first of all it’s endurance, secondly it’s self-discipline, thirdly it’s agility, i love extreme sports for the endless rush of emotions and the sea of adrenaline, among us there are many superheroes, firefighters, they are the heroes of our time, i strive to become like them , many people dear to me are waiting for my victory, my grandparents, my parents, my dog, my. brother, i don’t consider the possibility that i have something wrong it will work out, i’m determined only for the best, i’m invincible, i’ve been climbing since the second grade, it’s a sport for one person, it was on the rocks, about 30 m, well, it’s scary, yes, the first time you climb so high, i
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felt my hands were stuffed, how they hurt and how my skin was worn out, this is a victory over myself to prove that i can, i came to the game with the mindset of winning, i’m ready for all of this, my favorite hero is pippi bangs, she is a strong, small, dexterous girl, there was always a lot of things for me, music was going on at the same time and sports, i play the dulcimer and the piano goes in parallel, i have been attracted to climbing for 7 years, everything is effective there, both the brain and the body, i dream of becoming a master of sports in figure skating, i count on myself more... because you train your body, you train yourself, it turns out that you can rely on luck, you don’t have to, you are your own luck, i’m not afraid to be high, i’m not afraid that it will be hard, i can handle everything, i was very upset about our performance in the first season, since we
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were a little unlucky that season, the team we have a completely new team, so i set the guys up only to win, fight until the very end, and they are very purposeful and they are self-confident, not self-confident, just self-confident, only a true hero can overcome himself, his fears, his own predestination, the will to win, that you can reach the end, do something that you were even a little unsure of, they will fight for every crystal, we will not give it to our opponent. typhoon, typhoon, typhoon, guys, hi, hi, let's high five, 1, 2, 3, future champions, i'm glad to be with you today, show
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everyone what you are capable of, i see that you will do it today. 100% the destructive energy of my guys is enough to cut off the power to the whole world, the electric team is charged for victory. o'zimni shaxsan kuchli tarafim, kuchli irodag ega bo'lishim, tezligim kuchli yugurishim, yugurish bo'yicha yengil atletikadan viloyat bosqichida birinchi o'rinni egallaganman, unaqasi yo'q adashmasa, bizga qarshi bo'lgan jamoaning tuzgan rejjasini birin chi bo'lib
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his qilib ko'rardim, men shu musoboqaga o 'shaning tezligini olib kirmoqchiman, geroy o'yinni yutqazib qo'yishdan, bizning komandani o'ziga bo'lgan ishonchi juda kuchli va biz birinchi o'rinni olamiz deb ishonaman, men tayklando itf yo'nalishi bilan yetti yildan beri shug'ullanaman va shu yetti yil davomida balandlikdan qo'rqaman, ikki qavatdan uzoqroq. o'tsa, qo'rquv boshlanadi, qo'rqaqqanimda yuragim xapqirab ketadi, albatta qo'rquvimni yengib o'taman, o'qishni bitirsam, albatta ichki ishlarga o'qishga kirmoqchiman, harbiy bo'lish niyatim bor, har tomonlama o'ylangan holda
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, tezik , aql bilan ish tutgan holda harakat qilamiz, o'zbekiston terma jamoasini tanlashdan maqsad, o'zbekiston terma jamoalari har birinni o'zini... xarakterlari, irodaligi, tezligi, chidamlililigi va ularni bitta komanda bilan harakat qilishlari, birgalik da harakat qilishlari uchun tanlangan, faqat olga, o'zbekiston ortimizda o'zbekiston turibdi, ota-onamizni oldimizga yorug yuz bilan borishni nasib qilsin deyiladi bo'ldi. and these are my, my heroes. hello, hello,
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hello, oh, oh, oh, well done, dangerous confrontation, the ferocity of the storm and high-voltage discharges. which of you will remain in the matrix of heroes will reach the third level of the game and the final battle. now you are at the first level of the game, and in order to win. in it you need to overcome four elements: water, air, earth, and fire, they will help you overcome your opponent crystals collected throughout all levels of the game, but who will get the main crystal will be decided on the tower. in the first test you will need supersonic speed in order to conquer the element of water , this is a one-on-one fight, a fight on an unknown obstacle course where anything can happen
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, which of you will bring crystals to the team and not drown in pursuit of your opponent? yusta, the teams are waiting for your instructions, the ability to swim will not save you, as soon as you touch the water you will no longer be able to swim, i will activate the first test, the elements water, in this test, competitors need to walk along suspended platforms over the sand, stay on monkey bars in the forests, fly on a rope over a wall of rain, jump onto a net, go down it without plunging into the water, then climb along the web to a downhill ride on a trolley, and slide down on it and accurately land on the island, having accelerated,
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fly up onto the frame and pick up the victory crystal from the totem. don’t get your feet wet, the typhoon team decided to send a whirlwind to this test, guy, vice champion of the republic belarus in rock climbing, which means that sports skills will help him bring the coveted crystal. the electric team will have to do it today. as far as you know, current plus water is a dangerous formula, so tok , i believe in you, do not touch the water, reach the crystal , first, come on , birinchi, chidamlilik, baquvatlik, va irodani talab etganligi uchun birinchi etapga ozodbekni qo'ydim, chunki u hislat bu bolada borligi uchun shuni qo'ydim va unga
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ishonaman, eplaydi. stage, because he is a very strong guy, resilient, and i i am completely confident that he will be able to pass this stage, he has huge potential, i am worried, at the same time i am calm for him , so i think he will succeed, he is ahead of his opponent, without wasting a second, the guys started passing the test again , again, again, everything is fine, this is what just happened, on the first one, by the way, i very desperately
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grabbed hold of the platforms with my hands, this can be done, this is permissible, and resolutely went through the monkey bars, that’s good, handsome, and the exit flew over the wall of rain , he's already in the grid, ah, look, that’s it, your participant fell into the water, i spitz, i told you, you ca n’t touch the water, then plus water is a dangerous formula, i remind you, you are left alone with the side, the ropes are dying, and easily pass this strip, water for you i have already succumbed, it seems to me, at least my current has succumbed, otherwise he would have won, he would have simply hastened the event, but i see that the web is given to the whirlwind, to be honest, with difficulty. it’s really very easy to get confused in it, be patient, be patient, be patient, damn it, the ropes probably hurt your hands, you know,
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and he admitted that his main advantage is a powerful start, well, we have already seen the start , so-so, but in general, he admitted that he can work at the limit for 10 minutes, he will not get tired during this time, imagine, come on, look , he’s landing now, a very dangerous moment, how he was rocked, look , catch on, at least to the horse, at least to something, land, land and don’t touch. neat, there, great, it was very tense, like in blockbusters from a helicopter, but the ropes, oops, well now we need to fly, that's it, step, just accelerate, great, go down and climb onto the four-meter
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well done, he brought the crystal to the team. i want to at least win, to make sure that all your loved ones, people who are watching you, we were proud of you for not giving up and reaching the end, so the first crystal turned out to be the most emotional, i knew that i could do it, especially since my opponent was already left behind, so to speak , to swim, and i was already competing with myself , and i came here to fight, not to listen to people behind me fall into the water, i want to fight with stronger participants. rahibim hakida, yakhshi, yakhshi tayordi. yaxshi qatnashdi, chaqqini bola, ko'p o'ylandim, yutamizmikan, yo'qmikan deb, shu meni sal sindirib qo'ydi, xudo xohlasa hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi, ozgina shoshib qoldim, shuning uchun yiqilib tushdim, keyingi shartlarda harakat
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qilamiz, yaxshi natijalar olishga. perseverance and determination, their strong quality, and life credo, if this was the first fight, when the cage was closing , you are a little discouraged, you are some kind of jitters for the first time, a hot head and all that, then with each fight it’s for sure that everything becomes it’s easier psychologically, this is where you mentally overwhelm yourself, you come out somewhere, more and more cold-blooded, do more than you can, then everything will be fine, well, vitamins yes, watch about belarusians on our tv channel, 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, we are children, we can be wiser in some ways than adults, i think, and i don’t even doubt it at all, as in our time is to get on television, it’s very easy, you have good
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data, i like a girl, tell me how i can... confess my love to her without words. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. i met my husband at sports competitions. we have been living with him for 39 years. what do you like about it? v at school, including me, i fought; in kindergarten , i even think they took us to the corners. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. politics is a dirty business. sometimes yes, unfortunately. your wife is the president's press secretary, and you are a representative of the television company. which one of you is more important? at work or at home? has anyone tried to use it? getting to know you, in order to solve the problem of pull, see the project 100 questions for adults, on the
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belarus 24 tv channel. water has become a dielectric for the current and did not allow it to pass further, the whirlwind overcame the elements and brought the typhoon team the first crystal. well done guys, listen, a real typhoon, keep it up, but most importantly, remember, of course you can’t relax , because there are still challenges ahead, we’ll do it, we ’ll do everything, don’t be upset, you just didn’t have enough charge, you know, of course, electro, but still add a little bit of emotion, anger, where? team spirit, well done my guys, keep it up, only the one who throws away all his fears and overcomes everything
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obstacles, the winner will win the title of heroes, along with it an honorary award from the creators of the game of the presidential sports club, this is a grant for the development of sports in the country of the winning team, just imagine, you will help make the dreams of those who would like to become the same come true. with tablets you will be able to further improve your knowledge in order to conquer virtual worlds, all winners will receive powerful devices, the next test is definitely not for the faint of heart, the air, the route will test your strength... very difficult, dangerous, passing it is already a real act, now let’s check who has the courage to do this, who will be afraid of difficulties, yusta, the teams
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are ready, what is stronger in each of you, the fear of heights or the desire to win, it’s time to test this, tests, the element of air. in this test, the participant must maintain balance on the levitating steps and, deftly passing the yakar, have time to grab a bonus crystal hanging on the abyss, then step on the air washers and walk along them to the finishing platform in order to take the main pier of the easy path. conquer the element of air there will be harvey from the typhon team, he is an athlete, a champion of belarus in rock climbing, and at the same time he still finds time for e-sports,
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the statistics of his account in the famous computer game about tanks will be the envy of any e-sports player, but i propose to move from the virtual world to our, also a fictional world, let's watch how it passes air tests. on the outside he is a very calm but quite confident young man, so i am confident that he will be able to pass this stage very well time, i’m a little worried because heights, although i know perfectly well that he’s not afraid of heights, i believe in him, i’m rooting for him,
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head on ahead. carefully, stepped onto the aerial staircase, we see it, and here each step is unique in its own way, one rotates around its axis, the other is suspended at different levels, it’s very difficult, come on, come on, come on, boldly, boldly, oh, they go down, they go up, it's so unpredictable, very exciting, harvey, to be honest, he's in no hurry, come on, come on, come on, he's in no
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hurry, but it's also important to remember that there is the opportunity to bring two crystals, not one, if you cope with this obstacle course in a minute, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, long, long, long, long, you need to hurry, but it's better to bring one crystal to do it with dignity than to hurry up and not bring a single one, oh-oh-oh, this is very rare, but i agree with you , thank you, by the way, the uniqueness of each step is that when you stand on it, there is more. .. sags down 20-30 centimeters, that’s it, the bonus crystal has burned out, listen, well, it’s here now it’s important to at least get to the end, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, pay attention to the monkey bars, which for some reason harvey handles so deftly, it’s just in general, it’s a shock, it’s for him in general easy, nothing to worry about, great, he dealt with this segment of course, much faster
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, it takes my breath away, because i... trials and the ground, this is something with something, such a nervous stage, and now the most dangerous, it seems to me that these are air pucks, the main thing here is to step carefully, i want to correct myself, the typhoon is the danger itself, you see, we’re not scared, absolutely nothing, so don’t worry about us , he’s almost reached the end and for him , it wasn’t difficult, he did it, well done , really, bravo, super, super, super, gives me goosebumps all over your body, harvey, you really did a great job, i don’t pay attention to the fact that i didn’t take the second crystal, it was worthy, but my team, i think, will still take two, yes, this applause is absolutely deserved, not two, but one crystal, ours, is also not bad,
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at least in general it is calm. why doesn't he smiles, he just passed the air test, he coped with it successfully, where are the emotions, wait a minute, he accepts the victory very dignified, with his head held high, how well you know my team, it’s even surprising, you may need to take an example from my team , let's watch this with pleasure, with great pleasure, calm and great, a real hero, you value your hand for, well, to lean on your hand, yes, your rope is starting to come out, as if
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here you can go into chaos when you are in your arms. this is also very scary, i’m not much of a team player, i’m already a rock climber , i volunteered for this test myself, i conquered this route, my hands and fingers hurt, my back hurt, my neck hurt, but i still managed to get there, to overcome your fear so that it becomes less and less. i’m already ready to conquer the air from the command of the electromagnet, i see that you are very stern, yes, i don’t see a spark in your eyes, but of course, when there will soon be a five-meter height under you, your pulse and thoughts are going through the roof they are confused, but you need to pull yourself together. ożodbekning maqsad, ozodbek tabiatan bosiq, og'ir bola, mashqlar. umuman mashq
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etabni bemalol uddalaydi. magneta is actually very serious, but this is 220 in pure self-confidence, he takes every step very deliberately , you see, he is in no hurry, the bonus crystal is not so important to us, to be honest, but this one in a minute, hurry up to get there faster, get there , to pick him up, especially with one more hand, i think he takes every step deliberately, not because he is so dexterous, yes, but because he is simply afraid, you don’t like something, you can walk up the airy stairs yourself, with with pleasure, well, in any case , yes, we must state the fact that he goes through the first segment very slowly, unfortunately. i have to agree with this, but there is no need to rush here, from the word it is a very, very dangerous test, especially since a huge, colossal load is placed on the hands,
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the magnets are quite strong, although only on his hands, on his hands on his feet, i must say, and when his thoughts get stuck now, it will be more difficult for him to move on, but in any case , look, there’s a bonus crystal. has already burned out, that is, if he reaches the end, he will only get one, he will reach the end, i don’t even doubt him, rey, magnet’s legs are strong, he loves to play football, in this obstacle course he has no one to give pass, so it’s doubly difficult for him, it’s okay, he can give an energetic pass to me to his team, and we’ll catch, i’m sure today after all, success, luck is on our side, so magneta , come on, the letter... of course it takes a very long time, but i know you , i’ll correct you, it’s more likely that it’s not he who should be transmitting these electrical discharges to you, and you look at how he’s doing it’s hard, help him emotionally charge him, i’m charging you with the magnet as much as possible, just as
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the audience is charging him now, applause, come on, come on, come on, come on, he went through the first segment, oh, you can exhale, it seemed, but it was very very, very tense, i ’ll tell you: and the monkey bars, and the monkey bars, look, it’s simple, he’s much more confident in going through the monkey bars than the aerial staircase, although no, there’s some kind of hitch again, but what is it today, but he’s not confident at all, i’d say, to be honest, i’m very upset that my hands are getting sore , come on magneta, no, no, no, hold on, i don’t know, you can somehow try to swing, now try to jump onto the platform, my heart sank, oh, that was very intense,
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magneta, how can that be, that’s what i’m talking about we said, yes, my hands began to work hard, it became very difficult, with the element of air, of course, he couldn’t... i i’m sure that everything will be fine with him, especially since there are still magnet tests ahead, we need to get together, what is it in general, electro, why are you relaxed, i don’t understand, but got ready, please, i’m very worried, really , i think he is now completely uncoupled, he did not expect that he would not be able to pass this obstacle course, it was difficult for him, it was clear from the very beginning, but something went wrong, but
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